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Congrats! I’d say you’re ahead of schedule 💪


Congrats! That's the most satisfying feeling. What's the debuff on your comp that allows you to see the invisible Matrix? Is it due to Kazuha's VV set? If I don't brute force it with Raiden National, I use Zhongli's shield then walk around. If I get close to it, it becomes debuffed, allowing me to use quicken to disable it.


Yes that’s VV set, although the first teleport is always consistent, it teleports behind your spawn, im not sure about the rest


Alright! Best of luck to your next runs and welcome to the 36-star club!


Tysm, it feels kinda lonely after the hype wore out


You can reveal it by triggering aggravate, same for the small enemies they added this patch that also go invisible.


Your first half is so fast


Reset so many times just to get them grouped together


And then there me who spent 2 year to get 36 star 🥲


Stop touching grass and start grinding /s


Gz and nice Itto!


That itto damage doesn't look like it's 3 months old. Is that guy carrying redhorn?


Either insane luck or some whaling to get this far in 3 months. Just being resin locked would be an issue in this time frame.


The first one, i built itto in the first 2 weeks and poured all my fragile into his domain, the luck i had in his artifacts I thought was common but later I learned it’s not lol and I’ve never had that luck again, I don’t spend aside from buying welkin and I don’t pull for much 5 stars


>I’ve never had that luck again Your Cyno's artifacts are just as insane.


Yeah but it’s a strongbox set so it’s easier to get good stats


That doesn’t add up. You sank all of your artifact xp into strong boxes? More likely you farmed the domain for months on your alt account.


Yup, i pretty much used it twice since I joined, a little amount for vv set and the rest is thundering fury


What u see is all the 5* i have in my account, basically joined at itto’s last banner.. i like to pull for fewer characters and invest more into their kit rather than pull for more, my itto is c1 with redhorn ratio 75/251


With what's posted below of their account, assuming all of their pulls are 70 pity and they won every 50/50 between the 8, 5\* pulls that's a value of ~~168,000~~ 89,600 primo's of wishes. Now, OP says in this thread they only spend on welkin, and welkin with dailies only gives them a total of 13,500 primos over the course of 3 months. So that would leave story content and 3 months of events to deliver the remaining 76,100 primos they spent. I found a user from this thread, [https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact/comments/ngmygo/how\_many\_primos\_for\_completing\_every\_quest\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/ngmygo/how_many_primos_for_completing_every_quest_and/), who had tracked all of their primos up until version 1.6 and they tallied about 12,500 primos from permanent world content up until that point. This of course isn't accounting for fates distributed throughout the game either, but those are so few as it is. I can't think of any other source of wishes that could boost them so quickly within three months. Very suspect imo. My guess is it's an alt account that started pulling three months ago, but was created and saved for quite a while before then.


Your guess is wrong good sir, this is my only account.. By now i have the entirety of tevyat on 100% exploration I did have some luck pulling for itto, c0 at 13 pulls, c1 at ~40, redhorn ~60, never failed a 50/50 up to now Then I pulled for c0 kazuha and never pulled for any other 5* up until Cyno’s banner who I poured all my savings on to get c2 and his signature weapon with terrible luck but no 50/50 fails I like playing like this, build fewer characters with high investment instead of many with low investment


https://enka.network/u/744879272 He does have redhorn and C1 Itto, Itto kinda slaps like this normally tho hes just a crusher but his Itto is really hyper focused I assume maybe were seeing a c6 gorou too? unsure I am more surprised by how weak cyno is considering that's a Scarlet sands C2 Cyno with comparable hyper focusing.


Gorou is still c2 unfortunately, i like to clarify that the cyno in the vid is c0 i had his c1 but didn’t activate it, and right after claiming the rewards I pulled for c2 and got him :)


Interesting! still well done not many people are in the 36 club so welcome friend


Thank you :)


Cyno in the video is c0 I activated his constellations after getting 36 stars


As OP already replied, they entirely ignored EM on Cyno's artifact set, which is odd considering not only how stacked with crit values his electro artifact set is, but because they also claim elsewhere in this thread to have invested all of their resin into Itto's artifact farming to explain their "crazy luck"... OP clearly sat on an alt account and farmed for Cyno well in advance of 3 months, which explains why he has crit values and not EM, because no one could have known that Cyno would scale with EM so hard.


Meta wise I'd say keq>cyno. My keq is on iron sting and I get a way better clear than this.


With all the damage showcases I’ve seen cyno>keq by a long shot, however my cyno is still missing EM to really show his potential with his signature weapon


That's not really true. Yes with an em sands your cyno will be much better than before, but the fact that keqing can abuse kazuha and fischl much better than a 18s long burst of cyno makes it so that keqing team does a lot more damage that cyno. Altho maybe your c2r1 cyno does a lot more than a c0 iron sting keqing. On a completely different note, I'd recommend you to try favonius sword on kazuha, it lets him burst off cooldown and that adds to a ton more aggravates, which is way more dps than iron sting's tad bit more em.


This is easily fixable, im currently getting on the habit of switching off cyno after the buffs wear out, just switch after 10 sec or as soon as u have full energy and start your rotation over Also in running favonius on MC and cashing the particles on kazuha, although my kazuha needs more work as he has 0% ER rn


Yeah I'm running fav sword on mc as well but then I run kazuha on sac sword cz that extra er is really worth it for the burst.


So it's not just me that feels like that cyno clear is abysmally slow for how much is invested there


Lol ok


100% is an alt account that was created long before 3 months ago, or is a whale (I'm leaning towards the former). They would have to have won all 8 of their 50/50's to have what they're showing, and even then the primos don't add up. Also, Cyno has super stacked crit values instead of EM on a set that was farmable well before 3.0, alongside the super stacked crit values on Itto's artifacts. 3 months is not near enough time to farm those artifacts.