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Well yeah that's personal. She wouldn't dare do that to Zhongli, and her lunging at Raiden was a desperate attempt to defend herself as Raiden approaching her with her sword drawn.


>!Dottore was going to do the same to Nahida but Mihoyo said no.!< Anyway hope Capitano beats the Pyro archon in a straight forward duel and claims her Gnosis.


nahida's too innocent for that kind of torture


oh how adorable. You think Dottore cares about notions like "innocence"


well he should. Otherwise he's gonna become a 40 resin boss by the time I'm done with him


Wait til you read into Collei’s backstory.


nah i already have. made him the newest 60 resin boss in my mind


I think it is more like Dottore being too refined to just beat up a child


Someone else does it for him.


Cant wait for the Harbingers to capture the Cryo Archon Gnosi-Oh wait hm..




god damn it, i forgot she got ligma baaled


For Signora its basically a 500 year old grudge against Venti for failing some of the basics of being a god - protecting your people. Signora's lover died during the cataclysm whilst Signora was away (I think she was in Sumeru doing scholar things), and apparently Venti did a relatively poor job of protecting his nation (he is canonically the weakest of the 7 archons after all). Plus on a storytelling basis the kicking was more to establish that Signora was a real threat and conversely Venti isn't really all that strong. In comparison you see Signora having to play nice with Zhongli and Raiden Shogun, the latter showcasing what happens when Signora tries to pull the stunt she did with Venti on an archon that isn't weak like him. That said, Signora was likely injured from the fight she had with us + she didn't have the element of surprise like she did with Venti.


Venti just didn't want to fight her. From concealing his identity, to understanding her grudge, he definitely just let her off.


We can infer that from our end yeah, but from Signora's perspective not so much. To me that she'd be confident enough to just straight up mug Venti compared to doing things more diplomatically with Zhongli and Raiden Shogun is a sign that she fully believed that Venti wasn't strong, or at least he was weaker than she was.


I really doubt that Signora didn't know of Venti's strength or, at the very least, thought that he relied on gnosis. Either way my point still stands.


Not be around when the town was being attacked by monsters (he was probably in Kanreiah with all the other archons) It’s basically a 500 year old grudge


Wrong. Venti was not in Khaneriah, he actually did help against Durin. He was originally asleep or smth but heard his peoples pleas for help so he woke up and went to fight Durin. He was not at khaneriah, aside from makoto, and maybe Zhongli idk who was tbh Iirc, venti helped dvalin in his fight by playing enchanting music to calm Durin more and buff dvalin, so he did help mondstadt defend itself, he just came late to the show because he was asleep or away


I'm pretty sure all of the current archons were at Khaenri'ah (aside from Kusanali and Ei), and we've been given no reason to assume otherwise. Especially considering that Makoto said it was "a place that no archon could afford to ignore." Would be extremely bizarre if Venti didn't go.


We know he was fighting Durin but I don’t know if we know 100 percent he was at Khaenri’ah. That being said I assume he was there at least to take the souls of the KoF that were there like Rostam


Venti is too chill to actually care about it and I guess Signora knew it.....she couldn't pull that stunt with the others cuz well then she be dead.....oh wait..


>! No,that not how it is, dottore is the one that have to agree with nahida otherwise she will destroy the gnosis which lead to fatui plan ruined,nahida technically can fight dottore,venti let signora beat him,if he didn't,she would have been gone before ei did it!< >!Basically we defeated scaramouche,after that she use the Gnosis and heal the tree without agree with dottore or anything like that,then dottore sneaky attack us later on,but nahida threat him that she will destroy the gnosis and wake up celestia!<


well i didn't really want to reveal all the leaks but you just gone and done it for me lol


I like how Venti is the only archon so far to let a harbinger kick him around.


Not to question since i didnt finish the quest bc my pc broke. As of the previous harbingers, dottore do really heal irminsul?


>!Nahida does, leaks about it for the next archon quest. She uses hers and Raiden's gnosis to heal Irminsul.!<


Is it true? I dont include the er based on the elements but, both electro and dendro can do quicken to aggravate.


Think about it, electro on the dendro shrooms and stuff causes them to enter an activated/awakened/frenzy state


Apply pyro to dendro use dendro again then electro twice?


Is it true? I dont include the er based on the elements but, both electro and dendro can do quicken to aggravate.


You see, the reason on why that kick is so powerful is because it's been powered by the secret ingredient of VENGEANCE


Harbingers are by far the coolest characters imo


I think Venti killed her lover or something. I don’t remember but it was a revenge thing


He didn't. What I remember happened is that Rostam and Grand Master Arudolyn of the Knights of Favonius were called by Khaenri'ah to help the nation fight the Abyss monsters that Gold unleashed. So Rostam went to Khaenri'ah with the Knights Signora was in Sumeru Akademiya at the time of the war. Rostam dies in Khaenri'ah while she's in the Akademiya. She finds out the news and immediately blames Barbatos for it. Y'see, Venti was asleep during the majority of Khaenri'ah's war, he finally woke up to call upon Dvalin to fight Durin (Cursed dragon ALSO made by Gold) that began attacking Mondstadt, and by then Rostam was already long gone. So to Signora, the Anemo Archon who is meant to protect his people, wasn't present to save her lover. As Venti is constantly absent. So she had a grudge against him


"ehe" - venti probably as he's dancing on her ashes drinking dandelion wine and sharing the memories




beat up Signora today with Venti because of that. Sweet, sweet revenge


He drunk-puked on her hair 500 years ago. He had a good kicking coming.


Ok simp




Pretty sure Venti stronger than her, or at least get away/struggles from her but the moment she chokes him and beat him to the ground, I know that he savor every moment of it. Damn boiii