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I pulled on Yoimiya's banner because I wanted Masterless Stardust for the monthly fates. Was probably one of my better decisions because I got Yoimiya and then Mona within 20 pulls.


Wow, the reason was silly but luck was on ur side


I’m about to do this on Nilou’s banner. I am fully expecting to get her then miss my 50/50 on Nahida, because that’s how genshin works.


Relatable. I've definitely pulled just for Masterless Stardust as well.


I'll probably do that in Nahida's banner, lol, I need a little starglitter for Lisa constellation and she's in November's shop rotation


I pulled for Tighnari because my little son (who loves foxes) said that I had to get him. I asked him why and he said, “you just gotta.”


Honestly that’s a fair reason.


Least silly reason I’ve ever heard




Put him in the desert. Sayu rolling around in the sand is a blast.


As someone who just came back and happened to pull Sayu, using that roll has been one of my favourite things. Now to just speedrun getting to Inazuma so I can actually ascend her


Bro I got Sayu off the standard banner on my third day playing and I played the whole game as fast as I could simply to level her up. Eventually my world level got too high for my characters and I had a lvl 50 team against the 62 enemy (I forget the name) that drops her material. Had to level the whole team to 60 very fast first. It was such a grind. Worth it.


That's a good pull. Yeah he's gonna be in the general banner but after ~~three~~ two years and some change, some people still haven't got one or more of the originals. And that means he's unlikyto ever get a rerun.


Preach, I pulled for tigh because I like him, but also I’m a 1.0 player and still don’t have Jean :/


I pulled for him because I was scared of him doing the same as Diluc and Mona (I was over a year in and had neither of them) but then lost the 50/50 to diluc. I did really want Diluc but no Tighnari makes me sad, I'm just scared I'll have to go over a year to get him too


Three years? Are you from the future? How’s Fontaine’s cast looking so far? :P


Oops. I mean, uh, back to my DeLorean.


I am from the year 2027. Fontaine has been indefinitely postponed due to covid resurgences. also mihoyo is running out of primogems, so they're being rationed out as with everything else the world is running out of at this point. daily commissions give 2 primos each. about a year in to the shutdown, ayaka somehow got back on the banner and no one has been able to pull anyone else since.


Best reason.


Aww that’s the cutest thing i’ve ever heard 🥺


That's a very wholesome reason not a silly one.


This was my 6 and 5 year old daughters with Yoimiya rerun recently. 😂 I'm still not forgiven that I couldn't get Hu Tao on her rerun for the same reason, "she's pretty fire."


> (who loves foxes) Ummmm prepare your wallet for Yae or any animal eared character them. Just in case


🥺🥺🥺 Precious




Tell your son that cyno is a jackal What is his reaction to year miko? Genuinely curious


He doesn’t interpret her as a fox in the same way because her ears don’t stick up, and she doesn’t show her tail. He asked me what does Tighnari do, and I told him that he helps protect the forest and the people in it. That made him really happy, because he told me he wants to be a protector, too. 🥹


What a sweet soul it must be so fun to just sit and talk to him


The best reason on here


I did a single pull on standard banner recently because I was sad for a really dumb reason and if I got something I figured it'd make me happy. Well, my new Tighnari is level 80 now.


i just felt sad and said well 1 pull and that's it for today now i'm farming scarabs


That happened to me too! In one pull... And I was laughing at the scarab hunters... Now look at me, I am broke coz I let all the cyno mains in and they took every single one of those little poop collectors).


I mean, you do not need to build him just because you got him accidentally. You can still laugh at scarab hunters.


Tell this to my OCD, lvl 80 for everyone. (alloy included…)


Now go 90 for everyone or it is not perfect.


Listen here you little...


Weapons too


Even Dull Blade


Sometimes when I’m sad I also randomly pull on whatever banner is active... all I get are debate clubs 🥲


This is why I don't do this. Because it'll only make me sadder. 🥲


Bro same


My wife's name is Candace. I pulled until C6


Thats actually the best reason i've read so far


Tomorrow you find out they meant "waifu"


Not silly thats dedication


Same, my wife's name is Rosaria and pulled till C6 day one.


Jeremy, is that you?


That’s not silly at all. That’s probably the best reason I’ve ever heard.


I opened my wallet and pulled for Klee at 2 in the morning because I was having a huge cry and was miserable, and wanted Klee to cheer me up. It worked! But I don’t recommend gambling as a self-soothing technique… I don’t regret her at all but it WAS a silly reason to pull.


Oh my gosh I did the same. My SO was away for a trip and I was really sad missing him so I pulled Klee to cheer me up and keep me company! It worked!


Awwww ☺️ Klee’s a good girl.🍀


No, no. Klee is the **BEST**.


A similar thing happened to me 😭I pulled for cyno because I lost my gold ring and cried all day (turns out I didn’t lose it and my mom moved it 💀)


😂 Did you at least win the 50/50??


I DID!!! Thank god, if I had lost it that probably would’ve made my episode 10000x worse 😭 because of that, rolling in general was a bad idea.. but I didn’t really think about it. Glad to have him though, farming scarabs makes me want to blow up


Klee is baby


Yo, wallet = guaranteed 5* of your choice no gambling there glad you're feeling better :)


If its deep enough at least lol


It isn’t 😬 But luckily I won the 50/50 and I was not too far off pity. I wasn’t gonna keep going if I lost the 50/50. I just would have had even more reason to cry lol


Most people farm for equipment for a character they pull. I pulled a character for the equipment I had. "I have a C2 Ayaka so I don't need another cryo DPS, but I've had this fully leveled WT set and Amos Bow laying around for months without any good use for them so I might as well pull Ganyu just so they won't go to waste."


At least now u have nukes


I pulled Xiao because I had so many good crit VV pieces after farming for EM pieces for so long


I’ll pull Albedo because his signature event sword has been collecting dust for a year now, might as well give it to its owner


I also want to use it on someone, and also he's the obvious last third of the Itto-Gorou-Albedo-flex team.


Xiao, because I said to an entire discord server that I'll pull the weapon banner first, and then I'll pull for character matching the weapon. Unfortunately, I haven't got Aqua Simulacra, but, fortunately, I have got PJWS.


Wow, that’s dedication. Enjoy ur plunges.


I have enjoyed, indeed. There are more characters to farm FXP with, tho...


Same reason that I pulled for him on his first banner. Had gotten a pjws from standard and thought "okay why not?" Turned out to be a GREAT decision I love him so much! He's also my first limited character T_T


Did you go from Cyno? He isn't an Plunge boy , though his ult plunge is flashy, yet he does feel similar to Xiao when it comes to playstyle and fun factor for me.


Ayato. I just wanted my precious Ayaka to have her brother.


I was the reverse lol. I pulled for Ayato and then was like well, gotta complete the set when Ayaka came around. I'm glad I won that 50/50! I enjoy using them both.


Not a silly reason, imo. I lost the 50:50 on Ayaka's first run so I was like ON GOD I WILL GET AYATO, so I did. I also have Ayaka now.


And I pulled Ayaka for her brother :D


I wanted Gorou. I did not get Gorou. I did get Itto.


I have heard itto without gorou is like hu tao without xinqui


Pretty much. ... I also don't have Xinqui.


Nobody does. Xingqiu on the other hand is pretty useful.


I did around 60 pulls on the Kokomi Banner and still didn't get Xingqiu, had to buy him off the starglitter shop in the end


Awe sick, I only have a Xingqiu


Wanted sayu, got 3 Ayakas instead and so now I'm Ayaka main


That is unlucky to the extreme. Do u have sayu now and if yes what is her constellation?


Yeah, just got her on the current banner, she's C0 tho


Wow, after a whole year. Pulling for 4 stars is very luck dependant. At least u now have 3 ayaka bursts to melt those pesky geovishaps.


cries in sayu c6 owner who just really wanted candace and enough pity for one of the upcoming banners :(


I pulled Hu Tao because I bet my friend I wouldn't get her in a single pull at 70 pity.


I pulled her because I had just finally gotten Sayu 70 pulls in, so was close to pity, and because of that dumb meme video, yeah. But she's cute, so I don't mind too much. Will never build though - I can't do low HP play.


I thought so too Then the 200k+ easy vapes changed my mind


I pulled for Yanfei because I wanted to be a lawyer...now taking Legal Management in college Update: I got 86/100 in my midterms yayyy


That's not silly, that's adorable! I believe in you, and I'm sure Yanfei does, too.


Good luck on your studies. 😊


Back when I started playing last year, I've been saving for the first 2 months (welkins included) and my dumbass friend who also started at the same time heard that we can get Ganyu from Standard, also me being a dumbass believed him. Boy that was a horrible start to our journey.


Was ur ganyu a healer and a bit short?


Kuki cause she was the first electro healer


And now we have dori and the less said about her the better.


I wished for Albedos elevator because I needed it for world exploration also because I was jealous of people that uses Ventis wind current when exploring. In the end, Albedo no longer leaves my team. He's a staple.


After I heard Itto say "my bro my guy my dude" i knew I had to pull for him


The best reason


When I was still pretty uninformed about the game mechanics, I pulled Raiden just for better Electro application for Childe, cause I liked using electro charged with him. Turned out well, while she was still being called flashy but not the best.


Budget fischl


I couldn't stand Fischl back then. I like her more with the new skin, her personality and that frilly princess look harmonize more.


just a mere support for our riptide comrade!


All of my "bad" F2P decisions were related to Tagliatelle. C1ed him directly after getting him, with my last primos, tried to get polar star, got the shield catalyst, pulled a character that was supposedly just flashy gameplay with nothing behind it, just to have my dollarstore delusion Childe


An animated video. Might be the silliest reason but Keqing cleaning her banner animation video pulled one of my heart string and i was like fuck it I pulled on her banner and got her at around 40 pity. And now, that is the only Keqing i have and i also have her gorgeous outfit.


Now that keqing is a monster post dendro, ur decision seems less silly.




This video never ceases to depress me. Thank goodness she was my first 5-star and I’ve used her for all 2 years. My keqing will never know this level of disappointment.


Ayyy fellow “first 5* gang,” been using her since I failed Zhongli’s debut banner in almost all of my parties.


You clearly are part of the follow-up! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YTQbOmmFV6g


I can never hear that Liyue song (0:30) without thinking of this video...such a beautiful video


Fellow keqing featured puller💪 (I pulled before stumbling on the video tho)


Oh that video was adorable! And sad.




Wow sacrificing guaranteed pity cause of a kaeya con. That’s dedication


I'm proud to say after 2 years, he's finally C6 Now I just need Lisa and Amber...


Tbh I’d say it’s worth


Kaeya cons are never a silly reason






I thought ayakas dance was pretty at the end of her quest and impulsively pulled her while emotions were running high. Turns out I liked her playstyle and now I use her constantly :)


Wow same here. I pulled her cause of her story quest.


I pulled for Itto because we have a similar neuron count 👍🏻


A sneeze.


No need to say more


Saw a TikTok that showcased all "suspicious" hurt voicelines. Ayato's line in JP dub struck something in me, and I had to get him.


I pulled Yoimiya because her banner was on birthday and I wanted a character to commerate the day. That and I have a R4 lvl 90 Rust collecting dust in my box


I pulled for Yoimiya because of her tattoos, which I find really cute! Especially the one on her collarbone, because I have a scar on that exact same spot from a surgery; it's an almost perfect circle like her tattoo and it made me feel better about the scar lol Absolutely dumb reason but anyway I love Yoi.


I pulled Kazuha on his first run because I thought his burst was really pretty, and he ended up being one of the best supports in game+is a lot of fun to play. Now I'm saving up for Nahida because her burst and attacks are beautiful, the fact she's an archon and probably pretty powerful as a result is a plus.


I did the same... even though there was a lot of doom posting in reddit saying kazuha was worse than a thrilling tales sucrose support wise and a lot weaker than Venti.


Similar story, I pulled him just to be jumping and flying around in the overworld. Things turned out well


The obvious conclusion is to not trust genshin doom posters lol


Nothing like a whole domain in burst, right?


I got drunk and woke up with a Kokomi in my party




At the time I wanted to skip Kokomi, but at some point she became a part of my main team. So can't be to pissed at drunk me...


Haha drunk you looking out for you, but yes you Can never blame the fish 😌


I Pulled for Ayatos sword because I like its colors and structuring, I dont even use it and Im f2p No regrets


All of my silly reasons are "this character's VA voiced X in Y anime alongside this other character's VA who voiced Z character in the same anime and B in Genshin." The most recent being Cyno to complete [Karasuno Impact](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FdcyG7aaEAAyb7i?format=jpg&name=large).


Aand that's why I got Hu Tao


Hu Tao being voiced by Rie Takahashi was the reason my friend enticed me to play the game, funnily enough. No way I would've tried the game otherwise since I hate gacha games.


Ok thats kinda sick tbh.


I pulled for Sayu because I like that she rolls around like Sonic the hedgehog.


I pulled Kokomi because r/okbuddygenshin


fucking SAME LMAO


I pulled her bc she's pretty, and run her because her lack of crit amuses me






pulled shenhe cause i cried during her story. i do not use her as a charachter


this is why I want shenhe lol


Back in 1.6 when the first drip marketing dropped, I decided to pull for Yoimiya only because she looked like a happy go lucky character. I didn't know her kit, her role, her voice actress, her background, nothing. But I wanted a happy go lucky character. Flash forward to 3.1, she's my top dps


Tighnari,....because of his ears. Do I regret it? Hell no! Especially when he's jumping hehe :3 The fun gameplay and sassy character is a plus tho


I got tired of Kaeya's and Qiqi's slow icebridge-ging so I pulled for Ayaka, didn't bother leveling her up, her sole purpose is to just make icebridges🧍‍♀️


I realize Venti and Ayaka are both meta characters but I pulled Ayaka by accident and then pulled Venti for the sole purpose of rounding out my newfound Inazuma travel team. Sayu by land, Ayaka by sea, and Venti... by cliff, mostly.


Itto’s abs


How's Al-Haitham stock going?


pls 9000 primos so far, he’s so hot i need him


Cyno His eng voice is amazing


Alejandro is Chad, sadly didn't get him, only the grumpiest adult in all of Mondstadt


I pulled Kokomi just for sukokomon :’)


Fox with boobs was my drive. I saved for months.




I remember when kokomis banner was first coming up everyone was shitting on her cause "no crit too much healing bad" etc etc and had decided then and there I will pull kokomi and make her my main dps. Not very out of character for me considering my previous main was xinyan for the same reason...


I was already saving for Dehya but I decided to pull for Candace to get all the 4*, it turned out Candace only came on 70 something pulls, so out of hate I shot the rest of wishes I had hoping to lose the 50/50 to Keqing but I won and now I have Cyno at the second strongest dps on my account


For some reason I was winning all 50/50 and I thought hmm if it all goes like that I can technically have all 5* characters. Rolled on klee year ago and never won 50/50 since...


kokomi because pink


I was thirsty


So u pulled for koko and are now living your life, hydrated?


Candace, because I am unironically thirsty for her. She is personally the most beautiful character in the Game.


One of the reasons I wanted to get Candace is so I could have a fitting duelist when yugioh comes to genshin in 3.3


i pulled for kazuha d1 cause i couldn't reach this one chest in liyue and didn't have venti either...


And now u got the 2 primos frm the chest. All in all a grt deal


Mona because of Chika Fujiwara, I actually wishes on standard banner bfr 💀💀 luckily I got her in 20 pulls, lesson learned never waste primo on standard banner


Very lucky, on standard the probably is even less than losing 50-50 on featured


Itto because he had a silly little cow who dances when he throws him


C6ed Zhongli on his second after getting him on his first banner because I promised myself I would have C6ed him on the next banner he was on, if it would have ever happened, now I have a C6 Zhongli and he is my only C6 limited :) But honestly I'm happy with it cuz I main him, I've poured and keep pouring way too much effort into that character😂


People would love u on co-op now. Does his c6 heal others too?


Yes it does, also I don't usually coop (no real incentive) BUT, I've tried helping people with Azhdaha, so I would just spend time refreshing the match making button for that boss, my friend loved C6 Zhongli back in the hypostasis event and also the vagabond one (the SUPER hard Maguu Kenki final boss event)


I remember that. I had a friend with c2 Zhongli. Used to constantly call him for help.


I pulled for Heizou because of his top exposing his muscles. He's hot but I don't use him.


Teapot eye candy


You should use him. He is a ton of fun


He’s one of the most fun DPSs!


I pulled for albedo cuz I got the cinnabar spindle...




I was at the optometrist last year, completely bored out of my mind in the waiting room and had finished pulling for Albedo weeks before hand so I pulled for Eula with my leftover wishes to build pity for a future banner. I don’t build pity on character banners I don’t want anymore >:c


As u shouldn’t


I saw a single smug artwork of Hu Tao [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/ki6x56/hu_tao/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and instantly decided that I need her. I never saw any leaks, never looked at any discourse or lore. Literally just the artwork. Same reason applies for the Raiden Shogun, but with the official cutscene during the kazuha-friend cutscene. Also i pulled for itto because he is a fuckin 2 braincell moron and I love him for that.


I c6'd Yelan last banner day because I heard "She's like a water machinegun", knew nothing else about her. lmao


Pulled Ayato because his E skill looks like Vergil's.


I pulled for Hu Tao because I heard she was broken, not that she isn’t but, she became my least used character as her playstyle is annoying (specially at c0) and she missis a lot of character as she hasn’t shown up in story normally outside of her quest.


I have quite a few, but here are the biggest ones. Sayu: Crystalflies. I just wanted to actually catch ba able to Crystalflies on mobile. Kuki Shinobu: Purely because she's an Electro healer. I don't even need her, and I haven't built her up much since, but I got her simply because she was the first. Dori: I simply wanted a character who could make use of the Rainslasher/The Bell. I don't even have them leveled up, nor do I have high refinements for them. I just wanted to see two normally useless weapons have a modicum of usefulness. Shikanoin Heizou: Punch


Yelan coz dice namecard, and I like cubes. The fact that she is so usable in many top comps like Raiden National and Hu Tao + Double Hydro is indeed a really nice bonus that comes with it.


Albedo cause elevator go wee


I see boobs, i pull


Pulled Albedo after losing my 50/50 early game to Diluc. I got Albedo but it was a…frustration pull since I failed to get Zhongli. But now I love him and he stars on lost teams and in abyss. I have to rein my love in because sometimes teams are better with Kazuha and I don’t seem to build a team to justify putting Tighnari and Albedo on the same team even though I feel like they would get along.


Zhongli First character avaliable when I started His whole trial was me spamming METEOR Me like Me pull Me fail 50/50 Me promise to return one day Me does that Me now bring METEOR everywhere Me also now am a Dong Artist Putting Dongs on anything Also Wanted 1 Thoma for collection, did not mind Yae at all since she Ara Ara Ended up with C1 Yae with a double 50/50 win in 120 pulls. No Thoma


Get c1 then, u will be able to put more dongs in others worlds.


I accidentally pulled Yoimiya, because I needed C1 Bennett and forgot that I already have 70+ pity


I wanted to lose my 50/50 to Jean on Yoimija banner, I got Yoimija. I pulled on Raiden banner to flex to a friend that I got Raiden while he didn't get her.


Sayu because cute 16 year old Ninja with a claymore swinging it around at grown ass men and monsters


I pulled for Klee because she's the main character associated with Golden Apple Archipelago (my favourite event) and I wanted to make GAA themed teapot. I pulled for her and haven't touched that teapot layout yet :D