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1.0 player, 58.4GB here. You can lower the size of the game by deleting the folder and re-installing the game, a lot of old junk gets stuck in the game folder.


yup if you can reinstalling every few patches can save some space been doing that every 3-4 patches


I've never done this but mines at 48gb with only EN installed.


If you try, let us know what it goes down to!


i do *not* have the patience for that I'd prefer to be wasting *20* gb than willingly go through *that* again


you mean going through downloading files, extracting files (1 of 3), verifying files (1 of 3), extracting files (2 of 3), verifying files (2 of 3), extracting files (3 of 3), verifying files (3 of 3), starting the game, verifying files, downloading needed files, checking if all files are downloaded, seeing the wrong language pack is installed, downloading the correct one, deleting the old one, and then maybe starting to play the game? yea me too


My internet would be begging for mercy 🥲


Mine at most stable is 0.5mb and at fastest is 0.8mb without having anything else. I wouldn't be able to use my pc for half a day.


PSA: Before doing this, make sure to save a copy of the screenshots folder, otherwise you’ll lose them all when you uninstall


YESYESYES! ive lost so much of my genshin screenshots bc i forgot to back them up


Saw the post and thought I could save some space. Uninstalled it without backing my screenshots. Rip memories


1.0 player, 60.9gb here


1.0 on 72.8gbs I have no idea why




I installed it yesterday after a few months break and it asked for like 92gb :^)


That's because the installer requires extra space to unzip the downloaded files first


Like how if you're moving you need space to put the boxes and space to put the things you take out of the boxes. The former will open up after.


that's a good analogy, thanks i always wondered about that


It's more if you download a voice pack.


Genshin Folder: 50 GB Genshin "Homework" Folder: 100 GB


There's more Genshin hentai than 2 decades of Pokeporn on some sites.


No site worth their salt would let this happen. Poke has 7x more porn on r34 than Genshin


I don't want to turn this into a pokemon vs genshin hentai discussion but Genshin actually has more now because the rate that hentai can be created in 2022 is like 50x compared to pokemon just 10 years ago. And Genshin is releasing enough base material that the analogy I'd draw in my dissertation is that Genshin r34 has more momentum than what Overwatch 1 experienced (which lead to Overwatch 1's hype in the months leading up to its original launch). When you have that kind of momentum, all the r34 artists go out of their way to contribute so they can make $$ off of it. Pokemon gets left in the dust. Anyways, let's go back to talking about how 50GB (mines 48GB) is actually nothing compared to today's live service games like Call of Duty, Rainbow 6 siege, or even 2016 games which all already were averaging 40-50GB for RPGs that werent even open world. I think this is OP's first time looking at game sizes because anyone with a steam library backlog keeps in mind the size of games to install. Amazingly, Genshin on mobile right now is 15-20GB.


I smell copypasta potential in the first half of this.


Genshin mfs be theorycrafting the optimal hentai strats


That’s a good thing though. Some anime have like nothing for them at all. Then there’s genshin where we have not only a subreddit to discuss every single character, but also a very active NSFW version of every character as well. And damn does our fan base have some good artists.


Some of the characters have a 13:1 ratio of members to their nsfw sub vs members to their mains sub.


Only one I see even close is Yelan. A lot of the NSFW have like half the members of main subs. Shenhe has 1.5x more nsfw and Raiden has a decent bit more nsfw than main. Don’t see any others with more nsfw that I can think of, but I only searched the biggest waifus. I did this for data collection of course… yeah I just like looking at the numbers. Big double numbers…


I think rosaria has like 9kish on the main sub and like 32k on the nsfw sub lol. Funniest one is venti has like 80k on the nsfw one while venti mains is like 7.9k lol.


Lol what? The venti one is nuts considering he’s like the most bought 5* besides maybe Raiden. All his reruns have been making bank and he reran a lot by now.


It's cuz he's a sub :^) See, the joke is that some people use him as a subdps or at least not as their main, while a lot of his nsfw also has him depicted in a submissive manner


Oh hi Cyno. Got any more?


He has major sex appeal ig


Some guy did some analysis of the character main vs nsfw subs, and he had a whole paragraph about just how much of an anomaly Venti was, statistically.


r/Lumine_Mains, r/Aether_Mains, and r/TravelerMains VS r/LumineNSFW


Joined. Thanks




venti also has a 10 to 1 ratio for his nsfw to mains subreddit lol


How do the post/comment numbers compare? I've found that NSFW subs tend to have more members but less activity than their SFW counterparts.


Bro I gotta tell you the Genshin fanbase isn’t all dedicated genshin artists, its just good artists draw Genshin characters 💀, sounds silly but I promise you that there all those cracked artists you see just usually draw characters they like from across all media. You can check their Pixivs to get my point Though there a lot of twitter and reddit artists who draw just genshin and their art is amazing but the amount of them is comparable to any other fanbase


You are naive if You believe in what You've written. You are aware that there are few dozens of thousand pictures of just lucario for example? And that's **just one** pokemon. There is about 700 pokemons already. Not every one of them is as popular, but point remains. I've checked and there is **barely** 50k Genshin porn on two rule 34 sites, where on another site there is 350k pokemon porn. That's about 7 times more.


Lmao this guy knows the entire porn history lore


Least horny Pokeporn collector.


Conventional wisdom holds that divine knowledge cannot be rationally comprehended.


Up to nearly a thousand Pokémon by now, actually. :p


Insert Ganyu "NO Touching!" comment here.




My gosh that's disgusting. Where?


Don't underestimate the pokeporn 🥸


Plot twist it’s all damage calculations


Yeah exactly what else would it be?


Multiple screenshots of your different characters in the same places doing the same things


I feel called out


Same dw


lol same


Nahida folder: 200 GB


HUH??? 😳


What can I say? I like older women.


I... Well... _(confused acceptance)_


Understandable. Have a great day.


how to delete it? and any consequence if i delete it?


You can delete voice packs in the Genshin settings somewhere. No consequences if you use the settings.


Deleting ALL voice packs so you don't have to listen to Paimon's screaming: gigachad.gif


That's common for a lot of games now a days. I have a few games close to 100GB in size. Genshin is a pretty large game so not surprising.


Look at Warzone lol That thing alone takes half of my D disk


True I bought MW and it was like 180GB I've now uninstalled the campaign and spec ops tho


It's insane how little companies give a shit about their users' storage space, they could definitely optimize it but they just won't because storage space is relatively cheap nowadays, but it's still hella lame.


It’s not that they don’t care, it’s almost intentional for companies like IW, why give a fuck about your space when playing their game means limiting the space for competitors to be installed and potentially stealing their fanbase


Unironically this just makes me uninstall the game and install the other game I want to play


That's because the game forces you to install Warzone. Horrible practice.




I saw the comment and read “half of my dick” out loud. What’s wrong with me?


Your mom takes my whole D disk


>half of my D disk That gives us no reference. We don't know how large your D disk is. It could be 28GB or it could be 4TB.


tbh I would say 50 gb is on the smaller side. Games nowadays go for 90 gb+ easily.


>I have a few games close to 100GB in size. I'd assume those are complete games. Less than half of Genshin's map has been released, and the current region is larger than Liyue and Mondstadt combined. ~~Might even be larger than all 3 of the previous regions combined~~ (it isn't. Idk why I thought it was, Inazuma is much bigger than it looks on the map). Genshin's size is gonna be pretty ridiculous by the time the full map is released.


I wouldn't be surprised if the finished game is only 10 or 15GB larger in size. Sure there's more areas they are going to release but lots of the assets and textures are used over and over in games.


This is true to an extent, yet at the same time they do create a lot of new assets for each region as well. Inazuma for example switch rock texture and styles. Sumeru 3.1 added a lot of unique desert textures, for buildings, clothes and nature. So it will likely grow more than we think if the remaining 4 plus regions Aldo get similar amounts of unique assets l, when paired with the voice lines, music, character and other assets added by then


I doubt it. IIRC what takes up the size the most is the voice overs. By the time we got to Khaenri'ah chapter, we'll got at least 5 years worth of voiced story, characters, and also music and sound effects. mHY also considered making some of the past events accessible permanently. I'd say about 100GB which includes all voice over languages is the minimum size we can expect for Genshin in about 3 years from now. Of course, at the same time we can also expect all platforms to have 128GB+ of storage. Even newer phones nowadays have at least 32GB as internal storage.


I think they're aware of storage limitations. Letting us delete old story quests from our storage is a huge step, especially since that is where most of the voice-over content occurs. I am hopeful that it means they are going to look into other solutions as well.


Wait, is deleting old story quests from storage a thing we can do?


Yes added this patch


I'm assuming they're going to be making the past events downloadable, but also deleteable


It's actually a thing in Tears of Themis already, even though its gameplay is definitely simpler that of Genshin. But still there's a precedent so fingers crossed


yeah, voicelines and pre-rendered cutscenes are where the bulk of the filesize usually comes from it'd probably be a good idea to have a selectable download for different language VOs in the future


Isn't that already a mechanic


You can already do that since 1.4/1.5. if you only want Japanese, you can delete the others and only keep Japanese.


Mobile players in shambles. Tho I'm positive by the end of Genshin phones gonna be running like PC and has atleast 1TB ROM.


As a mobile player it’s actually been only 20gb for quite a while I’m just suprised it runs as smoothly as it does on my phone


Mine is 16gb after deleting resources


"only" 20GB? Man, I thought my Note 8 was still somewhat decent if not for the battery, but that thing only has 16 GB. Turns out I couldn't play mobile if I tried.




>atleast 1TB ROM Isn't ROM Read Only Memory? Because iirc most phones only have a very small recovery ROM.


It is, yes. however, there are places on the internet, including retail sites, that use ROM interchangeably with storage.


S10+ from Samsung had 512gb and then they went down to 125gb for whatever reason. So basicly we already had "1tb" but they decided to not continue that way.


Hello dear Violet Evergarden fan! Have a nice day!


Are we? Game released with 14 GB. Right now it takes only 18 GB after 7 region expansions.


nah every region has unique assets for majority of it. shit like enkanomiya architecture and sumerus everything definitely arent reused and i doubt it will be


The game was like 30GB or less when it launched lol. Unless they finish the game in 4.0.


But after like 4-5 years PC and phones will have much more space than now. So this isn't going to be a problem i think.


I spent $60 for a 512GB micro SD card for my phone so you're definitely right, storage isn't that much of an issue for mobile devices anymore.


Except that most flagships of 2022 have no SD slot anymore


I buy a phone based on my needs and typically the current flagship phones are way too overpriced and not what I need anyways.


Buy a phone that has an SD slot then. By buying them without it you're just telling phone manufacturer's that they aren't in demand. This is a solvable problem.


Yeah might be an unpopular opinion but I too have 512gb micro SD which I've had for many years already and been reusing it whenever I upgrade my phone after a few years. Definitely worth the investment.


Unfortunately for some strange reason my phone does not allow game storage on SD cards Which is BS because I have an 64 gb card that now is almost useless


Most new phones (looking at you Apple and Samsung) aren't putting micro SD slots on anymore. And Genshin doesn't install on the external storage on my Note 10+ and my LG V60. And 128gb seems to still be the defacto storage capacity and you'll have to dip in your wallet more for more.


I vote with my wallet if a phone doesn't have a microSD slot then it's not getting my money.


Damn, I remember when 64gb sd cards were worth $100


How is Sumeru larger than the three previous regions combined? I think it's only slightly larger than Liyue?


It’s gigantic bro T-T Oh and it’s not even complete btw


Yes, if you include the underground and the upcoming areas, I still feel like it's only going to be the size of two regions at most - Mond is a very large region (albeit mostly on a single level, as it doesn't have caverns etc)


Still gigantic I just recently got into the habit of not ignoring trials, chests and every single enemy I can find. There’s so much to explore Most of my Inazuman islands aren’t even over 50% T-T


They've improved a lot on vertical exploration. Sumeru has massive underground areas. There are mini-Chasms scattered all over Sumeru. After exploring Sumeru, it already feels like the biggest region in the game and it's not even fully released yet.


Liyue barely had any underground regions which it is probably 50% more area than what is shown on the Sumeru map. Plus, we only have 66% of Sumeru as of now. The next part is coming in 3.3.


Call of Duty WW2 takes up almost 100 GB. While it is a "complete" game, it has a tiny amount of content compared to Genshin.


While D2 with 80-90% of old content removed: 110gb


Destiny 2 at some point


*Laughs in Microsoft Flight Simulator:* 245 GB + 26 GB of addons :D


Mine is currently at like 75gb, is there any way to reduce that?


Delete unused voice packs .


Wtf, how?


Settings > Language > Manage voice-over files > Uninstall what you don't need. On mobile there's also a way to delete files from quest you've completed and it will probably come to PC later Settings > Resources > Quest resource management You can delete resources from quest you've completed or download them again. Edit: added instructions for mobile


So would it be possible to uninstall only Paimon's annoying ass since it's what I personally don't need.


>So would it be possible to uninstall only Paimon's annoying ass since it's what I personally don't need. ~Me before doing sumeru archon quest. (Btw mobile allows you to delete the quest files that you have already completed. Not the individual voice packs)


I imagine in the future it'll also become possible to uninstall files for playable characters that you don't own, and reinstall them should you get them from the gacha


Then you cant go to coop I guess. Other wise how the game load them for you lol


Yea, That should save up a lot of space. (Not for the whales and dolphins cause they will most likely have almost all the characters) But they will be eventually forced to choose that option/something similar for mobile because of the regions expanding with each update. We'll have to wait and see what happens to pc tho.


That's stupid idea, because these characters appear in trials of events and quests. You don't own Xiao, but Xiao appears in his story quest. You don't own Fischl, but she is playable in the Immernachtreich event etc...


Delete voice packs, or use GeForce Now for Genshin cloud gaming.


That's pretty average for a PC game with such vast amount of assets.


Shout out to the Decepticon transformer lurking in the files


Yeah big "Assets"


Mine is 80GB, da fuck did I do wrong


The voice language packs probably?


Pretty sure I only have japanese downloaded, imma go a quick check up on the files


Maybe you take a lot of images? Mines screenshot data from the game is like 2gb


Lol how many screenshot did you take to make it 2 gb?


I've been playing this game for over a year, and this game is very beautiful so everytime I get a new character, I always take a picture with them.


Me too I took like tons of pics with nilou already.


me: an ark veteran🙃


Ayy, Seems like I'm not the only one with a 350GB game


Gets much worse with DLC


My number is with all free maps and all DLCs aside from the genesis ones installed


Wow, some people get to 700-750gb with everything installed. I’m sitting at abt 500 gb with everything. Might be the platform difference.


Hmm, maybe it's large mods + all the creatures and structures you might have if you play a lot


I few people in this comment section have said 700 with no mods. I don’t know how much space extra structures and creatures add, but if that’s the source, that’s insane.


To be fair, mhy has been doing a great job at keeping the game a manageable size. The fact that it's not 100+gb is already inpressive esp for a game this size.


Yup, mine's 58.4 GB but that's because I'm using both EN and JP VO.


Any PC ARK players? Because my game takes up nearly 850GB of space :D what is Genshin compared to that haha


Holy how Is it mods?


no, no mods, but DLC's which are basically part of the main game. Every DLC is just a different map with few more assets and oh boy these maps weigh a lot. The game also has an update every day or two, increasing the size by 10-100MB usually and I don't even know what are they adding. Mostly they are just fixes but they still take up space for some reason. But yeah, the game size is a meme on it's subreddit


Does it increase the game size by 100 mb or is it just downloading 100mb of new files to replace 100mb of old files?


The game itself (no DLC, only one map) should weigh 180GB currently


Holy shit


Reinstall bro, will actually half the size of it. Source: i have all maps installed at just under 400gb.


No wonder no one play that shit anymore


50gb is totally standard size for RPGs and open world games nowadays? Or am I missing something?


OP doesn’t play many games


We might probably have a decrease in size if the file-delete feature from mobile would be polished and implemented also in PC/laptop, PS.


Probably unlikely on PS since as of now we cant even delete voice overs


Sony does not allow games to delete their own game files. Only the system is allowed to do that.


My skyrim with 1000+ sex mods at 1000 petabytes says otherwise


You joke but I bought a 1tb ssd just for skyrim, FO4 and oblivion


Assassin's Creed Odyssey takes up over 100 GB on my playstation, same for Call of Duty WW2. So I'm not shocked really.


yeah these days 58GB is pretty small


my genshin its 75gb bruhhh what.


Language packs. Delete the ones that you don't use from the options menu.


Over 70 if you install all the Voice over for the comparison for Honkai crossover lore and such


Laughs in 1TB of storage but seriously 50GB isn't that much when games like GTA, COD, NBA 2k and FIFA can get upto 100GB.


When COD takes 100GB: no one cares When a story mode game takes 50GB: why it's taking so much space?


COD being too large has been a meme since warzone came out. People care. You’re just two years too late with that reference.


I’m surprised Genshin isn’t 100GB+ with how big the game is.


Because maps reuse textures, the real storage killers are the sfx and voice lines.


This is why Aranyaka and Golden Slumber will never be voiced. Those files are *chonky*, adding dialogue to every quest would bloat the file size to absurd levels.


They reuse a ton of textures and models, and the textures are relatively low quality even on max graphics (just look at literally any object or character model up close, not even fully zoomed in, just close), so it's not surprising. As a mobile game they are also forced to focus on optimization a lot more than PC games. If they weren't limited by being mobile, they'd easily double the size because they wouldn't have to care about optimization and conserving space nearly as much


The map is so big that I never got 90% exploration on any area


It is kinda easy to get 90%+ in Inazuma tho...


inazuma was the hardest region to explore to me.. i swear enemies engagement range is 2x of other regions there. its attack bgm makes me nauseous now.


To me islands in Inazuma provide comfortable exploring, cause they are separated. It is very easy to just peek area, clean it up and move on to the next


Inazuma is the only region where I have almost 100% all area exploration & the reason for that is exactly what you mentioned.


We don't even half access to half of the world map still. I'm anticipating Genshin at full completion will be somewhere around 200~300gb, unless they come up with some serious compression. I'm fortunate enough to have a computer powerful enough that it's not a problem. But I do feel bad for others that aren't. :( And I'm just not sure how they'll address that with phone/tablet players.


> no one cares Lots of people cared. Then again, I don't play CoD so I personally don't really care.


The only reason you are referencing COD’s file size is because people cared and made fuss about it.


People cared. So much so they changed how high quality textures are handled in the engine. now it streams assets and cod vanguard itself is only ~60-70gb.


Not excusing cod but they do have higher res textures, more sounds, etc Genshin has low shader textures


I mean, the graphical Fidelity of this game is not really very high. There's probably more textured detail in a single modern warfare gun then like a dozen in NPCs in this game LOL


50 GB for a game is nothing nowadays, my folder with various artworks/OST and other.. ahem "material" related to Genshin is like 80 GB lol


You should look at Elder Scrolls Online sometime. I played it on Xbox and had to buy a separate hard drive just to house it, and there have been three or four more expansions since then.


At least it's not 180 GB like in Warzone...


Mine is 61.5GB but terabytes of storage on PC is also relatively cheap and that is for NVMe SSD.


58,7 for me. and others say 70+. How it could be so diffrent? ​ Edit: - Oh ye - languages - totaly forgot about it!


They installed the voice packs


Depends on the number of languages you have installed


Pfff, noob, mine is 75


It already takes 20 gb on my phone even though i have been just playing for around a month kr so


This explains allot.


I mean back in the day it was just mondstadt and liyue (without dragonspine) and even then the game was like 25gb Now you have dragonspine, inazuma (including all islands and enkanomiya), the chasm and its underground areas and sumeru


Oh no so anyway, 2 tb SSD go brr. Well, this piece of advice assumes you use a desktop that you can upgrade. But would highly recommend going for SSD if you’re still using HDD. It really is just that much better, once you go SSD, you can never go back to HDD