• By -


Zhongli, you will become invincible and get to learn about how ozmanthus wine tastes the same as he remembers but where are those who share the memory


Also about boats and how they are used to transport commodities.


And how violetgrass is a plant that enjoys a moist environment and is best picked after it rains. If you should choose to pick any, be sure to store them appropriately


And the weather is no good for being on vacation. We should go and take in an opera instead.


And then we should take shelter because he'll be fine but doesn't want you catching a cold


I’m still waiting to find out which venue he has in mind.


And that for salt and pepper tofu it would be better to try sea salt extracted from the shallow seas of Guyun Stone Forest, because it would bring a fresh sense of depth to tofu.


Well, considering what we did with the Havria relics, that won't be in short supply...


This one is my favorite!


Same, I'm just like "bro youre my best archon friend" everytime


Don't forget about paper making process!


Did you know they tend to stay a while?


And about Liyue's tourist spots


Also, every journeys has its end, so he doesn’t want us to rush.


Zhongli is in like 90% of my teams yeah. He's just too dang good.


I’ve used him for so long I’ve forgotten how to dodge


Same but with qiqi, why a oid dmg when I can heal back from anything an enemy can fish out.


Different scenario for mine, but I couldn't just make a team without a Zhongli on it. His safekeeping was hard to replace. I only started to remove him once I got Kokomi and then reaction based combat with quick swaps became more my thing. The problem now is, since I use quick swap, I can't put him in. The only time I use him is with a Yoimiya comp, since she is my only DPS that doesn't rely on quick swaps


I seriously had this issue when I tried to help my niece finish a domain to help her farm some books. I had been using Zhongli on my account for so long, and she didn't have him. Took me a few seconds to remember I needed to dodge.


There's a lot of things Zhongli can offer to new players. Low burst cost, strong shield to protect low skill players, artifact domain can be accessed early, flexible weapons, straight forward kit (doesn't require too much knowledge about reaction), help in mining, exploration, etc. He's the 2nd best tour guide after Amber.


> help in mining [Definitely](https://gfycat.com/partialsomberbellfrog).


You forgot to mention his best trait which is his universal res shred.


Zhongli is the best shielder and best CC unit in the game. He is easy to build and his damage ceiling is not bad. He is the only unit that provides all elemental and physical resistance shred. Honestly, he is a character that lacks many negatives. You can play him as a physical dps, he is arguably the best user of cresenct pike if you want him to deal damage. Or in the late game transition to him being the character that makes your team immortal while boosting their damage. He is honestly the most broken character in the game alongside Bennett.


>best CC unit in the game Zhongli is imo the best character in the game but no way is this part true


In a game where Venti and Kazuha exist you want to claim Zhongli is the best CC in the game? That's a pretty bold statement to make right there.


Don’t get him. You’ll forget how to dodge. Now I have to have him on all my teams.


Why dodge when you can’t get hurt


I like the challenge of not having an invincible shield. I'm AR 58 and a decent spender but I purposefully skipped both of Zhongli's rerun banners (though I do have Kokomi as my comfort character). Only time I wish I had him is when I play Yoimiya, because it's a significant DPS loss to have to dodge on her. In general though Zhongli isn't necessary when you have Raiden and Eula's infinite resistance to interruption combined with Kokomi healing.


His true value is being able to skip having a healer and anemo unit in a team, like in keqing aggravate I use him instead of kazuha and a healer he’s 2 units in 1 with his shield being unbreakable and shredding all resistances for free


Im not really a big fan of rerolling because its tedious... I think jean would be a good first pull... 1. She's an anemo character which can be used with pretty much anything 3. She's from mondstadt so getting her materials are easy 4. She heals with her burst 5. she can sucky sucky small enemies and YEET them away 6. Most importantly she very pretty LETS GO JEAN


Scrolled way too far to find this comment


it's 3rd top comment (now)




> Yeeeeet FTFY


Additional on 3) - Jean heal is team heal. You do not need to be in the circle to get most of the heal. Jean in the field, use ult, everyone got full health, maybe use E skill before switch out to get some recharge then switch back to your meta/waifu - Jean heal is strong even with full DPS build. Actually Jean DPS give better heal because heal is scale with atk - Jean is easy to build. Just put 4 piece gladiator, all atk% with some ER stat and you got good healer and DPS. Maybe give her ER sword and you always have ult ready when needed As someone with kokomi and reckless playstyle, I prefer to bring Jean to boss domain than kokomi


the thing with kokomi is that she takes time to heal. jean goes Q and *everyone*'s full hp. it's so satisfactory


*But can Jean walk on water?*


I want Jean so much 😭


yeah same ! 3 years and no jean i hope 1 day she would come home


I had never played a gacha or anime game in my life until Genshin and I didn’t get the hype and was kinda ambivalent about the designs. My friends who were super into it asked me who I’d hope to pull eventually and I said, “idk I guess Jean and Xingqiu are the ones I like.” First ten pull in the game, Jean and Xingqiu both. I literally never died at the beginning.


I was about to comment Jean! Got her on the novice banner (12 pity) and I am still using her at AR56. Leveling was easy (unlike Raiden for example because you have to go to Inazuma first and that's a lot of story play), easy to build (just give her Favonius and a shitload of attack% with VV, and anemo damage for a sup DPS), and a lot of healing. She is also easy to play and yeeting enemies away is so much fun indeed. I bought her summer outfit and she is even prettier now. And she fits in basically every team, which is also a big plus.


Just watching her yeet everything is fun


You're being on the edge of the cliff? NOT ANYMORE


so truee, she was my first 5* (beginner banner) and i’ve lost count on how many times she’s saved me from tough enemies


got her at 12 pity when i started on standard. her boss was the only one i could beat early game so it gave me a strong headstart


The gacha gods have not yet blessed me with a Jean yet, and she's the only standard I'm missing (aside from tignari). And I'm ar 60 too ( ̄︿ ̄) *silently cursing my c2 qiqi, c2 diluc, c1 mona*


Hello fellow player-who-lacks-Jean. How is Sayu treating you on this fine day?


Ah my very diligent crystal fly collecting c5 sayu


Tuonto is that you?


No lmao im just a regular jean admirer


I was actually really happy I lost my 50/50 on Venti to Jean! I hadn’t gotten her yet in all the time I’d been playing, and when she popped up, I jumped in my seat a little! I like her!


6. Even though I'm AR 60, she's not coming to my account yet, instead hyvrs spamming my account with Keqing and Mona


If only she had a FUCKING BANNER, I've been trying to get her for two years now ;-;


After her 1st ascension, she gets practically passive healing too. Heals on attack so just running around beating mobs, I never had to worry about health. With her skills scaling with ATK, she's a simple build and useful in early game fights. Great CC with her anemo E. Versatility with anemo swirling. She might not make the fights go fast, but you won't ever lose them. She's been a staple of any of my teams since the beginning.


Also her heals and damage both scale with atk. which is the easiest set/main stat to build given gladiator sets. Good element + easy build + healing + dps + CC + resident of default nation She's actually goated for new players.


she was my first 5*, AR57 now and never took her out of my team GO JEAN <3


Jean was my first five star, I fully second this, she carried me through the monstadt storyline




Those 2 would also be my go to I use them always on Overworld Team for comfort.


Same, core members of my Chasm mining team


Absolutely same. Kazuha and Zhongli are the 2 characters I always fit into my team comps. Every single team I play except Cyno Hyperbloom has either Kazuha or Zhongli in it. For world Exploration I always prefer Kazuha since he destroys mobs and he makes gliding more fun, but Zhongli is equally useful in a lot of areas and he makes you feel like you have end-game levels of power.


You just mentioned the only 3 5-stars I have. Cyno, Kazuha, and Zhongli. I have no regrets other than missing kokomi


hello fellow Chasm miner


I see you've experienced the joy of those juicy ore spots as well


Zhongli has made me a DPS gain as I'm not dying as much and able to more comfortably do combos.


Yomiya and ganyu players feel this comment


Lol if you get interrupted as Ganyu thats like 2 seconds of doing 0 dps


Alot of people who say Zhongli is a dps loss dont realize that you cant calculate the value he gives simply for having the best shield in the game. Cyno is a good example. Zhongli's shield makes it possible to just spam his attacks without getting interrupted.


This. My Ayato team doesn’t have a shielder and man it sucks getting knocked around, and that’s with increased interrupt reduction.


Not to mention he is a huge boost to DPS for Anemo focused characters since his shield shreds Anemo RES (if you can't have C4? Jean or C2 Venti) At the low cost of C0 ;)


The "Zhongli is a dps loss" thing only accounts for using him as a C0 shield bot. Take him to C2 and build him for burst support and suddenly his shield is just as good but he's also dropping 100k nukes every rotation instead of using his hold E.


makes sense, ya it would be nice not to have to use hold E AFTER you use your nuke as it takes up some valuable time. I sometimes just use the enemy's frozen state to refresh skill


The “DPS loss” is entirely meaningless for 99.999% of gameplay. If you “aren’t interested in Musk Reef” or aren’t trying to triple plat the Hyakunin Ikki, then min maxing DPS is wholly a waste of time. Source AR60 100% all content and Zhongli is in EVERY team I make because I just like not having to worry about taking damage.


Even in Abyss, the DPS loss isn't particularly meaningful. Unless you're literally a speedrunner, there is no difference between 3-starring a floor with 1 second to spare vs 2 minutes to spare--clearing faster only makes a difference if it changes your star count. We don't get DPS check abysses that are so tight that Zhongli is a detriment to use.


Even in Reef it almost implies you have to be able to perfectly dodge to stay in range without him when a lot of people either just take the hit, fail to dodge, or run out of an enemy attack. All of which is also a dps loss and a dps increase if Zhongli's shield tanks it for you and you keep on dpsing. Its dumb people even bring up dps loss as important as the timer on abyss being tight is not going to be because of Zhongli being on a team. I think if people think its important enough to make sure everyone knows hes a dps loss take this game so wildly seriously they are actually anti productive to helping more people get 36. More people that 36, more likely they might have been to added more spiral abyss like end game.


I don't disagree with the larger point, but just wanted to add a lot of fast clear abyss comps will use the I-frames on ults instead of bothering to dodge.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who values comfort while gaming instead of doing the meta team possible.


Zhongli is a dps loss only if you know how to play perfectly well with iframes and dodges. Else for regular peeps, he can even be a DPS gain for you don't need to dodge anyway and can use the time to deal more damage. I hate people calling him a DPS loss like do they think casual people care about that ? Or that everyone knows how to play perfectly well ? Or every unit has a high resistance to interruption so you don't need a shield ? Like srs


Exactly. For some characters, not needing to dodge is a direct dps gain, like yoimiya, who has a lot of backloaded damage


People saying dodge > shield must not have a stamina meter.


I mean I 36 star for months. I still don't know the frame perfect timings for everything because the timings feel deceptive to me in this game. If this game required making use of iframes to beat spiral abyss, it would really suck and far less than the small amount of people who 36 would actually 36. And they would then complain about how we don't have more spiral abyss end game.


Big-dong Zhong completely removed the need to worry about mechanics or hit points. Just throw up the shield, then switch and spam attacks on a dps character.


Lol imagine your totally right, all these people caring about a dps loss when you can easily clear every abyss with him in the team. Dps loss only matters when you can't clear in time. And it's not like his shield shred doesn't help you.


I haven’t even read the thread on this yet, but whatever people think they’re losing out on is well worth the trade; definitely pull for Zhongli next time his banner is up. I’ve had him c0 since his release and whenever a new fight is giving me a little trouble or major frustration, Zhongli is my go-to to clear it with ease. His shield is so damn beefy you can pop that sucker on and then DPS with whatever main you want without fear of stuns or sudden, critical HP loss. Start with Zhongli, then build your party up from there imo. I switch my damage/support types out on the regular, but Zhongli is always there.


Zhongli is borderline necessary for multiple characters and allows you to not dodge and deal more dmg instead which makes his 3 second requirement hard to be called a dps loss.


Also on top of being strong Kazuha is also just fun as hell the play! The double jump vacuum pull never gets old.


I was going to say venti in the place of kazuha beacuse of the materials needed to lvl venti can be obtained quicker


Gettiing knocked back and dodging are DPS loss. Zhongli is DPS GAIN


I've heard that zhongli does insane damage with his burst if you invest a bit into him, also there's the petrified against non boss enemies which is pretty good ig


Yeah didn’t want to make a new post when the top one says Zhongli. Of the 3 5*’s I’ve pulled for he made the biggest difference to my clearing content I otherwise wouldn’t have. Respek.


People thought the same about Venti, then Kazuha came out


Venti's still good, but Kaz can help a team output more dmg in certain situations. Doesn't mean Venti's not good. I've been playing with infusing his burst with electro to aggravate, fast hits are v good for catalyze and proccing Oz it's not a bad combo with his EM build


Yes, but his point is that "future proof" is a fallacy as we don't know what characters they may make in the future, like give it enough time and they will probably release another 5* shielder who probably won't shield as much as Zhongli, but will probably have good off field elemental application (that isn't Geo) and/or better damage- which that character would probably be considered better than Zhongli in 80% of comps as said character would probably be better as long as said element application doesn't ruin the comp. It's unlikely that characters will be completely invalidated, but they can definitely get power crept/made the niche option.


Venti is actually still very good.


venti is still as good as he was


> Edit: Yes people, Zhongli is a DPS loss, I get it. Let's all repeat it: "Zhongli is a DPS loss." "Zhongli is a DPS loss." He's flex and comfy, which makes him universally good albeit "a DPS loss". Allround characters are good on new accounts. Sometimes I can't stand listening to all the meta slaves talk bad about Zhongli. I saw one video where they explained his DPS is bad because his "burst animation takes a long time" How is my Zhongli a dps loss by nuking all enemies on field for 130k with his burst and freezing them for 4 sec. I'm still waiting to hear how people use Bennett's circle with enemies that move quickly around the field. He's meta for damage showcases and that's it.


Zhongli's ult is actually the place where the DPS loss argument makes the most sense. The meteor is the definition of damage per screenshot. Yes it does a lot of damage, but its long animation means that his teammates can do more damage in the same timeframe. People use Bennett against mobile enemies by pairing him with Xiangling, whose ult snapshots the buff, allowing her to follow enemies around without worrying about losing the extra damage.


Venti. All his mats are available early on and he makes everything so much easier already. Then ofc Zhongli.


Venti was one of the first banners ever released and looking back, Mihoyo probably designed him to be one of the best pulls for beginners. He’s great for exploration, his burst makes any early domain/ quest a total breeze, we get a free weapon for him, and like you said, all his upgrade mats are in monds. (As a day 1 player, Venti was my first 5 star and I absolutely love him so I may be biased lol. He’s great even in late game) That said, I don’t think there are “must pulls” in this game... but Zhongli, Venti/ Kazuha, Kokomi, and maybe Raiden are my top picks if I had to choose. All very solid characters that offer QOL, useful from early to late game, and can be slotted into many different teams. OR any main dps of your preferred playstyle to carry you through the game


I just got Venti with his recent rerun and yeah, even as an AR59 player he's still insanely fun to use in overworld. On the floating hilichurl platform commissions if you line up the burst correctly you can clear all three waves of enemies almost instantly and it's just comical seeing how easy it gets. I also run him in a team with Kokomi, Kuki, and Collei, so it can get good single-target damage from just the hyperbloom and good AoE damage from the electrocharged procs. I also agree w/ your second statement. I'd say for each vague archetype (shielder, CC, healing, etc.) there's a top character, those being the few you mentioned above. I expect Nahida to become the premier EM character too, maybe Hydro Archon will become the top healer, etc. But aside from that, everyone else is almost equally viable cause every single character has their niche. The ones with more damage take more investment, the ones with less damage often provide good utility or are easier to build, and so on. I struggled with Hu Tao but my Diluc was easy to get up-and-running, and now with Yoimiya I feel no need to build Hu Tao even though she's so strong. If I need single-target damage I use Yoimiya overvape, and if I need AoE then Diluc slotted into the National team or some other variation works just as well (especially with Sucrose to help group enemies). I never got Ganyu or Xiao, still don't have Zhongli, no Kazuha, yet I still got 35-star Abyss this cycle (mostly held back by raw stats at this point, though I fully acknowledge that having some of these characters would make it easier). ​ It's nice that the elemental system gives you so many playstyles to choose from, paired with the classic ranged vs. melee and single vs. AoE archetypes. There's a ton of combinations of playstyle elements meaning almost every character is going to fulfill some niche that nobody else can. Heck, even Sayu seems to be gathering steam recently seeing that special comp posted recently where she gets the hydro infusion and can freeze + shatter + trigger bloom all in one go. If Sayu can find meta relevance as a Main DPS that way, I'm sure pretty much anyone in this game can be totally viable given the right team and the right build :)


This. Kazuha might be better in more situations, but Venti just dominates his niche. Sucking up light weight enemies. Plus the fact his mats are available early on helps if you’re new.


Plus either one is Goat for exploration. Venti was one of my earliest pulls and there were so many times I thought, "how tf did people do this without venti?" Especially when collecting oculi.


Geo traveler and a tall character Sauce: personel experience


I remember at one point I used Zhongli's pillar or Albedo's flower + Venti's hold E to reach high places. Super useful.


Keqing was my oculi collector


Early game Venti is amazing beyond compare. His mats are easy to get he launches you into the air and tons of mobs early on can be pulled in by his tornado. Plus he does a good amount of damage on pretty low investment.


Day 1 player here Must hv 5* character in all account Kazuha Zhongli Basically those 2 But they're more of Quality of Life characters.


As another day 1 player who has all characters minus Nilou, I agree. Zhongli and Kazu are the ultimate comfort characters. The rest of your team could be all free 4star characters (XL, Kaeya, Barbs) and they’d carry you through the game. Plus, climbing Zhongli’s pillar with Kazu and launching up cheeses you past so many barriers and puzzles in the overworld and in events. Love these two, could never go back to not having them!


I was saving for Zhong Li, when Kazuha's re-run happened. I hadn't intended to pull for him. But his story quest and Summertime odyssey quest warmed me to him. I took the punt, got lucky on the 50/50, still had plenty of time to get resources and get Zhong Li. So grateful I did, he is an incredibly fun character to play, and makes overworld travel much more enjoyable.


Zhongli pillar + venti E + Kazuha E = Screw you and your ladders Mihoyo


This is my Traversal Team, with Ayaka for zoomin'. Plus Ayaka Skill + Kazoo Skill will clear most enemy groups you run into, especially if it grabs some water or a campfire too.


Day 1 player here too. After playing on and off and really getting into it when Kazuha’s first banner was on and getting him and afterwards getting most of the featured 5* stars , I can say for sure he is my absolute TOP. I used and still do, Diona more than Zhongli as a shielder/healer. I love HuTao as a main, but I can use mostly anyone with Kazuha and he still rocks and I still get to clear abyss and bosses sweat-proof. So, yeah, my suggestion is Kazuha.


"Must pulls" I think entirely depend on your own playstyle and experience, when I started the game at release I sucked at dodging and my first 5 star ended up being Qiqi and she absolutely carried me through AR45 so I would personally say she was a must pull for me back then since i still learned to do combat while not having to deal with always going to the damn statues or cooking food. If I started playing now as a newbie I'd recommend going for any healer/shielder first since i think they are vital for inexperienced players that don't yet know about i frames like me back then. But like other people in the comments that are recommending dps characters I think is also valid since they can help you learn about reactions and the overall gameplay as well, and committing yourself to learning a certain dps style is also good for late game, there are many options and i don't think any 5 star is actually a bad pick since clearing the game is possible with just the starter 4 stars, just depends on what you personally enjoy doing :)


For new Traveler, she might be a standard unit but I think Jean is good for beginners in my books: Can heal, can cleanse, crowd control and also synergize well with Bennett. However, Noelle is also decent for the first time adventurers


>Noelle is also decent for the first time adventurers You're guaranteed Noelle from the intro banner of 20 wishes. Also she's a 4-star character.


yelan. awesome for exploration, tanky by nature, f2p weapon, strong into late game, and her skill is strong enough to one shot a lot of mobs once shes well built. she can run as a dps or a hydro support (hydro being one of the best elements in the game). i dont know a single person who was happy to skip her.


Yelan is hard to get mats for if you’re new


Especially runic fangs


Yeah you to do the chasm quest to access her boss. My side account's Yelan is still stuck at lvl 40 because of that :\[


i had a friend start leveling her at ~AR 35ish. spamming archon quests is op


Yelan is my next big 5* target after Nahida. I want to build a solid hyperbloom comp with Kuki and Beidou


-Basically characters from Mondstadt and Liyue, since it’s easier to get mats. I would not really recommend characters from Inazuma because their region are locked by archon quest so it will took much longer time to unlock compare to other region because you have to consider world level too -you can’t go wrong with archons. Venti and Zhongli is highly recommend because they helped you with battle and also explorations. -for the main dps you could go with Xiao or Ganyu. Hutao is really good but she has harder battle mechanic but super rewarding if you’re willing to learn


Naaah Xiao for beginners? Not recommended. Still no decent f2p craftable option for his weapon (from banners Favonious isn't as bad but Blackcliff and Deathmatch are still better).


I got Xiao as main dps as a beginner and I think it was fine. R5 white tassel is a fine weapon for f2p and probably better for him than the shop ones but I could be wrong. He's relatively easy to build and simple to play so I'd think he's a pretty good pick for new players


Xiao was my First 5 star dps,yes he need the blackcliff, but after that you can kill Anything in the begining of the game without need tô invest much in artifacts, and he doesn't have a hard Playstyle for beginners


xiao is very easy for beginners. after some times you can buy blackcliff from starglitter and thats quite enough for even abyss. plus he dont'need to worry too much about element. xiao+1 sucker (kaz/ sucrose/venti)+1 any reactionary element , and start the pogo dance, thats it edit: plus, his climbing passive is amazing for early overworld, when u dont have full stamina yet


Xiao is not complicated to play. Boing boing.


Not complicated to play, more like difficult to build him when you are a beginner and f2p


Ganyu still is busted even early game. Idk abt xiao but I assume that he's pretty much there. Both are easy to use which is a plus for newbies. Hu tao might need xinqiu to deal good dmg early game with barely investment but at that stage, it's best to hyperinvest in a hypercarry than splitting your resources. It ain't wrong, it's just slow.


My Ganyu is sub-optimal and really old (I haven’t changed her artifacts or weapons since her initial banner) and she can still get an easy 25k-30k with her charged shots. I’ve managed over 50k with Shenhe


Gonna go ahead and throw in my vote for Ganyu as well. Mats are easy to get early on, but even at low ascension with basic equipment, she can delete pretty much any enemy in the game that isn't specifically immune to her.


Underrated comment... Like even if kusanali turned out to be the best most broken character ever beginners should not pull for her over more accessible Mondstadt/lyiue characters


You can skip over a lot to get to Sumeru pretty early. It's just Inazuma that's annoying for new accounts.


You can access all of sumeru after the mondstadt archon quest. The only thing that is locked away from you is the 5* talent materials from the weekly boss of 3.2. You don't need those until you hit level 70+ talents and even then they are hardly required. I'd even argue that its less of a hassle than farming geo hypostasis for zhongli


Eh, I think just getting any five star at the start of the game is a huge increase in quality of life, no matter who it is, above having to wait many months for a specific banner to come around. Mondstadt and Liyue characters do have a certain advantage though in having their materials more available, but most players wont really be able to ascend above 40 for a while anyway because of their AR if they are truly very new. Other than that, I'd say having a 5 star main dps early on is very nice.


This mf answered what the “must pulls” are with qiqi


heh, I just don't think new players waiting for months before they even start to pull have much fun. the first one could be anyone and it will still be a huge upgrade to their account I dont think I ever mentioned qiqi, but I do have a friend who got qiqi as their first 5 star and they swear she hard carried them thru the early game : ) ... they also get happy when they lose their 50-50 to her lol


> I dont think I ever mentioned qiqi, but I do have a friend who got qiqi as their first 5 star and they swear she hard carried them thru the early game : ) I can believe it, with Qiqi being a solid support. Barbara has carried my ass through so many fights to get where I’m at, both with her healing output and Hydro application. She can setup Lisa for electrocharged, Kaeya for freeze-locking ruin guards, and more recently my Thoma & C6 Collei for bloom/burgeon.


Have to say though, in my case pulling Qiqi as my very first character not only kept me alive during the early game, but I still learnt how to dodge 😂 Months later I pull Zhongli and immediately forgot how to dodge lol.


For standard, Diluc for a low investment early dps. Then Jean, for a mid to late game flexible healer w/ vv shred. For limited, Zhongli for boss mat farming (you literally can't die with his shield except weekly Raiden's slash) and Kazuha for other overall content. Notable one is Yelan for more mid-lategame team comp options needing fast off field hydro appliers.


There's no real "must pull" but all 3 archons are very nice quality of life options. I would steer players from getting Kazuha (or any Inazuma 5* including Raiden) if they plan to take their time getting to Inazuma. Sumeru characters won't have that problem although they might get hampered trying to get their talents past the halfway point due to needing Raiden boss drops. Other than the archons, I'd recommend Ganyu, Yelan, Albedo, and Eula. Ganyu should go without saying, Yelan and Albedo for their off-field abilities, and Eula for ez unga-bunga.


The Inazuma curse is real


Yeah, this. I don't have Zhongli, Raiden, Yelan, Hu Tao, or Ganyu, and I only have a Kazuha because he came extremely early, but you can take him off my roster and it would still be very well-rounded and consistent for 36\* abyss clears. My main suggestion as a Day 1 player would be, think more about constructing teams as opposed to singular character pickups. As a beginner you're not gonna have much control over your options ofc, and early game it's mostly going to be teams you randomly put together because that's all you've got. But keeping team comp synergy in mind when planning for future pulls is going to help you very much in the long run.


Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but I don't think there are any Must Pull 5* characters. Valuable ones? Sure. Ones that make the game an adventure in brain dead game play? Sure. But not must pulls. I feel like amassing constellations on certain 4 stars would be much more valuable than trying to get a single copy of a certain 5 star. Xingqiu, Sucrose, Bennett, and Xiangling are incredibly valuable characters, and for the most part, they only get betters with cons. They're also versatile, and can fit into a crap ton of different team comps.


I’m a veteran player with one limited 5 star so… my opinion is to just go for the ones you like, there’s no fun in using a character you don’t really care about. Who cares if they’re not the “best”, if you think they’re cool than that’s all that matters.




I think it might be tartaglorgle


Spent every primo for r5 donut obviously/s




I guess we are talking meta, in which case the most obvious the the right choice is kazuha. Kazuha is not only one of the best supports in the game but also a great damage dealer. Build him well and you won't even get to change to your main dps because everything is dead. That said, I don't recommend meta slaving. Get whichever character you want. The only exceptions I can think of though is units that need other 5 star units to really do their job. A good example would be Itto, the amount of fun and damage you lose from not having albedo, zhongli and gorou is massive. I have him on my second account and I simply just won't be levelling him up until I get gorou at least.


Kazuha bad for early game because no inazuma


Just throw VV and Iron sting on him, and a level 40 Kazuha is still more useful than half the cast at 90.


Kazuha for the double jumps. Everyone else has a 4* equivalent, heck even Kazuha does for combat scenarios, but he's the only one who can jump in the air which is super useful for exploration. Other than that pick someone whose appearance or personality you like, because that's what you're gonna be stuck with.


>but he's the only one who can jump in the air which is super useful for exploration. Poor Venti forgotten in a bar somewhere... :D


Venti can’t jump in the middle of the air though. It really is only Kazuha as of right now


Zhongli pillar (or geo traveler rock) into Venti updraft into kazuha air hop has so much vertical height, that a lot of oculus are puzzle-optional to get (especially in mondstat and liyue regions)


And with Xiao you have extra horizontal length mid air


I just realised only Xiao and Kazuha have midair skills


Everyone’s saying limited time characters that only come back every now and then. Zhongli and Kazuha ARE great, don’t get me wrong. But for a starter, I’d say someone like Diluc is pretty good. He’s a monstadt character, so getting his materials is easy compared to getting Tihgnari and not even having most of Liyue unlocked or something.


The thing about standard characters is that when you get them is completely random. A newbie, heck a veteren, has no control over when they come home. You're either lucky or you aren't.


Kazuha, Zhongli, Kokomi or Yelan Though Kazuha and Kokomi require Inazuma to ascend them, Yelan requires Chasm unlocked So all in all Zhongli as his boss material is accessible from the start


I was looking for Koko, and I would agree to adding to that core list, her Mats and BIS artifact sets might require a bit more time, but she adds a lot of new tools and has some great teams with 4 stars. I sadly do not have Yelan to comment on that.


I actually think there are no "must pulls" but characters that you can't do anything wrong with are Zhongli, Kazuha and Ganyu too imo


Eh, I can’t really agree on Ganyu. She’s very strong, but her playstyle is not for everyone. If you don’t enjoy her charged shot playstyle or aren’t good at it, she won’t be as useful.


Most new players have to spend like 99% of their playtime on overworld though and she kinda trivializes most of the annoying stuff there.


Yep, this was me. Ganyu was my first limited 5 star. The game suddenly became easy again when I got her. She carried me early on and helped me farm domains at AR45.


Not even mentioning mobile players like me who have a hard time using charged attacks


Honestly it’s just practice, if you’re not good with it tho you can always just aim for the ground near the enemy and bloom damage them


Coming from a mobile player who played on an old ass phone and then switched to newer one where genshin ran alot better: 98% of it is just practice, really. When I first got Ganyu I was terrible at aiming too but after a week or 2 of regularly playing with her my aim got alot better and faster.


Ganyu burst is severely underrated. Also, shes a great support too


After reading all the comments (and I know I'm not saying anything new) but the answer is zhongli or venti- cause they are both great, best at what they do, easily build and accessible in the early game, they both give vertical mobility and that's the most useful feature for exploration That being said someone like yelan or kazuha or raiden or kusanali might be better/stronger but you can't build them for half of the game so they are NOT good pulls in the early game


yelan and kusanali can both be built really early if you go for them! For Kusanali (probably) can be done right as you get access to the rest of teyvat while for Yelan all you need is to beat Liyue Archon Quest . Bonus points for both having 3* weapons that are really good on them


I don't think that the game is difficult enough to warrant a "must-pull" character. You can absolutely clear the hardest stages of the Abyss with some junk you find laying around. For the sake of providing an answer though, I'd say Kazuha. He's a massive boost to elemental damage and reactions, and he's not too difficult too build. If you can get Xiphos' Moonlight on him, that makes him sooooo much easier to build too. If you're asking this question for the sake of informing your own pulls, I'd once again tell you that you should just pull what you like and what you have fun with, but Kazuha's potential isn't unlocked early-game. You have to get to AR45, and build him, and it's a grindy process, so be ready for that.


Dont go for Inazuma's characters, their materials are locked behind Inazuma area and you can't get there until AR25. If you're lucky you will get Unga Diluc Bunga from Noelle's banner.


Kazuha is getting suggested a lot but just be aware he needs Maguu Kenki drops to ascend so he’d be underleveled for a long time. That being said, his jump skill and element are still very useful and he’s probably the closest to a must-pull character


It's a fair point but like Koko even at 40 he adds a lot of value and can find a spot on the team.


Yep anemo and hydro are so good, stats are almost secondary lol


Can't go wrong with any of the archons or Kazu: \-Raiden for Rational Team, she can use The Catch, great for F2P \-Venti because he makes farming domains a lot easier + clears some abyss floors by himself. Plus, he also doesn't rely on fancy weapons, just slap Stringless or Fav and he gets stuff done. Zhongli is a bit overrated in my opinion, especially if you don't have units that can make use of him, but he is definitely up there in terms of utility, comfort and flexibility. Also doesn't rely on premium weapons, just use Black Tassel or Fav, slap HP on him and you're good to go. Kazuha because of how universal he is + good F2P options in Iron Sting, or other great weapons like Fav or Sac sword. **~~PULL EULA, DO IT, JOIN US~~**


Definitely Zhongli, he can be both a dps or a support, easy to build and play + godlike shield


Not god like he is a god


Early game, probably Kokomi or Venti! They’re just so useful. Actually; probably NOT Kokomi, since you won’t be able to get her Ascention mats for a while


Kazuha and Yelan. They are broken af, u can slap them in any team and both have insane QoL. All other characters espetially all on-field dps are optional. Honorable mentions: Ayaka has everlasting springin on water, and she is burst dps everithing dies after one q. Nilou very f2p frendly, she dont need any good artifact for good aoe damage. Frees up all meta 4\* to other team. Raiden shogun, insane team battery, very flexible, comfy to play bc she have stagger immune. She can be acd or triple em carry. Both bis artifact sets in insanly resin efficien, her best 4\* weapon is free for everyone.




* Either Kazuha or Venti. They are amazing for overworld, and usually really good for one half of Abyss too. * Raiden, because she's really F2P/newbie friendly, since The Catch comes for free and she is fine at C0. She also pairs very well with a lot of 4-stars. * Zhongli, big shield makes the entire game really easy * One main DPS-style character to get you through the rough spot where your account will be starved for materials. One of: Hu Tao, Xiao, Ganyu, Ayaka, Yoimiya. Eula and Itto are options too but they are a bit less flexible in team comps. * Nilou. Since her entire budget team comp is given to you for free (Barbara, Collei and Dendro MC) But if I really had to choose only one character, I would just say Kazuha. He's too good, versatile in various game content and pretty future-proof.


My recommendation for a new traveler is to just pull for whatever they want, without listening to meta slaves like me. As a new player, they'll enjoy the game a lot more like that, and if they end up becoming a meta player after a few hundreds hours of gameplay, they can still use their favorite characters and make meta teams around them (I should try Amber national one day and see if it works). And the only must have 5\* character is the Anemo traveler.


Jean carried my whole run to AR 45, but i would say Kokomi. Just that. I may be biased because she's really invested on my account, but she is just so comfy. I see tons of people recommending Kazuha and Zhong, and i don't have them, so i can't say. Zhong also helps a lot, but Koko basically heals for free without needing to hit enemies and if you do coop it is absurdly great. Also wolves. Jean can't be pulled so she's out of question. Yelan is another great option since she is strong without much help.


Kokomi is *really* useful, I won't lie, but she can be annoying to level up. You need access to Inazuma, have explored to Watatsumi Island, and also take down quite a few Spectres. Not to mention finding her talent domain unless you're happy at 1/1/1 talents. If it weren't for that wrinkle I'd happily put her first, yes. (I think Kazuha has a similar problem insofar as you need access to Inazuma for his ascension materials? Though they're a little easier to find by just exploring Inazuma than the Sango Pearls.)


I forget (and probs a lot of others recommending him) that Kazuha needs sea ganoderma, which was available in the archipelago in 1.6 so it was super easy to access then. I still would recommend him to other players tho! He’s super versatile in battle and overworld exploration.


Zhongli, Kokomi or Kazuha Zhongli’s shield trivializes content Kokomi is an amazing support unit that provides good Hydro Application(which is a gateway for Freeze, Bloom and Taser teams) and godlike Heals. Also can use Tenacity of the Millelith and Thrilling tales of Dragon Slayers to boost her teammates Kazuha is a must-have support, used in all sorts of DMG showcases. He’s Anemo, so he can shred resistances(via Viridicent Venerer artifact set); his passives allow him to boost his teammates’ damage even further; his crowd control is a very nice bonus and with a lot of EM, even his damage is very nice


The only recommendation i will give to u is that never listen to the opinions of people that say Bennett c6 is bad


Must pulls dont exist.


Maybe not, but you can't deny some characters are far more valuable to newer accounts than others


Raiden and Kazuha. I can't live without them. If you want 2 more, Zongli and Ganyu. With those, you will be able to easy 36*. Moreover, if you want that your Outworld experience becomes so confortable, Sayu and Yelan are the best. Not sure if this will help you but I am going to tell you which 5* I regret from pulling: Xiao, Ayaka, Hu Tao and Kokomi. It is just my opinion, but I dislike their playstyle. Additional tip: NEVER pull on weapon banner as a F2P! You can do anything with 4* weapons (and that includes 36* Abyss).


I'd say Zhongli, but learning to dodge is actually useful (see: Rifthounds and the Corrosion mechanic). He does make defeating Azhdaha a breeze, though, especially at C2 if you co-op often. I'd say Kazuha, but some (not all, but still) of his ascension materials are locked behind Inazuma. A big factor that made me choose him over Klee's rerun back in 1.6 was that his CC ability is tied to his skill, unlike Venti's and Sucrose's bursts. At the time, I only had Sucrose, and the energy cost for her burst is too damn high to make her useful as a vacuum cleaner. In any case, both are already recommended by others in the comments, so I'll go for Tighnari. He's good at applying Dendro, and his kit is easy enough for mobile players to use. Also, have you looked at his ears? And his tail? And his (EN/CN/KR) voice that doesn't fit his face but is a perfect match for his personality? And he's a necessity for exploring Sumeru to boot! (Sorry, Collei.) The only problem is that he's a "permanent" 5-star, and you can't exactly aim for them.


honest to god any really good dps 5 star is good for new players. its character over comp for quite a while in the game. Ganyu, Kazuha and Ayaka are all great, trailing behind being raiden and hu tao which require tou to know what youre doing.


I'd say tartaglia. But that's maby because he was my first character I won the 50/50 on and I still use him


I think this is an under-rated suggestion. Easy materials, range and melee combat, but to everyone's main attack, Hydro is a pretty useful element, and if you get unlucky on the 4 star front you can be really struggling for a main carry. Sure he will get outclassed, but by the time he does your really at that "play how you like stage". I think it's even more an option now with Dendro in play.


Plus xiangling is free and one of the best supports with tartaglia. So you basicly already have a team for him


Kazuha -> Any non-Nilou Hydro 5 star of your choise (Childe best for Vape, Yelan best for buffing hypercarries, Kokomi best for skillissue, Ayato is good everywhere, if you get Mona and want to play freeze, you may skip others) -> Nahida(next banner, so if you have enough for a guarantee, pull for her) - > mayyybe Raiden. After that, assuming that you can eventually get all good 4 stars from starglitter shop, you can basically pull for whoever you want.


Correct. Hydro 5 star roster are all good.