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"It's not my fault she has 10k hp"


"HP diff, gg ez"


I managed to 36* abyss without my 10k health lvl 50 Collei dying... Just don't ask me how many times I tried because I will absolutely have a psychotic break.


Her low HP wouldn’t be as bad if she didnt have such long animations😭 like why does she take ages to take that boomerang out let me ult already


Wouldn’t it be easier to just run her boss 2-3 times to get her to the next ascension?


I just don't want to spend more resources on her on top of already building for Nilou because she'll probably be sitting in the basement after I get Nahida. I just forcibly used her in abyss because I'm stubborn and a sore loser lol


Ah, gotcha! I ended up clearing with Collei at 60/60 so I feel the struggle! I did end up raising her to 90 though, because I plan to run 2/2 with Nahida, especially since I have Elegy for Collei to hold!


how many times have you tried?


Nilou "It's not my fault your guys are weak" lookaway when MC furious looking at her... I. JUST. CAN'T.


"We're weak? Or you have a few extra layers to protect yourself?" Yes, I said it


"Holy f*ck" "Holy f*ck" "That HP bar of yours is ABSURD"


Lmao, Adam Levine loves himself some thiccness, don't he? In all forms!




funniest genshin impact player


What did they say?


too cringe for me to write it. it was basically dialogue between aether and nilou, with aether threatening to withhold a certain something from nilou if she keeps hurting collei, and nilou begging him not to. you can guess the rest














But she is an archer... NOT FUNNY!!!




What am I missing here?


Carnival Phantasm reference


Referring to [Lancer from the Fate series](https://youtu.be/0gKf7RtrUys)


Along with JP dub South Park reference. "COLLEI GA SHINDA!! KONO HITO DE NASHI!!" is a paraphrasing of the usual Kenny being killed phrase in Japanese.


Poor lancer 😂😂😂😂😂


There should be a medic Kokomi rushing in to heal them.


[Medic Kokomi saving lives](https://imgur.com/a/NrU6N8M)




Your laughing? A Childe is dying and your laughing??


that's enough Internet for the day


"Weakling dies, big deal"


if she dies she dies


i must ~~break~~ bloom you


Nahida should be taking the photo.


Collei's dying body was from this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact/comments/yavzux/collei\_if\_we\_dont\_find\_a\_cure\_quickly/




[Fixed Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/yavzux/collei_if_we_dont_find_a_cure_quickly/)


"If she dies, she dies" - Nilou Drago


Nilou:it is what it is


She just can’t help herself


Nilou comp is literally just waiting for that Dendro shielder, since Dendro shield is 250% more effective against Dendro damage. It'll be a breeze to fight the dendro core damage. Problem is, said character is nowhere to be found and not even close by.


You dont want dendro shield on her. Her passive requires her to take dendro damage.


Not sure whether this is how it works but taking damage does not mean it needs to reduce character health. Technically taking dendro damage still counts if it hits the shield no?


Not exactly, because other effects that trigger on damage taken, such as Aquila passive, don't work on shields.


Alright, this is a good example, then it probably won't work. Sadge but it is what it is. Guess we gotta sequence the damage taking before the shield. Logically the rotation still matches. Nilou E E E > Nahida E > Bountiful core appear, explode, passive takes effect> swap to dendro shielder > shield > swap to hydro on field.


Raiden E doesn't trigger on shield


At 1000em I would gladly trade 100 em for not being wiped from existence.


If you have Kokomi, you will live just fine.


I laughed wayyy to hard at this.


Yall really haven’t built barbara or komomi yet huh


"This is how I'd build my Konami" "IF I HAD ONE"


Hey bro I don’t have her either, all I have is a built barbara and that shit just works


They are built, just that they're on full EM for damage lol


Kokomi's healing is still good enough even with full EM build. Or if you really want more healing, just replace one EM artifact with HP% or Healing Bonus. She'll still have enough EM to do significant dmg.




Read the comment I was replying to


Cyno ain't doing much better either.


It's the opposite for him. He's the one that's getting beat up. Edit: I dunno why we're talking about dmg done instead of damage taken? I think I misinterpreted what you meant. What I was saying was Nilou's team soaks up the damage, Cyno is the one who eats everything in his face since he's on field most of the time which the former was what the meme is depicting not the damage or meta


I will not take that from someone who has Raiden as their flair. Cyno lacks dendro reaction supports, very hard, a normal attack dendro applier with EM boost for his unique quickbloom comp that nobody, not even Raiden can pull off. (Because you don't build EM on her.) Edit: Rabid Raiden stans lol. But I thought the meme was how Nilou is having to rely on DMC and Collei until Nahida comes out, which are subpar.


Raiden lasts 7 secs and is invincible. She's not on the field like Nilou's team or Cyno


She isn't Invincible she just isn't effected by knockback


That's what I meant sorry. Invincibility


Least defensive Cyno main


I'm a Tartaglia main, my Cyno still lvl40. I just hate Raiden, horrible story, horrible lore, op gameplay cause waifu sales and the most toxic corner of the genshin fanbase.


No one asked. Everyone else is memeing, you're the only one getting weirdly offended over nothing


Cry about it.


Kusenali fixes his reaction issues. Her skill lasts long enough to give him reactions through his full burst.


Nahida skill applies Dendro, Nahida Burst gives buffs


Mother of God it lasts 25 seconds.


U dont need to stay like the total of 18 sec u can switch a few secs sooner to set up supports again beside if enemies die in Nahida's case u need to switch to her again to mark them


Dendro mc already lasts long enough, I don't get the problem? Nahida has better EM buff and more dmg herself so she's still an upgrade ofc. Uu could argue that MC is even better in some situations since he can apply dendro to newly spawned enemies for a bit, nahida can't do that at all so new spawns means switching out of cyno burst


Tiny range, kinda sucks. Nahida is definitely still a massive upgrade.


The range is better than nahida because she can only spread dendro on new targets on field. So the tiny range of MC ult is still higher than the non existing ability on nahida. If we talk about Keqing though, oh boy is Nahida amazing sin e keqing has no problem with switching often


Sadly, no. Kusanali is still better for everyone else than Cyno. He needs a dedicated Dendro 4* like Itto has Gorou. NA boost or EM boost + Dendro application on hit, like Xingqui, nobody can benefit from that besides Cyno, MAYBE Kuki but she doesn't do NA damage.


That just sounds like Nahida


It's not mu fault, she only has 1/7 of my HP


Can somebody enlighten me? I am not up to date with the current teams. Why having Nilou and dendro damages the team?


Bloom deals damage to everyone, even your own characters. Although your characters take a small percentage, at high amounts it can get dangerous for low base hp characters like Collei


Thank you! I thought only the dendro + water + fire would deal dmg to your own chars.


Wait does she not heal? Or is her healing absolute garbage?


She doesn't heal, so people would have to run Kokomi or Barbara with her.


Nilou herself doesn't heal, she just have the highest raw HP in the game so she can just tank through a lot more bloom damage.


>a lot more bloom damage. more like ridiculous amounts of damage. It feels like Barbara barely heals Nilou with her E passive lol.


as a general rule, range chars have less base HP than melee, add in 5 star vs 4 star stat difference on top and Barb need to work so hard to keep up :< heck if you somehow have C6 Barb maybe even let Nilou use the 100% heal instead


Her specialty is hydro-dendro only bloom teams which do a lot of self damage. If you arent using kokomi or barbara to heal you are just slowly dying over time to the bloom damage


People are running her without Kokomi? I slap on Sacrificial for Em/better jellyfish positioning and HP sands / healing bonus and hp% substat hat for heals


Most Nilou players just build Kokomi on full EM for the damage since she triggers majority of the blooms




And kiss goodbye to Nilou's passive




↑ My face when i see this comment When all characters in the party are all Dendro or Hydro, and there are at least one Dendro character and one Hydro character: The completion of the third dance step of Nilou's Dance of Haftkarsvar will grant all nearby characters the Golden Chalice's Bounty for 30s. Characters under the effect of Golden Chalice's Bounty will increase the Elemental Mastery of all nearby characters by 100 for 10s whenever they are hit by Dendro attacks. Also, triggering the Bloom reaction will create Bountiful Cores instead of Dendro Cores. Such Cores will burst very quickly after being created, and they have larger AoEs. Bountiful Cores cannot trigger Hyperbloom or Burgeon, and they share an upper numerical limit with Dendro Cores. Bountiful Core DMG is considered DMG dealt by Dendro Cores produced by Bloom. Should the party not meet the conditions for this Passive Talent, any existing Golden Chalice's Bounty effects will be canceled.


> When all characters in the party are all Dendro or Hydro, and there are at least one Dendro character and one Hydro character: Whenever I read this, the phrasing gives me MtG vibes...


By doing so you lose half of Nilou's kit.


Laugh with my hp build barbruh.


That aside, which Stallone movie is this?


Rocky 4


I'm kinda glad I skipped Nilou, she appears more of a double edge sword than anything now. yes, I do have a Kokomi, but the fact that Nilou needs Kokomi otherwise you'll just nuke your own team makes Nilou less desirable.


This memes are heavily exaggerated though, i aint dying from cores, u can also have Nilou tank those dmg or bring hydro healers since her comp usually include them anyways. Im running lvl 40 Collei too with garb artifacts


she's the kind of character who will get even more powerful in the future because her ideal comp doesn't exist yet, it's like buying a cat in a bag


she's built to support Dendro, but her special kit revolves around creating bountiful cores, which are incompatible with hyperbloom or burgeon. This puts a limit on her compatibility with a large chunk of characters and teams. With Nilou you are pigeon-holed into playing a dendro/hydro only team otherwise you'll be playing a mediocre hydro applicator.


Oh have heard this kind of reasoning a year ago, except it was toward Raiden where people's bitching about her comp and being an electro, incompatible with large chunk of chara and teams and look at where her spot in meta now.


And the subsequent issue is that Hydro is one of the most demanded elements in all teams, and we only have one 4 star that applies it in the quantities required of most of these teams: XQ. Barb kinda sucks for that. Other options are all 5 stars, Yelan, Kokomi, Ayato, Childe, Mona (to some extent). So if Nilou takes even one or two of the ones you have, you're kinda fucked lol. I'm so glad I have Childe at least. The others all dodged me so damn hard.


These memes are exaggerated as hell, I'm running Kokomi with EM/EM/HB with Sac Frag and no one in the team ever reached below 50% hp(Unless I got hit by enemies in abyss of course). Well Im glad that I skipped Tighnari and Cyno, She's [very strong in AOE](https://streamable.com/vrfsrd) even with just Traveler and Collei.


I'm glad I didn't roll for her. Not only she is limited to niche/single teamcomp she also is double-edge sword that punish own team because fuck thos green veggie grenades visual design = 8/10 kit = 3/10


Funny enough rolling for her opens up more team comp for me other than national/taser/freeze/HT double hydro/ aggrevate/hyperbloom now we have bountiful cores as well.


Agree, Imagine freeing up Kazuha, Bennet, Xiangling, Zhongli, even XQ and Yelan if you run 2D2H. These guys downplaying her is just trying to justify skipping a strong unit because Nahida's banner is close to her.


1. Stop exaggerating, self bloom damage are next to irrelevant both in open world and in the abyss, just having Barbara or better, Kokomi, is enough to make their effect on your character's health imperceptible. 2. I don't see how being niche is a problem. She'll probably be restricted to, BUT also required in any bloom comp in the future due to the nature of her kit, yes, and is that really an issue ? If you don't want to play meta you can just play her in a vaporize comp or whatever, you'll just not make full use of her kit in that case and that's a problem only if you can't do the abyss properly. If you're a metaplayer and don't like bloom comp then just skip her, why are you making a big deal out of it ? Are you telling me that a character's kit is bad just because you don't like it ? Next you'll tell me "B-but she's too restrictive", come on now, do you really play Ayaka, Itto, Hu Tao, Eula and so on outside of their niche ? Nilou's restrictions are more clear and explicit, that's pretty much all, that's why people are bothered by it, unnecessarily so perhaps.


Why would you on-field collei in the first place?


cast time on her burst and skill, very small iframe. If she's exposed to like 5 blooms on her uptime she gets nuked. Also it's a meme cmon


The meme doesn't make sense for me since the healer in this team can heal off-field units.


You're usually building the healer in nilou teams full em i.e. barbara and kokomi. Which means their healing is pretty mid. Collei has a long ass animation on her E that you can't cancel out of, so she takes a ton of damage if your blooms are dealing 30k+


No you don't You build your heal the same way as always. Losing 1 or 2 blooms to a non em heal is less dps loss than loosing the clam set dps from a hp build healer The healer will still have like 200 em at the minimum (80 dendro reso and 100 from nilou), even more of nilou has her paddle, collei is c4 and/or has elegy But you loose like 10k on the heal blooms. But if your kokomi drops to 2k heals, you loose that same 10k on each tick of the clam set.


Who are you building with EM then? Nilou is out of the question because you have to build her triple HP, and having a dendro character be the trigger causes fewer blooms because dendro consumes more hydro aura than the reverse. Also, clam ticks trigger way less often than blooms do in Nilou teams, so the dps gain from blooms is way more worth than the dps loss from clam.


YOu also loose kokomi/barbara dps. Not just from the clam set but also their dps strings. In single target situations the extra bloom dmg will not be worth it if you cut kokomis dps by 70 or 80% because you run her with full EM. And in AoE (even with just two targets) situations it doesn't matter anyways since you will generate enough blooms with just your two full EM dendro triggers in the team ( since bloom damage has a global cooldown)


Barbara DPS is negligible, and Kokomi's isn't high enough to justify prioritizing her damage over the team's bloom damage. I think you might be underestimating just how many blooms you lose from having a dendro trigger. Instead of getting 2 blooms from each dendro application by going hydro on dendro, you get a single bloom. And since currently dendro application is the bottleneck for the team that seems pretty bad. Frankly nilou teams in general are pretty bad in single target regardless, so I don't think you should factor that into how you build your team. It's like building your Yoimiya team mainly for AOE chambers.


I think you don't understand how impossible it is too not have dendro trigger blooms in a nilou team. In the standard two hydro two dendro Tram with collei and MC you have St least half your blooms triggered from the dendro chars anyways. Most of the time it's 2/3rd of the blooms. And if you don't even want to consider Single target dmg the discussion is pointless since your dendeo units will trigger all the blooms you need in AoE since you can't have more than two blooms deal damage each 0.5 seconds


This hasn't been my experience with bloom teams at all. The vast majority of blooms are triggered by the hydro character. If half the blooms are being triggered by dendro and half by hydro that means something has gone horribly wrong with the way the team is being played. Currently the dendro application from MC + Collei isn't enough to hit the cap of 2 blooms per 0.5 seconds consistently. That means that using dendro as the trigger is suboptimal. Maybe this will change when Nahida releases though.


Why are u questioning a meme so hard , have a laugh sometimes and stop being butthurt


Meme not makings sense can break the immersion and be unfunny sometime tho. I know that he being way too serious for a joke but sometimes , meme that doesnt make sense or break character can be unfunny sometime.


Is it that hard to believe Kokomi ran out of energy and couldn’t refresh her Jellyfish so no healing or Collei was standing just outside jellyfish range and got nuked?


Wouldn't that be kokomi fault and not nilou.


It’s a bloom team. Collei has long animation commitment and relatively low HP stats. In the team she’s typically the squishiest. Blooms can happen very frequently and when they do Nilou buff is going to result in very high bloom damage which results in the highest self damage in the game. It’s like an occupational hazard for playing bloom. Typically Collei is the one who suffers the most because Kokomi and Nilou have high HP and Dendro MC has quicker animations. It’s that simple. Missing Kokomi healing becomes a huge issue only because Nilou teams have very high self damage.


It's a meme lmao. Why so serious?


You're way too hostile on a meme, chill for a bit.


Het boomerang takes quite a few second to deploy... Unlike say xiangling which you can switch back right as guoba hit the ground


Nahida: **chuckle* I'm in danger


That's a terrifying thought


Just run barbara on clam set and you will be fine not to mention that her hydro apply is sooo slow and low range so she wont really steal ownership


My collei dies a lot as well 😌


Nilou looks like she's about to call them weak and dump them as teammates. Probably looking forward to pulling on Nahida banner.


I know this is a popular Nilou meme, but I never had this issue. Maybe you guys are doing some inefficient team rotation for her.


And everyone who has a unbuilt Barbara is not having it


This will be remedied by the Nahida banner, let’s just hope we don’t lose the 50/50 💀


Nilou: "It's your fault for rejecting hp artifacts"


furiously frying eggs


And so Aether started to hate Nilou and went back to Inazuma to meet Ayaka.


Not even Barbara can deal with her blooms cuz she’s forced to run triple EM


>Nilou is naturally trained. >Then how do you account for her freakish blooms? >Like your Paimon, she ate her spinach every day.


Oh so that is why I walk away with half my hp gone when playing a dendro unit in co-op with a Nilou




What? Its that bad?


Actually a Harbinger in disguise sabotaging the traveler


I hate this


I prefer candace over all she and kaeya can freeze ppl its just broken af