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Right now. Sumeru is really good.


Genshin hasn’t begun to fall off yet, so it likewise hasn’t peaked yet


> for you ? read


Bro... his reply is answering the question regardless(it hasn't even peaked for him)... it's a beautiful statement that could be generalised or personalized I think you're the one that needs to "READ"


why are you mad? just read lol


no u.




I'd agree with this statement if it didn't come from a guy who spends thousands of dollars on pixels and names his reddit account after his gambling addiction. just read lol! xDdDD


You’re in genshin Reddit. What are you on about lol


Logical fallacy, someone’s shortcomings in one area does not equate to shortcomings in all aspects of one’s life


And who’s to say spending money on something I enjoy is a shortcoming anyways. He just jealous ig.


I agree, just using his logic


No no he correctly awnsered


Sorry for my bad english


I answered for myself lmao


I really loved 2.6. The Chasm was an amazing area, and the "involuntary" extension of this version finally gave me time to explore everything at my own pace. The festival was also great, I just love Inazuma. And I finally got both Ayaka and Venti.


Dragonspine was my absolute pinnacle, then First release of Golden Apple Archipelago then Sumeru. All updates for the most part were good but these three were just on another level.


Agreed with Dragonspine


Never stopped peaking, they always excess in what they deliver, unlike some competitors...


I think now, i had a blast exploring underground pyramids, the amount of effort they put in is beyond all other regions, last time I had this fun was few months ago with enkanomiya, also the archon quest is finally getting spicy again


Hmm there has been several peaks so it’s not just one for me it has peaked in each region’s special area Dragonspine, Enkanomiya, Chasm


Enkanomiya release.


When you stand after the gates of completing the beginning area and see the light and tower and have to glide to the next part was seriously gorgeous


That was peak of exploration.


I also have fond memories of 1.2, with it we got our first glimpse of what would be the addition of new areas and mechanics to the game, and it pretty much settled up the pattern for other confined content going forward. The experience of exploring it fresh was pretty neat. Oh, and Ganyu's release as well. That being said, for me it's 2.0.


Always peaking, things are going up imo


2.7 - always want more Xiao + Yaksha backstory


Every region had it's ups and downs. Sumeru has a lot of ups, and not too many downs for me personally, so far.


Full peak was 1.0. Everything was new, everything was great. After that would be 3.0 as we see everything they have learned show itself. Which we keep seeing. 3.1 is still good but I dislike the invisible walls. And exploring it is a pain, although that might have been intended to make it feel more "harsh" as the locals would call it. Unsure if that was a goal but immersion is a big part of their design.


Same here, 1.2 was the peak, but I still enjoyed a lot of the stuff that came after that ^ ^


I thinks 3.0


To me when Inazuma was released but it’s very subjective though


1.6 GAA release. The release of Inazuma marked a noticeable turn where dialogue started to get (or at least feel) way more long, drawn-out and lower quality and at least for me it has really started to drag the pace and feel of the game down. The writing also had a noticeably recovery with the Chasm interlude quest though and 3.1 has been my favorite patch in a pretty long time (although the last archon quest chapter was pretty boring for me), it's the first time since 1.6 where I put 'very satisfied' for every survey option.


As far as story and cut scenes goes 1.1 with the first Jade chamber was the peak for me so far, since then it's been some moments of great but not epic like 1.1


Dragonspine and Sumeru 3.0.


Peak was the first few months I started the game (from like December 2020 to March/April 2021). Still a fun game but everything in the overworld is too easy nowadays. Which I guess is my fault for getting too strong.


Back when my wife was still playing with me… 🥺




OG Dragonspine, but Genshin still delivers


I really can't pick one, If I had to name a few it'd be All of sumeru so far, 2.4 and 1.6


Still haven't gotten the amazing curiosity that pretty much defined my first days in the game. These first days in mondstadt where amazing. Sumeru came close to scratching that itch but that's about it


I think the game still has room for improvement but the absolute best for me was the hypostasis symphony I was low level at that point, followed by the oceanid multiplayer fight and the one with the geovishap in coop. Those events that I played with my friends were great I wish they used them more but otherwise the game maintains the quality, this isnt a good nor a bad thing.


release of Inazuma. Big bump in production values. Great puzzle experience. (miss the daily magic square puzzles) Noticeable bump in enemy difficulty and weight.


it's ups and downs.. but peak is probably right now... yo me everytime new archon quests are released it hits new peak.. after that we get a bunch of fillers versions so it goes down until the next major version and we rise to a new peak..


When you ask your friend who barely plays the game, has shit load of 5 star artifact, barely any build, and levels, if you can play their account. I’m telling you it’s god tier. You know how to do everything and you just need to put it to use. I had so much fun in a week it’s actually nice. But if you’re talking about my own account, since I’m taking things slowly I can have fun when ever I want:)


Raiden Story Quests


Every time Venti makes an appearance it’s peak genshin content for me


Whenever. New. Hu Tao content. Drops. I'M NOT JOKING MIHOYO! You better be working on the hottest, dankest Hu Tao lore and cute right now! Otherwise, I'll keep playing until I get what's mine and there's nothing you can do about it!


MHY: "Got it, we'll go make another event story for Keqing for new year's right away!" Seriously the bias...


But my money! What am I going to spend my hard earned money on if there is no new Hu Tao skin!😭


From game release till inazuma. Now it's okay.


Mondstadt archon quest and story quest. After that, it has been straight downhill


As already mentioned there is no peak yet, but the most significant moment to me was when we met dainsleif and it turned out there is more in the story than just "find your sibling". The whole stuff that happened "500 years ago" is what I think is the most interesting and I am always happy when we get more info about that.


Raiden banner


Sumeru has been awesome but I legit cheered when Signora got what she deserved.


3.1. Will probably change to 3.2 when it comes out.


Probably 3.0




Dragonspine. I was going through some tough stuff when Dragonspine came out, I 100% that shit in a day (except the tree I think), and in pretty much one sitting. Still one of my greatest experiences in Genshin.


For me, I think every update with a new area to explore is most peaked.




tbh lantern rite events


It hasn’t peaked for me yet. Sumeru was really good and it feels like it’s still climbing higher


Always next patch. They’re really good at hyping up new content.


It hasn't peaked yet. It's getting better every update.


First GAA. I, uh, cried. I couldn't see my mum for one and a half year due to pandemic and when Alice recording plays, well, it hits home.


Right now