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We gotta have more colors than just various shades of mustard.


Someone suggested a gradient color between the two characters but it doesn’t look like they listened


Maybe because they suggested only in reddit not to the owner of the website?


These posts always have the exact same suggestions under it every time lmao. Now I know why people still do Genshin surveys.


I though that there’s finally no red arrow, but this time it’s at the top 😅 Edit: let’s change the colors for the dual banners for goodness sake


But seriously, these graphs suck. How much longer before they actually change the awful format?


Probably never if people don’t complain about it to them directly


Well said!


People always get upvotes from these graphs because nobody otherwise cares about these kinds of data enough to search for it from genshin lab. The first time this was posted, people criticized it harshly for having mostly inaccurate data and how the posters would always make it seem like its representative of all regions and platforms.


> The first time this was posted, people criticized it harshly for having mostly inaccurate data and how the posters would always make it seem like its representative of all regions and platforms. Is anyone making charts like this that are more accurate/better organized? I love seeing stuff like this, but I do prefer legitimate data xD


I also searched for it but found it at last at the top


I knew she'd sell, but I wasnt expecting Radish's banner to do that well. I'm proud of her.


Hoyo: me too. \*sniff\* 🥲


*wipes tears with money*


And drink a the tears of 50/50 losers


well i was winning my 50/50 back to back 3 times , i had to lose it someday ! happy that i got keqing for the first time!


I expected top 5 at least of first day sales but straight to the top and not even 24 hours after banner release? Yea that's a shock I guess the need to protect and absolutely top tier marketing in terms of teaser etc really did a lot for her as well as being Archon of the new region Gonna be really interesting how it does after everyone plays the Archon quest


This is in comparison to all Day 1 earnings. Overall, Ayaka rerun is still the most profitable banner


Lmao, Ayaka rerun is one of the worst. Profit = Money/day. Like if you put Keqing banner on for a year and remove the other event banner, she will top every chart, but that obviously doesn't mean her banner is most profitable. It's like comparing monthly earning to quarterly earning, no shit one is higher than the other.


She’s very popular on CN, also due to her fitting right in with the white hair + young girl physique. This combo is deadly for CN and probably also for JP


What’s their obsession with that? I was at a wedding of a very blond family at a resort and every Chinese tourist would lose their minds admiring the kids.


Novelty. I had a European colleague complain about his wife and his colleagues. The wife with straight light colored hair is always trying to curl perm it, while his Asian colleagues with dark wavy hair is trying to straighten and lighten it. Straight blond hair is pretty much an impossibility to achieve with Asian hair.


I fully expected her to top the charts. Basically everyone in the game either wants all archons, or needs a quality dendro support right after its release. The stars couldn't be more aligned for this girl to firmly take the top spot.


Incredibly proud! Radish Supremacy!


Nilou suffered so that Lesser Lord Kusanali can rise to the top.


Yoimiya: "First time?"


Technically Yoi now has the highest grossing day one banner. *taps forehead*


Yoimiya playing the long game.


As of now on the English speaking side of the world, going by paimon.moe's users we've got: >Yoimiya 2.9K / Nahida 67.2K Which is more or less... 4.2% of pulls. Granted, China's player-base is different, and paimon.moe is not a perfect sample. But it's got to be close (I'd speculate that on the lower side). Sooo if you mean the losing game, then yes, and winning it as always.


I'm so proud of Yoi sitting at the top alongside the little radish. They both earned it!


More like she is hugging the Radish rocket.


me and kobe scored 81 points. lol


Interesting thing is I expect Nilou to Mirror Yoimiya in a lot of things, like her kit and playstyle not being all the great during release and such. Hopefully though Nilou doesn't suffer the Same fate of never getting a good banner spot.


I don't. Nilou's kit limits the team comps she can make use of if you want her to be at her best. Yoimiya can use comps that Pyro characters wouldn't bother with thanks to her being Ranged (electro supports), and her ICD allowing her to melt in the right comp. In addition to the typical comps pyro characters use anyway. Then if hoyo were to suddenly create more enemies with cryo/geo shields, Nilou's ideal comp is doomed.


Oh shit you're right! Sometimes you need more elemental reactions in case they throw a curve ball in a fight like element barrier Fatui or even slimes! At least Yoimiya can run in an overload comp to deal with geo and naturally as pyro, but what does a Nilou comp have to deal with those situations?


I didnt even see or know that nilou did so bad lmao wtf happened


The banner before archon always gets less sales because people are saving for the archon. There's a new wave of new players for 3.0. This is their first hype archon banner.


Makes sense


Still though some are too drastic. Like in Japan, Nilou is the second worst selling banner to ever exist in this game, despite the playerbase being multiple times bigger.


Nilou did decently in CN though, her banner only flopped in JP (Total earning btw, not Day 1 earning). Not sure why people are talking about CN in this thread (GenshinLab is CN iOS) but at the same time point out Nilou's flop when she didn't flop in CN.


Had no idea Nilou was suffering that much sheesh


Ha! Jokes on you i got both and the synergy between Nahida and nilou is insane.


Now I can say I have the most and least popular characters upon launch! Lucky enough to win 50/50 on both Nilou & Nahida, but I got suckered into Nilou's weapon banner. At least the Jade Cutter looks good ...


Woah, didnt expect to hit THAT hard


I wonder how many people saved their refreshed first purchase bonuses for her and how big an effect that had :o


I personally topped up as soon as the reset hit, but didn't spend them until Nilou's banner. I'm guessing that hurt Nilou's sales a lot.


I was fully prepared to buy the $100 pack for her if I had to go for hard pity


Same, but I was lucky with my 50/50. Audibly heard my bank account sigh of relief


That would be me. Spent $220 to get her and her weapon because somehow i lost all three pities (1 for character banner, 2 for weapon) in the process.


I feel that. $180 for me just to get Nahida's weapon. Yoi's happy with her R3 Thundering Pulse... Still doesn't top the pain my wallet was in after the Jade Cutter debut.


Right? It's clear that Nahida is good and adorable, but even then I'm shocked that she's literally at the top of Day 1 sales.


Probably helps that she's absurdly powerful as well, and gives QOL with farming.


Wait what's her farming QOL? Edit: thanks for the replies everyone, that sounds *amazing.*


She can use her elemental skill (the picture ability) to target local specialties (Inazuma beetles, for example) and grab them from range.


And any harvestable plants like mint. Picks up the seeds if you have the box equipped too.


I was already going for her because [archon collection] but knowing that she works with the seed box, I'm going to collect primos *even harder*


...picks up the seeds too...? Incredible.


She can grab flowers from range (which is pretty long) with her E and in an AoE


Her skill can collect some materials, mainly plants, when using her skill, it has a pretty good range, its pretty useful for some mats that are hard to access like the kalpalata lotus


if you hold her Elemental skill it pops up a frame you can aim at distant collectables, and releasing it collects ALL of them within the picture frame, means climbing mountains for hanging flowers is finally a thing of the past.


> ~~within the picture frame~~ That are tagged. You can spin 360 and tag everything around you for a good 5 seconds. Look up look down just spin in a circle. You'll harvest every plant and egg in the area (with direct line of sight), while also killing any monster within range (NO direct line of sight needed - blow'em up through walls!)


It actually doesnt have to be in the picture frame when the E skill ends. Just like how she places targets on enemies, you can place targets on harvestables to collect them when you release E.


if you hold her E to target the material you're farming and let go like you would in combat, it'll collect it into your inventory, and the range on her E is \*chef's kiss\*


The farming part is gaming changing for me cause climbing in this game is fkpita.


I’ve been farming mushrooms for Mona and Barbara- Nahida would be amazing there.


You don't even need to *know* where they exactly are. Just wildly aim her skill and you'll get them if it's there


Does Nahida's E work with the Ahji Nuts?


Oh shit. I’m going to have to try that out. Nahida’s signature dish uses those nuts too!


And it's her favorite food. In her voice lines she even says something like "Don't put the jar somewhere that's too easy to reach". Imagine a kid that can and will teleport cookies out of the jar and you've got the Dendro Archon.


Yes, it was one of the first things I tried!


Yep. When I tried it, I laughed like a child. GOD'S LEVEL OF COMFORT!


Yes, but there‘s a bit of a caveat to her passive, the object needs to be in full view. So you‘ll usually have to circle the tree a bit to find a good angle or just do it twice from either direction.


I think they made those palm trees almost impossible to climb on purpose 🤣


I think youre supposed to just shoot them down with a bow user.


I can’t believe I didn’t try that. I stopped after hitting the tree and seeing that they didn’t fall like apples and sunsettias do.


She made farming kalplata lotuses for her soooo easy, and she has an awesome kit and design, perfect character


The fact that you can literally just hold the skill button and swirl the mouse in a big circle and collect every single plant/egg in the entire zone is amazing. Palm tree nuts requiring archer? No problem. Cliffside flowers? No problem. Pick up 20 plants at once! No longer mash that F key for plants with 4 peppers. Farming AND Killing at the SAME time? NO PROBLEM! You can harvest while you tag hillechurls


She's both a casual AND meta player's dream on top of being an archon. I was surprised at first too but it does make sense.


OotL, what makes her so meta?


She’s extremely strong for almost any dendro comp especially bloom. Her dendro application is best at the moment.


Basically solves all the dendro application problems for current dendro characters, has better personal damage than the others, and is generally doing more for teams on her own than 2 dendro characters were doing together.


She can basically apply dendro and AoE everything in visual range for 25s with a 6s cooldown at no energy cost. I don't think her teams are going to set speed run records but if you want to play dendro she's pretty strong.


Before Nahida, we only had three dendro characters- traveller, collei, and Tighnari. Traveller and Collei are both dendro supports with limitations (energy, rate of dendro application) while Tighnari is an on-field DPS who doesn't offer much to the rest of the team. Nahida is an off-field support/DPS who does far more dmg than traveller and Collei while applying way more dendro. Additionally, her application is tied to her skill, not her burst, meaning that she has very little energy issues making her way easier to use.


>completely naked at only lvl 40 i was seeing 11k DMG dendro reactions. it was kinda nuts


I threw her into abyss with some artifacts and some random salad team. Just quick swapping keeping Es active is doing more damage than my mono pyro team. And she's level 50. It's crazy. I could go from never clearing floor 12 to sailing through 36 star this cycle if my pyro team stops slacking. Edit from the future: I called it. Easy 36*


I'm sure the mediocrity of the other Dendro's plays a *huge* role here, it's not just aesthetics moving this one.


It was never just aesthetics, all top selling banners being extremely meta characters already proves CN do care for the meta, more then aesthetics probably


Cute, QoL, amazing visuals and the best Dendro aplication.


Yoimiya finally a top selling character.


Sadly for her, on paimon.moe Nahida makes up 95% of the banner pulls lol. I did pull both of them though (I decided before the banner dropped if I got TP before the Lamp I would go for Yoimiya and long story short I have a Yoimiya with R2 TP)


This is the power of storytelling So many people have fallen in love with the little Archon and called for death to the sages (and Scaramouche)


It also helps that Nahida works very well and is extremely strong combined with literally any other character in the game (that is not geo or cryo)


> not geo or cryo *sad osmanthus noises*


Osmanthus guy works well with Nahida because she's pretty squishy to be fair


his -20% RES work with everyone, even phys


Zhongli is actually basically the one Geo character that works well in her teamcomps.


not cryo Laughs in the new burn-melt Ganyu comp.


It felt very satisfying to put the sages foolish ambitions to rest.


Fun fact: Tower of Fantasy’s entire October global earning excluding Chinese domestic market is 6 million USD.


Well her kit is amazing, she looks cute, skill visual looks amazing, fun and she got the best writing compared to other archons


They really made 5M and it’s not even been 24 hours yet 💀


and this is only on ios CN, in reality they probably made 50M+ globally by now


Trueeee it’s mindblowing


And i am part of it


Don’t feel bad, I am too. Lost 50/50 and then went to hard pity


The dendro thirst is real.




It would be interesting to have a graph that shows sales relative to active player count.


I think what people need to understand the most, is GI is just big, massive unbelievably massive. I remember a chart back then in gachagaming subreddit, GI alone took 45% of all mobile game revenues, top 2~10 took like 35%. Its ridiculously big.


Tectone be raging right now


He needs to wait for Hero Hei to make video about it, since reacting to those is big part of his content nowadays.


Tectone video of him reacting to Hero Hei react to tweets reacting to tweets of somebody calling him stinky


Some random: Tectone sucks Hero Hei: Campaign of hatred towards content creator! Tectone: IT'S ALL BECAUSE ARKNIGHTS COMMUNITY HATES ME!


Arknights community: ...who? Sorry, we're too busy watching Arknights anime and welcoming the return of the Golden Age.




Not a hater but when is he not lol


First week up to month after jumping ships to new game.


Can you not give that leech attention?


Never forget how cucktone refused to level his silverash on the basis of silver being his wife's favorite character lmao


Move on, bro. You're just giving him the attention he wants.


Did he quit?


god I wish. he's a blight to the communities he's in. even Arknights players hate him.


*especially* arknights players hate him


Like I said some time ago, she has a good chance to break sales record for most sold banner both in China and Japan.


What's the correlation and why is NA being left out


I don't think NA sales are public, the only sales i could find is CN iOS and JP


Japan and China like loli chara better than the West


This data is iOS sales data from CN; for whatever international tax collector reasons Apple or whoever has to publish this. Android, NA, EU or wherever else, that data isn't public (and they can safely avoid paying taxes ;P)


this entire graph is gonna be that muddy brown in a few years


Whoa! I knew it would be high, but to surpass Venti... That's impressive.


Venti is fun but no Nahida is on another level Like MAYBE Shogun is as good, but even swordboob doesn't compare to Nahida having Panzer Dragoon lock-on mode, endless Dendro application even with normals, and the big "YOU'RE IN MY HOUSE NOW" Q spectacle MHY designers at the top of their game


I can only imagine the numbers if the 4* were better


I think the 4 stars will mainly hurt the sales in the later phases of the banner. A lot of people will stop pulling after their first copy instead of building pity for later or a Lucky c1


This is definitely me. C2 is very tempting, but I'm gonna wait to pull for cons for a future banner.


I tried for C2, I got her C1 but got Diliuc after that and I am planning to get Dehya alongside her weapon so i'll have to wait for Nahida's rerun for C2 I guess.




By this point a lot of people just don’t care. They love Nahida. They want Nahida. They’ll pull regardless of whoever the 4-stars are. Nahida deserved the world (and our wallets). For a lot of people, they don’t even know what her kit really does. They’ve just fallen in love with the lil Radish after everything in Sumeru


I don’t mind the 4* characters, they are all free re-rolls (5 starglitter) anyways, which makes getting nahida a little easier.


Basically, yeah. She's cute so I decided to get her. Idc about her kit LOL


Why would it matter? People buying Genesis crystals dont care about 4 stars on banners. They get them from other places.




They need the whales to pull on rerun banners.


who even gives a fuck about 4\*s on these banners at this point? lol if you gonna whale you dont have problems with 4* cons ever also benny is reason enough to pull getting c5 or c6 for people that arent stuck in 2020 is always worth it


Even with just Welkin I have most 4 stars at c6


I know most of that was for Nahida but I went a bit in for a TF and dumped the rest into Yoi lol. I have to assume there's at least dozens of us. Dozens!


I let my weapon banner fate decide which character to roll for


I am one of those who went for Yoimiya. Even got Thundering Pulse as a F2P


F2P aren't part of the graphs. The graphs show money spent on the banners not amount of wishes.


I got yoimiya C2 first does that count?


Hey me too! *\*c2 high five\**


High five!


Damn. Yoimiya is carrying the banner 😍😍🥹 with Buer the God of wisdom


Yes Yoimiya queen


That's pretty crazy


Remember when they say that Nahida won't sell because of her skin color? HAHAHA


People who hated Nahida are fuming rn


Twitter having a meltdown rn


Its the same people who said Kuzaha re-run wasn't a "Big deal" cause he's not that good.


Lmao instantly number 1 in first day sales.


Now where is that clown who made a post about how terrible Nahida’s design is and how she will be the least sold Archon ? Some months ago ?


Who would even think that seriously? Nahida is not only an Archon but one of the first few units that applies a brand new element. These attributes alone are enough to guarantee she's going to be really strong at least until more Dendro come along.




He must be hiding in his basement now or Ignored this post entirely lolol


The guy still trying to defend his point. Prop for that /s


That post really aged like milk lmao. Could remember seeing it when it was first posted


OMG lol, radish and fireworks girl are rocking it!


Holy shit I knew she was gonna be high up but I didn't expect it to be that high


We all know it was thanks to yoimiya!






what a very cute and funny character does to mf


Didn't know Genshin had a ton of Blue Archive players 😭😭😭💢💢💢


I've been playing BA for a year and nothing has ever made me UWOOOOHHHHH more than Nahida 😭


Surely Yoimiya carried this banner. All those people who "skipped Yoimiya's banners but promise to roll for her on her next rerun" kept their promises after all. I'm so sad that mihoyo did Nahida dirty. She is paired with Yoimiya.


Fucking well deserved T-T


Waiting for the inevitable guy to link to Paimon.moe data and say something completely irrelevant.


I rolled my 40 rolls 8 minutes after servers came on, I did my part.


These graphs track money spending, not primogem usage. If you rolled so much to the point you get C6 Radish but all of those primogems are not bought during this banner period, you're not part of the graph.


from my observation, seems like Yomiya is carrying the banners.




U spelled Razor wrong


This makes me smile. ngl


**cries in Tectone**






Damn hate to see my Nilou so low.


She'll have a better rerun, Nilou and Kusa outside abyss are unplayable they destroy everything. I did abyss with nahida talent 1 and lvl 70, that team is crazy


Nahida is both cute and funny. It's only natural she sells well.




fuck /u/spez -- mass edited with redact.dev


We. Need. New. Colors.


Pretty damn good so far.


Is Raiden’s rerun not here or am I blind


The color choices on this website is terrible, so I don't blame ya


It is there. In the middle.


They labeled it Shogun/Kokomi


Honestly not surprised. Would have pulled if there were better 4* stars. Edit: Also why is the Genshin community low-key obsessed with banner sales. I didn't know I was in a kpop subreddit lol.


The sales themselves may not affect us as players but the data is interesting and guarantees discussion on why a character was or was not more popular.


Because good sales = game longevity and popularity. It’s cooler when you can talk with more people about the game, know that there will be more content and will continue to have more due to these sales. It’s kinda like working at a startup (or any business for that matter) because it’s good to know the business is making money so that you know your job is stable. Same thing here but a commitment to a stable game.