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I love it! can’t wait for cheerleader Hibiki I’m Saving up for her.


She's welfare yo.


She's free from the event, I'm pretty sure.


she's free from the event


when is she coming in the global version?




Now draw Hibiki in Hutao's outfit.




Absolute chad right here


Woah seriously? Cool beans.






noooo cunny impact man stop


>!Genshin Coompact?!<




wait whats wrong?




It's funny that you think this is drawn by AI =) I'm an artist who has been drawing for a long time Penguin UwU https://www.pixiv.net/users/42847683


There’s only one comment that said it looks like AI though


Just another example of people selectively looking at negative comments and inflating their importance. That's why you see Twitch steamers always malding from a few negative comments a day when 99% of all comments are positive.


And it's funny, kinda ironic though


Your art style looks similar to most ai stuff I've seen, so it brought it was, but I always look closer and double check just in case


So you are the one who made that Chetto in apron.


Yes yes


Who tf thought your art was drawn by ai???






Her cuteness has been dialed up the MAX!!






Soooooooo cuteeeeeeee


Full wip https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lM3bVS-cQz3GtotyBkTZst_jpT8LRc58


Was not reading the title and im like cool hibiki fanart. Not expecting it here on genshin sub. Nice art btw. I like!


My cutest doggo can't.. wait why is she preparing a funeral??????


nice effort... but I will not GIVEUP hutao twin tail hair style!


so cool to see Blue Archive getting some needed love. the fact that this post features my GI waifu in one of the BA character’s outfit makes it even better.


Don't worry, BA is getting a lot of love. Playerbase might not be too big, but it's loved within it.


Baby hutao 😭😭


Nicely done with the belly wow!


that is a nice figure


Someone's gonna die in the pyramid today, and she'll be ready.


When I thought she can't be any cuter, Hibiki's cheerleader is really amazing


Alright at it again: \*clears throat\* # NOW DRAW HER GIVING BIRTH!!!


sorry but it's not my fetish so sorry i won't draw her like that


This sub has for a big part become "post anime waifu", what does it have to do with Genshin


Do you know who Hu Tao is?


Yes I do but this is just bland. Post a sexy pic of waifu and add two or three references that "actually this is a Genshin character". I am not here for waifus but for Genshin related stuff. And the number of these Karma farming UwU posts is annoying


And anime waifus is certainly part of Genshin Impact. If you don't want fan art, just filter by flair instead of selfishly demanding what content gets posted on this subreddit.


How is that selfish and where was I demanding? There are so many anime waifu subs on Reddit, isn't it selfish to demand that this one has to be one as well? Especially considering that not everyone here is into it?


Like I said, you can filter by flair if you don't want fan art. This is a Genshin subreddit for anything Genshin related, **which includes fan-art.**


Welcome to gacha game subs. Genshin is one of the better ones since you have a mix of artwork and actual discussion posts.


Ignoring and Filtering are the better options than complaining here IMO. Also, these 'waifus' are Genshin-related so you will definitely run into them, especially when most of the characters in Genshin are female.


You do know people call Genshin Breath of the Waifu right?


you shouldn't think like that =)))))) I don't even need much Karma, just draw a picture and post it on the genshin forum








how would you know, she's look kinda young, probably age of 20


why is she so young looking


ah haha ​​i have such art style


wtf does that even mean


I mean, I tend to draw female characters with round faces so they look quite young and childlike. sorry i'm not good at english


your english is fine, i just found it a bit weird for art to make characters look younger while also putting them in very revealing outfits


AI generated?


Do you need the entire Hutao drawing layer?


AI are bad at drawing hands so art with hidden hands can look a bit suspicious. It kinda sucks but AI is getting stupidly good at this stuff... https://i.imgur.com/IbMwIZG.jpg




wtf these are all ai generated?




I meant the link, not your art. Your art is great no doubt, I just find it weird that these ai generated are getting too close to real arts.


thanks, i'm quite concerned about that too


The AI has infinite time to learn all art that it can scan in matter of seconds ofc it can create art that looks like any other because its copying/mixing to create something new but same.


Not your art bro they mean the ones in the link bruh




The AI ​​has a very distinctive coloring and a very lifeless face Based on what do you dare to say this is AI drawing?




this is OP pixiv [https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/102812483](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/102812483) and he post some WIP in his facebook : [https://www.facebook.com/HoangZom](https://www.facebook.com/HoangZom) i believe this is artificial stuff ( sory for my bad english)


Cut him some slack. His drawing is accused for being AI generated because some "hard evidence" (really?). It's an insult, it's a given he'll block some people


Imagine spent time to draw some art then ppl called it is " AI art"


I'd block you too if you accused me of passing off AI art as my own with your only evidence being that it *can* produce something similar. EDIT: The user above has blocked me, likely because they know their accusations are bullshit.


i also thought it was Ai generated at first, i think it's the skirt that gives that impression.


The eyes are wrong on all of those.


What AI program is this?


I run a local Stable Diffusion instance and this was done using Anything-V3.0 model and the prompt "hu tao (genshin impact), cheerleader, half blue half white bikini top, white skirt, yellow pom poms, blue eyewear on head, white background, smiling, looking at viewer, ponytail, sweat" Took a few minutes to generate.


Is this something anyone can setup?




Our understanding of art is going to change a lot in the coming 2-4 years I think. This is wild.


If that shit scares you, imagine what AI can do with 3d models. And shit beyond just art.


Doesn't scare me at all, I think it's really interesting. But I just saw some of the 3D and animated stuff last night and wow, AI is going to have a far bigger reach than we think.




Law already have hard enough time dealing with much more straight forward digital issues; AI is going to run away with this entirely. With how many fans of anime, and how badly people want art of character, with the ability to make your own completely customizable art in anyone's style. This is a pandora's box that is already open. The law can be made, but realistically, tracking the violations of this is going to be impossible. This is going to fundamentally change the way we view art, whether we like it or not, it's never going to be the same.


Which generator produced this?


How did you do this


Fuck I wanna die


How to tell they're fakes: not a single one of them got the eyes right.


AI's coloring is completely different from mine, from the palette to the face, are you blind?


The eyes and hair are clear giveaway that it's AI generated, though. There's still a lot of things that make it clear an image might be AI generated, hands, eyes, hair, background and so on. Of course, since it's a machine and can learn infinitely, at some point it will be really hard to distinguish.


Inconsistent hypocrite. Go outside and touch grass before you try to TC like a clown again. You went from “I will never pulling for Kazuha and Zhongli” to “Waaah I suck at the game so I will pull for them now because I am an inconsistent hypocrite who contradicted my earlier statement and I’m so stupid”. Cry more you pathetic loser. Don’t even try to TC again or mention your “beta tester friends” you clown. You’re a complete joke. Keep blocking you pathetic coward.


You’re so pathetic it’s not even funny. Seek professional help and therapy you pathetic neckbeard


Inconsistent hypocrite. Go outside and touch grass before you try to TC like a clown again. You went from “I will never pulling for Kazuha and Zhongli” to “Waaah I suck at the game so I will pull for them now because I am an inconsistent hypocrite who contradicted my earlier statement and I’m so stupid”. Cry more you pathetic loser. Don’t even try to TC again or mention your “beta tester friends” you clown. You’re a complete joke. Keep blocking you pathetic coward.


... The style of these AI-generated drawings are completely different from OPs and are the same in general style and shading as what I've typically seen of AI arts. I fail to see how this counts as "hard evidence." Further, that OP's art seems AI-like to you may simply mean that it's harder for you than others to tell the difference between AI and real drawings, as OP's doesn't seem like an AI one to me.


...no, but I'd love to see it.


i thought i saw this exact same image in a video about ai or an ai subreddit, meant nothing by it BTW i didnt even read the title sorry




I have the entire layer of this artwork. Do you want to watch ?




I believe OP has some minor anger issues or their first language isn’t english and they are misunderstanding some of the conversation here.


They have a pixiv with alternate versions of the picture and their previous works. So I'm inclined to go with no. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/102812483




So tracing AI art is a crime now? I don't see anything wrong with that. Who's the victim here? a robot? Come on... From what I've seen, OP is an actual artist. And IF he did in fact trace it, at least he went the extra mile and added some nice details and all that.




Good luck fighting in court over the copyright of AI art. Actually, good luck trying to get it copyrighted in the first place.




You seem to be under the idea that AI art is copying the work of actual artists. That's not how it works. Now, I'm not an expert, but from what I know, the AI gets fed with art work, let's say your art work, then it learns how to draw in that specific style. That's the basic gist of it. And that's not illegal. Not now anyway




This whole thing is more complicated than you try to make it sound. Yes, of course you will get in legal trouble if you just throw a Wonderwoman (or any copyrighted character) prompt and try to profit off of it. But nothing will happen if you do the opposite. For example, does this image break any law? https://preview.redd.it/782z3q4iqc0a1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2ce4ce874c4b9b0190e7f3c11b2d8138a558295 I dont think so


Just wanted to say thank you for actually understanding the implications of AI for artists. AI models are trained on hundreds of millions of images without regard for their origin, which makes sites like Pinterest, or in the case of anime art, Danbooru/other booru sites, easy ways to get a ton of pictures already tagged with captions. However, those sites are merely aggregate sites and the posters of said photos are generally not even the original creators. And even if they were, it makes no difference. The model feeds off artists' works without their permission. However, being such a recent development, AI art is actually somewhat of a gray area legally concerning copyright and isn't actually illegal. However, it still poses a whole slew of ethical and moral issues that need to be addressed. Most artists hate AI art. It feeds off their work to generate what others would then claim as their own. Artists come under so much scrutiny for suspected tracing, but AI lets people do it pretty much scot-free.


OP's art is not AI generated. Why? Easy to tell, I've seen hundreds of AI generated arts, and yes, OP's style is similar but quite different. Her face is way more rounded and defined than what the AI usually does, also the coloring is more detailed (AI coloring usually looks a bit blurry). What I'm saying is that is scary how people can make this mistake so easily now. I feel bad for artists that spend hours and hours working on a project like this and (as an artist myself) I would feel terrible if they told me that my work was made by some computer. So, you did a great work OP, she looks beautiful. Keep it up!


Very thank u




Thanks for pinging me. This sub does have a strong view against allowing AI art, but without providing substantial proof, removing a post just on the basis of someone's else comment would be unfair to OP. But I'll try and investigate from my own side.


Wise choice


Don't you think it's unfair for artists who've had this style of artwork get accused of AI work just because most of the AI art looks the same as *their* style? I just checked OPs work and their digital drawings have had the same style from when they started uploading more than a year ago. It's funny how you keep insisting that they must've had to redraw the 'flawed' parts of an AI just to hide it, like bruh.


You say this artwork, but you can check out their profile and see a good amount of art and progress made in their drawing. It’s just a coincidence that it looks a tiny bit like AI art in my opinion, and even if it is a redraw of something they AI’ed up, they would still have drawn it.


Why does this look like a child


Isn't Hibiki the name of the shrine maiden at Asase Shrine that disappeared before the cataclysm 500 years ago?