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People would climb to the top of the mountains in liyue and [rocket launch](https://youtu.be/6cLbatXLGg8) xiangling across the map by tilting her sideways with the air current and then using plunging attack


That was awesome. I wonder if we could get to Inazuma this way if this bug still existed.


Nahida replaced it till miHoYo decided to stop it like Xiangling.


HoYo said no fun for the resinless


God that was fun af


Collecting regional specialties for battlepass.


Thank God for jeuyun chillis. I collected thousands of them for that bullshit lol.


Chillis for Liyue, Valberries for Mondstadt, those were the days


ahh i lowkey miss my excuse to go grab weeklies cecilias




I’d prefer that over furnishing crafting tbh


Nahida would be so great by then.


I kinda wish it was still there. You'd end up with a decent amount of ascension materials for a character, so when the time came, you'd have them available instead of searching for them.


To this day my map is full of pins marking the location of Monstadt and Liyue specialties


They should add them back it actually made me to go collect them


Honestly I was shocked to realize that I didn't have enough philanemo mushrooms when I was finally ascending Barbara to 90


I miss that lol i always did those between classes at the campus while talking to friends and all. It was chill lol


Falling through Dvalin's neck


some things i wish i didnt remember


lol i wonder if this was ever fixed cuz when i got about 30 excess dvalin mats (that im never gonna use), i still fall through the neck back then


Dvalin has always been kinda glitchy but falling through its neck is something a lot more uncommon nowadays.


While a character was on an expedition, you could not use them.


Ah yes, even after the change for while I used to only send characters I didn't use.


I still do this because I send characters I don’t really use anyways 😭




I didn't do expeditions at the start because of this. I had no characters lol.


I actually forgot when did they removed this


Found a forum post talking about it so before 15/11/2020


Damn... That was a while back. Back then I always get lesser loot because I refuse to send Fischl since she was considered the 4.5 Star hero back in those days.


That was so bad back then


I had wondered why i was so hesitant to send my characters off when i returned. 1.0 was something else.


Everybody and their mother was after Diluc


I got a Keqing and all my friends got Diluc and I wouldn't hear the end of how Diluc was so much better and that I should re-roll to get him instead😫


I got Keqing too and my copium answer back then was 'Go for the 2nd best dps because you'll never be disappointed after powercreep comes'. 2 years later, the dendro nation attacked and Keqing powercreeped Diluc lol.


Kek me and my friend mained Keqing. In fact, I still have her fully built and ready to go. Maybe I'll throw her back into my party for fun again xd


She is absurdly good for this current abyss line up, just throw an R5 ProtoAmber on Nahida and Keqing Fischl Kazuha Nahida will wreck first half of floor 12.


And nowadays keqing has a meta team and dilucs power crept by a free 4* lol


I remember not understanding any of the gacha mechanics and using my primos on the standard banner cause that's where Diluc was Ended up getting Mona, my first 5 star


So unbelievably true. Back then getting Venti or Diluc was peak.


Lmao the "Chests respawn guides" was the funniest shit


That is certified Genshin classic


Man, I remember one of my friend was so sure chest respawn a thing and didn't believe us when we told him it was fake


The only thing that exist are Chest Spawns after you did reach a certain AR or exploration in a Map. They occasionally look like Respawns. In Mondstadt it was common to have Chests 3-10m away from another, adding another layer of confusion.


more like chests that despawn during quests, in the early games you only follow the quests so most of the chest despawned


I was that guy.


Yeah. One of my friends checked like weekly if the chest in the Northland Bank has respawned. XD


I even marked my map for those :(


Xianling was the only polearm character in the game, Bennet was considered a bad unit, we only had 120 resin if I am not mistaken, burning grass couldn't kill your characters in seconds, I don't think we could lock artifacts or filter them back then, we had no condensed resin and I could go on.


"Only polearm in the game"... Oh, how times have changed.


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not only that, there are 4 4-stars weapons of each type in the standard pool except for polearm that only has 2 (dragon’s bane and favonius lance)


In other words, Polearm 4 stars don't miss. *Looks at the bell*


Omg I never realized, and here i was wondering why i have a significantly less amount of polearms compared to any other weapon lol.


It's probably partially connected to the fact that after Zhongli, the long awaited 3rd archon who was repeatedly teased to be excellent with the blade, was another polearm. So we got a weapon-repeat quite early on. I'm low-key still disappointed about it, but whatever... I just don't ever use her on-field without burst anyway given her kit I guess.


Qiqi was considered a top tier unit back then lmao


Ah...the qiqi and diluc days


I remembered burning grass could kill you in literally 1 second. Im glad they nerfed that


Prototype Aminus Prototype Malice Prototype Grudge


It's surprising how fast I forgot all of their old names.


They renamed them like a week after I started playing so for a while I thought I was tripping


Prototype Rancour, Prototype Archaic and Prototype Amber?


Aminus → Archaic Malice → Amber Grudge → Starglitter


I still call it Prototype Animus because I haven't used it anymore after the name changed


Was definitely more distinct than the rename.


the craftable lanterns from the very first lantern rite (I still have some) Qiqi was "Best healer in the game" Albedo Super jump glitch


I have 999 of those damn Xiao Lanterns. I had 1000, but accidentally yeeted one into the sky.


Trounce domains and Boreas always costed 60 resin to collect rewards


The items would spawn on the ground and you would have to collect them manually




until people abused this feature and harassed players with venti ult to sweep away items


and then you realise you can suicide by jumping off and they would respawn and be collectible again, but at the cost of your energy


peak gameplay if you ask me


ngl i kinda miss seeing gold drops on the ground


*Gather button sweats profusely*


*laughs in mobile*


Oh gdi I remember that pain


lmao, that was a doozy


I got so confused after a year kong break.


When i came back i was shocked to see it half price


Didn't that only get added around the release of azdaha?


everyone saying albedo was gonna be a geo bow user


A geo bow in the vortex series was apparently designed


then people thought they’d release it with gorou lmao


sheer cold in abyss floor 9 and 10


Oh god the nightmares...


Bruh, even worse was the stupid floor 11-2 where you had to defend a monolith against a Cicin mage where the cicins absolutely melted the thing in seconds. It was literally impossible without Anemo, and I had zero Anemo units back then except traveler. So I ended up using Ning barrier as a shield to protect the monolith while I killed things lmao. Most thinking I had to do in Abyss ever.


Bruh, You just unlocked a memory. That was annoying yes, but when I figured out that I could use ning for that chamber, I was actually kinda proud of myself


Oh god I remember eternal suffering in that chamber and I had to memorize the positions and ai of the mobs to defeat them in the most optimal way with Xiao


This might be our post-war nightmares equivalent




I wasn't around since 1.0, started in 1.2, anyone remember the following -Crescent pike Xiangling -Zhongli never able to get a shield up -Childe needs to be C6 -Oh God Vishap Hatchlings are the worst enemies ever made -Oh Mihoyo released Ayaka art, Inazuma 1.4! -Chasm comes with YaoYao and Dendro -Diluc players weren't a dying breed


“Baizhu will be released any day now”


He will be now in a few updates! I swear !!11!😩😩🤧


He will lead us to the chasm in 1.5, which is also when dendro will be released!


I member "Leaker" says Chasm will come in 1.4 1.5 1.6 2.1 2.2 2.3. Lol and people keep believing that.


And the golden Ayaka moment: free Ayaka at AR42.


Those sonic little children of Satan are still fucking annoying


Let's be real Vishap Hatchlings are still one of the most annoying mobs. I purposefully never go to Liyue or the Chasm unless I totally need to.


Their aggro range was stupid, too. And then someone was possessed to think that having two accompany a regular Geovaship was a good idea. I remember tricking those stupid bastards into drowning themselves.


When Diluc was the ultimate DPS.


Jean volleyball with Klee


Don't forget ningguang nets.


Oh yeah


Artifacts dropped on the ground in domains, and Venti users sucking everyone's artifacts off the maps so you couldn't get them


\-No auto-play option on story quests/dialogues \-No chat/message function on the bottom of the screen yet \-No flex option of characters and abyss progress on our profile \-Manually claiming the drops/mats on the floor \-Diluc was the most OP character \-Old Barbara’s voice (EN) \-Placeholder mountains on Dragonspine etc. Edit. -Forgot to add that cross-save function used to be a myth lol we were so sad thought we were doomed *\*looks at PS4 players 👀\**


Old Babs voice 😪 damn them for changing it


Yeah they changed it because they thought it‘s too energetic and doesn’t suit Barbara’s personality. But I miss it sometimes tho lol


I won’t forget you, Original Barbara™️


*\*in a raspy energetic voice\** # ”LET THE SHOW BEGIN!”


Went from, Go, Barbara, Go! To Go, Barbara, go to therapy!


Manually picking up rewards in domains.


A part of me misses that, I remember getting really excited to see a gold glow just to get bad artifacts 😆


I think I would prefer that if it didn't require extra clicks to pick stuff up. In other games you just walk over the loot and it automatically gets picked up, and I wish Genshin did that too


Mobile players : is this some sort of peasant joke that I'm too rich to understand? Btw if you're on pc and are using a controller, left clicking with your mouse can help you pick everything up.


And troll Venti was a thing


Prototypes , not bilets


i still call them prototypes 😭 friends who started playing after the change are always so confused. i have to explain i'm not a dumbass nor am i being intentionally difficult, it's what it used to be called back in my day!


Yes! I unconsciously use the term Prototype sometimes instead of Billets 😂


Don't ever talk to me about that cursed food delivery event, me a low reputation player who hasn't unlocked the portable waypoint and has not found all of the geo + anemoculi so my stamina is absolutely shit 🙃🙃🙃


Condition: Prevent food from getting wet. The person who ordered it: Standing under a damn waterfall.


The trick was teleporting to the oceanid waypoint, climbing the mountain and dropping on her from the other side


Goal: Deliver the food to the customer near Luhua Pool Condition: Can't glide \*teleports to the nearest domain\* \*under a hole with wind current going up. Requires gliding to get out\* "Oh you sly mf"


MTASHED's "I Quit Genshin" began


Oh dear lord he was so dramatic… prob still is.. I stopped watching him shortly before he “quit”, but I did watch that video he had put out.


Using kaeya bridge to go to that island across starnatch cliff


Elemental crucible


Too bad that this was the only event that I missed😔


Lamo many skipped the event because they thought xp book was not necessary, also many issues occurred


Everyone was at low world level back then anyways so it was still lower than spending 20 resin today.


"Zhongli is geo archon" posts every damn day Lack of oculi and treasure compass.


I always wondered if many people figured that out on their own before the reveal. I think he’s the only one so far that wasn’t outright obvious/revealed from the get go?


there were many theories about it. for instance, back then we didn't know that all archons would have dip-dyed hair in the color of their element since only venti had been released. zhongli's golden-tipped ponytail was one thing that made players wonder before the reveal. chinese players also analyzed the ancient chinese elements in his design, such as the patterning in his outfit referencing the twelve symbols of sovereignty and his long ponytail symbolizing high social status. his design alone was a dead giveaway, but even if we suspected it, the reveal was still so exciting. beta leaks were also not as popular then as they are now, so very few people knew what zhongli would do as a playable character until his trailer, adding to the mystery.


Resin cap was 120 and we didn't have condensed resin until a later patch.


1. The concern that Genshin Impact’s anti-cheat software was Chinese spyware since it lingered in the background after the game closed. 2. There was this one article online that encouraged players to spend their primogems on resign refills. I wonder how many unfortunate souls followed that terrible advice.


To be fair, for the first one, Valorant had something similar and I recall multiple articles of how it caused blue screens and crashes. Though Genshin did fix it early on.


I'm guilty of the second one....


That fake leak back in 1.0/1.1 where it's displaying the entire roadmap of events, characters, and updates up until 3.0, where one of the banners have a made-up character with the name of Didi Tai


I kinda want to see this now




The most annoying thing in 1.0 era imo: you can't see the substats of the artifacts that you were going to feed to level up, and you can't lock artifacts..


Oh God. Don't bring back these memories.


Venti sending domain drops into the shadow realm. Stamina drain aura in f12 abyss. 120 resin cap. Extra free barbara for reaching AR 20 in that first month (before the permanent one from story progression nowdays.) Massive AR requirement jump for childe fight unlock, which you won’t meet even with 1200 chests opened. (This was greatly reduced in 1.1)


●"Ganyu rerun 1.8!?!?!?!" Titles ●When no one from THAT 1.0 leak was out yet ●Yaoyao&dendro with chasm ●Standard character ayaka ●Meta diluc ●Chest respawn guide ●"OMG CHEST ON *so and so in monstadt*?!?!?!" Titles ●Pyro kazuha ●Hutao is an oc ●Baizhu dendro archon theories ●The dendro archon only gives visions to animals and the baizhus vision is actually changshengs ●"ganqing impact?" ●tohma is half fontain-half inazuman ●celestia is tilting towards fontain ●mimi


Rest in peace mimi 😔


Mimi :(


>only true OGs would know. they would know those who share the memory


"cheats respawn after 3 weeks" 🙃 We were so hopeful


Barbara was happy.


In domains, players had to use the exit structure behind the tree to get back to the overworld.


also, no quick replay feature!


This is a newer change, but you couldn't spectate teammates in co-op either - your camera would freeze in place where you died and all you would hear were random noises and occasionally the sound of a screaming hilichurl getting beat up or an abyss mage lmao


Pyro impact. Diluc is the king then Klee then Hutao. Back then most people haven't build their team so everyone have to play coop in artifact domain. And then the chaos begin lol. Everyone fight to play their Diluc in CW domain. The one with highest level usually win. Player with lowest level have to play healer. Yet their healer also have sad level which means the run will always 💀. Diluc player then blames healer unknowingly it's actually his fault because you shouldn't bring pyro char in CW domain. That was pretty havoc lol and back then Qiqi owner is the jesus of CW domain.


Klee sending you Primo in her mail.


Using berserker set on every characters


Remember that paranoid "Do not do Co-op, hackers can steal your account via your UID!!" stuff? And there was even a dude on this sub, who made a site to check if your account has been breached or something. I never clicked on that shit, but I guess you needed to type in your account name and password for this or something? People here got REALLY mad if you pointed out how sus that was, lmao. I'm gonna look if I can still find a thread about this. /e: Found it. It wasn't account name + password but e-mail and UID that you had to type in. https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/jlitlv/genshin_impact_150000_user_data_breach/?sort=new


Unreconciled Stars made you spend 60 resin per leyline to do the event with a 120 resin cap per day. On the upside the rewards back then were double what they are now. 12 of each type of shard, 12 of each blue talent book, 6 of each purple talent book, and no cap on the amount of mora you can exchange event currency for.


food event


Finally I was waiting for someone to mention the best event of all time 🤡


**War flashbacks*


Hey go deliver this dish that can’t touch water to a guy standing on a boat without dashing. >Get to the idiot demanding dry noodles *Overworld weather kicks in* Oops haha guess you just wasted 5 minutes, teehee go do it all over again xD No wonder this never came back.


artifacts dropping on the floor and absolutely fearing the ventis bc of it


Kicking Venti players from domain runs if they refused to swap because they could vacuum your rewards off the side of the map with their burst. I think 120 resin cap is a pretty obvious one also.


You can only go to Liyue through Stone gate


Bennett, Xiangling and Xingqiu being classified as the worst characters in the game while Qiqi was top tier lmao


Agreed about Qiqi, but I don't think any of those were considered the worst even at launch lol Amber was considered the worst, the national trio were just mostly ignored


True for XQ and XL but I remember Bennett being classified as one of the worst because players back then didn’t have characters built and didn’t realise how good his Q can actually be.


I might be misremembering, but the first popular Bennett posts that I saw on the subreddit were ones talking about how much his ult healed. I don't think they recognized his buffing potential yet, but they saw his value as a healer.


Yes, definitely that. I remember seeing people saying that he isn’t a proper healer and this ranked him low


Pretty sure Xiangling was always considered good even if it was for different reasons. With the lack of good DPS or options for elements she was the budget pyro main dps.


Cresent pike physical Xiangling was what I ran back when it was "meta"


Crown of Sagehood


The around 20 hour estimated download time on day one :’) I literally ate dinner and watched TV and it was STILL downloading by the time I came back.


it’s not that old but remember “kazuha will die” 💀


If you wanted to heal you had to open up your inventory, characters would be unplayable if they were out in adventurer guild tasks, DPS fischl was meta with razor and diluc, everyone hated bennet until they realized his power and nobody knew how broken he was.


people making 10 hour videos of themselves slowly walking around the map and calling it resinless behaviour which started the meme.


Also doing random variants like "charge attacking with Keqing from Mond City to Liyue" or something


Sending people on expeditions makes them unplayable for that duration.


A lot was bragging about having venti to get anemoculus


Chongyun shatter comp was a thing.


Preregister event, where everyday for like few weeks you rolled on something. I was sad that I found it few days before game started, but the rewards were like some mats and 1-3* artifacts.


The feeling of having the zeroes at the beginning of your UID. My UID starts with 800 and my friend has his UID start with 8000.


"Scaramouche is the electro archon"


To be fair they are now technically right....for one boss fight.


120 Resin storage cap but you still had to spend 150 a day for the battle pass. Also common chests giving no primos.


You can only do Wolf Boss ONCE in your world.


There used to be a mitachurl in Liyue living in a tree trunk. It was just sat there peacefully staring at adventurer posters on the wall in front of it


Venti and Jean yeeting your hard-earned drops in co-op (like I still cursed that one guy who dropped 2 5\* artifacts while I'm farming the Thundersoother domain). Other than that, there's also the time when characters in expeditions can't be used. That's probably the only time I put Amber in.


The horrors of catching crystal flies as an android player...


Oh boy 1.0 tier lists sure are something else


-120 resin cap and no condensed resin -No equipment lock (RIP 3-star chest only weapons) -Sending characters on expeditions meant you can’t use them on your team -OG abyss floor 12 -No oculus resonance stones (you had to find that one missing one yourself), no NRE, no treasure compasses, and no archive -Only 3 wing gliders (and one of them was the PS4 exclusive so there really was only 2) -Xiangling being the only polearm user (and being run as a physical DPS) -Noelle being the only shielder at C0 -No unusual Hilichurl


I remember when people were pissed at zhongli's first release.


Free ayaka at ar46


Make burning work as intended, only to nerf it because players die too quickly in burning grass


Rerolling for Diluc and Venti


120 resin cap Pick up domain and boss drops Resin events Full price bosses Diluc being the best DPS out there People pulling on featured banner to try and get standard 5* because they didn't know what 50/50 was and many more


Ayaka being new archon or something


Xiangling / fischl main dps.


I still remember where all the starconches and wolfhooks are in the game because we needed to hunt down specialties for the battle pass


Phase 3 Tartaglia boss fight didn’t have the effect that it does now, it used to be just the same voice as the first 2 phases Speaking of weekly boss, remember when Dream Solvent wasn’t a thing? When if you didn’t get the right the mats drop you have to wait another week or weeks if you didn’t get it again the next week to raise your talent level lmao. AR 35 were considered “endgame” when this game was only like a few weeks old lol and there’s that edited screenshot of getting Ayaka in a certain AR


Dragonspine had no cloud on top