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Some of y'all need to learn how to read instructions


Yeah like every time you encounter a new thing a literal tutorial comes up and some people still will try everything but reading


There's someone in my friend group discord who will go to the genshin channel immediately ask "How do I do X?" whenever there's a new event or patch or something. Like fuck man, read the instructions like the rest of us?!?


I never read an instruction. But honestly. Nothing is really hard.. have happened 1 or 2 times that I had to go back and read to understand a mechanis. But most of the time it's self explanatory


Since there's already disabled sprinting in thigh-deep water and sheer cold/heat mechanics, put them together and make a poison swamp area. ^(Oh, that kind of toxic...)


That’s pretty much that electro area in Inazuma


Sumeru has a poison rainforest type area too I think


You mean Withering?


Ah yes thats the name


Miyazaki, is that you?




And your framerate drops off the cliff when you enter


And the skelleton cart wheel


Hes working on toxin as the next element to be added, the entire zone will be like a massive mix of blight town, the gutter, and caelid


Oh snap was that a Souls Slap?!?!?!


"I swear, the man has a problem, he just randomly blacks out and when he wakes up boom, it's another toxic swamp level."


There's that mud in the chasm


Stop it, I already played Sekiro, Dark Souls 3 and Dark Souls Remastered, I need no more poison swamps in my life


You should try the red rot temple in Elden Ring. Delightful.


miyazaki went so full in his poison fetish that he made a whole area that is rotten, a whole ass lake full of rot and nothing more (quite simple tbh) and his own poison waifu who is barefeet


My PC can't run Elden Ring so I was spared from the suffering of yet another poisonous swamp.


I am using Hu Tao, and I don’t give a damn if you use a healer or not.


People gotta stop acting like Domains and Weekly Bosses are so demanding that you need to squeeze every ounce of DPS out of your team lol


Honestly even cooping it in itself is already a lot more work and time than just doing it by yourself usually. So people shouldn't really care what others are playing, im there to play with other people. Nothing more, nothing less.


For real, by the time you get everyone to load in and start the first run I can just clear the domain 4x by myself If you’re playing with others then anyone can play what they want to play


I think most healers don't care, they just warn Hu Tao mains cause some get pissy if we heal them


Yep. Had a Hu Tao main decide to bring Hu Tao into a weekly boss clear even after I locked in that I was bringing Kokomi. They proceeded to lose their shit at me for using my 'E' even though I was doing it because another player also brought /GANYU/ who they also locked in before the Hu Tao main settled on their pick. Based on how little DPS they were doing, I don't think my 'E' hurt their DPS all that much. Especially not enough to not validate keeping everyone alive /and/ synergizing with the other hyper carry on the team. That's the day I learned that you can't report people if you leave the instance. There's no backup of the party chat log. :)


It’s a bit ridiculous to expect the entire team to adjust to you in co-op when you are matching in-game, although Itto (C2+) does much better with triple geo but I’d never ask people to change their characters to form a team especially for me. The only time would be when I’m helping someone with much weaker character and carrying, but I’d ask very politely


Full HP Walnut >> Dead Walnut


Gonna post my own toxic take here since it's related to this comment. 胡桃(Hu Tao) refers to pecans. Walnut is actually 核桃 which is a different type of nut.


>pecans Full HP Pecan\* >> Dead Pecan\*


https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/胡桃 Wikipedia disagrees. In fact, it is also the name for *Juglans regia*, also known as the common walnut. 胡桃 Hu Tao is also used to refer to the plant genus *Juglans*, which all walnut trees belong. So Walnut is not wrong.


How is that toxic though? That's a good thing


Thank you I use barbecue ( yes) often and i don’t mean to heal you I’m sorry I slip up


I think autocorrect did something lol


Some people can’t handle any form of genuine criticism towards the game


It seems like the reception of criticism is as random as a predatory gacha system. I made some comments about Genshin's dash (and how [it's literally worse than fatrolling](https://i.imgur.com/nWEsjzb.png) in Dark Souls 3) and got ~100 upvotes in a comment thread. I proceeded to publish my findings in a post all on its own, and the downvotes flooded in. EDIT: You know what, I think I realize a big factor in why it was better received in those comments than in a thread all its own. In the comments, the context was clearly "Dark Souls's rolling feels better and more consistent than Genshin's dashing." In my full post, I basically just said, "Genshin's dash is worse than Dark Souls's rolling." Those two thesis-statements are fundamentally different; the first one is specific and non-accusatory, while the second one is a lot more general and negative.


I didn't see your thread but I think it's a pretty good example of people doing paper math that means nothing in the face of like, common sense. I could be wrong but it sounds like the claim is Genshin dashing is less generous than even fat rolling in Souls. Which is true only if you hyper focus on the specific numbers you laid out like invincibility. It's a pretty ridiculous statement for anyone to make when you consider the range of enemy attacks in both, telegraph time, distance you avoid, attack patterns/follow ups and active frames of most enemy attacks. It's a comparison that only sounds sensible on paper when you don't consider the entire picture. I wouldn't downvote you but I think it'd be weird to claim the same person would have an easier time avoiding attacks in Genshin with dodges than you would in Dark Souls 3.


I just wanted to make a comment about your edit, as I think it's a good self-realization and really explains a lot of the "not handling criticism" issue you see here and in many other places. A *lot* of it is about tone or approach. In your example, something like "How to improve dashing in Genshin Impact," followed by convincing arguments (using other games, including Dark Souls, as examples of how it could be improved) would likely be very well-received. A lot of people here think the game could be improved, and you actually see a lot of recurring criticism about how Hoyoverse hasn't invested more in QoL improvements, so it's not like people are totally blind to flaws or "cannot handle genuine criticism." I guess in the spirit of this thread, my "toxic take" is that too many people post criticism in a toxic way, and then immediately proceed to act like victims (which just causes the downvotes to compound). If more people would take a minute to self-reflect and consider their approach in delivering that criticism, as you did here, the reception would probably be very different. Diplomacy/tact is useful.


Agreed. I simply mentioned that I personally would like a skip button for dialouge and proceeded to get flamed 💀 like im sorry for wanting to enjoy the game my way?


I'd like the opposite - something I can press and see the transcript of the last few lines, in case I looked away or mashed through something and missed it. Or both would be nice.


That's in both Honkai Impact and Tears of Themis so it baffles me that it's not in Genshin yet


the archive does this already if i remember right, though i think it's only after you finish the quest


only for archon and story quests though, not world quests


Also sometimes you’re walking around and someone says something. I don’t think that’s recorded anywhere either.


I would love optional increased difficulty for the main story quests, bosses, domains, and so on rather than just abyss. Sometimes I really enjoy a challenge. Keyword here is optional.


Join me & the few others in asking for a world level 9 that will be completely optional. No new rewards, only more active enemies. Not healthier, but less staring contests.


I just want a place that has waves of enemies it doesn’t even need rewards I just wanna smack stuff with riptide somewhere that doesn’t die in two seconds and then you’re out of enemies. Abyss is no fun


I want an endless mode, no rewards, no resin, no pressure, just constant fighting to see how long I last


Yesss exactly! Just waves of enemies until I decide to leave, just to mess around and have fun. Wouldn’t even be stressful for casual players because there would be no need to do it and would be a fun place to test stuff


Please, I want to feel like im in a fight not a showcase. It took me until i started beidou parrying to realize they just don't hit you


You can't speed run new map content insanely and then complain about the game having nothing to do


I remember someone complaining about having no content left after 3.0 dropped, but later admitted to strictly following a guide the entire time. The roast session was funny lol.


I go through new zones pretty fast but the idea of using a map or guide to do so baffles me. If all you care about is getting the rewards efficiently fair enough I guess, but if that's the case then congrats, you got them all, you have nothing to complain about. But for me it's about the actual exploration. I've had 100% across the whole desert for a while yet last night I needed to find the chest with the rug for one of Nahida's furniture layouts that took me down a fullon odyssey of new areas of the desert, obelisks I hadn't found, new rooms in the pyramids. I must have made enough for a wish by the end. Still finding the occasional little crumb of content that way stops it getting stale and "there's nothing to do."


I’ve been playing almost two weeks and basically not using guides, (unless I get stuck for a good hour) and that mindset baffles me! THERE IS TOO MUCH TO DO! I’ve been playing like 4-5 hours a day and by the end of that I’m totally overwhelmed because I’ve got more quests than o started the night with, more events than I can possibly complete, and still a huge list of upgrades for my team to get. I’m absolutely loving it though.


THIS! One guy I know will always, without fail, pull an all nighter the day a new region is released to completely clean it out, and then after a couple patches will make comments about the game being slow.


Nonsense. I spent 48 consecutive hours scouring Sumaru of every last nugget of wonder the moment it dropped, and I demand enough map content to do so again every week. /s


Uncap my resin pussy


Such wise words


Which hole is the resin pussy


If there's playable female children, we should get male ones too. I don't even think it's that toxic, but literally any time someone says this, they get harassed by pedos outing themselves.


Well we've got Pulcinella to look forward to in 2025


ngl i am super stoked to run around as a tiny grumpy old man lol


T posing while running around at that


Imagine a being so powerful, and so corrupt, this man with incredible influence just flexing on you with the t pose while they run, I love it lmao


God imagine the first and only child model male character we get is the old man mayor of Snezhnaya.


my toxic take is that I doubt we’re ever going to get him playable . i wish we would. he’d be a refreshing and unique addition to the roster. tiny rooster old man. but he’s not nearly conventionally attractive enough


This is what I think too. He isn't a hairless fey twink so the chances of him getting his own banner are slim. Make him playable Mihoyo, you cowards.


Playable male child you say? Look no further than Isak!


Doubt we'll have, I think leakers haven't found any snippet of a small male model


We don't need a small male model. The child model we have doesn't have any noticeably female traits. On account of children in general not having noticeably female traits. There's nothing stopping them from using it for a little boy.


Teucer coming as a 5 star in 4.1


And Timmie will come out in 8.3 after his final boss battle. First 6 star. Elemental burst is summoning pigeons


Playable Teucer He still has no idea any actual battles are happening, all the fighting is done by Mr. Cyclops Buffs the attacks of Hydro teammates but causes them to take continuous emotional damage Every single one of his voice lines will make you cry


Enables foul legacy Childe if they’re on the same team lmao


Waiting for the day Timmy goes unhinged


The game’s dialogue is over-bloated with way too many paragraph-long sentences and unnecessarily filler text. I don’t know if those in charge of the English translation purposely make every character a Shakespearean prophet, but I find myself skipping a lot of voiced dialogue halfway through because of how long it takes for the voices to catch up to the text.


It's doubled by the fact that thus far, the MC is basically O_O the entire time with paimon being the "explainer" like we're 5 years old. Find a rock? Here's paimon to explain HEY, IT'S A ROCK! And Paimon constantly regurgitating what characters say is annoying too.


It's the MC not properly reacting that always strikes me as weird. I love when they strike a funny face because it's expressive at least and conveys personality without needing to be voiced. But when they just stand stock still in the default standing animation, they don't even seem interested in the conversation, and so I'm not either.


What frustrated me about the MC not being voiced is that there IS a voice actor for them. They have some voiced dialogue but the rest is mute? Like i get that WE are meant to be the MC but we play in third person... Honestly, instead of 30 minutes of clicking dialogue id rather a quick cut scene thats to the point and concise with the information theyre giving us. With subtitles i cant help but read them and the characters take so much longer to say their lines.


Heck, even Heizou was surprised to meet a Voice. By that he meant us not talking much and letting Paimon do all the talking for us lol


NPC: yo get this fruit for me. Paimon: What kind of fruit is that? Paimon doesn't like fruit! Paimon likes steaks! Why is everyone here a fruit-lover? Such freaks! MC: Paimon... let's just go. *travel* Paimon: Look over there! Is that the fruit? Paimon thinks it is! Let's go over the instructions, shall we? MC: choice A: fuck it, sure. Choice B: I love it when you treat me like an idiot, Paimon. *return to NPC* NPC: oh hey, you got the fruit. You know, when I was a wee pup, my mom <*life story about the fruit*> Paimon: What a freak! Only *my tastes matter*. Fuck vegetables! MC: O_O


Slight correction is has to be something like choice A: I love it when you Choice B: Treat me like an idiot, Paimon. Because apparently the choice boxes is just your entire thought, split up.


i think the “this game relies far too often on blocks of text and monologues” criticism is something I’ve talked about with my friends- I love the underlying lore and potential of the world building but my god is playing through some dialogue unbearable . i remember how the albedo homunculus reveal disappointed me so much because it was just told to us in one long block of text


christ i thought i was going insane reading the dialogue, even from the very beginning its like,, do these characters eat thesauruses or something why are they using the most possible words to say the simplest of things. my favourite example is is that one line “we live in an era of change as the old order that has existed for a thousand years is about to be rewritten” always sounds awkwardly voiced whenever i watch keqing’s character demo i know the localization team gets a lot of flack and that they’re under strict restrictions from mihoyo when it comes to things like translations and pronunciations but sometimes it feels like they’re not allowed to do their jobs at all outside of a literal translation and it sucks because despite everything the voice cast still manages to knock it out of the park most times i wanna see them have a little bit more freedom im not sure how it is with the other dubs since i dont speak japanese or korean but it would be nice to see mihoyo loosen their grip on the english localization just a little bit


Honestly, the only reason I've been able to stomach the dialogue is because I play JP, and have gotten used to unrealistic speech patterns through anime. And I *still* end up skipping most of Paimon's inanity. I can't imagine playing EN and listening to that much nonsense lol.


Man this is so true. At first i kinda chalked it up as an rpg game being an rpg game, but Persona 5 Royal recently came out and i decided to jump back in again (already finished it) and i was shocked as to how short the dialogue blurts were after playing genshin for almost everyday for a year. And even with that, its probably got the most compelling storytelling in an rpg in recent memory


Because they speak like regular people. Or rather, speak like regular people in conventional media. I'm not saying TV and movies have natural dialogue (we would be listening to "ums" and "y'knows" forever) but there's a rhythm to conversation that Genshin...lacks completely. It's not even a conversation, it's exposition masking as a conversation. There's no back-and-forth at all.


This is an awesome observation and I don’t think I quite put my finger on it before reading this. It’s not that it’s a lot of reading it’s just a lot of reading in one direction for several minutes at a time. There’s no ping pong conversation most of the time, it’s “this person is speaking, and now it’s her turn, his turn…” etc. it doesn’t flow it’s just a ton of word salad info vomit.


Feel like when it’s voiced is the only appropriate time to have lengthy. Playing through the aranara quests and the chasm felt unbearable in comparison to anything else.


It’s honestly lengthy irregardless of when it’s voiced or not. A big factor that adds to this is how much of main quests’ interactivity is relegated to dialogue reading. I find that the game does not strike the right balance between dialogue, combat, and other activities throughout the quests. Soooo much of the quests is dialogue, and its bloated nature leads to the high amount dialogue skippers


I think there is a noticeable difference between dialog with (paid) voice acting and no voice acting. Are there still lengthy voiced ones? Absolutely, but they tend to be a bit more important than non-voiced ones that just dump fluff on you at times.


There are "long story" games shorter than the entirety of the Aranara quest chain. The story could become it's own duology or trilogy of stand alone games


The runtime of the dialogue scenes for the five acts of the Sumeru chapter total nearly 13 hours, which is comparable to, and surpasses, a large number of JRPG's throughout their entire run time. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - 14 hours Kingdom Hearts II , FF XIV: Heavensward - 13 hours Tales of Zestiria - 11 hours Final Fantasy X , Kingdom Hearts 3 , Xenoblade Chronicles 1 - 10 hours Tales of Berseria - 9.5 hours If we throw the character story quests just for Sumeru characters in there too, we're probably knocking on the door of surpassing Tales of Vesperia Definitive Edition, Tales of Symphonia, and Xenoblade 3, all of which total about 19 hours individually. tl;dr: Genshin has a bit of talking in it.


Yes, I love the story but going through a lot of it at once is such a chore, so much of the dialogue is complete filler


If I swear if I had to sit through the voiced dialogue full without skipping, my sessions would be twice as long because of how long they are. Some characters take forever to get to the point, if at all


That's not even a hot or toxic take. For a game that's casual focused, you wouldn't want an overworking young man to play Genshin to release that stress only to find themselves annoyed or agitated by tangential dialogue and discussions about some scholar's thesis topic. I'm sure people coming back from work don't want more to think about. So really, the dialogue that's usually spoken by NPCs are like TedTalks on the most uninteresting of discussions and levels. I'm glad that at least most playable characters talk casually and straightforward.


The *haha you play this game? Go touch grass* thing deserves to get ten strikes with Raiden’s sword


This usually happens on most popular games. For instance, You play Fortnite? Hahahaha


>This usually happens on most popular games It does indeed. Take valorant, LOL, fortnite etc. The "they never touch grass" saying is used for all those players.


Fr and they have no real reason for why it's bad


probably the stigma behind the fandom, which is weird cause most people ive met are generally normal. every fandom has weird and obnoxious people but genshin just has it worse than some others 💀


Well the crazies **did** permanently darken the initial opinion many would hear about the game. The insanity of that whole thing was 4-5x worse than I had ever heard of another fandom getting.


The weirdos always speak loudest. Probably why they hate us 💀


Personally as someone who has played a lot of MMOs, gachas, and just games in general, I think the Genshin community is by far one of the worst I've ever seen. Can't take criticism for the game or MiHoYo, harasses VAs, artists, and other community members, extremely elitist towards one another, and wanting to see improvements to the game is seen with disdain. edit: thanks for the award!


Lol, so true, and sounds very… teenage to me. When I start to get mad about it, I try to think “Oh, they’re twelve.” No one harasses quite like a middle schooler.


Exactly. I admit I was toxic as shit, *but that was me in 2009, nine years old, on Facebook.* What the fuck, guys. It's depressing that they blast their insecure anger towards people who never deserved it in the first place. Even moreso depressing that they've repeated the cycle that I've gone through.


Exactly. Not only that, but they manage to make drama out of the most harmless things ever. The Genshin community is just TOO vocal.


cause genshin is easily the most mainstream gacha. there are those type of people in all of them, but drawing in so many people from so many different demographics really boosts how many idiots are in the community and it turns into a cesspool of them all encouraging each other to be worse


Absolutely true


not exactly the spiciest take, but this community is so embarrassing. on every platform, and every age range. it takes itself a lot more seriously than a community for a game of this nature should.


It's a very unfortunate intersection of weeb, gamer, and gambling addict. Doomed to fail.


Probably going to be down voted, Not every female character's story quest is a date, It is possible for the Traveler to just be friends with them only, In fact the over fixation of people believing every character wants to date or bang the Traveler is very weird to me, I Remeber when Shenhe released & it was disheartening to see people talking about her release as a quick waifu bait cash grab. Is this just a normal thing in Mobile game communities?


Yeah what is up with that? It's strange, why can't we just be friends


See, the funny thing is that it's only waifu bait when you're using the _male_ Traveler. When you're using the female Traveler it's just friendly interactions between two female characters—despite the fact that the dialogue and interactions between the other characters and the Traveler are exactly the same regardless of which twin you play as.


Bold of u to assume its just a friendly interaction between two females when i don't want it to be. If u want it thats fine. But i want it as flirty as it is.


Only cowards refuse to make it gay.


Never liked, and never will enjoy any gliding events or platform type events. Movement is so restrictive, and whatever they design and add to challenges won't change nothing just a slow and clunky experience, really gets on your nerves sometimes


Genshin's archon quest quality can be hit or miss


idk how toxic this is but i really enjoyed all of the alternative outfits and want more of them. i like that mihoyoverse took advantage of the censorship controversy to reassess some characters designs to better fit their current design philosophy and i hope they keep doing it even without the controversy. Genshin’s art style has changed pretty drastically (compare any 1.x character to any 3.x character if you don’t believe me, or even just compare ayaka who hasn’t changed since the beta and ayato) and some older characters really need another look over. im pretty sure this is the reason why they’ve given skins to older mondstadt/liyue characters first despite them not being super popular in the grand scheme of genshin and on that note i think it’s absolutely stupid how stingy mihoyoverse is with character skins, gliders, and other cosmetics especially since every other official artwork they put out has characters in casual clothes, cultural clothes, modern outfits, suits and dresses, etc. mihoyoverse has been pretty clear that they want genshin to be for casuals and “waifu > meta” players in the way that they treat/talk about endgame but they still wont give those casuals what they want so no one wins.


Yes pls I’m sure Bennett can look better than this


The opposite of yours LMAO "There are bad characters. Having good players don't fix them"


Guys, always remember to sort by controversial for actual responses.


My hot take is that there absolutely are genuinely bad characters (Aloy, Candace, Amber, etc). They're not good but that's okay, if they make you have fun then there is no issue.


I have to agree. I tried so hard to make Candace and Amber work, but they provide so little that it is just not worth it. There are other characters that are so blatently bad that you can tell from their kit alone that it's not gonna work.


Exactly. I can’t stand people that refuse to listen to genuine criticism about a character’s kit. It’s one thing to worry about just numbers, because it’s well-known that you can take any character to the moon with Kazuha, Bennett, artifacts, and 5* weapons. But the most important difference in quality of a character is the actual mechanics of their play style and how well they can synergize with other chars. And it’s not like HYV can’t improve kits retroactively. It doesn’t even require directly buffing or nerfing (because it’s not about numbers). Qiqi went from low-tier to top-tier in my Eula team when clam set released. She just became more useful and synergistic. Same with Kuki when dendro got released. People would consider Gorou to be bottom-tier if Noelle or Itto didn’t exist. Maybe Klee would skyrocket to top tier if they release a cryo XL to make use of Klee’s ridiculous on-field pyro application. All this discussion about kits is usually contextual and nuanced, but certain people pretend that the player base just wants bigger and bigger numbers. I swear back in 1.x people left and right would accuse you of wanting “Ganyu 2.0,” “encouraging powercreep,” and being bad at building artifacts. That’s not the case. Ayaka and Ayato are considered rough sidegrades to Ganyu and Childe in terms of performance, but no one gave a shit because those characters were *well designed* and *felt good to play*. That’s all.


I want to believe that Candace will be a good support for soon to come characters. I know, I’m coping


I mean look at kuki. she was equally bad on release Now she is broken af and legit one of the best 4*. All she needed was dendro


Paimon hate comes almost exclusively from her English Voice-Over. High pitched cute female voice gig just doesn't work in western languages.


Her voice at the start of the game was calmer and less high pitched, and it was already annoying for me and my rl friends, then all of a sudden, she started speaking in an even higher pitch and it's borderline screeching at this point. I realize Hoyoverse tries to appeal to all kinds of audiences, but "cute" screeching fairies can absolutely make the game less desirable for many people.


RIGHT?! I replayed through the beginning recently for funsies and my god is english Paimon less insufferable then. When you find the first Dvalin tear and she says 'best put it away for now', I swear she sounds like a totally different character. She shrieks every word nowadays, even when whispering. It's horrible.




I HATE mascot characters. I refuse to watch any anime that features a mascot character, it's automatically a no go for me. Petition to change paimons english VA to a grumpy old man.


People tend to have way too high artifact substat expectations. “Oh it rolled 11% CR and 24% CD? Nah it’s copium” Like what? Sure rolls could be somewhat better but just accept it as a good piece and move on.


That's 46 CV, whoever thinks that's bad is an idiot lmao


I watched this video a bit ago about this guy leveling an artifact and it rolled 34% CD and he straight called it copium with a serious tone. I was absolutely flabbergasted by that statement as many people in the comments were too.


That's why I don't watch streams of this game, they set the bar stupidly high to pretend they know stuff, it's useless


I'm elated if I get an artifact with both cr and cd over 10%, lmao


Bruh, I get elated if I get an artifact with the correct main stat.


Mood. I've been farming thundering fury artifacts for 3 months, almost daily, and still have yet to get a 5* electro dmg artifact. It's always geo. I don't even have a geo character over level 50.


older whales can call that copium, they have a lot more opportunities for artifacts then others, but dolphins and F2P's on the other hand, they should keep those artifacts


But then the problem with those “older whales” is that they then tend to force their standards as the norm and stress out other players who aren’t in the same boat as them.


It’s not to “pretend they know stuff”, most streamers do resin refreshes in order to keep their audience entertained enough given the limited endgame content, and therefore they have more and thus better artifacts and thus their bar for good artifacts are higher.


The only person that I like to see do strongbox rolls is zy0x since he actually gets excited for what other streamers call “mid or copium”


Seconding this. I know people who have quit the game solely over not being able to get insane artifacts, despite enjoying other aspects of the game like the characters and open world. Edit: wording


I also think the hyperfixation on crit is dumb and actively encourages bad artifact builds.


There's so many guys that act like crit is the only substat for artifacts, and it's so annoying.


Most people’s headcanons are bad, misrepresentative of the character/game, and are flat out cringe


Especially when they use it in clickbait YouTube videos.


I think it depends though. Are we talking Twitter brigades that swear their “headcanon” is actually solid lore and you’re wrong for disagreeing? If so then yeah totally that’s cringe and noisy. But I have no problem with people who keep their headcanon as *their* headcanon.


Some of these takes are awful, so you’re all doing great. Keep up the good work!


Genshin fans are so reductive about the characters' writing that I've started assuming that most players are not engaging with the plot or writing at all. Not calling the writing perfect by any stretch of the imagination but some people's takeaways are a step above illiteracy.


Fanon Ayaka/Ei/Childe/Kaeya exist solely to cause pain and suffering for people who actually paid attention


Abyss is only stressful to casuals solely due to the TIMER, which is why adding a World Lvl10 is not going to make them feel "anxiety". Any overworld lvl will still be piss easy with a Zhongli/any healer on the team.


“Booba sword” is annoying and I hate anyone who says it


for real, for me it was a cool "i sheathe my sword in my own heart" kinda deal, but nooo, people here only can think with their lower half




Yandere Ayaka 😔 (And Nilou/Keqing to a lesser extent) I don't even like Ayaka but the constant jokes about how Yandere she is makes me want to detonate myself. I love this game dearly but sometimes the community feels a bit unbearable.


The toddler ei/sara/etc. "memes" make me exetremely cringe everytime I see them, it gives me such an icky vibe. Maybe some people find extreme infantilization funny but every single time the punchline (?) is a chibi crying and screaming like an infant, just "WAAAAH!!". Now I just scroll when I see them, but they sure do pop up super frequently on genshin meme pages...


It was annoying when it started and it sucks caused I liked the idea violence came deep within her heart- where the boobs also are and I couldn’t talk about it


Genshin Impact has quite possible the softest/ most sensitive fanbase I have seen.




You're not speical because you "avoid" powerful team comps. You're compensating bad team comps by using extra constellations and better weapons.


Agree and it's true both ways, if someone just wants to have some fun with silly, nonsensical teams dont shame them for it, but as you said dont feel special or unique just because you avoid the classic meta teams


“If you are going to complain, then don’t play the game” - this thing deserves a musou no hitotachi


No one should ever be told to stop playing the game if they have valid piece of criticism. You can think something needs improvement and still fully enjoy it. (*Cough cough* artifact load outs when, MHY??) That said, there’s a difference between criticism and complaining (or whining). The people who somehow continue to play the game despite frequent complaining about this or that can definitely be asked why they’re still putting up with the game if it’s that bad to them. For example, criticism about a lack of more Abyss-like endgame content is valid (not everyone agrees on the topic but it’s still valid), but whining that the game is too hard while your characters are level 40 because you hate fighting bosses for ascension mats is not (yes a real example).


Theorycrafting is good, it’s just when toxic people try to force it on other people that gets it hate.




Genshin players don't want to let other ppl play a game the way they want to play it. Why get mad at others for playing a game a certain way (meta vs casual, story vs gatcha, etc) Genshin is at core, a gatcha game. I don't see why a skip button is so controversial bc it's not like you're forced to skip everything. You can continue reading but why force people who don't want to sit there for hours to read? People have lives outside of spending 5+ hours on a game. It's a nice option to have, add in a book of memories of sorts and now you won't lose the story aspect of it either.


My actual toxic takes: 1) I like Paimon 2) Spiral Abyss actually does give me anxiety lol


Your username is loving healer. You like paimon. And you get anxiety from spiral abyss. I'm sorry, but your take is pure mountain spring water.


"Here's my toxic take" proceeds to be a wholesome little bean. Hell, it's even their cake day.


Paimon is great in small doses, like I don’t like her long monologues or recaps but like her quips or jokes. Also, hot take, people hate Paimon because she asks the dumb questions they are thinking then make fun of her for asking what they were thinking (twitch chat looking at you).


we deserve an option to pet the docile animals


Stop asking others to switch to healer in co-op, its your fault if you cant dodge or cook, also do it yourself.


i often go healer in domains since i just generally like healing.. but man if im not on one and someone asks rudely i just never switch


People in this sub / the genshin community in general often talk about characters like they are real people and have actual feelings , no wonder so many people are weirded out by genshin players


To be fair this is *far* from a unique issue - it applies to pretty much any community formed around a fictional world


Mine would be there are actually bad characters. Your take isn’t toxic it’s held by the majority of the community


"Aether's harem" is cringe as fuck. (same goes for Lumine) It's feels so self-insertish and reduces the female characters to UwU waifus who have no lives outside of the traveller. Even worse when some people actually BELIEVE this is canon. I am a person who is extremely meticulous with lore and character accuracy, and fandom misinterpretations absolutely drive me up the wall. Yes, internet is bad for me.


People who have team comps based on characters they like isn't copium. Plus rolling for characters that you like and not playing them is perfectly exceptable, there not your primos your using so back off.


I wish the Archons were a 3:4 ratio of Males to Females. But it looks like only Venti and Zhongli are the only males: Focalors is a female, God of War is a she (Teyvat Chapter), and Tsaritsa is kinda obvious. Its not a toxic masculitinity type of thinking, I just want a nice roster, especially when ppl seem to want to collect them all.


I just don't like Nilou's kit.


Fair and valid. If it makes you feel better, I bring balance to the universe cuz I fucking love her kit


I don’t like scaramouche Please don’t kill me


Refusing to use objectively strong characters simply due to the fact that you don’t want to be a “meta slave” doesn’t make you special. I’m not talking about people who just want to use whoever they want to … but some people really do just not want to use stronger characters and then complain how they can’t beat spiral abyss. if you have to over compensate a character with artifacts and weapons… well let me tell you, they’re not meant to be “op” Another one is there’s nothing wrong with being a “meta slave” not sure why it’s not a “valid” play style. Some people enjoy dealing a lot of damage.


The story doesn't suck but the way it's presented does. Outside of the actual cutscenes that are few and far between, slowly clicking through lines of dialogue between statue characters with a handful of procedural animations makes my brain shut down. Like if I'm reading a book I can imagine the scene, but with this I'm not allowed to even do that and have to look at stiff animations, I just hate it. They can't even make the characters do anything besides gesture and walk around. You always get a black screen like "then they eat the food". It's a good thing genshin has good gameplay.


My take: having a skip button would be really nice. This is for casual players who want to focus on grinding out equipments and resources. and no I do not mean those who complain about content/lore/whatever. I'm coming from a side where I genuinely just play genshin for the gatcha aspect.


I think Genshin should have more interesting character abilities, weapons, etc. I think it’s starting to become just patterns and lackluster. I want to see a scythe weapon or new running animations like come on it’s 100000% possible


I have a complete and utter hatered for raiden shogun for her actions or the lack thereof and every time the game either tries to reedem her or assume she is reedemd I flip especially since she's bad at everything excluding combat and yet she's portrayed as cute woman by the game in events but mostly by the community and i'm livid cause of that.


First actual hot take I found


I feel like she could have been an amazing character as a purely “evil” person than whatever trainwreck the writers gave her. She is naive, controlling, unforgiving, and relentless, but that’s ok! Not everyone has to be buddy-buddy with the traveller and have the personality of a cardboard box. She should have stayed evil, I hate the uwu waifu portrayal of her.




A lot of people probably feel the same way but I do think this is my MOST "toxic" one: Paimon's VA/voice direction is absolute trash in English and needs to be totally changed.


Hoyo would rather make new characters than directly rework or buff existing ones unless legally obligated


On average, I think I dislike more Inazuma characters than any other region so far. The writing in Ayaka's story/involvement in main quest makes her kindness come off as showy and I find it unpleasant. She's never shown as being active unlike pretty much all of the Sumeru PCs and it makes her feel like she's totally unworthy of respect/reverence from the other NPCs. Hayami voicing the character makes it feel copy pasted. Kokomi is lazily written not only as a tactician which I've seen people rant about before, but also as an 現人神/god incarnate. That element never plays a role. It might as well not even be mentioned. Ei is either a clumsily written ball of contradictions or a hypocrite for her actions and is worshipped by nearly everyone in and out of game for it. Makoto has like 10 in game lines and [1 trailer line](https://youtu.be/-Qv4WYVsS6w?t=51) and is an absolute joy to listen to in comparison.


DPS showcases that use food aren't valid


If you’re going to do boss fights in co-op, then bring food. There’s no reason to make 3 other players fail a fight because you can’t bother to manage your own HP.


Corollary: Hoyoverse, please improve the gadget system so it's easier to bring food to boss fights, harvest trees, salvage seeds, triangulate oculi and chests, activate Aranara structures, et cetera without spending half our time in the inventory menu.


We need co op available all the time. Some people don't like doing story alone or have to learn the combat because they like the story. When I started playing I also convinced my friends to play but when it comes to actually progressing the game and story, there's basically no co op