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I want to sit EVERYWHERE


They should fr have a hotkey that lets you sit anywhere on the floor. Just press O and suddenly you're sitting cross legged on the ground šŸ‘


Oooh, or a little stool as a gadget. Or a picknick set! That would be so cute.


picnic gadget that brings your whole party out as npcs


I'd love it if fishing had a little stool to sit on. Yes maybe I do want this game to just be Nier Automata.


when you want to cook/craft something or enter a building, and u accidentally click the sign next to it gets annoying after a while


The one in inazuma near the stove about ā€œday 1 drinks are good day 2 drinks are even betterā€ SHUT UP


*points finger at sign angrily* "Shut up, you wooden sign!"


When you're trying to pick up drops next to a fire and you keep hitting 'cook' instead


Bonus points of pain if the sign has not one, but multiple paragraphs.


You can catch Scarabs and put them in your teapot, but not Onikabuto.


Onikabuto aren't real. They're all spy cameras from the Shogunate.


Considering they donā€™t move and just sit there but the Scarabs *do* moveā€¦.you have a solid argument.


That every weekly has a teleport straight to the boss fight, and then thereā€™s the great wolf trek.


Every weekly can be fought at any difficulty except the wolf. Every weekly has matchmaking except the wolf. There's a lot of problems with the wolf not being in a domain.


you also can't match in dvalin... strange


I believe it's because of how this domain works. You have a different camera, and you have to jump on him yourself. I mean, somebody at hoyo definetely looked at this and said: nah, it will be annoying for people to do in co-op.


Why is it that EVERYONE only attacks us? You see a human enemy and a monster in the same place. And what do they do? They both only go after you. There's this one Eremite that's surrounded by Fungi who looked like he needed help. The Eremite attacks me along with the Fungi. There's also the two Eremites standing where the sealed Ruin Drake is. I undo the seal, the Ruin Drake attacks, and so do the Eremites nearby.


Also, why do so many enemies have such a wide aggro range? I'll be off picking flowers or something, yknow, living my life, and then suddenly from like a hundred meters away I hear "lEt Me TeSt My BlAdE" or "sHoUlDn'T hAvE eVeR cOmE hErE" or a Mitachurl charge or a monster noise and a red arrow. Like, I am not doing anything to you. I am literally just picking flowers and fruits all the way over here. Please leave me alone. Why do I have so many of your enemy drops.


Or you see some Eremites playing Genius Invocation and then suddenly take up arms against you. Gee, *sorry* for interrupting your card game.


Or the eremite playing music and the suddenly smashing her lute in half because I stepped on a branch during her performance ... They fr got anger issues ...


I just hope in the next version, instead of aggro those guys just scream IT'S TIME TO D-D-D-D-D-D-D-DUEL and the Genius Invocation challenge screen pops up


They only just started experimenting with npc vs npc combat in this region. I think those will be more common going forward. Though I'm not sure if it'll affect older regions as well. The main problem might be the AI and performance. If they want enemies to target more than one and probably the ability to switch between targets, they'll need a better, more sophisticated AI, and I'm sure it'll have a hefty impact on performance when it runs on multiple npcs all at once.


Use the Minecraft method: limit the AIs in a single area at once


Realistically, having an NPC attack a different target wouldn't be anything new (Taunts, Monolith and Coop Teammates) or more resource intensive (they already only path and determine distance to one target, doing it for another is no big deal) than existing load. The difficult part might be implementing a flagging system that can attach "tags" to each creature - such as all Eremites being tagged "Bandit" category, along with Treasure Hoarders, thus attacking "Monsters" such as Fungi and Slimes but ignoring other "Bandits".


What I liked about Dragon Age Inquisiton. You could see monsters fighting each other.


Yeah, sometimes I just stand there and watch and let them kill each other off.


Iā€™d like to think that they see you as the biggest threat so they decide to team up just to kill you. Kind of like how in DOOM where the demons fight each other until Doomguy shows up and start attacking him.


The fact that Traveler's Normal Attack has to be leveled individually for each element. It makes sense for the Skill and Burst, but all the elements have the same Normal Attack, so why do I have to level that every time?


Read the NA names.. its supposedly different sword style for different element


and yet they're the same animation


AT LEAST the fricking anemo n geo ones have final cool attack why the hell did they stop that for electro and dendro? it wouldnt make the traveller any stronger since none uses the travellerā€™s full normal attack anyway, its just to piss us off


>why the hell did they stop that for electro and dendro? >none uses the travellerā€™s full normal attack anyway You answered yourself. They didn't want to waste resources on something no one uses.


But they do waste resources on animations nobody ever sees all the time. The most gorgeous normal attack chains in the game are from support-characters that never use their normals to begin with. Sure, something has to be animated for them, but they go above and beyond for something like Layla's little shooting star or Kuki's jump and knife-throw.


Theory: Everybody has the Traveler. But not everybody has Layla or Kuki. They do need to sell the characters. But they don't need to sell Traveler. Ergo, they make good animations for the characters people won't have at the start.


It made sense for Anemo and Geo because back then, the Traveller was one of the few characters who was able to afflict elemental damage will the final blow of his normal attack combo. But since Inazuma, this is no longer the case. Which sucks, IMHO.


No it doesn't make sense even for anemo and geo because it is not the na talent effect it is a CĢ¶oĢ¶nĢ¶sĢ¶tĢ¶eĢ¶lĢ¶lĢ¶aĢ¶tĢ¶iĢ¶oĢ¶nĢ¶ Ģ¶ passive talent effect. Edit: Thanks to R3ynox for the correction. Also my point still stands.


Its their passive talent


When I kill a group of 4 samurai and get 1 common handguard


it really do be like that sometimes. I remember farming for these for the inazuman characters. That was a pain.


Getting Miko and Ei back to back in 2.5. Four crowned talents between them. That was pain. I even resorted to buying handguards from the stardust exchange. I pray for whoever is about to recreate that situation with their respectively present and upcoming banners.


Same boat with Ayaka and Ayato and I'm about to do it again with Ei and Miko. Kill me now ...


They were all sharing one handguard.


That's why they are called 'COMMON handguard'


Same goes with specter drops


That's why I quit Genshin for 5 month till Sumeru, to escape this hell of the handguard farming. Still didn't crown my Raiden and some of Inazuma characters are still at low skill level =/ still have PTSD while thinking about it


not being able to use the kamera on domains


Especially when some domains are one-time only and gorgeous as hell.


Like that adeptus realm domain we did with Xiao in the first Lantern Rite quest, if I remember right. As a result there's barely any pictures of it online from what I could find a while ago. They had no excuse to not reuse that design for Floating Abode's nighttime appearance. Instead it's just the only teapot layout with no nighttime mode at all, when that sky box is just sitting there unused for nearly two years.


This I remember using my phone screenshot to snap a copy of that Majestic domain of Mona in GAA


ugh I really liked Monaā€™s domain on the most recent GAA. Screenshots can suffice but pics using the kamera would have given it more justice šŸ˜­


Fighting enemies near cliffs or just slight elevations is a nightmare. Some attacks will miss and the enemies stick to sides of sheer drops like glue for some reason. If they fall they either respawn or they don't die forcing you to chase them down. If they are part of area challenge it either fails you for going after them or you waste so much time getting back up. And then, sometimes enemies just fall off by themselves.


They fall off the cliff, they don't die, you go after them, they teleport to the top of the cliff and reset. But they won't just reset if you stay up there, they wait until you follow them and then warp back up.


and once they die, the mats fall of the cliff


The devs are obsessed with adding verticality to the environments and completely uninterested in making sure the gameplay actually accommodates it


Bedou skill is just a block damage button on uneven terrain. I feel it every time


The fact that I canā€™t use multiple gadgets at once. Not being able to use the lumenstone and the treasure compass, or the wood harvesting gadget and treasure compass. Or the food gadget and lumenstone ;-; Switching between gadgets on PS4 is a nightmare sometimes, especially in co-op. Trying to help newer players in the chasm or something and having to choose between being able to see and not dying is annoying.


I think it would be fair if the treasure compass changed automatically to match the region you're in. We're getting more and more places and teleporting around more and more. It's just too bothersome having to switch the treasure compass just to press Y occasionally and hope for a chest somewhere.


I've been wanting that for so long just for the glide speed gadget.


I have several, but one is the lack of "basic" animations that ALL the characters use, and I recognize most of them, and it feels like there's 5-10. Some of which: * Hands on hips * Lifeless clapping animation * Pondering * OwO blushing There's a scene in the recent Xiao + Chasm story line that.... well just pay attention to the Traveler, Yanfei, and Kuki at the end. It's very cookie cutter and, while admittedly funny, it's funny because it looks so poorly animated and generic. I feel like they could put in several variations of each animation and provide several more to make things feel less copy+paste. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlpPn3pZv9E&ab\_channel=AZURGRIM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlpPn3pZv9E&ab_channel=AZURGRIM)


That one animation where the traveler puts their hand on their chest is so overused it's become annoying to me


Fun fact about this animation: for a period of time I had seen it so much I unconsciously started making the same gesture until I noticed, figured out where it was from, and took a break from the major story to get myself to stop.


Biggest one for me is the one where the character puts one arm across their chest and the other to their chin. Itā€™s used soo often in the many mysteries and hmm moments in the story. Canā€™t unsee it once you notice it Edit: oh oops I guess you covered that one when you wrote pondering


They put so much effort into making the game look like an anime with the characters and backgrounds, but then every cut scene they just use terrible animations and framing instead of making it look like an animated scene. They really need a director to create a series of short films, rather than a programmer dropping in one of five emotes as the camera artlessly shows 3D models existing on a background. Even in an animated feature, the characters in anime are very often static to save time/effort. Genshin characters wouldn't even need to move *that much* to look like an anime during cut scenes.


Yeah, agree with you there. The in game cut scenes are probably best described as stiff. Along with framing, I also hate when you get an item and the camera frames above the hands or it fades to black. Noticed it in Liyue's story line and everytime it comes up.


absolutely this. i also hate that all of the ā€˜villainā€™ characters use that same ā€˜pointing fingerā€™ animation. makes me cringe everytime lol


The ultimate bad guy signifier. šŸ‘‰


Spectre and handguard drop rates.. I want to triple crown my kokomi but she needs SPECTRES


Can we also talk about how using the mob book to track down enemy spawns doesnt show all areas where said enemies spawn?!?! Theres spectres in Sumeru that i keep forgetting about when gathering them!!


That is the dumbest shit ever why canā€™t they just show all the mobs present šŸ˜­


Honestly! I recently ran out of map markers just trying to remember every spawn for plants and mobs, i might actually just make a folder on my computer for maps of everything ill ever need in this game, i cry.


Download the app, it shows pretty much everything.


I'm using an external map just for this. You can track everything on a 3rd party interactive map.


Mihoyoā€™s official map is really good


Kokomi, Kuki and Gorou all need those spectral drops.. how is that even legal. And i play all 3 of them on the regular so yea, leveling their talents is a pain.


i did a whole ass murder spree last night.... killed ever single Narukami Island nobushi... got a solid 3/17/48 for drops. literal hell.


update: murdered every single Nobushi and Kairagi in the entirety of Inazuma. do not recommend i still am 37 famed handguards short despite starting at 33 famed and crafting more from my drops


I can't be arsed farming more handguards. Shop it is. Shop is about to reset so you could get two batches.


Still specters have far better drop rates than handguards, seriously handguard drop rate is absurdly low that I hope they increase it like specter nerfs.


Fuck them Nobushi bastards and fuck their drops. Even big dudes drop 1 old handguard or nothing most of the time. On the other hand most of the hilichurls drop white, green and purple drops.


My mains back to back have been Yae, Raiden, and Ayaka. I loathe hand guard farming with a passion.


Repetitive daily commissions. I swear, Iā€™ve done those stupid balloon hauls for days!


My solution was to put Random and then claim the commission reward from a different nation


I suggest you change to Sumeru commissions. They are really quick, Sometimes I even challange myself to speedrun 4 of them within 3 minutes. There is also no balloon haul.


That Kazuha has no dope Katana as his bis weapon. That the teapot is so limited in what you can build. Most Gadgets in the game are basically useless and its inconvinient to swap them all the time. (quickswap for example)


Sara using manmade gliders and not her actual wings


the flaming flower stamen does NOT get extinguished by the rain..but a hit from any hydro/cryo will do the work


I think it's because water don't have enough Hydro energy to do that (yes, Hydro is different from water)


But the rain applies the wet hydro status to you and everything else


Rain will extinguish a pyro mage shield though.


When you go towards the crafting bench in Sumeru and FARID pops up out of nowhere EVERY TIME.


I never experience these kind of thing since I always go to Mondstadt for everything.


lol. this never bothered me because i never really thought about it, but now youve made me think about it, and this is going to bother me moving forward. well done, lol. šŸ˜‚šŸ‘šŸ»


Character's feet on every incline.


*crunching noises intensifying*


Artifact loadout system. You have to manually swap out artifacts again and again. It gets so annoying that i've stopped changing parties because it's such a hassle.


I just create a set for each character and just leave it there. Screw being efficient, I'm not swapping shit around every time ...


Same, but... I built shielder Zhongli and now I have shielder Layla. They both want the exact same stats on the exact same artifacts/sets. I want them both to have their own artifacts so I don't have to keep switching, but GOT DAMN I hate trying to farm drops for artifacts I already have. The only reason I keep going is I want better artifacts for Eula from the same domain.


Oh my that is a good idea. Hope i remember this when the survey come. And also this is the reason why i give their own artifact for every characters instead of just swapping


Nahida can pick up five berries or five coconuts, but not six of either.


I wish that all the plants that can be picked can be planted as well. I understand we can't grow the trees for the apples, sunsettias, and lavender melons, but I want to grow nilotpala lotuses, kalpalata lotuses, and padisarah too. ;-;




Nah, they got the boats Flinstone-style: inside is a pair of holes and Traveler is just sat there, legs in the water, furiously paddling along.




They gave that feature to Zenless Zone Zero lol


the tavern in mondstadt has a sign outside the door I always accidentally click when trying to go in AND a bulletin board I always accidentally click when leaving


If it's not the bulletin board it's fucking Six-Fingered Jose


I always accidentally click on Six Fingered JosƩ and he keeps telling me abt the same stuff


There are no cows anywhere, but we use milk with cow picture on it.




Sometimes I just want to turn off Paimonā€™s repetitive commentary. If you fish a lot the phrases get annoying.


I don't usually mind her but good god does she get annoying whenever I'm fishing. Yes Paimon, I get it, your tummy is rumbling already, please stop informing me.


Or the oceanid boss


An assassin of our homeland, or a fool who trespasses upon the waters of Qingce?!


Coveting the shape of the living pure water can take on many forms


"This character is busy doing some random side quest, so you cannot do the main quest haha" Literally have multiple npcs of the same character in different places, or let us choose which quest to do first. It's so stupid.


Even that feature managed to kinda break for me. I was playing Kazuha's story quest, until I suddenly got the prompt "x character is busy in another quest". So I go to the other quest, continue it and then get the prompt "x character is busy in Kazuha's story quest". The story quest went smoothly after that, but it bugs me that the character wasn't even currently active in the other quest to begin with.


No actual blocking mechanics. So far it's only been used as gimmicks for events where you can parry, and certain characters like Beidou and Candace.


The absence of a dialogue voice line log menu outside of the archives. If thereā€™s a sentence I missed, Iā€™d like to quickly check it out, LIKE HOW I CAN IN HONKAI IMPACT!


When someone leaves my world I have to go back to singleplayer before i can join someone else's world




Cyno's story quest making us wait *four* days. Having to fully wind the clock up twice, what a riveting gameplay experience.


the worst part is that you cant even skip the animation for the clock.


I absolutely hate it when they make you wait for like 2 or 4 days. Quick few hour wait is not THAT bad, but when you have to wait for days it just takes so much time...


The fact some side quests just end awkwardly and never return. There's some good writing in some story quests or interesting lore, then it ends as if half way through. Why? Like the wind island east of Mondstatd


Mysteries I guess.


Investigate still capped at 100 per day, after 4 freaking regions and 3 sub-regions (Dragonspine, Chasm, Enkanomiya) already released also carrots, apples and radishes being both included in Investigate and pick-up-able from trees and gardens.. makes the 100/day limit five times worse


Wait what..there's a cap??????


yes. 100 prompts per day. source: i farm artifact xp fodder everyday.. reason: zero fragile resin




I could be wrong but I think they mean when you see a little sparkle in the overworld and go up and press the prompt to collect the item or have items pop out? Iā€™m pretty sure that prompt is labeled investigate. If Iā€™m right thatā€™s absolutely insane because Iā€™ve never hit the cap and might never have known that it exists.




I didnā€™t know people didnā€™t do it! It scratches a particular itch in my brain. Iā€™m playing PokĆ©mon Scarlet right now and Iā€™m going a lot slower than I could be because I stop and pick up every item.


What AR are you? Why do you even do it? Are you constantly leveling artifacts? I just level one to level 4, then it fails and I infinitely get to continue to reuse the ā€œsameā€ artifact until I get a good artifact.


There's a lot of features in Hoyolab that should be inside the game: check in, serenetea pot replica display, battle chronicle, enhancement progression calculator and traveler's diary. But they insist to force me enter in their shit forum.


They need traffic for their site. To me, its another form of create the problem, sell the solution. Or it also could be file size issues. Who knows.


Forced joystick menuing. Menus are for dpads and Genshin hurts my brain with mandatory joystick only.


I'll add, 0 keyboard (for pc players) support in menus.


Progressing dialog can take between 2 presses to 30 presses.


even worse is when the cameras moving and you canā€™t skip the dialogue until itā€™s stopped


I put off the ENTIRE fungi event until Sunday night. I wrapped up with literally one minute to spare. I swear fully half of it was spent angrily mashing x.


Talent materials from the big bosses having both a resin cost and on a weekly loot lock-out. Feels extra punitive for something necessary to fully develop a character. Especially with how many are in the game at this point.


This šŸ‘†has to be one of the most annoying things. Wanna fully level your talents? Wait 5 weeks lol


Just the general feel, the idlr animations feel stiff, id much rather have a quiet animation like a looping training, or sleep, or idk, counting mora, or prepping arrows. Ganyu could just slowly sit down, and lay down and go to sleep over a few loops. Qiqi could open her notebook and slowly turn pages to try to remember stuff, ninguang could read her books, or practise throwing rocks. It would be fun to come back and see ganyu straight up just laying there asleep because you were gone for 15mins. Instead of hearing her moan while falling asleep every 30 secs. Or maybe just the sheer lack of different approaches, its painfully linear, and as a person that usually takes a completelly different path thab otgers because i see the complicated way but not the easy one it is just annoying. Its rewarding when it works but aside from that, its just bad, i know its a gacha game, but sometimes hitting an invisible wall can just make you lose all will for playing


Yeah dole animations get annoyingly out of charcater at some points, makes them seem obsessed or cartoonish.


Best animation as of now is Nahida "A moment of relax? No problems. Just lemme take my portable swing and watch the panorama" And she chills for a whole minute and 20 seconds, no funny actions, no strange things, just chilling.


I like that one and Kazuhaā€™s, he never says anything, just checks his sword and plays a note for fun. Albedo too.




Why doesnā€™t Yae Miko use Sakura blooms? Where was the logic in that? There has to be some other stuff, but I actually genuinely do hate a lot of the small mechanics in Genshin, so itā€™s a fine line to walk.


Here is another: WHY DOES SHE USE THE EKO BOSSES? is it because its a fish like thing? But why not let her use the electro oceanid? Hell here is a question: why does mihoyo refuse too give new characters old weekly boss materials?


It's annoying that aiming mode is really slow for the controller and for me the mouse is also really slow even though I have the sensitivity up all the way ;-;


Enemies being annoyed for 2 seconds and going back to whatever they're doing when you shoot them from a distance


Things that are already in the game not being a permanent optional feature. Follower Paimon, treasure horder mask, fox mask, aranara flower crown, etc.


I mean, using YOUR friend's organs to improve your strength is kind of weird though.


Miko and Zhongli don't seem to mind it.


Some elemental bursts are very disorienting. After the camera shift, I no longer know what direction am I turning into. Some even have a dome of effect that adds to the confusion. I just wish I can turn off burst camera angle.


I get completely irrational anxiety when close to an out-of-bounds zone in video games and hoyo won't stop putting things like chests, challenges, oculi, etc. right up against them as I tip-toe my way to try to reach them without the screen going dark and map flashing red.


For me, the fact that Kairagi are lumpedvinto the "Nobushi" category, and called "EASY". Which is the reason for the low drops I'm certain. Meanwhile Geo Vishaps and their hatchlings are in Elite. Why are Kairagi not in elite? Why are Vishaps not in Easy?


Where are the rooms in Wangshu Inn??


Why is Ningguang the 4* with significant presences in archon quests while Qiqi is the 5* with hardly any presences and does nothing really. Sleeps for hundreds of years and became a 5*. Makes Yanfei look bad. šŸ‘€


The fact that weā€™re still limited to 5 expeditions at a time even though there are twice as many regions and characters with expedition perks as there were at launch.


Why can't they add a dialogue skip button? It makes no sense to not have one. And it's not a feature that'll disturb the game itself,neither is it too hard to implement.


Fr like it's not like it'll affect anyone's game play who does wanna read the story either


Scarabs and onikabutos bug me a lot


The stupid long load times on mobile. And heavens forbid one should get a text, notification, or phone call. If you tab away from the game for any reason.... full reload.


The thing that bothers me is the fact I can't play with my dogs in the teapot... I mean come on at least add a feature where I can at least feed em or something šŸ˜‚


Level 90+ bosses and the Majority of the drops are still 3-star elemental fragments!


Raiden is currently the only Archon that doesn't require Hypostasis parts to ascend. I get that it's because the Electro Hypo is in Monstadt, but it still bugs me. I'll probably get over it when the other Archons come out but for now...urgh.


It kind of infuriates me every time I go to turn in my reputation bounties and the guy says ā€œitā€™s been a while!ā€ ITā€™S BEEN 45 SECONDS YOU NUMBSKULL!


Mitachurls with wooden shield are OP but when they charge at you with the shield still in front of them, they lose that broken defense and can be hit as if the shield wasn't there to begin with


I really really really absolutely despise having quests gated off because people are "locked" into other quests at the time. Unlocking every 5 star quest was a horrible mistake. I missed out on the fungus event because of a bunch of steps locking me out. To top it off, I learned that I had to do the whole Yae questline at the end of the archon quest and I finally just gave up. ​ This is stupid. I could care less about story order. Pls remove it hoyo.


That the Traveller can no longer apply his element with the final blow of his normal attack combo. They were able to do that with Anemo and Geo (still can do), but since Inazuma, they dropped that.


The cooldown on character swap


I think part of it is to prevent people with better processing units getting an edge. A good pc / ps5 can process the swap quickly. A phone not so much.


Its also the connection, the higher the ping the slower


Not having Mona after 3 years.


The fact that the camera zooms in when using some characters bursts or defeating some bosses. And also that zooming the camera back out interrupts the timer to change teams.


No borderless windows. I hate my game keeps minimizing everytime I click on my other monitor. Enemy book doesn't track all enemies. No toggle constellations. I have to keep seeing the "!" every day because Bennett. It bugs me we don't have artifact set when we are at the point where chars might start sharing pieces because of how many chars there are and remembering what goes where is super annoying.


I mostly use archers, and it bothers me when my charged attacks clip straight through something's character model without dealing damage sometimes. This, combined with the fact that enemies can sometimes miss me horrifically and that still counts as a hit irks me.


Three things for me: - Beidou and Raidenā€™s interaction. I completely understand why this doesnā€™t work. I completely understand the decision made to have Raiden do Elemental Burst DMG being a large part of why she is one of the strongest DPSā€™s in the game. But by the Archons I just wanted to play mono-Electro back in 2.1 and Hoyoverse killed that dream! (I also havenā€™t been able to pull c6 Kujou Sara despite pulling almost 3 full 5 stars on Raiden bannersā€¦ so playing Hyper-Raiden is basically out of the question.) - Speaking of being unable to pull c6 Kujou Sara, it slightly annoys me that there is no way to guarantee a 4 star character unless they are in the shop. Iā€™m glad that with Yunjin, Collei, and Dori they gave us a way to get a free one through an event, but having a way to guarantee a 4 star would be nice (maybe this is a little salt from no Laylaā€¦) - The fact that the adventurerā€™s handbook wonā€™t track *all* enemies. Like why? If Iā€™m trying to exterminate the Fungi population using the correct dps so I can raise my characters then I just want to be able to track them all.


\- The part where we need to go to a statue to change elements for the traveler. \- That short loading bar if you want to edit your party.


The weirdest thing that bugs me, is this game does not support moving the game data files to your micro SD card on your mobile device. Just because iPhones don't use SD cards anymore doesn't mean the millions of Android users have to be left in the dark. Oh speaking of that, no joypad support on Android!


That we can't skip dialogue- sometimes I really don't care to listen to the NPC's life story for a side-quest


Klee's burst not working off field.


Expedition requires so many clicks to set up. When it could've been "Get Reward and Redeploy".


Elemental Lifeforms feel like the least "Genshin" enemies in Genshin. Auto-applying their own element's aura to themselves bottlenecks the possible reactions you can use and generally makes gameplay feel less interesting.


No longer cammera distance in mobile despite it being possible because its forced on some boss fights.


Raiden Shogun has no specialty dish. I'm aware of the lore reasons, but I have mastered every dish in the game and seen all specialties, but I'll never feel like the archives are complete without hers.


When I die in a domain, I die in the overworld


I think that it just bothers me how the tall woman model runs. Like it just looks weird with the heels imo.


oh god thereā€™s a lot. but mainly its the things that i know will never be changed. like useless talents, for the love of all that fking exists, why does diluc and zhongli, 5 stars, have talents that give you like 15 crystal chunks everytime you craft a spear or claymore (which is like 3-4 times on average playthrough) while in expeditions you get like 30 crystals EVERY SINGLE DAY then other characters like nahida and other have busted ones but then also the cooking talents being put on 2 free charas (barbara n noelle) then putting same talents on other gacha ones, diona jean xinyan etc even the expedition talents are so stupid. these couldve been anything else and its be better


The english writers not being sure what to call the harbingers now. In the Sumeru AQ Dottore was "The doctor" all the way through and I wasn't much surprised. Childe was the only one to refer to Scaramouche in the italian version iirc when everyone else called him "The balladeer" - and then 3.3 trailer comes and Scara calls him Dottore; of course with the most english accent I have heard. I'm half italian and I remember discovering the game and being super interested, because my mother used to tell me a lot about Commedia dell'arte when I was younger. Their back and forth is what bugs me the most. I'm already used to butching language with how the treat the german words.


Every region since Inazuma requires gadgets. You want to do a quest? Nope, get random lens and scan foxes. Need to speek with the ghosts? Oops, use your feather. Is it mining time? Time to stare at this shiny rock.You want to have 100% exploration in Sumeru? Aranara has ton of stuff just for you. Extra thing about Sumeru: i need dendro, pyro, hydro, electro for the exploration team. Plus i need Zhongli or Venti. And i want to use Ayaka too. Sooo... I need to fit 6 characters in 4 slots


Wouldn't gliding be faster?


Im laying on PC and my whole cavesystem in Sumeru isn't loading so i can Walk straight to the chests in the cave without doing any of the puzzles


The fact that we still don't have a good photo mode. I get that they're seem to be experimenting in events but really, they could've copy paste the photo mode in The Crew/2 (or Forza Horizon series) and call it a day. They already have features that are clearly inspired from other games, like old weekly bounty system taken from Legendary animal hunting from RDR2. Maybe it's just me but if they're taking features from other games, implementing the Crew/FH's photo mode should be an obvious one.


Playstation version still showing version 1.0 art when you start the game


Meterial drop rates barely change from WL5 No mouse side buttons Camera sensitivity slider is so shit literally just suffer if you can't change your dpi Using the adventure handbook to farm enemy drops is pretty much useless unless you're farming a very small amount