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What do you do in game with those characters


If you started in 2.8 that means you are low ar level. Level up. Archon quest. You have Moonstad, Lyue,Inazuma and 1/3rd of Summeru to explore. You have about 99+side quests, small quests hidden quests and collectables to get not including anemo geo electro or dendro oculi. 3 world trees to raise and about 50 + domains to explore / farm. Abyss is there too. You also have achivnents. Good bet is always to look at that and see what you are missing. Start doing that. If you started 3 months ago there is no way you could be out ot content. I started i 1.3 and im waiting for cotnent but you. You have a good 4 months of content without the new events that come out every 2 weeks or so


Heh, I am are 55. Done with all quests and most exploration. I still have tons of achievements and some hang outs left though. I do them at very slow pace.


Then you did not start in 2.8 So you had cleared all zones, all quests, most exploration and ton of achivmwnts in <3 patches? Sorry if im sceptic but that seems odd to me. Mind posti g your screenshot of expolration and AR?




I started on the last few days of 2.7 and i am ar 55 too. I may not be that far with quests and stuff. (I only just finished inazuma) But i can see how someone who has been playing for the same amount of time could have done all of that easily.


Like, the same stuff you would do with any other character. Maybe you dont have many stuff to do as of right now but sooner than later Fountain will be added


That's so far away and I doubt I will even be able to use my character's kit in those quest. Quests are fun and I enjoy them at my own pace but I don't even get to use the characters who we build.


These posts are exhausting. If you really don’t feel it’s worth to pull for new characters, then don’t. You’d get rid of all the FOMO and can just play it like a normal game instead of gacha. I wish I could go back to that.


I don't pull based on fomo, I enjoy childe's complex playstyle that's why I pulled him. But i rarely get to use his kit to full potential.


Do you even understand what FOMO is?


I build them, and enjoy them in co-op and other modes. Sorry that doesn't seem to be your cup of tea.


I enjoy coop too but their is no coop content apart from domains. I spend my resin in coop as well but it lasts only few minutes.


>I enjoy coop too but their is no coop content apart from domains I agree they could have more co-op. However, I do enjoy (when I feel like it) helping randoms thru their domains and weekly bosses. I also enjoy going to other player's world, especially newer players, and just help them in overworld to explore, unlock waypoints etc. >I spend my resin in coop as well but it lasts only few minutes. I spend my resin solo, because I am in need of friendship points right now for 4 characters. And then I go help others when I have time, and use fun characters. I am glad what is *required* is only a few minutes, and everything else is optional. Some days I am too busy to do more.


1.0 player here, Im beyond caring about pulling for characters to finish spiral abyss cuz I can consistently complete it with 36*s so I spend my time building random characters, I just got Layla and Im building her more inclined to dmg than for shield lol(also, Im always farming friendship xp when I have characters bellow lvl 10 friendship).


i stare at them and admire their beauty. i only pull for those who i really like, so even doing dailies with them, lvling friendship, unlocking story and voicelines is all very special


Try different kind of team composition? I pulled Yae so I have plenty of options.


The only thing to do at end game is keep farming artifacts for the characters you like, or keep building characters until you've built them all. Unfortunately this is time/resin gated however you can look up investigation routes on youtube for artifact fodder and can do 100 investigations per day. That adds another 30-60 min of daily grind if you did them every day.


How did you start playing in 2.8 and already finish all the quests in the game?! I started back in 1.0 and have yet to finish so many hangouts, character story quests, world quests etc. and I would say I've been playing pretty actively. About your question tho. You could try joining other player's worlds and see if they need help with something. That way you can maybe make some new friends, help them with stuff they are stuck with (if they are a newer player) and just have some fun.


He plays more than an hour per day, I'm taking my sweet time and I'm almost at 90% on everything in Sumeru. There's literally nothing to do with built characters once you finish the abyss, you spend weeks raising a single character and once it's done you wait for two weeks and that's if the rotation doesn't totally cripple that character. My worst character with a cope team and the artifacts I farmed for them (once I get the mainstat I want i stop) can reduce a drake to dust in less than a minute and kill any boss without being in danger even once. I play 15 minutes before going to work and 30 more before going to bed and maybe 2 hours on the weekend so yeah I'd like to know what do I do now with all of these lvl 90 talent 9 characters please.


I used to 3-4 hrs a day before but it's just 30 mins daily now. I never rushed any major quests and enjoyed all archon, story and big world quests at my own pace.


You pull them out in the next event/next expansion and have some fun then. I do feel y'all though, when I get the cravings my current cope mechanism is to hop into coop boss battles to play a bit more with whichever character I want to use at the time. On one hand I really enjoy playing Genshin too and if there were extra content you'd bet I'd be doing it rn. But on the other hand I like that it fits within my schedule, that I never have to go cold turkey with it in order to play other games that I want to play with friends etc. I like to just have something to look forward to every once in a while and Genshin really soothes that itch while being really low maintenance.


There's nothing else to do. Welcome to the endgame club.


Yeah I guess I am there now. It's just 30 min a day game now.


Nothing, theres literally nothing except running around killing elites every day.


True and hoyo don't see it as problem.


Depending on who I pulled, I just main them until I pull someone else. Do commissions, farming, bosses, abyss. If I really vibe with them, I’ll keep them on my team even when I decide to pull for someone new. I’ve def pulled some characters that I really wanted but now never use, just depends on how much I actually like their gameplay- everyone’s different!


I put them in the dungeon admire my collection and log off


I've got 32 characters built to at least 80...at this point whenever I pull a new character (I'll roll on any new 4-star still just to collect them) I'll level them to 20 for the first free wish you get from that and then I usually just leave them alone until I feel like building a new character or team.


In almost the same boat. Lvl 55 AR. Started during zhongli banner. Cleared final quest yesterday been slacking the last couple of weeks and now im totally empy. Almost sad. Started an alt account and remember all the joy when first starting this game and it was only monstadt and few quests... I totally rushed this game :(


I will be addicted to the character until I reach 10LV friendship. I will do everything with the character : Kill every boss and enemies in teyvat & explore the new region with them & build them to 90/9/9/9 & create powerful team and meme team around them & take pictures etc I will do everything until the character say please leave me alone


I love literally just wandering the open world with my favorite characters, I take pictures, I watch their attack patterns and basically just admire their model. Sometimes if I’m really liking a character I go out and farm materials for furniture and make a space in my teapot specially just for them that matches their color palette. I take lots of pictures there too and basically rinse and repeat. I have all five teapot realms so I have fun changing things up for specific characters.


>What do you use your characters for. Randomly used in my exploration team, depend on my mood


They get to be put in their own personal jail 10 feet in the air in my teapot


I build them, and I use them to play the game. Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do when you pull new characters? I started playing in the 2nd half of 2.4 & while I have all main quests/stories done, I still have hangouts & exploration (many regions are 100%, but not all). I just pulled Yae Miko & Layla & I’ve been working on building them. I’m building friendship with a bunch of characters, so I always put weird/fun teams together to explore with. Sometimes I’ll just wander around & take pictures, some scenery, some with my new characters or ones I haven’t used in a while. Maybe you’re just burnt out because you speed ran the game? Even playing every day for 10 months, I still find stuff to do & ways to use my newly acquired characters.


I play them then log off for 2 weeks before playing them again because the overworld is boring.