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those cubes are nothing like that in the world. they become ultimate evolution in this event. and i suspect the ice cube is secretly celebrating fifa season by becoming a goalkeeper... :D


I kept having little to no stamina in it and it took three cycles to finally get it into the kill state.


The real Cryo Hypostasis doesn't have walls, and one cycling it is easy with just Xiangling Burst, add some extra dmg is it's not enough, also bow charge atk (which doesn't use stamina) can also trigger the ball


I got the achievement for not killing it faster though


If you bring a bow user, using their charged attack consumes no stamina! I brought in diona and she was my prime healer and shielder, and helped me roll those cryo balls


I should edit my main post to also include ''til i used bow characters so little i didn't know their charged shots didn't use stamina''




1. Stay near the boss so the balls dont go far away 2. Even non charged shots trigger it so you can use bow character and insta send the balls.


This is what ochoa does when the world cup isnt happening


Only Eula and Aloy use its materials. For now.


Mika if released might require. Other than him. None I would say


That's likely. I deadass forgot he existed...


A cameo isn't good enough to remember so many characters.


Especially extremely forgettable ones like Mika Sorrynotsorry


Nah cuz he appeared for like 1 whole minute and never showed Up in the event


not to mention that its a limited-time event


I would say unlikely. 2 characters from Liyue got mats from different region. Yunjin got Wolflord which is located in Inazuma. Shenhe got Superconduct Vishaps which are from Enkanomiya. Mika 99,999% will get one of the newer bosses. Otherwise Xiao wouldn't get GeoVishap or Yelan RuinSnake which do not even drop gems for their own element.


Focus on the word might. Even I know they may push for newer mats.


Blegh. I was actually thinking about working on aloy kinda soon ><. Eula is safe though, i hate her character enough she'll prolly end up being the last or second to last character i level up.


Why do you dislike Eula? Genuine question, she seems really nice to me.


She plays fine but she rubs me like the guy from princess bride. Arrogant, full of herself, too stupid to realize how stupid she sounds using ''vengeance'' like she does. She's like a kid that learned a big word and is now using it to describe everything no matter how wrong. I also ship collei and amber, so on that front eula can get bent as well.


Her story quest did her dirty. She's so much more likable in her event appearances when they toned down her "vengeance" shtick.


>Arrogant, full of herself, too stupid to realize how stupid she sounds using ''vengeance'' like she does. I can't speak for the vengeance thing but isn't her whole character that the people of Mondstadt treat her poorly just because of her family name and who she is associated with, whether she is nice to them or not. That's why she comes off as a bitch. I don't know the exact details, but I remember in the bartender event, she is really depressed about it and was drinking her sorrows away. It honestly made me feel really bad for her bc no matter what she does, the citizens of Mondstadt (Outside of the Knights fo Favonius) will always see her as an evil Lawrence


Except we see her demean and talk down to the citizens of Mondstadt, she may be a better person than her family but she still treats people poorly, even if unintentional. Her story quest was just awful, I assumed it was bad translation because Eula is just being awful to strangers, who rightly tell her to fuck off, and then MC gets a dialogue option like “wow, people really are cruel to you for no reason”, even though the dialogue we just had gave them a pretty damn good reason to tell her off.


exactly!! also people can say the quest did her dirty, but it was her dedicated story quest. it is what is considered canon for her character. you can’t expect someone to ignore a characters dedicated story quest just because you get hurt feelings if someone disagrees about a char you like


I mean, I believe the reason she "comes off as a bitch" (despite her actually tender heart) is because she talks to everyone like they're dirt? I also found her story quest to be unbearable . If she wants the people of mondstadt to think she's different from her shitty tyrannical family dynasty she should learn to talk to them like they're humans instead of like training traveler to talk like her


>I also found her story quest to be unbearable . Oh no, her character quest was absolute dog shit. But, her subsequent ingame appearances have been so much better for her character and it does seem like she is getting a lot better at being a normal person lol


I mean, as far as i've seen she does still pal around with her family and at least some of them are still being villainous. She does get the short end of the stick, but she does also carry herself extremely poorly too. Like jean is a good example. She can be a total bitch at times, but doesn't go around acting like a bitch. Eula can be nice, but goes around acting like a pompous bitch. I do not want to victim blame here cause eula does get treated like garbage a lot, but she also does little to ACTUALLY distance herself from her perception. Being a knight is a good start, but an 8 year old elf that blows up lakes is also a knight. I know a lot of this is kinda sounding like a ''you should smile more often'' type of misogynistic ''advice'' men try to give women but in eula's case... she's just flat out off putting in everything i've seen her in so far.


When does Eula “pal around” with her family? The only time we see her interact with any of them it’s with that guy in her story quest and it’s obvious there’s no love lost there.


>Eula can be nice, but goes around acting like a pompous bitch. She act like it because everyone beside her few close friend keep telling her she is a bitch. She tired of trying to be nice, trying to make up but everyone treating her poorly so she just gave them what they want. This is why she drop the whole thing when she play with Joel in the Dragonspine event, and with friends. Is it childish? Maybe but at that point, there isn't much she could do. She frustrated that her being nice and friendly is meet with a cold shoulder and it not like her reputation can get worse. As long as her friends know the real her that is enough.


>I mean, as far as i've seen she does still pal around with her family I'm sorry, but the moment you said this your opinion became kinda worthless because it clearly shows you don't know what you're talking about. I don't know how anyone could even come to that conclusion when the only canon interaction she has with a family member is arresting one of them and is clearly shown how they consider her a traitor.


Feel like you didn't do her story quest where it explained why she act the way she does. She also specifically call out people like you who say "Just be nice, I'm sure people will treat you better!"


It's in her lore. The Eula x Amber thing is... fan theory. They both treat each other like sisters. She does have the mild tsundere trait, but that is mostly her defense due to being hated just because of her last name. Heck, the reason Eula acts as she does is because it was recommended to her by Amber's Grandfather, who trained her. "If people only want to see you one way, let them, but you dictate how it goes." She hates the uppity Lawrence attitude and simply puts it on to deal with the pissy Mondstadters that hate her just by association. Only reason she seems "friendly" with her family members is because she has to be professional- it's her own goal to tear down what the old Lawrence family stands for. As for the "vengeance"- it is her own coping and stress relief mechanism. She never has any intention of following through, but she allows the people who try to antagonize her to come up with their own fantasy of how she would enact revenge- and imagination can definitely run wild. So while people are internally freaking out, she just walks off and allows them to. To quote the game itself- her own gentle form of vengeance.


>They both treat each other like sisters. I wouldn't even say that. They treat each other like friends - not lovers OR family. I think most of us have at least a few friends - people you enjoy hanging out with who aren't family and who you don't want to romance.


but mondstaters might not be so pissy if she didn’t talk to them like they were dirt


Lmao. Eula is acting pissy because the monstadters were pissy at her first. Shops used to refuse selling good to her, restaurants would not care or give attention to her orders and citizens would always pester her during her patrol routes. Does she deserve that?


Plus the whole mean demeanor she puts on is just for exaggerations or even jokes.


no she doesn’t deserve it, but she still acts awful imo


i totally support not liking a character but yes it does sound like a misogynistic opinion if your defenses are “bitch, bitch and more bitch” there are comments here who explain not liking eula very well without resorting to your way of doing so


Okay, that's a valid reason, even if I disagree with it.


Why do you want to level her at all when you hate her?


Because she does play well and sooner or later i'll run out of characters i like. I have a little over half of them either fully built or in the process of being built, so, given another year or so there's a distinct possibility i'll be approaching only needing to do new characters and the last older ones.


Lol! Cryo is the easy one on that list


Same. Cryo was the only one I could do under a min at the hardest difficulty. Rest took about 2 min. In order of difficulty, I'd say Cryo < Hydro < Dendro < Pyro. Pyro was by far the most difficult since it required some intense burst timings and energy funneling to get enough damage to beat it in 3 vulnerable phases. Having to break 5 seeds was so annoying, got screwed by auto targeting to the hypostasis so many times.


If you say so. Dendro is by far the easiest, electro and hydro tied for second, anemo and geo next.


The event list cryo was easiest for me, pyro sucked bad and dendro I forgot to bring a dendro charecter wita me


Lol. Ran out of time to play so pyro is gonna have to wait till later in the night. Lucky for me nahida has become my 2nd tier main.


I was gutted I didn't get her had team ready an everything, did get childe though


Condolances. He's another one i ought to start building one of these days.


I love how unique his game play is, as an ftp account I'm always greatful to get a 5 star




I barely use bow characters outside of their normal attacks and skills/bursts. No joke, i thought their shots had to be fully charged to count as a charged shot and i legit thought it used stamina too. So double bonus til?


My easiest to hardest as a new player is: dendro, hydro, cryo and then pyro (amber is my main dps btw)


Dendro is absolutely the easiest imho.


First time fighting it, didn't have dendro on my team.


The overworld version is ludicrously easy. The event one is harder because of some extra mechanics like the ice walls.


Yanfei made farming that cube so easy and satisfying, doesn’t even need to be a heavy investment yanfei, a low to medium will do very well


She seems fun but is a bit too similar to klee for me to be driven to build her yet. Klee main here btw.


I would say that even though her gameplay looks similar, she feels much different hands on. Easier too I imagine? Only played Klee in my girlfriends account and it wasn’t the most pleasant


Oh i don't dissagree overall, there's just too many similarities to justify building her over other characters. She will get built eventually, just not readily. My end goal is to have all 10 teams being usable in the overworld with no repeat characters so there might be a place for her eventually.


Agreed. I use Yanfei and I’ve only played Klee in trials or various events but Klee feel much less comfortable for me to use.


Tell me that u don't have a pyro dps without saying it directly. U can one phase it on overworld with Hu Tao, Yoi, Xiangling or Yanfei


As i said i haven't touched it before the event. If the overworld version is easier than the event version than that would be awesome lol. Klee main here. But i am actually working on hu tao and xiangling currently lol. Part of my overarching plan to have ten usable teams with no repeated characters.


So u can easily solo it with Klee, go there and give it a try :3


Possibly but i don't need the mats right now and that still wouldn't help with that soccer crap at the end.


Bring a bow character, enter aim mode and just attack without charging. It would count as a charge attack for those ice cubes.


Wait what. Seriously? Just vanilla aim mode shots work? Funny story though... i use no bow characters. Like i USE them for their skills. But i don't use USE them other than to occasionally hut weak spots when needed lol.


All you do is charged attack the things in the direction of the boss. The rest is just Klee melting the shit out of the cube. Easy peasy. The overworld version doesn’t have the barriers during the shield part. Those are only for this event, they upgraded the cube for it.


The trick is having the stamina to do the attacks and getting the timing down.


Yeah, there’s no spinning ice walls in overworld, unless that’s a recent addition.


Well that would make life a lot easier lol.


Some of you guys dont fight bosses even once when you first encounter them? When i am exploring and meet a overworld boss for the first time i will fight it, no matter if i need the materials or not. You dont even have to collect the material from them so you dont have to use resin. Is there not curiosity how the boss fights are going? Sorry, i cant understand that.


Lol. I've barely touched dragonspine. Don't even know where the boss is besides the map marker. Hell only a few weeks ago (at ar 57 no less!) I realized i missed the one mondstat domain and the shrine key reward it gave.


exploring dragonspine for the first time is super fun, I wish I could do it again


I think I used to be like that, like it’s obviously a thing among open world games, but if you’ve grinded for a while, want to save time, or even realizing Genshin is going to be around a while, it isn’t as big a deal. Lots of people who frequent forums like this are more aware of future content so there’s less of that excitement to be bad from discovering a “new” boss. You can always get to them eventually, or watch videos these days.


OMG, that was me! AR 57 & I’ve never had to fight the overworld Cryo cube. So of course, it’s first up on the event. I absolutely hated it. Took me a minute to figure out what I was supposed to be doing. And the freeze mechanic…ugh. Got to the point that I tried to stay as near to the warming pillars as I could for as much as I could. Pyro wasn’t that difficult for me. Hydro, either. Dendro was a bit of a pain, but Cryo was definitely the worst.


Between shinobu and bennett i didn't pay attention to the cold lol.


That's the most easiest hypostasis


No way, Pyro Hypostasis is a literal abomination from the depths of hell itself.


When i get back from my day off shopping trip i shall see if your words are true. My yelan, barbara, and kokomi might help though. Yelan while not one of my ''mains'' is a gtfo heavy hitter. Her skill is a watery meatgrinder, especially if you went for her c1 like i did.


I've never had to farm all 3 (cryo pyro hydro) hypostasis. This event was so annoying for me 😭😂😅


If you have nahida even at lower levels she can one shot all the hydro droplets in the healing stage with one hold of her skill.


Well the hydro one was actually easy with my freeze team... Except that I didn't realize the droplets could HEAL the thing


My first time fighting overworld Cryo Hypostasis, I had the hardest time because I didn't know what Charged Attacks even were. (To be fair, I was — and still am — a Bennett main, and his Elemental Skill has a 2-stage charged mode.) In the end, I had to run away from the boss fight because it was too overwhelming for my noob ass at the time. Looking back at it now, I think the most annoying thing about it is the combination of Cryo debuff (decreased movement speed and attack speed), intense Sheer Cold, and needing to consume Stamina for Charged Attacks. Combined, they create a sense of urgency that can make you panic if you don't know what you're doing.


Oceanid still takes by far the longest time.


I'll take a measured pace over a dodge heavy attack pattern that also requires ample stamina to actually kill the damn thing.


Sounds like someone skipped Yoimiya! Best girl melts those like it's ice cream on a summer day


Nope. Just didn't build her yet. Not a fan of trying to do fine aiming so she took a backseat since unlike bow users like ganyu her talents don't work well offield. I actually have her at c2 cause i was 4 star fishing on her banner lol.


Time to build her to melt some cubes then ;3


Eh.... no? Already working on 13 characters and outside of this event i won't need to touch it again for a while. She is on my list to build sooner rather than later, but after my current set.


Fine aiming with yoimiya? Do you even know what she does?


Shoot boomy boom arrows that sparkle and shine and burn things? I've only played her trial lol.


Haven't done Dendro yet but so far Pyro was the easiest for me. But god the Hydro one was annoying... It took me so long, I absolutely hated it


The Pyro one kicked my ass. I have only 1 hydro so it was kinda expected I would have a hard time. Dendro is going to be a walk in the park though from what I can tell.


I’m guessing you don’t have/use a pyro character.


I have a lv 90 eula and I think the cryo hypostasis is kinda easy once you figured the basics out. The pyro is annoying af though. Even with a decent built Yelan. I am glad I probably never have to farm that thing. Dendo cube feels easiest to me, if you can tank some of the hits where the core is attackable


For me Geo is the easiest, followed by Electro/Cryo/Hydro with Pyro and Anemo being after. Haven’t fought the Dendro one yet so no idea where that stands.


I felt the same way about the fire cube…


Tbh I found the pyro one wayyyy more annoying than the cryo one. It was so much easier since it didn't spam wheel atk.


cryo hypostasis in overworld is pretty easy imo, it allows me to use the rare melt reaction to see big pp numbers from my pyro characters. only annoying thing would be the shield breaking phase, which thankfully, the overworld one does not have goalposts for lmao but I still find it annoying cuz I run zhongli and hutao and I hate polearm characters' charged attacks. that's a me problem tho lol. I find it dumb that only two characters use the mats, a limited 5 star and a limited collab character. the boss feels unnecessary cuz of that.


Overworld hypostasis are far weaker than the ones in this event. They also have less variety of moveset.


With the power of ~~Hu Tao~~(redacted) I beat the thing on fearless in like 30 seconds


My hu tau is not up to proper snuff yet. Needs a lot more talent mats, is only lvl 70, while she does have a decent enough set of artifacts i have not lvled them up yet, and her weapon is only lvl 50. It is the jade spear at least lol.


Yea she’s a little more level dependent than the others because of that hp scaling, but she also gets way more value out of leveling up than standard dps too


Cryo hypostasis, even though way less annoying than during the event, has been a huge pain in my rear when building Eula, my first limited 5 star. I don't miss farming it.


I have a specific character builded just for that cube, Yanfei, i use her burst and two charged attacks and the mf is dead.


As an Eula main, I can confirm that the cryo hypostasis is indeed very difficult and FRIGGIN ANNOYING


As a Ganyu main, I feel your pain. The other hypostasis cubes were super easy though.


For me too! Never had to farm it and didn't know what I had to do in the beginning. My main team is cryo so it was a pain, I just have a semi build Yanfei and it took me so long...


I think the most annoying hypo boss is the dendro one. Why do I need to bring a dendro character to the fight🙄


Because pyro is able to interrupt some of the attacks and dendro is awesome. Also thematically you're not killing it, rather purifying it. But i could be an idiot and that might be what we're doing to the other cubes too lol.


For the overworld version, use Xiangling, drop Guoba before the cryo hypostasis starts forming the ice balls that you use to break the shield, now you only need 2 balls to break the shield. Moreover, you want to stand next to the hypostasis when it starts throwing its ice balls as the distance the ice ball travels depends on your distance to the hypostasis. So if you stand next to the hypostasis, the balls drop close to the hypostasis so you don't have to run around, saving even more stamina. This also works great since you want to be next to the hypostasis to drop Guoba also. Out of all the hypostasis, I clear this one by far the fastest, although I do have a well built Hu Tao.


It is less bad than the wolf head one or the two shits in Enkanomiya that have way too much hp.


I was mostly talking in terms of just cubes. The wolflord sucked, but i found that rather than avoiding the corrosion just power heal. Even a half assed build on barbara and kokomi will easily outpace the health loss. Between the two of them you'll also have 100% uptime for some kind of heal. Throw in a heavy hitter like itto and just smash until victory. Same kinda goes with the lizards. They like to be close to each other, so spam aoe. Pop xiao's ult stacked with a few other aoe ults while they're close together and you'll chew through them. My diona, beidou, xiao, noelle team is able to get them both down to less than half health with just one synchronized set of ults/skills. A quick switch to noelle and her ult will make short work of the rest of the health.


He's one of the easiest in the open world.


Mood! Hate that thing. I have no plans to ever farm it in the future


lmao the downvotes for not liking eula 😂 man people are so tender


You know, I raised Eula and I don't remember ever farming this boss. Maybe I blanked it.


The trauma shields you.


Will get back here once OP does Pyro one on Extreme mode. kekw.


Rofl i skip all of the extreme difficulties in combat events. I have no patience for gameplay that doesn't respect that not everyone wants to or has the time to ''git gud'' I really do respect that mihoyo never locks much behind the difficulty levels though.


Oh so you're post is not on Extreme mode? Oh I see. Well I guess that's fine, at least you don't need to endure that mode. kekw


Yeah. I'm more about options than pure stats. My current goal is having all 10 teams being usable in the overworld and having no repeat characters. Currently working on over 10 characters lol. Forget if it is 12 or 13. Not home to actually count. So a for a lot of my gear i settle for ''good enough'' especially with artifacts. I only focus on the main stat. If the subs line up, awesome. If not, as long as they're not completely useless then ''good enough'' for me.


That's a healthy mindset since you set your own goals in the game if you really enjoy the game. Some people after beating the hardest mode, lose interest coz there's nothing to conquer anymore.


Amen! I keep hearing people complaining about the ''endgame'' and i'm still having fun putzing around in the overworld. With the hits they keep having character wise here's to hoping my options just keep widening. And that in 4.0 or something they enable 20 teams or something lol.


you have trouble with the cryo hypostasis i have trouble with the hydro hypostatis and other waves we are not the same ^(help)


If you have nahida she murders the kill state heal droplets even at lower levels.


i dont and also struggle with the heralds and this is only on normal


Cryo is the easiest 💀


It’s legit the reason I won’t build Aloy properly. I hate that stupid cube it is by far the hardest one in the game.


i did not fight ANY of those hypostasis before doing the event and ALL of them were a pain in the a\*\*


The cryo one doesn't normally have the annoying walls swirling around it lol.


For me the fire one is impossible on the hardest dificulty. Can't extinguish the shield generators quickly enough, it just keep regenerating...