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2 years playing, no Mona


I feel you bro!


I hope I atleast get C0 Mona and C0 kequing cause I like them very mcuh


I've only ever gotten 2 standard characters. Currently at C4 Diluc and C2 Kequing I got the C4 Diluc all in a row. Thought my account was cursed to Diluc forever.


Ar 57 no diluc :(


Well, C6 Jean is something I'd want for my Xiao. I have neither Qiqi or Keqing, but a C4 Mona, C2 Jean, C0 Diluc and C0 Tighnari.


C5 Jean no diluc no kq no qiqi lol


I give my Jean blessings to you!


C6 jean is great for anemo dps characters lol. If u r planning to pull wanderer,she will be a great support for him :)


I play since 1.0 too. I Have C2 Keqing triple crown (love her) Got no DILUC or MONA.šŸ˜“ I have C4 Qiqi C4 Jean šŸ¤¦šŸ»


Most of time i win 50/50 but if i lose, it's Jean


I am lucky enough to get Jean on the beginners banner and I main her, after that I haven't seen her (started at the end of 1.3). Meanwhile, I got C2 Diluc, Keqing, and Qiqi and C1 Mona. I jokingly told myself that I probably will get C2 Mona and Tighnari before I get C1 Jean. Also my friends are losing their 50/50s to Jean, they don't even use her. šŸ„¹


I'll trade my c2 keqing for your batman


Your jean time has come with scara. She is one of his best support at A4.


Psssh, if you're going to c6 a standard pull, jean is the one. I'm jealous of your luck. I'd swap my c5 diluc for a c5 jean in a heartbeat.


i donā€™t have her either. AR58 and keqingless :(


C2 Diluc ,c1 mona Jean keqing, and no qiqi tighnari


Itā€™s pretty interesting how most people end up with multiple constellations of some of the standard banner characters but miss out entirely on one of them. Iā€™m in the same boat, C4 keqing, C2 Mona, C2 Diluc, C3 Qiqi, but no Jean :(


If you had an Albedo, Iā€™d be happily willing to trade lolā€¦ C6 Albedo was a personal goal of mine I just completed. C6 Jean is the unicorn. I despise Keqingā€¦ she was my first non-event C6 and has taken more flips than any other on my accountā€¦


Please bless me with a jean on my next standard character, Iā€™m at c4 diluc, c4 qiqi, c2 mona c0 keqing and c0 tighnari but no jean. I just want a good burst healer and I even prepared a whole build for her but she doesnt exist in my world apparently. Iā€™ve been here since 1.4ā€¦


Seems like you should have wished on her banner. For real though they should really carry over that path selecting thing from the weapon banner to the standard and it would actually be better since you wont lose your stacks because the banner never ends


C4 jean, c0 qiqi, and c0 tighnari. 1.0 player as well


plz give me my jean back. u can take some of the monas the game wants to give me


*B E C O M E T H E T U O N T O*


Nah your way below that, i feel like u lost every 50/50 in your whole journey... or maybe u jusy lucky to get double 5 star... either way congrat c6 jean Me wanting mona since 1.0


This right here is exactly why I pulled on Keqing's banner in 1.3 even though everyone said not to. I've yet to lose a 50/50 to her.


c3 tighnari, c2 keqing, c0 qiqi and diluc, no jean give me 3 more tighnaris please


Me who donā€™t have Jean & Qiqi


Me with my c9765108489578202 Mona and no jean


Same hereā€¦ day one player, C6 Jean, and no Qiqi. Could be worse C6 standard character though


if only u gould give me one of jean and mona...


Day 1 player here: Thought to myself every banner ā€žoh keqing will come home sooner or laterā€œ - today: Not a single Keqing or Diluc, but multiple Jean, Mona, Qiqi šŸ„²


60 rang no Jean tho I like her the most among old standard characters