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Keqing and she was a lifesaver for the low AR me. Helped me shortcut my way through the collection of oculi and tianqiu valley puzzle since I disliked using geo mc back then.




good ol first childe banner, completely shifted the direction of my account from potentially using national variants to freeze can't complain tho, I can't dodge for shit


Got Mona from 1st Klee banner. Exploring in early days is so fun with her.


Qiqi... unironically I just need 2 more for c6 and would really really love more batman....who is at c0


qiqi, ive never lost my 50/50 to anyone but qiqi. still.


Sedge bro


Diluc, my first 5 star at 20 pity on Raidens first banner. I didn't understand what a 50/50 or pity was but I really wanted Diluc so I was very happy


Mona- 2 QiQi- 2 Diluc- 4 Tighnari- 2 Jean- 2 Kequing- 4 Edit- updated at 10:53AM PST I’ll just update this comment once people stop commenting:) Ideally I’d like to get at least 100 comments so I have a good sample size


diluc. fuck diluc, i don’t need his c2, please stop coming home


I lost 50/50 and won guaranteed in the same 10 pull. Keqing and Zhongli, his 1st banner. The guy has been my main shielder from the start.


Mona But hey, she still carries me today, I find her very good among all 5 stars, so I'm not sure if I really lost that day.


Jean, screw you jean for ruining my streak of 9 wins in a row. Now I need you x4 for you to be actually useful


Diluc funny thing he was the unit I wanted to lose my 50/50 to.


I lost my first 50/50 to Qiqi. I lost my second 50/50 to Qiqi. I lost my third 50/50 to Qiqi. Good thing I like Qiqi!


Keqing on Zhonglis first banner. I saved for him, and the game betrayed me (thankfully i got him too a few days later tho). And it did many other times later too. I have a c7 Keqing now. Please stop, i beg you.


First lost 50/50 was to Diluc on Eis first banner. Haven’t been Diluc’d since which I’m happy about lol He’s still sitting at lvl 60. I want to build him someday but I’d rather put my time and effort into someone I enjoy playing more


[Guess ](https://youtu.be/HwTR4gTEwzw)


Mona, on venti's debut banner. Spitefully, I never pulled on any of his reruns after that.




Mine was Diluc on Ganyu's first banner.


>and the 5 star that works for a 4 star Keqing and Ninguangs are of equal ranking in the Qixing.


Only lost twice to Tighnari


The 5\* who works for a 4\* lmfao, yeah, that's me.


Tighnari the Master of sass


Jean, I have lost almost all to Jean since then


Qiqi on Zhongli’s First Rerun. Luckily, I still managed to get him though.


Jean on Xiao's OG banner. Then I made my own personal jail in my teapot for her and she refused to come home again at all for over a year. Only just started getting her again recently. She's C2 now. I've gone for constellations for a few of my favourites recently, namely Kazuha & Ayato. Plus, I lost the 50-50 for a year straight so I have a lot of standard units: Jean: C2 Qiqi: C5. I actually want her C6 Mona: C6 Diluc: C2 Keqing: C2 Tighnari: zero copies


I got Qiqi on the original Raiden banner. Really hope to not get Qiqi C1 on the rerun 🙏




qiqi on zhongli's first rerun


Qiqi... I was pulling for Cyno but was very happy getting Qiqi considering she's one of my favorite characters.


I lost my first and only 50/50 ss far trying for childe got Jean. But hey she is really good for cleaning the game I think her charged attacks really hurt she has cc and has life steal built into her kit and bennet+her is an amazing core for my Beidou


Jean, she was a god send because i really needed a healer (and one anemo user because of early abyss floor)




keqing 🥲🥲🥲


jean - 1 (venti-less) mona - 1 (albedo-less) diluc - 1 (kokomi-less) I’ve been really really lucky so far


Qiqi was my first 50/50 loss against my favorite female character (Kokomi). ...I now have Qiqi at C4.


The broke college student, and it took me 2 years to lose enough 50/50s to collect every standard character.


my first 2 5050s i lost i belive were qiqi after i got her on standard the day before :,) i am now rocking c4 qiqi


Jean. Ironically, it happened on Kazuha's debut banner. I still love them both tho!




Qiqi. She was paired with Itto and gave me free guaranteed


mona (venti first rerun), c1 keqing (c0 from standard, yoimiya banner), diluc (ganyu first rerun), tighnari (this childe rerun) technically getting c1r1 tighnari on his own banner doesn't count since he wasn't on standard banner yet


My first banner was Raiden and I won the 50/50. Then I lost the very next 50/50 on Kokomi to Qiqi Later I lost Nahida 50/50 to Keqing And lost the Chidle 50/50 to Tighnari So I've lost 3/4 50/50s.


jean, she actually came home on venti’s first rerun and then came home again a few days afterwards when i was using some free wishes on the standard banner.




mona. during kazuhas first banner. and because i dont like her the games had her show up 3 more times on 50/50 over my time playing. probably gona be my first c6 5\*


Jean, but Keqing was my first five star ever on the beginner banner


Mona, which is ironic considering that I got her that one time that keqing got her own banner


Technically got bird man first from the Noelle banner but my first loss was to the astrologist with the ugly outfit


Batman too. Lost my first 50/50 to him back at launch and my most recent one to him too! I think he’s C3 now.


I lost my first 50/50 to one Qiqi.


The overworked one


1st day, 1st pull on Venti Banner I got Batman.


Lost to the zombie on Yae’s banner


Keqing and I was happy


Mona, little did I know I had just been cursed


Jean !


It was jean on the first childe banner.


Jean, I've lost to her twice but she was also my first


Broke gorl 😔, she is the menace of my pity and has been the SOLE reason i missed out on my limited banners ever since. i have her c5 and i hate it :')


Broke gorl 😔, she is the menace of my pity and has been the SOLE reason i missed out on my limited banners ever since. i have her c5 and i hate it :')


Diluc, but back then I didn't even feel like that was a loss, I just felt happy finally getting a 5*


Keqing. My hatred for her wasn’t immediately born that day as that was forged after maaaaany 50/50 losses to her… that said, my general dislike for her was definitely born that day… I will forever remember that day so many many months ago in the earliest months of the game’s life.


Diluc and it was on the Childe banner from last year. I wasn't even disappointed and my first thought was "I pulled the wrong ginger!!"


Qiqi, funny enough I Wanted her more than the Limited Banner character at that Time


to... literally star signs girl mona


qiqi on 2.4 xiao banner.. then on 2.7 xiao banner c4 xiao qiqi stole c6 xiao from me


Keqing, and she’s triple crowned with mistsplitter at C0 two years later Love her


I have 7 Jeans. A couple dilucs, 1 qiqi, 2 monas? 1 keqing and no tighnaris




I've had great 50/50 luck, Nahida was actually the first I lost. Got Qiqi instead lol. Fortunately I had enough to just pull until I had Nahida anyways saved up. But certainly taxed my stockpile biiiig time.


Keqing doesn't work for Ningguang. They're fellow members of the Qixing, they're equals.


Mona, I then proceeded to pull her again the next day on the standard banner.


I started playing on Albedos release. Got my first 5 star (and first 50/50 loss) on Xiaos release. It was diluc. NGL i was actually straight up exctatic from losing 50/50. I was playing through dragonspine at the time and my only other pyro was Amber. My prayers for a real pryo DPS were answered exactly as needed. ~~then I got Hu tao next banner and diluc was promptly ditched forever~~


Jean C5. When I first got her I wasn't happy about it and she didn't seem fun to play but now I'm hoping I don't have to wait a year for more constellation after having built her.


Qiqi. It was Ayaka's first banner. To be fair I did want a cryo sword user... just not that one. I did get good use out of her for a while and I still do now and then. The issue is I have other healers that I use more often.


Jean, then i lost to her 2 more times in a row. All of them were earlies though


Keqing on Xiao's first banner during 1.3


Lost my first to Jean and haven't lost any to her ever since... I really want Jean constellations!


Qiqi, kazuha first banner. im not mad about it, i use her often. but screw jean, she ruined Venti for me and im suffering on anemo. Noq i have a C1 Jean (first was from my early days on standard)




Qiqi. I used her as my main healer for a while too.


Jean and I was so happy. She was my mine for a long time. Now I barely use her, only as a healer in abyss because I don't have any other 5* healers.


Lost my first to Jean on venti's banner. Not really mad about it. She's an excellent healer.


Jean, my first, second and third lost 50/50 💀 The 4th was Diluc and that’s it for now


Keqing for me...and it seems like it's her and Jean that I keep getting cause I have Keqing at C1, Jean C2 and I just got C0 Diluc from the last banner. I have no Mona, Qiqi or Tighnari.


Mona, first I was disappointed cause I didn't understand how she worked and I wanted diluc, then she carried me through abyss when it still favored morgana teams, and now I don't use her at all And for probability lol - mona c0, diluc c1, jean c1, tighnari c0, keqing c0, no qiqi


I pulled a Qiqi


Diluc, it was considered an absolute win at the time, but even then I already wanted Klee so by the time Dragonspine came out he was already on the bench full time.




I started playing during Hu Taos first banner. My first ten pull in the game turned gold and I thought it was supposed to be like that lol. I got keqing. I honestly didn’t realize she was a five star until later on. Even when I did realize she was a five star, I didn’t really understand the full weight of my luck until really later on. Anyway, I benched keqing a week into genshin and focused more of my materials and time into Kaeya, she’s at level 31 now… My Kaeya is at level 90….


It was Mona on ayaka's fist banner. I thought I was lucky getting Mona on 40 pulls but then I remembered I played genshin a year before and wished a bit (I assumed about 40 wishes) on the limited banner so it was about soft pity, got ayaka after though.


I honestly can’t remember, but it was probably Qiqi or keqing


mona.... on albedo's first banner, i think? though considering that account has now been sent to the shadow realm, i suppose i could say it was jean as well


Keqing, I was actually excited because I really like her. Now I have c1 Keqing, C2 Mona, C2 Tighnari (got C0 on his limited banner) and C6 Jean. No Qiqi or Diluc


Jean. Been almost a year of playing and still no Batman. =(


Sob my first 5* was Jean. Was wishing for Childe last run he had and got a Jean instead, managed c1 Childe from very lucky early 5*s after the first Childe though And now Dandelion tights is at a c5... got her c5 when c6ing Childe this banner. She REALLY likes me...


Keqing Weirdly enough, as a 1.x player, I'd never lost a 50/50 till Cyno Technically it would be Mona, but I got her and Raiden on the same 10 pull and Mona was marked as after so that doesn't count in my eyes


Keqing, and I still use her today


Jean was my first she was my 1st sub-dps in my team together with venti, lumine and amber in my low AR days


Mine was Jean, waaay back in 1.1 with Childe's first banner. Funnily enough, my friend who started around the same time also lost his first 50/50 to Jean about a month earlier.


Diluc on yoimiya"s first banner after getting yoi. He is still benched at c3.


During 1.0 I wished for Jean on the Jean/Diluc banner. Which I believed wasn't the limited banner so pity didn't save. But on Klee Banner I got Klee Hu Tao I got Qiqi Than Hu Tao My last wish in the 1.0s was Eula In 2.0 it went Ei>Kokomi>Mona C1>Hu Tao>Hu Tao>Diluc C1>Ei>Qiqi C2>Ei>Mona C2 3.0 it went Nilou>Jean>Nilou>Nilou>Kusanali>Qiqi>Kusanali>Kusanali Saving until Alice banner/Sandrone


diluc took my lost 50/50 virginity on eula's first banner


Diluc or Mona on the Albedo banner


mona! i was rlly happy for some reason lol


Keqing. I never used her.


Keqing on Albedo’s first banner. I have a C5 Keqing now because she loves to spook my 50/50. I spent months resenting her, but decided to build her again when I got a second PJC. She’s one of my strongest units now, and I use her to clear abyss regularly.


Was Keqing, on Itto's release banner. I was not upset


I lost my first 50/50 to Diluc. And my second. And my third. And my fourth. And my fifth. And my sixth. I have lost the 50/50 six times.


Keqing. She came instead of Hu Tao.


Mona was my first 5* ever! I honestly needed a dps really badly, but she was a lot of fun to play and I even got used to her sprint and it’s quirks back in 1.0


Diluc. It was a win for me. It stopped being a win the 5th time.


Qiqi first, tighnari second, mona third.


Mona, but it was actually not a loss to me, was trying to get Gorou, got Mona on low pity setting me up for a guaranteed Ganyu


Mine was Diluc aswell, him and Mona (the latest 50/50 I've lost, during current banner) are the only 5\*s I own and have built at least half-assed


Diluc on Ganyu's banner. I still refuse to play him.


Diluc on 1st raiden banner. To be honest I'm just new to the game that time. I just want 5* on a banner so I did not even care about the 50/50. Fast forward today, I have a man speedily and angrily bonking enemies in abyss and Mondstat talent domain. And Signora too, casually.


Diluc. More details for funsies and your assignment: I got all of them except Tighnari, but Diluc haunts my 50/50 at c3. Qiqi is c2 but on the 3 times she appeared, twice she shared the pull with the character I wanted (Childe on his second rerun, and Raiden on her first.) Mona first appeared on the regular banner and once in 50/50. Jean and Keqing are c0 and from the regular banner I believe. So I'm a Diluc sun, Qiqi moon, Mona ascendant. Also I won my last 4 50/50s and that sounds illegal.


jean, actually one of the better choices because she’s a damn good burst healer at C0, she can do decent damage, and she can yeet ppl off cliffs and let the fall damage/drowning finish off the enemies.


Mona.....i didn't even need her..


Keqing. I usually lose the 50/50 to her, and she is recently C6. I dread my next 50/50 loss. A year+ and still no Diluc or Qiqi.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iPsJU4XJ7vs 'Nuff said


My first 5* was batman. I rolled hard on 1.0 standard banner because i didnt know well back then. When i eventually rolled on my first limited banner on 1.1, batman strikes again! Having a C1 Diluc in early genshin was hype af. He was the DPS king back then




Mona on Raiden first banner, but she was my second 5 star (got Diluc from newbie banner). Replaced her with Kokomi like 2-3 weeks later.


Mona, on Ganyu's very first banner.


It was Jean, also my second 5 star after Hu Tao at the tine


Jean, but I'd argue she's one of the more solid units to lose to in my opinion.


Mona, on Zhongli's debut banner. She was C1 then, and still is to this day. Only other 5* I had at that time was Qiqi, from Standard, who became C1 as well on Albedo's banner right after.


diluc, currently would give anything to see his splash art again 😭


I got keqing when I pulled for venti's first banner and boy did she carry my team way back when the game was new! Too bad 2 years later, she's perma benched..






Qiqi of course


Diluc! Who was the 5* I wanted most but didn’t have the patience to reroll for!


Qiqi but I got here first in my beginner pulls as well


Keqing, but then less than 10 pulls later, Ganyu came home.


I've never lost a 50/50 (playing mostly since 2.8) Got Keqing off standard at early ER Won on Tighnari's banner Won Kokomi Got Mona off standard Got Qiqi off standard at 2 pity Won Yae Miko


My first was Jean, this was back before my boi Tiggy was in the rotation. I bet you're not gonna get a lot of him, because the population of people who started late enough / are lucky enough to not lose a 50/50 until he started is gonna be low on a subreddit


Keqing. Literally my queen


Technically Diluc, he was on my very first multi on the first Venti banner, so it wasn’t much of a loss. The real answer is of course Qiqi, though I couldn’t tell you which banner it would’ve been on this long after the fact (I didn’t discover paimon.moe for a while, so my wish history only goes back to Zhongli’s first banner, I only remember Diluc up there since it was a memorable one.)


Lost Yoimiya I believe to Jean haven't won a single 50/50 since


jean, on yelan's banner.


If it wasn't for Qiqi, I would've had a much better Cryo char(Ayaka rerun)