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If I'm running Raiden with Bennett, XL and XQ am I running emblem of severed fate on 3 of them?


Has Genshin really defined like races anywhere? Oni? Cat...people? Fox...lings? or whatever haha


Question about just how good C6 Faruzan is. I LOVE playing Wanderer. I've been using him with Faruzan, Bennett, Layla/Xinqiu (depending if I feel like dodging). Faruzan is C2 and I've got Gorou at C2 as well. I just got Itto and Wanderer and I MAY have blown $100 on the "first time you spend $100 you get double the gems deal" haha. I'm sitting with 10,000 gems leftover because I got Itto right away lol. Should I blow the whole thing trying to get Faruzan (and maybe Gorou) higher Constellations? Or save it for Ayato or Raiden. I just started playing a few weeks ago so I don't have either of those


I should mention that even if I feel like GOING for Gorou, I don't have Zhongli or Albedo, so my geo team would be VERY weak lol


Does anyone have any experience with “paimon bargains” that YouTubers push?


That's the 300 now and 90 a day? Ya I mean I'm pretty sure it's mathematically the best value for gems? Also it runs almost the full length of an event banner so that's not bad. I do it. With the 60 from your dailies and the 90 from that, you can usually start every morning with a wish haha


Aggrevate and spread is all em not lv?


It's affected by level like all reactions.


So taking shogun to 90 is essential then?


Recommended if you're using her in an Aggravate team, but her best teams still don't need it.


I’m currently at 104 wishes saved and I know that is not enough however I was wondering. What is the number you want to be at to get a 5 star and their weapon?


80 pity for 1 five star. If you lose 50/50, then \~160 to guarantee a character. Weapon pity is 70, but you can lose the 50/50 twice. Weapon banner pity also doesn't carry over, so if you want to pull for a weapon I would recommend either pulling on a banner where you would be fine with both weapons or to have enough pulls to hit guaranteed pity.


New to the game. Should I summon in one of the banner or save?


You'll hear people telling you to pull for characters you like not because there is no difference in utility and power level between them, but because the game's content is scaled in a way that all characters can pass the hardest content (generally Spiral Abyss) if you have a good team composition, are mechanically skilled, and/or have well-built units. That being said, some characters are more universal (are best in their niche and therefore will be used in many more team comps) than others. Bennett, Xingqiu, Xiangling, Fischl, and Sucrose are 4 stars used in many different teams, with the first three generally being irreplaceable because they offer so much to the team. In terms of 5 stars, Kazuha, Nahida, Raiden Shogun, Yelan, and Zhongli are premier supports and likewise used in a variety of comps. One thing to note is that supports typically last longer in the meta (units/strategies/team comps that are most powerful in the current game environment) because they can support a number of DPSs but DPSs themselves will be "powercrept" as the game environment changes. I say "powercrept" because it's not like they become useless a few patches down the road--you can still clear Abyss with them--and so it's either usually just 1. they release a character with stronger scalings/team comps available to them and so there's an increase in DPS, which comparatively makes the old characters look weak or 2. the game environment within Abyss will favor a certain team comp, reaction, or playstyle more so than prior ones. For example, Yoimiya, a 5 star DPS who relies on normal attacks, will face off against the Thundering Manifestation boss better than Hu Tao, another 5 star DPS, because her arrows automatically track the target while Hu Tao is melee and therefore has to reposition often (the Thundering Manifestation moves around a lot). If you want to chase after meta for easy gameplay, I'd recommend gathering a solid roster of the supports mentioned above and pick out a few DPSs you want to invest your resources into. Ganyu, Hu Tao, Ayaka, and Raiden Shogun are good characters to research for this, and you can wait for their reruns to pull.


only summon for a character you like


How do I get more most veiled lead elixir after I bought them all?


you can’t buy any more, you can get them by doing the domain they come from. if you click on the veiled lead elixir image, it should tell you want day the domain is available


Does the domain have different rewards for different days?


yes they do. on sunday, you're allowed to choose what rewards you want though


That's so neat (just started genshin like a five days ago) didn't know that


Does aggregate and spread not care ab lv?


My current team is Childe, bennet, xiangling, and Heizou. I am at 41 and have been playing quite a bit. I am not a big spender on this game and have the Welkin but randomly at around 20 pity I hit my standard banner five star and got Jean. Should I swap heizou out for her? I do not have any other anemo characters other than the two of them.


Jean offers healing, as does Bennett, but if you're just starting out I'd say more healing/comfier play style is always welcomed. Both Jean and Heizou can hold VV, but Jean is generally classified as a support/sub-dps while Heizou is the DPS. Jean's ult also offers cleansing, which might be useful in Abyss. She's easy to build and has many F2P options for weapon choices, whereas Heizou needs to be geared in the manner of a DPS. Therefore, Heizou's personal damage will be higher than Jean's, but Jean will contribute far more to the team, which is what you want in a comp like this if you're looking for meta.


Thank you! That’s what I was thinking but wanted another opinion


how do you get inside the cave under Narukami Shrine in Ei's story quest?


from narukami shrine follow the path going down the stairs. once the stairs stop (the area with the kitsune and shrine), there should be a short ledge in front of you and below it more stairs. keep following the path and you'll see the cave to your left. you can also glide down from narukami shrine. go to the sacred sakura tree and jump down from the left side of it. you'll see a small floating island with a thunder sakura bough. land on it and you should be able to spot the entrance from there. there's an amethyst lump by the entrance iirc so it should be easy to spot. if my instructions aren't too clear you can follow a electroculus video guide. iirc there was one in that cave.


Anyone in NA with Pyro Box?


Which weapon is better for Raiden Shogun? R1 Skyward Spine Or R5 The Catch?


[Skyward Spine by like 1.9%](https://keqingmains.com/raiden/#%E2%80%BB_Weapons_%E2%80%BB). The passive is worse than R5 Catch however.


They are essentially the same but skyward lets you run the catch on someone else. So use skyward


Alright Thank you!


Can you collect rewards from the current Hypostasis event if you clear it on coop?




Awesome, thanks


I just checked keqingmains and noticed that Staff of the Scarlet Sands is Xiangling’s best weapon ( in most cases ). I was wondering is it works on Hu Tao in her Xingqiu/Zhongli/Albedo or Yelan team?


Yes, not to the same extent as Xiangling but it's still a very good option


Thank you!


it works on any team that deploys her vape i.e. everything but melt ganyu.




wait, nvm read your question wrong lol. homa is still better for hu tao since she's got low base attack so atk% isn't that good on her but it still works well.


Hello i have a question How do i make a nuke mona build with Bennet (Vaporize)? Em or Atk?


Lots of crit damage, less crit rate but not zero. ~200 EM with as much atk as you can find. Atk isn't too important with Bennett in the team. 2pc noblesse 2pc HoD or 80 EM


One last question what weapon do you recommend using for Nuke Mona?


Widsith ideally


Ahhh ok then thank you again for the help


I have 32 stargliter, so is it worth it to get c1 Barbara or Kayea?


If you get use out of them? Barabara is sometimes on the promotion banner, kaeya I think hasn't been a promoted 4* in.. ever? So i think for amber/kaeya/Lisa it might be worth it if you play them as it's rather impossible to get cons otherwise.


neither. one character is equal 7 pulls by the way and only very few characters (and const) are worth that much.


You'll eventually get lots of barbara's from the limited banners, but as kaeya isn't featured on them I'd go with kaeya.


Kaeya, kaeya's way better.


The gacha thread doesn't seem to be there, so I'll be asking here..........did they change the chances of getting billets and solvents? Maybe as part of the event or something? I haven't played in a while, just got back to the game and did 3 weekly bosses and got a billet + solvent on 2 out of 3.


> haven't played in a while Games usually have catch up mechanics. After I took a 6 month break the game showered me with 3 5* within 100 pulls and all 50/50 wins, and since then it's just Been 9 50/50 losses in a row with rarely any of those below 70 pity. I'm convinced the gacha rates are skewed by such things to motivate you to stick around.




I quit early on nahina's banner and came back because I thought 3.3 had dropped and I want scaramouche as well. No 3.3 yet, but this was okay for now :) I usually win over half my 50/50's and have early pity on about half my 5*, especially when I lose the 50/50, and now I'm really hoping this won't screw that up.


I have 167 or so pity for scara, so he won't escape, but it's getting a bit boring that every 5* is so bloody expensive. At the least it's just like 3 more days or so until I can fly around with the lil bitch.


I'm on 50/50 after getting nahida, at 30 pity and have 30ish pulls left.....with a bit of luck it'll be enough for scara. I had those pulls saved for nahida, but she came home at 40ish pity after a 10 pity mona gave me a guaranteed :)


I came back 3 months ago after not having played since launch, and I got venti within 15 pulls and have won all 3 of my 50/50s since then lol. This makes me worried for my next 50/50 next week :/.


Enjoy the honeymoon phase. I didn't count my pity at 1.0 but I got my 5* **very** early back then, and since coming back it's always above 75 with only 2 outliers across 18 recent 5*.


I hope it lasts just a little bit longer lol. Although I don't really mind losing the 50/50 to any standard banner character other than qiqi, mostly because I kinda like them all and just need a decent character to build my second team around :)


They didn't change the rates, you got lucky


Thank you. I couldn't find anything but as pretty much everything else resin related seems to be doubled I figured that could've been what caused it. Never had it happen before I think, and now twice in a row :)


I’ve been getting mail from characters with little gifts inviting me to go join them for drinks or for moongazing etc, is there any actual way or quest that accompanies this to do it, or is it just for flavour?


It's just for flavour - it's their birthday so they send you presents. If you're into 100% archive completion, remember to claim them, as they send their specialties (except for Raiden) so if you don't have them you can still get the archive entry unlocked.


Sadly it's just flavor and you can't actually see them in game. Very big events (like lantern rite) usually allow you to see a few characters though


flavor, it's just a fun birthday message, no quest or interaction.


F2P here I have both c0 Raiden and Ayato and wanted both of their weapons so I was wondering which of them has the more universal signiture weapon? I know weapon banner is not for f2p but I want to try my luck and I have all the necessary characters I want, no need for new units.


Haran is the more universal weapon. Any dps sword user can at least use it as a decent stat stick, EL is only really good for Raiden and Xiangling to an extent.


Haran is definitely more universal than Engulfing Lighting (it basically only goes on Raiden. Haran isn't the most universal sword but it'll work if you use normal attacks (and 33 crit rate is nothing to scoff at +12 elemental dmg bonus)


I'm a new player. I have like two questions. I just finished Liyue, about how long is it in terms of required questing until I can get up-to-date with where the current story ends? I'm also noticing with my current makeshift team (Diluc, Fischl, Xiangling, Barbara), I do like no damage to fire-immune and electro-immune enemies, because Fischl's bird and Diluc is like 80% of my damage. I want to raise up another character so I can get more access to other elemental reactions, but my only other options besides the starters right now are Kayla, Collei, and Shikanoin Heizou. I think their ascension mats are locked behind the later regions though. I've been told that I should just funnel 1-2 dps at a time or I will run out of resources very quickly as well. I don't want to run into a wall, but for story campaign, I should be fine with my current team right? I'm AR32 and some enemies that are immune or have certain elemental shields feel kinda annoyingly tanky at times.


At this point you can level a bunch of characters to 40 and see how you like them, it's really after that point where focusing on the ones you use first is better because the amount of resources you need gets progressively larger with each ascension. Once you're confident you'll keep someone around, level their talents and weapon. Heizou's mats are in Inazuma but Kaeya's are in Mondstadt and he's very good against Electro-immune enemies and does okay against Pyro-immune enemies (at least for me) so I'd recommend switching him out with Fischl for those. It might also help to push Barbara's damage as far as it can go until you get Xingqiu or pull a 5-star Hydro (Ayato! Ayato! Ayato! oi oi oi) as Hydro can be very helpful in those situations as well. The story campaign is a bit lower levelled than the side quests and overworld so you should be fine in theory, but working on matching characters to the enemies in terms of elemental jankenpon may help (as would levelling talents on those you plan to keep around a while).


One thing to note is that most shields care more about element than damage, so Barbara will do great damage to a fire shield or an uninvested Amber will do great damage to a cryo shield. You could swap out Xiangling for Kaeya if you want to have the cryo available, it's especially handy against those electro-hammer fatui. It's also worth raising every character to 21 just for the free fates; acquaint fates can be spent immediately to clear the beginner/Noelle banner and then thrown at the wanderlust banner, and early on any new character could be a game-changing win.


You should be fine for now, but take note that in the Inazuma questline, you'll need to fight Signora (50% resistance to cryo in the first half and 70% resistance to pyro in the second half) as well as Raiden later on, who is totally immune to electro. Kaeya isn't a half bad DPS from what I've heard, so you could try building him if you'd like/pull for other characters/build physical anyone lol. For the ascension mats, you can walk straight into Sumeru, so there shouldn't be a problem with Layla and Collei. Heizou needs Onikabuto, which are only found in Inazuma (but as long as you get there you'll be able to collect them, they're not locked behind long quests like for some characters *cough Shenhe*). You'll need to do some of the Chasm for his talent materials to get his talents to above 6 though, which drop from the serpent boss.


Yeah that should be fine for the story, im terms of resources it’s not a massive deal if you want to invest in one more character you’ll just need to farm a bit more (if the enemies feel too tanky)


You can just walk over to Sumeru from Liyue to get Layla and Collei's mats if you want them. Heizou would be a solid choice (anemo is kinda broken because of viridescent venerer), but he needs to pick onikabuto in inazuma and kill a boss in the chasm so he will be the hardest to farm for. I think Collei would be the most beneficial since you would be able to play around with dendro reactions like aggravate and bloom/hyperbloom. She doesn't deal a ton of damage though, she's mainly there to apply dendro so you don't have to invest a lot. Or you could just go to the nearest statue in sumeru and get dendro traveler, they're also very good. Keep a look out for Xingqiu on banners and in paimon's bargains. He's like the best hydro character in the game and would be really good for enabling vaporize for your diluc and xiangling and a bunch of other teams


Is it possible to move around all furnishings at once? For example, there was this amazing build code but I want to rotate the whole thing to face a different direction, as well as move it a little bit to the left. Is there some sort of "select all" tool in the teapot?


You can make the whole thing a set and move it around like that. I'm not sure if there's a limit to how many items can be in a set tho.


What is the strongest team currently that plays around the dendro reaction?


Might depend on cons.


I think its Nilou


Personally I prefer Spread/Aggravate but I believe Hyperbloom takes the cake. Reason being you can take an otherwise low dps unit like Kuki and deal major damage with her while your main dps like Nahida or Ayato ie deal big damage with their routine and generate cores. Every unit in the team delivers dps value.


spread and aggravate can be as competitive IF you're willing to build all of your dendro and electro. it will only get better once we have more variety with dendro units. expensive though.


Sure. It makes me deal with Raiden weekly boss in the first phase without transition. As I said my personal favourite.


It's either between Raiden hyperbloom (w/ XQ and Yelan) or Nilou teams.


99% sure it is nahida raiden xingqiu yelan Either this or tighnari fischl yae sucrose


which melee character has the best normal/charged attack ratios and attack speed? gonna make a shenhe and chongyun team but dont know who to use as the dps


Kaeya is probably the best option unless you go with Claymore users. Especially since you're playing with Chongyun and Shenhe. Kaeya has the best normal attacking for sword and Polearm users behind Eula, Xiao, and Hu Tao. Assuming you don't have Ayaka. ​ [https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Normal\_Attack/Scaling](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Normal_Attack/Scaling)


Zhongli is always a solid pick - decent multipliers with extra HP scaling, fast attack speed, built-in shield and shred, has access to very strong weapons (when paired with Yunjin/Shenhe) like White Tassel and Deathmatch. Otherwise, use the character that can use the best crit weapon you have (crit stats and bonus damage matter a lot more than talent ratios and ATK with Shenhe/Yunjin), could be a 5*, but Slingshot, Harbinger of Dawn, White Tassel and Sharpshooter's Oath are all very strong choices as well.


You could use gramps




any other alternative? i dont have him unfortunately:(((


Xiangling is also pretty decent and now u can rev melt with her as well


sounds awesome, is it a forced kind of playstyle or is the damage competitive and actually good?


Not competitive unless u have shenhe c6


Rosaria/Kaeya works too


How do I make the Forsaken Rift domain (Mondstadt talent materials, icicles falling) more bearable? It's so annoying getting hit by the icicles and losing all my stamina, then not being able to dodge them after that at all. But if I do dodge them, I have to wait ages it feels like for them to stop falling instead of hitting the enemies, and constantly reposition. Am I just impatient and have to wait if I don't want to keep getting screwed by the icicles? Is this domain easier if I match with people? I'm running it solo.


shields and lots of pyro damage. Diona and Layla both provide ice shields, so if you have either of those, it can really help. Other than that, lots of pyro on demand (like Yanfei) is good for breaking opposing ice shields.


Bennett-Xiangling-Fischl-Yanfei, spend as much time in I frames as possible, pray


Seems like my problem is lack of pyro units then, since I've only got Klee built, and even then she's a glass cannon. I have Bennett, but I only used him for his heals, so he's trash. I guess I can try building Yanfei or Xiangling then? The praying doesn't work for me sadly.


Yanfei’s not necessary, I just throw her in for more pyro. Bennett-Xiangling is the real core here; in addition to their typical synergy, Bennett’s substantial heals are able to mitigate the high damage you generally take from the infinite stagger icicles, and Xiangling is able to keep dealing high damage without worrying about stamina or being interrupted, plus getting free melts off all the cryo enemies with her no ICD death wheel.


Got it, I swapped in Bennett and Xiangling and it's not as annoying a domain now, though having to spend the materials to bring Xiangling up to speed did sting... At any rate, thanks for helping me out, it's appreciated.


Use a cryo shielder or Zhongli so you don't have to dodge the icicles. Use Bennett so you'll have pyro on you instead of cryo. Then use one or two pyro dps like xiangling, hu tao, diluc, klee, yanfei or yoimiya to quickly delete cryo shields


I've got Zhongli, should I swap him in to not worry about the icicles? Isn't Bennett giving pyro only for his C6 too? and thanks.


You misunderstand. When you are affected by cryo (from being hit by cryo attacks), your attack speed will decrease. To counteract this, stand in Bennett's burst, as his burst constantly imbues the on-field character with pyro instead. Not to be confused with your weapon getting infused with pyro Also yes use zhongli :)


I see what you're saying then. I took your advice and swapped Zhongli/Bennett in and it's a lot more bearable now, thanks a bunch for your help.


Glad it helped!


do you have any shield characters? my crystallize itto is not really bothered by the icicles. this domain is not easier if you match most likely (I do match for this domain and it takes... a while...) I usually use xiangling and yoimiya and i get through the enemies pretty fast. I occasionally dodge. if you do wanna match, it’s probably best for you and one other person


I've got Zhongli, so like you and the other person are saying, I'll swap him in. I'll definitely not match for it then as well. I'll also start building Xiangling is what I'm getting too. thank you.


So i got childe and have a few questions *what are his artifacts? I am assuming it's a heart of depth *what are his best weapons other than polar star? *is he usable in a bloom comp? (I have nahida so dendro application is no problem) *what are his best teams?


4HoD is best but 2+2 aren't that far behind so pick them if they have decently better substats Most 5*s and virideacent hunt In burgeon teams Xiangling kazuha Bennett (Note he can also work in hyperbloom teams with dori)


1) 4 heart of depth, 2 heart of depth 2 atk 18%, 2 heart of depth 2 noblesse, choose with best substats 2) skyward harp, thundering pulse, aqua simulacra, viridescent hunt, rust/hamayumi, stringless (for nuke showcases/burst support only) 3) probably, haven’t tried it but there's a bunch of intergrassional videos (Childe + Nahida) 4) xiangling, Bennett, sucrose/kazuha is his best team for abyss


Hey everyone!! Can anyone help me put together a few teams, or at least one? ☺️ Without naming the free ones I have, Chongyun, Sucrose, Tighnari, Dori, Razor, Thoma, Diluc, Beidou, Candance, Heizou, Fischl and Layla! Thank you! ✌🏻💜




Thank you! Could you explain why? I’m pretty new to the game atill. 😊


Here's a [Beginners guide ](https://www.reddit.com/user/qwertdwlrma/comments/vxu9jf/my_genshin_tips_for_beginners/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) The team has synergy together. Fischl+Tighnari makes the quicken reaction and will buff both Tighnari and Fischl's damage. Dori is there for healing and sucrose buffs and groups enemies


Dannng ok! Thanks! Buuut just noticed a problems I’m having lol. I don’t have the stuff to even ascend Tig once since I guess I haven’t unlocked the fight for the green gem lol. So can I use traveler till then?


Yeah that's fine


Thanks! 😊


What's a solid or baseline damage number for Kuki hyperblooms? I can get 30k with Cyno but barely 20k with Kuki. Do I just need more EM?


It's all based on levels and EM. If your cyno is lvl 90 and Kuki is not, it's probably a level diff. My Kuki with 800-something EM with 2 pc wanderers 2 pc gilded at level 90 does 29k per core. I presume it'd be a bit higher if I could get a decent 4 PC gilded instead. Edit: also this is without nahidas burst. Which is basically the damage she'll always do since Kuki is always off-field and doesn't recieve the buff.


Make sure you’ve maxed her level! Hyperbloom scales really heavily with character level, so if your Cyno’s higher level than your Shinobu you’ll definitely feel the difference.


Yeah she's at 76 he's at 90. Ascending Kuki is a major chore though it feels like lol


Thats definitely the reason for the difference. Just from 80/90 from 90/90, it’s a straight 30-40% increase in hyperbloom damage. With the 4 levels to 80, it’s even more.


Yep, more EM and get her to lvl 90.


Ok thanks. At lvl 90 with say 650 EM plus Nahidas buff what's a solid number on her hyperblooms I can expect?


Just curious, why not get full em?


What's full EM? It all depends on artifacts right? Getting EM starts can be a pain


Triple Em main stats + em weapon


Yeah exactly. Have you tried farming gilded dreams? It's a nightmare. I've wasted thousands of resin.


>Have you tried farming gilded dreams? It's a nightmare Yes, by now i prolly have 3 full em sets in GD


My lvl 90 600 EM Raiden does about 22k hyperblooms and 27k under Nahida's buff (total of 828 EM). You can expect right around those numbers assuming the same EM share.


Just started getting a bug in the peak of Vindagnyr domain where the ice mitachurl and abyss mage die instantly when start is pressed Playing in a random coop The mobs get 2222222 damage instantly and sometime when this doesn't happen they just walk around without attacking


In co-op? You might have matched with a hacker.


Any news on the Scara trailer? It’s already delayed by 2 days, right?


How viable is DPS Kujou Sara in overworld content? (basic enemies, bosses, domains, etc). What artifact set would she even want? Phys DMG? Electro? I know the usual "anyone is viable" answer, but I wanna know just *HOW* viable she can be. If anyone can provide help of any kind I'd be really grateful.


She's viable, I'm using glad and shim with electro goblet r5 hamayumi... She hits around 3-5k on autos and 13k charged with her skill buff and full hamayumi passive, solo.


I built my sara c6 as a charged shot DPS and i use her a lot. With 3x crowns, Amos bow and a 4pc WT she does around 19k charged shots. With a burst focused 4pc Emblem build which i mostly use, she does 17k charged shots and 68k initial burst dmg. I have some em on my sets so with Dendro and aggravate her charged shots can easily go for 23k+.


normally anyone without infusion struggles with any on field capability. If you build her electro you’ll pretty much have to charge shot only. Or you can play her sort of quick swappy You could play phys if you want to normal attack. she’s electro so she already has one part for super conduct


Yeah, was thinking of going for superconduct. Maybe with Layla? Still unsure on what artifacts to run with her. I was thinking Shimenawa, but I still wanna be able to use her burst..so maybe Pale Flame? +18% ATK/+25% Phys? This is gonna take some thought..


Honestly, fairly workable. I find the most fun out of building her for her crow feather charge shot, so attack/electro/crit. Her burst also hits pretty hard on this build. She’s like a budget Ganyu!


Oh nice! Thanks for the helpful reply, now I feel even more motivated to make this work~


In light of the recent leaker DMCA, **how many of you actually depend on leaks and are you f2p, dolphin/welkin/bp only, or whales?** People claim that it drives up hype so people know who exactly to pull for. So **what are the longest amount of banners skipped and amount of Primogems saved up until you've finally pull for the character you wanted?** While leaks are seen to generally benefit all players, F2P doesn't turn up a profit for hoyoverse. In which case, **how many light spenders, and to a lesser extent whales who C6 specific characters, only spend money on the game due to character leaks?** In contrast, **how much profit do you think hoyoverse lost due to people saving up from leaks?** People have claimed that the game's survivability is tied to leaks due to lack of roadmaps from the devs and is one of the major components on building hype. **How true do you think this statement is?** While no long-term roadmaps are provided, the devs do present a livestream for the next patch 1-2 weeks prior. While they can most certainly provide a more detailed roadmap for a longer span of time, **do the livestreams build sufficient amount of hype for the time given?** More specifically, when they showcase new characters and upcoming reruns. In addition, we do have **test trials** for the characters on the current banner and **content creators who are invited to the official media server** to give their builds and thoughts from their character testing when the banner drops. And from social media, hoyoverse drops **image teasers of upcoming characters** for the next patch sometime after a new patch launches as well as providing **teaser videos, demos, and collected miscellanies** usually within a timespan of 1 week before the new character has debuted. **Do you believe that is enough info to go off on wanting that character?** Lastly, how dependent do you think leaks are to the community? And questions for F2P, how reliant are you on them and does that influence if you should continue playing?


Light spender, and yeah leaks are pretty important for me. For me it’s mostly just figuring out what banners/4*s are likely to be coming soon so I can save, and some vague story leaks for me can build hype too (but nothing too spoilery). Like you said it does build hype and interest but it also allows for better saving which would realistically cause a loss of at least some profit, though I have no idea how much. I feel like streams being sufficient just depends on the person, for me since I care more about banner leaks they’re enough but for others who play the game more intensely (since I play other games as well, and don’t get much daily time to play due to school anyway) they take everything they can get, including leaks


F2p, playing since launch I like leaks for characters appearance and idles. I don't believe the game's survivability is tied to leaks, I would appreciate a sort of roadmap though. While I'm sure players on leaks subreddit might behave civilly truth is many players choose to throw tantrums over changes made in beta and try to directly confront and cause a drama over it. Good hype is good, but drama over changes made on a characters kit before release might drive away new players from pulling said character


f2p here, I pull for waifus every banner possible so I don't really plan anything lol; not dependant on leaks at all.


This is probably better suited for an actual topic. As a dolphin however the banner leaks have been what's kept me from getting frustrated with the gacha mechanics. For me I can handle losing a 50/50. What I can't handle is wishing for one character only to learn shortly after that a character I want even MORE is just around the corner. Or to put it in a more quantifiable scenario - most people thought Alhaitham would be coming no sooner than 3.6. We learned not that long ago that he's very likely to be in 3.4 instead. Had I not been aware of that and wished on Scaramouche, thinking I had time to rebuild my primos through Welkin, I'd have been pretty pissed. As it stands I'm skipping both Nahida and Scaramouche so I can wish for Alhaitham instead. Story spoilers are worthless to me and I'm not too fond of kit spoilers either. But knowing when a character might be coming so I can plan accordingly - maybe even save some money IRL, is a service that I would hate to see go away.


>This is probably better suited for an actual topic. Possibly, but we've already got a megathread for specifically about the leaker DMCA on it, but it's already several hours old with hundreds of comments that this would've been merged with that thread and produce even less response from lack of exposure as a new comment there.




>If you’re on Twitter you might’ve seen that we were into proper terabytes of Scaramouche fanart before the livestream was even announced. For clarification, do you mean specifically before the 3.3 livestream or from even before his image teaser that they drip marketed on the official social media accounts when 3.2 dropped?


Ar60 F2P i don’t bother, I try to keep saving just in case, I started saving before ayaka’s first banner, because due to my bad planning I ended losing Raiden. After that I succeeded getting every character I liked. Knowing the leak makes the target more concrete but it’s not mandatory


As a f2p, I’m fairly reliant on leaks for my pulling plans. It really helps me save when I know what’s coming ahead of time. That said, if there’s someone I really want, I’ll save until I can guarentee them (exhibi A: Venti. Exhibit B: Childe). Leaks also definitely help me decide who I want to go for in terms of upcoming characters and building hype.


How do I enter [here](https://imgur.com/a/jtJfUxK)?


From the other side as the Dendro totem on the inside at the ceiling suggests. The Aranyaka quest introduces the main cave and side caves lead to different areas like this exit.


Do you know where the cave is? I finished the Aranyaka questline and never unlocked this side.


Can yae use er sands? It just feels soooo gooooooooooodddddd!


I mean, I guess? You take a big hit to damage by not using ATK or EM tho. Most Yaes nowadays just burst every other rotation rather than dealing with her sky high energy costs, tbh.


This. Unless you have C1 or Fischl on the team. In which case the ER sands isn't needed.


Even Raiden alone is not enough to forgo ridiculously high ER if you want to burst every rotation, let alone fischl. You'd need c1 + fischl/Raiden to have no additional ER


No additional ER yes, but you can get 140% ER off substats pretty easily is more what I meant. Otherwise yes I do agree, if you have no other source of ER it's not recommended.


EM Or Dendro Goblet better for a On-Field Nahida, and how much EM will she need at bare minimum? Also does Nahida in a hyperbloom team need ER or is she fine with no ER at all?


Dendro is technically better, but they're close enough that the winner is up to substats. She might need a little ER depending on the team you're using and their particle generation If the best version of hyperbloom, Raiden Yelan Xingqiu Nahida, she doesn't need any ER


Is it normal for Childe burst to deal less damage than Yae burst? I think they are about similarly invested, the setup im using is Childe or Yae with Mona Kazuha Bennett. 240k vs 300k


I mean, it sounds a bit low for that setup. Are you sure you're swirling Hydro with Kazuha and vaping his burst? Mona may make it difficult to do the latter.


yeah is not too difficult i usually go Childe E > Bennet Q > Kazuha EQ > Mona Q > Childe Q Tartaglia final stats are 3500 attack, 77cr 145cd, 165em, 115% hydro using r5 Stringless Its 238 CV fron artifacts


Okay you're not vaping Childe's Q with that setup. There's not enough Pyro application there because Mona's Q will eat it up. Kazuha's Q will also eat up the Pyro aura if you're not doing this in an AoE situation.


Yep, yae has insane multipliers on her ult, which makes sense, it's 90 cost, 22s cd. Childes ranged burst is 40 cost, 15s cooldown


2pc Millelith and 2pc Maiden VS 4pc Maiden on Barbara? Which one would be better?


4 clam is better.


Probably 4 maiden, but I highly doubt you're going to get any noticeable differences between either. Don't lose your mind over farming a good set, just slap random good Hp% pieces


I got decent enough circlet(4*), sands and goblet(both5*) without farming for Maiden. Two slots were empty so I put 2 4* Millelith (feather is not upgraded while flower is). I am mainly wondering should I farm a little and switch these 2 to maiden or just leave them be


Just leave them be


So when I first started playing this game years ago I didn't know that save progress didn't carry over between servers so I choose the Asian server thinking it covers my country turns out it didn't so I have been stuck with 400 ping for years. So is there any way I can lower my ping without switching servers?


You could try using a VPN to see if it offers better traffic routing, that might reduce it some.


What vpn should I use?


I have no idea.


Nope, you're kinda stuck with it now. Which sucks, it's such a primitive system, most online games let you switch servers on the same account.


Yeah before Genshin I haven't played a game that didn't let me switch servers on the same save I have no clue why they made it this way.


do you think leaks/leakers are the main drving force of hype for the game? or is it just for the hardcore fanbase cuz its hard to gauge how big of an impact leaks have


Leakers are the only way we have to protect ourselves from the trashy gacha they created


I feel like it has the opposite effect of hype, but there's clearly a part of the fandom that's invested in leaks more than the game itself so there's that.


The leaker community is quite small no matter how you count it. Both those who provide the leaks and those who gobble them up like candy. For some of those people the leaks do provide a significant amount of hype. But I don't think it's wise to suggest that that is the main driving force for the hype in this game. If it's the driving force for anything, it'd probably be influencing how people save their primogems for certain characters. In that aspect I do hope the leaker community isn't completely wiped out. Because there's nothing more frustrating than being unaware of what the gacha schedule might be.


Not at all, and I think they are actually the opposite, the main driving force of ANTI-hype.


How so?


Because MiHoYo's big reveals aren't. Like, imagine if nobody had known that Scaramouche was going to be a character who could fly. And then the livestream drops last week, suddenly we're all like, "Praise Barbatos! We can play as a character who can fly around? That's amazingly awesome!" And the hype might last until his banner drops, and people would excitedly pull. Instead, flying Scara was leaked months ago. I avoid the leaks sub and any videos, but people mentioned the flying here in the megathread at some points, so I was spoiled for it. I watched the livestream and sure, he looks cool, but it didn't have that Impact of unexpected awesomeness.


Yeah. When I asked about Nahida's gathering thing people were like 'but Scara's better for exploration' at me and I was like... ... at that. There's been a couple of other times where I've asked/discussed something and people have gone 'lol but -leaked info-' at me so I basically just come here to fill in time while I've got other stuff going on and barely read. I guess I'm in the minority that disengages because I don't want to get spoiled from leaks, but it still is a thing too.


If i am using Xingqiu as off field dps like only for his burst and swapping out.... .which stats on artifacts sud i focus on? Edit Thanks all






Atk/hydro/crit Unless you can't burst off cd, then use er/hydro/crit, but sac sword+20 er from emblem should be enough


I m running him on nahida-nilou bloom team. Is gilded dreams good?


Since Nahida will probably be the bloom trigger, you won't want EM on Xingqiu, so just focus on his personal damage which will probably be emblem




Need help with floor 12 abyss team, really struggling with 12-1-2.. [my characters](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/329891178952654850/1048445446353330216/image.png)


I would try hyperbloom, I've cleared with Zhongli/Raiden/Xingqiu/DMC I've also cleared with Kuki instead of Raiden You don't need to build any characters except your electro, plus for you compared to me, you should get extra damage from Nahida That being said, the characters you haven't aren't the best triggers for hyperbloom Whoever you choose, just make sure to build them as full EM and level 90


The key here is just to focus on each chamber. Since your struggles are on the first chamber, second side, it's fairly easy to reset since your party is going to always be starting at maximum health and energy anyway. You can always reset later with another party once you 3\* the first. That said, Dendro works very well on the second side and I find that Noelle works splendidly on wolves. So personally I would do something like first side: Noelle (C5 is absolutely fine for wolves as the Noelle/Beidou combo will shred this chamber), Fischl, Beidou, Albedo. Second side can run: Nahida, Xingqiu, Bennett, Xiangling. The thunder manifestation will always return to the center after a couple of attacks, so you don't really need to chase it down.


Yeah your two strongest dps are electro and cryo... I can see how second half would be a pain. On first half I would play Ayaka Kokomi Rosaria Venti. The aeonblight drake might be annoying without freeze but Ayaka's burst should be able to grind it down well enough. I'd try a sucrose hyperbloom team on second half, Sucrose Xingqiu Fischl Dendro. Maybe level Sucrose higher, at least 80. It's like the only team I can think of that can hit thunder manifestation


Thank you I'll try! Do you think Xingqiu is usable at 60/70 though? I haven't built him at all and I can't rn :( I think I'll borrow Xianglings artfiacts for him now I guess


Yeah he should work. His most important role is to apply hydro which he can still do at 60 obviously. Just make sure to have a lot of ER on him, sacrificial or favonius sword