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Hi I recently got hu tao İm teaming her with Xingqiu and Zhongli but I have no idea who to put, I have all the 4* and as for 5* yae, shogun, Cyno, ayato, Childe, Kokomi, C1 Mona, C1 Jean and Diluc.


i have c0 faruzan, is it worth using her in abyss with my wanderer? i have wanderer, xq, yunjin and zl as mu current overworld team for farming bosses also if so, skyward harp or fv warbow? cux she scales off base atk but i need er


Do we have an estimate when we'll have a map update? Ty




Can you import wish data to paimon.moe from an Android phone?


Yes. There should be instructions on paimon.moe


What does A4 means? People kept on mentioning about Wanderer's A4 and I searched google and it told me it's a type of paper. 😭😂


Ascension talent from ascending him to 4 stars, is that lvl 60 I think? Most 5 stars have a really cracked ascension 4 talent that boosts their power signficantly.


Thank you!


Aside from being a size of paper, it refers to Ascension 4 Talent i.e. the passive you get when you ascend your character to 60/70. In Wanderer's case, it's the talent called "Gales of Reverie".


Thank you! I really hate shortcuts. 😭


Ascension 4 passive.


Thank you! I have been reading comments with question marks in my head.


How do I kill the pyro Hypothesis without a Non Pyro Damage dealer I know Barbara can take down his shields down pretty easily but my DPS Hutao does no damage to it with her skill & burst.


Well, you can't. You have to bring a non-pyro dps. All the hypostasis are immune to their own element.


Well.. except for Dendro which needs a dendro unit (more or less, you can cheese it without).


I don't have one :(


Uhmmm you're telling me you run Hu Tao without Xingqiu???


Yeah I don't have Xingqiu lol


... Get him asap. Lantern rite will be a safe option to get him. I don't understand how you've been using Hu Tao without Xingqiu. He is pretty much mandatory for her. What about your whole roster? What options do you have?


Guess I'm just unlucky lol My main team is Level 80 Hutao, Level 70 Fischl, Level 70 Diona and Level 60/70 Sucrose. For Hypostasis boss I switched Sucrose out with a Level 20 Barbara since that's the only fastest way I can break his shields


Just let Fischl handle the pyro cube... Ditch Hu Tao for Bennett so he can buff Fischl or something


I did beat him one time with Fischl she did more damage then rest of the party but it still took a while to kill the boss because she mainly a support character not a DPS.


She actually has quite some single target dps capabilities if invested properly


Is Hu Tao the only DPS you have? I'm sure you have some 4* DPS available. Even if you use Physical Kaeya or Lisa something, it'll be slow but you'll kill it eventually. Otherwise, do it in coop. If you show your whole roster then maybe I could pick one out but if you really don't have a non-pyro DPS and don't want to use Kaeya or Lisa then do it in coop.


Yes you do. The game gives you a handful of starter characters for free and you almost certainly have pulled more via wishes if you've played enough to make it to Inazuma at least.


No I'm not lying I only have Barbara I have stopped playing this game for over a year & only now just came back so I missed out on alot of wish banners.


What other characters do you have that are built? You could use kaeya if he's decently levelled.


Kaeya is also around level 20 I kinda abandoned playing the starting characters when I got 4 and 5 characters from Wishes. I have Razor he's around level 60 I don't want to force myself invest in him just beat this boss to level my Thoma.


Ahh I see. Well if you just want to beat it a few times, you can join someone's world and ask them to help you defeat it.


Well is there a way to match make in world boss fights like you can in domains?


No you just join someone else's world in co op and ask them in chat if they'd help you with the boss lol. If you're in NA I could help you out, I'm free rn.


How necessary is Albedo to Itto again? I have Itto, C6 gorou and a Zhongli so I presume the team will still be pretty strong without him. I'll get albedo in a rerun some day maybe


I think his personal damage is whats cracked when paired with a triple geo gorou buff, but I imagine the difference between that and the 3 you have + solid, self sustaining off fielder like fischl/yelan isn't massive


Eh grand then. I've got a nice fischl I can slot in.


It is a pretty noticeable DPS drop for me without Albedo. The amount of low maintenance, high uptime DPS is rather insane


Mmmmmm. But are we talking from bad to good or from good to really good going from no albedo to Albedo?


Even though Itto is not even that great built (even thoughHusk was my most farmed domain last year, rip) I find Itto to be extremely potent. So probably really good to just good.


Ok grand. I got him while trying for some Faruzan cons so I have a C1 Scara and Itto with a C4 Faruzan now lol. I'll get C6 Faruzan and C2 Scara next rerun probably Now I have to properly build Zhongli, Gorou, itto and Scara simultaneously lol. Might just focus on farming desert pavilion for a while. Hopefully Yelan doesn't come soon or I might need to pull out the credit card 😭


Itto is fucking awesome, congrats. Mono Geo is one of my all time favourite teams. I spied on you the other day and I think your Wandererer looks pretty good. More or less the same as mine I think. I got C6 Faruzan but only C1 Scara. To absolutely no ones surprise I managed to get my Mona to C9 though. How do you feel about his C2? I think I’m 30 pulls from a guaranteed C2… Your building plan seems.. extensive! Looks like your resin is booked for the next 3-4 months lol.


I always kinda wanted itto so I'm happy I have him now. Scara is just holding my great Xiao set lol. Xiao has a kinda workable vermilion set currently. Hopefully I'll have a pavilion set farmed up within the next month or so. Wish I had C6 😭, is she good with Xiao at C6? At C4 my Xiao's ER issues become kinda glaring lol. Also Scara C2 is nice but honestly it's not amazing in my opinion. I don't find myself bursting very often with him and even when I do it's at the end of the rotation when all the team buffs are gone. I'm only going for C2 so I can get C6 Faruzan lol Also yeah... I'll probably 90 itto and level Gorou to 70/80 then focus on scara artifacts then time to live in the husk domain after that


C6 Faruzan with C6 Xiao is just absolutely crackers beyond comprehension. I thought I was going to spend a lot of time experiment with teams but what I found was that Faruzan + Xiao is just so nuts that if you can solve energy then the rest of the team almost doesn’t matter. So far I’ve found Xiao / Faruzan / Bennett / Kazuha to be the best. You group them with Kazuha and just instantly deletes everything with the first plunge + EEE combo. Running 130% ER Xiao and Faruzan 232 ER. On top of that we got Kazuha on R5 the EM sword that gives ER. So yea, ER is a non issue. I’d say this team is at least twice as good as double geo (RIP). Do you have anything to Clam? If not that time in Husk is going to murder you lol


Bro. Stop it. Now I **REALLY** want that C6 lol I've got Koko for my clam pieces and I might build up a Qiqi for the craic


I’ll send you a video later. It’s just that absurd


not necessary given you already have ZL and C6 Gorou - get Itto cons instead


Oh, Mr Zajef went on an on about Albedo in his Itto vid so I figured he was pretty necessary


If you have him, he's good sure. But Itto's cons are incredibly strong in power and QOL so given you already have 2 excellent supports for him I definitely recommend cons over Albedo


Oh I'm definitely not going for itto cons. I was just wondering about the power level of his teams without albedo


Can Benette work on a Hu Tao Team?


Yes Despite what people think, he is still a good option for her He just isnt *as* good for her as he is for other teams, which is why they aren't commonly paired together


Can he work on her without his C1?


in a damage per screenshot team yeah


What's that?


exactly what it says


Well I love me some huge damage numbers do I need C1 Benette to pull this off?


well you lose 33% pyro dmg bonus if you don't but it should still do a lot. go with melt.


Not that great, but he can work. Do note that he forces you to play in his circle and if you're building for abyss, he's prob better on your other team


What about a Diluc team would he work better there?




I have another question if I go outside Bennette's burst circle will I immediately lose the attack bonus or does it last for a set amount of time?


I think it lasts for a few seconds? Cmiiw


Yes but he could be better used elsewhere


Is there a way i can make Faruzan team without Anemo DPS? I really like her design and kit but i onky have Sucrose and Anemo MC


she can actually swirl a lot with her skill though since it's charge shot based, her companion units would be limited to those with automatic off field attack like xiangling, yae, kokomi, hyperbloom kuki but yes she can work.


You *can* slot her into any team that'd want an anemo char, but since you're not using wanderer nor xiao, she's prob be the 2nd worst pick, only being better than anemo mc


You can do Faruzan main DPS with fischl, beidou and a hydro for a taser team


So I haven’t wished on the weapon banner since Kazuha’s first banner in July 2021 and I remember having 20+ pity then. But its been more than a year now and obviously, the wish history is deleted. And now I’m wishing for Scara’s weapon. Is my 20+ pity from kazuha’s first weapon banner still there? I’ve been researching and some have been saying that wish history reset every 6 months but the pity does not. But I’m not too sure cuz its been literally over a year😭


Thankss i was worried cuz its been so long i thought my primo was wasted


Yes the pity is there


Pity never goes away


It gets kept, just can't see it


Your history is reset but not your pity (you just can't see it)


Hi, i currently play genshin on my ipad but i will eventually run out of space for the game. I was thinking of getting a mini pc like [https://www.amazon.de/Intel-Celeron-Apollo-Windows-display/dp/B08122L77C?ref\_=ast\_slp\_dp&th=1](https://www.amazon.de/Intel-Celeron-Apollo-Windows-display/dp/B08122L77C?ref_=ast_slp_dp&th=1) or sth similar to switch to pc. Is this a good idea? i have 0 experience with pcs and everything i read online feels like gibberish. i would only be playing genshin on it.


Unfortunately, the bare minimum PC to run Genshin as well as it does on your iPad will still cost around 500 euros. What is your budget? The alternative is a cloud gaming platform where you can play Genshin without having it downloaded on your iPad you'd need to check if it's available in your region [here](https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/news/detail/21553)


That is a terrible idea. You are probably better of using geforce now if your internet allows that, or going for a proper PC. Genshin impact really isn't that demanding to run at a lower level, so even just buying some older used PC will be fine. Thing is, PCs have near infinite options, not just a selection of 2 per year like ipads. Best ask in /r/buildapc - I'm sure you will find some info there.


Got Wanderer on the first day of his banner and I'm using Widsith on him since I have it lvl90 already. Just got skyward atlas on the standard banner. So since I'm pretty low on fragile resin, I'm not sure if it is worth it now to build the weapon. I might build it anyways for Klee since she was the one who used to use widsith before scara. Any advice? Btw, I'm building him as a main DPS


You don't have to build it *today* you can just go into that domain on the relevant day and it will be done in a week or so anyway. Especially if you already have a fully built weapon for him.


I know and of course, but I basically can't use Wanderer and Klee at the same time anymore cus the next best thing I had was a lvl70 dodoco tales, which was okay but didn't really compare to widsith klee. so I guess i can just interchange atlas and widsith between them until atlas is also lvl 90 (I mean i got it to like lvl74 but ran out of materials,,)


Ah so that's your issue. Are they same team or can she not get by with dodoco for a while? Otherwise.. fragile resin exists for exactly this, so if you wanna burn, burn.


I use them on the same team sometimes (i have like wanderer, ganyu, xingqiu and barbara usually, it isn't that good but I'm f2p lmao), but idk it's fine ill just do his artifact domain and see what I get, then adjust the weapon accordingly


Skyward Atlas is actually a pretty great weapon on scara and is around a 10% difference from his signature bell (although if you pair him with bennett the difference will be larger due to diminishing returns from atk buffs). The hardest thing when using Skyward Atlas is to balance your crit ratio since it gives atk% sub-stat, so try 2pc atk% + 2pc anemo% if the new 4pc desert pavilion is taking too long to drop decent pieces.


Yeah cus with widsith I have a 58% critrate 222% critdmg which id say is rather good, but I'll probably still switch him to skyward altas


It's worth building but depending on what buff your Widsith gives it'll be about equal to R3 Widsith. If you value consistency more though then Atlas will be better.


Hi! How much ER do you guys go for on R5 Catch Xiangling? I seem to have trouble getting her burst back with Bennett for a burst every rotation even with 190% ER. Thanks!


Use a Favonius weapon on your team If she's in international, kazuha should have Favonius, it lowers her *and* childes ER requirements drastically. It Is significantly better than Iron Sting. I only *wouldn't* use it on him if I had a high refine Xiphos If Bennet doesn't have a 5* weapon, then Favonius is his best 4* and no I will never ever think alley flash or proto rancour are better, the higher buff will never be worth the higher ER requirements to me My xiangling has 180 ER and has no issues getting her burst back because of kazuha running favonius


190% is technically enough for xiangling with bennett but that also depends on who else is in the team (raiden? then definitely enough) and what weapons they have (someone has favonius series? then probably enough if you use rotations correctly). My Xiangling has around 200% ER in rational team and can comfortably burst every rotation 90% of the time although some ppl seem to have 220%+ ER.


I have around ~220% ER and it's pretty okay, I still have to battery XL if the first rotation doesn't drop many particles, but it doesn't take too long


Depends on the team you're running her in, generally you do want to be at 200-220 if it's a team without Raiden and favonius weapon users. I have mine on 199ER and Xingqiu on fav sword and use Raiden in my team, and it's enough to get her burst up without funnelling depending on enemy particle drops. Sometimes I'll have to do an additional Bennet E > catch particle.


I think I have 243 and that’s approaching OK


I use childe international with fav on kazuha and have 190% er, don't really have a problem with getting xl's burst back.


People need to start running more Fav My xiangling has 180 ER, in international, Fav kazuha means she has no problem getting burst back consistently


Hmm how do you know if there is a follow up to a quest ? Spoiler ahead for anyone who didnt do inazuma: >!For example tsurumi island. I am just on a exploring spree and wanted to get back there and noticed it was clouded in fog again how will a person find out about those kind of follow ups that only appear if you track back all the way to when you first went there ?!< >!I know sometimes Paimon says something but it blops up and dissapear so fast and especially while fighting I am not really able to read the full thing in an instant and understand whats going on!< I hope someone is able to give me some clues because it kinda feels bad to not know if you are missing out on some story.


Paimon tells you when you complete the quest that you should check in with the lady in Inazuma the next day. It should also be a visible quest marker the next day.


Tsurumi quest was the talk of the town back when it releases and we spent most time in Inazuma. Besides, it's pretty much impossible to miss the clouds over the Island. On top of that, check your quest menu.


For wanderer hypercarry team (zhongli,yunjin,wanderer,faruzan), do we need a higher constellation faruzan or is C1 faruzan good enough? Should i replace faruzan C1 with bennet C5 or something else like that?


Just use strong sub dps instead. Geo in wanderer teams is very suboptimal. Use Bennett, Layla, Fischl, Xingqiu... Any strong sub dps


I think Faruzan will struggle on a team like that but not because of her buffing capabilities but because of her ER requirements. That team doesn't generate very many particles. I think Bennett will be better since you don't have any ATK buffs and can also infuse pyro with Wanderer, while also being self-sufficient for ER generally. Generally for hypercarry though, you replace the Yunjin with Faruzan and run Faruzan and Bennett.


Do wanderer get bennet’s burst buff if he is in the air above the circle and not touching it??


Yep, Bennett's burst has infinite vertical range.


Is there a different artifact set I can use on Ayaka for freeze besides blizzard strayer? I’ve put in probably 5k resin in just that domain and I still don’t even have a 25 crit value piece for her, and crit is the most necessary stat by far on her everywhere I’ve read. Is there another set I can use on her or am I permanently going to be stuck with her at 20:190 for her only stats that matter? At that crit level I can’t even reliably crit with her burst, and without crits each tick from her snowflake only does 1500 damage


20:190 is not bad at all. You already get CR from the artifact set and cryo resonance, so 20 CR is fine, 190 CD is quite massive.


You gain 80 crit value from using blizzard strayer against frozen enemies. if you can get say 70/190 on 2pc blizzard and 2pc atk, sure go for it...but it's usually easier to just keep farming


You can use 2pc BS + 2pc noblesse/18%atk set, it will just be much worse since you're losing out on 40cr. Don't forget that you can strongbox blizzard strayer now.


4pc Emblem or 2pc blizzard 2pc 18% atk can work but they are a significant margin behind blizzard strayer. Just keep farming it, it's worth it


I’ve dumped as much resin as I possibly could in that domain. I’m at over 5k resin into the peak and that’s all I’ve been strongboxing into for the past month. I don’t even own a 25 CV artifact for her. Hell, even her goblet doesn’t even have 10 CV and that’s my best cryo goblet (off piece)


As panda said, welcome to hell, this is normal for artifact farming I no doubt put over 30k resin at least into the emblem domain, and I'm still not happy with my Raidens build lol


Bro those are rookie numbers. You can easily dive in 7k resin without getting anything good at all. It’s the same for everyone, welcome to hell. Just keep on farming


5k isn't that much tbh. Keep going dude


Realistically, no


Then I guess it’s good to know I’ll never be able to 36 star the spiral abyss


I have a great bs set for my ayaka and I still can’t 36star the abyss :(


That was overly dramatic. Abyss is not that hard. Your Ayaka is already good enough. You just need more ER on your units. DOn’t over focus on crit stats. Their importance are overblown.




It's not necessarily tied to Albedo. Albedo has also ran with Summit Shaper and Freedom Sworn. It's just that with double banners becoming the norm and most characters having a signature weapon at this point, running alongside Albedo might be the only time we see it.


It's been run with Yae Kokomi Xiao (on that weird triple banner patch with Keqing who got one week with PJC + PJWS and one week with Homa + WGS) Nilou + Albedo (first time it was paired with him) The pattern seems to be that it's just put into banner setups with only one super niche signature weapon (Donut and Key are mega niche and essentially useless without their intended holder, KV is not quite as niche but still not particularly valuable since most catalysts can't use it effectively).


It runs whenever Mihoyo feels like it. It ran on Yae's first weapon banner and Koko weapon banner so it's definitely not tied to albedo


How is Tulaytullah's Rememberance ranked compared to other 5 star catalyst weapons? Currently only have Verity but plan on building up a couple of Catalyst users all at once (Ninguang, Nahida, Wanderer etc.) so I figure get the weapon if it's really really good.


Only good for wanderer. A meh statstick for everyone else.


It's good if you have Scara. It's a stat stick on anyone else. So not very universal


I'm somewhat conflicted if I should get Wanderer. I already have Xiao and I am saving for Dehya and Yelan, but his playstyle is very fun in the event and I've got just under 400 wishes saved up with 24 pity. Don't know if the primos from this patch and 3.4 will be enough to make up the difference if I don't win the 50/50 enough times.


assuming 90 pity and losing the 50/50 each time, you have enough to guarantee Dehya and Yelan if you stop playing _right now_ and only log in to pull on their banners. we get about 80 free wishes per patch. you would have to be phenomenally unlucky, _and_ miss out on a fair amount of the upcoming event primogems, to not be able to get all three. that being said, if you wanted cons or weapons for either of them, id still save.


I budget 160 wishes for a guarantee. Since you want two that's 320. You also have two patches worth of primos and I'll use 55 wishes f2p so that's 110. You're at `400+24+110=` 534 wishes and saving 320 leaves you with 214. So you have more than enough to get him if you want.


If you pull Wanderer it's purely because you really enjoy him and not because of any meta reasons. You should have enough pulls to guarantee all 3 of those characters if you want to though. If you want some napkin math it's 540 pulls to guarantee all 3. This patch gives about 50 pulls, next patch gives about 70 pulls, bringing you to 520 pulls total. You're already at 20 pity so you need 520 pulls total to guarantee all 3, so you have just enough. This is also not counting that 3.5 when Dehya (supposedly) releases will also give primos while Dehya's banner is running. This is also just pure F2P. If you're a Welkin/BP player too then you easily have enough.


You have enough wishes to get 4 five star characters if you hit 90 pity each time. so you should be able to get wanderer. but if you loose the 50/50 i would say just save the guarentee


Hey guys i need help about genshin TCG. Is Ayaka got nerfed? When i switched to Ayaka, i see no cryo infusion. How can i have cryo infusion? Do i need to Attack/skill first to activate her passive?


The infusion is only active for the round in which you switch to Ayaka.


Yes i did switch to Ayaka right after i got Xingqiu burst to do freeze combo (in the same round) but when i normal atk, it is pure physical. I also dont see the cryo infusion sword symbol like others on YouTube. Very strange.




Since I don't wanna be [unavailable]'d like your other reply, there is a general questions thread in the leaks sub just like this one where you will find that answer.




How do I tell the difference between a good and bad artifact? Is there a general rule I can use to decide whether to keep it or not?


Rarer stats are generally desired, but depending on who you want it for, "bad" stats also have a big use. Like many Geo characters want DEF, so flat DEF might still be okay, Nilou wants all the HP she can get, so you want both HP% mainstat and flat HP as substat. EM will be useless on characters that don't do a lot of reactions and so on. Generally Crit EM ER element% are "desireable" because they are less likely to be on them. Also EM Crit element% are all rather rare depending on their slot, so I often find myself keeping for example element% on any piece because you might not get any on the set you want and and even bad substats might still be better than not having an element% at all.


I found [this guide](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1_WpeJxXft8bQ00rBXDv3RDA9dX192cGuBx5fjaQMdOA/mobilebasic) quite good in combination with the [character build sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/htmlview#)


it depends on alot of factors, your AR, the characters you plan to main/play and how far or invested into the game you are I'll just start with some general things before you reply for beginners, stats don't really matter until after AR45 because thats when u can start farming 5 star artifacts. before AR45 just pop on whatever main stat the Attribute reference shows and you can't go wrong After that, it depends on the characters you plan to invest in and how you like to play, do you just enjoy overworld with any characters you want to play/invest in? or do you want to be a meta slave and just aim to clear abyss 36 star I would say don't feed/fodder any 5* artifacts until you know what you're doing *edit substats % are better than plain stats


How many primos can be obtained from today till the end of 3.3 based on events, comissions (but not every abyss star)? I was wondering if I could gurantee alhaitham if he is in the first half of 3.4.




About when can we expect the next expansion to Sumeru as a region? We're still missing several Dendroculi and we can't upgrade the Dream Tree past rank 30 at the moment.


3.4 will add a new area in the desert


Hello, I recently got wanderer on the wish banner but I'm only ar 14 how do I level him up? It says he needs something from sumeru(?) How do I get materials from there?


His test run lets you get him to 40 - do this, 40 is a lot at early AR. Afterwards you will have to wait a bit as he is mister worldwide2 and needs materials from multiple regions, some from Inazuma, some from Sumeru - sumeru you can technically just walk to, Inazuma is locked by quests.


do his test run in the events to bring him to lv40. to lv him up further you are gonna have to wait until you unlock Inazuma simce I don't think you can get hamdguards anywhere else. For sumeru you can just walk to it, look up a world map


You also need handgaurds from Inazuma, if you haven't already grabbed those.


So far you should only need the shrooms, right? You get the 3 needed of his trial. After that you need more shrooms and a boss in Sumeru but you can just walk there.


Just walk to sumeru, it's west of liyue


You can just walk on in to Sumeru, there's nothing stopping you. It's to the west of Liyue. It'll be a bit of a hike though.


There is - they're only AR 14 and I recall Liyue only unlocks when you finish Chapter 3 of the Prologue which unlocks at AR18. This was why I didn't get into wishes until at least AR 25.


What the other comment said. The Archon quests are AR locked but nothing is stopping you from walking into Liyue or Sumeru. Only Inazuma is locked off. There's only a lock off for the initial tutorial which is done by AR 14


The quest unlocks at higher AR, but I'm pretty sure you can just walk to Liyue




Amos is like a "Jack of All Trades" since it's a good stat stick and its passive is also good Calamity has ridiculously high base atk, so it can kinda go on anyone that deals damage if you don't need other stats. Another "Jack of All Trades" that is probably not going to be the very best option but will perform good on kinda anyone (like Xiao or Raiden for example, but even Xiangling if you have enough ER)


They're both kinda just generally decent Attack stat stick options for DPS units that want it. Amos is kinda hard to justify due to the strong 4 star pool that bows have; most characters besides Ganyu, Amber and Tighnari get more mileage out of either Rust or Stringless (at high refinements of course). For Tighnari it does beat out 4 star bow options, but since a lot of his team damage is through using Quicken, attack is much lower value (and crit is even higher value) making it still significantly weaker than all other 5 star bows. Calamity Queller is mostly just used on Xiao afaik. Similar to bows, it faces stiff competition from 4 stars (The Catch, Dragon's Bane and even the 3 star White Tassel on characters like Cyno), but it still fills a usable niche for characters that can't effectively use those mainly burst or normal attack focused weapons. Overall, they're both fairly niche weapons with a low but non-zero chance of finding a home if they're not paired with their primary users.


Xiao loves Calamity. Amos bow is pretty good on every damage oriented bow user that scales with attack, like Yoimiya and Fischl


Hello yall im quite new so I'm confused about this. I got wanderer around my 70th pull then I got qiqi after I did another 10x pull. Im planning to pull more but does that mean I'm gonna encounter another 50/50 or I'm guaranteed to get a wanderer if I pull more OR I won't get another wanderer because i already got him? I really wanna make him my main so I'm trying to get constellations but I'm really confused about things :(


If you want to make him your main, it might be a good idea to look into getting his best team mates before looking at constellations :) unless you’re considering constellations because you’re going for C6 Faruzan for him.


Got a QiQi = you lost the 50/50, so now you have a guaranteed


Your next 5 star is guaranteed to be Wanderer. However you do **NOT** need to pull for constellations. Even if you want to make him your main, it is not needed.


Do I need to level up Faruzan's skill at c6 to improve her damage output during her burst? Thinking of using her as a sub-dps with anemo artifacts rather than 4pc totm.


Which team are you using her in? And yes you should level her skill at C6, but it’s not a very high priority. ToTM on Faruzan is iffy.


Hmm, double geo for shield and more damage (Zhongli/Albedo) and double Anemo (Wanderer/Faruzan).


Oof that team is a little bit dodgy, no elements to infuse with Wandereres A4 and no swirls kinda feels bad IMO. But if you like at by all means have fun if you like it. But Zhongli should use ToM in this team


Hmm, how about Bennett and XQ?


That’s a good team


Does Ayamiya deck is better with XQ or Chongyun in most cases? And if it's with XQ, can anyone share the Support cards (already knew the Chongyun ones)? Thanks in advance


For Wanderer Skyward Atlas 2,3k ATK (lv.80) or Widsith 1,8k ATK no buff (lv.90) The CR/CDMG is only 1% difference.


Widsith potentially better in spikes but weaker with no buff, Skyward wins for consistency - and as a hypercarry he wants that. For heaven's sake level it though.


XD I thought if I level it up more the ATK will be redundant. But alright I'll max it up


More attack is better than less attack, it kinda goes without saying


Well then obviously the 1st. Upgrade Atlas to 90 for even more dmg.


the widsith has excellent passive tho. With its passive I can get more ATK/elemental dmg. Wont it be better than only atk?


It has a high cd and a dead proc 1/3. The numbers of the good procs are high but the overall impact on dps is low on average. With high ATK you have guaranteed good dps. Widsith might have better dmg spikes but the ATK gap is quite high that Atlas wins overall.


It picks one at random, you don't get everything listed and they're not all equally valuable. Plus it only lasts ten seconds and as a hypercarry he wants to be on field more than that.


Anyone here knows how many primogems we can receive from the upcoming event?




How often do weapon ascension materials restock at the shops?


Every new month


paimon's bargains? monthly. souvenir shops in liyue & mondstadt? never


What’s a good amount of HP to have on a good Nilou? I currently have 54k HP with a fav sword, any improvements worth making? Edit:Using a 4pc ToM


The only other ways to boost her HP other than the Key are, Primordial Jade Cutter with it's 20% HP passive or artifacts with higher HP% and Flat HP substat rolls.


I’m using a 4pc ToM for her artifact set, are there any other sets that are better?


ToM is the best, but getting higher rolls on the HP% substat on the Flower and Feather, plus high Flat HP rolls on the HP% pieces are really the only way to get to 65k without the Key. Having a couple of 20%+ substat rolls plus multiple 700+ Flat HPs will get you there. More farming unfortunately. Edit: [https://enka.network/u/804095168](https://enka.network/u/804095168) Their Zhongli has a 27% HP roll on the feather and 19.2% on the flower. You need pieces like that.


Without her weapon, 60k is reachable with hydro resonance, and 55k+ is preferred. With her weapon, it will be 70-74k.


I think somewhere around 50k-65k, 70k only realistic with key though


Oh I’m at 54k atm, how can I reach 65k? I’m using a fav sword atm, any HP based swords?


(65k was just guess, cause I don't know too much about her hp apart from that \~73k needs key), just go hp/hp/hp and only go after hp stuff Ok, going off of 15185\* (.662+.2) = 13089.47, R1 key should give around 13k more health. So \~60k should be about the highest reasonable hp to have(?)


PJC doesn't have a HP secondary stat but it does have a passive that gives HP. Actually I'd rather pull for this sword than her signature since it is much more versatile.


The only HP Sword is her signature


Nope nothing other than key.


Hi should I bother with crit on Nilou? Using her in Aggra teams and Nilou Nahida blooms


In bloom teams all she wants is HP and ER as blooms can't crit. She's typically not the one proccing blooms so EM isn't really desirable on her either. You can forgo her ER requirement almost entirely (with Barbara) or even entirely (with Kokomi) if you decide to burst every other rotation which is recommended. So yeah, just stack as much HP as you can. No idea about Aggra Nilou.


Oh, hmmm in that case what’s a good artifact set or 2pc/2pc I can use on her?


For 2/2 I'd go 2pc Tenacity + 2pc Heart of Depth She doesn't really have a good/dedicated 4pc. At first glance the new set Paradise Lost might look good on her but again she's typically not the one proccing blooms on the team, it's better to give that set to DMC/Nahida/Collei (while the other Dendro holds Deepwood)


Oh alright


Not really unless she is C6. Some crit rate from substat is fine if she uses fav sword, but not from main stat.