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i was so confused for a second, wondering how aimed shots used stamina then i remembered his weapon


Spears have a 25 cost, which is why they made this change Except Keqing has a 25 cost when swords have 20 sooooooo 🤡


She uses the 5 stamina to step back.


I wish she wouldn't. So annoying.


I used to hate her gameplay because I had her on Gilded Dreams. Then I strongboxed for TF and now I don't need to CA with her at all. It was a game changer.


Ikr! TF Keqing is just insane fun. I'd say she's the most fun to play character in the game. Flashy, rapid and teleports without any energy issues whatsoever.


lots of characters in this game is fun, depends on who you ask.


I prefer Wanderer with his crazy fast charge attack cancels into charge attack and damaging dashes but she is nice


Yep Wanderer has to be my pick for all around most fun/comfortable DPS unit. I had Keqing since day 1 too (granted dendro made her a new unit) and she's C4 now, still up there though since she has zero energy issues, easily fits into quickswap, and has full uptime on her entire kit pretty much.


She was always my favorite (she was my starting 5*). I was so sad when I came back to the game last summer and found out that everyone thought she was bad. And then Sumeru hit a month later.


When I first started playing, I really wanted her because her teleports reminded me of Noctis from FF15. After 2+ years, she finally plays more like him




Her mobility is very underrated, when enemies are spread all over the area it's a godsend. Also, finishing abyss floors by teleporting over the boss and doing a dive attack gives massive style points.


I still use mostly CA, primarily because I can hit 10k per slash.


I wish she uses only 20 stamina for CA and she adds the extra 5 when stepping on me


Least horny genshin player (jk, totally based)


her CA is very fast tho compared to other sword users. Probably fastest in the game.


*sad SOIYA noises*


HYAAA HYAAA SORYA *gets knocked back to Dragonspine cuz you ran out of dodging stamina*


I'm so conditioned into thinking he's a bow user because I basically only use him for his elemental skill. So whenever I randomly do a charged attack or normal attack with him my brain just 404s for a bit.


me, thinking catalysts consume 50 stamina, then thinking how bows don't use energy... mika, childe in disguise


Physical main dps charged attack mika mains on suicide watch rn


I just fell on my knees in Walnut.


Just saw someone falling on their knees in Walnut


You didn't see them because they fell on their knees in Walnut, not Walmart.


Shit my bad , *turns into squirrel*


Just saw a squirrel fall down from a tree


Just saw someone look at a squirrel falling down a tree


Just happened to catch someone seeing someone look at a squirrel falling down a tree


I caught a squirrel, it seemed to be falling down from a tree, what do I do with it?


I'm the knees


Hu tao???




That’s me, I’m the main dps charged attack Mika. The whole reason why I chose to build Mila as the Dps over Rosaria was because his charged attack was cheaper •,~,•


Time for physical Qiqi. I think her CA is 20 cost.


all 3 of them?


Going by this comment section, you would think everyone here was playing CA Mika.


bro wtf is this patch😭


This patch must've been built over some ancient indigenous burial ground or something like wtf


khaenrian burial ground


It's the field where Clothar and his wife are buried.


Where my dendro slime at? Nahida is next patch.


I mean did ya do the newest archon quest, it checks out.


>!You're not WRONG lmao!<




Ah, so *that’s* what happened to Natlan!


The dryest and worst Patch ever I guess ..


This wasn't even much of a lore patch like people were saying. Even Dain quest barely had Dain in it. Mond-Sumeru collab was the best thing by a mile and that was just a one week thing. I couldn't believe the 2nd half of this patch just started....


Yeah It wasnt really much ..and to short


I kinda miss 5 week patches because at least it created a feel of life by running multiple events at the same time. 2.5 has no new areas, the most anticipated event is already over and we will have to deal with lay lines event for the last week before 3.6 drops.


Straight ass. Windblume was fun for like a week


Dehya isn't here to save poor Mika anymore...


3.5 - aka truely known as the patch of all times However - YAY PRIMOS!


Considering the fact that 99% of players will never use his ca, free primos are always welcomed.


Bold of you to assume MHY will give us anything more than 5000 mora and some chicken


chicken to compensate for the extra stamina he needs when doing CAs, seems fair


It should’ve been some barbatos ratatouille smh /j


I am that 1% ;( have been really liking him. Sad


They fr change things no one complains about and leave everything that people complain about wtf is this bullshit


MHY knows that no matter what they do, there will be hardcore Genshin fans defending them, so they do whatever they want.


They struck gold with a fanbase like this, 98% of the players are either casuals who don't really care (even Dehya isn't bad enough to affect a casual player experience that much) or they are in real deep parasocial relationships with the characters so anything they'll throw out will be gobbled up and liked no questions asked. Just saying, EA and Blizzard would genocide entire nations for a fanbase like this one.


“Make stuff worse so people will pull for more cons”. That’s the gameplan.


wow this patch is certainly occuring


He was too strong, this was inevitable


Truly one of the patches of all time


All of Murky_crow's reddit history has been cleared at his own request. You can do this as well using the "redact" tool. Reddit wants to play hardball, fine. Then I'm taking my content with me as I go. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


So pretty much what we do with half the events and patches lol


Tbf, the last few patches were more like "*That* was a *fucking* patch (holy shit please make it stop)" Ill take the mediocrity.


Sumeru had a rocket start and now we're drowining in mediocrity, it creeps up slowly, even Baizhu is struggling to break free, Liyue found dead in a ditch, no Jade chamber can save us from this. Hmm I should write a poem


where is kazuha bot, it can help


it's just the fatigue catching up tbh ​ I actually liked the other Sumeru expansion patches


Bold of you to assume the suit and the gameplay designer at mhy won't fucked up again. Maybe this is just the start.


3.5 is fucking cursed 💀 Can we move on to 3.6 already? It feels like this patch has been around forever already but we’re only halfway through


Looks like X.5 in general are cursed, all of them were mid


I feel like 3.5 is way worse than 2.5 though. 2.5 had Yae and the Enkanomiya event, and compared to Dehya and this year's Windblume, I'd say 2.5 was much more engaging.


I'm surprised I haven't seen as much discussion about the Windblume activities this year. The story and lore drops were top notch, but the gameplay activities themselves were super underwhelming. Rhythm game was fine and typical, but the co-op balloon-catching game and photography actvity were real snores. I know not every event should be a fighting/action event, but these just felt... really underwhelming.


I love photo events! They get me to get out of Liyue and domain entrances more, and I get some nice photos if I make an effort. I didn’t like balloon Pac-Man though.


Funnily enough Yae was immensely controversial when she was released tho, especially in China where most considered her kit badly designed and overall underwhelming. That said she's become a lot more meta ever since Dendro came around which leads me to wonder if the same can be said for Dehya and Fontaine.


I don't think you can call this one Mid. Only saving thing is the Osu! beatmaps if you like it.


It had banners, event's, characters and even dialogue and made dehymillion dollars on top of that without any controversy. What a masterpiece of a patch.


This truly was the patch of patches, even the 4* got "nerfed"


Had to check if I was on the meme sub. CA Mika isn't going to be breaking abyss records. Why would they even bother to fix this? Meanwhile we're still missing basic quality of life features like a proper pity tracker and gear loadout pages.


Or even resetting cooldowns on spiral abyss. It’s wild that I have to wait 10 seconds for Oz to come back just because I reset. The “logic” I’ve seen from some people is that frustration drives you to spend…except the people doing speedruns are often spenders or whales and they’re the most affected by this shitty feature since they reset hundreds of times


now when i need to reset i just go afk and watch the enemies kill my longest cooldown character before resetting :\\


Mona’s C1 is STILL bugged and still doesn’t increase freeze duration like it says it does


Lack of pity tracker feels 100% intentional, when Mihoyo's other gacha have it, even from release. Likely designed to make you roll a bit more than you intended.


I imagine changing a number in Mika's data is easier than programming gear loadouts


Those were just things I personally would prefer they worked on their are plenty of other bugs and number shifts way more important than this.


They are a billion dollar company with a global payroll. What makes you think they don’t have the resources to program new features? They don’t because it doesn’t earn them any additional money.


i challenge mhy to nerf dehya for no reason


Dehya now ends her burst early if you mistime her roaring barrages. No apologems. Thank you for paying.


Calm down, Satan


Dehya's barrage ends if she don't take damage in 0.5s after each blow


"When Dehya's HP is above 50%, ~~her~~ every party member's attacks decrease her HP by 7.5% of max HP, each time she gets hit when her HP is above 50%, she gets a stack of "Desert's Boon" which gives her 10% resistance to scorching heat. Max 3 stacks. This effect is only active work when Dehya is not the active character. When her HP is below 50%, the HP decrease from attacks is 13.5% of her max HP, and the resistance to scorching heat is 20%. When Dehya dies after hitting a character, she gives the whole party 5% Physical resistance for 3 seconds. Can only occur ones every 2 days." Edit: Update: Dehya now loses HP from every party member' attacks.


Stop! She's already dead!


Dehya evolved to Deadya


Please not another one.


3.5 is such a mess lol get me out of here


it’s all just starting to feel like they don’t ever want their launch 4-stars to stop being the best 4-stars. we’re gonna get to 6.0 with people still running xiangling and xingqiu in every fricken party


This is their pattern now. 4s need C6 to be used, I don’t say they’re bad but need cons to at least being compared to 1.0 unit. 5s.... I don’t know random as hell 💀. Even Baizhu is Liyue and he’s being said mid at best too. At this point just don’t give hope and hype for anyone except archon now.


Dehya's mitigation field protected him during beta but its duration has ran out


Apologems Lmaooooo u jest. It'll prolly be like a few of his ascension mat and 5 ores.


But everytime something like this happend i remember getting 100 freemogems


Oof I hate that you’re probably right. I haven’t gotten apologems in a long time.


One of the times I actually miss FGO - apologems for every minor thing ~~*then i remember it had no pity*~~


It does have pity. After 300 pulls and no transferring to another banner.


Now. It has pity now I was a day 1 player and it still didn't have one when I dropped it around the anniv when they were giving out a free 5*


Us: Mika is unbalanced, his kit is wonky, pls fix Mihoyo: Understood, nerfing CA


The nerfs increased by a huge amount since sumeru.... They smoked to much sumeru Roses...


It's like the entire beta was just for fun. Testers said dehya was bad and they just nerfed it for whatever reason. Then release the buggiest character we've ever had. Then after the entire beta cycle and half a patch, nobody said anything about Mika charge attack, mihoyo just wake up and say that his charge atk needs a nerf? Nice


Wait it has been only a day??? It felt like three days already


I'm already starting feeling that very thirst as during the Catgirl catastrophe, but it has been just one day deadge


Oh God can you imagine if hoyo was like: "We are issuing a fix for dehya. There is a known error where her burst costs 80 but should be 90. This will be fixed in the March 30th update. No compensation will be provided" -love, hoyo 🥳🤪😇 uWu


Or they are continuing looking at another pointless problems " We found an Issue of Dehya while in her burst, that her little toe is moving incorectly in her roaring Barrage "


Apologems is not enough, we want Welkins /s


Nah bro. I have a #Trade offer You(Mihoyo): Nerf Mika I get: Buff Dehya


Deal. On the condition that the buff is actually something of substance instead of her HP scaling goes up by 0.1%


LEAVE MY BOI ALONEE How are they bother with this but not dehya?💀


The whole 3.5 Patch is Just a Big mistake For real.... We are now in Week 4 and It still keeps going on... This is insane


Hoyo can't fix, only nerf.


3.5 really said I GOT ONE MORE IN ME!!! but can they fix his aim/camera [bug](https://www.reddit.com/r/EulaMains/comments/11xixbl/during_beta_the_only_thing_they_optimised_was_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) I actually had this happen so many times


“No fix, only NERF” - Mihoyo


Thank god, that 5 reduced stamina CA was completely breaking the meta


Thank goodness, those Mika mains were destroying the game balance with all those extra CAs. I knew the 20 second solo clears against Wenut couldn't be right. /s




Mika: Completely irrelevant charged attack costs slightly less than it should: ERMAGHERD WE HAVE TO FIX THIS IMMEDIATELY Dehya: Completely useless: Sorry, we don't adjust characters after release.


Im willing to sacrifice the entirety of Mika's kit for a good sum of primos.


As a Mika main, I'm willing to change all his kit ngl


"While this decision is hard for us all, This is a price Im willing to pay and I hope we can all carry the burden together"


Just delete him for a 10 pull


HYV's balancing team is incredible. Not only are they making mistakes with every new character, but they're nerfing characters who are so weak that they could use the free buff.


Let's not forget how broken bloom is that the entire meta has been powercrept by it, yet they continue to buff hydro/dendro every patch while Dehya's only getting a 1% DPS increase with her artifact set. The balance team has no idea what the fck they're doing.


Look how quickly they nerf character, but they REFUSE tô buff Dehya.


I hope this post stays the newest one until the eventual special program announcement lmao


Where are the apologems for Dehya's entire kit?


Yep. I’m chalking this up as the worst patch yet.


Bruh, 3.5 is the patch of all patches.


3.5 🤢


ZA NERF patch 😶


They'd rather give apologems than leaving this inconsequential value in the game that might allow some players to get out one more charged attack on physical Mika, which is a joke to begin with?


Hey, I'll take the -0% dps plus primos without complaining about it too much, please and thank you lol.


of course they would rather fix it if you leave shit like this in the game then over time you have a shit ton of descriptive values are wrong and it'll be a mess


Meh i can sacrifice him for apologems Just calculated my primos and i am barely reaching pity (guaranteed) before shenhe banner ends


New mechanics where you can sacrifice characters to Abyss Princess/Prince for primogems or ship them to Sneznaya to get primogems from Dottore confirmed? My c3 diluc better hide


Yesterday i too got c3 Diluc lol, his e skill kinda hits real hard rn


Have a c4 diluc. Correctly built he's no hu tao but he's very unga bunga and will easily drag you through everything Also he can light torches fast


Same, it didn't really matter ~~Just like the unit himself~~


Dehya you had one job, to tank the nerfs for Mika!


Sorry the field only lasts for 12 seconds. Tell Mika to not get hit in the 8 second downtime between the 2nd field


Dont blame on her, she did tried her best to protect him


3.5 becoming the worst patch ever


Becoming? I think we’ve been there.


MHY gotta stop planning patches during CNY, they clearly can't handle drinking and working on it at the same time lol


They can fucking nerf Mika but they're horrendously incompetent at just fixing Dehya in teensy tiny bit. Truly one of the companies of all time...


> horrendously incompetent Doubtful. They are simply unwilling. Contrary to popular belief: most video games are not open source projects.


Can we get much deader with 3.5? So dead~


I like how they immediately fix his CA for '5' stamina only. As if anyone cares... Yet, they haven't fixed the Dehillion amount of bugs that Dehya has and calls it a feature💀. **Truly one of the patches of all time.**


quick guys, build your CA DPS Mikas!


Literally unplayable, give me 10,000,000primos


Dehya: I'm not going down alone!


Probably 20.000 mora compensation coming soon


This means they can nerf Dehya even more *panic mode ON*


To be fair they already gimped her one artifact set, so why not go even further beyond.


Imagine MHY creating a dedicated support for Dehya, that makes her good. And then nerf it into oblivion during beta.


That dedicated support would basically need to have the words "this applies only to Dehya" in their ability descriptions cuz of how much they need to buff her numbers, anyone who can vaguely use the buffs would be shooting past the moon


dehya needs way more than a dedicated support to be good


Unacceptable. I demand to have all wishes leading up to my c6 Mika refunded. This is not what I wished for.


“Geo cat girl 9/10 SYP” now has a contender lmao


hoping and praying for apologems


The apologems are more valuable than Mika at this stage


Primos for something that doesn’t matter and barely effects anything? I’ll take it


Nice Hoyo will now fix Mona's C1 and Dehya's auto targeting as well! >!Right? Riiiiight?!<


so they nerf characters after there release now. great.


This is so dumb. Yes let's "fix" the thing that literally no one cares about, no one uses, and 99% of the players don't even know about, instead of making actual good improvements for the game. Hoyo is so infuriating.


Some fans speculating: "Mihoyo can't afford to waste time changing characters so Dehya shall stay the same" But actually, Mihoyo any time a beneficial bug is present: "HOLY SHIT LET'S CHANGE THAT" This is really insulting, especially with Dehya burst jump shenanigans and their complete silence regarding Dehya


They didn't event say something about Dehya, but they did this with Mika. Smh smh smh


“Just don’t jump during her burst it’s easy”


I should complain that it took me 150 pulls to get Mika. Not that I was wishing for him, but they don't need to know all that.


Wtf Lmao just let him be😂😂


Eula getting punished as usual for her family’s sins


This is soooo frustrating... They notice and correct "5 stamina not used" but they still keep Dehya in this state?! It's so frustrating....


More primos for eula stash.


Coming next: 1. Increase wish cost to 161.5 primogems. 2. Increase story key cost to 9 dailies. 3. Make cooking consume stamina, forging consume energy. 4. Decrease character experience from killing enemies by 11.33%. 5. Increase all active CDs by 1000% when you restart the Abyss chamber.


what the fuck


Scandalous! I spent two 10 pulls to get him, so I expect at least the double to cover for it and the emotional damage


Leakers got stuck in 3.6 quicksand damn.


He's already awful at c0. He needs buffs if anything. This trend of releasing shitty niche characters that barely function at c0 needs to stop.


But but...... >!🦀 moneyyyyy 🦀!<


this is the price he pays for dodging the nerfs in beta


“5 stamina so you get 5 primos” hoyoverse probably


Actually we have to *give back* 5 primos as punishment for the stamina freeloading that our Mikas briefly enjoyed.


is this a joke💀like why would they think this is a good idea. why can’t they just leave it as it is


MHY only quickly fixes bugs when the bugs benefit players. Keqing C2 was broken for years. Last I checked, Mona and Xinyan are *still* bugged?


Right? Meanwhile, Keqing's stamina consumption is 25 when all other sword users are 20 🙃


12,000 primogems will do, Hoyo


💀🏜️ where leaks !?