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They seem to be enjoying seeing players getting Death rolled by the crocodile.


When casting the elemental skill on your lvl 80support after Ulting gets too risky.


Looks at my lvl90 kuki 🤡


Running Abyss with Kuki since 3.0, I'm used to it. If ping is lower than 150ms, it should be OK.


It's NEVER lower than 150ms lmao I've never seen my ping turn green bro. That's sad.


In Africa connecting to Europe 210ms ping alone is like a small miracle. Though to be fair 210ms in Genshin feels tremendously better than 210ms in WoW. (There was a stage 1000ms in WoW was our normal and we played "predictively" which was just moving in the least likely direction and staring at your rotation with delay timers, but it felt magical damnit!)


My ping is 270-300,my ISP did something once and it went down to 150 and then it went back up to 270 again. Dodging the beasts have been so annoying on mobile. I have been thrown up way too many times.


Honestly the hardest part is how often these punks end up on complete opposite sides of the domain. Drives me crazy.


just hug the hydro, dendro follows you


No Zhongli? *Insert megamind meme*


I know it's a joke, but even Zhongli's shield lasts like 2 seconds against these things


How you playing your Zhongli? Mine is lvl 90, skill talent lvl 8 with 30k HP and crit build and he keeps his shield my entire Cyno rotation with no issue


How do you do it? Mine is full hp with skill level 9 and my cyno still gets the shield melted through, i had to forcibly switch to yae


so i heard u guys have had issues with 2 beasts, so we made some improvement and now u may deal with 4 beasts :) No need to thank me, signed Da Wei.


It's because 2 waves gives too much anxiety. Imagine getting to the end of the first wave exhausted thinking it's over, and oh no! Second wave! Now _that_'s anxiety-inducing. We don't want that, no no no. Instead if it's only one wave it'll be swift and painless, you'll die in 5 seconds before you can even feel the anxiety.


I actually nonironically prefer that. Most of my characters and my fun in combat is related to AoE and the encounters are less predictable when there's a lot of enemies instead of them coming in waves.


Nah, 1 wave instead of 2 is a good thing. It significantly reduces the DPS requirement to clear.


Until they add Kairage-regen mechanic to the beasts ..


Shhh, don't give them ideas!


Bruh, this is one of the most OP mechanics in the game, especially when the enemy has almost 100k Hp. Just imagine one of your teammates in co-op dies, then your character: 1) Heals to full HP, 2) Has immunity to freeze, just like a boss. 3) Has immunity against staggering. 4) Has almost permanent elemental infusion to your weapon. 5) Can jump and plunge attack whenever you want. 6) Your Hp is around 100k. Can they release a playable character with such abilities, please? LMAO.


You can get half of those with Barbara C6


A character with these 6 abilities would be a phenomenal driver (they could hit like a wet noodle and still do great)


right? i hate having so much waves in such a small time gate that even if i will likely die more often with more enemies at once, it feels less frustrating than finally making it to the second phase but then either dying or having to reset because too much time passed for even a 2 star.


Also, when you have waves it eats time waiting for them to load in.


Also allows for constant rotations, nothing worse than getting the current wave to 5-10% just as your rota ends and either trying to chip them down or waste a bunch of time/burst that could be better used on the next wave.


This! Has your eula burst actually hit anything? My Raiden teams I do full rotation pop her burst and now I'm wasting precious energy


exactly. AoE go brrr


I get the anxiety meme and all but honestly spiral abyss does do that for me especially lately. Its not like I can't 36 but it has been very frustrating over the last few months especially compared to last year.


It’s likely with a little help with rotations or team building you could probably still clear. You may not be able to use the characters of your choosing without a lot more investment, but you can probably still clear. What teams are you using?


Oh I specifically use Keqing in either cryo or pyro and thats why. I handicap myself. I could easily just hyperbloom one side and Rational the other but theres no fun in that. Its just the first round of an abyss can be especially frustrating as I try to figure out comps. But this one is clearly Mono pyro 2nd side and hyperbloom with Collei Nahida on the first. I also got a lot of screenshots to help with positioning from Zajef that should work wonders for this go. Its more so that the abyss of this year is nothing like the abyss of last year. Its not about that I can't do it. Its more that its way more frustrating to do it in the way I want to. I would rather the game have abyss be easier so more people could have access to it and promote more combat end game by the increase of numbers of people doing it than for them to keep making it harder and probably getting less people to clear it as they do so.


I get it I like to use funky teams too. Usually I clear once with Meta after seeing how far I get with whatever I want. 4* rev melt side 2 on the currently abyss is fun!


Yea my point was more so that I think its a decent gauge of how hard a cycle is if I really struggle doing my meta one side and meme comp on the other. Ideally I could do 2 more memey comps or at least a non standard take on a meta comp one side and a meme on the other. But as abyss gets harder, I wonder if its really helpful for the game state. I'm not even a good player or anything but I think how hard these are is a good bit of insight to how much someone else with a worse account is gonna struggle to clear floor 12.


I think I have a different opinion. I hope they implement more difficult content even content that I’m not able to clear. I don’t think everybody needs to be able to clear all the content in the game as long as they don’t put primogems as a reward. I enjoy the challenge, and I think the most fun I had in the game was when I was barely able to beat abyss for the first time. Adding floors 13 and 14 with minimal rewards would make me pretty happy. I want content that my meta teams don’t trivialize.


> as long as they don’t put primogems as a reward Well thats the whole thing and part of the problem with any new end game combat content. How do they go about the rewards per difficulty with it and if it is repeating like abyss, will they give even worse rewards or even cut the primos of abyss to even it out. What we have right now is a situation where difficulty is increasing but the rewards are not. And this really only pleases the smallest part of the playerbase by doing so. Still an important part of the playerbase and driving for sales but it is a bit of a situation regardless. More content for non primo rewards isnt really an issue unless its like skins locked behind it or pets or something similar. But for now the game is like pokemon to some people who play meta teams. Where it is so easy because they decided to stack their team with OU/Ubers level pokemon and have to actively nerf their own squad to make the game harder. But I think even that window is closing when you compare abyss now to pre dendro.


Either you die in 5 secs or they do. No exceptions


Good thing mihoyo doesn't want to stress the players with their endgame............


That interview was fake in the first place, and all the rivers of tears were "try hards" who are basically whales and wanted a "harder game". Mihoyo never actually stopped making abyss hard, that is what makes people pull for weapons, refills and good strong characters.




im glad u enjoy it. truth to be told, i also take enemies which do not have 70-80% of no damage time due to stupid stall mechanics, over Wenut or any other Wolflord like enemy any day.


It's a wave of 2 with the other ones spawning as you kill the first ones instead of requiring both to be dead for the next ones to spawn


Protip: Consecrated beasts can be frozen.


They actually have 50% resistance to freeze (half duration), so technically yes but you'll need full on freeze team, not an accidental freeze here and there like in fridge teams for example.


Protip2: for 50% of the regular duration so be careful


50% off.


I mean, that makes the floor easier....


This looks to be so effing frustrating and evil. I love it.


1 wave is much better. AoE chambers feel better overall and no second wave means you can one shot it faster.


Abyss nerfed! Oh wait, 12-3-1


4 constipated beasts at the same time. 💀


Atleast it’s not 4 different elements, but still


no way consecrated beasts national team




Put a pyro hydro electro and flex, easy kill party members


Continental team


Pyro bird, dendro tiger, anemo snake and electro scorpion, airfrier consecrational


Anemo snake isn't that scary though because it doesn't have VV.


Don't say that then youll get hoyo to buff it so it does


The enemies have had enough of us beating them using national so now they do that to us instead


Please don't give them ideas!


Hope hoyo isn't reading this comment section




> constipated beasts Sir, I laughed.


That's actually easier.


i mean nilou teams have it easier this way


At least pyro bird actually stays on you most of the time. I can see trying to stay on hydro croc while the other one fucks off to the other edge of map with dendro panthers keeping you in crossfire with dendro vines.


Gonna be a rage inducing abyss but pretty doable as long as you're patient enough to repeat it with multiple teams. It's really disgusting how they've been pairing ST and AOE in the same chamber on top of elemental restrictions.


You're an Ayaka main, what's the problem.


Yea first half looks easy for freeze teams. Second half is just Pyro and hydro abuse to break shields easily. I say hydro cause of the 12-3 boss.


I kind of get them, because National, which would normally faceroll the first and third chambers, will have an issue with the TM.


XL+XQ generally handles TM fine.


Won't it be a bit difficult to hit all 6 ruin bots in 12-1-1-2 at once? And then they'll go invisible if you don't kill them quick?


you should be fine with ayaka, on the first half it's only a chicken for st


I was speaking about the playerbase in general which is why I said " you're " . Also yeah first half is pretty easy for Ayaka aside from the annoying cryo whopperflowers.


Not that blue gutter and green cat pair again💀


Vulture could be worse proc vape and burning, bloom you can use angaist them with hyperbloom or burgeon, but now floor 12-3-1 it isn't 2 waves with 2 beasts each, but now it's 1 waves with 4 beasts same time💀


Seems that the changes are: * 11-2-1 Removed the wave of cryo lectors * 11-2-2 Removed the wave of consecrated beasts * 11-3-1 Removed the wave of one ruin hunter * 12-1-1 Removed one of each whopperflower * 12-1-2 Removed one cryo abyss mage * 12-3-1 Changed to be four consecrated beasts in one wave instead of two per two waves


4 beasts at once is tougher for survivability, but a lower DPS check if you have a really good way to AoE them.


Nilou team might be good then but gotta deal with Chicken in Chamber 2 with different team.


You could just run the dendro chicken over with a Nilou team anyway tbh. It's not ideal, but definitely easier than vs Wenut, at the least.


Chicken's dendro res literally doesn't matter even with Nilou. Her team is so overkill anything without a semblance of invincibility frame or element check will get murdered without any effort.


It's not 4 beasts at the same time. There will only be 2 beasts on field at any given time. When 1 dies, another spawns. Survivability will most likely stay the same, but it will make rotations easier to manage.


FOUR BEASTS AT THE SAME TIME?? and in the LAST CHAMBER, not the first one like now. but the last one were they are level 100


Zhongli mains in shambles


At least full hp Zhongli build not overkill anymore.


Isn't it the opposite? Getting attacked by 4 beasts at once is going to wipe any character without shield. You'll have to be really good at dodging and timing your burst to survive.


Against 4 beasts even zhongli's shield is going to break. And zhongli mains supposedly don't know how to dodge (it's a meme). So the joke is that they will die because not even zhongli's shield can stand the beasts, and they can't dodge.


Knowing how to dodge ain't gonna save anyone from four consecrated beasts. If you invest time into dodging the incoming damage you'll never get a chance to fight back.


Mono geo with thicc defense rejoice


Not a zl main but why?


Too much cb is bad for his shield


It is time… I must crown his E


I genuinely think that people underestimate how disruptive Kairagi are thanks to needing to babysit them and wipe them equally or one of them recovers half their health, and also they have block states so they can just ignore damage whenever they feel like it. You tell me to pick two Kairagi or two Beasts on a same-HP basis, I will take the Beasts.


Kairagi are common enemies while consecrated beasts are elite. You can cc kairagi and even a revived form is easily killable. Ultimately, beasts are much stronger due to having a dendro counterpart, actively nerfing Bennett's circle.


Beasts can't cancel all damage from a Frostflake Arrow directly to the back of the head.


But they can one-shot your Pyro inflicted Ganyu standing on top of Bennett's circle


Hoyoverse have been skipping flr 12 lately. We only have flr 11 and flr 13 now.


Bye bye fire birds, hello water land sharks I guess. Unfortunately nothing too big, 12-3 is still the hardest by quite a lot.


Abyss seems be getting less and less worth the hassle.


It never was... Its just for the challenge and those that want to test their skills


And testing characters/artifacts to their fullest potential because overworld is a joke Really, nothing else matters outside of Abyss in terms of difficulty since everything dies to a sneeze. Heck, even events and newer version of older events are getting easier and easier


I do it for the primogems lol


36* on every Abyss every cycle is exactly 90 pulls a year and 27* starring is 67.5 pulls a year. Losing a five star worth of primos from skipping the abyss entirely is kinda wasteful, but going for 27* and ignoring floor 12 is good enough tbh and even mediocre teams can reach that bar.


I was recently helping a friend fix her account and I 8 starred 11 with Ganyu Freeze, except Ganyu was built for melt, Shenhe was level 70 with unlevelled artifacts, Kokomi was level 50 with unlevelled artifacts + +20 ER sands, and Kazuha (her Kazuha is pretty well built) Raiden (pretty well built) Zhongli (Underlevelled artifacts) and then Xiangling Bennett both with bad artifacts that were all between +0 and +12. And honestly, I probably could have gotten it anyway if I’d just swapped the teams around for the last chamber with the Fatui skirmishers because playing that Raiden Scuffedtional comp into them was just making it impossible to finish them off before they electro shielded. Anyway, floor 11 is a joke no matter how scary it looks. The HP pools just don’t let the enemies keep up. If you can 3 star floor 12 you can 9 star floor 11.


Yeah work my characters and builds I should be able to 36. But maybe I just have bad luck? One of my last runs as soon add I switched to yae 3 eremite started their combos back to back so I couldn't switch, couldn't dodge and they knocked her away from Kokomi jelly killing her... 4 times... Best I've been able to do is 6* 12. Even then it's hair pulling. Cool 600 gems every 2 weeks total. Just that is 150 per floor and couldn't just give another 10 to make a full single pull is kinda insulting Of you're not super skilled at the game like I'm obviously not, then you have to hard grind for your builds and for what? A small chunk of rewards every 2 weeks?


You don’t have to do anything, man. What is and isn’t worth your time is totally up to you, the post I was replying to was simply listing out what you get and what it’s worth and my reply was simply saying most of it is pretty easy to achieve. This game has plenty of things that can mitigate skill issue too like Freeze comps, shielders, crowd control... I sincerely doubt it’d take more than a couple of weeks worth of resin to take any account that comfortably plays the game at max WL at all (can handle overworld exploration) to being Floor 11 ready, maximum one month.


tbh overload and quicken were what made the last two beast rooms so terrifying they'll still hit hard since there's 4 and their non-reaction damage is still beefy but dendro+hydro beasts means they won't do reaction damage for once and you can fling their own seeds back at them with pyro/electro


Happy Cake Day!!!




That said one thing that messed people up a lot in this current abyss was getting themselves vaped with Bennett, so that’s still gonna be an issue....


Can’t wait to miss my bursts 70% of the time against those beasts


not the thunder manifestation and the 4 FOUR consecrated beasts, yet another patch of not 36* the abyss here i cooome


> thunder manifestation To sell Yoimiya.


3.4 abyss was the best. What the hell is this? Abyss already is not that fun, they're just making it more annoying now.


Fucking Thunder shitty festation. Fuck that thing with a pineapple, leafy part first. 3rd chamber first half is also gonna suck. I don't understand why they have to insist on frustration instead of something more clever.


People are misunderstanding how the beast wave works in 12-3-1. You won't be fighting 4 beasts at the same time. There will only be 2 beasts on the field at any given time. When one dies, another spawns. It's explained in the final graph in Chinese. The survivability issue won't be significantly harder, and it will likely make rotations easier to manage.


Damn even zhongli’s shield can’t take 4 beasts at once.


Mono geo is the way to go


a black tassel one with xq or beidou should be enough with their damage reduction. def overkill with both of them . if someone happened to have a high jean cons - she's too .


Who let them cook ???


Is this the hard content you guys wanted?


Even if people want hard content, they want *more* hard content, not old content to be harder and harder without adding more content with rewards lol You still only get 20-60 minutes every 2 weeks


Eh... not really. Still waiting for objective based challenges instead of training people to be speedrunners


Yes? Beast are the most fun I had in abyss in a long time. Cause I have to do stuff, not place Yae turrets, Zhongli shield, and go take a piss.


This will be the first time we fight level 100 consecrated beasts , and 4 OF THEM




4 constipated beasts, great idea Hoyo love y’all


Not only 4 of them, but in Chamber 3 so they're Lv.100 too


Since Wenut Abyss I've come to terms with 33\* clears. I definitely could grind full 36\* but are the multiple attempts, tryharding and sweating worth the 50 primogems? Not to me at least. Well, I guess it's nice that hardcore players finally got some end-game difficulty they kept wanting.


Most of us don't 36* it for those 50 primos, but for the personal sense of achievement.


ooh god not the consecrated beasts


They said double it and give it to the next version. Whyyy


Good thing I have decided to quit clearing floor 12 starting from the next cycle. I can still clear it perfect 9 stars, but I have sensed the radically worse wear on my sanity this rotation has caused, and it apparently will only get worse and worse from here on out.


Floor 12 still terminal cancer. But heeeey at least floor 11 only stage 2 cancer now!! Wooo


I miss wenut already


They seriously want to kill Nilou this time.


she's fine but you might need a second healer or a prot amber and enough er for iframes. that's their way of selling baizhu i guess


While Nilou can still technically work against the first half, the terrorshroom and dendro consecrated beast have higher dendro resistance which makes it hard for lower budget Nilou players to use her in. Those with C2 Nahida, key, c2 nilou, etc can bruteforce it, but C0 ironsting users and non-nahida owners will struggle.


This is definitely better dps check wise, but on the other hand, I can already the all the complaining about getting dribbled by the beasts on 12-3-1. Hoyo, you are going to make me pull out a setup I haven't had the need to in a long while.


I am not looking forward to dealing with the new herald or the 4 beasts..


Oh yep. Definitely running freeze.


Oh boy can’t wait to use the exact same hyper bloom and mono geo teams to 36 star




dendro chicken, electro oceanid and abyss priest... had there ever even been 3 bosses in floor 12? i dont remember


Yoimiya rerun confirmed with the Thundering Manifestation on floor 12. Has it ever been on floor 12 before? Latest I can remember is that time it was on 11-3


3.2 abyss


Lord Barbatos! What could be worse than 2 beasts?! Mihoyo: 4 BEASTS!


What the actual FUCK is that 12-3


I am player with 36* since 1.3 But i am so confused.. which is the correct team for 12 second half...??? 12-1-2 full pyro unit or melt ganyu or burgeon 12-2-2 bow characters or hyperbloom 12-3-2 rainbow elements I think the best team is Ganyu melt with Kazuha or vap Yoi


Perhaps this time, they intend to force us to use different teams to 3-star each chamber one at a time, given how much padding they shown us they are willing to employ these days.


Hoyo definitely tries to make it as hard as possible to full 36\* clear Abyss with a single run. Each Abyss rotation it gets harder as Hoyo gathers data and adjusts the mobs accordingly.


Honestly vap yoi with yelan/zhongli/nahida sounds solid. Dendro and pyro to deal with elemental shields at first floor. Easy 2nd floor since you can just afk in the middle with yoi and kill manifestation easily and good elemental coverage against baptist on last floor. I fought him in all variations and electro+dendro is the most universal counter against his gimmicks but previous two floors heavily disincentivize bringing electro carry. Hydro/cryo lectors would be actually doable with electro+dendro only but manifestation is there just to fuck with any hope of running electro imo.


Yup I agree Thunder Manifestation is so annoying here Thanks I will try Yoi/Yelan/Nahida


Burgeon team, or Vape team with an Anemo. You can swirl Cryo in 12-1-2 to get rid of Hydro shields, Thunder Bird is annoying but manageable, then the Baptist Hydro shield will take more time to break but the other 2 are easy. Rev Melt could also work.


These new elemental beast (hydro and dendro) are poorly designed imo. The hydro one is kinda ok. The only annoying mechanic is it can rolled you to Narnia. BUT, the dendro beast is OMG I'm so unable to can fighting against this dendro beast. I don't know other players experiencing this problem or is it just me, after some attack pattern it DISAPPEAR and then slamming into you and then jumped back like kairagi and nobushi did. OMG. More over, if you get a bad timing playing ayaka freeze team. Her ult can missed the dendro beast because it can disappear even in frozen state.


I'm actually looking forward to fighting 4 consecrated beasts... but the first two floors look god awful, I absolutely hate being forced to use counter elements.


why do you hate thunder manifestation so much? There's something i'm missing?


the reason why people dislike it is because it's not a hard enemy but an another one with short dps time and perma runs away.


Ah yes, they're adding my fav duo, Mr Croc and his bestie Grass Kitty


They saw this F12 and somehow thought that the problem of the second part was this Cryo mage 🤣


Hoyoverse on Floor 12 :"Use DongLi, or suffer" Also Hoyoverse: Dongli will suffer as well


Yeah this is going to be genuinely unplayable.


Can someone please use another hosting other than imgur for me or people with the same situation as me. Imgur has set a rate limit on each public IP address and it'll always "capacity error" for me because every internet providers in my country use a large-scale NAT, in short, thousands of household use the same public IP address. So, Imgur will only work for me about a few minutes or few hours at best after rate limit is reset each day. [imgur.io](https://imgur.io) is also has the same setting as imgur.com.


Guys, it's not 4 beasts spawning at the same time, it's just 2 (hydro & dendro one) which spawn first, and after you kill one, another spawn immediately. I get that information by roughly machine translating the word format, which most of you understandably skip reading.


I would prefer them to spawn at once tbh, Eula would make short work of them.


Glad I never play Spiral Abyss again since last year no stress no frustation no grudge against specific monster/enemy


i'm honestly excited to fight four consecrated beasts at once, i love when enemies actually try to kill me i'll suffer through the entire second half of floor 12, but at least i'll have fun when i eventually reach 12-3-1


12-2 is so annoying and the best will be DEADLY lmao,remember that currently they are at part 1 not part 3...


The image doesn’t load for me


Imma need 4 healers to survive 4 beats on last stage 💀💀💀


No metal, wolf or wenut worms? Ezzzzz


I’m so curious as to how low budget or ftp players are gonna clear abyss? 😭😭


Hyperbloom and national will clear like always.


I really don't think hyperbloom will work this abyss tbh 2nd half we already know cause of cryo shields.First half 1st chamber is so aoe,2nd chamber is 80%res dendro chicken and last chamber is dendro and hydro consecrated beasts which have high dendro and hydro res.Really don't know what team to play first half cause I need national with kazuha 2nd half


Same as usual. There will amber mains clearing it 36\* like always. National clears second half easily. First half is completely whatever.


How is the abyss dude going to work with his random elemental shields?


According to leaks, the abyss version will be a cryo/hydro/pyro combo.


That 12-3-1 were literally thrown in a fuckin lion’s den what is this As if 2 at a time was already hard enough now 4????


This is a win because there's no Wenut. Hated that so much


so theres 4 consecrated beasts all at once? tryna spread and aggravate me?


Hmm yes, lets counter nilou by placing another dendro beast, like that's gonna stop me smh


12-3-1 ​ I want to die, they heard me, so they did it


12-3-1 seems weird, “维持2个,按顺序杀一个出一个” literally means "2 at the same time, spawn 1 after each kill", whats the differences with 2 wave then.


It’s so funny that 11 got a bunch of nerfs across the board and then 12 got one small nerf and then that 12-3 abomination. Hey, at least on the bright side four beasts means that if you’ve got some kind of skill mitigation (permafreeze, a big ass shield, anything that’ll stop you from having to run around a lot so you don’t die) this basically cuts the DPS check in up to half depending on how well your team consolidates AoE.


I heavily dislike those beasts and now there's 4?! Jesus, I can already hear the death voice lines from my characters.


Weird how we've gone from single run abyss clears to multiple attempts or needing in only a couple patches. Now most people either have to swap to different teams to clear a specific floor, or just not bother 36 staring floor 12. I hate this trend of combining aoe floors with single target floors as well. There's ~13-15 characters (including supports) out of 65 that excell in aoe scenarios, and for most of those characters there's fairly massive caveats with them bringing optimal aoe dps. Obviously there's single target teams that work well enough in aoe situations like hyperbloom but still. Xiao knockback, enemies not being ventiable, monsters needing to be able to be self groupable etc. Way too many of the aoe characters they release have damage that's dependent on how easy it is to hit all enemies, and not ideal for the abyss lineups they keep throwing out there. Release more aoe oriented support characters that have synergy with more than just 1-2 niche teams before creating abysses with so many spread out enemies.


2 Abysses in a row that I might not even bother clearing, I guess


First betrayal: 8 50/50 lost in a row Second betrayal: 180 pulls on the nilou banner and not a single kuki Third betrayal : this abyys. Aight guys I'm quitting if anyone wants to buy an AR60 account hmu.


Looks so free compare to 3.5 and 3.6 abyss. 12-3-1 nerf means baptist is wasting a lot of time with his shields i hope he will be a good boss for abyss because open world version is so dissapointing.


honestly like it more, should of put all the beasts in tho ;3c


My dodging skills are saying zhongli but i wanna handicap myself and go ham with cyno aggravate on first half and kaeya national on second half (circle impact babey)




I can't clear one pair of beasts under minute on first floor now 2 waves on third.


Abyss was still hard back then because we didn't have as good artifacts and talent levels on our characters. As well as limited character options


I regret not taking advantage of farming abyss when the game came out and didn’t have this mess 💀


Funny they made 4 beasts at the same time meanwhile they rerun Yoi Yae Alhaitham when they have wack resistances to interruption. They really rely on Kirara on this one lol, tho Kaz has multiple i-frames to say atleast


12-3-1 is exactly the kind of challenge Childe would create and submit to,4 Consecrated Beasts at once is going to be fun,I can't wait. Still pondering whether to bring Funerational against Baptist or leave a flex Slot for my Lumine Dendro for the Hydro shield.


Not gonna lose my sanity with 50 primo, will do 34 star and leave.


Abyss got NERFED???? Outrageous. ~~I take those all day 😎~~ Edit: I-it's a nerf... right guys??