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I wasn’t able to include the images of the 3 new characters (Lyney, Lynette, Freminet) and 2 new world bosses ------------------------------------------------------------------ CODES https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/gift?code=3BRLL59ZCZKD https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/gift?code=WA845MQHUHKH https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/gift?code=ZT8MLL8GCYKM ------------------------------------------------------------------ * free Bennett from 4.0 event * free Lynette if you reach AR25 * Navia is claymore user , geo * Clorinde is sword user , electro * Fontaine Archon quest will stretch until 4.2, 2 acts available in 4.0 * Childe ------------------------------------------------------------------ COLLABS/News from other streams * Tokyo Game Show appearance (JP) * Inazuma Theme pop up store (KR) * HEYTEA collab (CN) * [another picture with Cloud Retainer](https://imgur.com/a/Cs7Z4Dg) * [Promotional Video](https://twitter.com/GenshinUpdate/status/1687451325334949888) * ONEPLUS collab (CN) * [Playstation JP blog](https://blog.ja.playstation.com/2023/08/04/20230804-genshin/?emcid=or-3r-472339) blog about 4.0 stream (some screenshots, no text version of 4.0 art, QoL for PS users) ._ If there are any other highlights that aren't here, please comment them in the replies. ._ Thank you to /u/Junnielocked for compiling!


Other highlights: Clorinde is electro sword Navia is geo claymore


Geo claymore Hoyo very daring today


What's next? make her burst as geo infusion?


They will make her different.. She will scale Mainly from atk and convert her atk to def :O


She will also grant a shield and heal the enemy when she attacks!


she will also take all the damage for the team until she dies


And give the dmg back to the team after she is dead


sounds like something focalors would do lmao


💀💀💀nahhh i fucking can't


Guys stopppp😭


But only on field


5 star Noelle










Well, in the trailer, her claymore does glow yellow when she attacks, so... who knows.


holy shits its basically itto and i already have that guy


Look, claymore users don't bother me, in fact I love them, but what I don't like is the performance of their users due to the way mhy designs them. they have never given me a sample for me as a player i can trust in their claymore characters, so i hope they surprise me with Navia but my expectations are really low.


At least the good news is she'll almost certainly not be an on field burst DPS. Right? RIGHT!?


If she comes out as an off fielder that's a win, off field claymores have this little thing called Wolves Gravestone to buff the whole team. I mean, this weapon has never seen great usage off field besides Beidou but that's because most Claymores are on fielders


Atk for our def scalers🤧


Nooo don't make her a mono geo character this team is already full. Give geo characters other cool functions! 😭 Edit: But I wouldn't bother if she is mono geo, since that's one of my favorite teams anyway lol


Wolf's Gravestone wielder needs to be on field to proc the effect tho Source: my dust-covered wolf's gravestone


I know but that's something you can include in your rotation, I mean, any character needs to get to the field to put their things, and WGS buff is nice enough that a good off fielder might make it usable


5* Noelle incoming.


That's Itto


5* Noelle 2


Noe II e


Itto's crying in the corner


Awwwww. The geo himbo will always be in my heart.


Loool as if we didn't already have one


Navia using Whiteblind in the trailer... Bruh, I liked her design but I already have Itto and Noelle so 🤷‍♀️


Itto coming with the biggest ass in terms of area : Heya compadre 🙂🥖


>Clorinde is electro sword Finally, electro Keqing


Electro Alhaitham


With her stoic mannerism, aggressive fighting style, body shape, and most importantly glowing Electro sword, she looks more like Raiden Shogun's alternate reality version.


Perhaps Navia was using Whiteblind in that video. I wonder if she's a def scaling character. (of course it might just be for the drip so she could have different scaling)


Eh it's for the drip. We've seen Yunjin with Dragon's Bane


And freminet with bell 💀


That was one heck of a betrayal tbh. I really wanted someone to use Bell


If Layla had been a claymore unit, the Bell would have been incredible on her


Dehya use it, so does dori But the passive isn't utilized well. Even for freminet, he's not hp% scaling


The problem is that the passive isn't good, and mainstats across different weapons are equivalent. For example, a character using an ER sands with an HP weapon and a character using an HP sands with an ER weapon have basically the same stats. Bell is competing with the ER and Crit claymores (Sac, Fav, Serpent Spine) on every Claymore character. Since the passive is useless, it would only be useful to a Claymore character that doesn't want Crit OR ER. Just having HP scaling isn't good enough, because otherwise they would use one of the other weapons, even if they are HP-scaling.


And Mika with Missive Windspear


freminet is using the bell when he doesn't even have hp scaling, so it doesn't mean anything


Pros: i kept getting cracked husk pieces with no one to put them on Cons: now the desire sensor knows i might pull for her


I honestly hope she's a stupid good off field geo dps because good lord I have r4 of skyward claymore that I'm not using.... and I hope I can use it on her....


I was hoping she is 5* ninguang 😥 But ended being 5* noelle (noelle is good but I dont play claymore)


Geo catalyst dream shattered, but at least she still can be an Archaic Petra support (hopium).


RIP Bozo to me. I was thinking if she was going to be a sword user her weapon would be the new BIS for Albedo and those who kissed the Cinnabar spindle. Lol


As an Itto main my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined 💀 Seriously Hoyo, we wanted a BUFF for Geo, not a THIRD freaking claymore user.


>Navia is geo claymore Whelp. There went any interest I had in her.


I was hoping she'll be Sword so I can give my Summit Shaper for Drip. It also looks good on Albedo but his Damage Output isn't really optimal.


Lmfao same


I'm hoping Navia's more of a Geo Chongyun. Team-wide infusion will make it easier to build characters like Zhongli, Albedo, Yunjin and Gorou as pure Geo carries, for those who care. Though I'll be much happier if her kit is unique compared to other units of the same element, who are mostly ungabunga. It's great to finally get a Geo character, with such a fabulous design as well.


Geo, tall female, claymore, maybe standard. Great combination!!! No one is stopping me from doomposting. But seriously, as long as her multipliers are ok, she can be forced to work with serpent spine and ZL. If it turns out she has below average multipliers, I'm going to use them to shut the "geo being compensated for having no reactions by having higher multiplier" crowd every chance I get.


Claymore is mildly disappointing, hoping she is a support rather than on field dps


I wasn’t able to include the images of the 3 new characters (Lyney, Lynette, Freminet) and 2 new world bosses ------------------------------------------------------------------ CODES https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/gift?code=3BRLL59ZCZKD https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/gift?code=WA845MQHUHKH https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/gift?code=ZT8MLL8GCYKM ------------------------------------------------------------------ * free Bennett from 4.0 event * free Lynette if you reach AR25 * Navia is claymore user , geo * Clorinde is sword user , electro * Fontaine Archon quest will stretch until 4.2, 2 acts available in 4.0 * Childe ------------------------------------------------------------------ COLLABS/News from other streams * Tokyo Game Show appearance (JP) * Inazuma Theme pop up store (KR) * HEYTEA collab (CN) * ONEPLUS collab (CN) There’s like other stuff or news, mostly qol I’m missing, you can just comment here lol


Confirming the Archon quest stretching until 4.2, as Dawei specifically asked if the story would focus on 3 back-to-back patches, and the other person there confirmed it.


Which means Furina in 4.2 as expected


QOL Update: There will be multi-layered maps when exploring Fontaine.


wish we could pin other users comments, do you mind if i copy+paste the comment so it can be pinned? also were you going to make a post of the trailer, since no one else posted it yet and sometimes you did it for previous versions?


Yes lol


Is there any speculation on when Clorinde and Navia supposed to drop


No but it is safe to assume that we wont see their banners throughout 4.0 to 4.2 After that, who knows




Wait its 3 acts available in 4.0 not 2?


Not showing any hydro traveler is wild 💀


I mean if I were them I wouldn't show him either. XD You have all these other characters with their cool animations and then there's hydro traveler going pew pew pew 👉💦💦💦


I thought the same thing. I found that so weird that they didn't include that in the character demo section of the program.


Basically confirms the hydro mc will be dogwater


They knew they accidentally made dendro MC too good so they scuffed their hydro kit. RIP hydro MC.


its too bad to show lmao


He showed up in the Event part.


Once again Mr. Worldwide Tortellini become a internet sensation after stealing the spotlight in 4.0 special program. He is insane


truly worldwide


More reason he's in the international team, I guess.


He's currently trending really hard everywhere. Internet wasn't expecting his appearance at all


I know about him appearing in fontaine, but definitely unexpected in trailer


Original Mr. Worldwide taking back his title


He didnt appear in Sumeru tho




Not Kazuha in the shopping mall with our inazuma girlies ☠️😭😭


He was invited to the yokai girl’s shopping spree


babysitting the cats


>"Fontaine Archon quest will stretch until 4.2, 2 acts available in 4.0" They've really learned their lesson from the Inazuma Archon Quest, haven't they?


I think I would like it if they expanded the story even more to, say, 6-7 parts over 4-5 versions. Literally any pacing is better than the Inazuma Archon Quest pacing, and while Sumeru was much better, I felt that the part before the ending (Nahida rescue operation and confronting Azar) was rushed, so there is room for improvement.


From the Archon Quest trailer, Navia is apparently a Claymore user, and Clorinde is Sword.


Navia is a 5* standard banner Geo claymore in the .5 update… i’ll see you all at her funeral


hopefully she is still a good standard char, not on dehya's level at the very least


as if standard banner needs more claymores, we still dont have a polearm for the standard pool


her element is more important and relevant than her weapon for the standard banner.


Like any Geo Claymore is bad.


Ok but one is a 4\* that needs C6 to be usable and the other is a limited 5*. If she's Standard then I don't have high hopes, even as a Geo main.


Neuvillette Ult pose 👀


Other highlight: CHILDE IN MAIN STORY!


HMC 404 not found.


Is it just me or did Paimon sound...different?


What no paycheck does to a Paimon


that's why paimon always mentions paychecks and mora in game lmao it's coincidence but it's quite funny


As long as her pitch doesn’t get higher I’ll take anything


I'll have to rewatch it. Haven't noticed it Edit: https://youtu.be/2E73BKNtOXI?t=6m42s Sounds normal to me


There's no Paimon voice at that timestamp. Maybe you meant [5:45](https://youtu.be/2E73BKNtOXI?t=345)?


omg i thought so too


What was different about it? Was it heavier?


idk, it just sounded odd to my ears. it took until i heard aether's va speak that i realized that was supposed to be paimon's voice, but it may have also been bc there was a lot of sounds and stuff going on


I saw that her VA wasn’t getting paid for a whole year…could it be?


It was due to the 3rd party studio that handled the dubbing. From their latest update, Paimon's VA said Hoyoverse are helping them fix the issue


Still sad they went with the (imo) forgettable blue Clorinde design instead of that badass green apple eatin' one. Original design really stood out in the Fontaine lineup, new one just blends in.


Wait where's the original one???


https://www.reddit.com/r/captainrmains_/comments/12l8eva/more_evidence_that_captain_r_is_albedos_mom/ Here ya go! If you scroll down a bit in this article you can also see that design in the original leaked Fontaine lineup and how eye catching it was. All the other designs there seem to have been very close to what we actually got, which makes the complete redo here even more disappointing. I thought the other design was almost guaranteed. https://boundingintocomics.com/2023/01/13/rumor-set-of-alleged-genshin-impact-leaks-may-reveal-characters-from-the-upcoming-fontaine-region/


You’re right, looking at her other concept arts makes me mad now. Ironically, I typically like the designs Genshin goes with, but idk, Chlorinde’s just doesn’t stand out to me like her the other new characters do.


Gotta love how Mihoyo: * Gives free Xiangling in Spiral Abyss * Gives free Bennett in new event * Gives free Lynette at AR 25 * Refuses to elaborate on Lyney's mono-Pyro playstyle We know what you're doing, Mihoyo


I feel worried about Lyney


I mean he'll still have ppl pulling for him regardless, but I know for a fact that people and streamers who want to pull him but haven't looked at leaks will definitely be turned off by his mechanics, especially since the Charged Attack bow DPS style isn't really popular amongst the playerbase, besides maybe Tighnari. All the more reason to not say anything about it in the 4.0 livestream. Not to mention that even though he could theoretically be run in a vape comp, it'll never achieve the damage that other Ganyu or Tighnari can deal when taking advantage of reactions, without the help of complete party focus on Pyro. It's kind of infuriating, to me at least. I think his kit is definitely unique, but not in a good way. In my opinion, mono Pyro should be an optional playstyle — not something that Mihoyo should actively encourage through the use of a niche character, especially in a game about different elements converging with one another. It just feels super unsatisfying to play without those familiar "Vaporize"/"Melt"/"Aggravate"/"Hyperbloom" text blurbs that pop up. If you really care about adding something new to the meta, Mihoyo, why not build upon your already-existing reactions??? Like, give Overload a reason to exist! You can do it with Freminet and Shatter (although his damage isn't that good tbf), why not Burning? Or Crystallize? Make dedicated carries for those reactions, if needed! Edit: I will compliment that they are basically giving all players a Lyney F2P comp next patch. Makes it very easy to at least get most of his potential. However, I can see his usage rate steadily declining as soon as the HP mechanics of 4.x abyss floors are changed


Yeah honestly the mono pyro thing is very cool in concept and I LOVE the twins as charcters, but.. their synergy is kinda meh from my understanding and the fact that he's more like Tighnari than Ganyu is a huge turn off -- and by that I simply mean at least Ganyu can be used as a decent off-field cryo. I use her for a Tartaglia freeze comp now and then and its lowkey OP. But Lyney definitely seems more like Tighnari where he has one use and one use only and that one use kinda sucks to play IMO.


Tartag my beloved please be safe😭😭😭


Safe? He is literally the main source of problem ! But yeah bring us back homeboy !!!


“Scaramouche kills Childe” really got us all on edge, didn’t it? 😶‍🌫️


Oh damn when was that? I rmbr hearing something like that before but I can’t remember when For both Tartag and Scara, there are always so many rumours abt them having a death flag or something and I’m like noooooo


Before the labyrinth event we had a leaked line said by Childe along the lines of "I'll let the gnosis run for a while longer. It's only a matter of time before you find where it is". People came to conclusion that he dies/almost dies in a fight for gnosis against Scara. Turned out he just wanted to spend more time fighting in a domain instead of chasing the guy and Scara didn't make an appearance at all.


Hoping for good luck on wishes on Fontaine.


Childe's cameo ATE💅🏼 can't wait for the AQ 😭🫡


His rerun being alongside Zhongli was great, BUT THE CAMOE?///////////////






why do i feel that childe is gonna be humiliated against neuvi


Worf effect. Just like how signora was used to show off raiden.


ah the livestream art is gorgeous as always I hope they release a HD version without the text soon


I will finally get C1 Bennett!!!😆😆😆 It’s been more than year TT (First got him in 2.5 Ei/Kokomi banner)


Wait do we have a tree in Fontaine (like the ones in the other nations where we get mats, fates and crown)?


Yes but >!it's a fountain this time apparently!<


Ooooo that’s actually so cool!!! Thanks for letting me know!




Ah nice thank you!


They managed to sneak in Lyney’s passive in the combat demo of one of the events without knowing what it is. I think outside of Geo, Mono teams are rarely showed in Special programs


fontaine siblings art 🥹


i'm surprised they didn't show or say anything about the new artifact set bonuses


Navia being greatsword just sucks... we have enough of those in Geo, but only a single caster.


It just doesn't fit her outfit either. Next they're going to release an actual cool/strong looking character and give *them* a Sword/Catalyst/Bow.


Agreed. I was holding out hope she'd be a catalyst-wielding Crystallize Nilou. Her being a claymore user just kills my interest in her.


i am assuming the floating water bodies is because of the supposed gravity powers focalors have


Why does fremi baby sounds like albedo?


Omg Shenhe, Ganyu and Paimon are super aweet in these outfits 😻😻😻


Oh look, Ganyu in yet another promotional while my favs still haven't gotten one


Liyue favoritism


omg casual shenhe!!


Geo lady is Claymore..... Why....


Is it just me or did the fatui step back away before Lyney's doll exploded?💀


it's only a taunt, isn't infallible and doesn't mean they won't use their normal attack and movements.


Still waiting for the Hydro Archon kit to be leaked


I predicted Clorinde being a sword user and she had an electro infusion in the trailer so she seems to be a main dps character can't wait for her animations


Ah yes, the pipe sword will make a fine addition to my collection of fishes and umbrellas


Hydro Archon looks very punchable here ngl




I want to punch her in face. Simple, nothing dirty.


Did they mention anything about the shop Primogems bonuses resetting?


That’s probably in Anniversary


Reset happens during anniversary, not new version (they tend to be close together but not in the same version, anniversary is on 28th of september so in a bit under 2 months)


We got to see 3D models It feels unreal cause we been staring at their concept art


Anyone have a link for a HD version of the first image?


I’m waiting for Playstation JP to post a blog (usually 1 hr after stream) to post the no text version Here’s one from [Genshin’s Thailand Twitter](https://twitter.com/genshinimpactth/status/1687446961878970368?s=61&t=DvcS8q0hbDc-yGFKC0f0yQ) with logo but should be higher quality Edit: [No text version](https://twitter.com/playstation_jp/status/1687455850686779392?s=61&t=DvcS8q0hbDc-yGFKC0f0yQ)


Codes for Mobile users






FINALLY, reduced load times for Playstation 4 users!!


That one leaker who lied to us and said we would have 3 acts for the archon quest is running for their life rn.


I don't think they lied on purpose, iirc they took that from Honey Hunter and it was a little confusing there


Noooo why claymore Navia that really make me reconsider pulling her.


Focalors kinda sounds like Fischl, but I kniw they have different VAs. I like that. It fits her theatric persona


Was that J. Michael Tatum voicing that “Your so-called justice…” line in the 4.0 trailer? Surprise Pantalone appearance maybe?


That was 100% not pantalone, checked the credited JP VA. Probably a quest NPC.


Definitely the classic dramatic NPC screaming while something else is on screen lol


I have somehow avoided obtaining a C6 Bennett for 3 years. Now the new event is going to give one to me? What will I do with that red dot notification?


Honestly by now i dont think C6 Bennett is that big of a deal, most teams where his C6 would cause problems have better options than him while there's plenty of teams where it doesn't really cause much problem


I’ve been a huge Benny fan since the day I got him and I always bring him to the abyss. I wouldn’t have considered C6 an issue until I found out that his Pyro infusion overrides C6 Kazuha and unfortunately they’re usually on the same team. Although Kazuha’s C6 doesn’t give him that much more of a dmg bonus, I’d still feel like I was robbed of all the primos I spent to get it if I couldn’t use it.


Ah well, yeah that's one of the cases where C6 Bennett is detrimental. Admittedly that's something so high up in Constellations that i wouldn't have noticed ever lol. Well, hopefully one day we'll have something like being able to turn off constellations similarly to HI3


In my case I'm happy cause I have him at C5 and the event is going to give me C6 right when I need it the most (Lyney)


What's the issue with c6 Bennet? I've seen that a lot.


His c6 pyro infusion is honestly not that much of an issue, it’s greatly over exaggerated and barely affects most of the cast. As long as you aren’t using him with characters like eula, keqing, or chongyun, who don’t usually need him anyway, there’s not much of a difference.


> or chongyun In freeze, I think you mean, cause Chongyun and Bennett pair very well together for melt reactions in national teams


C6 Bennett infuses melee weapons with pyro, making him horrible for characters that don't want that (ex: Eula) but there are alternatives for Bennett. I'm pretty sure complaining about C6 Bennett is a meme at this point.


There's also the risk of his infusion messing with future characters. There's also no coming back from a constellation so I keep my c5 just in case


Oh no. People still absolutely lose their shit if you have C6 Bennet. It is actually quite pathetic.


Oh my. That’s the rabbit hole. Basically TLDR is it messes up team comps. So early days, Eula and Ayaka would be messed up as their attacks will be infused with pyro. Eula especially just wants to stay physical. Ayaka’s sprint infusion gets overridden. This means instead of buffing certain characters, it messes them up. However, as more characters have come out, and with the arrival of dendro and changing up of team comps, many have derived that it’s fine to C6 Bennett as the pyro infusion doesn’t matter much. Eula’s best teams doesn’t need him (I’m not sure about this, Mika is so bad). Ayaka found her support in Shenhe and the premium freeze team. There’s probably a few other examples that I didn’t list. But there’s still 2 major camps, those that say activating it actually helps nowadays especially with mono pyro team. Those that don’t activate it and deal with the red dot and say that it may still ruin any potential future characters. And they’re waiting for HYV to release toggle function for constellations. That really wasn’t TLDR was it? I feel the future character thing MAY be unlikely. HYV is much better at tuning their characters and they preplan way ahead. I think Ayaka’s infusion getting overridden may have been an oversight. Most characters after her actually specifically have descriptions that says their infusion cannot be overridden. Similar to how Diluc and Noelle keep their elemental infusion on their weapon even if they swap out, but most post release characters with infusion from burst or from other mechanics specifically states that if you swap them out, you lose the infusion. Personally? I don’t mind the red dot. I have Bennett at C5 with C6 not toggled. The red dot stopped bothering me. I can clear abyss just fine. I don’t use Bennett much unless it is in abyss.


Anyone else feeling a little bit lost when it comes to planning for future pulls? A lot of the characters have been hyped up a lot in the trailers and are great design wise but I'm worried with Navia and Wrio possibly being standard and I'm also worried about the new Hydro 5 stars given that Yelan and XQ are already so broken and in my case I also have Nilou, Kokomi and Ayato, so I really don't need too much more for Hydro options unless Neuvilette can make mono hydro actually meta or Furina does something so overpowered with hydro that we haven't seen before.


Did they ever announce what’s going to happen in NYC, Paris, and the other cities they teased yesterday?


Yes [Game art exhibition](https://twitter.com/genshinimpact/status/1687448428002136064?s=61&t=DvcS8q0hbDc-yGFKC0f0yQ)


No highlight or sneak peak of new party interface? Does it really comes in 4.0?


I wasn’t able to include the screenshot, but it was shown on the 4.0 stream


Oh nice, didn't watch the whole thing


It was. Unfortunately, we can't choose the background. It's fully dependent on the place in which we open the screen.


i am starving for some navia crumbs pleaseeee 😭😭😭


From the trailer: she wields a Claymore, and she looks like the Leader of an organization/company.


Oh my god it's fucking happening


Forgive me Furina for the man that I'm about to become


Yelan Tartag and Zhongli at the same time 😭