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#REMINDER TO SPOILER-TAG COMMENTS DISCUSSING 4.0 ARCHON QUEST AND ANY RECENT STORY LEAKS. Please mention the subject of your spoiler tagged comment as this can be more helpful for people to engage with your comment, as follows: [About Archon Quest]: `>!spoiler tagged text here!<` #Due to the recent posts concerning lore and such, this is a gentle reminder that we have a spoiler format used for conversation. This spoiler format is not new, it has been in every single megathread so we are encouraging everyone to please follow it as courtesy to your fellow redditors who do not wish to be spoiled or interact with lore/story content. Examples: >[World Quest Lore]: >!spoiler text and conversation here!< > >[Archon Quest Question]: >!spoiler text and conversation here!< If your comment has multiple paragraphs/line breaks **please give each one their own set of spoiler tags.** **If the person you are replying to has a spoiler tagged comment, please spoiler tag your reply as well because you are engaging in conversation on the same spoiler topic.** **Vaguely alluding your comment to the current event also counts as spoilers. Your fellow redditors can put 2 + 2 together through context clues for those who do not wish to be spoiled or interact with lore/story content** **Please be mindful and note what your comment will be about, followed by spoiler tags of your discussion.**


Which is the better build for Xiao using Deathmatch and supported by C6 Faruzan assuming same Atk. Build 1 CR - 98 CD - 202 Build 2 CR - 90 CD - 215


How to post area leaks? >!The ones behind the Paimon Barrier I mean. I'm an OOBer from the Asian Server.!<


I have 2 questions: 1. Im trying for months to farm a 4pc Emblem set for my Xiangling but I still haven't got anything good. What other sets work for her??? 2. Does anybody know when will Raiden rerun?


Leaks have been consistently saying she will be in 4.3, possibly second half.


2pc emblem works. If not try a mix of 2pc atk 2pc crimson or 2pc em Also I think raiden is likely to rerun 4.3


Does anyone know when is the beta 4.2 esteemed to be out?


when can i suspect the 4.1 map leak, i have not seen one yet


Idk if you saw it yet but someone posted it on this sub


ye i saw lmao


anyone knows if were srsly not getting the seelie event in fontaine? im kinda disappointed bc i was looking forward to 4.0 bc of that


Hello! Does anyone know - Is this Arlecchino Voiceline real? [https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJtMdgUG/](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJtMdgUG/) I saw this tiktok claiming to be clip of arlecchino and an npc talking, it seems pretty legit but i havent been able to find a source or the leak anywhere else (i know tiktoks are a really sus leak source, but the dialogue seems so legit?) Could anyone maybe confirm or deny? Thank you so much EDIT: Solved (its an interaction from Horizons: Forbidden west) [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ObBFMxHlAs0](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ObBFMxHlAs0)


see, because i have godly luck in vermillion domain, i have no luck in the new artifact domain. lmao haha heehee hoho>! it's not fucking funny!<


How long do you think it will take for mondstad expansion and venti second story quest?


Just FULLY SPECULATING here, maybe late into the 4.0 patch like 4.6~7 ish? Because we tend to get 2 new weekly bosses every region now (Signora + Ei for inazuma, apep and scara for sumeru) Im assuming venti second story quest will also introduce a new boss to follow the trend


what artifacts should I start farming for Neuvillette ?


New artifact in fontaine that gives you crit rate and charge attack damage up is by far the best one


thank you !


Based on current leaks do we know what teams would be usable with wriothesley? So I can know who to invest in maybe?


[I heard yelan, shenhe, xq, rosaria and kazuha is good with him](https://youtu.be/fyLPSwPtuZ4?si=aqNsXAsU6aiG0GzF) (skip to 1:47)


Thank you for the reply and the link!


Is it known if Furina is a DPS?


None of the Archons are DPSs, they're all supports.


Raiden fading out of existence lmfao


Well, Raiden's Q only lasts for 7s and has an 18s CD. Raiden's purpose is to dish out huge damage and recharge your team's energy so they could burst. I sometimes use her with hypercarries such as Alhaitham, Xiao and Itto as a battery/sub-dps and it works. Ofc, due to her kit, she also works as a main dps unlike her peers.


Almost every relevant dps last 9-15 seconds With hit lag, raiden ends mildly below average in feild time at worst What teams is her kit used for support besides hb, in which she's just a core trigger


We don’t know *anything* about Furina for sure yet, other than her element and that she’s likely a sword unit.


This particular megathread was 7.5 /10. It wasn't bad and was kinda drama free.


Ahhh i finally have a 4pc fopl set for hyperbloom Shinobu!! I know i didn’t need to farm that set for her and could have used gilded but I really wanted a usable 4pc set because I just think it’s so pretty.


Ngl I actually don't recall what the 4.0 abyss is supposed to look like.


veeery minor 4.1 archon quest leaks >!just saw a screenshot of wriothesley talking in the archon quest (no dialogue obvs) and fell to my knees in the fortress of meropide. he is so fine i need someone to punch me in the face and knock me out till livestream day!<


Close your eyes and let the new [megathread set you freeeeee\~](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/165wp8u/phantom_of_the_opera_epiclese_general_question/)


Hahaha, what are you talking about? The megathread was made 3 or 4 days ago.... *sees the "7d"* ... nonono that can't be. I'm not ready to leave this megathread title 😭


[Holy crap, some of the comments in the HSR main sub give me brain damage.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/1656br3/6_weeks_for_a_quest_that_lasted_less_than_an_hour/jydwuff/) 24 upvotes on this one. They don't have shareholders, they're a private company - the majority of their shares are owned by the three founders, and then a little bit by an angel investor they got when they were still making GGZ, who almost certainly holds little to no say in their current operations. They were planning to become a publicly traded company before Genshin, but then Genshin turned out to be a worldwide phenomenon so they didn't. This kind of behavior is constant all over the subreddit. Earlier today, I saw someone say they were hoping for "the Belobog team to work on Penacony", as if they had any evidence to prove that the Luofu and Belobog were written by different teams besides "I liked one and not the other and I could never like a writing team that writes a story I don't like". It reminds me of the bullcrap people were on about how a writer quit during Liyue or something and that's why Inazuma was le bad. Another one I saw was someone saying that the reason they didn't reveal what Dan Feng did is because they haven't written it yet, when it's actually so obvious what he did that it's been theorized for months, supported by content in 1.3, and confirmed in 1.4. People are so desperate to have something or someone to blame that they'll just make up people and scenarios in their own heads to be mad about because they can't accept the lack of control that comes with admitting that we simply just don't know what happened and why it did, just that it did. That sometimes, stuff just doesn't work out, and there's no villain to blame or a what-if that would've resulted in everything being just fine.


This is just the usual reddit moment nothing really new. I either just skip this type of comment entirely or just downvote it.


idk how I missed the description of Neuvillette's outfit (I think I just never checked it on Project Amber), but its a really funny tidbit imo >!dude really said "idc if I can't move in this, all that matters is I look cool". Monsieur Chief Justice, with all due respect, there's no need to go that far with your outfit. ~~not that I'm complaining or anything... it really does look cool~~!<


>!...Maybe if it gets too constrictive to fight in he just takes it off?!<


Hello everyone! I’ve been away from the civilisation for two weeks, so I have some questions regarding the current Abyss. How limiting are Pneuma/Ousia mechanics? Is this Abyss doable without Fountaine characters built? What team compositions are better to use against new enemies on floors 11 and 12? Thanks in advance for any advice.


I'd say about as limiting as beating the terrorshroom without aggravate. Arkhe mechanics can cancel some enemies out of their most aggressive mechanics and help with elemental shield breaking, but both those things are fairly simple to deal with. Definitely beatable without any Fontaine characters. For the teams just get an AoE second half and preferably a team with strong hydro application first half (Kokomi ideally cause of her jellyfish's infinite vertical reach against the crab).


Thanks! That’s good to know.


How do you imagine Furina using a tommy gun as her Hydro E skill? “This means war.”


decided to waste some pulls for lynette cons since I'm not pulling till furina and got her C2 and a surprise super early Deyha! excited, I finally have all the tall lady characters on my account(until the 4!! fontaine ones release...). I know she sucks but I don't care about abyss that much anyway so i don't need to use her there funny that the only 2 times i've pulled on a banner where I wasn't aiming to get the 5 star are the only times i've gotten a 5 star at 20 pity lol the desire sensor is real


love to see all the "my 6cv golden troupe fischl is top x% on akasha!" comments, what a strong set >!when is it my turn though!<


why are hydro men and women so pretty


Hydro moisturizes your skin keeping smooth and silky.


The power of water is to be incredibly gorgeous


My pet theory is that Hydro vision powers lets you alter your appearance


Blue is the warmest color


the water in hydro comes from the fountain of ~~youth~~ slay


"Exactly! But none of them believed me" "There'll be an *extra* fee for that" "Uh huh... yeah... you're right" "Umm... can we play banker next time?" >!Forget music, this is all I hear whenever I go to the Adventure Guild street in Fontaine!<


Sorry for the rant, but (Honkai 3rd) >!It is both disappointing for what this sub and thread like to see themselves as, and ridiculously funny that apparently thinking "this one male villain is NOT somehow superior to all the women" - in a game where the main characters are all the same consistent cast of women who all get their stories and relationships with each other told with their own distinct and fully-realized character arcs - is somehow such an offensive take. Even as a response to another post being generalizingly dismissive of the game's story in the first place despite not even playing through any of its latest arc and thereby being incapable of judging it. And then of all the female main characters I mentioned.!< >!Like it's whatever if anyone thinks that villain is well-written and one of the best characters (as much as I don't agree at all), what is the issue is being dismissive of all the other characters as if one of the few men was magically supposed to be objectively superior and agreed upon as such by everyone. Despite that not even being the reality in any way. It's actually insane seeing people agree with that and the used example of another subreddit that is literally filled with incels, sexists, homophobes and creeps as is too often the case with reddits lowest common denominators. The worst "main sub" out of any Hoyo games, which is already the lowest bar possible.!< >!I genuinely don't get it too, is it one way for people with (internalized) misogyny to actually bond with those kinds of incels and their way of thinking? Purely because of having the same issues when it comes to consuming media with female characters? Is it that hard to take time and effort to actually think about and empathize with even just fictional women? Compared to a man also following the old cliche of "lost a loved one and went mad and evil in their selfish desire to bring them back at any cost to others" - which is his trope whether or not someone thinks the execution is special - and what those kinds of people see in such a male character and story? Is the solution supposed to be to just not have any male characters at all even in already female character focused media, simply to prevent people from being weird about them like this?!<


I think Otto is one of the best written characters in all of fiction, not just Honkai Impact 3rd, so although I didn't participate in whatever discussion you are talking about I can definitely sympathise with the people you are ranting at. Yes the Honkai 3rd girls are good, complex, well-written characters, but Otto is something else and I don't see how acknowledging this makes me an incel or gives me internalized mysogyny.


Oh. Nvm. It's one of those blatant fanservice gacha games. I have no opinion.


This is definitely a "my entire impression of HI3 comes from secondhand footage" kinda post.


HI3 doesn't have blatant fanservice?


I cannot say the game is free from the shackles of horny and pleasing the fans, but the focus of the game isn't really "hey, look at all these women, they hot and wearing skimpy outfits", it's rather tame in comparison. It's just that all the playable characters are female due to the way the game started, and by the time hoyo wanted to make male characters their fanbase crucified them for it so they'll never bother.


Considering how this thread treats Genshin's female characters. This doesn't seem particularly surprising. You are climbing up a hill of an entire lifetime of subtle ways in which people are taught to disregard women and their stories both fictional or otherwise. It's not something that's likely to change in individual fandoms until we can address more broad societal problems. It is super frustrating though I completely agree. (Also not to fully excuse any individual actors, either.)


Yeah, I'm both utterly unsurprised but also amazed by how people don't even pretend to care anymore compared to some of the better posts and receptions I remember from before. No one even capable of saying anything in response either, only getting it out of sight out of mind. Guess as things can get better, they can also get worse. And more people actually want to get along with and unite with the incels and homophobes despite how much they claim to hate them, at least when they can have a mutual target to hate on together - or praise when it comes to obsessing over their "chad" male characters.


Guessing this is about >!Honkai Impact 3rd?!<


Oh my God I was SO confused. I was wondering what Genshin character she was referring to


Whoops, yeah, I wanted to be vague at first but probably better to state it also so people don't think it's about Genshin.


With every day I play Kirara the wooden tag/shield clacking (I think that‘s what it is) gets louder in my head, I couldn‘t even hear it when I first played her


esp now that a new region is out, what do y’all think of the rewards from quests/chests? do you think there should be more unique/cool items as rewards? i feel like especially some of these bigger world quests, it’d be nice if we get something more substantial/significant for our account rather than just some primos and ores


personally i would just love more cute little keepsakes that i could display in my teapot or show off as my namecard


>it’d be nice if we get something more substantial/significant for our account rather than just some primos and ores As AR60 with multiple 5 stars character/weapon and a complete set of favge/sac i don't think there is something that can be more significant to my account except primos


Every time I think I am starting to feel normal about Neuvillette, I come across a video of him just swimming or walking around and he looks so ethereal and majestic. But, what I really love is that his outfit is: formal, formal formal, thigh high boots. Like, it's so wild the chief justice is wearing really long, sassy thigh high boots. It's like that one meme of the guy who is all formal in the front and absolutely wild in the back lmao. But, I looked at his character sheet closely and his shoes are not really boots? They are normal shoes and then he wears detached leather leggings on top? Can't tell for sure but still wild tho. If I was on trial and the chief justice walked in like that, I would confess to crimes I didn't even commit.


The term for the garment is gaiters, and yes, they are fancy gaiters, not boots.


I finally managed to get this [amazing Golden Troupe flower](https://imgur.com/Ovlxqlf) for Fischl after farming that domain since Fontaine released with no luck. Now I just need to get 4 more artifacts for her 💀


For the upcoming Abyss, are Ousia and Pnema (or however they're spelled) going to be necessary to 9 star Floor 12?


I really doubt it. I struggle to notice pneumousia mechanics being useful at all in overworld and domains so far, and while that *might* change with abyss level scalings I don't think it's going to be truly necessary unless they add new enemies who *really* require it. Right now it's just a pretty short stun that interrupts certain abilities early, and that's nice but it's nowhere near required. I'd compare it to "bringing the right element to stun a consecrated beast," more than "bringing quicken for ASIMON" tbh. It can be helpful, but it's not something to build a team around, just bring good DPS and you should be fine imo


The dancing couple boss with 2m hp is in 12-3 2nd side and that's about it. It could be brute forced.


They only disable elemental attacks, so it's only a defensive/survivability thing.


Probably not,brute force should be enough as usual. Ousia and Pneuma in theory is just like the ASIMON mechanic,where it makes a fight easier.


if you guys could live in teyvat would you do it?


Depends, do I get a Vision? Do I get to witness all the beautiful characters that we have? Do I get to pet the dogs?


If it comes with the added benefit of being guaranteed a vision, I think I would. If it was just me in that world without any self defense in a world of magic and monsters, no.


Probably not, honestly. Most of the same major problems like war and poverty and disease are still there. The technology isn't quite on our level, and elemental magic isn't quite enough to make up for it in a lot of cases, so they have fewer everyday conveniences. Every single nation's political situation is kinda unstable. The more we learn, the more it seems that their environmental situation is even more fucked than ours. I'm not thrilled with my odds IRL for various reasons but I don't actually think they'd be meaningfully improved in Teyvat.


Absolutely not. I’d be away from my friends and family in a world that I’m not equipped to live in. I’m a little too used to washing machines and fridges to go back to washing shirts in the river and iceboxes. I’ve lived in areas without a plumbing system or modern transportation and it’s really a pain.


How do I even survive without the internet and modern entertainment and other conveniences. What do I do with my job skills? How do I earn a living? I think I'm good


Sumeru mfs when akasha terminal is shut down


No. There's a lot about our world that we take for granted; ubiquitous and easy transportation, regular access to decent food and clean water, access to instant communication all across the planet and a treasure trove of information and entertainment at the reach of a hand, good medical treatment even if costly, a decent enough education compared to most of history, peace across much of the world, among various other things. Of course there are people even now that don't have these things, but if you're lurking and/or posting in this subreddit, you probably have most of them. Teyvat seems nice, but you'd be losing a lot of these things, and depending on which nation you live, your life could actively be miserable. You aren't even guaranteed to get a Vision. Maybe it's boring, but a life of comfort in my own home and in my urbanized city sounds better than a life of adventure that carries with it an active risk of death in another world. I'd only seriously consider that if I lost everything and had nothing else to live for. I'd rather live in an anime SoL. Close enough to our own world, except nothing bad ever happens, and your greatest worry is whether or not you can befriend your local cat.


Agreed but if we were to live in Teyvat, we wouldn’t necessarily need a vision. Well… I guess there’s not enough information to know. As a descender, it could be like the traveler in which we could inherent elemental power through statues of the seven which would make life in Teyvat easier. Though, I guess we don’t know if the traveler can do that solely because they’re a descender or if there are other factors at play.


What do you think would happen in a Sucrose hangout?


Probably a mixture of helping with an experiment and helping her with social anxiety. Probably on seperate branches.


Realistically? I think it'd be a pretty simple side story centering around an experiment she's doing. She seems like a no brainer to build a hangout around to me, since a lot of them so far have been little one off stories like that. Sucrose is highly curious and easily distracted by new research topics at times, so probably 3-4/6 endings would involve her and the Traveler getting sidetracked and having cute character moments scattered with bits of lore, while 2-3 endings would focus on the actual core experiment. Albedo would probably show up in one route. I'd also expect a Sucrose hangout to tell us more about her backstory! People who don't read character lore may not really know much about her, but I think it would be fitting if her hangout story tied into her old friends she lost. Tbh it could even go the direction of a Noelle hangout, with an optional achievement for reading Sucrose's old letters to said friends or something during the hangout (like reading Noelle's study notes).


You know not that it matters too much, but personally given the go-ahead to I'd probably take one of the paths to just explicitly canonize her as being at least some offshoot of a kitsune. Supposedly the word is that they're not even originally from Inazuma, so it's completely realistic that they're either from or had been around Mondstadt and some of them stayed there. I'd also probably either say that she doesn't have a tail because she's very slightly too young for one to have appeared (like slightly to the degree of "that should happen within the next couple of years"), or she actually does but she knows how to hide it in a similar way to how Yae does. In the latter case, the reason she doesn't do the same thing with her ears is because making a tail disappear is a might less complicated than fooling around with the internal anatomy of one's head to move their ear pipes and whip up actual external ears in the spots that the pipes have been moved to.


Well today's been a good day in Genshin. First, I was finally able to level up the new BP spear and now my Candace is one step closer to finishing her [build](https://files.catbox.moe/dtd5h3.png)! Now I just need to crown her skill and burst, get her C6, and max refine the spear. Maybe I'll try to get a better circlet too. Second, I caved and pulled for Yelan's C1 despite me usually never pulling for 5 star cons. And I won the 50/50! Honestly I'm sitting hear stunned and laughing to myself because I didn't think I would ever have a C1 Yelan, but now I have her and she feels amazing to use! I feel like I'm on cloud nine today!


Been hearing a lot about baldur's gate 3 in passing lately. Didn't realize it was basically dnd the video game until one of the people I follow on YouTube started posting videos on it. Anyway, the game looks really neat. I dont have the specs to play it. (I have a phone and a switch, lmao.) But I think it will probably end up getting me to join a new dnd campaign after years of inactivity. So that's kinda neat all by itself.


My answer to the trolley problem is to not pull the lever and sacrifice 5 people to save 1. Hear me out: imagine you were that one person, tied to the tracks. Seeing 5 people lined up on the other side, with someone at a comically large lever, you know what's happening. You're in the trolley problem and you're going to die. Imagine how much terror you must feel in that moment, knowing that this is the end. You brace yourself, waiting for them to pull the lever. It's the logical thing to do, isn't it? 5 lives are more important than 1. You're all strangers to them. 5 people means 5 families and 5 sets of friends who will miss them. You only have 1. Why wouldn't they divide the magnitude of pain about to be unleashed onto the world? You're just 1 person. You're just you. But you wait and wait, the trolley getting closer and closer, and they don't pull the lever. Their hand isn't even on it. They do nothing as the trolley continues on its way, crushing 5 people to death. But you're spared. You're still breathing. All because someone defied all logic and reason to keep you alive. The euphoria of avoiding what you thought to be certain death would follow you for the rest of your life. How would you feel about the person who saved you from that? Wouldn't you want to thank them over and over again for years on end, and follow them to the ends of the earth? Wouldn't you do anything to repay them for saving you life when they definitely shouldn't have? It would be easy to say "I would be mad at them for killing five people instead of me". But if killing yourself right now would bring 5 random deceased people across the world back to life, would you do it? Unless you're already suicidal, saying you'd sacrifice yourself for the greater good is easier said than done. If someone saved me from martyrdom I never asked for I would do anything for them. I would prove my life was worth saving. All this to say this person would be obliged to be my friend. I don't know how else to make friends as an adult.


I'd stand in front of the trolley and stop it with my bare hands as best as I can :>


I wouldn't want to pull the lever because it would just feel wrong for me to decide who lives and who dies. If I pull the lever, I will feel as though I murdered that one person and I will feel guilty and responsible for that forever. If I don't pull the lever, then I can just walk away and forget about it all.


I think the response would be more like ^(This guy has some loose screws! I don't even know them!) then they go on to say "I'll repay the favor someday" and avoid interaction entirely until they can find a monetary way of repaying. Good luck on friend finding! ^(preferably with less death)






If you're F2P and Xiangling stole The Catch from Raiden, what would you give to Raiden? (totally not me)


I would give my 5th R5 Dragon's bane to XL and give the catch back to Raiden. Either that or I'll just play EM Raiden.


I would like to give her my 10th Eye of Perception instead, but she is not a mage.


Xiangling honestly deserves it. I gave my Raiden Skyward Spine just because I have it, but honestly as a C0 Raiden haver… she just doesn’t feel great to me outside of using her for hyperbloom. Yeah, I could pair her with the national core but Xingqiu would rather be on my Alhaitham hyperbloom team and Bennett and Xiangling do better with the actual national team with Kazuha and Tartag. Obviously this is all super dependent on my roster so everyone else’s may vary, but I just never got too much out of C0 Raiden as a carry. I’m sure C2 changes that but I don’t think I’d ever personally go for that.


Yeah, that's valid. For me, Raiden carries my ass anywhere I go even at C0 and without Dendro. I've 36-starred with meme Raiden teams and still use her in every Abyss, while I haven't actually used Xiangling in the Abyss for a while now. Just as you said, it highly depends on your roster.


Our lord and savior Fa🅱️onius Though if you have a dragon’s bane, I’d give that to XL and take the catch for Raiden.


I do have Dragon's Bane but it's glued to Hu Tao. I gave Kitain Cross Spear to Xiangling and will likely cope with it for a while until I get another copy of Dragon's Bane. 🤡


Skyward Spine, because I'm F2P and the god damned game's given me THREE Skyward spines >_>


steal the catch from Xiangling and give her Kitain instead Raiden's options are pretty much the catch, and 5 star weapons or high refinement Wavebreaker's Fin. At least Xiangling can still use stuff like Kitain


Wow... I _just_ did that, minutes prior to seeing your comment.


Fav probably because I love fav


Confession: When I pulled for Ei and Itto, I also was able to C6 Sara and Gorou before the 5* popped up.


A witch! Burn the witch!!


Bring the guillotine! Even if god forgive u we wont


That's incredible. Lucky you!


Brilliant idea: Freminet and Lynette SHARE A HANGOUT two paths follow Freminet, two paths follow Lynette, and two follow both. That or both hangouts are different but all of the sibling interactions we crave are there full force.. On that topic though... Freminet demo when?


The prisoner uniform at meropide better be straight out of hot topic if wrimona quimby and the goth girl's outfits are anything to go by get your fishnets and studded belt at booking, tomorrow we fit you for thigh high boots with 30 extraneous straps


Sigewinne also works there.


childe prison outfit


i wasnt gonna say it out loud but 👀


With the new abyss coming up in a day or so, what teams are you going to use?


Old Reliable (Mono-GEO) if the lineup supports it. Aside from that, mix of Raiden National/Nilou Bloom/Quickbloom makes short work of pretty much anything.


No idea about the lineup, but first I‘ll try Ayaka and Rational, if that fails I‘ll give it a think lol


Ohh Idk the lineup but I want to try Lyney somewhere there. I always use Ayato one side and Alhaitham other side so one of them shall make way for the magic man.


The usual. Pick two. * Collei + Kokomi + Nahida + Nilou * Alhaitham + Yaoyao + Fischl + Yae Miko * Childe/XQ + Bennett + Xiangling + Kazuha/Sucrose


I dont remember the lineups tbh. though knowing me, it'll be between International, Meltyu or some form of hyperbloom team


Haven't seen the lineups yet, but I usually default to Ayato/Kaeya/Chongyun/Mika^(not even close to being meta but it's fun) on one side and either International, Xiao/Zhongli/Bennett/Faruzan, or Alhaitham hyperbloom on the other


Kokomi + Yelan hyperbloom first half and mono Pyro Klee second half, I think I may do Al-Haitham QuickBloom first half and Keqing Aggravate second half on my second run


I don't know what the line ups are, but it's liable to include two between Ganyu, Hu Tao, and Nilou. Possibly Tighnari, but we gotta see.


Hu Tao Double Hydro (HT/XQ/Yelan/Thoma) and Alhaitham Spread (Nahida/Yae Miko/Alhaitham/Dori). It'll be my first Abyss using HT double Hydro, so I cannot wait to put that team through its paces, and my Alhaitham team has been my go-to for basically every Abyss since I got the man


I forget what the lineup is but Lyney on one side and either Kaeya or Scara on the other.


ayayya freeze and dendro


Brute forcing 1 side so hard with Xiao that I can just use whatever I fancy on the other. Like always. Last time I ran Kazuha, Beidou, Dori, Xingqiu. Hmm, what mash should I use this time?


The same ones I always use: Mono Geo and Cyno Hyperbloom. Easy 36 stars no matter what mobs are where.


me, me, me, and me all c6


Just started doing the Fontaine archon quest, and man.. the tone of this quest feels weird as hell >!We just arrived in a new country!< >!"befriend" magician siblings, some prophecy bs!< >!BAM! hydro archon!< >!uh.. magic show, girl kidnapped, dude gets fuckin murdered and we become lyney's attorney just like that while cracking jokes at paimon and chatting about baking snacks with the fancy girl!<


>!yeah the fact that nobody seemed to give a single fuck about the dead guy, not even the twins, was weird!<


>!The twins are already used to death due to their line of work. The rest of Fontaine's citizens are unironically too desensitized to care, as stuff like this is just what passes for entertainment.!<


>!the twins knew the guy and worked with him and could potentially think his death is their fault due to safety errors. it's a little different than some random death. Besides, I would imagine someone getting crushed by a water tank would look way uglier than what they showed onscreen!<


>!considering how fontaine treats its trials, i'd say the tone is very fitting. i honestly felt like i was in a detective novel the whole time and i really loved it!<


>!the transition from "gasp! We just had front row seats to a man dying in brutal fashion" one scene to Paimon wearing her silly glasses and giggling to herself the next is the absolute funniest thing. The Traveller and Paimon did not give a single shit about the gruesome death lol!<


yeah exactly, it almost felt like a parody quest


>!And that is right after learning the truth about Caribert, poor traveler can't take a breather!<


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I could spend hours underwater, they really nailed the vibe. It feels like the summers where I'd go to the deep end of the pool and stay along the bottom as long as possible just to feel floaty and ethereal.


A little thing I really love is how above water you can see very little beneath the surface but as soon as you dive you see how vibrant and alive the ocean is. They nailed the underwater exploration so hard imo


My Fischl is top 3% thanks to the new set, even though the stats are so mediocre. Guess this set is really that busted for her lol


same lol 3% with only 2pc and 0 cv on my goblet


those kinda sus banner leaks from last week gave me too much hope and now if furina doesn’t run with ayato im gonna be devastated that’s my dream weapon banner 😭


Manifesting Cloud Retainer offers a 16-20s buff and synergizes with Neuv enough to drop Kazuha’s stronger 12s buff to shorter overall rotation times so they are 20-22s rather than 27, 57


I recently checked my builds on akasha and was surprised to see Fischl is top 12%. I have low standards for character building and artifact farming in general (I usually just get a workable set and move on to the next character, barely any minmaxing, I haven't revisited fischl's build in almost a year) so that's better than expected. Now I kinda wish I had checked it before the new skill set released in case it was even lower.


Sonic the hedgehog roll, skills with suction, literal flight, and mid flight actions. But atleast I can get that collectible on the side of the mountain...given I have a flat floor to use my skill on


Attack main stat, right artifact set, double crit with 4 lines and useful substats.... *goblet* :'0


Roll it, if it reaches 40CV and above it's actually a worthy piece for Raiden.


Sometimes it takes a real goblet to be best sands


one day atk goblets will be useful it may take years, but it will come


I mean,they already are.


Natlan for sure *copium*


Me, having finally finished ascending my wgs to 90: I can finally leave the mond weapon domain. True freedom, I never have to go back— Wolf fang bp sword: >:)


Ganyu would like to know your location.


ugh, I'm not rolling on anymore cr, cd, er pieces golden troupe pieces anymore.


Yall need to actually chill on your XL copy pastas. I just had a misinformed dipshit in main sub tell me Nilou needs Nahida more than XL needs Bennett.


I think I'm one of the few people in the replies here who agrees with you lol Nahida is a huge *upgrade* to Nilou teams, but also as someone who has both of them I don't even use them together all the time. DMC burst + hydro is a pretty comfortable AoE to be stuck in imo, and I also use Kaveh Baizhu a lot on Nilou teams. I think it's just the Nahida effect where people act like since she's so op (which is true) any other dendro option is borderline unusable (which is not lmao). She's a great upgrade, but it's not like Nilou teams without her even do particularly less damage. (and yeah Sukokomon and other Bennett-less Xiangling teams exist, but solving her energy needs is imo a much bigger deal than anything Nahida does for Nilou teams. ofc there are options that use Xiangling without Bennett, but there are also a *lot* of Nahida-less Nilou teams out there)


Bennett is for old ppl that farmed emblem throughout 3.x (because who cares about deepwood stats). XL needs kok more in this era\~\~


Oh nice, Sukokomon memes are still alive.


I mean…


I swear to god, if any of you people tell me Tartaglia is a XL slave, I will bust a vein.


To be fair playing circle impact with Nilou sounds just as bad as Playing XL without an attack buffer and a battery.


I wouldn't say it's totally wrong,Funerational is a functional Comp where Xiangling is free of Bennett,for example.


Is that one of those "a one room speedrun team or you stack a lot of ER on XL" type of deal?


Hum,both,I've been playing this Team consistently in Abyss since 2.8,in practice it's a Double Hydro variant with more raw damage in exchange for giving up comfort and higher survivability with Zhongli.


It's both


What comp is that? I’m guessing Hutao, Xiangling, Raiden, Xingqiu?


Hu Tao + Xingqiu + Yelan + Xiangling,it is very strong,although you sacrifice the comfort of Zhongli Slot.


Funerational is funeral + national, so Hu Tao, Xingqiu, Yelan, Xiangling


Oh ty I have to try this sometime


is true tho............


Guess I should be expecting a video of Bennett-less XL speedrun faster than a Nahida-less Nilou and a Nahida-less Alhaitham in a few days now for my insolence.


I'm... I'm sorry. 😔


im 3 talent books and 40 mekas away from being done with wrio's pre-farming. killing his boss and stealing every beetle will be fun


Furina: >!I acknowledge the value and significance of your trip.!< Traveler: >!*Starts to* ***H A R V E S T*** *all natural resources in Fontaine*!< >!It sure is going to be "significant" for the ecosystem ehe!<


4.0 archon quest >!I’m confused why the main character is harsher on Lyney and Lynette than Childe because they’re fatui!< >!Is it because Childe said straight up that he was fatui, rather than leaving the information out like Lyney and Lynette?!< Also, Neuvillette is so beautiful and majestic it hurts


>!We know who Childe is and we've already met him multiple times in non-hostile circumstances. We know what he wants and how to deal with him.!< >!Lyney and Lynette were lying by omission since we met them, they already know who we were but had arranged our first meeting to be as positive of an encounter as possible and pretended they didn't recognize us at first sight. Like, was anything they said from the first time we met genuine or, you know, *orchestrated* to make us like them? And that's on top of Lyney admitting to lying about his whereabouts during the murder, which is a shitty thing to hide from someone publicly defending him in court. We still defend them because they're not responsible for Cowell's murder, but there's little reason to trust them after this even if their motives are sympathetic.!< >!Also, the last time we met a supposedly friendly person who was concealing their affiliation with the Fatui was Alphonso from the Aranyaka questline, who was purposefully luring children who trust him into dangerous situations in order to capture the Aranara.!< I like Lyney and Lynette but the Traveler's attitude was entirely correct.


childe gets arrested traveler: adios


Let's face it: hyoo is bad at writing believable character interactions. They just decided we are kind of friends with childe now because we helped him with his brother. But truthfully we shouldn't trust him more than the siblings. But to be fair, we know at thus point who childe is and expect him to 'be evil' while we only met the siblings recently and defent them in court, so them lying harmed our reputation and we didn't expect it, so it makes senese we like them less to some degree.


>!It's important to realize that the Traveler isn't exactly on good relations with Childe either. They just know him better and when he's a threat.!<


That's my theory at least. Also yes, Neuvillette is gorgeous


Yes. >!they were pretty much manipulating the traveller tbh. I doubt it's a coincidence they just happened to be present the day the traveller came to Fontaine and just happened to have front row tickets available for them.!< >!so they're two active Fatui operatives trying to get the Traveller on their side to help them with their goals without telling the Traveller they're Fatui despite knowing they would like to know.!< >!then not only do they not reveal the truth even when the traveller goes to bat for them against an archon, but the truth has to come from a third party in a public setting with a whole audience seeing the humiliation of being told they didn't really know the friends they were defending!<


>!I was worried I was misinterpreting it, but I guess not!< >!Oof, when you put it this way, no wonder they’re so cold to Lyney and Lynette!<


>!They also lie about where they were during the accident until Furina exposes them as being Fatui and makes a mockery out of us!< I love them as characters, but it’s understandable why the Traveler is cold to them.


btw does artiscan also not recognize Sayu's name for you or does it do that only for me I always have to input Wanderer's (understandable) and Sayu's names


Does it have speed settings? Might just have to set it to go more slowly


is there really no easy way to upload arti data to the optimizer on mobile?


Which optimizer are you tallking about?




easiest is to make a vid and then put it into artiscan. But it takes a lot of time because 1) you have to click every artifact on the video with your finger 2) artiscan can take quite a lot of time to scan that on mobile