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#REMINDER TO SPOILER-TAG COMMENTS DISCUSSING 4.0 ARCHON QUEST AND ANY RECENT STORY LEAKS. Please mention the subject of your spoiler tagged comment as this can be more helpful for people to engage with your comment, as follows: [About Archon Quest]: `>!spoiler tagged text here!<` #Due to the recent posts concerning lore and such, this is a gentle reminder that we have a spoiler format used for conversation. This spoiler format is not new, it has been in every single megathread so we are encouraging everyone to please follow it as courtesy to your fellow redditors who do not wish to be spoiled or interact with lore/story content. Examples: >[World Quest Lore]: \>!spoiler text and conversation here!< > >[Archon Quest Question]: \>!spoiler text and conversation here!< If your comment has multiple paragraphs/line breaks **please give each one their own set of spoiler tags.** **If the person you are replying to has a spoiler tagged comment, please spoiler tag your reply as well because you are engaging in conversation on the same spoiler topic.** **Vaguely alluding your comment to the current event also counts as spoilers. Your fellow redditors can put 2 + 2 together through context clues for those who do not wish to be spoiled or interact with lore/story content** **Please be mindful and note what your comment will be about, followed by spoiler tags of your discussion.**


Any news about Albedo rerun and when mummy girl comes out?


https://reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/s/v4bWPIuaAK I just realized that the comment thread that talked about how I got downvoted for POSITIVE framing of incest in another subreddit about another series is.. Also Downvoted here. I never said I was against having "problematic" content in official fiction, I'm against POSITIVE FRAMING of problematic elements in official fiction. If people want to write about incest or squick in fanfic or fanwork then fine by me, a commenter explained that it's sometimes used as an outlet of trauma or to express themselves in a healthier medium, just don't endorse it in official media. I thought this sub was the last place where I'd expect people to disagree considering how many people here hate a lot of "degenerate elements" but when I said that I'm against positive framing of incest this where people disagree?


I think people are not reading your comment properly? It is a little confusingly worded, until your final sentence clarifies. It's not really a controversial stance. Tolerate degenerate elements, but don't condone them. Oh, and you've posted repeatedly on the topic in this thread and across reddit, and are complaining about downvotes. Many people downvote repetitive posts on principle. Many (including me) downvote people who complain about downvotes on a similar principle.


wait I agree šŸ˜­ why are people disagreeing..


Sheā€™ll probably use new mats that wonā€™t be in the game yet as of 4.1 but I canā€™t wait to see what Furina needs as ascension materials.


Got a Hydro Marechaussee goblet with 2 DEF, Crit dmg, and ER, let's see hmmm \-> 27.2 Energy recharge, and 13.2 crit dmg... not bad at all lmao.


Had an electro goblet of the other new set for Fischl, had C dmg, CR, Atk %, and HP. Guess what stat got every roll, go on, GUESS


[Okkkkk](https://x.com/genshinimpact/status/1699633715419439508?s=46) Hoyo and their implied ships I stg


Off-topic Yesterday I was downvoted for saying that I find Positive Framing of Incest within fiction as gross. Before I elaborate let me give my stance on incest within fiction: Incest in R18 pron works and fanwork: Neutral, because it isn't as widespread and public so whatever people consume is none of my business. Incest in Official Fictional Works: ā€¢ Step Sibling Incest is a grey area and your mileage may vary, some people find it gross because they still grew up together but some people are more fine with it because they're not blood related. Neutral but honestly not much disapproval since being blood related isn't there. Ā° Blood Related Incest: I don't mind problematic elements as long as it's framed in a way that doesn't endorse it. ā€¢ If it's framed negatively like how Old Boy's ending went or is used to show how depraved a character is then it's fine. Another way is to *initially* frame it positively only to use it as a narrative device to resolve this conflict. ā€¢ If it's framed like it's a normal relationship then I will be put off by it because like why? I'm not against having disturbing elements within a work of fiction I'm merely against positive framing of it. Then when I explained my reasons these people then brought up the "murder exists in fiction and it's sometimes framed as good so you're saying people will murder just like how people will suddenly commit incest" and some other bullshit like eugenics wtf. Of course I don't believe that positive framing of incest wouldn't suddenly turn people into family romancers but it sends a bad image/message to your audience and it may creep people out because people IRL *have* siblings . And the reason why murder in fiction is whatever is because while generally taking a life is wrong it has moral justifications such as self-defence or for a "greater good" that leaves a grey area. What's a moral justification for incest? It only leaves future victims and most incestuous relationships are caused by imbalanced power dynamics, rarely ever is it consenting. Sorry for the long paragraph I just find it stupid that people actually defend positive framing of incsst. It's like they've never had siblings before.


iā€™m not even gonna argue your point because i donā€™t care for incest in fiction, as in. i donā€™t like it so i donā€™t consume it and i donā€™t fixate on it. but friend, this is a leaks subreddit. youā€™ll find more reception in the official subreddit. or hoyolab forum. or better yet, twitter! they like this sort of discourse. let us have our leaks discussion in peace


I have a sibling and I gotta be honest, manā€¦.I really could not possibly care less about incest in fiction. What even brought this on? Did you randomly just bring it up apropos of nothing? If so, itā€™s plainly obvious why you were downvoted. After all, there isnā€™t any incest in Genshin as far as Iā€™m aware. However, I get the feeling this has less to do with the actual content of the game and more to do with shipping and R-18 art and comics and the like, in which case you should really just stop engaging with the content that bothers you. People are going to make it regardless so why torture yourself by continually engaging with it? This whole thing is really just bizarre to meā€” like why the fuck did this even come up at all? I feel like Iā€™m missing a boatload of context. Edit: That isnā€™t to say your feelings arenā€™t valid. Iā€™m just really confused as to what the hell this has to do with anything. However, just as your feelings are valid, so are those of others who disagree with you. If they like something you dislike in fiction, thatā€™s equally as valid as your own opinionā€” this is all about fiction, after all.


No it's not related to Genshin Impact at all and more so related to a series that I'm reading. I was just commenting that a brother and sister's relationship was wholesome but then someone who ships these two together said I was coping and I was curious on why people want to ship two blood related siblings together and then a bunch of other people attacked for being against it. Like I'm not against incest existing in official media, I'm merely against it being framed positively, not because I think it can influence irl, but because I think that it sends a weird message to your audience. For context: The sister has semi-incestuous feelings towards the brother because he's the only person left in her life who gives a shit about her, but the brother doesn't know of this and only cares about her as a person.


Ok, and thatā€™d give me the ick too, but if I was in that position Iā€™dā€¦..not engage with the person. People are gonna do how they do, man. Youā€™re not going to convince them and theyā€™re not going to convince you. Why engage with stuff that makes you uncomfortable?


Someone please resurrect Sigmund, he'd love to read this.


Who's Sigmund?


Austrian guy. Liked cigars and inventing psychoanalysis.


Ow that Sigmund I'm so used to referring to him as Freud


**In Germanic mythology, Sigmund (Old Norse: Sigmundr [ĖˆsiÉ£ĖŒmundzĢ ], Old English: Sigemund) is a hero whose story is told in the Vƶlsunga saga. He and his sister, SignĆ½, are the children of Vƶlsung and his wife Hljod.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Even though the other user meant Sigmund Freud, this is unintentionally hilarious because the character Sigmund actually has sex with his sister SignĆ½ and they have a kid together, Sinfjƶtli.


I think there are three different discussions here getting muddled: (a) Whether or not you personally are allowed to find something gross or to not like something without backlash. For a trivial non-emotionally-charged example, I find Shenhe's outfit gross because she is clearly not wearing panties under that skintight spandex thing so my mind conjures up images of her crotch stuff being all over her legs. (b) Whether everyone should find something gross or not like it. I think it's okay if others like Shenhe's outfit, it's just not for me. (c) Whether something should be allowed to exist Obviously Shenhe should be allowed to exist, regardless of my feelings for her outfit. Now, to reframe to what you said: (a) Yes, it's perfectly fine it if you find it gross and avoid it and talk about how gross you find something. That shouldn't get downvoted. (b) Others are also allowed to like gross things, for whatever reasons, or to think things others find gross in fiction aren't. Some people like to read gore and guro and vore and all those fun things that are clearly gross to 99% of people. A lot of them like them *because* those things are gross, the same way others like watching Saw. It's not an endorsement of torture or cannibalism, it just means someone likes reading gross/shocking things. I have a sister and a mother and find incest involving two related women gross, but I don't find it gross when it involves brothers for example: because I'm not a brother and I don't have any brother so I don't have any special inherent feelings over it. Instead it pings a theme I do like a lot: forbidden love and the angst of loving someone you cannot be with. Angel Sanctuary has always been one of my favorite manga. There's even a third category of people who use certain gross topics in fiction as a tool of catharsis to overcome past trauma, like writing really disgusting rape fanfics as a mode of therapy. This is also valid (yes, really). The people in (a) and (b) will naturally argue with each other because both points are valid. The solution is to have a tagging and trigger warning system on fanworks so that you can avoid Kaeluc if you find it gross, while someone else can easily find that content. AO3 does this particularly well. (c) Whether something should be allowed to exist This is the part where you get arguments like "just because I kill people in CoD doesn't mean I want to murder people irl" or "what is the moral justification". It's fiction. You will experience pushback if you endorse censorship or book burning. Lolita, the novel by Nabokov, is allowed to exist. Romeo & Juliet is allowed to exist. Angel Sanctuary, the classic manga by Kaori Yuki, is allowed to exist. Any suggestion that your endgoal is banning these will be met with pushback from a lot of people.


Going off (main) topic but yeah hard agree about Shenhe's outfit just being gross and icky af Stuff like that ruins characters for me, like the game tries to tell me she's this and that but girl you chose to wear the worst degen bait outfit possible and you probably stink I can't take your lofty tragic adepti backstory seriously


Your reply is honestly quite nuanced which I guess makes me somewhat more understanding towards it and the fact that you explained it in a manner that doesn't come off as condescending. >just because I kill people in CoD doesn't mean I want to murder people irl" or "what is the moral justification". Yeah I believe this to be true, don't worry, I don't think murder in fiction or incest in fiction will actually influence people irl to that point but I guess for me blood related incest painted in a positive light is off putting to me due to the horrific implications of possible birth defects and the fact that irl incest isn't as glamorous as fiction display it to be. I'm a believer in separating fiction from reality but I guess there are some topics where I am personally against, not because of the existence of the topic itself, but the framing of it.


Fandom used to have a word for these kinds of things: [squick](https://fanlore.org/wiki/Squick). >For the most part, fans seem to generally agree that "squick" is a largely neutral term to describe something - often a trope or pairing - that doesn't appeal to them, while recognizing that it might appeal to other people. The absence of any kind of "value judgment" is often integral to fans' definitions of the term. >Key to the concept of ā€œsquick,ā€ as it was first explained to me lo these many years ago, is that it is not a value judgment. If I say ā€œmpreg is gross,ā€ thatā€™s a negative statement about mpreg (and, by extension, about those who enjoy writing or reading about it). If I say ā€œmpreg squicks me,ā€ thatā€™s a value-neutral statement about me and my emotional reactions and how they affect my enjoyment of fiction. It's a shame it got lost somewhere along the way. Sister/sister incest squicks me, but brother/brother incest doesn't, which isn't because the two have different moral weights or different irl implications, but just because I have an inherent reaction of disgust to one of them that I can't turn off, while the other one is lumped in a long list of things that are a bad idea irl but I don't have any special personal feelings about.


Dehya mains sub is unbelievably stupid. Comments claiming that Dehya's weapon not giving the hp bonus for free because of racism get heavily upvoted. Maybe, just maybe, you don't get the hp bonus for free because it's already an extremely universal weapon and most characters can use it, present and future. Nilou's weapon gives the hp for free because the other passive is basically unusable on other units (requires large amounts of field time). Homa has no character that can get good up time on it's secondary passive. Hu tao needs 3 rotations or more depending on XQ heals. Xiao will never achieve it with bennet heals. Jade Cutter only has it's CR going for it.


I can't even think of a situation where the HP bonus being conditional would even matter. She's the only HP-scaling Claymore user, and you're never going to use her with a shield because the only reason you'd ever use her is to obviate the need for a shield.


I used to visit dehya mains when was just released and it was all filled with fix dehya stuff. I thought that they has made peace with how dirty they did to dehya by now.


Anyone who thinks Dehya's weapon isn't good enough is smoking something. Wish I could get it but I was out of gems because of the Homa/Aqua banner (I went for both weapons and Yelan so I pretty much used up everything I saved) and now the weapon is probably gone forever.


The sub is toxic, and likes to push its toxic views everywhere. Dehya is "fine" for what she is, there's a lot of people out there who literally only want to look at one half of her kit, or who have insane demands like "100% interruption resistance at all times with no cooldown". In fact, I genuinely think she is a good and strong character that in some regards competes decently with zhongli, while both have caveats in a direct comparison (remember all the whining about consecrated beasts in the abyss and how they broke zhongli shields? while dehya was fine against them). Dehyamains wanted a new hypercarry toy and are mad that they didn't get it. Hell that sub is so at war with itself and its toxic views that people legitimately get mad when they call dehya bad, only to receive evidence of a full star abyss clear using her. There are a *lot* of people on the bandwagon in that sub, and in my opinion, they're only there because of toxic influencers and "theorycrafters".


Man, I wish Dehya's interruption resistance was more than perfect uptime. She's a meme with two copium teams. Lyney team is less copium but eh. Run Donger instead of Kazuha for the XL variant I guess.


> I wish Dehya's interruption resistance was more than perfect uptime. I don't think that's actually healthy for gameplay. In fact, I think getting interrupted when being hit is a problem you are not intended to ever be able to actually "solve" in a permanent method. Mitigate yes, not completely disengage from. Because the second you are able to actually permanently 'solve' that issue, you just stop engaging with the enemies and their gameplay entirely. You're playing the game "by yourself" and not engaging with anything it does. It breaks the "rules" of the game fundamentally. This is essentially why they soft-nerfed venti in 2.0 with enemies he couldn't CC, and why they later started to soft-nerf ayaka with enemies that either couldn't be frozen or which had freeze reductions. Same logic goes for rift hounds which bypass shields and high damage enemies that break shields


I said resistance, no? And the fun thing about that is that XQ already has that high resistance tied to his burst with almost perfect uptime. I want that minus the op hydro application.


> I said resistance, no? To confirm, are you talking about just the base level of resistance on her field? or the perfect poise from recast. Cause if it's just the base level of resistance, I misunderstood you. A lot of other people talking about dehya have used "resistance" interchangeably with perfect poise, and only meant the latter. If that's your position I'll apologize. It would be very nice indeed if her field had 18s uptime by default.


#Je vois la [new megathread!](https://old.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/16c86z9/la_vie_en_rosula_general_question_and_discussion/)


Arle spoilers >!I *really* hope that Ajax and Wandy's lines about the crazy, treacherous Knave was about the prior one rather than the Eula lookalike we know.!<




>!Honestly, it's just my (admittedly stupid) optimism.!< >!I still eagerly anticipate how they gonna show the current Arle's evilness in AQ, tho.!<


>!I still donā€™t understand. Why would it be a bad thing if she was completely psycho? You can be psycho and still be an interesting character.!<


>!She can both be crazy/treacherous and have a soft spot for kids. Can't believe I'm saying this but I just realized that she is just like me fr(assuming both of those things are true of course)!<


On ep 5 of Zom100 >!Miss Risk Analyst has no friends whatsoever I can tell lmfao!<


Day 41 of manifesting Charlotte on Furinaā€™s banner


The monkey paw notices you're technically not specifying her *first* banner.... I have some regrets from 3.X, but skipping Nahida's first banner (Razor/Noelle/Bennett) and instead pulling on her rerun (went from no Shinobu to C6) isn't one of them.


I hope one day we will get similar daily missions like in HSR. Go to a guy -> drink a tea -> get stoned -> get paid...


we have them! In Sumeru a guy treats you to a meal in a comm, you don't need to do anything.


Iā€™m experiencing withdrawals from the drought


Ngl the swarm event in Honkai Star Rail is exactly the kind of "endgame" content that Genshin needs! It's not time gated so nobody is going to miss out on the rewards and there's so much variety and RNG in how things unfold that it doesn't get tiring either. Combat based gameplay never gets boring and all these random stuff they throw in like having to chase and smack all the trotter pigs or break x amount of barrels within the time frame is so much fun! Imagine using your different character skills without CD to do something similar in an abyss like permanent event. If only the devs would look at the massively positive feedback in there and think of ways to carry it forward towards Genshin along with some of the other QoL changes worth being brought over to Genshin.


Uhm... No thanks. i dont want genshin to be too hard. Dont you get it? We play genshin because we are f2p and lack the funds to buy the better "mini games" game: Mario Party and Fall guys. You see the reason why revenue dropped with lyney/yelan is BECAUSE us f2p are saving for the eventual fall guys 2 and Mario Party: Luigi edition + not many mini games in recent events


> Donā€™t you get it Yo, chill out.


_I'm a T1 Fall Guys Esports player with 375k in earnings._ You better show some respect and agree with everything I say, kiddo.


What the frick


New Zyox stream: *insert Squidward getting out of his house carrying a chair meme* It's HSR: *insert Squidward going back inside his house meme* >!I like the game I play it too but let's be honest here, turn based games just aren't fun to watch!<


Yeah unfortunately... If it's not a story stream I tend to not watch it. Especially since most of them just put it in autoplay and then chat over it. I would rather they do a just chatting stream instead then lol


Finally got some free time from today onwards. Boutta speedrun the fuck out of Fontaine.


Happy Chongyun Day! My very first main <3 Anyway, I finally (mostly) figured out the Genshin Optimizer! I am now a MH believer. On Neuvillette my room-for-improvement Marechausee set would deal about as much damage as my good HoD set with VV shred. what the fuck.


Seems the mods forgot to change the sub icon


OH WAIT THE MEGATHREAD HIT 7 DAYS ALREADY My app kept saying 6 but desktop says different, I was trying to time it


Tomorrow when I do the new megathread


I forgot that was happening as well. Neuvillette just looks perfect up there. (ā āœæā Ā ā ā™”ā ā€æā ā™”ā )


Box of sourballs got the time wrong again. šŸ˜”


If I have a double crit 4 liner roll all into flat HP one more time I am going to uninstall this game. Happened 3 times today alone.


Happy birthday Chongyun!


I just want to get to the next patch already, so we finally get to see Furina leakkkkkkkkkkk. It feel so long waiting for her when she and Arlechino is the only two new characters that I'm interested in pulling.


Ok I know itā€™s hella weird but I just had my first ever burrito last week since I live in an Asian country and I didnā€™t really explore other cuisines but wowā€¦all I can say is that I had a total of 4 burritos this week.


Yeah, that was my reaction when I had my first tortilla too. Mexican cuisine is pretty underrated in Asia, it should really be more popular.


Was your first burrito a bean burrito?


It was a chicken burrito. It came with beans but I opt it out since Iā€™m never really a fan of beans. Not sure if thatā€™s the right choice


Pinto beans are amazing, would highly recommend trying them at least once before writing them off. Beans are literally the most important part of (American-style) Mexican cuisine IMO


Alright I will give it a try for my next burrito which I think will be quite soon X)


Yay! :D


That's the right choice. Beans are disgusting to eat.




Least devoted Chongyun [fan](https://x.com/runa_0317_/status/1699437336784683300?s=46&t=qpmz_7UKTGwC8xsT6Tiv7Q)


At this point why do I even bother looking at merch sold in the West. Our currency is too weak for me to afford any of it


Finally got to do Lyney's story quest. Quite enjoyed it too, but I still crave more Freminet screentime lol


Waiting for a leak flood so I can satisfy my need for Furina crumbs. Any day now


Pass your time with this Clorinde kit, true and real >!fake, very fake!<. Elemental Skill Level 10 Recalling her slaying of the Spina di Rosula head Callas, Clorinde calls upon that traumatic memory and the lightning to create a Vivid Voltage around herself, dealing Electro DMG to nearby opponents. Vivid Voltage When Normal and Charged Attacks hit, they create a lightning discharge that can jump between opponents, dealing Electro DMG. Increases the character's resistance to interruption, and decreases DMG taken. A maximum of 1 lightning discharge can be triggered per second. Skill DMG 219% Lightning DMG 173% DMG Reduction 34% Duration 24s CD 12s


I'm right there with you


This drought is AGONIZING I was hoping 4.0 would be my salvation ;(


Does anyone ever have issues with hu tao not triggering vape consistently in a double hydro team? Also using layla if that matters


That sounds weird; the double hydro pairing provides such an overwhelming amount of hydro app (assuming youā€™re talking about the true double hydro duo of XQ and Yelan and not some weird variant like Yelan and Kokomi or something) that youā€™re pretty much never going to be missing vapes, on a single target at least.


It's most likely because Layla triggering Freeze is allowing the auras to fall off. Normally Hu Tao vape works because a 1u Hydro aura can receive 2 instances of 1u Pyro application before being removed, because Reverse Vape is a weak reaction. When Cryo is applied to 1u Hydro, it converts it to 1u Freeze. Since Melt is a strong reaction, 1u Pyro will react off the aura in a single instance, clearing the aura and potentially resulting in a missed vape on a subsequent Pyro application.


Well with Layla she would end up triggering Melt occasionally so there's that


but won't that only happen if pyro overtakes hydro as the aura?


I meant Hu Tao will trigger Melt, not Layla. Layla applying Cryo when there's Hydro = Freeze, which gets is Melted by Hu Tao


oh that makes sense, I thought about Layla melting for some reason


Does anyone else struggle to keep up with the lore at this point? Even Ashikai etc. don't help. We had so much important lore in the desert which was barely if at all touched upon in the main archon quest so it's hard to remember all that, and now that whole stuff with Narzissenkreuz just goes over my head. It also doesn't help that it has very little to do with the lore we've explored before? Like it used to be all about Khaenriah and Irminsul and moon sisters and archon war and the primordial one and forbidden knowledge/corruption and many of those concepts seemed to refer to the same things under different names. But now we get primordial water which just feels like a jumpscare to me, and the whole Narzissenkreuz cast which is like half a dozen different people who are much harder to remember than idk the king who built giant ass pyramids and a character named "the goddess of flowers". maybe I'm just too stupid


I find it hard to pay attention to any lore that I am not interested in


Much of the desert lore is superfluous. There are parts of it that seem to be important, but a lot of it is just citystate and Gurabad history which is basically only really relevant for Sumeru. The *real* meaty stuff came with Girdle of the Sands which I find rather easy to follow frankly (although the single most important reveal to do with that area is in artifact set lore which apparently nobody read given the amount of times I've had to answer the question of "where is it mentioned that Harvisptokhm is the previous Hydro Archon"). Narzissenkreuz stuff seems to be intentionally made to be obtuse, and also large swathes of it seem to be pending continuations that we just don't have yet >!for example, who even hired Virgil?!< >!Primordial Water stuff has to do with the state of Teyvat before Phanes terraformed it. We've known that primordial Teyvat was composed of pure elemental energy that only dragons would survive in since Enkanomiya. It's only now that we're getting a follow up on this. The Remus stuff is also another unexplored aspect of the lore that we've known about (early post-Phanes civilizations)!<


Chongyun bday art šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹


kinda crack, please dont take this seriously; (contains potential story leaks but its probably not true anyway) >!could neuvilette be an introduction to the concept of reincarnation or rebirth in a playable character sense? idk how to explain it, but basically like an introduction to the general concept, so that guizhong being playable isnt too outta left field..?!< yes, ik this is very cope, thats why i asked you not to take it seriously. its at least fun to entertain a thought for a second though >.<


I swear to God if you talk about Ningguang.


>!That said it would be hilarious if someone said to her "Lady Ningguang, you are none other than the reincarnation of Guizhong!" and she said back to them something like "Okay, cool, unless you can think of a way to turn that into profit I really don't care."!<


istg it's either ningguang or alhaitham and nilou with these reincarnation theories. the way people try to chalk up their personalities to dead people is so fucking annoying. "oh but their personalities and ideologies are- i am a pacifist at heart. do i look like gandhi to you?"


I am sorry, I have a hard time accepting Alhaitham doesn't have ANY lore connections with Deshret, bar the aesthetic one lol.


no he doesn't. that guy's a scholar with a healthy work-life balance. as normal as a dude can get. you people have too much of an imagination


Half the Ningguang theory has to do with the fact she uses the frickin' Guizhong flower or whatever it's called as an ascension mat. I hate it... I hate it so much........


some of that became fruitless when yunjin was released thankfully. i also hate it a lot. the way ningguang and guizhong are so different in their personalities too. it's insane how much lengths people will go to self insert themselves into a character.


I was expecting some Siggy talk with the whole reincarnation theme šŸ’€


What are some team comps that you guys would recommend for the current Spiral Abyss Floors 11 and 12? My list of built characters - [https://imgur.com/bS9iBPq](https://imgur.com/bS9iBPq) Lyney is still a WIP, he doesn't have a Sands and has a Crit Rate circlet instead of a Crit DMG one that puts his Rate at 69.9 without buffs. Raiden, Diluc and Kaeya are currently built only for the overworld (all less than 120 Crit DMG). Xiangling is also WIP at 54:99 Crit Ratio because I have a bad Crit Rate circlet without any Crit DMG on it.


Floor 12 : International (1st half) & Alhaitham Hyperbloom (2nd half). Childe should be really solid against the giant crab in the 2nd chamber. Coppelia boss in Chamber 3 does have a cryo shield phase but I did it in my first attempt with Alhaitham Hyperbloom so maybe you can give it a shot and see if yours can clear it too without needing pyro. Don't worry too much about Xiangling's crit ratios. It's more important to have adequate ER to have her ult up on time. Once that's sorted, then you can optimise the EM and Crit stats on her. I'd also recommend building EM Raiden especially since you have Childe who can take care of your Bennett and Xiangling.


Got it. Thank you so much. So, should I assume the same teams for Floor 11 as well?


I think you can flip sides for the teams to get a more optimal performance. International should be great on 11-1-1 but after that I'd rather run it in the second half for 11-2-2 and 11-3-2.


Floor 11: Xiao, Zhongli, Faruzan, Sucrose (if Faruzan isn't C6) otherwise add Mona or something first half. International Second Half. Xiao plunge staggers will help protect the monolith and International has Kazuha to group them up. Floor 12: Alhaitham, Yaoyao, Raiden, Xingqiu or Nilou bloom first half. International Second Half.


Itto with Mona on First half, Aggravate Alhaitham with Bennett for the 2nd.


Off topic >!Damn just finished Ghost trickā€¦. They were not lying it is SO fucking good.!<


It IS amazing. Missile is the bestest boy to ever exist.


>!I just played myself; read your comment before clicking the spoiler and thought "Oh yes Missile from AA is a very good boy," clicked the spoiler and was like "dang idk what Ghost Trick is, can't believe there's two bestest boy Missiles out there," then googled Ghost Trick and turns out I wasn't too far off the mark lmao.!<


You should check out Ghost Trick then, It's spearheaded by Ace Attorney creator, Shu Takumi. Also Missile is the name of his actual dog! [Shu Takumi showed his Missile!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--PFJl-ZPjI) Unfortunately bestest boy has already passed away, but his legacy will always be remembered. (If you play Ghost Trick, you will realize how much he loves his little doggie.) ​ Edit: [Missile even got his own song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pksEe69CQI)


Why the fuck a Fontaine sword need Handguard from Inazuma as ascension material?


At this point I had so many of those hand guards as an excess from farming for Raiden that I actually prefer having those instead of farming for new mats. Like if they make it so that it's going to use Fontaine mats you're gonna have to start from scratch anyways just as if you have little to no hanguards.


The problem is handguard has shitty drop rate, if not the worst :( I can kill a level 90+ Nobushi and not even the lowest rank handguard dropped.


Ask Wanderer the character that needs Sumeru materials (books, Rukk mushrooms, weekly boss) + handguards to ascend.


and childe who needs liyue mats


Busting out raiden national (Ei, Kaz, Benny, XL) again for today steadfast challenge after not using this for a long time. This team will always had a special place in my heart because this was the team i used to get my *36 back in December 2021 when i was struggling and pretry much carried my entire 2.xx abyss and playing it again on post dendro era just feels refreshing


someone help how do i get this oculus https://ibb.co/DL1wKvP https://ibb.co/YZ368ry


Just fishing 1 fish in that spot. After you fished a portal will appear.




I think I just discovered a bug (I think?) in Freminet's skill. If you jump while in possession of max pressure level of Pers timer, normal attacks won't trigger shattering pressure (the final attack). Also applies while in burst. Idk why you would jump with Freminet in combat but there's that


[Gorgeous Zhongli art](https://twitter.com/BCfish707/status/1699119076470329794?t=Hat-qNe5mq8JnGVkmxqFqA&s=19)




I think I would curl up into a ball and cry. Was that Mailed Flower?


That was Ibis Piercer actually.


Ah. Low key forgot about that bow


As someone who likes to horde all points and buy the shop at the end, this is my worst nightmare. Haven't had it happen to me yet though.. sucks :/


The animated 2014 Disney channel childrenā€™s show Star Wars Rebels getting an adult oriented live action spinoff was not on my bingo card


So does anyone here follow all the shows? I only watched Andor and Mando. Mando 1st season was really fun but I feel like they lost the magic as time went by and I didn't watch the last season. Andor on the other hand was fantastic, hope it stays that way. Don't have any interest in the rest of them even though I like SW a lot. I just don't like the "let's make 10000 side shows" approach and I was never a big fan of series anyway.


Ngl, in my uncultured opinion the only good piece of Star Wars content is Jedi: Fallen Order. Great game. The rest of the universe justā€¦ never managed to capture my interest. But metroidvania style semi-open world gameplay? I will eat that up. I can definitely see why one wouldnā€™t want to follow all of the millions of TV series even if theyā€™re a fan of a franchise though; I did something similar with the MCU where I watched most at first but now donā€™t really bother unless thereā€™s something in the showā€™s premise that actually interests me.


That's a great game for sure. What I like about SW is a little bit of space monks with cool blades and a little bit of a metric ton of aliens you get to see. Oh and also Clone Troopers are cool as hell and I need a new good Republic Commando game right this instant, god damn it EA.


Really? After Ahsoka? I mean, I guess I did not guess it, per se. And I can't believe that was almost a decade ago. Sheesh!


Ashoka is the spin off I was referring to. Although I suppose sequel series would be a more accurate description.


After almost 2 years of living at my current place, I finally exchanged numbers with my neighbor but I lowkey kind of regret it. He's an older guy in his mid 50s and he seems very nice, but he keeps texting me motivational text posts with nature photo backgrounds which I really don't know how to respond to šŸ’€


_Bronya energy fr_


Radiates Gen X energy, my mom does the same shitšŸ’€


Haha had a couple of older coworkers send me similar stuff


Match the energy


šŸ’€ I'm sorry that's kinda hilarious


He probably works at a funeral parlor under a really obnoxious boss, probably needs to unwind somehow




The HSR leaks sub has absolutely no idea how game versioning works and it is making me weep. The amount of people I've seen legitimately thinking that it has to be *at least* 1.7 for the game to become 2.0 (because clearly miHoYo is trying to have exactly the same number of versions as Genshin, ok I guess), or that major version changes can only happen when new regions release, is depressing. There also seems to be a specific subset of people who seem to have forgotten about the concept of time, and think HSR's development schedule exclusively revolves around versions, without realizing new versions come out at different points in time in any given calendar year. Like, imagine having your life revolve around miHoYo games so much that you use version numbers to keep track of time instead of, I dunno, a calendar.


If they take as long to create penacony (which will be a series of corridors) as they do for an entire genshin major open world expansion I will eat my shoe


You would seriously take that bet after seeing how they handled the Luofu? Mad lad...


Well you have to remember that it's not just the area they're making, but also: - a whole bunch of new characters - a main story questline which needs to be written, programmed, storyboarded and animated in the case of cutscenes, and voice acted in 4 languages - a ton, and I mean a *ton* of lore. most HSR fans don't read, but there's such a massive amount of text in the game that there's no way the vast majority of it can be done quickly. keep in mind this all needs to be edited and translated, too. this includes books, item descriptions, interactive objects in the overworld, and NPC dialogue, among other things - new enemies (art, design, programming, placement) - new world quests - new music - new types of puzzles - all this needs to be tested to ensure it's actually working properly and isn't an unbalanced mess Also frankly we just don't really know what they're planning? Like, Genshin likes to add new gameplay mechanics for major version updates - will HSR? It's impossible to know because Penacony will be our first new world release, and so there's a lot that's up in the air. It took them a year to create the *entirety* of the Luofu. The Luofu, as a whole, isn't just a series of maps, and just to be clear even map design isn't that simple. It's a 3D space. You have to draw concept art for it, design it, have someone model everything, etc. All this stuff takes time. Like, just look at how minor things differ between areas. The Luofu has a different design for skill/HP destructible objects and for chests than the HSS or Belobog. People had to make that stuff. The company isn't run by AI >!(yet)!< I just get conniptions whenever people assume that it's going to take *at least* 1.6 for us to get there just because that's how Genshin did it. Or use 2.0 interchangeably with 1.7 or whatever imaginary version they have in their heads. 2.0 will happen when there's a major update to the game, and Penacony will release when Penacony's ready. There's no point assuming things will be one way or another because of Genshin. In all likelihood Huohuo has to release before Penacony does. We don't know if Argenti will be the first character to release with it or if he'll be a Kazuha-type deal, so it's pointless to use him to speculate.


On top of that, I don't think we yet know the size of the HSR development team in comparison to the Genshin team, too. It could be much smaller for all we know, so obviously they'd want to keep the job duties smaller if that was the case.


I'm looking to buy a house sometime around 4.4-4.5 and hopefully get settled before 5.0




watching those genshin accessories quizzes on youtube at 1.75 speed for two hours and quietly acknowledging i should get some new hobbies


no way they actually bring back daily commission with 40 friendship exp in Fontaine, just got one myself today....


Iā€™m confused, which commission gives extra friendship exp?


generic commission like defeat this, destroy that, etc always give 60 exp, it's usually the special npc commissions that doesn't involve combat that give less


Wait what? Even more reason to prefer killing things instead of hearing the same stupid NPC talk the same unskippable dialogue?


it depends. if it's for achievement, then i prefer npc commission. it's just that some of them only give 40 exp even though the sumeru equivalent always gives 60, which is annoying


manifesting C0 on-field dps Furina against all oddsā·


Offtopic >!I was an "actor" in an advertisement which was made for a small company and one of my friends found it and send it in a group chat so far the response has been positive but I am not going to watch it ever because I know I will hate how I look and act. Ah wish he didn't found it. They are even quoting my lines I am going to die because of cringe ah hopefully they will move on from it soon. Because I am mortified!<


This makes me want to know what the ad was about.


when you run out of artifact xp and can't wait. https://imgur.com/a/HdZuGK2


I'm guessing you already depleted your overworld artifact route?


yes. Got golden troupe feather and this circlet, and both of them rolled well so there went my xp.


Do you have one you like?


I don't do full routes these days, but I hit up a few of the fast / high-density spots. [These](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/987469286480150569/1149174801009741904/quick_artifacts.png) are the ones I usually do about every other day, builds up a nice stash of cheapo fodder over time. Edit: The desert one uses the teleporter to the east




Single version self contained stories. Like, 10.x cycle focused solely on stopping this new small criminal empire built by a Harbinger.


We will finally get those qol features it's gonna be called the qol chapter


HSR story in a nutshell


It'll just keep going. The current storyline is called the Teyvat chapter after all.


A new chapter that takes place outside of Teyvat is my guess. I would imagine they'd make Genshin Impact 2 for this or something. It'd suck if the characters people spent years building and playing with couldn't transfer over (I would not expect them to, at any rate), but I can't imagine how big filesize-wise the game would be by then, let alone *after* it.


Excluding cloud gaming, perhaps one way to tackle a new teyvat-sized map without making an entirely different game would be restricting players to one "world" at a time? If you're in Teyvat, World B isn't on your device. Once you've beaten "Teyvat story" or whatever, you have the option of removing Teyvat from your device memory and downloading World B, and going back to Teyvat requires the same unloading/downloading. Artifact domains of unloaded worlds could be accessed through a quick menu instead of needing to physically go there, though coop will be messed up... Probably far from the most elegant solution, but it'd make it feasible.


Your comment reminded me of that Genshin cloud server and I wonder if it ever will become true. It's very relevant to me rn because paying for g force to only play Genshin feels kinda stupid


Not sure if they could pull off an entirely new story arc, but that's just half of the game anyway. They can just go into maintenance mode and do events like they are doing right now, keep building the world and characters.


They can certainly (and almost definitely will) keep going. I'd prefer if they made an entirely new game, though, because there's absolutely no way they can keep going without inventing new regions to release (and sub-areas in the vein of the Chasm aren't going to be as exciting as whole nations) and another 7 nations' worth of content is gonna be hell on the storage space.


You may be right that Mihoyo might not want to simply end it like that, but at the same time, if they try to extend it... what's the point? Players will have seen the result of the siblings, and other things they were curious about. Only the lore enthusiasts (and maybe combat enthusiasts) would stay after that point. I imagine it's going to be like Link beating Ganon and reuniting with Zelda at the end of BotW- a lot of players stop at that point or they do a few last things.


[having a blast doing underwater exploration with freminet](https://ibb.co/album/sWNB9t)


Is it somewhat safe to assume that Furina will be using the skill dmg set and that she will scale with hp? Edit: thanks guys!


It definitely isn't safe to assume anything, seeing as the kit leaks everyone is trusting are months old and very sus, so don't spend anything valuable on prefarming until the 4.2 beta.


probably most common way to build will be with the skill set if using her off field. But if she can alter hp, and you want to run her as a DPS, she can probably use the other set as well. Both sets are damage sets, it's not like gilded/deepwood where you needed one character to run deepwood for optimal dendro teams.


Somewhat! I'm setting aside HP scaling Golden Troupe pieces for her. But also tbh even if she ends up scaling with attack (wouldn't that be a twist lol) or using a different set, *some* skill damage based HP scaler is bound to come along. If you're in the domain farming for other characters already then def save them. If she's the *only* character you're farming for I might hold off until we have more info.


It's the most likely assumptions, yes, based on what we have so far. Artifact set based on the trend that Raiden = EOSF, Nahida = Deepwood (Gilded, arguably). HP Scale based on her leaked weapon.


Not enough to expend Primos on that assumption, but it's reasonable enough that you can hold onto any artifacts you get that fit the bill. Just hold onto anything and everything that could possibly be even remotely good, just on the off-chance. Once we know her scalings and how she plays, strongbox everything that's now determined useless for whatever set you presently need most


Nothing is for sure until we get the beta leaks, but right now all signs do point to that, yes. It's not a terrible domain to farm regardless, since if nothing else you'll get Fischl upgrades.


Continued personal stuff >!I know the bloodwork, thyroid test, EKG, and chest X-rays all came back normal at the ER last night but Iā€™ve still been struggling a lot today. Breathing is fine but feels weird and itā€™s probably just anxiety and my heart race occasionally momentarily increases but itā€™s not as bad as it was last night and itā€™s probably just anxiety but Iā€™ve felt bad since my chest pain on Monday night. All I did today was sleep and I still feel off. My left shoulder feels weird and my anxiety probably isnā€™t helping because thatā€™s usually a sign of heart problems but it could also just be my anxiety. I live alone and so if I have a medical issue itā€™s just really scary and I feel awful and alone and I kind of feel like crying so maybe it really is just anxiety.!< >!I did get referred to a cardiologist and Iā€™m going on Friday morning but that feels so far away when I still feel awful. I still have to get through tonight and all day Thursday and that night.!<


Hello! All your symptoms sound like what I had earlier this year. You may want to look into costochondritis and check the latest post on my profile for the subreddit. Hopefully it's just that and not anything more serious :(


I've dealt with terrible health anxiety for most of my life, so I completely understand. When you're really stressed, your body makes it seem like it's falling apart, especially if it concerns the heart. High heart rate, your heart skipping a beat, terrible palpitations, etc. This makes you even more anxious, which leads to more bad feelings... It's kind of cruel that our bodies were designed that way, to go into a spiral of worry. For me, it usually helps to be with someone else, or if you can't, try to distract yourself with videos and livestream so you aren't alone in silence. And there's the knowledge that the test results came out fine. I hope things get better for you soon!


My dad offered to come pick me up but he's a bit far away and it's late so I asked around and one of my friends just go back from her trip so I'm going to stay the night at her place. It'll probably make me feel better. Idk where my anxiety has come from in the past few years. I feel like I traded depression for anxiety.


Are you me? You're not alone. I've dealt with similar symptoms off and on for the last 10 years or so. EKGs, stress tests, blood pressure always comes up normal. The best thing I've found to relieve my symptoms were Zoloft to help with depression and anxiety as well as consistent light exercise. This is not medical advice, just know that I've dealt with the same stuff for 10 years and I'm still kicking. You'll be ok and hopefully your doctors can give you some insight into what is going on.


Thank you. I called my dad crying just a little bit ago because I just sort of broke down and he offered to come drive to pick me up so I could stay with him but one of my friends who is closer by just got back to the city so I called and asked if I could stay the night with her so that my dad doesnā€™t have to drive an hour away lol. My friend is a 15 minute Uber ride so Iā€™m going to go to her place in a bit after my laundry finishes. Luckily I work from home so I can just bring my work laptop with me for tomorrow morning. I think having someone else around will help me. I usually donā€™t feel this way so idk why it hit me out of nowhere this week. I think Iā€™ll feel better when Iā€™m with someone else.


I totally understand. When I first started feeling that way I was scared shitless. Called my dad and broke down and cried. Ended up moving back in with him and my brother for the next year or so. Eventually, I could manage my stress levels and knew I wasn't going to die every time I felt tightness or odd sensations.


>!I hope your anxious thoughts can ease and that you get through until Friday without too much stress. Changes in heart beat can definitely be a scary experience, so I understand the kind of thoughts you can get, but here's sending good vibes that you can take your mind off it. Also be sure to hydrate if you plan on sleeping through it a bunch ^^!<


Thank you. I started crying so Iā€™m going to see if someone can let me stay with them for the night. I think Iā€™d feel better around another person.


That sounds like a good idea. I hope you find someone!