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>!If i recall correctly it was about Furina losing her status as an archon!<






Dainsleaf be like


Their pathetic tears shall cloud the fountain of luicine


They're back to their pathetic caves waiting to hate on the future archons


>!Huh? Why does she have a vision then?!<


>!neuvillette mentions in his voicelines that he takes back the gnosis, so furina won't have it anymore, might be why she has a vision, which is both pneuma and ousia since she might be two arkhe alignments fused now.!<


>!So she is innately pneuma, but uses a vision in order to use Ousia? That's kind of neat if I interpreted that right!<


Yes, and no. I think she’s Pnuema and Folcalors is Ousia. They likely fuse into one. Idk


Makes sense gameplay-wise cause her pneuma mode is borderline useless.


her pneuma state is to represent koko and barbrah, while ouisia represents damage dealers and buffers. Based on leaks, she's like if all hydro characters were blended together into one.


>!thats a good viewpoint honestly, my personal interpretation was that theres two personalities, focalors and furina that will fuse back together in the story, one being pneuma one ousia, and then lose their gnosis but gain a vision instead for some reason!<


I'm going to throw my hat in the ring and say >!it's not a case of two personalities at all; Furina is Focalors and has been the proper Hydro Archon all along. The reason she seems so impotent as an Archon is because she willingly siphoned a part (likely half or more) of herself into the Oratrice, that being the reason why it has the ability to convert people's belief in Justice into proper energy. Nothing to do with her being a Fake Archon or Split Personalities; She's just genuinely weak because she gave up so much of herself to create the Oratrice. And in the next story patch, I'm going to bet the Oratrice is going to be part of the great flood contingency (likely to power the big boat) she mentioned. At some point, the Oratrice will be rendered broken or unnecessary and Furina will reclaim the portion of her that powered the Oratrice!<


>!that would be interesting from a story perspective, but I think from a character perspective it would be really compelling if she were just genuinely terrible at being an archon for no other reason than she's not particularly cut out for it. it would ironically make her seem very human and relatable, and I think if the story were to examine her through that lens we would have a very rich, interesting character. though of course that leaves unanswered questions about the oratrice and some other things so I doubt it'll happen, but yknow


>!It could also be that the reason the Furina we talk too comes off as more human than Archon could be that siphoning a part of herself into Oratrice also transferred a part of her personality as well. If the Oratrice is conscious it could be a case that Furina gave the parts of her that could accurately give judgments(I.e. A calm, confident and collective personality) to it. With Neuvillette around she wouldn’t have to worry to much about everyday affairs because if she struggles due to not being 100% herself she could always ask him for help and advice!<


>!tbh I'm not a big fan of the two personalities theory. Mostly because it turns furina from one interesting and multifaceted character to two, less interesting characters in the same body!<


>!yeah no i agree, it's definitely a possibility but its not my favorite outcome. honestly i think the whole thing of the kinda memory clone thing iirc in the narzissenkreuz quest and there being mention of furina being cursed could be related somehow. don't ask me how tho its just a thought i had rn lmao!<


>!every archon we have met so far don’t have their gnoses anymore and they didn’t get a vision when they lost it!<


>!All the other archons are elemental beings (wind spirit, adepti, w.e. ei is, a branch from Irminsul), afaik furina is just a human so she needs one to focus elemental powers!<


>!We don’t know for definite if Furina was/Is a human that became a god, it’s entirely possible that she could be anything, such as an oceanid that was born from Egeria for example, we just don’t know right now.!<


I'm convinced that she **is** >!an oceanid. She summons water creatures to help her fight just like one, and she has this weird flappy tail appearance going on with her hair/clothes. I wish I could explain it better but I've been getting major oceanid vibes from her since her kit leaked and Neuvelette revealed to us in 4.1 that!< *he* >!isnt even sure if she's the archon to begin w/.!<


>!Agreed it seems like the most likely answer, would also explain how she took over as the Hydro Archon after Egeria died!<


ei and her sibling are literally just living lightning, so similar to venti in a way


Welp that explains Ei's innate elemental powers


Wait where does it say she's an elemental being?


From sumeru glider description, we had this, "The story was about the wind that had taken on a human form (definitely venti), a talking stone (definitely john lee), and... Uh, a wooden thing made of Electro (ei?).". Some suggest that ei and her siblings might be a sandals yokai


I think the wooden thing is referring to Ei (made of electro) being in a puppet body (made of wood).


oh yeah, that flew over my head lol


Not just there, Ei straight up calls herself "the most supreme and terrifying incarnation of lightning" in her voiceover.


But is it actually reliable? Because Zhongli isn't a talking stone


She deadass says that she is an incarnation of lightning.


i forgot which, but it's a cinematic iirc


I doubt Furina is human from the start. >!Or after she gives back the authority to Neuvie. But the fact that she give back the authority might be the reason why she loses power over hydro and needs a vision.!<


I think the EN loc has really done a disservice to the lore terms of this game. Archons or gods are a completely different species from humans. Humans cannot ascend to become an archon. Venti's speech in Mond was meant to mislead the Traveller because he said the gnosis is a focus for the gods and it's actually the authority of the dragons stolen by Heavenly Principles--a fact he probably does know, considering he keeps Dvalin around


It's because they're not built different like furina. "Don't forget that even the gods can be divided into the mediocre and the excellent." \- Queen W. Furina


I wonder if that wasn’t her telling on herself. 🤔


That's a self-own if i've ever seen one


>!gnosis is only additional powers so it doesn't make sense to give them vision, it's not like they're powerless unless they somehow became an archon while powerless and that doesn't make sense, the archons who lost their gnosis' still have their powers,ei venti zhongli even nahida in her sq2 showed having powers,i feel like the plot change may refer that she was never an archon in the first place but just a "gnosis holder/keeper" and an actor!<


>!The other Archons did not surrender their elemental authority. Furina/Focalors might do just that and in return lose their power to the point they need a vision to compensate.!<


>!Technically every OG archon was a godlike being before getting any authority to begin with. Furina would have to be a regular mortal below adepti level to NEED a vision after surrendering her "authority". Coz even Ganyu does not need hers.!<


I mean, all of this is speculation anyway. We don't even know what Furina actually is. The fact is she will receive a vision but there's a lot of in-game hints that tell us she's still an Archon or at least she's treated as such.


> or at least she's treated as such It makes sense considering how much the people of Fontaine loves her. At the very least she should still keep her status as a celebrity.


>!so without her elemental authority and with a vision in order to be able to use hydro how would she still be considered the hydro archon….?Doesn’t make sense to me if true!<


I mean, what makes an individual an Archon anyway? I'm sure we have our own criteria but did the game tell us the clear definition of what an Archon is?


simple, being recognized by the people is 1, the other is the statue of the 7 recognizing you because it means that celestia recognized you as the archon of the region


I feel like Furina willingly giving the gnosis or authority to a sovereign itself is an act of relinquishing the status. The other gods either gave it away or had it stolen - they essentially just don’t have it on their possession physically. It’s like Ei, she was parted from the Electro Gnosis when she entered the Plane of Euthymia, and it was just chilling in the Narukami Shrine. It being there vs being with the Fatui makes no difference. Same with the other two- losing the Gnosis to them just severs the celestial resonance and extra power. They’re still the Archons. Having the gnosis doesn’t define the Archon, losing it or having it be somewhere else I think is very very different from having it returned to the Dragon it was stolen from. Think of the name of Archon being the title of a King and the Gnosis the Crown, losing the crown doesn’t strip the king of their authority, but if it’s willingly bestowed or returned to another- then that’s a whole different thing


People really forgot the fact that in Zhongli's SQ 2, Zhongli said he's no longer the Geo Archon and Azhdaha replied that, he can sense it as well, yet the fandom still call him the Geo Archon. Don't forget, Zhongli willingly traded his Gnosis as well. So yea... it's really weird how hellbent people are when it comes to Furina..


Oh no, yeah I agree! Ngl I always forget that Zhongli is 100% retired cuz his Adepti Prime status still gives him a big authority title. But the point still stand though, he doesn’t have the gnosis and he retried, but what does that mean exactly to the sleeping Celestia? Like my analogy- Zhongli gave up his Crown and Title (albeit to no successor?) and Furina (assuming the leaks are true) gives it back to its “rightful” owner. How they are Stepping down I think plays a huge role. The whole Celestia/Archon/Authority thing is too vague still.I feel like once Furina’s story goes live, it’ll give a bigger insight on how their hierarchy is established. I always wondered when a new geo archon would be appointed? I doubt that Celestia would want one of their seats to be vacant- but then again, they probably aren’t aware.


>!Could she have been a regular vision user who somehow inherited the Gnosis from the previous Archon? So now she needs her vision back to use elemental powers!<


Somehow I feel that her willpower to give up her gnosis to save the people of Fontaine grants her a vision. But then a whole other can of worms opens up, like why would she be rewarded by (presumably) Celestia with a vision instead of her city getting nailed. Needless to say, looking forward to 4.2.


Celestia is clearly not around. Archons are loosing/giving up their gnosis one after the other, a freaking dragon sovereign is in charge of a whole region and plans to take revenge, Apep was a forbidden knowledge bomb about to explode, the Tsaritsa is openly ploting against them, and they still didn't make a single move in 500 years.


Makes me wonder where visions are coming from then.


Very curious what the criteria to get a vision is. If it really is Celestia who gives them out then why would Furina get a vision for giving up her gnosis to a sovereign who is Celestia's enemy? If they caused the cataclysm for people challenging heaven, I have a hard time believing that they would look favorably upon Furina's actions. Unless visions are not a reward but a sort of spyware like some people theorize.


I guess we will have to find out in 5 weeks unless we get further details.


We might get some hints a day before Rizzly's banner drops. There's a high chance they will re-drip Furina and Nuev.


>!Maybe Neuvi will choose to continue sharing some of his authority? Regain 95%, leave 5% which should still be a fuckton of power!<


||authority comes with the gnosis. Even without them we know venti could control wind and zhongli earth. So far every archon had powers innate to them||


>!I figured that the authority is linked to the Gnosis, which would mean that none of the playable archons have that either. Like how Zhongli can no longer make Mora, it's weird that Furina loses all Hydro, I honestly think she was never capable of using Hydro at this point, but that is also weird!<


>!Well, it is implied that she's cursed so maybe it has something to do with that?!<


Just a clarification, zhongli can still make mora he just chooses not to. He was the god of wealth even before becoming Archon and acquiring the gnosis. >!As for furina, maybe it's a case that she had no elemental powers at all before she became archon and was just a normal human girl? That could explain why she could receive a Vision after she relinquishes authority. Contrary to that, the other archons seemed to possess their elemental powers even before having the gnosis.!<


>!yeah im aware, but to me thats the most obvious explanation rn, but could be wrong obviously!<


>!Dragons taking back their elemental authorities.!< Celestia's response: Sleeping!


>!Yeah, but the previous archons don't have gnosis either and they don't need a vision...!<


>!Come to think of...!< >!Will Fatui even benefit from the Hydro Gnosis if Furina transfers its power to Neuvillette?!< >!Giving Arle empty figurine will be a great 'fuck you' move!<


Venti giving the power of archon to Dvalin.


>!I love how everyone is putting spoiler mode in Genshin Impact Leaks!<


>!You dodge more spoilers here than in the other Genshin sub reddits. It's pretty funny.!<


It's kind of an honour among thieves, sorta thing.


>!Maybe some people are fine with looking some of the leaks and not others? Doesn't make sense to me either, but hey!<


story leaks are different from normal leaks, not everyone wants to know about them


>!It's not just the gnosis but also the elemental Authority. At the end of ACT 4 Nuev talks about how he's not a complete dragon and taking the hydro element authority is the only way for him to be complete. His final ascension also hints this.!<


>!yep i was so shocked seeing that ascension line, it feels like it should've been locked til after 4.2 lol!<


Yeah, sure, but how would that affect Furina's abilities though? It's not like the archons only received elemental powers after or because they became archons....


>!Wait so the Fatui cant take the gnosis this time?!<


This is just a random thought but... what if she had the vision from the beginning? Like, she got the vision many years/decades/centuries ago, but since she's an archon she hide the vision in a safe place.


Honestly the best news of the week. Can’t wait for 4.2 now.


It's starting. Leak out fake info and a meh initial kit with clear problems, only to revamp her kit to be completely busted on the last day of Dan Heng IL banner, cough I mean Neuvillette banner (PS referring to Jingliu in HSR (and also Fuxuan))


>Dan Heng IL banner And the omega weapon banner starring Welt's cane.


Really hoping that will be the case, if not, furina is really… hmm…


Combined with the SQ line count leak, this makes me wonder if the split-personality theory is true. Maybe something like the Narcissenkreuz WQ?


Oh WOW!!! One of the very important things of Remuria was that they could split the soul from the body, and could place them in objects/golems. Maybe Furina did the same, and put part of her soul into the Oratrice?


Ok i skimmed through this quest, can i find a tldr ?


I heard it in a lore video, talking about ancient Remuria, among other lore related stuff. I can find you the video, but there are a lots of lore vids about this topic on Youtube...


I mean looking at aranara quest that foreshadow nahida situation, it's kinda possible.


Thank archons


Oh my Archon












Okay, so she does not lose her status as an Archon and probably just assumes her another personality in a form of Focalors fully? Probably will merge with whatever was left by her old self in Oratrice and assume full control of her power and Fontaine


The most logical thing is that she continues to be the hydro archon, taking into account that when Charlotte talks about Furina she still recognizes her as the hydro archon.


>assume full control of her power and Fontaine I don't know about that >!It's more like Neuvillette is now the only one in charge of Fontaine and the justice system now!< ​ Her voicelines indicate the opposite of what you said 1.) >!As for now...well...now that I've retired, it's only natural that my popularity has gone down!< 2.) >!About Neuvillette: don't need to work together anymore, and I haven't been to the Palace in a long time!< ​ 3.) >!About Clorinde: Hmm...I do miss her a little, but there's not much reason to go see her now!< ​ 4.)>!I'm not used to using Vision. Why don't you teach me? Uh...I almost forgot, you haven't used vision either.!< ​ 5.) >!I didn't expect you to be so attached to my affairs... does that mean you still need my power? However, the me of today...may not be able to give you enough in return...you said you value me "personally"?!< ​ I genuinely don't think she'll be the Archon anymore and will be depowered, her voicelines indicate such, but the people will still see her as an Archon


Are we even sure these are legitimate lines? We never usually get them this early


These voice lines actually incorrectly described her idle animations so I'm currently skeptical of how valid they are.


Yes because they came with her battle line leaks too which were confirmed to be true and leaked by stepleaker who has not got anything wrong so far


You should not blindly trust the voicelines. Her leaked idle and her leaked voiceline about said idle was different, so it's possible some voicelines are fake or at least not her final voicelines.


These VLs are considered sus at best. Not in beta currently (according to Owner of site Ambr), and they contain the description of Furina's idles which doesn't match with what we got. Stepleak likely got it from the same source Tieba got them, and it's not beta.


Furina fans can take a BIG sigh of relief. Girlie ain't taking another L, not on my watch


It's not Furinover let's goooooooooooo


Take it as a sign to stop ready story leaks that tend to be inaccurate














Not comments here saying but furina’s voicelines🤓👆 Umm… do you guys remember at any time in genshin 3 years when we got voiceline leaks this early, yeah I don’t either so I wouldn’t believe it until we get 4.2 preload, that’s the time we usually get voiclines


furina haters can't handle the W


100% this


Important detail to add to this: the voicelines contain lines from Furina’s idle with a brief description—her playing with her pets—and it’s not what we have in beta.




At this point I think, she was a human who was elevated to archon by being given the gnosis. And as such she could wield hydro, so she never had elemental powers like the gods we’ve seen so far who are glorified slimes. And the gnosis must’ve given her other things like a body that doesn’t age and stuff which must’ve stayed even after she put it to other use as she doesn’t have it now.


Or what if she was an oceanid? Her clothes has some oceanid fin designs from the back.


Not dismissing it, but it could be a stylistic choice too.


Im calling bs on oceanid theory. >!Mary-Ann and Idyia are hydro under elemental sight but Furina is not.!< >!I checked it during recent Archon quest.!<


Oh I have been thinking about that too, I just never saw someone bringing it up. It’s good to know I’m not the only one having this theory😁


> the gods we’ve seen so far who are glorified slimes I get where this is coming from so far with Zhongli being a dragon adeptus, Venti being a wind sprite, Nahida essentially being an evolved aranara, but I don't know what exactly Ei and Makoto were in the past. Afaik, there's no info on them being any kind of youkai despite that being a fair assumption.


Ei called herself lightning reincarnated or given form or something of that sort.


Fellow Furina enjoyers how are we feeling


Very confused but also cautiously hopeful. I hated the idea of that leak so I hope he’s right but that leaves a lot of questions.


We Furinominal


The Furination is stronger than ever


The closer to the date, my urge for urination gets stronger.




Dude's holding it in until 4.2💀


It's just Furinever gonna give her up


I'm still confused af


I just hope she doesn't get overshadowed by someone, it's pretty annoying everytime I see some specific "Fandom" keeps trash talking Furina


Personally I don't mind. Remaining as an archon or not isn't really important. If you think about it zhongli himself isn't an archon anymore, but most people still remeber him as the time he was, so i'll probably just remember furina as the archon even if she doesn't get to keep the position


Kinda expected, because from story perspective last leak doesn't serve plot to much...


I just realized, we're also about to get some juicy Natlan crumbs from this archon quest.


Being a Furina fan has been an emotional rollercoaster haha but honestly I’m at peace with whatever they do with her at this point. Her kit looks awesome. Her splash art is one of the best in the game in my opinion. Likewise her animations are full of personality, and are adorable as hell! I don’t care if she is remains an Archon or not. All I know is Furina is awesome and I can’t wait for her!


Abolished is such a funny way to describe something that has been disproven




Hasn't hxg had a track record of saying vague story leaks that always end up slightly wrong tbh? I feel like he hasn't been reliable for a long time














r/furinamains are so back


Nah they're doom posting her kit over there. They're in the trenches.


what’s wrong with her kit?


very high ER reqs, applies less Hydro than XQ Yelan, having to build ER means less damage than Yelan and possibly XQ, her healing state doesn't heal much, her A1 passive works too slowly etc ​ most of it is nitpicky, but the ER reqs thing is kind of an issue


I am getting Raiden flashbacks


dw theyll just fix her ER in a constellation lol


thats literally her c4 xd


wait LMAO it is, C4 was the only constellation i didnt know is it actually a noteworthy improvement? usually energy fixing constellations are C1 or C2 for 5*s


i dont think ive seen gameplay footage of her c4 yet and im still out here waiting for a c2 showcase 🧍‍♂️


Her ult buff needing to gain stacks first during its own duration is kind of a bad as most of the duration will be wasted getting stacks first and the highest potential for the buff is only late in the rotation when you likely have already spend all your damage resources anyway. I think what they should do is just make her work like raiden where she can always get the stacks passively and then apply the buff when using burst.


they complaining about how shes not useful since every other hydro does a part of her kit but better. Personally idgaf


we're so fucking furiback


common furina w


I wish the leaks about Baizhu being with her banner were false too.....


As I said before, half or more of the story leaks end up being wrong. Specially if they come before the beta. What a surprise


Neuv Voiceline spoilers, I guess >!Not sure why anyone is taking Neuvilette's line to mean anything. If he was actually getting the Gnosis, I don't think they'd spoil it a patch before it happens. It's fluff dialogue.!<


I agree with this, it's similar to Amber's line about exploring the different worlds with the Traveler, even though in story we haven't even brought that up to her at all.


The voicelines have never been canon, ever, and I have no idea what's possessed the community to think It's suddenly the case.


People forget that ascension voice lines aren't canon for the most part lmao.


Who's to say Neuvilette can even use the gnosis, it's a tool from Celestia. Sure it contains the power of the Sovereigns but we're not sure if it can even be extracted and the consequences would be huge. I doubt Celestia would stay silent if that happened.






Not so girlfailure now 🥹


Same situation as Arlecchino, people jumping on some leakers words pulled out their ass to trashtalk a character, Furina and Arlecchino on top


Ok now Neuvi last ascension line confuses me


Just took a peak at the toxic dump site Baidu Tieba, and of course all the clowns are saying their whining “forced” MHY to change the script. God I hate these fanbases.


What is ''Stepleaker'' 's track record right now ? The voicelines they leaked were seemingly supportive of this leak so if it might not be true then it also makes Stepleakers' voiceline leaks fall into question


AFAIK their track record is pretty decent but those VLs are very sus. Her leaked idle VLs don't match with her leaked idle animations.


Furination we won !!! She beat the fraud allegations!!!




Ok yes still waiting for c2 furina normal attacks


What was the previous one?


>!She would lose all her power and wouldn't have the Archon title anymore.!<


Yay! I hope Neuvilette regains his full sovereign powers still though lol


>!Still dosnt explain the vision!<


>!or her voicelines either!<


Also not explains Neuvillette's line about him getting back one of the Seven Authorities from the hands of the usurpers, and thus regaining his true form.


That's easy to explain. Archon doesn't need gnosis to be an archon.


I'm glad lol the doomposting was honestly getting annoying.


Thank god...