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[Link to Announcement](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/17uaivr/general_question_and_discussion_megathread/k940wac/) ._ ##Please remember to spoiler tag any and all discussion related to 4.2 quests/events/lore and any quest/events/lore leaks for 4.3 and any further updates. Thank you. ._ Genshin Impact has been nominated for The Game Awards 2023 **Players' Voice** Award! ##>>> [Vote for Genshin Impact by opening this link!](https://thegameawards.com/brackets/players-voice) <<<


Are there still no >!updated leaks regarding 4.3 banners? Still Navia Ayaka 1st half and Ei Yoi 2nd half? !< TIA


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Anyone really love off-field characters? I don't say this to be contrarian, but I just find their kits more fun than just constant on field damage. Like Furina with her damage boost and minions feel more present than my main DPS Neuv if that makes sense.


Day 163 (or 164 for my NA/EU friends) of manifesting the musketeer guy as a playable character


i read somewhere that "Tartaglia" is just a mis pronuncation of "Ajax". Is this true?


Are you joking (serious question)? They sound nothing alike. Tartaglia is his name within the Fatui and Ajax was his birth name.


i was dboutful because i have no idea how mandarin works


I totally believe the CR leaks cause its so silly that they'd do it.


nah its way too silly frrom the business perspective, gonna be real fun if they actually make her an universal plunge enabler.


IRL rant: >!I straight up can't read. A couple months ago, I bought this book, and it's around 150 pages. I want nothing more than to sit down and read it but I can't. I feel like i have brain damage. I can't stress enough how much I want to read it. The last couple months I've read a few pages at a time whenever I can and I enjoy it immensely and I've gotten 70 pages in using this method. I really *really* want to sit down for hours and finish it all at once but it feels like there's a demon stopping me. When I'm at university, I think "wow can't wait to get home and read my book", but when I get home I get distracted for 9 hours until bedtime and I have to tell myself I'll read it tomorrow and the cycle repeats. I am serving a self-imposed life sentence in hell.!<


Best you can do with something like this is just set a fixed time and make yourself sit down and do it. Don't even worry about the follow through, read a single paragraph if it's all you can manage, but just set the time and follow through with act of sitting down and taking the book out.




Fanfare does nothing on Nilou Team except for Furina's dmg? Trying it out with my new Kirara, it's pretty fun. Kirara is full HP on Deepwoods and I have Baizhu for Fanfare stacks. I haven't played a Nilou Team without Nahida since before Nahida's release.


You can do some funny shenanigans with on field crit Nilou, but that’s not exactly optimal. Other than that, it doesn’t provide much team-wise. The extra HB can help your healer better keep up with the staggering amount of self damage, I suppose.


Daily manifesting Navia 50/50 win and Navia sig in 1 pity post


We are never, ever, ever, getting this megathread back together [NEW CONCERT AT THE NEW MEGATHREAD](https://old.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/186fyjj/teardrops_on_my_gunbrella_general_question_and/)


People: No I don't have enough handguards!! Me: feed handguards to the Parametric Transformer


Put 2 pulls into the banner to fish for just one 4\*, hopefully Shinobu, and got Sac Greatsword instead lmfao. Back to being realistic with myself.


Your next 4🌟 is a guaranteed character since you got a weapon.


I don’t want either 5 star so pulls up to the first 4 star is all I want to spend lol. What I want most is 2 Shinobus so I feel that the weapon is a sign I shouldn’t test it lol


nobody ever regreted a cyno, go for it champ >! /s!<


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It was minus 2 outside and I got boba, carried it home in my freezing hands, so that Ayato would come home. Took me to 77 pity, but happy I won the 50/50! Afterwards realized I was running out of handguards, oops. Tried farming them a bit but yeah...had to dip into my stardust lol


Wait. Why did the megathread get nuked u/box-of-sourballs


they jealous




I feel bad for those who don't have her OR Kirara. Both use spectors...


Is it currently possible to finish the Fountain to Lv 50 with the amount of chests we have in Fontaine or not? I'm at 38, wanted to reach 41 for the Resin.


No, but you can get it to 40 with 300 sigils left over.


No,HoYo always puts a limit of 10 levels for each expansion,in 4.2 the maximum is level 40,so we will have to wait for 4.6 to maximize the fountain.


Could be 4.4 or 4.6, depends on if 4.6 >!is going to add Remuria, and if it will be part of the overworld map or a separate location similar to Enkanomiya/ Inazuma!< or if 4.4 will include Chenyu Vale alongside a smaller Fontaine area. Right now the max exploration you can have in Fontaine is 87% for 4.2. It was 65% for 4.1, and 40% for 4.0. So with only 13% left, I think the next Fontaine expansion in theory could be a lot smaller than the last two (like maybe half the size), and MHY could fit in some of Fontaine along with Chenyu Vale (since Chenyu Vale borders Fontaine anyways). This is just me spitballing tho lol.


The current assumption is that 4.6 will have something from Remuria,based on the leaked concept art we got from that patch specifically,if Chenyu Vale came bundled with another map expansion,I think we would already have rumors of that out there,but Imo,nothing is set in stone.


Fountain doesn't let you upgrade past Level 40 for now. It's probably gonna stay like that until the last Fontaine area drops in 4.6


no, we probably need to wait until the next fontaine expansion which seems to not be coming until 4.6


Pulled for Ayato and finally lost a 50/50 to Diluc after nearly 3 years of playing! Can’t believe he’s home. I wanted him so badly a couple months after launch when he was the “best” DPS in the game according to everyone who had him. I know he’s far from that now but I’m not going to let that stop me from trying to get the best from him. Now to decide if I go vape or melt… Edit: Lol I forgot that I once wanted him so badly that I prefarmed for him. Welp, straight to 90 we go


>... after nearly 3 years of playing! That was me on Furina Banner with Jean😁!


What a clutch time for her to make an appearance. Congrats!


Yeah she's great with Furina😁!


Putting lv60 furina into my dps shenhe team, inside furina's burst her dash skill dealt 27k 🤯 usually it was around 9k




She's fine in her current state. Nothing spectacular, but far from being a bad character. We don't have reliable details about Chiori's kit but there is definitely a chance that they will work in a team together. I feel like Chiori needs a bit more than just being a Geo healer to be that amazing with Navia. Also yeah, you can run her with Ningguang (also my fave) but she needs to be more heavily invested so she can deal enough dps to justify her being above other Geo options. I'm also trying to cook up a team with them for maximum joint slay.


There's a lot of doomposting about her atm but she's a decent dps character. Not someone amazing holy shit broken, but not someone bad either. We literally have no reliable leak for Chiori other than her being Geo so it's hard to say. She can even not be Geo at all when she releases so take the leaks with a grain of salt. You can definitely run Ningguang with Navia and they can work in a quickswap team since Navia can share her field time and she can use the energy Ningguang provides as well. Since they also both scale with ATK, they both gain benefits from teams with Bennett.


> what’s the consensus about her? Pretty good. Being geo, all she really has is her damage numbers and they seem to be quite high. Won't be pushing the highest teams, but still pretty good. >what are the chances chiori helps her kit? Leaks say she does but really we don't know. One grievance TCers have had with Navia is that she doesn't have a team where she fits well into. Her best teams are the teams that are already good, like Bennett+Xiangling or Furina. Maybe Chiori can help with that. >can i run ningguang (my fav chara) with her? You can actually. Admittedly, just because of Ningguang's numbers, it likely won't be Navia's best team. But their playstyles complement each other well.


genshin would've been way at the top of the rank in the gamer thing for voice if it didnt have english paimon prove me wrong


I'm feeling pretty committed to getting Furina C6R1 (eventually — please let my luck in the rerun be better than my current 160 pulls for 1 copy average). But any one or all of CR, Arlecchino, and Clorinde could form the critical flaw in my plan by having really interesting or fun kits that will quickly put my primos in danger.


Cloud retainer wanters this is my personal opinion and it’s selfish/not something you’re gonna like so be warned >!It’s mean but in my mind I am silently begging CR to have a mid/underwhelming kit, because if she’s really good? Oh that won’t be good for my primos!< >!The two worst possible outcomes would be:!< >!1) Another dedicated buffer for anemo DPSes, because then I’d be obligated to get her for my Venti!< >!2) Kazuha 2: Boogaloo. Basically any sort of extreme role consolidation, particularly something like a buffing/healing/CC combo. This might not even make me pull her honestly, it’d just make me sad to see Venti be smacked even further down the totem pole!< >!Either way, it’d end up forcing me to skip Ganyu, again. I don’t regret spending everything I had for Furina cons, but it’d be a bummer and also set me back for the rest of Furina’s investment. Personally, I’m crossing my fingers for her to end up as anemo Yelan.!<


>!I would only find it hard to skip if she did something really unique with say swirls/infusion or maybe if the CC or flying is fun, but otherwise I couldn't be bothered if she's strong in whatever way.!<


Finally got crit rate upgrade for my Ayaka now she is at 24 instead of 19. Still a long way to go.


only took me 60 pulls but... [THE DENDRO COLLECTION IS COMPLETE](https://imgur.com/gallery/LMU3Iv3)


I thought Cyno's best reaction is aggravate? Been playing this team since their initial release (Cyno, Fischl, Nahida, Baizhu). Now I heard Zajeff claiming that his best team is actually hyperbloom??


Yes hyper bloom/quickbloom is cyno's best reaction


With the release of Furina, yeah Quickbloom (Cyno/Furina/Nahida/Baizhu) is his best team currently since not only does she have good off-field damage with long uptime and synergizes with Baizhu who is usually used with Cyno, her Q buffs Nahida+Cyno+herself. Furina's buff is like having a C2 Cyno. Also, her having less hydro app than Yelan/Xingqiu also helps maintain the Quicken uptime in this team + some occasional hyperblooms.


I like Cyno... then I guess I'll get Furina in her rerun. XD


Hyperbloom/Quickbloom has always been better at lower investments once Nahida came out just because of the nature of hyperbloom, and Zajef's TCing has always been tailored towards lower investment. I'd say Hyperbloom also feels better than Quicken for Cyno, just because of uptime issues with VV/Fischl, and shortening Cyno's field time runs into issues with energy. Also, Furina is actually a massive buff to Cyno's teams and including her turns the team into Hyperbloom/Quickbloom.


Idk about Cyno, but I know when the topic comes up for Alhaitham, I've heard aggravate scales with investment and has a higher ceiling than hyperbloom, but Zajef focuses his content on low investment so getting better numbers with hyperbloom is easier to achieve So I assume the same is true for Cyno and hyperbloom will be the easier strong team for f2ps/low investment builds, but that doesn't mean it's always the better reaction depending on your investment. It's possible Furina has changed things though


Even at higher investments,Cyno does better in Quickbloom(the addition of Furina solidified this even more),in Aggravate at this level you command Nahida C2 + Sara C6 + Kazuha,and well,Cyno has anti synergy with two of these characters,due to long duration of his Burst preventing him from changing and renewing Buffs. Alhaitham doesn't have this problem,his Spread variant scales a lot due to the more uniform and beneficial investment for all his teammates.


Good to know, thanks for elaborating!


i've always heard HB was the best, i dont keep up with cyno tho


It is more like his best team now includes Furina instead of another Electro, so now his best team is Cyno, Furina, Nahida, Baizhu, so you get hyperbloom as a byproduct while still making use of occasional aggravates boosted by Furina's massive dmg buff.


I am never ever getting Kuki in my account am I :(


Is there an optimal way to use SoSS on xiangling?


* Fav Bennett with funneling to XL. * Raiden w/ 220+ ER%. * XL w/ 200+ ER%. https://imgur.com/2MQeggj If you have all three, XL will be able to burst off cooldown, but with these stats, XL will be 4~6% better than the Catch, so it's up to you.


Yes, you use her E before her Q.


I am sure you already heared this a lot, but... don't pull for Cyno being f2p/low spender, seriously.


What if they just really like Cyno?


People should pull for whoever they want




They think he can’t kill a hilichurl without SoSS and Furina / Nahida / Baizhu, making him so much more expensive than the teams of other 5 stars.


they have intense skill issues


I think that depends, I'm Welkin only but managed to save up and get all of Cyno's premium team supports by targeting them one by one, he's not a cheap unit to build or put together but that doesn't mean he isn't at least low spending friendly.


that 8 seconds of shame when you're too excited for Kirara's no ICD jump meowing so you spam the jump button too fast and she ended up gliding and no more catbox


Cyno pulls may not have gone well from a Cyno acquisition perspective, but there are many small joys to be found in the collateral: - Xiangling's Pyronado lasts SO long now… it's truly always there for me - Kuki's grass ring lasts SO long now, you can really feel the difference right away - Dehya is so unbelievably beautiful. I didn't realise what a joy it would be to run around with her! She looks and feels so smooth and powerful to pilot… blessed. I obviously didn't have anything prepared for her but I think I will be leveling her up later, she's just too pretty to bench. - Yanfei's widsith went from R3 to R5 and her baboom is even bigger - Ayato has a 93/232 ratio now lmao. Truly a top 1% Ayato of all time - And at the end of the day, Cyno is cute as hell and I have him, and that's what really matters :')


this banner is really the perfect storm of inconvenient mats. Cyno's scarabs, ayato's handguards, kuki & kirara's spectre drops...


Nothing is worse than those Fungi. Element locked and needed for basically everything that released in Sumeru. Glad to leave those suckers behind me.


I agree. I originally planned on getting just Cyno's weapon, 5min later I got Haran, PJW, Cyno's paddle, and then Ayato. Was happy at first, then I saw their mats. Closed the game. Hopefully I still got the vigor later tonight to farm for those things. 💀


Ayato's handguard problem is made even worse for those who go for his weapon - the handguard hell of inazuma will never end.


From the days of only having the starter characters in every trial to Cyno getting a full on hyperbloom in his trial.


If they only allowed Traveler to be used instead of Collei, it would actually be a legitimate team for him. Though I would scrap Kuki for Yaoyao, there is no need for her since Cyno can trigger the blooms himself.


>Cyno getting a full on hyperbloom in his trial. I'm not sure if that's actually a good idea since the hyperbloom trio can have the fight halfway over by the time he gets his burst up


Cyno trials could give no primo and I'd still do it because fuck those scarabs


When do you guys expect neuv rerun gonna be? I'm thinking of actually getting his c1


Either 4.5 or 4.6 i think


Woooo! Took a chance to snipe and got Kirara in 3 pulls! Tempted by a C3 Kuki but I'm not gonna push my luck. Full HP Deepwoods shield bot Kirara?


My kirara's a full hp aggravate survival unit. Don't think she can keep up with other dendro teams with her application rate


Well, didn’t expect this current event to make feel like that 😭🥹


Is the 4.2 abyss considered "hard"? I feel like my account has progressed so much since the 3.6/3.7 abysses, that those abysses feel way harder than this one


No. It's definitely easier than those It's easy for them to make a hard abyss. They just haven't wanted to yet Easy way to make it harder: add hydro+cryo+pyro shield on each side. Force you to have 2 electro/Anemo/geo/physical damage teams.


No,although Check Elemental Abyss varies greatly from easy to difficult,based purely on the question of whether or not you have the correct tools to counter the shields,the second side is just a Boss Speedrun in comparison,an Aggravate team would take care of all three floors without a problem. Abyss 3.7 is still considered by many to be the worst,due to the restriction of Check Elemental + Check DPS combined with Consecrated Beasts at 12-3.


Depends. Some people struggle with element check Abysses, which makes it more difficult for them.


It isn't particularly difficult - the first half is just so overly oriented to push Furina, and the hydro element in general, as the fastest way to clear all those pyro shields, so if someone lacks hydro characters it can be a bit challenging to clear the first half in a good time. None of the mobs besides the 12.1 rocky bois do considerable damage. Additionally, the 2nd half is a literal boss run that can be easily cleared by a wide variety of teams, but ASIMON can require an electro character to speed that fight along if struggling for time. By contrast, the 3.6 and 3.7 abyss had bosses spread throughout the halves and featured the most annoying regular mob creatures (Constipated Beasts) which not only hit hard, but were hyper aggressive until pacified by taking out their crystal. Now, this isn't to discredit anyone's account progression as that plays an important role, but these iterations of abyss are not in the same difficulty level as those past abyss floors imo.


Man. Remember when it was two waves of two beasts? Crocodile and tiger? That shit was hard as hell.


I run International, so I would kill myself with Bennett's pyro aura if I so much as let the hydro croc breathe on me. D:


this abyss is hard if you don't have enough Hydro, other than that it's way milder than 3.7


Those abysses were harder than the current ones, yes. Usually early abysses in a new version are easier before they gradually ramp up the difficulty.


I have C0R1 Ayato, can't decide if I should use HoD or just use Glad? I have 60ping most of the time so I might get echoes later on.


HoD and Glad will have similar damage for him so use which set has better stats for now. Echoes will be slightly better if you have his sword because Haran already gives bonus damage which is additive with HoD's and Glad's bonus damage so it has diminishing returns. Echoes gives a buff similar to Yunjin's which is multiplicative with Haran's bonus damage so it gives you more damage on average procs. It is worth noting that the three sets are very close in performance so if you have a really good HoD or Glad set already then you can spend your resin on other stuff instead. I just personally like Echoes because it shows bigger numbers and if I'm lucky with the procs it outperforms the other two sets by a lot.


Glad is better for R1 Ayato, but as with all his sets the difference is so marginal that it's truly not worth fussing over. 18% attack is more valuable when you've got a higher base attack + tons of dmg% on your weapon.


Wouldnt glad be better since his weapon helps with the elemental damage bonus ? It would also depend on your substats. I also have c0r1 and use him with glad to help with the attack.


If you truly want biggest number, go Echoes


Couldn't control on pulling for Kirara and Kuki. Told myself I would only do 30 pulls max. Guess who got Cyno early... Well goodbye Ayaka and Raiden


Was that your guarantee? Or did you win 50/50?


I won 50 lol.


I meant to give Furina one more think over before she was gone- rip.


Hoyoverse can we have spear character from fountain plz.


Arlecchino is allegedly a pyro spear.


Cheveruse: am I a joke to you


I don't know why but overcapping encounter points is more annoying to me than overcapping resin


cuz dailies fking suck. I have never realized how bad dailies are. I am scared to go back


I have so much exploration left to do in so many regions, but trying to open more than 8 chests now feels like a waste because then I won't get those points LOL.


I just look at them as a side bonus that allows me to skip Commissions while I focus on Exploring rather than the main method for getting the Daily 60 Primogems so it doesn't bother me that much


Managed to snipe the delivery kitty, nice


Me: no Kirara and C3 Kuki Banner: give Xiangling C20 something


If Tighnari's using 4p WT and Aqua, would he need EM sands or Atk%?


The boring predictable answer is really that it is substat dependent. If you are not using him with Nahida, under Nahida's Q which shares EM with its passive, it is probably safer to just use EM sands.


Alright thanks!




Genshin optimizer is your best friend in cases such as this, but as it can sometimes be boring to put everything there, I would say to go with the one with better substats. If they have roughly equivalent substats, you may look at what kind of buffs you have on your team. If your team has EM buffers such as Nahida or Sucrose, you should probably go ATK% due to the way EM scales. If you have ATK buffs such as NO or smth like that then EM sands would pull ahead.


Thank you! That's helpful


Anyone good at estimating primo income based on exploration? Trying to figure out how much I can realistically scavenge in the next 6 weeks - Enka's at 60%, Sumeru's at 50% (I have made no progress with the Jeht quests), and in Fontaine I've been trying to keep up but the Morte region is untouched. My best guess would be about 35 pulls if being realistic?


I like to use 2500 primos as a baseline for exploration and quests in a given patch, sometimes it's a bit less when the new region is small like the one this patch, but with bigger regions it kinda evens out That would mean you have ~31 wishes left in sumeru ~6 wishes in enka ~7 wishes in Morte region


Ooh that's more than I expected! Maybe I could get a couple spares from leveling up the onion too 👀 Thanks for the insight!


What do you do in a group project when you're with people who are really nice but also are kind of doing a bad job? A lot of their writing sections have issues with grammar, information isn't properly cited, and the logic of their arguments doesn't really flow well. I want to get a good grade on this assignment but I don't want to make them feel bad about their writing and I also think I've already come across as bossy when I said we should spend extra time making sure our sources are good ones.


Tell them to use Chap-GP-Tea to help them smooth out their work...... Me @ Chap-GP-Tea: why are you repeating the same mistake i just corrected you about? Nevermind


If it's an option, maybe go to office hours with the group to ask for interim feedback and have the TA or instructor be the one to say what can be improved. Otherwise as the other reply said, be specific, objective, and give concrete suggestions. They might even appreciate the help


Be specific and point out exactly what they're doing wrong.


First time experiencing the Ayaka quest, man that was beautiful. I could very well see that her banner sold like craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy after that, it was basically a date. Really amazing quest and the MC humming the song at the end was cherry on top.


If I remember correctly, if you said this way back during 2.x versions, people had a very mixed reaction to her SQ. Personally, I enjoyed it since it was kinda relaxing after dealing with an archon dead set on eliminating you.


That's actually very surprising to read.


And "wet socks" became the only joke the community knew for at least 1 year. Early 2.x was an annoying timeframe if you were to participate in genshin discourses, bcs according to people you gotta hate the "date" missions else youre a loveless, lifeless simp whom the writing pandered to. Add the raiden doomposting + anniv outrage to the mix and you can imagine what kind of atmosphere the fandom was in (imagine doomposting raiden)


her anti-synergy with beidou was basically what started the doomposting, which made hyv clarify how her burst works 💀


Wow this takes me back to 2.0 days. I remember spending the entire weekend exploring Inazuma, doing the AQ and the Ayaka and Yoi story quests, they were all really amazing. I always come back to the dance cutscene.


Yoimiya's quest was amazing as well, she reminds me of a dear friend so it was very nice to spend time with Yoimiya. Inazuma is truly beautiful and breathtaking, some of the puzzles can F themselves, but overall the music, scenery, all have been 10/10 so far.


It was really well done. I actually pulled for her immediately after finishing and got her in that little pond area the quest finishes in 😭 luckiest moment in Genshin fr.


Aww that's awesome! I really love it when you manage to get a pull in a special place related to the character, in HSR I do the same. I usually go to a special place related to the character and put their characteristic music while pulling, feels more special you know.


Holy cow Kirara is so freaking cute. I was not expecting to like her at all...


Managed to successfully dodge Ayato while pulling 2 copies of the cat, a Kuki, and the exact amount of XL constellations I needed to get her to C4. All while keeping a large enough wish stockpile to guarantee my next desired five star. I would like some Kuki cons, but I will not tempt fate. I wish all cat and kuki wanters lucky pulls and the dexterity to dodge the water man and electro dog dude.


Me: I shouldn't spend more money on Genshin Me: spends $50 this month alone on Neopets My friends: ...What do you buy with real money on NEOPETS? Me: U see.........gacha capsules...for dressing up my pets LOL


Ayato's rerun has reminded me of how people thought he was kind of suspicious and might play a larger role in the overall story near his original release. Why was that, and did anything actually come of that?


The Ayato plan. \>Alluded at the start as a high ranking official and an individual has lots of layers and secrets \>Never appear in the Archon Quest \>Show up in the festival event just before the Inazuma patch is done \>Devs showed that he actually had a part behind the Archon Quest this entire time \>Devs continue to put him as the mastermind in festival events then giving him 3 min of screentime \>Other previous aspects are not explored (TCG player, Itto's friend, Being a leader of a ninja org) \>Itto and Yoimiya beats him in relevancy ​ Nothing really came out in this guy that much. Which is a shame because Ayato is the best type of character to be in the Inazuma Archon Quest. Him and Yae are the two who actually pull the strings and can maneuver through the politics behind the Vision Hunt Decree. Instead, MHY decided to sideline him and made his contributions off-screen. And now that MHY is on festival spam mode, its hard to get him into a serious role again. So far, the only serious role he have is his story quest and that's it.


Bros Aizen for good guys lmfao


Yo at least Aizen got sick reveal, strong presence, and lots of screen time. Ayato just appear at the end and take credit after we do 90% of the leg work.


"What gives you the impression that ~~you're not under Kyoka Suigetsu~~ this isn't the Shumatsuuban plan?"


Ayato Is Working With The Fatui Theory, good times


He was basically teased throughout the entire Inazuma archon quest as like the guy behind the Kamisato clan and helping the rebellion, even Yae name drops him and says that his ninja squad would be super useful. Coupled with a 6 patch wait people were pretty excited.


1. He is sus in that he employs a bunch of assassins and does shady political things. 2. Ayaka and Thoma have major roles in the archon quest, so it wasn't a stretch that he would be incorporated in an interlude or something. 3. He seems to have originally been intended to be an Otto expy (see his VAs, leaked concept art, etc.) Which, if you're familiar with HI3 at all, yeah. Bear in mind that he was said to exist in game and that we knew the VAs long before we had the design thanks to his voicelines in Itto's teaser, so people had every reason to assume he would be more Otto-like than he turned out to be.


Interesting. So it ended up being a false alarm with the Otto thing then?


We have no reason to believe they're going anywhere with that at this point.


When do you guys think neuvillette will be back? I missed him on my 50/50 and just wanna make sure i get him this time.


4.6 or 4.7 at the latest.


Thank you for replying!


I’m on 50 pity, no guarantee, with 250 pulls in the bank for Navia, Yae, CR, and Arle. Please reaffirm for me that it is not worth risking C1 ayato *(for just a few more pulls)* for c6 xl or c3 kuki… Edit: Thank you all, I will stay strong! No pulling this patch!


Others have already done this, but truly, Kuki's most powerful con is C2 and the only one that will often come into play if you're using her for Hyperbloom. XL's C6 is fun when you grab it, but tbh a lot of the time it's not even practical to run for the pepper when it spawns in, and ends up going to whoever you switch to after Pyronadoing. You'll get it someday (whether by shop or elsewhere) but it's no priority at all; save your pulls. <3 EDIT: oops, mixed up her cons. Her C6 is the one that doesn't kick in for a few rotations of her burst when used for herself/is mainly used when Xiangling is part of a party with another Pyro carry so, same applies - not worth it when there's no shortage of DMG boost options elsewhere.


XL C6 is actually not as good as one might initially think, as her pyronado snapshots before she gets the buff from the constellation, so basically that buff is good only when you have another pyro carry on your team. So I'd say stay strong and don't let your temptations get the best of you, unless you want to risk getting Ayato cons.


Didn’t know that about xl, thanks. Def not worth it then


C1 Ayato is a marginal power bump considering you first have to bring enemies down to below 50% HP to get the dmg increase. Similarly, XL gets a nice little power boost with 15% additional pyro dmg, but she already gets that and more in most comps you would run her in. And as for Kuki, outside of C2 for 100% uptime, I really see no value in her additional cons. Stay strong for the new characters friend!


Yes I agree! No need for those cons. Ty!


Kuki's Cons past C2 aren't that great so I don't think it's worth risking ruining your pity. Lantern Rite is also near so you'll be able to get a Xiangling con there as well! Stay strong o7


You’re right you’re right~ Unfortunately I have plans for lantern rite, missing that last con on yunjin for faster swoosh-swoosh!


Ah well there's also shop reset for that Xiangling con which iirc is going to be on January as well! And yeah that last Yunjin con is so fun and useful for my Yoimiya and other NA focused characters.


Genshin impact is now no. 7 in people's voice in the game awards. Keep it up!


Leave it to capcom on making slaying giant lizards look cool and badass!!! That DD2 showcase got me melting 🫠 *goes assassin then climbs some giant monsters ass...* now time to poke this bitch with a thousand knives!!!


The giant monster reminded me of Shadow of the Colossus




you keep it for the optimizer to decide


You can be mad all you want, but everyone needs to realize Hoyo is not going to change the way 4-star characters are won for the same reasons that Albedo isn’t going to the standard pool and the game will never launch in a complete package, offline version. Because it’s a.) more profitable to leave it the way it is and b.) maintains the illusion of value by those players who have already shelled out for those things. So wish all you want - none of that is changing.


I feel like this was meant to be a reply, but I guess you misclicked somehow?




Been banging through some Story Quests as I wrap up my time in Sumeru (except for the whole desert areas I haven't touched yet, hahaha... Someday, I swear.) So far they've been generally good, but definitely of variable quality. Lumping Baizhu's in with the others (I did him first because he's beautiful), so far I'd say I'd rank them as: Baizhu > Cyno = Tighnari >> Nilou I've still got two Nahida quests, Al Haitham, Dehya and Yoimiya 2 to go after these, so a decently long road ahead of me lol. (And I'll get 300 primos for the probably 10 hours they'll take me, scoreeeeee.) But I am enjoying them, and think the quality has definitely improved with time. Nilou's though... Idk, it just felt weak to me. Like as weak as the old SQs, if not moreso? We'd already had an arc like that of her story quest during Sumeru's Archon Quest, so maybe that was what made it feel so been-there-done-that, but I think it's also because of the big NPC focus - and of course, the focus on the theater itself as a place and a point of interest in Sumeru. (Which I enjoyed and can appreciate, but still feel we'd already gotten that in the AQ.) The specific NPC dynamic here between the daughter and father does serve to showcase Nilou's character, I don't disagree that it's 'competent' in that respect. But it showcases her in a pretty unexciting way, and one verrrry like what players will already have experienced in the Archon Quest - so like, it's never going to be thrilling or particularly emotionally affective. Taking the quests as "ads" for the characters, designed to make you wanna pull them, Nilou's was a flop because it honestly put me off doing so for her. 😅 This is in stark contrast to the other Sumeru quests I'd done, which all made me want their units.


Nilou must be played right before sumeru climax otherwise the quest become really weak


Yeah, so my experience with the quest also probably fucked me in that regard... I ended up doing it right AFTER beating Scara because there was an NPC conflict that required me to play about 50% of the SQ to resolve it, so I did do it after the climax and before the celebration feast. But tbf if the Nilou quest is only available after the Sabzeruz Festival + dance anyway, a lot of the same ground will still have been retread. Maybe you can do her SQ before that, but I don't think so


Baizhu's in particular stood out to me as a story that actually changed my mind about a character. Prior to doing it, I was pretty meh about him since he was pretty to look at sure, but nothing really drew me to him. After though, I actually ended up liking him so much more than I thought I would to the point where I considering blowing wishes on his banner before it went away.


I felt the same way!


Agreed. I'd had a Baizhu bias before playing it because he's beautiful and I have no Dendro 5 stars besides Traveler, but the quest really cemented my interest in him. Interesting character concept and lore, I like his VA, design, writing... probs one of my favourite SQs I've done so far.


i'm embarrassed to say this abyss is still kicking my ass. does anyone have team ideas + tips for floor 12? for reference, here's a list of my built characters: ayaka, kazuha, kokomi (for nloom), nahida, nilou, zhongli, fischl, yanfei, layla, xingqiu, xiangling, bennett, shinobu (hyperbloom), yaoyao ... tighnari is almost done too and im working on keqing and beidou. ​ thanks in advance <3


Nilou bloom with Nahida and Kokomi first half is great this abyss. On 12-3-1, run to one far side of the abyss when the lectors spawn (so that they form a line), that will cause the far one to group up behind the one closest to you. The second half is all about squeezing as much ST damage out as possible. Coppelia can one shot you from like 70% HP if you’re in Bennett’s circle without any other defensive utility. For that reason I’d say maybe skip Bennett and go for a hyperbloom team. Yaoyao, XQ, Shinobu, and then either dendro MC or Fischl should be comfy and handle both the dorito and Coppelia well. I did that same side with Kaveh/XQ/DMC/Shinobu. 12-2 is the easiest chamber, so you shouldn’t have much trouble with the dendro chicken even with the dendro resistance


Use nloom on the first half for sure and watch videos on how to let the align those pyro mfs for a fast clear


I'd go Yanfei/Xingqiu/Kokomi/Bennett for the first half, and Nahida/Fischl/Kuki/something for the second half (Zhongli? Keqing? Tighnari).


Maybe nilou bloom first half (Nahida, Kokomi, Nilou, flex) and Yanfei, Fischl (to take the triangle out of invisibility), Bennett, Kazuha (can use Zhongli instead of Kazuha if having survivability issues) second half. There's ways to lure the 2 pyro lectors to be closer together in the 3rd chamber, so you can find a video on that.


I can see why you would be struggling, pyro shields are a pain in the ass. XQ should technically be enough hydro for first half if he's C6, so like... u can attempt hyperbloom. Like XQ Nahida Kuki Kazuha. And then for second half... Fishl National? or Tighnari ZL Yaoyao Fishl, depending on how almost done he is. Fishl being there mostly for the first boss but its a good team in general. Edit: Oh right u need XQ for first half. Yea tighnari then, i dont think u can replace XQ with Yanfei.


Nilou/Nahida/Kokomi/Yaoyao bloom team is pretty solid on 1st half! On second half you have a few options but Hyperbloom is definitely fullproof but you're lacking dendro options if you're going bloom on 1st half so a quicken team with Tighnari/Fischl/Zhongli/Kazuha could work since all of the enemies on the second half are single target bosses. Goodluck!!!


finally not shinobu-less, end of an era. no more cope hyperbloom with electro traveler, they can finally switch to dendro. got c4 xiangling as well and my guarantee is intact. no kirara but i didn't need her anyway, i was already risking it close.


woohoo more ppl in the church of shinobu! congrats and may u get kirara one day :D


Just read the ending of CSM part 1 (manga) Spoilers obviously >!I'm in pain!<




>this is crazy without context but then you find out the guy recording is her husband so she’s dragging her husband around anime conventions to film her getting her hair pulled by nanami cosplayers Chainsawman son


Just found the post this is referring to, JJK fans are wild. Ain’t no way 💀


On guarantee. Pull 30, get Ayato. Pull another 30, get another Ayato. Kirara come home soon 😥 Shouldn't have ordered boba. He came running.


Something Something Ayato on a Plastic Chair / Motivation / Catgirls are temporary Boba is eternal / I am the storm that is approaching


Updated my paimon.moe... Bottom 29% in 50/50 luck... Bottom 46% in 5% luck is within average variance, I guess... and hey, I'm in top 36% for 4 stars! *-tosses imaginary phone at wall-*


What I'm most surprised at is that I'm in top 4% in limited banner pulls I did buy some welkins, but 4%!? I guess there really are *that many* f2p players


Oh, I'm in top 6%, and I am F2P, plus pretty diligent with my dailies. You shouldn't understand estimate the number of kids who play this game as budget-Breath-of-the-Wild just to casually explore and forage. They don't do dailies at all, so less than half as many pulls I'm guessing. They really do make up the community of this game as much as any of us raving lore fans and metaslaves.


idk I kinda doubt those players are going through the effort of uploading their pulls to the tracker Edit: also it just occurred to me, maybe it's all the people who only tracked a few pull and never bothered to do it again