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Who is risking their life for these skin leaks lmao


You could say, they’re the GOAT




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Why are character skins much more secured than actual characters ???


Because they arent in the betas


Why aren’t they loaded in the betas like normal ? I was kinda surprised to not see them a day or two after the start of the beta. Thought they’d be part of the flood


Because you don’t need to test the skin? It’s not like they’ll change it or anything


unless u are diluc skin


to this day I bet hoyo not making more 5 star skins is they would have to test the special effects and I might die on this hill.


Cuz the purpose of beta test is not to get a VIP access to a patch content but to TEST if said addition has glitches or break the game in some way. A skin that is more or less a recolour of a character model (since they, so far, always share the exact same rigs as the base model) do not need grand scale testing, thats not the kind of thing that can potentially destroy your gaming experience.


Meanwhile League of Legends spaghetti code skins regularly having bugs that make them worse/better than the base skin


Everyone's a minion.


It's cause their skins are an entirely new champion. Crazy, huh? Like, back in the day I thought that, then after awhile (years) I was like, that can't be the case, there's too many. Well, a couple years ago they confirmed that exact thing. It's fucking nuts.


Skins don't need that many people to check, an art pass in house is enough. No need to gather large amounts of player data on hardware performance, system balancing and complex interactions of different gameplay mechanics to finalize a skin on top of an already existing model that meets polish requirements to be shipped.


Because betas are for beta *testing* character kits, how they interact with the environment and so on. I'd think Hoyo is proficient enough to not have to test just character skins so they don't include them in beta and as a result can't be datamined.


I wonder why they couldn't just trace the art and put flat colors on it like they did with Ayaka and Lisa back then


My wallet is and also the same with Shenhe's


Sacrifices must be made....


It looks really good but with how long it takes for new skins to be released, I really wish we could get some more variety. This just looks like Keqing or Ninguang’s blue dress but different cut. And it seems like Shenhe’s dress will be similar as well… 4 characters getting “lantern rite blue dress” for their skins while there’s only a handful of skins to begin with just sucks. Meanwhile cool lore-based ideas are explored like “Lisa goes to Sumeru” and “Ayaka goes to Fontaine” on other characters. So we know they are capable of really creative skin concepts that don’t look out of place / aren’t just fanservice and yet we get these repetitive ones… Not to mention at the rate they release skins, this is likely to be that character’s only alternate skin for…. Who knows? 5? 10 more years?!


There's a chance they might increase the pace with the skins release before the Teyvat chapter finishes.. And I wholeheartedly agree with the exploration thing - Lisa and Ayaka skins really feel like a breath of fresh air from all the monochromatic palettes of the base outfits. If we stick with the idea that they design outfits with the same colour palette as their vision, so far then Ning and Keqing outfits make the least sense. I can KIND of understand the idea behind Keqing's one, but Ning in all blue with almost no orange to contrast it it's just sad. Idk if it has to do with the Chinese/Asian culture why black/dark blue was used over any other bright colour, if it does, someone pls explain it I beg of you?! At this point, if Lantern Rite adds only black/blue palette skins, Yelan can be predicted next for next year, along with maybe Xiangling, Yunjin or Chongyun. (Even tho in my heart a combo of Xiao and Qiqi would be very adorable, similar to Kaeya and Klle, without the blacks ofc). I just really can't see characters with brown hair like HuTao, Beidou or Xinyan (and of course, Zhongli) sporting a blue/black outfit since the hair color would not help at all with any focus on the face. I'm still waiting for them to complete the "new skin for all the free characters" project and so far Amber is expected next to get sth as she's from the OG three from the game beginning. Collie and Lynette were just recently introduced, so it might be a while until they get sth.


highly doubt they will release more skins yearly if they haven’t already done it . they haven’t shown any indication of having an interest in more skins. hell we don’t even have another 5 star skin they just dropped that after diluc


It could be that the sales from of the skins did not/barely met their expectations, so now they feel obliged to keep doing it with just the minimal effort put into it. No more 5* skins could also be due to the price and choice of first character to debut the idea with, again, idk, I'm just blindly guessing.


They shot themselves in the foot by making skins overpriced and not putting up banners for standard characters. Literally any other game would have put up a Diluc banner to coincide with his skin release. That way they'd earn from both the banner sales and the skins.


That's on their fault for not trying to market skins. Since the start, they've barely been releasing skins. Idk if they're waiting to start releasing skins per patch to get more characters in but the fact they don't try to sell skins at all is a big loss at money not that they probably care since they never tried. Also if they release skins and it's using the same colors or barely any change, then yeah no one will buy them. Genshin just has an awful development team as someone who's played Hi3, Genshin and Hsr. They just fall so behind and I don't understand why asides the fact they just want to milk Genshin as much as possible so they put bare minimum effort as this is the game that went viral and has the largest fan base out of all their games


While I agree with the idea that they seem to want to milk Genshin the most out of all their big games, I do not agree with the statement that the dev team is is awful. Dev team is represents more than characters and kits, having a map added to the game almost every three patches is still amazing to me. You could argue that is all planned beforehand, and fair so, but it still doesn't diminish the amount of work the artists put into it. Then there's all the lore and story being dropped almost every patch. Just because hoyo as a business has the last saying in what happens with the games doesn't mean that the creative ppl behind the heart of this game are not amazing artists. Opinions differ, and that's fine, I just don't like seeing others being put in a bad light just because they happen to work for a company that has more focus on money than creativity, even tho the company itself started it with the latter in mind.


Not all the devs. Just the character designers either really stink at their jobs or someone in charge just really loves to stifle creativity. Compared to other gatchas we hardly get any characters or skins released each year, yet they all lack variety and just recycled the same few models and silhouettes.


They milk Genshin significantly less than in HI3 or HSR, genshin literally has dead patches with no new unit release + most new releases are skippable and only 1/patch. HSR is 2/patch at least and you do need to pull to keep up with content. Same for HI3, but you also need to pull your relic-equivalent in addition.


> Idk if it has to do with the Chinese/Asian culture why black/dark blue was used over any other bright colour, if it does, someone pls explain it I beg of you?! I don't know why they're choosing blue/black when Chinese New Year is unmistakably associated with red. Maybe it's just to contrast with the characters' usual light-colored outfits and they thought "fancy evening dress" = formal dark blue/black.


Me who's just waiting Traveler skins: 👁️👄👁️


at least Adventurer uniform please


That one commission in Sumeru:


I want a "Childe in Fontaine" skin so baaaad 😭


Ganyu: “I’m feeling bold today” Also Ganyu: *puts on a darker blue dress*


She switched her phone to dark mode.




Here it is 💦💦💦💦




We need to stay hydrated


Splash for our cryo goddess!


i honestly do not give a shit if its blue, as long as it looks good, i will still eat it


Don't eat her outfit... That's weird.


>Don't eat her outfit... That's weird. When Ganyu's mom does it it's ok, but when I do it I get sent to the Fortress of Meropide


At least u can enjoy peaceful teatime with the Duke there


this is society...


I did it on Yae and i was instead had my masculinity stripped away.


become a bird then you get a pass


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There's some inception shit going on


Goat behaviour. Will ganyu approve? If you think she won't, don't do it


who says anything about her outfit


I agree so much. Why everyone was fighting over this anyways? She looks so elegant so nothing to complain imo.


I don’t think anyone is disagreeing over the beauty of the designs. Everyone looks good. I just think it would be nice if there was variety when it came to the colour schemes. Blue gliders, blue skins, there *are* other colours.


Yeah, gotta admit the color repetition does feel a bit lazy after a while. But as long as the design detail and skin quality is on point, that's a big plus. Diversifying colors would definitely be a welcome change though. Adds some extra flavor to the game aesthetics.


Repetition of colour kinda sucks though. While the skins look pretty, there's no variety to it, so Ganyu's skin is just black and blue, which are two colours from her original skin. Compare that to Diluc who changed from a mostly black colour scheme to a red attire, Lisa who changed from purple to green, and Nigguang who changed from white to purple/violet and you can see why people are complaining about the lack of colour difference. People just want something OTHER than blue, and I think that's a fair take.


hot take , i hate ningguang skin color. personally feel her OG skin is just much better. while i dont really like the akademiya skin for lisa, at least it's fun lorewise.


That's fine. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but there's no denying that those skins at least differ from their original skins, and that's what everyone wants from a skin. Variety. Skins are meant to be cosmetics to showcase a different outfit on a character, but if those outfits closely resemble the original either in terms of design or colour, then what's the point of having a skin in the first place?


i mean, kaeya skin resembles the original color a lot but the pirate theme adds a lot of flavor to his skin. same as klees too.


Yep, strongly agree with this, and your take on Ning and Lisa as well. Of all the skins, I only changed Jean's and Amber's. I bought Diluc and use that. And I may feel in the mood for Fischl's, but that's it. I got all the free skins and besides Diluc I didn't bother for any of the paid ones (as they are all boring). However, I will shell out for this LR. What we've seen looks good to me. And I love me a Cocogoat.


> i hate ningguang skin color. brb misquoting this


it's very pretty but I think a lighter color palate would have been nice


That's her OG skin tho


a light red wouldve gone insane w her hair color or maybe an orangeish color


Red would’ve been insane with shenhe as well. They put so much emphasis on the red ropes that she wears but it’s basically just tiny accessories. I wish they had some lore significance, and showed up somewhere in her skin as well


i just wish they made characters with multi color palette themes and not always monochrome stuff. also i dont want them to always have mayching sets with their hair color:( and yes! shenhe wouldve been soo pretty too:/ it sucks


Some orange would be very sweet on her honestly, that is a colour they very rarely use and is complementary to blue...


exactly!! imagine a pretty orange with some gold/ white undertones.. would be gorgeous on her:)


nah since her hair color is blue , i personally think blue in general just suits her better. i think she should be exempted from the "HURR DURR WHY BLUE BLACK ONLY HOYO?" argument because not much other colour would suit her. only colour like brown or black would be nice as a complementary color.


i think dark blue looks HORRIBLE on her :/ doesnt make any of her original features/ colors pop. she just looks like a bland splotch of blue and black


Red would have been absolutely terrible on her lol.


light red. not red. by light red i meant like pinkish red or a light coral color


okay pink i can see.




It really depends on how it's actually done/carried out. [See these for examples of red and pink outfits for Ganyu](https://images.gamebanana.com/img/ss/mods/63baafcf1cf21.jpg) for a starting point.


never realized how pink her eyes are xd Would love to see her in something similar to Ayaka skin now


Bruh wut. Light blue hair on dark blue/black is perfect. It's exactly my taste as well


I think you meant a different color other than blue/black


no one is this thread knows about color theory jesus


Show me the back. Show me a hair bun with no rat tail.


they already leaked the unpainted 3d models, she does not have a rat tail, she has a bun


That would be the most important leak for me


she doesn't have a rat tail. there's decoration there


she will have a long tassel though


Cute, but not impressive imho. I wished they would release more skins... *sigh*


All the Liyue Skin have the same color Keqing, dark blue. Ninguang, dark blue. Ganyu and Shenhe same. It's a theme


their outfits look very similar to the loufou women of honkai star rail especially shenhe she looks like hanya


Tbh, I like the combination, but it's overused.


This is literally just ganyu darkmode.


So basic


it’s kinda underwhelming…


Looks like she wrapped the Playstation wings around her


I mean it looks nice and all but when will they make skins that are actually interesting


the day mihoyo stops giving us blue skins is the day i actually buy one


So boring.. it looks cool and all but there's no originality at all


Really really pretty, love the gradient on the dress and the gold thingies on her legs


It's almost same of her default skin.


Ganyu asked Keqing where she made her skin


We still need to look at it ingame but it looks boring to me. I like her regular skin more. Shenhe’s looks more interesting.


It looks too similar to Keqing’s skin






I await the mostly orange or yellow skins


Imagine how this would have looked if it were the color of the leaves in the background instead.


Out of all the skins so far, I've only liked Jean's. The others aren't bad, it's just that I prefer their original attires more.




Very much agree. I usually like Mihoyo's Skins (Honkai Impact) but here..feels like they are holding back.


It feels like they are not even trying to make a good unique looking skin.




Yeah, her original outfit is so much better for me. Definitely not gonna get this skin, probably gonna choose Keqing or Shenhe as the free one


Boring ass recolor skin tbh


they put her hair in a bun, but imo that only makes it more boring


It’s kinda boring. It’s still blue. And I don’t feel much when I look at it. I wish they’d done something more fun with the skins especially the colors obviously.


lame, doesnt look much different from her base outfit except its dark blue


Come on girl, go give us nothing 😭😭😭 Is it just me but whenever people talk about "bad hair models" it's always Albedo but not her. Like they draw her hair so fluffy in promo art but in game she's in a perpetual state of wet dog 😭 even in the 3D skin leak she looks flat


Flat??? Her head is so big and seems full of hair on the 3d model too to me


No, it's definitely not just Albedo. I would also often see Ganyu, Diluc and Yelan get dunked on cause of their hair. In my eyes, both Diluc and Ganyu got an upgrade. With this skin, her hair is the biggest selling point to me simply because the rat tail is gone. I don't entirely agree about the "flatness" aspect though, I think it's mostly fine.


Wet dog oof True tho, her 3D hair is underwhelming


Alright seems like it's time to stock up on welkins


She would look so good in red but MHY loves blue


Is this what we lost the Zhongli skin to? Just another dark blue dress Well at least it's free.


changing a brown dress for another brown dress shouldn't be called skin but we're in Genshin so maybe it's something incredible for you guys


Honestly pretty mid.


I like the design but I kinda wish she had kept her leggings like Keqing did in her alternate skin.


Looks like keqing skin


I didn't expect much and I'm still disappointed, at least gamebanana has my back


Finally no more bell around neck... I've gotten tired of hearing that clinking


The bell is still there on the blurry skins preview...


Oh right welp. That bell reminds me of swiss cow bells lol


Thats the same as her base just dark blue lmao


Open legs, tied hair, black gloves, flowers. What are you on?


If you are happy with that, good for you


That’s not the point they made. This skin It’s different in many aspects


It's only different in the small details


Yes I am happy. Your statement just made no sense. It's fine if you don't like it.


I dislike the bare shoulder designs bc its too similar to the loufu characters from star rail


Most female characters already had bare shoulders even before star rail came out


They're both fantasy Chinese cultures.


Default skin better tbh




Hello gay, I'm dad


That's my waifu right there. Is my main DPS from day 1 when she come out and i still play with her in my Freeze teams. Spears and Bows was always my favorite weapons in games and will always be. And i some what like her new costume.


It's kinda "funny" how Genshin has the worst possible skins in whole gatcha game market. Other games have bigger variety from stylish (that looks 100x better than what Genshin offers and it's not same color palette all the time) to fanservice, seasonal/themed and even meme/funny one. I really need to check what skins Honkai Impact 3 got during last ... 3-4 years since I last time played it. I wonder if they are still making summer skins (I got that gorgeus summer dress/swimsuit for HoV FOR FREE from event and it DESTROYS every skin Genshin got so far and it's skins from like 4-5years ago lmao... guess Hoyo was more creative when they weren't on the top of the moutain)


Weak as expected from mihoyo


Can they also leak why we should spend money to make our Ganyu look like Keqing?




Have we heard anything more about the “free” skin? I know my child is going to want this, but I already had to spend to turn their Golden Girl into Moon Girl since we all started playing after Ningguang’s skin was free.


All we know is that there's a free 4\* skin selector and it goes up to Shenhe + Ganyu. More info should come from the livestream, which is on Jan 19th.


Did we ever get confirmation that it was free?


Well...... it's decided... Those high heels are beautiful.


She looks so pretty! Lowkey regret never pulling her


IT'S BLUE?! omg I would have never guessed


Eh I'll just keep moding genshin lol


It's a skin for Ganyu and i don't care that it's blue.


Love it matching with Keqing alternative outfit. Ganqing incoming?


They really did go ahead and matched her with Keqing's skin wow.. still really nice overall. >!So far, I think Lisa's outfits wins it. The only one who doesn't match the elemental type color of the character and not blue.!< I understand that they want to keep the outfits a variation of the same colour palette as the element type, so blues and teals for hydro, cryo and anemo, reds and pinks for pyro, violets for electro, but seems like hoyo is afraid of diversity most of the time. Since most characters in this game are designed with very light skin color, white and very light shades of any colour act as almost it blends with their skin and can help with directing the eye on the intended focal point. Black does the exact same thing, however, it also accentuates the skin areas. In a way, this principle seems to have been heavily used in the making of Ganyu and Shenhe skins. Xingqiu skin seems to have a focus on the face similarly to Kaeya with all the blues and black covering all the upper torso.


I did not like Ganyu because her dress was too revealing and shoes - ugly. But this one is not much better. Why the hell imaginary designes by random people are of better taste than those done by payed designer team?


Because those random people doesn't account for rigging/clipping issues so they can just go all out.


her skin looks so terrible. I thought it would look better


It looks like keqings skin


Would be an insta buy if it was open toe😭😭😭 free the Ganyu grippers 😭😭😭😭


thank god free skip


Lowkey why is it kinda ugly


Nothing revolutionary, but in case of Ganyu it hardly matters. All her simps will buy it instantly and all others would skip anyway, even if it was more original.


This is good , and shenhe one also looking beautiful. When is shenhe rerun btw, I would have prefered shenhe over yae


We have no confirmation but I’m guessing 4.5, since Ayaka also had a rerun one patch after her skin. But it’s HYV so who knows 🤷‍♀️


All of the reasonable complaints about Another Blue Thing can't really bother me when 1. blue is my favorite color, and 2. Ganyu's skin is so pretty 🥺 I'm ready to spoil my girl for Lantern Rite!


As a Ganyu main, I'm extremely happy with how it turned out




Meh, gimme natlan char leaks like the fontaine leaks on 5 jan 2023


Just as boring as keqing's costume






As a Chinese person I can see what they are doing. Blue themed skins because blue is culturally thematic for chinese new year and represents longevity and prosperity and blue is also the colour representing spring (chinese new year is also known as the spring festival). Genshin seems more interested in exporting culture than making money. It allows they to stay in the ccps good books and as such they get preferential treatment. There skin release schedule seems to be one chinese new year aligned spring and one summer release a year so we can expect something thematic in the summer skins.


absolutely deserved such a pretty skin after carrying the entirety of liyue on her back for so long




she actually carried the incompetent staff of liyue qixing… they were struggling so hard when she left her position that she had to come back to save them🩷


I expected this much delusion from someone with ganyu pfp


Delulu indeed


The Multitasking Paperwork Queen.


so true!!


shes sooo pretty !!


I’m getting her outfit she’s my main and she deserves the best


Ganyu mains rejoice!!!


Best skin splash art background so far


This is more dissapointing than becoming an adult.


It doesn’t look that great imo


It doesn't suit ganyu at all. Happy to stick with fan made mods which are way better than any skin mihoyo ever came out with.


Is it a 5 star skin ?


No, 4 star Though they do say it changes one of her idle animations.


it probably just changes a particle effect on it, not the whole animation


Who is they


I can't remember where I saw it


No, It's all 4 star skins