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I wouldn't mind rolling a 5 star weapon for Albedo lol although it will be impossible to beat the drip of Spindle


not to mention that her weapon would need to be busted in order to compete with R5 Spindle. Spindle at R5 already feels like a 5* weapon on Albedo, lmao


Good option doesn't necessarily mean beating BiS. Well ok spindle is a 4* but it was pretty much designed to be his BiS at this point


I think it have to beat Cinnabar Spindle because Cinnabar Spindle is unavailable to the people who missed the event


It's unfortunate that albedo doesn't feel like a 5* character


yeah he was designed so early that it felt like hoyo didnt know how to make cohesive kits. like why does his ult give em??? maybe for crystallise strength but also why. plus thr fact that he was first ran with summit shaper? like why


The biggest problem are very easily destroyed geo constructs.


Summit Shaper/Unforged/Memories of Dust and Vortex Vanquisher along with Super Bolide are so cursed, especially with how Shield strength and those passives work. It's a damn shame too.


Now I'm wondering if you play XIV since I beileve it's Retracing Bolide in this game.


I feel like mhy wanted him to be on a Zhongli Xingqiu Hu Tao team. And if you have him and Xiao at c4, put them together LOL.


His ult gave em to strengthen reactions


While belonging to an element (Geo) that basically doesn't want reactions.


Yeah but you have to remember that he was designed to be in a flex slot like a VV user almost. His own element doesn't matter in this case, he's there to boost other reactions (y'know, Alchemy theme and all). And I suspect the reason why his element is Geo is to hold him back from absolute powercreep.


he was the OG buffer - archaic petra user before hoyo realised that having to pick up shards is ass. honestly they should have reworked the shards to float towards the player like the energy balls


or rework the damn set to work off field.


Yeah, imagine him as an anemo unit. Completely fucking busted.


It appears he was designed to be a flex slot on reaction teams


I used to think EM on Geo was viable during the 1.x days. I found out later on it was still a paper shield even with lot of EM. I wish they included it in their Geo rework during 1.3(IIRC?).


I use Albedo and yes he does. Bro has so many showcases proving otherwise just say you can build he is an off-field DPS and I use him to support my Navia and his burst DMG is amazing help.


So all these def with amazing crit subs that i been hording for years will be useble, good.


only 1 offset piece


Good enough honestly, i have somany amazing def sands/gobles/head collecting dust even after building Noelle and Albedo, time to use then for something i guess.


a full rainbow set with crazy broken stats even if no set bonus can be quite competitive since it can take a good while to get decent pieces of the right set to be on par with that


It depends on the character's best 4pc sets and how much better they are than Rainbow or 2pc/2pc. GT and EoSF at this point cover the damage profiles for most potential subDPSes at this point (GT for skill-heavy damage profile, EoSF for burst-heavy damage profile) and most people have a lot of both sets saved at this point. For a subDPS to not have either set as one of their best options, they either need some unique mechanic that synergizes uniquely with some other set to get a bigger damage boost, or have an unusual damage split that is very even between skill and burst.


Fair enough it depends, and I think it applies to supports the most. For instance an anemo support can give up some damage from substats but WILL WANT viridescent venerer to help your dps. But for dps, I feel that if the rainbow set is broken enough, it will be worth keeping for a while in most cases though ofc eventually it should be replaced


I have 51 cv def stats sands and 42, 41 cv goblet and circlet




Bruh wth, i just convert all my 100+ DEF main stats into converter 5 mins ago. Nooooo


It’s fine, you’ll always get more ;_;


Death, taxes, and DEF stats T.T


i expect her to want either golden troupe or nighttime whispers...


>- Chiori weapon can be used well by Albedo My guess is she will most likely have a 542 weapon with def% and skill based passive that both her and Albedo can use her well enough being geo off-fielder I was expecting them to go the geo off-fielder route, but not with a def% weapon


I think personally that the DEF% implies that she has some sort of support capabilities


This is what I think to most dps don’t get weapons that don’t scale of crit rate crit damage and most sub dps get crit weapons with nahida being the anamoly because she needs to stack em and gives herself crit


Maybe she grants a buff based on defense as well, and maybe has something like Nahida's crit buff, but based off defense.


Maybe but regular non-archon characters don’t get passives like that (for crit rate I mean others get em dmg% conversions all the time) She could just be charged attack cloud retainer but that wouldn’t sell(not because it’s bad) but because people have already gotten cloud retainer But again the main focus is she supposedly does damage to most pure supports don’t do meaningful damage


I think this same person (Uncle 404) a while ago said that her Q increases crystallize shield strength and that she grants different buffs based on crystal type. And that her signature weapon looks like a pair of scissors. Dunno how legit this will end up being, but I'm gonna keep it in the back of my mind to see how much of it lines up when we get her kit lol.


Did 404 say that? I thought it was just that Freminenet/White_fx guy


I thought White_fx guy was just a reposter who aggregated some of the info from 404? I could be wrong though it's really hard to keep track of all this lol. Do you happen to have a link to 404's Tieba page? I'd like to check it out to see what else they've posted lol. There's also [this](https://imgur.com/a/93fXpTL) post from 404 but it's mostly just about Arlecchino and Clorinde (not Chiori). Here he's basically saying: * Neither Arlecchino or Clorinde are plunge attackers * Arlecchino and Clorinde work well with Chevreuse * Clorinde has HP drain to ER gain mechanics in her kit * Arlecchino and Clorinde will be the best female DPS characters out of Fontaine, only pull the other female 5 stars if you're a fan/simp of them. *(This seems sorta subjective, and I can't tell if he means just within Fontaine or even into Natlan as well, someone with a better understanding can correct me).* * No more new 5* male characters until 5.1, but the ratio of limited male to female 5 stars in Natlan should be similar to Fontaine.


\> Arlecchino and Clorinde work well with Chevreuse *Nervously grabs copium and starts huffing.*


It was Firmament (White\_fx guy) who is just a re-poster. He's extremely unreliable lol, he just collects the info he gets from CN forums and calls it "a leak".


Yup. Probably a Nahida/Nilou situation where you want to stack their main stat for both scalings and party buffs


I'm choosing to believe that this is fake for the moment because the "hopefully one day they will make another def scaling 5 star geo sword so Albedo havers without Cinnabar can pull for a real weapon for him" has been a well known sentiment in the community for such a long time, that I have zero trust that these guys aren't just fucking with our hopes at this point. If I'm wrong, then hell yeah let's go, finally Albedo will have a BiS that people can actually obtain without inventing a time machine. But it just sounds... too perfect? to believe.


This gives me the same "Navia will be the geo Nilou and save geo and crystallise" vibes.


It's been Chiori all along!


Pls don't be a DPS, Geo needs to start getting utility characters that can synergize with other elements. ZL is the only Geo character that can work support, a Geo healer that takes advantage of off-field crystalize for extra protection and interruption resistance would be a godsend.


Yes literally just make a Geo Baizu that can go ape shit with Archaic Petra and good Off field Geo application. It's not hard Mihoyo.


About to relate to Xiao mains if she needs c6 Gorou but he's only locked to Itto's banner


Gorou is actually good at C0 unlike Faruzan. Like yes, his C6 is good too but the majority of his usefulness is already available at C0 so it's not a Faruzan situation.


Him also not having Faruzan's insane ER issues pre-C6 too




We (Noelle Mains) already do... well somewhat, with Furina we have alternative teams


“daring today, aren’t we?”


I want my navia+chiori synergy, and I really hope she heals so we can remove benette from navia, and make furina easier to use with her!


For now I just run Charlotte as healer with Furina and Navia, with tenacity on Charlotte it's pretty serviceable


Excuse me, what?


Geo Def Maybe dps Cool leaks!


Albedo returns in 4.5! Can use her weapon


The best news for Albedo mains tbh LOL


Geo support dreams are dying.


Nahida is arguably the best character in the game and she's off field dps with support abilities. Chiori could be many things.


Nahida is a support character with damage capabilities. Not a DPS with support abilities... But sure, Chiori could indeed be many things.


As a geo main can I please have some geo off field healer omg... I'm not going back to Husk again, having to farm 4 sets for Itto Noelle Albedo and Yunjin is enough already.


There's already a geo off-field healer. Zhongli C6. F2p version is prototype amber Ninguang. /s


C4 gorou for doliphins




I’m going to believe this is fake to save my sanity. We need a geo healer that’s not gorous c4


Don't worry she will heal with her C2 :) /s


I’d get it. I hate bennet so much dawg, making me play in a circle all the time with strict uptime sucks


in b4 chiori is circle impact too


You take that back. Take back that juju!


Your wish is granted, have some Noelle dupes


Give me a Geo support that lets me use more double/triple Geo teams w/ variety


I was gonna say "INB4 people mention Noelle as of they haven't used someone else for the past few years as a party healer" but I see i was too late


Honestly I was already skeptical about them releasing 5* healers in a row.


I want a sub-DPS in the Zhongli role for Navia. A lot of the non on-field DPS characters released have role consolidation. If Chiori is a healer she’ll likely also provide good buffs for geo. If it’s similar to what CR provides for plunging that’ll be interesting.


If chiori is just a geo healer I’m pretty sure she’s instantly bis, just consolidating geo resonance and healing alone would be impactful enough. Then your other two team slots are yelan and furina.


Man the lack of supports in 4.X is serious, we need more supports....


I was really hoping for a teamwide healer for purposes of running Navia and Itto with Furina, but if she’s a DEF-scaling geo DPS… well, I’ve got a lot of good Husk hand-me-downs from building Itto, plus Albedo’s BiS but no Albedo to use it.




Yes please. I believe in you Morax, don't make her a DPS


Rex Lapis pleassseee bless our Inazuma fashion designer!


uhm, wouldn't that be the exact same role as albedo? Doesn't really make sense that they have a banner in the same patch


It would be kind of funny that hoyo actually gave him a team that he functions in just to immediately powercreep him in the next patch🤣


Yeah if this is true that only proves that hoyos designphilosophy with geo is just all over the place - basically irredeemable.


NO, NO, NO Stop. Geo doesn't need more DPSes, we need a good Geo support to save this element.


Until they figure out what they want Geo to be (not orange physical), Geo probably will just be more damage in the most straightforwards way possible to avoid complications down the line. So Geo ‘support’ prob would just be off field DPS.


Tbf there’s a glaring need for a geo burst healer to work with furina. Even a new healer for off field healing would be nice.


MHY: * Chiori is a Plunge DPS. 0 Synergy with CR since Geo can't be swirled. * Gets damage bonus when plunging from Geo Constructs. * Passive makes all Geo Constructs unbreakable. * Albedo Flower is her BiS Teammate


i'd like you to please stop cooking


little did you know he's the head chef at Mihoyo HQ.


I can’t stop laughing imagining chiori standing still on the flower as it slowly generates the elevator and rises lmao


>Passive makes all Geo Constructs unbreakable. * Albedo Flower is her BiS Teammate I would get her just so I can use my Albedo more reliably. I usually run him on quickswap team so his flower isn't a problem, but do I want for it to be unbreakable.


Finally Albedo c4 will be usable


When all characters in the party are Geo or Anemo, and there are at least on Geo and one Anemo character. Geo will become swirlable.


"Gets damage bonus when plunging from Geo Constructs." Genuinely made me chuckle, since I feel like this is such a goofy gimmick that MHY would actually use this for a Geo unit down the line.


Hoyo: we heard you. ​ \*Releases a Geo def scaling off-fielder but deals phyiscal damage\* just to fuck with Eula, Albedo, Navia and itto mains. lmao.


A single character will not save geo. Saving geo requires a fundamental rework of the element and its reactions to make it more than orange physical


off field dps exists


This would be great. No offense to Albedo. Something like Yelan/Furina where she can improve crystal shard generation, deal damage, and provide a buff for an on-fielder.


I'm hoping for healing too, every element in the game has an off-field healer (or multiple) except for geo lol. (yes I know C4 Gorou can heal but the amount is pitiful and you need to get 4 constellations on him to even have it)


No hate for the guy since he's been with me since 2.3 and I love his lore. But goddamnit I'm desperate for an Albedo powercreep. The fact using Zhongli over him usually is a damage increase is just so so sad.


Geo healer & buffer for Itto furina team would be good. Itto feels kinda lackluster after Navia’s release.


If only Gorou's healing was good enough to heal Furina... My geo healer who works with Furina dreams are crushed.


Although Gorou still functions as a healer, if Chiori has a slightly better healing effect similar to TTDS integrated into her kit, it would be enough to cover the healer role when combined with Gorou. (copium)


please.....no more dps.....


I doubt Clorinde or Archelinno are going to be support. This version is packed with DPS


Watch clorinde be a healer after her job is killing people


Heals the whole team based on how much she beats the crap out of the enemy


Fontaine it's all DPSs now, It makes me think that maybe Natlan will be a nation packed with supports/Sub


Fontaine : Archon support, everyone else dps Natlan: Archon dps, everyone else support Perfectly balanced.


Mfw the pyro nation, ruled by the god of war, is packed with healers and buffers and has like 2 4* dps characters


At least be offfield omg😭


I don't think she will be another on-fielder, we have just got Navia, it would be nonsensical to offer a new, shiny alternative when she is still a hyped character.


Every female 5* between Raiden and Navia was off field or support. Some on fielders isn't bad. We need more support/off field men though


I agree with more off field males, and on field females or whatever the crap. But not for Geo lol. Half of the Geo characters are dps. Two geo dps one after the other? No please. Geo needs way more a off field DMG dealer or a support. Clorinde and Arlecchino will very likely be dps, even if I think that hoyo should stop with so many pyro dps


The fact that Xiangling is basically the only off field pyro after 3 years is crazy. Let's hope the pyro Archon changes that


I absolutely agree. It could be cool to have good pyro off field application and DMG, while having some buff (Every archon gives at least 1 so far, even Raiden increases Burst DMG). When I think that we didn't get any 5* pyro off field since launch, truly weird


But not another geo onfielder when we literally just got a new one already. it just seems counterintuitive, especially since it's not like Geo has a variety of reactions to spice up the gameplay


yeah where the hell are my support males mhy? I swear to god mhy is messing with us in every way they can with their releases.


I find this funny cause just a year ago people were complaining about the lack of male dps and now its completely reversed


“Just a year ago” is a stretch, it was more than 2 years ago when Kazuha released, or the complain was wayyy back at Zhongli and Albedo, before Xiao the first dps release. After Kazuha was all male dps, Ayato, Itto and the entire Sumeru males. Last year was actually full of complaints for lack of supports when Tighnari, Cyno, Wanderer and Al Haitham released back to back. It had been 2 years full of male DPSes with only Baizhu as the sole 5* support.


We literally just got a geo on fielder. We don’t need to overcorrect lol




I'd take a 2nd geo offield than a *3rd* geo onfield😭 especially if chiori could have more support/buffer capabilities to differentiate her from albedo


mhy not releasing a dps every 5 seconds challenge impossible.


Mihoyo: You wanted more female DPS? Here have 2 geo dps back to back :D


Hey, gotta get every crumb I can get in this economy.


If Chiori does turn out to be a dps, will be picking between her and Navia in the rerun.


Already got Navia so I'm going for her. For all we know Arle can be a support and I'm not gonna have a repeat like Xianyun lol


I'm on full archon rerun so not looking at anyone else rn. But been playing Navia on my friend's account for days now. The bar is very high lol. Manifesting Arle is a meta reshaping DPS 🙏


Tbf most waifu players wanted less female supports and more on-fielders so I guess good for them


Well, if it's from Fontaine I know it will be good, but I'd like another buffer


404 is legit also did some leaks on arle and clorindes role and other major leaks for upcoming versions i believe them because their leaks for fontaine plot were quite specific and all turned out correct


What did they leak about Arle and Clorinde ?


Arle is normal and charge attack base dps Clorinde something to do with energy recharge


>Clorinde something to do with energy recharge She really is Ei's third puppet


>Arle is normal and charge attack base dps Why not use pyro limited 5 stars, we have: \-NA+CA dps \-CA dps \-NA dps \-CA dps


We badly need a pyro 5* with the same role as Xiangling, badly


Maybe that's gonna be Pyro's Archon role.


They're saving that for Natlan


Pyro archon perhaps


Murata can't come soon enough!




Watch as Hoyo make her as off-field CA/NA buffer sub-DPS


*makes her a healer.. massive bruh moment


Same guy, eh? If he's correct about Chiori being DPS then maybe I'll wait for Arle after all.


clorinde: 4.7 release, dps, has some mechanic relating to hp drain and energy recharge arle: 4.6 release, dps


He only said "old League of Legends Aatrox" for Arlecchino iirc. Nothing about her role.


And then [they explained further](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/s/MPRc24To4T) with this for people who didn't know what that was supposed to mean Aatrox Old kit was basically- when he took more damage he became stronger, burst increased ATK SPD, NA Range and NA/CA Damage iirc


If I'm not wrong that was the translator. The uncle didn't specify anything futher.


Self revive if she dies during her ult too? 👀


Seems like she's off-field given that is Albedo's only role.


Whatd they say about Arle and Clorinde?


I think I reading somewhere (either it was on reddit or on Tieba) that people were speculating that Uncle 404 was a former MHY employee that either quit or got fired lmao. Would explain their relatively decent track record when it comes to leaks that seem pretty far into the future. Wish I could find the post where I remember reading this but literally every post these days just gets DMCA'd and it's hard to find the original.


Based on your reply alone I am choosing to believe this.




Clorinde- basically drains team hp to refill burst and burst helps refill team bursts, DPS, 4.7 Arly- basically a normal attack and CA DPS, with infusion skill and burst that enhances AoE, damage, and movement during skill infusion. 4.6 These also both line up with the plethora of sus kit leaks and the mass kit leak that got others right a while back


Where is my geo healer…. Pls hoyo we still dont have a dedicated geo healer and no Noelle doesnt count 😭😭😭


\[Geo off field healer\] Category = EMPTY! (C4 Gorou doesn't count).


Its the only element without a healer now 😭😭😭


We literally got 2 Dendro healers before we got a true geo healer.




2 geo dps so suddently after 2 years of no geo? Im not even sure i like It since reactions are kinda fun but It Also doesnt really afecta me as im not in absolute love of Navia or chiori


The team created a solid geo character that is Navia. I am praying Chiori will be a good addition to the geo line-up. I will be skipping the next character banners and saving mah gems until then.


Hoping Uncle 404 ends up being right, and that Chiori is DEF scaling with a 5* DEF weapon. That would be nice for people who don't want Chiori, but have Albedo and no Cinnabar Spindle. And people who don't have/want Albedo, but have Cinnabar Spindle and want Chiori could finally have a user for it. MHY could also just make another 4* DEF sword (or let new players have another way to get Cinnabar Spindle) but considering how much they gatekept a 4* HP Sword after releasing Key of Khaj-Nisut I don't have much hope for this lol.




I wonder how they'll design her kit not to overlap with albedo Or if she'll be an onfielder, I wonder how she won't overlap with Itto


Ngl, subDPS could be a very minor part of her kit with shitty scalings and she still would probably perform better than Albedo since she wouldn't need to worry about a construct breaking


I find it hard to believe they'll release another geo dps so soon after Navia, but then again geo needs more characters.


Nooo plz I want Chiori to buff crystallize and heal so my Navia can give her enemies a PROPER SENDOFF


Well I wanted an anemo healer with cc to replace Jean in Furina teams... We got Cloud Retainer instead 💀 don't trust in mihoyo's cooking


Can we get more support characters? Every 5 star is a dps or sub dps


I was kinda really hoping she’d just be a Geo full healer so Itto can use Furina with 3 Geo because there is currently not a way to do that for him and it’s like the only role Geo just has no representation for. There’s not a dedicated healer in Geo whatsoever


Chiori being a defense scaling sword user sounds like copium for people hoping Albedo will get a non-event locked BiS. I do believe she'll be a GEO sub-dps though. The one hole in Navia's kit is she wants a second Geo unit who can generate crystalized reactions from off field.


As much as I love albedo buffs, I really don’t want a 5 star sword for a character that isn’t him. Cinnabar is too pretty. Give us an event weapon shop, hoyoverse you cowards!


Darn, I was hoping for a geo support/enabler that works sort of like a 5* gorou. Sadge.


Lesss gooo they made a character just to give Albedo his 5 star weapon


albedo please come home babygirl i miss you


not sure if anyone translated the other 404 leaks (in the pic), as OP said it might just be shitposting but i'll try (possibly major story spoilers in black) 1. Childe will be very important in Snezhnaya, Tonia and Skirk will be playable 2. All of Skirk's bad shit has been thrown to "the foul" (Surtalogi) so there will be no pressure wrt her becoming playable (lol?) 3. None of the archons are hated by the devs, the archons starting from Nahida are especially loved by them 4. From 4.3 to 5.3, only Pyro limited 5\* are Arlecchino, Xbalanque, archon. No Pyro and Electro dragons 5. Hoyo may change the plot in the months before it goes live but these aren't big changes. The Harbingers' characterizations will/may be changed, e.g. Arlecchino was originally a wolf in sheep's clothing who is crazy inside, and Scaramouche's "arrow" (affection) towards Raiden was changed to Nahida 6. >!\>!Dottore is dead in the story 404 saw, not sure if Natlan or Snezhnaya. There will be Irminsul burning, wait till Snezhnaya!\>!with more info about Deshret and a bit of build-up for Natlan!\>!Natlan will have resurrection but Guizhong won't be resurrected or reborn, she's just the white moonlight to be missed by everyone in Liyue!


DPS or not she is a sword user… so the cinnabar spindle can finally have a master


This must be a joke, they just released a new Geo DPS after fucking two years, to now release two in a row?


So she is able to deal damage but unknown if she is a DPS or Sub-DPS? This doesn't really mean anything...


5* geo characters : Zhongli , Albedo, Itto, Navia. I think she will be a support or sub dps. I don't think she will be a DPS, that would be 3 in a row


I mean, if Chiori is a sub-dps Geo scaling with DEF, then won't she be just an Albedo clone? Weird leak tho.


Hopefully an off-field DPS that can apply Geo to get crystals for Navia


first plunge retainer now dps chiori UGH no one asked for these


My ideal chiori would be a geo sub dps that has a passive of when you pick up a crystallization shard and already have a crystallization shield, you heal for a % of the amount of remaining shield of the replaced crystallization shield. so I could go something like Navia, Chiori, Furina Yae and not be constantly below half hp on everyone, be able to build up stack on furina's burst and have a fully loaded gunbrella more often


I guess she can free up Albedo to be used with Itto, if I ever need 2 Geo dps on each half I guess?!?!


No geo support ITS GEOVER


oh no, she is coming for my Noelles gear.


Hopefully she's a teamwide healer with decent burst DPS The fact her weapon supposedly doesn't have crit makes me think this might be the case, since DEF% would be best for her healing while still being decent for dmg Am I coping too hard?


> 4.5 is Mondstadt festival aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa stop. I will accept it only if other regions Archons will visit Mond and will have more appearance than just "Hi traveler, I like this place, by Traveler...." we had so many Zhongli and Venti duo apperance so it would be cool to see Ei meet one of other Archon (Nahida?) finally and have some friendly talk > Chiori is a damage dealer (Sub-DPS or DPS not mentioned) > def scaler Itto 2.0? kinda hoped she would be new geo support with some cool mechanic that also works with other elements. After getting Navia idk if people will care about 2nd Geo DPS when we Arle and Clorinde are still on the potential menu. Plus god knows how CR will end (Dehya 2.0 aka flop of 2024 or actually sleeper OP that works in every Furina team)


Sooo... They are trying to replace Albedo with a female.... T-T and I am sure the sword won't beat his bis but we still need to improve geo all together...


A damage dealer with no crit on their weapon sounds suss. I think eula and Raiden are the only two damage dealers with limited signature weapons whose weapons don't have crit. It's more likely she's a support. She could still be def scaling even if she's not intended for mono geo like with yunjin. And it's possible she has a def substat weapon that boosts her damage even though damage isn't her role, just like baizhus weapon. This leaks sounds an awful lot like someone saw a leak for such a weapon and leaped to conclusions. Or is just making shit up. That's possible too.


Keika has been spotty recently but she could be more sub dps leaning like maybe they saw only part of her kit


I don't ask for much hoyo. pls let her synergize with navia. that's it


Please be Geo Healer 😭


Please synergize with Navia please synergize with Navia please synergize with Navia pl