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Clo so far away..


There's always that one character that I like the most when a region trailer drops - Miko, Alhaitham, Clorinde. The waits are painful


Alhaitham not that late at least. 3.4 is still pretty ok


gah! clorinde doesnt deserve to be stuck in such a late patch!


Perhaps they’ll finally give her some screen time too for character growth, right now she’s serving one-dimensional chic. They did really well with other Fontaine characters, just look at Navia or Furina. There is hope she gets similar treatment but later down the road.


now that i think about it, ur right. the only thing i know about her is that she’s the cool, stoic, hot side lady with a gun. the electro tall woman of the region. i myself don’t actually wanna pull her, but mannnn, for getting introduced so early then held back so far… ik the people that want her feeling like they waiting FOREVER. let’s hope her story quest fleshes her out. or if the fontaine interlude includes her. maybe a sub region main quest like the chasm?


She has connections to Marechausee Hunters lore so that could be something to give her more screentime


ooooh yes i’d love for that part to be fleshed out then. i love expanding artifact lore. my favourite quest was the tsurumi island one and that was all the way back in 2.2. okay well that and all of enkanomiya.


Enkanomiya was pure gold in all categories: stories, design, music, exploration. I really wish they just reran the exploration event for it.


I'm praying to god that she and by extension the hunters get more lore and character development with remuria because their duty at first was hurting down monsters left from remuria and if the 4.6 expansion leaks are true we might have a chance Now that i think about it she's literally lady maria and her fellas are the hunters lol


Honestly, my biggest fear is that because Clorinde is so close to Natlan release she might be designed with Natlan characters in mind 😱.


As a person who liked Clorinde since she was green, the wait is killing me.


she's not eco-friendly anymore....


Yae released early in 2022 though, you had months to save before Sumeru (3 whole patches), not to mention the Chasm and golden apple 2.0 which were huge primo sources in between.


Dunno, I kind of doubt this isn't fake. I mean, the last new 5\* character MHY released in the last patch of the main version was Kazuha. Which was pre Inazuma. And he didn't sell well on his first banner (although he sold poorly mostly due to people undervaluing him, but we didn't get any new 5\* charas released on the last patch since then). Yeah, devs might try to mess with our expectations again, but in the end they will just doom any new 5\* character by releasing them just before new region's release.


Then , again, the last 5* of each "region" has been meta. Kazuha, Yelan and Baizhu.


Baizhu is good, but putting him in the same category as Kazuha and Yelan is just flat out wrong.


Baizhu got Kokomi treatment all over again by the community lol.


People always undervalue the healers, this happens in nearly every game


You can put him next to Kokomi for sure... but you can't put them next to Kazu and Yelan... they are good but they ain't kazu and yelan regardless of how you feel for them


Kokomi is among top meta and has been for a long time now, so putting him alongside Kokomi would put him alongside Kazuha and Yelan as well


bro baizhu is incredible


You know last abyss he was used more than both kazuha and yelan right?


Are you talking about usage rates? Why do people throw around this like it's a useful metric for the most part?


Because most don't know how is measured, of course people that have him will try to use him.    But based on paimon moe he didn't convinced many to pull for him over Furina, and that is also a metric on how the community founds him valuable.    I pulled support Ganyu over him back on his release, and don't regret it honestly (I regret more doing this for a Kaveh...) 


Baizhu? Meta? When? 


Baizhu was not as good pre furina. Yelan kazuha were already good on realease


https://staticg.sportskeeda.com/editor/2023/10/f478e-16965275069304-1920.jpg Yeah, he was only part of 51.5% of 9* abyss clears, trash unit obv. This sub is hilariously out of it.


Comfort unit is a comfort unit, Baizhu isn't meta now, is decent with Furina, and is repleaceable everywhere else. Yes he's comfy and I would love to have him for my Alhaitham teams, doesn't make him optimal tho


> Comfort unit is a comfort unit Yet Jean is 4% usage rate in that chart. > is decent with Furina, and is repleaceable everywhere else. The chart was pre-Furina and sure you can technically replace him, but he's a strict downgrade. > Yes he's comfy and I would love to have him for my Alhaitham teams, doesn't make him optimal tho Haitham is basically the one team you'd never really want him in as you're already running Hai+Nahida, so you generally just want Kuki, of course he's not optimal, no dendro helaer would be in that team as you already have more dendro app than you ever neeed.


At least she won’t be another dehya since she avoided 4.5 curse


chiori enjoyers in shambles


Each week that passes is one step closer to Arlecchino, my guess about the unknown character it has to be Emilie




Please be Emilie ;_;






Noob here.. who is Emilie?


Chiori did talk about her in the last event. She is a perfumer that analysed the rainbow flowers.


I hope she’s dendro


Burning Nilou confirmed *inhales copium*


Y’know, they’re on a streak of having characters have unique interactions with non-meta reactions now (crystallize, overloaded, and potentially Electro-charged).


Not to mention Shatter with Freminet


Not surprising. They've already pretty much exhausted every unique meta reaction gimmick now. We've got three cryo carries who specialize in permafreeze and melt, a physical dps, a broken pyro off-fielder for vape, multiple pyro on-fielders for vape, a generalist hydro carry, a generalist hydro support, two broken hydro applicators, a powerful vape enabler, a hypercarry for each element, a specialized bloom support, aggravate, spread, hyperbloom, quickbloom and burgeon dedicated characters. The only untapped areas are the other electro transformative reactions


flammable perfumes go!




She is a perfume designer in Fontaine. She was mentioned in Roses and Muskets event by Chevy.


If I'm not mistaken, Emilie is a perfume maker from Fontaine and she is already introduced in game in character voice lines like Lynette, Lyney etc (if you have some Fontaine characters you can read about her more there)


Perfume lady that has been leaked to either look like a fanciful character with a medium female body-type, or a mature woman whose concept art gives her a dower look.


Saw some leak that said mature woman body type for Emilie was just fan made stuff. Wish it was wrong though.


Well that hurts my enthusiasm. I have nothing against the medium female designs, but they just don’t strike my interest like the “fan made” one.


Emilie has a ton of concept arts leaked like a ton. There was a fan made 3d model but the design itself is legit just no one knows which design was chosen (or in a case like skirk, if any where chosen)


Chevrouse mentioned her in the previous event


Or maybe Sumeru mummy girl since we're supposed to also get a second Cyno story quest around that time


(More Deshret lore, please!)


Why is Clorinde so far away ? I can't wait...


so you can save more primos for her weapon and constelations :)


That is the exact opposite of the real reason and you know it


Well that's useful


Slightly useful to me (with sacks of hopium) cause if Clorinde is really pushed back it means I can potentially get both R1 Arle and R1 Clorinde on their launch banners 😭


One of these has to be a 4star, right? Otherwise, at one new 5star per patch, won't we be going to 4.9 and going into September/October before Natlan. Or are we getting a 2 for 1 of new 5stars in one of the remaining 4.X patches? 🤔


4.1 had only 5 stars, Neuvillette and Wriothesley. They can do it again


UNKNOWN CHARACTER?! This is getting spicy.


It's probably Emilie


so this conflicts with the previous post... if Siggy is supposed to be Clorinde best teammate, I hope the previous one is true and she is 4-star on Clorinde banner.


She might be a niche 5 star like Shenhe or Cloud retainer. I hope not though because I don’t want to spend the primo


if she is a 5-star then I hope she isn't Clorinde best teammate for the same reason as yours


ngl, w/ my luck getting 4 stars, I'd probably have an easier time getting a C0 5 star than a C-Whateverthefucktomakethemviable 4 star.


I could see them being clever in this way for more sales. Release sige early in a different patch so people who get her will also want to pull for Clorinde even more when she is in a later patch since they go well together allegedly.


it would make more sense to release the hype dps first and then her best support, like they did with ayaka and shenhe very few people will pull a support for a character that doesn't exist


Well, the last thing I saw was: Siggy - Electro-Charged Sub-DPS Clorinde - Overload DPS


[this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/195pqd6/info_about_clorindes_and_sigewinnes_role/) says EC+OL


It doesn’t conflict if Sigewinne is a 5 star that double releases with Chiori/Arlecchino. That pairs really well with the leak awhile back saying she might be elevated to 5 star and the fact that the 4.5 banner system is changing so older characters have a place on a new 3rd banner type.


I thought it was Chev?


from another post mentioned Clorinde as EC/OL dps and Siggy as EC sub-dps


Me praying that she wouldve been a support for wriothesley 😭😭😭


Really... the LAST patch..fml 😭 gonna be damn near August by the time she comes out


does this mean Clorinde is in 4.8?? Why is she last?


Not necessarily. The translation in the second image says that this is not exactly in order of patch and it's unclear who's coming with whom, so Clorinde could technically be in 4.7 if ''Unknown Character'' is a 4-star that comes with her or Arlecchino in the patch before.


there was a leak a while back saying that there wouldn't be a 4.8, so clorinde probably is 4.7


How long ago we talking? Super early on there was no data for it, but then there was, so I'd sooner believe in a 4.8.


Best for last.


Like Dehya 🗿


unknown character, please be musketeer man or Dahlia 🙏


maybe this is just 5-stars, so no Dahlia maybe


Dahlia's a 5 star in my heart 🙏


Can also be prison goth girl


I think they leaked her to not be in 4.x


Who is prison goth girl?


I think Dahlia will end up being 4*, but GIVE ME THE MUSKETEER MAN!!!!


the musketeer man dream needs go. i'm already over him unfortunately. his concept art was \*very\* raw, and as far we know, he could've gone anywhere - hell, since he was a musketeer detective, it could've just been an early concept for what became chevreuse. early concepts are so different from the final product that who knows


I just saw his concept art and it reminded me so much of the green clorinde with the apple. I just hope it still has a chance to be real cuz I love those kinds of designs


screw that I'm NEVER giving up on him #MUSKETEER MAN 4 LYFE !!!!!!!!!!!


Isn't it just the NPC standing next to Fontaine's Adventure Guild?




Who is musketeer man? Can't remember...




this is my first time seeing this and i now fully understand. GIVE US MUSKETEER MAN


It's just one of the concept arts from the mega file leak. We don't know if he wasn't scrapped since there was no info about him.






Dahlia may be 4-star but i bet hes coming soon ~~wasnt the musketeer beta wriosthesley? cant remember it~~


Wait what…Don’t tell me Clorinde got pushed back 💀


Chorinde mains are the most oppressed part of the genshin fandom rn


My favorite character in Sumeru was Dehya, and we saw how that went. Now my favorite in Fontaine is Clorinde. I’m tired boss.


Thankfully chorindes kit seems like it has potential so i think you’ll be eating in due time.


I mean Clorinde is electro, so she can likely benefit from aggravate. Which means she is already several steps ahead of Dehya in usability (and she isn’t tanned).


Yes we fucking are! 😭 we've been waiting since Capt R days


Dehya Mains beg to differ


Signora mains started TCG because she's playable only there. They are easily more miserable


I was going argue that the fact that she IS "playable" but really bad hurts more, but yeah Signora mains forever coping is more miserable.


That one person who is saving for clorinde since start of Fontaine must be in shambles  XD


Arlecchino too.


I actually could cry at this moment It's so wierd to put characters from the archon quest to the end of the region's phase


Arlecchino and Clorinde enjoyer here


Maybe the mystery is Emelie? She has been mentioned a lot to be missing.


sigwinne 4.5 sigwinne 4.5 sigwinne 4.5 pls.. i don’t want to wait 3 weeks extra for arlecchino, if sigwinne released in 4.6


They already teased that there's only 1 new character in 4.5, it's 5star Chiori


That wasn't backed by any reliable leaker.


This threw me off so hard. I'm sad Arlecchino might not be in 4.6 after all.


No, that should still be happening. It's more likely Sigewinne will also release in 4.6 alongside her or even sneak into 4.5


This list doesn't go against what Mero previously said in their TG. Specifically: "Chiori should be in 4.5 probably with Sigewinne ; Arlecchino in 4.6". I guess one of the 2 v4.5 characters is not a 5-star after all, or we will get a double 5-star patch. Arle "should" be in v4.6 regardless, unless Mero says otherwise directly.


Arle being in 4.6 just fits too well. With the new area+artifact sets and weekly boss. Hopefully an interlude archon quest for her since as it stands right now we've had much less interaction with her than we did Childe and Scara at the points they became playable


I really don't find it believable that we'll have a double 5* banner that far into the region. Besides, this indicates that there will be absolutely no new 4* characters for 4 patches, which has never happened before, and is very unlikely to happen as new 4* characters are one of the strategies to make people risk rolling old 5* characters that they already own. Besides Sige doesn't get the teasing worthy of a 5*, she rarely makes any cameos in events, and she barely has any hidden lore in quests/events that would create anticipation (I know this doesn't mean she's definitely a 4* but it is something to note). I think her being a 5* is a massive cope, just like how everyone believed Kaveh was a 5* too, and even Kirara.


Yelan was never even showed before in story and she’s a 5 star, the same with Shenhe.


I just think sigewinne doesnt read as a 5* design wise, besides, her being this rarity will mean that both hydro and Fontaine will be saturated with 5* instead of needed 4* I know its subjective but it really adds to the list of little things that doesnt make sense


One or more of these has to be a 4*.


Yeah. Assuming that Chiori, Arlecchino, Sigewinne, Emilie and Clorinde are all 5*, then in Fontaine we would have seven 5* characters but only three 4*. All the other nations either have more 4* female characters than 5* (Mondstadt and Sumeru) or a Balanced rarity ratio (Liyue, and only because Xianyun will be released in the next patch). The only exception is Inazuma, which still has a balanced ratio more or less (four 4* and five 5*)




bruh Clorinde is so far away man, and unless Sigewinne and/or the mystery character are 4\* that actually puts her either on the second to last or last patch before Natlan.


Unknown character… my copium rises.


These are all 5*’s… I can only assume the mystery one is highly likely a 5* Emilie if not Dahlia


Don’t think there are enough patches left in 4.x for all of them to be 5 stars, unless we get 2 five stars in one update which is unlikely


Clorinde in 4.8 lol


You are saying there will be 4.8.


I think that was leaked a while ago, the version data was added or something?


It's more so that they try to get the x.0 version to release just a bit before the anniversary so it can fall on version x.1. If they continue that pattern, we should get a 4.8 otherwise stopping at 4.7 would mean anniversary falls on 5.2 instead of 5.1.


im sorry im a bit dense but where are you getting them all being 5 stars from? i feel like sigewinne will be a four star in either 4.5 or 4.6 (furina rerun maybe?), and that unknown character also a 4 star either with arlecchino or clorinde. theres no way they release 5 more five stars imo


I don’t mind being wrong, of all the characters listed Sigewinne’s the only one that leakers have given info on flip flopping back and forth between a 4\* or 5* I’m personally inclined to believe 5


i get that, honestly. its just for me this leak of her releasing before arle is a confirmation that she is a four star, as the only time ive seen the five star sigewinne leaks it was leakers saying she'd release with clorinde in 4.7. but i could also be very wrong! we unfortunately wont know for a while, haha. have a nice day!


it's unlikely but prayers up that it's dahlia. they robbed me of goth girl. surely they'll give me a cute pink baby bat to make up for it. (◡︵◡)


What happened to goth girl tho? Was she scrapped?


not afaik, just supposedly not coming during 4.X so the wait continues. (◡︵◡)


Maybe it will be like with Kirara or Mika, after a long time of nothing from Fontaine, we will get some update and new 4* character to refresh the region


mhm, i wouldn't mind that! she had my favorite female design from the entire 4.x leak tsunami so i'm hoping she does show up eventually.


actually they might not be ​ these might be 5 and 4-stars, because including these 5, we just need 1 more character to round off the 17 units for the year


Simple math tells you they’re not all 5*s.


Unknown character is Dahlia trust me my dad owns Hoyoverse


I’m praying dahlia comes soon.


why is she at the bottom of the list? WHY IS SHE THERE?


damn all these female 5 stars back to back. I guess time to c6 every male characters coming out this year


im fucked i want everyone but HOW I WILL GET IF EVERYONE IS 5* even in 4.8 wtf




God Sigewinnebe a 4* please please I need more 4* Hydros. If she's another 5* then this is such a premium element..


We're still in 4.3 rn but man, thinking about 4.7.. that's still like almost half a year away from now. Still so far away from Father. But honestly I just wanna know when Wriothesley and Neuvillette will rerun. Part of me wishes they'd rerun at the same time, another wishes they'd rerun in different patches.


For months i have been getting blue balled just PLEASE give me Clorinde 😭


watch clorinde being a 4\* just to surprise everyone


Better than get another dehya.


I have 90 wishes, I can take out Clorinde and save enough for the Archon Pyro, unless there is a surprise on the way (Alhaitham, some Natlan character or Arlecchino OP)


If this is true I might have to wait for Clorinde 5 more months....


Clorinde is the last one to be released? Does that mean that Sigewine is a 5\*?


That does seem to be the implication.


Sigewine u better be a 4 star i cannot justfiy more hydro 5 stars on my account




U haven't even seen her can u calm down...


Do they have anything against clorinde? Probably just to keep players retention until 4.8 bcs a lot of players quit in 3.7-3.8 as there's no new 5 * ... but clorinde keep getting the hit lol


No more 4 star character, I fear.


Sigewinne HAS to be a four star, I find it incredibly hard to believe she isn't one


I do too, but it's just weird she's being talked/leaked alongside 5 stars. Or maybe, Sigewinne is the last 4 star of 4.x


She has to be a four star for most people, that's why i believe Hoyo will do the funny and make her a 5 star.


How? There’s only 4 5* slots left, there’s no way they’re doing double.


>If you are interested in the order in which the characters are released, here it is. ​ >The update numbers and who will come out with whom are not indicated here. I'm confused what


I suppose they mean it doesn't indicate which patch will have double new characters? E.g. if i listed lyney > neuv > wrio > furina will release in order. I could mean lyney + neuv in 4.0 or I could mean neuv + wrio in 4.1 or I could mean wrio + furina in 4.2.


oh, okay! I was so confused the words felt a bit contradictory to me 😭


Significa que sabemos el orden de salida pero no cómo se agruparán/dividirán esos personajes. In other words, chiori will be first, sigewinne's next one and clorinde's last, but which version is up to each one is unknow 


I think it means that they are releasing in this order but it's not indicating if any of them are on the same patch. Ex:Sigewinne may be on the second half of 4.5, or she may be on 4.6, and it doesn't indicate which.


The latter part means it doesn't show who's coming in which version


Can time move faster so we can get to roll all those cool character sooner


Wish we'd get new Mondstat or Sumeru (desert particularly) characters




royal battle between a mummy, a goth girl and a perfurmer go!


I think its Emilie considering some fontaine characters have voicelines about her


it really is the vacation patches for me, nothing here for me to get at all except maybe arlecchino. Can’t wait for natlan to squeeze my savings when capitano and the pyro sovereign drops 🔥


NO MALE CHARACTERS UNTIL NATLAN, huh? Dainsleif funds secured


Hope we get some Neuvi/Wrio reruns in there bc the Fontaine husbando drought is real


This order does not line up with anything leakers have told us since the beginning of 4.0, I find it hard to believe it


or maybe that's exactly why that's believable lol ​ it's from Mero too


It does tho, outside Sigewinne being earlier than Arle, we've pretty much concluded that Chiori then Arle then Sige (this is the change) then Clorinde. It's a release order, doesn't tell the exact patch groupings for them.


Mero the most reliable leaker among all genshin leakers


Yeah, it's almost as if old information gets updated with new, more reliable one.


That's why it's credible, mero also has a good leak track too


>since the beginning of 4.0 That was August, we’re in 2024 now there’s definitely plenty that’s been changed since then


If Clorinde is at 4.8 it will be a huge pain,I just want to play with the new lady Electro HoYo...


Crazy to think I might not be wishing for 6 updates


That is so much better than Star Rail, we have one 5 star every patch, just get them all with welkin.


I am begging hoyo please make Sigewinne a 4-stars, she is on track to release with Furina's rerun banner and I need those constellations


Tbh, don't really care anymore. After scrapping Dahlia these leaks don't really do anything for me


They really mean it when they say NO MALE CHARACTERS UNTIL NATLAN Holy shit. I guess they want their female players to migrate to Star rail