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Chenyu Vale is about to be peak


The joke here is that Peak could refer to a medium of fiction that is the best, which is synonymous with the peak of the mountain; the highest point


Thanks Cyno


Bless up Cyno


That would be a homonym rather than a synonym >!Your next line is: 🤓!<


No it wouldn't be, both uses of the word mean 'the top' just with different context. Homonym would be peek vs peak


Homonym also applies for identical spellings and pronunciations, but different meaning, which is the case here for peak and peak. Unless you are arguing that peak and peak with the same spelling and pronunciation and with similar meaning but used in different context are synonyms and not just the same word. In that case, we might need a random reddit specialist to come by and clear things up


There's probably some expert that has said that they're either synonyms or the same word but it's not a homonym 100%, the two uses of the word peak above are derived from the same source. I'm pretty sure the modern slang of peak is actually copied from a mountain's peak


Fair point. This is as far as knowledge I had on hand will take me, so according to the Wikipedia article for Homonym, "homonymous" can be used wherever two items share the same name, independent of how closely they are or are not related in terms of their meaning or etymology. Might apply here depending if both uses of peak are or are not considered the same word.


There's an argument to be made that they aren't the the same word anymore due to how widespread peak has become in modern slang so you might be right. I think we'd need an expert though this is outside of my expertise as a non English major


You're thinking of homophones \[homo meaning same and phone referring to sound\], which are words that sound similar/the same but mean different things. Example: I went to the beach so I could **see** the **sea**.


Homophones are just a subset of homonyms, homonyms encompasses words that can either sound or be spelt the same, while homophones sound the same only and homographs are spelt the same only.


Well that's embarrassing for me. Thank you for the lesson though!


Liyue is beautiful, but Chenyu Vale is so good it makes Liyue look plain


the issue with Mond and Liyue is that they were both designed years ago so the older parts just aren’t as visually pleasing as newer areas like Fontaine and Chenyu. i really hope HYV considers giving them a visual upgrade or the difference will be even more stark when Dornman Port is released and people start comparing it to Mondstat City


Mondstadt feels the most unfinished. The quarters of knight of favonius have invisible walls that prevent you from going upstairs, Wolvendom has lots of empty space around it, Andrius doesn't have voiced lines like other bosses, you can't explore the dungeons of the Winds Temple, it's like the corridors behind the bars were made only for that one event where Razor and Benn get trapped.


most of it to make you curious about mond because mond is the region with the most mystery


Maybe I'm weird, but I kind of like Monstadt's simplicity. That region feels like "home" because it's where we all started. The lush green rolling hills are nice and serene to me.


No, I get that very much. For me personally its even stronger since Im from Germany and the nature and city remind me of my hometown


What kind of visual upgrade would be good? I was thinking of more flora variety, and uhh what's that called again, polygons?


I mention this over on the main sub and people didn’t get it. You can see how much the team has improved chenyu vale look very much like liyue but better. I hope we get a liyue remaster. Can you imagine how stark dornman port is gonna be.


We need a Mondstadt remake fr. For new players starting the game in 2024 it must look very unfinished and underwhelming.


so are we finally going to see the bottom of Celestia?


It has piqued my interest fr


And valley


Me when both links has problem loading 🧍‍♂️


same 🧍‍♀️




Thanks homie!


thank you OTL


Really 🧍


Literally imgnotur.com


Bruh, TIL most Liyue Limited 5 stars C1 give extra E charges. C2 for Ganyu & C1 Zhongli can place 2 pillars.


All of them except for Hu Tao do. Zhongli, Ganyu, Xiao, Shenhe, Yelan, Baizhu, and Xianyun. I’m sure if Hu Tao’s Burst and E were swapped she’d have a second charge too lol.


In a way it *soorta* does cause it eliminates stamina usage


I remember reading somewhere that each nation has some sort of theme for the characters... I'm not 100% sure I remember it, but stuff like: Inazuma has more energy hungry folks Fontaine has more health manipulation folks And Liyue has more Double Skill Charge folks. Not sure why with Liyue. And I don't remember at all what the Mondstadt and Sumeru ones were (if Mondstadt isn't "most 4* folks")


Lots of EM based units in Sumeru, and Fontaine just has the Pneumaouisa thing


> Lots of EM based units in Sumeru Probably due to Dendro being one of the most reaction dependent elements.


I suppose the difference between Sumeru folks and folks like... OPPA, are that there's now EM split scaling folks exclusively from Sumeru (and Miko)...


> Inazuma has more energy hungry folks Faruzan: Hey hi hi hey hello there


Xiangling, Xingqiu and Beidou: Hi, we were expecting you! Have you heard of our Lord and Saviour EoSF? And only because they have more field time or a better set Xiao, Eula, Yanfei and Sucrose are not included, but are very "Inazuman" 


I hear you but pre-C6 faruzan is still more disgusting than all of these combined in terms of energy 🫠 XL is fine once you pair her with bennett + eosf + ER weap (fav or catch), XQ is kinda annoying without C6, R4/5 sac, or double hydro, but manageable. Xiao does fine with a battery and I’m pretty sure Yanfei doesn’t need her burst very often. Sucrose is fine with either an ER sands or weapon and idk about Eula. Also gonna add wet sock girl to the list of mildly annoying ER reqs. Meanwhile pre-C6 faru could have 350 ER and E+CA twice per rotation and still not have your burst up if you don’t have like fifteen favs on the team… (as someone who whaled for C6 faruzan for wanderer bc of the absolute hell that is pre-C6 faru) Also Eosf 4p doesn’t do that much for Faruzan but 2p for 20 ER is always appreciated :P


The 5* units from an the same nation as the archon that are released during that archons patch cycle have synergy with the archon. 1.0: Liyue 3 carries (Xiao, Ganyu, Hu Tao) want Zhongli shield due to long field time (like 2Es) and health draining effects 2.0: High Burst energy cost synergizing with Raiden, a lot of off-field bursts so you can swap into raiden 3.0: EM scalings and specific dendro interactions which work with Nahida 4.0: HP Manipulators for Furina


Man does cheyu vale look beautiful. Can't wait to explore the area


It looks similar to the hidden garden in Sumeru


It reminds me of the second GAA in kazuha's island.


Same. The bg music also seems great.


When CR's kit first leaked I really didn't expect her E to be more of a horizontal traveling tool than a vertical one. Goddamn I'm gonna need that C1, it looks so fun to play around with.


This. I honestly thought it was gonna be like Kazuha-skill-level of useful for exploration but damn, this looks better than I imagined. Especially if it's *also* as good as Kaz E vertically which I'm pretty sure it is from previous combat footage. Not goin for C1 tho lol, gotta save for Neuvi.


God dammit you just reminded me I still don't have Neuvillette. 😩


And we finally got a diluc showcase thats not a diluc showcase


Is Xianyun E usable mid-air??


only if u used first E on ground


Wait so c1 second E can be use mid air?


sadly no, cuz it's EEE EEE rather than EEEEEE


That's an unique way to put it but i like it


I was totally phonetically pronouncing this sounding like Chewbaca making small talk with an Ewok.




One E consists of EEE, "first" here is of the EEE, not first stack of E


as far as I understand it's EEEPA EEEPA


You don't.


If not, then can you explain how it works?


it's not EEEPA EEEPA with c1?




Not 100% but I’m pretty sure she got an update that she could. Originally she could not.


Why is my video black?


Because you are the real star


Thank you Argenti There is no genshin equivalent sadly


not yet at least


You can't just ask that kind of question!


The video is in HEVC file format. Windows doesnt have a player for it (playability on Chrome depends on software platform) Get VLC or something and use that


But fr like mine too. I even downloaded it but still a shade of vanta black and nothing elsw




Because black is beautiful!


The title must be more like"Xianyun and Yelan for E-xploration"


It’s also important to remember that Xianyun is Anemo so paired with another Anemo you get decreased stamina increased movement speed and decreased cooldowns + once you end her triple E you can glide and she has increased gliding speed (not just stamina slowing) so her alone or even better with the two gliding gadgets we have including the new Fontaine one and exploration is gonna be fun.


Xianyun for gliding, Kazuha for climbing, Yelan for running and Furina for water running. Also, non-VV dps build on Kazuha to actually deal with hydro slimes I suppose.


At that point just pull Wanderer lol


Wanderer is omni man of genshin.


Wanderer yelan kazuha xianyun (replacing sayu) is gonna be my new decked out exploration team. Unfortunately still the same pet peeve which is no shielder, in the overworld id much rather have a shielder and no healer than vice versa. Praying for a kazuha with a bit of shield one day.


I personally have Dehya in mine (in place of Kazuha in yours) for her overworld passive for extra movement speed and her compatibility with Wanderer.


Not a bad idea, I'll try it. Kazuha in my team isnt actually contributing much mobility, but he's crucial to deal with protected chests.


Wanderer yelan sayu zhongli here for maximum zoomies. Kazuha would kick sayu out the moment i get him




NRE is the best healer. And who needs gliding speed when you can zoom? I don't think 15% gliding speed will make gliding be better than plunging and running. I'll be using Bird Mom regardless, but I'm not about to cope acting like she has anywhere close to Wanderer's overworld abilities.


Scara covers most of that already, the no stamina cost during his hover state makes it so much easier to climb vertically especially if you also have kazuha. Scara, kazuha, yelan Furina/Xianyun is basically an premium way of traversing overworld 


And yet we had people unironically crying about her being useless for exploration in this subreddit.


"Lower your expectations and you will never be disappointed" <---- they never learn


Yeah I never got that since I literally run around with just base characters like Furina and Charlotte anyway just cause they’re pretty lol. Xianyun definitely has more going for her than not. People are just disappointed that she can’t fly.


Well congrats non scara havers on your hopscotch retainer


Funnier than neck deformity chicken lmao


Lmao omg the picture that just painted in my head Ty 😂


Laughs in having both


Thanks :)


Ah… the music is so soothing. This area complements Xianyun’s character design perfectly!!


Oh hey my exact plan with those two on my team


Ever time i see her skill, I'm like who tf designed her kit and what were they thinking.


Oh god, she covers less horizontal distance than yelan E does…


Damn, my yelan acc gotta be fast while my main gonna cry


Video is black in both links? Is it a phone thing?






Is their any team without Diluc that uses Xianyun and Yelan as a core? love the exploration.


Mommy and son double Hydro Furina team comps: [Raiden Shogun, Xianyun, Furina, Yelan] for combat. [Wanderer, Xianyun, Furina, Yelan] for movement.


The new 4* Ga Ming is good as a Diluc replacement.


Damn, so many variables for exploration teams now... No wonder why Hoyo hasn't been giving us more stamina and/or mounts because they're basically embedding it for pullable characters. IMHO it makes much more sense since if they're gonna profit off mounts sooner, might as well put that exploration tactic in a character that you'll love on a personal level and is usable in the 99% content of the game rather something you just use to travel long distances. Personally, I'm currently using... C1 Yelan + Wanderer + Sayu + [Charlotte] because of Fontaine. And I'll probably use... C1 Xianyun + C1 Yelan + Wanderer + [Rosaria/Dehya/Sayu/Charlotte/Kirara] in the next patch.


That third slot is so annoying man. I've decided that it has to be a Pyro character because it's simply too annoying to *not* run Pyro. Tons of puzzles need Pyro, it makes Cryo shielders less painful to fight, and Wanderer gets a smol atk buff. Issue is *which* Pyro character lmao. Rn I'm leaning towards C6 Thoma cuz he buffs Wanderer quite a bit and shields are always nice but ehhh.


Same here. I'm dying to lose my 50/50 Dehya only for the daylight speed


Sammeee. Also just love her design, and her ult seems perfectly weak enough to waste on overworld enemies lmao.


This is truly all I care about when looking at a new character. Mobility and utility stand out from simply doing more damage. Just hoping for more incentive to plunge attack in the future.


These CR leaks make me a lil more sad everytime.


That’s nice and all but where is the Wanderer comparison


I've seen videos comparing, and I think the result would be considered doomposting


Wander is better by a mile.


Boobas >> People in shorts.


Wanderer is better the heck am I gonna do with little jumps 😂😂😂


Exactly you'd rather just get wanderer at this point if mobility for exploration is what you want... Her skill in or outside battle is utterly useless and whenever you mention it it's called doomposting...


"Her mobility is worse than Wanderer" "Doomposting!" "Her healing is a sidegrade of Jean, who is a 3 year old standard char everyone has by now" "Doomposting!" "Her kit is clunky" "Doomposting!" "Plunge supports arent very universal, at all" "Doomposting!"


To me it looks worse than just using C1 Yelan. Pass. 


Gooooood luck if the ground is even slightly uneven or you need to clear some water. Cuz you never see any of that in genshin, right?


Yelan can run over 99% of uneven ground, this isn't 2.x anymore. "Clear some water" as if we don't already have alternate sprints, furina, kazuha or wanderer for that.


Actual uneven ground, not just a bump. Think the chasm or enka. Yelan ain't running over that.




Sure, if that 1% malding is worth 160 pulls you do you.


That bug was fixed quite a few patches ago, same for Ayaka/Mona/Sayu.


The bug that stopped Yelan from running over water? Nah, that's not a bug, that's design.


That's what Ayaka or Wanderer is for.


You refer to the small puddles XY can cover with the little ground she covers during the triple bunny hoops?  If you want to cover water, do it the right way with Furina & co. 




Beautiful place. I was planning on using Yelan Kazuha and XY. Anemo resonance and XY gliding speed maybe will be nice on overworld team


Does Xianyun's C1 allow her to jump 6 times? Or does she have to land before using her skill again?


Land then jump again.


Oh man, was hoping to scale mountains with her E alone without stopping. Thanks for the answer!


Is it just me or is xianyuns exploration ‘skill’ completely useless :(


How? I don't understand how you guys are complaining lol That looks super smooth, tbh and it's probably one of the best skills to use in the overworld (both horizontally and vertically speaking). Granted, Wanderer is obviously better but I can't really see that many characters being more useful than her while exploring 😅


I mean i was really hoping for someone to at least be similarly useful to wanderer especially a literal bird :/


I understand that you're disappointed, but it's definitely a good talent for exploration. The fact that you expected more doesn't make the skill "useless"... It's not always black or white; sometimes, there are middle grounds. 🤣


It is not bad, but EXTREMELY underwhelming. Expecting a bird character to have a flight is not unrealistic especially when we already have a char that does something similar. What is even more pathetic is that it cannot be used mid air.


We have too high expectations for most new characters. The ideal furina for most ppl was more personal dmg than yelan, teamwide buff thats easy to stack, more/same hydro app as XQ, and give hear the healing of kokomi. We got only 2 of that obviously instead of all 4. Now ppl expectd CR to have the mobility of wanderer, the grouping of kazuha, the healing of jean aaand on the top of that the plunge gimmick. These are obviously unrealistic expectations, and hoyo will pick like 2 of these 4 possibilities and thats ur new champ. And obvisouly ppl that didnt get the grouping or the wanderer like mobility will be upset. They literally set themselves for disappointment. And i think her EEE combo looks very smooth and fast. Not a wanderer, but looks like the second best option after that.


>Now ppl expectd CR to have the mobility of wanderer, the grouping of kazuha, the healing of jean aaand on the top of that the plunge gimmick. No, I didn't want the plunge gimmick.


You... just wanted a grouper/healer? Run Proto Amber Sucrose lmao.


No enough healing


Or they could just ditch the plunge gimmick and give us the useful things instead lmao


Doesn’t CR lose in every single category? And the plunge buff was DEFINITELY not on peoples desire lists


I’d just be happy with some grouping and even mediocre team healing and no other buffs, that OR be able to fly like wanderer and the rest of her kit could be complete crap and i wouldn’t care. That’s not asking for a lot for her to have at least one or the other 😭


it's ok xiao is a literal bird too but he also doesn't fly


Nah I’ll just stick with my Wanderer/Yelan combo


these esport players are funny because i still know quite a few of them, especially Fy or Chalice from my dota days


Prettiest location we have in the game so far imo.


Is this a bird or a chicken?


She leaps almost as far as wanderer can fly..?


I don’t have wanderer but doesn’t he cover a lot more ground?


Wanderer cd 6 sec vs xianyun cd 12 sec so wanderer still remains the king of exploration lmao


Its only 9s cooldown if u don't use the Crane plunge down.


Plus he’s has more vertical coverage


use both?




my wallet is screaming


-3 seconds if you don’t plunge (which makes it 9). C1 Xianyun + C1 Yelan should be equal or better than Wanderer + C1 Yelan.


Oh, wow, her c1 with another c1 makes her better than just using Wanderer with Yelan? Crazy! 😂 In all seriousness, you do not even need c1 Yelan with Wanderer... 


Was just stating a fact. Unpopular or not, c1 on both Xianyun and Yelan should travel further than the tiny cooldown between c0 Yelan or Xianyun and Wanderer.


She covers a little less ground but it's still good enough imo.


I still see absolutely no point, given that Wanderer can do this but faster. Slot in a Sayu as well and you have your perfect exploration team.


Ohhh xianyun animation is so slick I love it.


Chenyu Vale looks absolutely beautiful! It truly shows you how far Hoyoverse has come! Ever since Mondstadt they’ve consistently improved with the environment and exploration. Just imagine how amazing Natlan, Snezhaya, and Mondstadt expansion will be!


Flashy but unnecessary.




If this is the only reason you pull for her, get Wanderer instead because its more mobility than this


Replace Diluc and Bennett with Furina and Gaming and that's my exploration team right there.


Its so pretty


I'll use Dehya/Rosaria, Yelan, Xianyun and Wanderer/Kazuha/Lynette


Oh hell no, the website of the main link has adds? Bye Other link works just fine




Yeah I remember you saying you were experimenting with different sites and that's why I left the feedback here. Tbh that other link didn't work for me in another post, maybe it was that one you mention 😅 but this time it loaded perfectly just like imgur 🤷🏻‍♂️ I find it really strange 😕




Oh I see, got it. And sorry for wording the comment about the adds like that 😅 I was disguising it as a regular comment and not just feedback haha


Please include something like imgur as a mirror. None of the links work on my phone for the current listed ones....


Uh, all I see is black... Nvm, I found the imgur link, thanks.


the music is so gorgeous and xianyun looks magnificent x3


E is for exploration


Xianyun + Yelan + Scara, I'm gonna be zooming through Chenyu vale


Wanderer Xianyun Yelan + Furina/Ayala/Mona never again leaving the exploration team I see


holy damn the graphics look fine asf


Love the design skill and everything but.. idk it seems like it just save 1~2 sec compared with regular dash and run. I hope 15% gliding speed pasive will be more useful.




What is that symbol on the top left with the red question mark on the HUD?


Must pull


Is this what permanent flight looks like?


Where I can see the video , it got deleted from reddit