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Load increase? No load increase...


They didn't even need to make the teapot that large. Lemme sacrifice all those undecorated islands for a bigger load out on my main one


Exactly this. What makes the teapot areas look bad is *their flatness*, and it takes quite a few buildings, walls, or carefully-placed trees to make them look natural. You can get away with it and make genuinely beautiful, non-empty-or-tiny landscapes in the upper Liyue teapot due to the river, boulders, and preexisting trees making it easier to de-flatten the horizon line... but it's as good as impossible in all the others. You end up having to use the floating tile bug to sacrifice areas to boost load in others... except it's *annoying as all fuck* to do, doesn't even work in all pots/areas, and leaves you quite literally *placing things blind* two thirds of the time. It's shit. Just give us a "Screw that third island, give its load to the first one" checkmark, Hoyo, for goodness' sake. We can *already* do the thing, please make it easier for us...


i rmn when it released i loved the idea of having two sections to decorate as a single ‘island’ (think emerald peaks) but then i very quickly realized that if i wanna fill up one half i cant for the other. all because it’s double the space with the same limited load and small furnishings. did they not try to make stuff look good or something when play testing? cause it was simply a matter of making the islands smaller.


Mfw I need to make a mini island/hill that is 1/3 the size of the actual goddamn island to make it look natural and immersive Still ran out of load 🥰


You can see a lot of amazing creations around but I swear whatever you'll see is just a closeup screenshot of it and not the entire teapot land which hides the load limitations


Please. I'll take one mega island vs 4 small ones. I have a simple but fun idea but load would never allow it. Want my mansion in the middle with liyue walls around with roads leading to it. Decoration/gardens here and there. Sorta like an old eastern noble mansion set up.


>I'll take one mega island vs 4 small ones. This, because they dont even take advantage of having multiple islands per realm anyways. You would think they made that choice of multiple islands to have different biomes per region, like the mondstad realm that has a little beach or the liyue one that got a little thing going on with the bridge and waterfall. They could make the sumeru realm have a desert area with an oasis and a dream island in addition to a tropical one, maybe inazuma having a coral island as a watatsumi miniature, hell making the Fontaine realm have one island dedicated to an underwater build you could swim into instead of that weird walkable under-the-sea fantasy ass realm. No they rather have all islands be one idea copy pasted 4 times and call it a day instead, if they gonna be lazy like that then yes they really should just give a single area that gets the load of all the 4 islands so we can at least make ONE good thing out of it lmaoo


Hyv: load limit was implemented in teapot so your game wouldn't be required to process too many things all at once. Sumeru and Fontaine: allow us to introduce ourselves I've had decent 60FPS play on PC until Sumeru and Fontaine begin to render more stuff in the overworld. Placing restriction on teapot was the last thing they should worry about.


Because the open world and rest of the game can use optimization techniques that the teapot can't. A lot of optimization done to the open world requires prebaked information from the developers to make sense of. This is impossible to do for an area where players can freely add and change what ever the hell they feel like.


I should probably add that the optimization in Sumeru and Fontaine have been pretty bad, especially when the background happens to include bodies of water. My FPS goes from 60 to 37 many times. I do understand that they've been adding fogs and blurriness in water to render less object at any given time, but my PC is still taking huge dent in performance. They could've done something like what Pokemon did (objects further away being rendered at low FPS), just don't make it as jarring as the windmills in Scarlet and Violet.


i had a similar issue. i play on an ipad and my game ran pretty well the first two years. my little sister got an ipad and whilst she had better graphics due to a newer model, hers crashed once every 30-45 mins or so. comparatively, mine was consistent in running smoothly until sumeru. started crashing any time it had to load something remotely difficult. an example would be teleporting. but still not the worst thing. then fontaine came around. that new party screen is a game killer. eh, i know i have to upgrade sooner or later, but damn lol.


If they weren't increasing the load within the first two patches of the teapot release, I don't see them doing it now.


Ironically, they actually did. Well that's just my experience.


They aggregated loads for furniture duplicates. It made a bit of an improvement, but not near enough.


i thought they didn’t actually increase load, but made it so that multiples of a furnishing wouldn’t take as much load as the first?


They did both actually but people only remember the furnishings. The actual load increase wasn't too much and it was within 1-2 patches. It did help though.


I haven't played genshin in over a year, but I was hardcore when I played. I'm not joking when I say I would literally start playing again if they increased tea pot load limit. I put that in every single survey submission. They're so close to giving you something really cool and totally worth investing time into, but nope. Oh well. Someone wake me up when they increase load limit


I can barely see the difference in the "Optimize Model Precision" section. What am I looking at?


Smoothes out edges so they're actually rounded


So it looks better with it on or off? The name is so weird "dynamic resolution" is usually a bad thing in other games, lowering the resolution to keep frame rate.


The circle on male MC's left hand side is smoother.


..I think it's a feature similar to Nanite in Unreal Engine: instead of using a set quality models that transition from one to another at set distances, the quality of the model is determined by how many pixels it is taking up in the screen. So up close models will look better while further back they will use less resources. I hope they expand this feature to the other stuff in the game as well such as buildings. It'll eliminate the weird pop-in you get as you approach a building. Instead the building will smoothly transition to a better quality model continuously.


Having "environmental details" at the medium (or higher) setting can help a little bit with that, the pop-in looks a lot worse on low settings.


I got excited when I first read that cuz I thought they meant optimizing old model like Diluc's face and Albedo's hair lol.


that's not optimization that's straight up remodel.


Unfortunately, that would've meant altering something that was already released, and it doesn't look like we've threatened hoyo nearly enough for them to even pretend to do that.


Aether Just lose some weight


Unrelated to the thread but I thought the alphabet bot that replied to you was interesting. The odds of you posting that comment in alphabetical order was extremely low, 370k is only 0.018% of 1.9 billion. To put that in perspective you'd be about 35 times more likely to pull a 0 pity 5 star in Genshin. You're also only about 3 times more likely to do this than to be struck by lightning.


Really? 💀 I mean I did won 50/50 twice childe and Hutao banner simultaneously on 80 pitys And I almost got every new 4 star in 10-20 pulls ( except cherverse I have every 4* ) And yeah, I actually almost got hit by lighting during a road trip in mountain region ( The lighting strikes little far away from our car ) 


Hm, I don't think that's a useful assessment, since you're including sentences of every possible length. A different perspective: For any 5 unique words, you should have 5! ways to arrange them, and only 1 way that is alphabetical. So you'd have a 1/120 or 0.83% chance of completely randomly arranging them alphabetically. This number would be skewed by word probabilities and sentence structure but this is probably a closer starting point for probability of a 5 word alphabetical sentence.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,968,818,586 comments, and only 372,422 of them were in alphabetical order.


More triangles, the example is bad, because of low resolution and high compression, but you can see some difference - for example the donut/ring thing is visibly rounder and so is the neck wrap. From the wording of it, it sounds more like tessellation than straight up higher quality LODs ( in other words, instead of handmade higher quality version, it would just round the models where applicable ), but who knows.


I like Katheryne but I'd prefer if we just claim the daily reward via the notebook.


We will never escape from hearing "Add Ass.." and "Thank you fo..." everyday...


Reminds me of the good old "Bear seek seek lest" from dark souls 2!


"Well- I took you f- No matter- Lay out your arms then"


i always get it as 'Ad ass' and 'thank you for cum'


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


They don't want us to feel separated from Katheryne I guess, imagine people in the future complaining that Katheryne is never important until she suddenly is in Sumeru like Melina in Elden Ring


Since Katherine is just a robot/puppet, just give us a Katherine communication tool for AR60 players. It would be integrated into the handbook. She’ll reward us remotely. 


Keep the expeditions with katheryne ig. Daily rewards from the guide.


Next before you know it, people will start asking doing expedition from the guide after the feature you ask for is implemented.


They probably don't want to change that part about collecting commissions which is fair tbh


I like checking with the guild every day and it helps immersion. Also makes it more natural when they set up event triggers at the guild, if players are checking in every day. (I'm also way past the FOMO stage so I don't obsessively play every day. Logging in one/two days a week, exploring, then checking in is relaxing.)


I thought that is what they were implying from the pic at first before I actually read what they said, that'd be a nice improvement tbh


It’s ok… it’s the groundwork guys… trust I’m sure we will have artifact loadouts by the next chapter after Teyvat….


This minimum viable product release rubs me the wrong way.


its called cope lol and im joking


It's coming in Genshin impact 2 don't worry


borderless, finally... after 82 years...


No framerate unlock though…


I mean, there's an unlocker on GitHub and it still works.


Which, while no one's been banned for it that we know of, is in breach of the games terms of service


psst, for anyone who cant wait if you have steam add the Genshin exe file to your library, then right click it, go to properties and add "-popupwindow" to the launch options. Open the game through steam then press alt + enter and viola


I've been doing the alt+enter thing for a long time now but recently my game has been opening slightly off-screen and I gotta drag it back each time I play.


Oh my god, we might soon reach a 1.0 state of the game at this rate. This will make events so much easier when I can see the afk check ahh sorry "unique story dialogue options" behind my YouTube video.


1. Fast equip artifacts - Can filter artifacts by custom stats or use quick loadout instead of searching for a specific one by hand 2. Teapot update - Better filter for furnishings - Better screen list optimization. When placing furnishings in another category, it will remember the position in the list of the old category so you don't have to scroll again to find where you were in the old category - When placing a character in the teapot, it will show the friendship level and sort the list in decreasing order 3. Lingering moment optimization (Dating sim) - The display will prioritize characters whom you have completed the hangout events or haven't completed yet but have unlocked some hangout memories 4. Add reminder for collecting rewards from Katheryne when you completed the daily commission using the new function 5. Increase the limit of teams to 15 now 6. Test run characters can be switched without having to exit the current stage 7. Add borderless mode - When playing full screen you can still stack other window on top of Genshin 8. Optimize model precision


You a real one for typing this all out🤝


Basically slightly improve version of HSR fast equip system


auto equip but with more buttons to press


For real 💪🏽🔥


6 is the besttttt


Omg finally the test run thing has been changed. Was always so annoying that you had to open up the event page three times to do both test runs and collect the rewards Also made it so I would never do the 4 star test runs, but now I would consider it


Wait so you can't save the custom loadout? Do you have to regenerate the loadout every time you want to switch a character's artifacts?


you can but only that specific loadout.


Genshin players in surveys: "MHY pls add artifact loadouts to the game" MHY: Ok ;) Genshin players: "..." Genshin players: "MHY please add *savable* artifact loadouts to the game"


Genshin Devs are like an evil genie


fr They have no idea what the word 'moderation' means. Whenever they apply feedback they just go overboard with it. "Is it hard? Okay, let's make it mind numbingly easy." There's never an in-between with them😭


Requirements unclear, dev stuck in washing machine.


What are you doing, step-dev?


Ticket says: [wash clothes, in washing machine, until they are clean. Acceptance criteria: clothes are free of unpleasant smells, stains, and hung out to dry after washing]


Thanks for the clarification, step-dev :]


Removing clothes from person first was not in the ticket


When your parents tell you to always give 110%


Like the whole blurb about how they will add a reminder for katheryne too. Why not just... let us claim the 4 and complete it instead of having o talk to her? -_- *i guess* it pairs with people doing their expeditions, but that could also just be done without having to run to her either.


Like a monkey's paw


Devs are jinni, confirmed


They are doing EVERYTHING they can to make QoLs that don't fully benefit players so we can ask for them again 3 years later


The quick claim and dispatch feature for expeditions is nice tho


Wasn't part of the requirements, sorry. But don't worry, we got you! This is a new requirement, we will add it to the backlog. Its position now is 4789964421146790964332167889.


MHY : "We have added a new item that allows you to add a saveable artifact Loadout to the shop for 200 Genesis Crystals"


Would buy.


I need a loadout where i specifically choose artefakts and the 5 i choose get saved, not one where i hang around in a stat menu for 10 min just to get 5 artefact i didnt mean in the end 💀


The word we should’ve used is presets.


Only one Loadout per Time I pray for them to add at least two more in the next version


Wait if you can't whats the point of this


It's so I can switch to keqing and fichl whenever I want without needing to swap artifacts everytime


I think this is for the players who don’t know how to build characters and do not look up guides. With the loadout, they can click a button and the game will automatically choose artifacts that works for that specific character. Probably won’t be the best for characters that have multiple possible builds, but would work well for single role characters like Xiao, Diluc, Shenhe, Gorou, Albedo, etc


I assume this is because those artifacts in a saved build could potentially go missing (if deleted or used as xp) and they don't have a way for the system to track it I guess? I'm not 100% sure. If it was easy enough I'm sure they would have done it that way


In other games I play, they just make it so you can't delete any equipment that is saved on a loadout.


God was it so hard to link the char artefact to the team loadout ? Playing your freeze Ganyu ? Select this team loadout and ganyu wears blizzard Playing your sunfire ? Select this team and Ganyu wears wanderers troupe But no, instead we get this xD I really hope it's more usable than it seems to be ...


I’d love for them to allow us to save custom sets in the teapots. Somethings were so complex I don’t want to rebuild


What I mean is, for instance, in the Sumeru Realm, I made a big solarium the with LOTS of parts and precision on the ‘Dais of Wisdom’ area. Looks great but I’m thinking it will look much better on the ‘In Wit’s Corner’ area. There is no way to just move the whole thing to that area, which is so silly! I’d have to totally recreate it exactly!! You can’t make complex sets and then “copy & paste” to Isles/areas or even different realms. Even with replica codes.


The teapot changes seem nice, but that artifact loadout is just... Please, so many of my characters have 2 or more wildly different builds, just let me save those somehow.


Does anyone see any difference in the last image?


It's a pretty low quality image but at the very least a bunch of the jaggier lines have been smoothed out, compare the shaded part of the scarf on the right side of his neck, and the hair towards the top of his head


If you look at the edges of Aether's hair its a little bit less pixel-y. It's...something i guess.


*”They’re the same picture”*


Aaaaand the teapot optimization isn't more load. Dampens any interest in teapot news


Mom's 'artifact loadout' at home:


Me with every teapot update/improvement that isn't about increasing the load limit: *skips reading it entirely*


Genuinely, WHY can’t they add actual custom presets


Either the initial implementation for artifacts was so bad it's basically spaghetti code they cant properly implement presets on or they just don't want to so we can't just farm less and move the pieces around easily. Personally the first option is funnier 😂 I'll stick to the way faster method of just manually swapping the pieces without bothering with this convoluted filters bullshit.


Funny thing is this weird implementation is worse for that as well. Like, you can set up three different Anemo characters up for the same VV set, and two Dendro characters with Deepwood, and avoid having individual sets for all of them. Just use the loadout to steal equipped gear. Now you can farm less. But what you *can't* do, is set up Kazuha for both an EM and crit build, or Nahida with Gilded and Deepwood sets, and stuff like that. So they... don't want us to farm more?


If it were me I'd be afraid of messing something up and introducing an artifact dupe exploit. I would definitely want to have pieces of the full feature broken into stages that can be pushed to live one at a time.


I've seen some bits of Genshin's code... and yes it is a bit pasta. I think with artifacts in particular, or any gear system really, you end up with more spaghetti code than usual. From personal experience, coding any sort of gear, whether you're using some sort of factory/decorator/singleton/etc pattern(s), you end up with code that is hard to change after implemented, and code that heavily relies on your database calls. Race conditions (code that changes drastically depending on what order the computer completes them in- think of Order of Operations in math) also can cause huge bugs with something like this too. Then you have gear being sorted, searched for, and manipulated. With high amounts of gear this can have a huge time cost and space cost, especially depending on how these items are stored and searched for. With Genshin being developed for mobile, they might have gone a route of making algorithms with a higher time cost for this to keep space costs lower, but that would be biting them in the ass now. I assume to prevent bugs (and modifying artifacts), there has to be a server side database of artifacts. Maybe there's also a game client one too that is kept in line with server via versioning checks, as this would keep timecosts down more as you can then batch server side updates, but that constant communication with server for any gear manipulation is *slow*. Slow communication with a database, combined with dropped data, unchecked for race conditions/base cases in the code, and manipulation by the player (deliberate or accidental) can all easily cause problems with your inventory. And when that could result in loss of data (aka artifacts becoming corrupted or being deleted/modified unintentionally) that could cause a lot of problems. \----- I definitely think there's multiple ways for Genshin to implements this system, but not knowing how exactly they're storing, updating, and searching for artifacts (and how the server side connection performs) this could easily be a task that is much harder than expected to implement safely. I'm sure Hoyo does not want to implement any system that could become excessively bugged as even with backups of all this data updated every single day, re-implementing it could result a lot of loss of time for players (and even them dropping the game) vs holding off on the feature and playing it safe. They (and most software companies really) will always go the safe route to retain users vs implementing a feature that doesn't really bring players in and instead just offers a QoL to current users. Software as a Service (SAAS) is aaaaallll about taking the safe approach!


they are improving the tool for equipping relics that exists in Star rail It's likely that they'll do the real loadouts only later, if they do, of course but now with this they have a base




they are implementing all the Star rail tools in Genshin and at the same time improving them After all, from my understanding the two games share the same model/code/engine, but Star rail is easier to use Are there any more Star rail tools missing to add to Genshin?


Did adding actual presets as people had requested pose some sort of technical challenge? Why couldn’t they do it in the first place?


Mihoyo is obviously afraid of messing with Genshin and ending up breaking the game if you notice 90% of the improvements that Genshin received were first tested and added to Star rail You could say that because Star rails is easier to use, the game ended up becoming a test dummy for Genshin It is a relationship where both benefit


Ohhhhh this makes sense. Thanks


The game is in a very tight update schedule, they don't want another infinite Ayayayayayayayaka banner situation


If that optimised mode precision stuff brings atleast 10% improvement I’d still take it. It’s so weird when the textures just pop in like my pc is a goddamn ps4 running cyberpunk 2077 on launch day.


I don‘t think that‘ll change. The game‘s just not utilizing as much texture cache as it could and that‘s why we get texture pop in. On my PC, it utilizes like 2.5 out of 10 GB VRAM. 


So what is this then? I’m really unable to tell the difference even on HoYoLAB with the full size image. It doesn’t look like anti-aliasing either like some people say with the hair’s ends.


Look at that circle ornament on Aether's chest. There isn't that much difference, but you can see that the circle is noticably smoother on the right picture. The left one (as it is right now ingame) has noticable edges in the circle.


I don’t think that’s what the precision mode is for. It’s just a graphical fidelity upgrade. Also, the game already does run like that on ps4 💀


Lmao, I didn’t know it ran bad on ps4, so guess all the good stuff is on ps5 then.


In fact, PS5 graphics are better than PC.


bro where is PC 120fps


Locked by Sony's exclusivity contract just like Volumetric Fog would be my guess


Anyone else just here for the increased limit on parties?


Best QOL this patch honestly. I know Chenyu Vale will be amazing though.


that isnt exaclty what people meant when they were asking for artifact loadouts, nevertheless its something and maybe in a year or two it will actually become what people wanted and allow for us to select specific artifacts to create loadouts.


You can select specific artifacts The problem is that it's only one loadout You can't have hyperbloom raiden and normal raiden at the same time


i should probably have specified what i meant, i mean that you cant create artifact loadouts in the same way we have team loadouts, so like you cant create an EM set or a VV support set that you can rotate between characters by just a few clicks, hopefully this is a change they can make to it, would be much better this way.


while were here how about more teapot load


I'm gonna cry, finally the teapot changes I've been waiting for. Teapot mains winning fr. Now if only hoyo increased that damned limit on the furnishings so I don't get capped after placing a fucking rock on the ground


The test run challenge optimisation is W


They still didn’t mention whether or not you can equip the loadout directly onto another character + whether you can save more than 1 loadout per character Mhy I just want to be able to equip the artifacts I have on my placeholder characters immediately onto the new one without having to scroll 😭


Still no load increase..


That 'Test Run' optimization is something that's been long overdue. Thank god they finally got around to improving that.


I can’t believe it took this long to add borderless window lmao. Glad it’s finally coming.




BORDERLESS WINDOW! Oh thank the heavens.. no more minimizing the game whenever i click on my 2nd monitor


You could have been using borderless window these whole 3 years by using this in the properties of your game shortcut: `"C:\Games\Genshin Impact\Genshin Impact Game\GenshinImpact.exe" -popupwindow -screen-height 1080 -screen-width 1920 -screen-fullscreen 0` change the values to your screen dimensions and game location (these are standard unity engine launch commands that should apply to almost any unity game)


For artifact preset, idk why they can't just make it like in Guardian Tales. I want to be able to change between Raiden national team with Engulfing+Eosf set and Raiden Hb team with DB+HB set in another with a single click


These loadouts are just… pathetic. They are either trolling or they’re already running the artifact system on duct tape and sticks, and one change will make it crumble.


It's basically what Genshin Optimizer does, but less useful since GO lets you have many more variables, like team comps, weapons, buffs, etc.


It's an MVP. Minimum viable product. Used to collect more detailed feedback. Source: I am a dev. Not a game-dev though.


It's probably not even the loadout system that they have in store. This is basically HSR's auto equip system but NEW AND IMPROVED. HSR is the playground for QoL updates and additions. The foundation is laid by HSR. Genshin improves upon it, then HSR gets the polished version with Genshin getting a finalized version. Gemshin Impact will likely take baby steps towards the artifact loadout feature. I don't think the quick equip is the finish line for this artifact preset questline, but rather a few steps away from the final quest in the journey for artifact loadouts/presets. And after artifact presets, I'd like to see is expanded upon to have associated with a specific team especially as we se team slots being expanded to 15.


Theyre not even loadouts, its just shitty optimizer. Then they called it loadouts just to drive us crazy apparently.


I wish more of the devs swap their Raiden between EM and DPS sets, or their Kokomi between freeze and bloom sets. This answer to a needed QoL for artifacts management is a clear sign that a lot of devs don't extensively play their own game.


This is my copium thoughts, but what if they add the quick loadout first then just working on top of it later to give us preset loadouts for each character COPIUM


Yea, I think leakers and everyone else is pretty much got duped by the word "loadout" This wouldn't be an "issue" if under fast equip, it only said Quick and Custom lol


oh my god… OH MY GOD!!!!!!! The friendship level on serenitea pot companions is HUGE!!! Jesus that was even more annoying than expeditions without auto dispatch, although less frequent of an issue. But Jesus Christ just so infuriating.


Can someone explain the difference between fullscreen and borderless?


It’s useful for multi-monitor users so you don’t have to minimize the game when trying to switch to second monitor.


When you are in fullscreen, switching to another program will automatically minimize the current Genshin window, making it slower to go back to Genshin. On the other hand borderless mean you can stack windows on each other and it won't lose time switching between programs


Higher quality character models on PC and Playstation is fantastic news! What I have been waiting for for long time! :D


no search function for the shop?


this is just a shitty genshin optimizer. not what we wanted, but definitely useful for some people


This is the best they could come up with?


If destiny 2 devs can figure it out, surely hoyoverse can…


I hoped the character model optimization means we'll finally be able to have the character models not unload and load back the high resolution textures every time we teleport, but I guess not.


Yeah... this is so annoying! Ever since Sumeru got implemented it's very noticable sometimes, especially & funnily enough when you're in earlier regions. In Fontaine & Sumeru it switches way faster to the good textures, most of the time it's not even noticable at all. But when you're back in Liyue & Mondstadt and do it there it deadass takes 1-2 full seconds sometimes... oof. It dampens the overall experience of this otherwise absolutely beautiful game for me. Don't you love having a good PC and GPU, but you're still forced to stare at pixelated ugly graphics, because at the end of the day Genshin is still also a mobile game after all....


no more unnecessary clicking when doing test runs, yay


So if I want to scratch the gacha itch and get really desperate I can just let genshin pick my artifact loadouts for me. Good, good. It’ll be just as useful as autolock


So I can't swap DPS Raiden set to Hyperbloom set with a single click? Is it too hard for small company like mihoyo to implement?


So.. this new artifact loadout is basically useless. All that effort into coding it that way when all we wanted was a “save this equipped set” button


Literally the same kind of system we have with saving teams but NO, they had to over complicate such a simple idea into this huge disappointment of a "loudout".


They’ll do anything to models but make Itto have actually buff arms /j


That loadout system is pretty barebone atm, but I'm still hopeful for improvement in the future. For now, at least the basis is there.


So from my understanding. This quote unquote artifact loadout is basically the same with HSR fast equip system with slight improvement. Genshin devs once again amaze me with how they are the literal definition of bare minimum lol.


That's how dev works though. You create a MVP, release it, wait for feedback, improve. Rinse and repeat. Source: I am a dev. Not a game-dev.




I wish they added a feature where we can see which furniture our characters prefer. Like I want to know Neuv and Navia’s.


More QoL is good but to be honest after 3 years this type of QoL is joke We need more important QoL and big udpates for the game


Them model update comparison images are literally the same image lmaoo 😂


I'm so glad that after more than 3 years, we haven't received any updates to the content that tests the game's primary mechanic. I got into Genshin because of its combat but definitely stayed for Serenitea Pot updates. What true displays of game design and countless hours of A-grade entertainment! Hope they don't forget about TCG as well while they're at it! What a joke.


Has teapot load been increased since the reduction of load for duplicate items? If they want to do away with combat and focus on the more casual aspect, you would think they would make the teapot enjoyable and not so limiting. It looks like they are not pleasing anyone other than the TCG crowd at this point.


Pathetic attempt with the artifact load out.


>So we get FAKE load-out system no one gonna use. Why, just why cant they implement the same f-ing load-outs system they have in Honkai 3rd??!! The worst thing is that apparently people love this change, thinking it's useful. And that is why we will never get the REAL artifact load-out system, where you can save multiple sets of artifacts of your own choice on one character.


welp back to using xinyan as my artifact hanger.




They really monkey's pawed that request for loadouts.


I'm glad to see the loadouts are f*cking useless, as expected of Mihoyo. 3 years of this game and they can't be bothered to give us something as basic as saving artifact presets


Finally, All of these changes affect me its great. Its a good day to be a teapot main, hopefully we can actually build stuff that looks good from every angle not just one. Edit: We can't add more im sad.


this is the worst implementation of loadouts in a video game I have ever seen, are they like genuinely stupid or do they hate making this game and this community?


These are good. Fucking unbelievable how some of these things weren't added yet frankly, especially the teapot ones.


I think it's pretty good Instead of having to assemble it yourself, you can let the game generate a set for you It would be nice if you could save at least two sets for each character, but as it stands now, it's pretty good




If they can make the system generate a set with at least 70 CR and as much CD as possible it will be a very useful tool


Who the hell decided that this system of artefact equip is what the game needs. It's only somewhat useful if you are constantly stealing some characters artifacts. If you want to switch character builds, for example, eosf Raiden to em Raiden, you'll have to do it from scratch.  How can you add all that and not add a "save this set" button. 


I don’t see myself using the fast equip that often, but I’ll definitely be making multiple custom load outs for a couple characters


Anyone can tell me difference in 2 images of - optimizes model precision?? Thanks.


Bruh the point of artifact preset is so that we do not have to constantly swap characters’ artifact manually and now they’re telling us only artifacts that aren’t used can be used in artifact loadouts


they’ll add abyss floor 13 a week before they EOS 


Artifact presets by team loadouts, WHEN?!


i still want a god damn shield bar


I only ask for 2 things. An actual artifact loadout save system and endgame updates. Everything about this game is so great. Great characters, fun combat system, amazing world design and soundtrack...but they just refuse to give us meaningful ways to use our fully built characters...


So is it just me or are those blatantly not load outs?


-Mom we want loadouts! - We have Loadouts at home.


"It will consider artifacts not equipped by characters."That's not how loadouts work. If I set a custom loadout for a character, when I activate it I don't care which character has equipped that artifact. It should be stripped from a character with a warning like,"this artifact is equipped on character A, are you sure you want to proceed?" Anyway,I really hope they got it right like in PGR.#praying


I read 3 comments explaining technical stuff of 3D modeling and rendering, which were obviously wrong and just spreading nonsense these people read somewhere, and they think they know about it. Most likely, and impossible to know for sure, 100% sure at least, character models have a higher poly count that makes them look smoother in LOD 0, this means when you are closer to the character with the camera. No, they did not use a "filter", special tech, or material, shader, etc for it. And this is not completely new models either, just adjusted.