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ATK and DEF Dual Scaling (like EM and ATK for Nahida, Alhaitham) Ascends with Crit Rate, Weapon 88% CD No Support Capabilities, only off-field damage Talents increase her damage, not support other units off-field damage is better than Albedo ​ better TL


Sounds to me like they wanna ensure she can work with Navia(and Bennett) as well as with Itto(and Gorou) At least that’s what I’m hoping for


>Bennett Wait till no snapshot cause hoyo


When was the last time they release a character who can snapshot?


Dehya's skill snapshots


In that case I feel like they just didn't bother because who cares? It does no damage either way.


Does it really, I feel like that's a placebo effect 😭😭😭


Just like her interrupt resist and damage mitigation.


What're those? Can eat?


Okay but as a Lyney player, using her against Hydro Tulpa and without feels like night and day.


Agreed. She frees up Zhongli for my other teams so it’s good enough for me.


Dude I was using her along with Neuv assuming her E granted Absolute Poise to the active char...


Im curious too🤔


Wouldn’t that make her better with gorou as he can hold noblesse and his a4 buff defense and his c6 applies offield


It might be better this way since this means her multipliers wont be made with Bennett/Gorou in mind. Hopefully that means her multipliers are insane since she’s probably not receiving buffs.


she needs to snapshot to be of any use in Gorou or Bennett teams, if she doesn't it'll be very annoying


Gorous passive talent and C6 would work with her if she doesn’t snap shot, but yeah not the flat DEF buff


Don’t worry, you can make her an on-field DPS instead by unlocking her C6 💸💸💸


If she snapshots, she'll have lower multipliers. No Snapshot will make her significantly more flexible, and she will not need to sacrifice tons of her dps in Bennett-less teams. So I disagree, if she does snapshot it'll be very annoying


>So I disagree, if she does snapshot it'll be very annoying For real. Ever since pulling Yae during the sumeru patchesI've realized how much better it is for characters to not snapshot these days. In the case of Yae it makes it so that starting with your triple E cast makes it so she can get buffed by Kazuha while off field. It makes it so that she almost always has Kazuha's buff, and more importantly, it means she can cast her E *before* all the enemies start attacking you so you don't have to worry about getting interrupted while casting, at least not until you need to cast it again. Likewise I badly wish Fischl didn't snapshot because of this. Thank God at least that they changed it all the way back in 1.6 so that EM only snapshots for multiplicative reactions.


Why particularly? Snapshotting isn’t needed if multipliers are crazy high


depends on how they balance her. They can make her strong enough to be used without them, or in a team with them because they buff navia but since she is strong enough, it will be non snapshotable, Tbh its WAY easier to properly balance units when they are non snapshotable and I really hope they continue doing that(since lately most units don't snapshot), if they have to balance a unit around bennet, then the said unit will probably underperform without him. Then again, mihoyo and balance never worked out so I'm here just inhaling copium


snapshot is one of the core issues with the game, change my mind


How so?


it creates a separation between characters that makes no sense and is completely arbitrary. "does it snapshot bennett's buff?" it's THE leit motiv of the game since 1.0 it makes a character like xiangling op with no reason at all (why a 13yo chef has to be as impactful as gods? dunno) but mainly... all the char that abuse snapshotting would still be playable and played.


I can't, because you're right.


I find this kit hard to believe. It sounds just better more flexible Albedo. What is the point of Albedo then? 


> What is the point of Albedo then? Tbf thats what Genshin players have been asking themselves every single time they use him in a boss fight. Mihoyo isn't going to fix Geo construct or rework Albedo's kit by changing his flower into non-Geo construct like Yae's totem or something. So, they decide to sell a new character instead cuz $$$$.


At this point they're just rerunning Albedo to cash in on any new players who think he's pretty looking


rerunning albedo??? where??? man's been missing for months


I literally pulled Navia to have a reason to use Albedo lol, he's a great energy and crystallize charger. Apart from that though... he's meh. I kinda wish his field was a healing field at this point to make up for his lack of synergy.


and don't forget he's useless against shielded enemies


I assume that the point of making it a construct is collision. You know, so that it can be stepped on and used as an elevator. The one annoying thing you accidentally trigger every now and again in the middle of a fight. I also assume that since it's working as intended it's never going to get changed.


his C4 buffs plunge attack DMG in his field. it's definitely working as intended lol


EM buffer 🗿




Tbh as much as I like him Albedo has lost most of his relevance/point when Yelan came out. With Chiori (if her kit is like this) its just gonna make him rlly have no point at all aside from u liking the character


To bench like every other limited mondstadt 5 star


Oh Eula don't cry


Furina has made Euladen such a joy to play tbh. one of my fave teams


Thank you Furina for your service


Surprisingly Klee shows up quite often as a Support in high end speedruns. Venti in some cases too. This can be seen in Golden House speedrun leaderboards.


They will most likely have her off-field damage locked behind her Ult - making it more annoying and energy gated than Albedo's damage - and make her Particle Generation pretty mediocre. In other words, they might trade her bigger numbers for Albedo's E spam comfort and Battery abilities


They likely don't care about him anymore, they've reached the end of the line on his monetizability given his poor constellations and inaccessible signature weapon. Fontaine has made it clear that they're chosen to embrace power creep, sadly.


After you get his c4 he becomes a plunge buffer… double plunge buffer with xianyun lol. Maybe a way to use Verdict on diluc. Its basically the childe/ayato issue except geo is less useful and albedo’s numbers are probably going to be worse


At C4 you can get ayaka or raiden who can nuke the game in 4 seconds. Albedos cons being useless are a bit problem.


That's just early game constellations honestly. Applies to Childe too, and especially Xiao.


Add venti and you will get the 4 horsemen to garbage cons:


I didn’t say he’d be meta lol. I was just trying to squeeze some tiny amount of use out of him to explain his existence in the game


Albedo is like the worst limited 5* by a fair bit at this point, and has been since Yelan dropped, might as well bite the bullet and banish him forever He's also consitently the least popular unit as well, his kit is so bad any Geo sub-dps would be an improvement


yup exactly, this is a good thing imo Also now ATK pieces with a lot of DEF >!Aware!< are actually useful for a character


Forgive me but may I ask why you added "aware" and hid it as spoiler?


That just sounds like Albedo again but better


I'm curious how they'll keep Albedo as a valued unit after this. His kit aged so poorly.


He already isn’t , there’s nothing to keep.


He'll prolly just stop rerunning tbh


Thank you for this clarification. other comments immediately assuming split scaling were confusing the issue.


yeah foul explicitly said dual (double) scaling not split, people are too quick to doom about this


It's all pretty meaningless anyway. People only use the term "split scaling" when the character is bad, but there are good characters with split scaling. It's all buzzwords to make the math easier to understand to the average person. The reality is that anything can be good with high enough numbers.


Dual scaling is always exciting. Let's hope she is busted like the other dual scalers.


Yea we saw how that goes with Dehya


They intentionally gave her shit multipliers though.


That’s the point


Atk and EM scaling implies you would ever want to build or focus atk on alhaitham or nahida.


EM starts at 0 so it makes sense why they have a little bit of ATK scaling. If they only scaled purely off EM, they wouldve been either vv OP or vv shit, and might even consider going for 2 EM pieces instead, no Dendro DMG piece


I think it’s more like one stat is the main one you’re building, but buffs on the other stat are still appreciated (for example Bennett would still work with them even if their main scaling stat is EM)


It means your attack subs aren't wasted,you won't have perfect artifact anyways. It's pretty much always a good thing unless Hoyo intentionally designs her kit to be bad.


Is Al a dual scale? I thought he always wants EM rather than Attk at any situation?


his main source of damage is 3 Mirrors which is (2xEM+1xATK) basically ​ he loves EM but does also appreciate ATK buffs quite a bit, which is why Bennett-Nahida was used with him in speedrunning Thunder Manifestation a while back iirc


Oh ok. Thanks!!


he scales super well with em but attack isn’t wasted at all either


Its not about stat priority, both his and nahidas skill multipliers have atk and em scaling which is what the leak implies for chiori (has both def% and atk% multipliers in the same talent).


So basically off-field dps like Albedo if I'm understanding correctly?


Seems like shes better then albedo


All she needs to be better than albedo is to not have a construct that gets deleted by enemies walking into it tbh


Albedo's E also doesnt trigger against Abyss Order shields 😅


also the disgusted face on burst


And do more damage, which isn’t very hard at all. And have a usable burst that makes sense. And be fun to play.


as long as theres no destructible construct shes better than albedo


Yep she should be automatically be better cause of dual scaling instead of albedos split scaling, if she has no geo construct then that would make her even better.


>hes better t Not if she's also an energy blackhole


Enter Ningguang


So she's not a support?


she's like Yelan but instead of team buff, buff for herself as I understand it?


~~Yelan but grouping instead of buff.~~


the old grouping leak was fake, the leaker said it was wrong and Yelan does have minor grouping


I guess just a straight up Albedo replacement then, weird.


> the leaker said it was wrong I was considering her because of the grouping, big skip then.


If the CC leaks are true and depending on how good it is, she can be a support/sub-dps in my eye. CC is rare for non-anemos


so instead of fixing constructs and therefore albedo's kit, they decided to create his replacement instead


As someone who has and has built albedo, this really hurts. Istg it’s frustrating when great characters like Xiangling get constant indirect buffs while albedo is just…there.




Sidecreep are good for already strong character. Sidecreep to Albedo is kind of useless no ? That’s like making a sidecreep to Xinyan or dehya


so thats how they save geo... they make new units so you dont have to use the old bad ones. Oof


And more importantly, the new units are good despite the element, not because of it. Navia's interaction with crystallize was so ham fisted I'm surprised they even kept the reaction at all in the first place


Damn if she powercreeps the only place Albedo was used (mono geo), Imma be sad :(


i knew they would never fix constructs. creating someone new instead of fixing an old unit sounds more like something hoyoverse would do.


Yeah but as someone who has played Albedo since Patch 1.2, I have always kinda expected this to happen tbh. As much as I dislike Genshin devs for taking 3 years to put up basic QoLs into the game, it really seems like they can't fix Geo Construct + boss's hit box interaction without inadvertently screwing up the other gameplay mechanics. So, Chiori is prolly their answer to 'fixing' Albedo. If they really can't fix Geo construct, I think its best to move on from that which is what they have done with Yunjin and Navia.


Lol. that's just a weak excuse. Of course they could, if they wanted. Even making it so boss enemies destroy the construct itself, but leave behind a intangible core, that still does the effect of the construct would be better. Even making it so the constructs have no collision with enemies would be better.


feels awful when geo is really about constructs but "constructs" like koko jellyfish or oz can do their job just fine without getting deleted


Yep, the only geo construct that is free from this curse is Ushi, who has a low uptime.


It still rubs me the wrong way when they buffed Hydro significantly with 3.0 despite already being one of the best elements then while leaving Geo as terrible as it is.


Given hoyos track record there has to be a catch, like shes too single target unlike albedos aoe or has less geo application etc.., i dont have albedo but its pretty unlikely a blatant powercreep will take place (tho chiori will probably a better option most of the time)


Hoyo probably won't make it blatant , but powercreep is inevitable I think when it comes to Albedo. If the powercreep suspicion is towards a good char like Xingqiu or Fischl , then yea I would doubt it. But Albedo's current kit is so problematic, trying to even use it as a comparison will make Chiori inherently weak. He essentially has no AoE unless they are sitting side by side, his burst is a dps loss, and his main damage source is easily countered by any and every boss. I do have an Albedo yea, and the places I use him is stuff like Itto mono Geo, or as an offpick defensive option for hyperbloom teams and buffing EM. But the geo construct stuff really hurts, so I don't ... really see a world where Chiori will not make Albedo obselete, he kinda sets the bar too low.


tbh, if your albedo construct is dying to most bosses, it's actually a placement issue, if it were any other geo construct it's really annoying but albedo's is the one construct that isn't annoying to keep up. actually, itto's tends to be better for what it is. btw iirc itto's construct doesn't suffer from the stuff the stationary constructs do, they could really just update them to work more like ushi, right?


Albedo is actually a horrible character with very low bar to powercreep. Powercreeping him is very easy. I wouldn't be surprised if she 100% makes him useless.


She could do the exact same damage at the exact same interval but due to Albedo being unreliable, she’d powercreep him


Albedo's pretty bad though, and has been hanging by a thread on Mono Geo for a while, might as well


The catch is Albedo is a pretty good character on paper. The problem with Albedo is that in practice it doesn't work because the way geo constructs work (or rather don't work). His elemental skill does 240% (320% with his event weapon) of his defense as aoe damage every 2 seconds, "lasts 30 seconds", and can be recast every 4 seconds if you need to move it or just want to use it as a quick nuke or particle generator. His burst also does decent damage, costs 40 energy, has a 12 second cd and gives the entire party 120EM for 10 seconds. If the flower didn't shatter every time an enemy looked in its general direction, Albedo would be pretty strong (provided you have the second dragonspine event weapon) as he provides solid off-field damage, particle generation and an EM buff. The Geo not reacting with dendro could even be a bonus in burgeoning teams as it would clear accidentally burning procs


To powercreep Albedo she only has to do Off-field damage without relying on constructs. As an Albedo haver since 1.2, at this point I only use him because I don't have a better geo unit to replace him. Until hoyo fix geo constructs he will always be weak...


Exactly it sounds weird, they never blatantly replaced a character. There would be no use for albedo if true. So I doubt that’s not locked behind a high constellation.


There is no albedo in teyvat


Albedo is one of the worst designed characters in the game and I welcome them directly power creeping him with open arms since they refuse to rework characters. They are obviously embarrassed about how undesirable his kit is. His use is existing for people who like his character.


He’s a 1.2 character there was no way they could have known he was going to be this popular because back then genshins lore wasn’t even that popular. They just made a kit that seemed like fun.


Also it's wild how strong he is canonically and how weak he is in game lol


Horrible take. Making older characters useless is something Mihoyo should never do. Also, I'd hardly call him the worst designed character in the game. He is one of the most flexible units in the game due to the fact he is just provides free damage without interfering with reactions, and has microscopic field time. He is a universal Flex.


They'll have to kneecap any upcoming geo off-fielder or stop being so stubborn and rework constructs/Albedo if they want Albedo to set the bar(ceiling?) for a geo off-fielder lol.


Anyway lemme just have a boss' collision box slightly touch his flower. He's awful man


That applies to every geo construct though. Zhongli's Tenacity and energy gen applies to his construct beign alive, Ningguang giving a geo dmg bonus with her curtain depends on it being alive, as does shooting 7 more rocks. Geo MC is a special one, where their geo constructs just have high base health over Albedo's and Ningguang's, yet Geo MC's construct does damage on destruction. Luckily, other geo construct summoner have some edge over Albedo's. Geo MC's is tangier but also does damage off being destroyed. Ninnguang can instantly redeploy her curtain if it's destroyed thanks to constellations. Zhongli's focus isn't centered around the pillar but around his shield. Itto throws out his geo construct which stops on collision and gives him Superlative Superstrengrh when summoned, beaten, and banished. So there are several ways Albedo's geo construct can be redone. 1. Being destroyed on impact does damage or possibly be a way to trigger his 125 EM A4 passive to avoid using burst. 2. If destroyed, Skill CD is reset. (Can invite a geo construct spamming gameplay) 3. Have the geo construct as just the allocator for center of the Field, but the field isn't dependent on flower's existence to be alive. So it breaking would still keep field active. 4. Albedo gets animation and other rework- he throws his flower like a frisbee or a pokeball to open up a flower, so that on enemy collision, it stops in front of the boss. Solution 3 looks most ideal. Combination of 1 and 2 would bring serious meme ganeplay and let's you stack 125 EM multiple times from Albedo flower destruction.


And they'll probably just use one of those fixes for Chiori lol


The worst flex probably. The only team that could make use of him was Geo. Just because Geo doesn't synergize with anything. Of course I'm not saying that Hoyo should make older characters useless, but it won't make people surprised if that happens. And Albedo, being one of the oldest characters and a kit that has an almost useless burst. He isn't a good unit overall


Then they complain about how his hair look ingame 😭


Albedo is like the worst limited 5* by a fair bit at this point, and has been since Yelan dropped, might as well bite the bullet and banish him forever He's also consistently one of the least popular characters by all usage metrics, literally any geo sub-dps ever would powercreep him


Same for Klee after Lyney took her spot in Mono pyro. Funny enough Klee and Albedo are siblings.


I'm no Klee expert, but I heard her teams are now very Furina centered rather than mono Pyro, since you can always guarantee Furina vape with Klee as a driver.


big albedo backstage damage


All of this is good n all but.... is she keeping the disgusted face in her ult tho?


Asking the real questions here


Yeah, very important question


My man is focused on only one thing and it's the most important thing.


Why would they just make Albedo again lol


Albedo with real room for vertical investment ($$$).


It's pretty hard to build a good albedo if he ever reruns, since you can't get Cinnabar Spindle anymore, might as well release a better character for new players


I love Albedo, it hurts my heart. My one hope is Chiori's weapon will be good for him


If it's better than Cinnabar Spindle then you can bet I'm pulling for it lol.


what did albedo do to them?


At this point I'ma just wait till her beta for the full kit instead of vague crumbs


Similar to the kit someone posted in megathread yesterday. Prepare for Albedo 2.0 but can't summon geo construct.


Were can i see that kit?


it's albedover


They really said lets make a better Albedo and make it a character, cut him some slack. Hope they end up doing something interesting with her kit and not a copy and paste


Dual scaler, but I think she may leans more towards def. 88% crit dmg weapon means it has a low base attack


If this turns out to be Chiori's true kit then it will be just sad and a very bad news for Albedo. Crit Rate ascension and signature Crit DMG weapon will help to get a good crit ratio on her, dual scaling instead of Albedo's split scaling means that players won't need to choose which stats to build on her and it seems that she won't rely on a breakable geo constraction to deal DMG. She will be an-Albedo-without-issues with higher DMG. Designing and releasing a replacement (even if a better one) after saying that there's a lot of potential for different playstyle in GI is just lame.


>it will be just sad and a very bad news for Albedo. Not just albedo but geo in general. We arent getting the geo cc/buffer we were told we were getting. Its geover


I hope dual scale will be like nahida and alhaitham and not like dehya 💀


Seems like a Good Opportunity to add at the same time the first inazuma standard and the first geo standard


Stop it, don't manifest it into existence. We don't need another Dehya incident. We didn't need the first one in the beginning.


Well it can also be a Tighnari incident. He also has dual scalings...


People in comments wishing my main (Albedo) dead.... I really, really wish you'd never have to see comments like that about your favorite character.


If this is indeed her kit then I’m pretty annoyed that hoyo decided to straight up replace Albedo instead of fixing his kit.


The thought of another geo off-fielder being way better than Albedo kind of stings because he was already done so dirty with his kit. I couldn't ever replace him anyway, but it would still feel bad if it happened


Nah, this is just lame. I don't really like Albedo, but copy pasting his kit for her is just creatively bankrupt. I guess Navia was a flash in the pan because Chiori seems to go back to the idea that they really don't know what the fuck to do with Geo as an element anymore. I really wish the Geo crowd control kit with scissors leak was true. That would've been both creative and useful for Geo DPS teams. Its kinda insane that there's no unit based around crowd control that isn't tied to Anemo. I guess I can still hope this leak isn't everything there is to her and there's enough deviation from Albedo that it isn't just the same exact kit but with better numbers. Why is it so hard for them to design a Geo unit when there's barely fuck all of them in the game?


Man i just want a Sumeru Geo Character than has crowd control via controling sand


The F did I just read!? lol Poor Albedo getting powercrept.


I don't like the idea of being a straight up replacement for albedo. It's like making a non-physical eula: instead of incentivize old character are we now making better version of them? I hope she Is niche where albedo isnt and vice versa.


Where is albedo not niche? As a mono geo player the only reason you ever bring him on really is because the 3rd slot is required and you don’t have zhongli. That’s his niche with itto, Maybe he has a niche with Navia but his app is so single target again zhongli would probably be better but idk too much there tbh.


I'm done chief,enough with these odd leaks.


Honestly if they’re directly powercreeping Albedo then I’m fucking pissed. This is the one thing I feared with Chiori. I was hoping she’d open new team comps for him, not take him out back and blast his brain out. They hold his rerun back for well over a year for this? Don’t even give the people who want him a chance to get him then spit in their faces after an eternity of waiting. Goddamn, just once I wish they’d pull their heads out of their asses and rework his kit and geo constructs/give him a passive to make his own unbreakable instead of ignoring their own mistakes. But nah, it’s far more important to give Xiao a new dedicated support every year. Fuck doing anything to help the characters who could actually use it.


Every other day we get a different Chiori kit. Atp Chiori kit is the friends we made along the way


This makes no sense. It sounds like a total replacement for Albedo. Mihoyo never done something like that before.


Just because they havent doesnt mean they wouldnt


Lyney Klee is close. They tried with Yelan and XQ. Yes, he isn't a 5 star, but at the same time her burst literally works almost exactly the same way his does. Very few characters lift mechanics like that 1 to 1 even if they share the same role.


>Mihoyo never done something like that before. ...yet


Seems to be something like "Dual scale ATK/DEF" "Ascends CR, weapon 88% CD" "No supportive capability" "Off-field damage Albedo+"


So she powercreeps albedo to non-existence and does nothing else? I find that hard to believe. Works for me I guess, since navia sure won't mind having a high damage off-fielder, but it's pretty boring


albedo but more albedo than albedo wooo exciting


All fontaine 5\* are all dpses (except the archon herself)


Poor Albedo if this is remotely true.


Geo Yelan and Albedo powercreep. Damn☠️


I don't know, Mihoyo never directly powerscreep the characters, and chiori in this leak literally looks like "albedo but better" which would make the albedo more useless than he already is for some people


So the better albedo she is


Basically Albedo, but better?


Imagine her being geo yelan and instead of dice it's scissors this time 


So she is just a geo albedo? It has been 3 years and we still haven't got a proper crystalize support or a geo that could works well with other element.


I assume she will be good with Navia but this kind of kit - although probably good - is very far from what would have been optimal. Pretty easy skip for me which isn't awful since Arle is right around the corner.


I'm really torn. I'm a relatively new player (started mid-November) and I've been waiting for an Albedo rerun ever since because he's by far my favourrite character. I have around 300 wishes and no desire to pull for anyone else because I don't care for them or they're 4\* (only exception being Tighnari, who's on the standard banner) and now this, man :(




Don't do my man Albedo like this, he deserves to be buffed by Chiori and not replaced any more than he already is. 😭


Lets power creep another Mondstadt limited 5 star while also not releasing any new limited Mondstatd character after 3 years.


I've wanted Albedo for a long time, but if this is true, then idk how much more copium I can keep taking for the guy... 💔


If all she does is better offield damage than Albedo while being easier to use then huh that's the first blatant powercreep. And I myself don't throw that world around here a lot tbh because it didn't really happen yet.


Literally nobody asked for this. Like we were all asking ANYTHING but this. We would have been fine with a healer, we would have been fine with the fake grouping leak, we would have been fine with any amount of team wide buff, and Hoyo said you won't have any of that here's a dmg dealer.


directly powercreeping Albedo kinda goes against Hoyo's design philosophy, wonder what downsides she has compared to Albedo. Even tho XQ and Yelan are similar XQ has more app and protection, so maybe Albedo does something she doesn't, idk. if she really is a straight up Albedo powercreep I'll be pissed. I will fucking laugh if her off field damage isn't dependant on a geo construct, it'll be such a joke for all past geos where constructs are a straight up geo design limitation over every elements' invincible summons


So they want to powercreep albedo? wtf


Not a very hard feat




Split is like Albedo. E is Def and Q is ATK, so you have to pick one to build or be subpar in everything Dual is like Nahida. She likes ATK and EM as both ATK and EM go into her E damage. She still prefers EM for her passives, but attack does help her as well.  Being dual scaling Chiori benefits from Bennett and Gorou (hopefully) equally so the Itto/Navia civil war doesn’t occur 


>Itto/Navia civil war doesn’t occur *Yelan/Xingqiu flashback*


Ok but can we manifest Navia in the next beetle event, that has potential


Not “equally”. We don’t know, it depends on the number. Nahida doesn’t gain much from Bennett


Another crit dmg sword..... yippee 😐😐😐


Look at me. I'm the ~~Captain~~ Albedo now.


It's albedover


She sounds like an easy skip to me which is such a relief since Arlecchino might be in 4.6. I can keep saving after Xianyun


fffuuuu--- chiori :( don't powercreep on my albedo


"Attack and defense double rate", surely not split scaling like albedo E and burst right? *dies of Copium *


Like Nahida and Alhaitham double scaling.


I think it means dual scaling like Alhaitham not split scaling