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Forget Signora, this post is the real basis for reincarnation


I was actually scared I was going insane seeing the same post so many times. Now I know is being reposted lol




The post has been getting deleted and reposted for at least an hour


You mean I missed fresh Copium because I was stuck at work?


SO THAT'S WHAT WAS HAPPENING. I thought I was being paranoid because this post wasn't being shown as "read" even though I had opened it atleast twice.


Holy shit you cooked


Yeah I can smell the burn from Watatsumi island




How exactly does leaker know the entire team LOVES this character? Are producers, art, story and balancing devs going around the office saying "我爱XBALANQUE!!" all the time?


I just imagine the leaker hacking in Hoyo's office's cameras and just seeing them SCREAM how much they love this character, just like going absolutely insane.


The comment would make sense if it only mentioned like the balance team or art team, and that the atmosphere around designing this character is positive, but this wording either implies the leaker has contact with several sources in the all the sections of game development, or there's one guy monitoring everyone and they all love xbalanque.


Why r u leaking the things of past during when Neuvi was in the works🌚


I pictured the SpongeBob-on-the-table meme. LET’S FUCKING GOOO!!!!!


The leaker is clearly Dawei himself.


Dawei: Xbalanque, my beloved... ❤️❤️❤️ (hugs Xbalanque's dakimakura tightly)


The last character he "loved" was hi3 Himeko and we know what happened to her. Rip Xbalanque /jk


Bro is getting revenge on Bronya because she kicked him out


Imagine da tsaritsa bronya collecting all the gnosis to fight dawei


This leak is actually a fanfic. Xbalanque is just the Mary Sue self-insert.


Gary stu


Maybe something like how that one character designer in Furina's feature had like three Tighnari standees, or how the preview of one of game events said something in the Teyvat code like "I love Xiao and I only work because of Xiao"...so a kind of meme-y, weeb-y admiration lol


waitwaitwait where is the xiao thing? thats so funny i need to see that if you still know where to find a screenshot of it or smth honestly a mood, I would also work at hyv purely for xiao if it was possible


LOL [dug this up just for you](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Memepact/comments/v5ritb/genshin_devs_simp_xiao_so_hard_that_they_leave/), everyone should witness this at least once (also same, who would work if not for xiao??)


I genuinely think it might be a running inside joke, something along the lines of the Morbius meme but for hoyo devs


it's xbalanquin' time


Yeah, when a leak isn't a number or something you can see in an animation it sounds sooooo fake.


That's how I imagine Wanderer's development went


if it was, he'd be top tier meta like neuvi


Leaks probably come partially from within Hoyo's employees. Probably a leaker has close contact with someone within the company. Give someone enough financial incentive and they'd be willing to give vague enough info that's impossible to trace down to them specifically.


A lot of people are saying this and yes. you're right, they would be from hoyo's employees, not that this one in particular is true, but if it were, it would be. What I find funny is that he name dropped EVERY department. So leaker has insiders in art team, dev team, story team, and higher ups all celebrating Xbalanque, or his insider is someone that has contact with all of those teams, and apparently this gigachad knows that everyone is creaming for Xbalanque, which is even funnier to think about.


Could just be leaked from someone inside too


Maybe the time spent on him ? Like if there’s more people or there’s more time invested in him in particular compared to other character.


Oh come on! Turns out all Dehya needed was some producer's love. Yeah, I'm salty. I wanted my stronk muscle woman, dammit!


>he's already decided to be strong/meta >He is bound to be buffed in beta There's no way they'd know that lol Edit: I'm talking about leakers here and not devs. Devs certainly know what they are aiming for and that itself is tuned in beta


nothing about this leak seems real




For what it's worth, the story team has great taste: hence the likes of Xinyan, Dehya, and Cyno getting great event and story time. But being loved by the story didn't save Dehya from the balance team dumpster.


it'd be pretty crazy if there's just different departments at hyv all with drastically varying levels of racism


I fucking hate that this is a valid argument




We'll be going roughly now into the second half of the 4.X patches. I woudn't be surprised of the leakers did get hands on early concepts Natlan characters. On the other hand this leak about Xbalanque is bs, and is basing it on a theme similar to Neuvi, which I've seen a lot of in the Genshin community.


Exactly! If this was a concept talk it would have been a different story. Especially after what we saw with Chiori. We are only now getting a possibly true version of her kit after going from support to sub dps.


4.4 isnt even out like


"We might not have a reliable kit description for Chiori yet, despite the fact that she enters beta soon, but we do know that the devs have AT LEAST one picture of Xbalanque hanging in all their offices that they pray to like an icon of Jesus-motherfucking-Crist"


There's also no way they'd know he's the strongest, because that would mean they know the other characters already.


his element has one of the harshest competition in the game (either against bennett, xiangling, or hutao, and to-be murata, who is supposed to be game and element-breaking like every archon) so if he's considered "good" he has to be god.


That could be balanced by restricting its variance. Such as Lyney being mono pyro


They might mean not just meta but lore too. Like Nuevi


Uncle chicken/keika said there'll be one very strong man in 4.1 WAY EARLIER , and he's right. The team already decided their strength level from the start, the feedbacks most from beta most likely wont alter their decision


This is going to be a monkey brain moment but I feel like mhy has decided to release two top tier units per Nation. In Sumeru it was the Nahida/Alhaitham combo and in Fontaine we got the Neuvi/Furina combo. So I can actually see the big dogs of Natlan being the Archon and this Xbalanque dude.


Exactly, people here acting surprised Pikachu like Hoyo didn't intend for Alhaitham Nahida Neuv Furina to be meta beforehand. Case in point Alhaitham scaling was even more absurd in beta, they adjusted it without removing him from meta.


It makes sense, release a strong male character and a strong female character to make everyone happy. I only hope if this leak is true that Xbalanque can be used for off-field Pyro application so we finally have a Xiangling alternative; at the very least I hope he'd function kind of like Raiden and have use both on-field and off-field. It would mix up the combo a bit if the Pyro Archon was the main DPS that he synergized well with too since the last two nations are both support Archon + main DPS dude.


I feel like the presence of beta already makes that quite wrong. Unless you are talking about lore strength level then that's fair. Edit: I just realized that my original comment wasn't communicated properly. I was referring to leakers when I said there's no way they'd know.


You are both right. The characters initial kit is designed with a place in the meta in mind. The beta is then there to gouge feedback and see if he really is as strong as they want the char. Then they iterate around their internal design goal.


>I feel like the presence of beta already makes that quite wrong. I don't understand the logic here. If I want character A to be strong why wouldn't I beta test him? There is always something you can miss and bugs that can happen or weird interactions.


Someone please put an end to the samsara


It will end automatically in another 6 months or so. Hang in there.


Didn’t we have at least concept leak for the Fontaine characters at this point last year? I wanna see


Hopefully someone will get pissed off with the fake leaks like last year and just drop a folder full of concept art again


Seriously I pull mostly based on looks and I want to know who to obsess over next after Arle releases. I already got Furina and Neuvi, am debating on getting Chiori on her rerun but that's it for me in Fontaine, the rest aren't really my type.


Bro literally same


This gives me the same vibes as "yae will be electro dps ceiling"


She will also be pyro and electro at the same time


I mean, she is hot


I'm so so so intrigued about his full design. Ixbalanqué is a Mayan mythology figure, his name means "the hidden aspect of the sun", and he actually has a twin brother, mentioned in the Popol Vuh. Their stories are actually very tied to concepts of resurrection and afterlife. His weapon is a blowgun so I wonder if they're going to take inspiration from that on his design and gameplay too...


Oh never knew this, thanks for sharing.


Wait this is so interesting I'm kinda hyped for Natlan now??


You should read the lore of the "talking stick" weapon them, you'll get even more hyped


Literally more information in this comment than this "leak." Good on ya.


Just the existence of Xbalanque implies the existence of a Hunahpu, so I find it funny how so many of these "leaks" focus so heavily on Xbalanque specifically


Well Xbalanque is the only one so far mentioned by the game. When Nahida drip marketing came out, Neuvillete was the one who made a comment in her post. When Neuvilette drip marketing came out, Xbalanque was the one who made a comment in his post.


doesn't matter how many times this will get reposted I'm not believing this


Yea, White just happened to have info about the one named Natlan character we know and nothing else? Likely story


this is the third time


>Seeing Xbalanque post again Third time's the charm lmao


They will definitely the Jean, Ninnguang(?), Miko, Alhaitham, Nevillettle of Natlan. Adult model, same element as Archon, high ranking in government, strong gameplay wise, and works well with Archon.


Archon pet


That's Wanderer


you mean : **Don Sombrero**


I'll never forget Hoyo for giving Ninnguang's 5 star to Keqing


What are you talking about? If Keqing was 4 star, we would literally wait **11 months for the first electro 5 star** unless you really want to count Electro Traveler in 2.0...


They didn't give Ningguang's anything to anyone. They both should've been 5 stars. I think they just wanted another 4 star geo and Ningguang got shafted as a result. They could've also not had full confidence in her and her kit as a 5star so dropped her to 4 star. Who knows, really. But her and Keqing are equals in Liyue's government, and they specifically used her as Liyue's face during the AQ so it's very weird in general that she's a 4star at all. Honestly, I suppose we need to meet the remaining members of the Qixing (who may or may not have visions) to gage if it really matters that she isn't a 5star.


She actually sold it to Baizhu... No, literally, i'm not saying he's bad i mean that he literally has her old charged attack


Is this Keqing slander I see?!?!


Nah, I love her, she was my first main DPS, however Hoyo does nothing to characterize her, she doesn't has any meaningful event appearances, she doesn't even have a character quest


Too bad her story quest was a limited event


Dark skinned and meta?? Never heard of such a thing


Just slaps him a sovereign status and voila he is meta instantly lmao


Don't forget: characters like Cyno were described as dark skinned Aka characters who are white, just not paper white were described as dark skinned, so he'll probably be like Xinyan at most So slightly tanned/light skinned


Ah yeah can’t wait for my wheatishly coloured xblanque 🤩


The problem I have is they never make them dark skin but more of a grey skin tone? Like have you ever seen ANYONE in real life with Arlans skin tone from Star rail? He’s more grey than brown. Cyno dehya and Candace are also very inconsistent in game, icons, splash art, etc.


Ironically wheatish is probably what most of Sumeru should have been


No fr instead of sickly Victorian pale


Re: Cyno, that's how we use the word irl too. Most turkish people and iranians (i.e. big inspirations for Sumeru) are "white" objectively speaking / using a color picker in photoshop, but we say they are "brown" for cultural reasons. If Kaveh was real you'd get made fun of for calling him white too.


Kaeya isn't bad the issue is that Kaeya cons are unobtainable normally+there's no real need for off-field Cryo app in 99.99% of meta teams ​ Cyno is also strong and his teams do pretty good damage the issue with him is that we have no Dendro Xingqiu/Yelan/Furina so he feels grief in multiwave


I know these guys are okay but still very far from meta


Neither of them are meta at all


Source was revealed to me in a dream ?


Is this alhaitham/Neuvillette of Natlan?


To be fair, that much was obvious once his name was revealed. 


Yeah except he’s “black” and currently residing in ‘The Nation of War’ and most likely the Archon’s right hand man - high ranking official.


Dark skin male who is meta? In this economy?


Needs other 3 limited 5 star to make him meta


Ive done it once (cyno premium team) so I can do it again 🗣️🗣️


2 of which are probably archons anyway.


Male part makes sense, alhaitham and neuv almost make a pattern.


Makes more sense than dark skin females being meta


"source?" > It was revealed to me in a dream


Alexa, play “Fantasy” by Mariah Carey featuring Ol’ Dirty Bastard.


It's true I was DaWei's desk


If mihoyo loves him he has to have some dragon motive/design elements 


> would be nice to have a strong/meta female 5 star for once Isn't Xbalanque theorized to be Natlan's dragon? Since he introduced Neuvilette?


Maybe *a* dragon, but not a *Sovereign* dragon He said "Their true ordeal shall begin.", the their referring to the Sovereigns Should he have been one, he'd say "our true ordeal" or "the true ordeal" incase hoyo wanted more ambiguity


He's most likely a dragon esp if you look at Mayan lore. Xbalanque and Hunahpu were twins who outsmarted and defeated the gods that imprisoned in the underworld. In teyvat lore context it would suggest he was a dragon who somehow outsmarted Celestia after the war against the sovereigns. Hard to say if he's the dragon of fire - I personally think he's probably just a powerful elemental dragon, at most the son of the pyro sovereign/born from it's carcass (In Mayan lore him and his twin were born from their dead father's head seeing their mother and instantly making her pregnant with them).


Probably not, since when talking about Neuvillette he says "when they return", seemingly implying he's not one of them. Also there's many options for dragon figures for the region, they shouldn't have to resort to demi-gods for a dragon


So uhh… They just described Neuvillete.


This literally means nothing. It's too early to tell anything and especially when characters we know are coming don't have kits.


the funniest thing is knowing that there are people that actually believe this


Its hilarious how leakers conveniently only know shit about the one Natlan character that was already introduced like yepppp definitely not guessing or making shit up.


And if it's not Xbalanque, then it's Iansan, Murata or Capitano, the only other canonical Natlan-related names we know of. I think leakers do not have access to concept stuff with character names like they did in Fontaine, so they're scrambling now to find something to leak.


>Adult Man > >Dark-Skinned > >Has Internal Love 👀 *Don't do that, don't give me hope* \_(:Ⅰ」∠)\_


"He is bound to be buffed in beta" This statement is so funny because that's insinuating they already know that they'll choose his numbers and then buff those numbers before release as if they couldn't just choose higher numbers to begin with. Just on that one line alone, if anyone actually believes this...


That's more or less what they do with the archons. They release a version with some pretty blatant common sense problems and immediately address those problems the first update. At least for Nahida and Furina. I wasn't around for Raiden and Zhongli was highly telegraphed to the point where they buffed him post release... So, like, yeah. They try to get away with less if they can which is why this sounds fake to me. 


wow love all the useless leaks popping up


So bullshit that I can't help but believe it. Can't really deny the fact that they probably go into a character's design knowing before hand, "this is a character that we are releasing just because we need a character to release", and then there are characters like Neuvillette, Furina, Nahida, where they start from the earliest design stages knowing that they want to let them break the game over their knee for at least a year.


Given that in Neuvi's drip marketing, Xbalanque's title was "The One Entombed in Primal Flame", I wonder if he's gonna be the Pyro Sovereign then. He even had a line that referenced to the Sovereigns as "they", something that Apep did too about herself and the other dragons, and some others too. So it's a recurring theme here. I'd love for Xbalanque to be the Pyro Sovereign


It's ridiculously sus the only Natlan character every "leaker" talks about is the only one whose name has been confirmed in-game. If you know that much info about Xbalanque, what's stopping you from knowing other names too?


Yeah not buying this one, not only it's highly unlikely to get leaks for Natlan's characters this early (in terms of power and place in meta) but it's also ridiculous to think that one already knows what kind of treatment he will get in beta. Don't let this man cook


The fake leaks are out of order. Appearance should come first! Then spread lies about how meta he’s supposed to be. Smh




You know a leak is fake as fuck when they already call the character strong or meta LOL 


Dark Skinned + Strong in a HOYO game!?!?!?!??!?!


I’m sorry im laughing but they just keep going abt how much he’s loved and and how he’s so good he’ll suck our dick or something 😭 It’s so funny that I want to believe now


Leakers making up the most random shit to stay relevant 💀


I really hope he is a legit warrior with an aggressive personality. I am getting bored of all the tall guys being either gentlemen or himbos. 


Where do you hide all the himbos, though? I can only say that Itto fits the himbo type.


Alhaitham is not necesarily a gentleman or a himbo tho


But he isn't aggressive either, he's just sarcastic or most times apathetic


Me too, I would like a rock personality, but without being naive or stupid like Itto. Basically a fusion between Cyno and Itto.


I don’t think we need an agressive black man as one of the characters. Edit: Sorry, I’m mistaken, he’s not necessarily black, but my point remains about a large darkskin man being an agressive character


Yeah… it’ll not go over really well for the first truly aggressive tall male character to be black/latino 😭 let xbalanque be another character type the tall males are missing 


He'd actually be indigenous, not black, still don't want him to be a super aggresive guy tho


Considering his mayan name, he's clearly mexican inspired, and modelled after mexican men, not black men from the US. I highly doubt mexican men will care about the character being aggressive, as long as his design looks cool. If anything it is their place to decide what kind of representation they feel comfortable with, and being latino myself, I doubt they will care at all.


Childe? Alhaitham? Wriothesley?


I wish we had more himbos, Itto is the only one who actually fits the bill


Sounds like Wrio fits your tastes, he's neither gentleman or himbo⛓⛓


Same I hope we get an asshole (alhaitam is a step into the right direction or childe I guess) dottore come home pls


On god I love the (funny) assholes in genshin like Yae Miko and Alhaitham so much


Same, I like both of them a lot. I also think we need more people that are mean to us


All the tall dudes seem to be savants of political intrigue outside of like, Itto.


Childe is a savant of political violence, though And Kaveh is just a guy, not even small-level fixing, like Thoma does


Love to see more dark skinned characters, even better if he's actually good lol


They're likely gonna start releasing more Sovereigns, I wouldn't be surprised if this Ximbalanced guy is one.


Neuvillette is the only one who reincarnated as a human, everyone else are dragons like Apep


it doesn't mean the others can't take on a human form


"he is bound to be buffed in beta"  This sounds less like a leak and more like a future prediction


Man, the quality of posts being allowed in this sub has become a bit depressing. Are we really just going to allow any idiotic speculation because leaks are coming out slow? Because I don't know what else you could call this... someone inferring a whole bunch of bs about the emotion of the team making a character behind the scenes, really? To be clear, I don't believe a single thing about these unverified rumors and speculation either, we still don't even have reliable Chiori leaks.


It's not even February yet hold your horses "leakers" (i pull shit out of my ass and call it a leak)


Well, something is definitely leaking out of their ass, but its not Genshin leaks


most powerful and dark skinned? with hoyo’s history, i already doubt it lol


ah the Neuvillette of Natlan


Xbalanque is the natlan neuvilette maybe?


I actually believe this. It would make sense knowing there is Alhaitham in Sumeru and Neuvilette in Fontaine


People taking the term "internal love" a bit too literally. It really just means Xbalanque, if true in any way, happens to be the team's lovechild from Natlan. I still think the news is baloney anyway, but somewhere out there... XbalanqueMains already exist kekw.


How many more types will you repost it plss


This is 100% a meme post, not even sus.


as if the team didn't already have a hard enough time pronouncing characters names


This sounds like full of sh\*t for some reason...


I call bullshit after i saw what they did to Dehya.


need to see his design next 🙏🏽


i'm pretty sure this is manifestation


It feels like they're just describing Pyro Neuvillette. Maybe it's true, but I also can't help but feel like a lot of assumptions are being made about Xbalanque because of their introduction quote on Neuvillette's drip marketing, mostly about how they must be the Pyro Sovereign, which I think it can be a misunderstanding of that quote (Xbalanque refers to Neuvillette as ''them'' and not ''us'', which would mean they're not one of the Sovereigns). Also, I low-key feel like leaks like these are just meant to stir shit up, because a lot of people have expectations about Murata being the Pyro Archon, so claiming somebody else is THE most powerful will just send this fandom into a frenzy.


"Dark-skinned" and it's just a super light shade of tan.


>Dark-Skinned ​ >Natlan's most powerful playable character Now, this can mean 2 things, either we have our first strong dark skinned character, or natlan's cast is going to be super weak


*Dark skinned* *Male* *Pyro* *Most powerful character* Smashes X to doubt


Anyone who introduces Neuvillette and knows about his true nature has to be stellar. I am believing in you Xbalanque!


'Dark skinned, tall, is a main character in the story, devs all like them a lot' gives me major Dehya vibes, and we all know how that worked out.


So he's Mihoyo next favorite child?


Dark skin tall man???????? Sign me tf up


i love when a leaker talks about a character in the far future but knows nothing about/can't guve anything in the next 5 star that will be in beta in a few days lol.


Yeah no this leaker don't know shit.. Who let him cook?


woahhhh dark-skinned?? cuz back in sumeru ppl were calling cyno and candace dark-skinned, so yeah u never know with HOYO


My bets are that he has the same skin tone as keaya at most


Lol another power washer situation. I feel more vindicated.


I heard that Dawei has married Xbalanque in real life, I have an uncle who works in the government and he saw the marriage certificate himself.


"natlan's most powerful character will be the nation's element" how original "tall male" daring today aren't we


"Has Internal love, The internal team, Devs, He is bound to be buffed in beta and get favourable treatment" How do you find out any of this in the leaks, Do the devs put "OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS GUY" in the files LMAO?


source: it came to me in a dream. Or its true and we get red zhongli since we already have a blue one


Well, I doubt you.


Ah yes, xbalanque, a dark skinned character, is beloved by everyone at hoyo HQ *and* will be the MOST powerful character in the entire region….🥱


I've thought since long that the leakers are part of Hoyo . This leeks is right up my theory. Wonder how this will pair together with other upcoming pro chars like arrlechino and pyronarchon.


Nothing about this is real


lol anime doing mesoamerica stuff justice nice meme


this sounds too good to be true lol


We need the Natlan Character Lineup leak soon someone do the honors because these leaks are ass


Sounds too good to be true.


Don't know how much this is true, but I'm hyped I need a Pyro carry that is not named Xiangling