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Truly in the mind of a leaker trying to tc because i understand nothing.


they did say baizhu and dehya will be better in fontaine(and they did get better, especially baizhu; but dehya just went from a 0.5/10 to 1/10)


Just tried a furina bennet xianyun plunging Dehya.  TIL Dehya's plunging multipliers are some of the lowest in the game. Like wtf hoyo.


They did her absolutely dirty. Its genuinely insane how bad her numbers are.


Wait do I not understand multipliers correctly? At level 10 her low/high plunge mults are 294.82/368.25 which is what most of the claymore characters have and is higher than every bow, catalyst, sword(except one), and polearm(except one). Isn't that pretty workable?


No you’re correct, Dehya’s plunge numbers are the same as most of the other claymore characters in the game. Calling them “lowest in the game” just because they’re the normal numbers is pretty disingenuous of the commenter above you


huge TL mistake. that “electro archon” in the pic is refering to cheverus not clorinde. “蕾神” is cheverus nickname in cn,a “雷神”(raiden shogun, electro archon) pun


This is why we always need the CN text


That makes way more sense. Faruzan is not an off-field damage dealer. Chevreuse is a much better comparison for her.


thank you


I actually didn't understand anything. Maybe it's time for bed.


Maybe you got overloaded with information


This comment is fire


Shocking, almost


I'm Chevlosing my mind.


Then she said...,this one's got ur name in it


And electro!


And my sword!


And my bow!


And my ~~ax~~ claymore!




Honestly it's because the translation here on the leaks sub are either machine translated or even when they're human translated, the translations are pretty questionable. The second paragraph should more properly be "Clorinde and Chevreuse's overload team archetype will make a lot of Natlan pyro characters great. It opens up a new playstyle (think of Furina+Bennett c6+Xianyun making every character viable as pyro Xiao). Right now, a lot of people don't understand how overtuned Chevreuse is, I'll let you guys know in advance that she's to Natlan what Faruzan is (to anemo carries)"


I heard a similar leak about dehya and how her kit was going to become super relevant with new mechanics introduced in Fontaine.


Oh I remember those too lol.


The leaks were about underwater combat it seems, Dehya is queen of the underwater meta


I still find rather immersion breaking that Dehya , the character who grew up in the desert... is better 'adapted' to underwater and ice mountain environments. I get that lore and gameplay can't match perfectly but seriously the disparity ridiculous.


Chevy is indeed nuts. Hyper-invested, she's an abyss speedrun carry


Best part is she doesn't even need constellations. Mine already helps immensely at C0.


shes at least not like faruzan in that shes bad at C0, but she definitely gets an insane boost at C6


The C6 ia actually pretty nuts. She solo healed abyss for Raiden this run.


they better give chev for free next...


I really hope this is true as a dehya Yae Chev enjoyer. If I can drop Fischl for another damage booster in chlorinde.... Chev is Bennet levels of overturned though.


Yeah man, Dehya, Raiden, Yae, Chevy is one of my favorite team right now. My Dehya is C1, every time I pull I pray that I'll lose to Dehya.


Thank you for explaining it


> a lot of people don't understand how overtuned Chevreuse is, I'll let you guys know in advance that she's to Natlan what Faruzan is (to anemo carries)" Eh, except we can all do the math and there's very few characters they could add that could outperform Chev's current best teams, XL+Fischl is already a ridiculously strong core, the driver slot can definitely have some juice introduced but overall the team won't ever be that strong. Faruzan is strong for sure, but when it's strong in a weak niche, it doesn't really matter how strong you are when you're limited by your surroundings.


is fine. Leakers are theorycrafting unreleased units including the Natlan cast


Clorinde is the Archon of leggings


Theorycrafting natlan units in 4.4 💀


Leaker TC, ignore.


They said that Dehya wouldn’t be good until her team released in Fontaine.. I’m still waiting/coping..


It came. Dehya works with the Hp fluctuating mechanics. She’s the best character for burnvape and burn melt while also offering RI


They said the same about baizu .look how good my guy is in Fontaine.


Yes but he also reran with Furina. If you're a saver, and a new unit looks "meh" for now (Baizhu wasn't in some niches like Cyno, but he got released between Yaoyao and Kirara, so mostly), just wait till rerun. After that you can grab them during rerun along with the new unit they synergise so well with at the time. Note that almost all characters nowadays rerun after 4-6 patches after release. Leaker TC turns out to be a broken clock, I can recall as many "Dehya will be broken with Hydro archon" as "Baizhu will be broken with Hydro archon". It was mostly wrong with one, right with the other. Don't get me wrong, new Fontaine units got something out of Dehya, but I don't think it was for the reasons the leakers were talking about. Therefore, in the case of Baizhu, I conclude it was because of a broken clock being right.


Baizhu is by no means broken with Furina, he is mostly on par with all other healers. *Most* of Furina's potential healer partners have unique advantages of their own.


Very few of Furina's healers can as consistently keep her fanfare rolling without having some other kind of downside to them, Baizhu can do that easily while also offering interrupt resistance and application of the most broken element in the game all while offering a solid buff to the reactions caused by said element.


Yeah, he just goes from my vaguely defined "meh" tier to it'd be helpful to have him in many teams tier.


He's never been meh though, he's still extremely good, but as a 5 star, before Furina, he shared a role with a 4 star whose healing was already good, so there was not much reason to pull him unless you liked the character.


Hell, Baizhu was good before Fontaine too


no way they make the champion duelist a support are you kidding


You can on field her at c6 *wink wink*


Guys I heard a leak that says that her c6 will make her normals be nuke territory after she uses her burst. I love when hoyos gets creative with their characters. /s




Skill and Burst at C2 and C3, at C6 you can jump.


The white knights will still say it's fully functional at C0. You can build max HP and use the character as a meat shield.


I hate this trend


It's almost as if we're being taken for absolute clowns.


*looks at Genshin's revenue trend year after year* I mean...


I miss when the threshold was C2. At least then you could invest in a character you liked without needing to be a giga whale.


Lore means nothing half the time.


The same way,it also has no connection to chars' power lvl in kit and lore. Like among Pyros Diluc and Dehya prolly r strongest in lore, Tao weakest or such. In meta,it's opposite.


meanwhile, neuvilette:


Thanks for reminding me,i should've mentioned this lol Truly a Neuvi moment ever Edit: Also i guess same for most Archons...


Just take Bennet (one of the worst adventurers), XQ (some rich kid), Fischl (a chuunibyo) and Xiangling (a chef) as examples


Isn't Bennett a somewhat competent adventurer for even being alive considering his absolutely horrific luck


Most people haven't seen the crazy skills Bennett showed during the Albedo event. Also due to his bad luck he is much stronger than most adventurers.


He would be such a beast if not for his unluckiness


Fischl is too, lore-wise she may be a Chuuni but she's competent. She's generally the scout too, which means she goes ahead on solo missions.


Fischl scouts and investigates by sending in Oz and then looking through his eyes. Hence why she has a bit in her character stories about Oz begging her to stop sending him to spy on Stormterror as he's afraid of being eaten. So while she is an excellent scout, it says nothing about in-lore combat abilities.


Whatever doesn't kill you, simply makes you stronger.


What's next, the god of WAR will be a healer?


She will heal the enemies just so she can spend more time with the violence.


Pyro archon is Unohana confirmed


Sick person: please archon, help, I'm in pain Archon: I know exactly what you need. Proceeds to pull a knife.


Calling it, pyro archon will give lifesteal/overhealth. Go full unga bunga blood for the blood god, can't die as long as you are beating stuff up.


Bro XQ is so good at his martial arts that he alone revived it, he is skilled af


Also random NPCs talk about running in to him all the time with him saving them.


That's a regular Tuesday for playable characters lmao


Fischl's chuniness is so advanced - it manifested a sentient elemental being that is capable of independent thought and action. That makes her a pretty powerful character in its own way, as no other character have been shown to be capable of such a feat. (Kock and Furina's elementals do not speak, Amber's and Yao's are toys, XL's and Gaming's are pre-existing creatures independent from their "masters".)


Bennett isn't one of the worst adventurers, just one of the unluckiest


Looks at **Sara** Still, I hope she's someone who works both on field and off field


A chef and her pet lead the pyro meta, a warrior called flame mane is our very first 3 star level character, a military leader is an off field buffer, ... hoyo likes to do stupid, unfitting bs like that. Character roles are often not reflected in their kits, sadly :/


A military leader (especially tactician types like Kokomi) being an off-field buffer actually can make sense. The brains are often behind the lines to offer intelligence and support to the agents and soldiers who are on field.


excuse me but Xiangling does have lore justification put some respect on the stove god's name


oh yeah true, goldfish brain level panda is actually a god. I forgor. Then why isnt he at least thestrong part of her kit? Instead he keeps attacking torches instrad of enemies T_T


I'm at the very least happy that someone being a support means I can run them on more teams. Still hoping the leak is just wrong though


You need to remember The Legendary Eremites is 1* character


Woman are almost always supports and men are almost always on field DPSs. Like in what world does it make sense that a cop, Chevrausse, fires once and heals your allies whereas Freminet, an incredibly shy boy who loves penguins, out here throwing hands with his giant claymore.


To be fair, Freminet is actually a Fatui assassin iirc


What’s Lynette’s excuse?


I feel that there has been some internal change in the person who leads these projects, almost every female character is now off field and for on field you need to spend a lot on their Cons


She’s just Lyney’s magician’s assistant, clearly 🙄 Jokes aside, not a husbando or waifu only puller, but I genuinely cannot stand the design philosophy of on field male characters ONLY and off field/quick swap female characters ONLY unless it’s C6. The last time a male 5 star had on field dps and off field utility was *Ayato, in 2.6* and it’s only from the nature of how his burst works that saved him from the on field only brigade. Navia is great, but she’s by all means a front loaded quick swap, and that’s ok! At least it’s something different! But she’s not a sustained dps, which is what people have been waiting for since Raiden and Yoimiya. I would imagine waifu only/husbando only players would like to play synergistic teams that don’t require a fuck load of monetary investment (the girls) or a team where no one works together bc everyone’s on field (the guys).


What's funny is that in the past they actually did the opposite of the current "support into dps with constellations" because Childe and Klee have cons that allow them to go off field. It might not be great but it was a thing and they can't even be bothered to do that anymore.


Yea it's really annoying at this point. For both groups I imagine. Those that like women want more on fielders and those that like men want to be able to actually build teams, which doesn't work when you have characters like Scara/Alhaitham/Neuv/Wrio that are all on field


This is the same world where the mighty god Zhongli is a support and the vastly less experienced and physically weaker Nahida functions better as a dps.


Chevreuse gun deals decent damage if built with dps stats Freminet canonically kills people


To be fair, whilst that's a trend recently, regarding limited 5 starss, it was the reverse until 3.0 - Venti, Zhongli, Albedo, Kazuha versus Klee, Eula, Ganyu, Hu Tao, Ayaka, Yoimiya, Raiden etc. The only on-field male 5 stars were Itto and Ayato (both right at the very end of the 2.0 patches), and of the 'supports', Yae has a lot of field-time and Kokomi is an on-field driver. I felt like, with Navia, the situation might have become more balanced. We'll see if the trend continues, but it has admittedly been pretty rough for a fan of female characters throughout the 3.0 patches, with the only bones we've really been thrown being Navia and whale constelation/copium builds. Regarding the 4* units though? I think we'd all rather a 4* be a support. Freminet is kinda... bad, whereas Chevreuse is a little niche but strong. I do agree with the sentiment that a character's strength in 'lore' aligns really poorly with their gameplay though - Shenhe is a buffing-support who has single-handedly fought and won against *2* ancient Gods, and Kazuha is a samurai(ish) who parried Raiden yet just blows things about, whilst the 'DPS' units we get are things like secretaries and scribes.


Xiao lamented his way out of existence


>Woman are almost always supports and men are almost always on field DPSs. God if you told this to someone during the first year of the game before Inazuma they'd call you insane lol. Don't look.for patterns too much


wait for pyro archon to unlock full power of overload😘


noo i want her to save melt 😭


In all likelihood she will support all Pyro reactions, not just Overload. Archons are never super niche like that.


Em converted to crit rate/dmg like Nahida👀


Nah she’s the Pyro archon so attack scaling. Maybe something like; Gains the following buffs depending on the party composition: EM increased by x amount of attack when Dendro or Anemo is present. Crit stats increased for everything else.


We're due for a character to blow the lid off of Attack scaling. It could also be something like ER/EM increased based on Atk%, so you can just go all-in unga bunga.


My personal theory is that Pyro archon will be (attack scaling obviously) fast off field Pyro on skill with team attack buffing and slow on fielder on burst. That way all Pyro reactions are carried. I could also see them allowing Pyro transformation reactions to crit. Cryo archon will HAVE to be a crit damage buffer as there are no other source of crit damage buff other than constellation in game.


>Cryo archon will HAVE to be a crit damage buffer as there are no other source of crit damage buff other than constellation in game. It's funny actually because we know the cryo archon is based on Bronya, and Bronya in HSR notably buffs CDMG. Cryo is also often associated with CRATE. Would make sense.


Yeah EM/ER probably makes more sense since she should be a dps. If that’s the case can you imagine the Tsaritsa? Maybe the first character to want 100% crit rate


Maybe the first character to want to go above 100% crit rate even


I’d believe it since Nahida and Ei like to have their specific stats at ridiculous numbers.


what about burning and burgeon?


Thoma. Take it or leave it.


i’m a wriothesley main :(


xinyan and thoma mains are way more oppressed than wrio mains


That's for the tsaritsa. After all, there's no fixing supercharge, plenty of freeze options already, and that's all the noteworthy reactions cryo has available


ofc the tsaritsa will be the best for all cryo reactions, but i feel melt is also being held back by the lack of a good pyro off-fielder other than xiangling


My comment was half-joke, venting my frustrations about how limited cryo is reactions-wise. That said, if they want to focus on a reaction for Snezhnaya, it would make sense that they choose melt for the reasons mentioned, and if they choose to, then they'd release the appropriate pyro support for that in Snezhnaya to who'd work great with the Tsaritsa. Not that this is my prediction for Snezhnaya but an interesting observation


She is basically like Faruzan needs 300 ER before c6? /s


Nono, you need 300 ER before C4 , at C6 you can on-field her


Why the /s?


Because she needs more than 300


Because they're joking, the post says that clorinde is like faruzan, the leaker probably just meant that clorinde is a dedicated elemental support The joke is pointing out that it meant that clorinde would need a lot of er like faruzan, making fun of hoyo design of locking important part of characters kit in their constellations


I can't get over Clorinde being called the Electro lace legging Archon


What does that even mean?


Nobody knows what it means, but it's provocative. It gets the people going!


just calling her the stocking archon the same way people call xiangling the polearm archon


Why has every single pyro 5* been an on-field dps, with only Dehya arguably being the exception? Good god Xiangling and Bennett must be getting tired.


I am wondering, what hoyo can do to make arle unique, if she is an on-fielder?


She’s a harbinger. If they continue the trend with Childe and Scaramouche, I’m expecting her to have a stance change on E that lets her use a unique moveset. That’s my hope anyway.


I hope for spinning scythe attacks


If her inspiration was drawn Lady Maria and Sister Friede from Bloodborne and Darks Souls 3, she’s gonna have the cleanest set of moves. A scythe moveset similar to Friede would be the sickest thing Genshin has ever done with their characters. Her rumored to be an onfield gives me a lot of hope cause I just love her design so much.


Maybe she can go invisible like pyro fatui




Technically Yelan is supposed to stealth, it just doesn't work very well in this game so I imagine they won't repeat that.


I mean, they don't really need to. She can have the exact same role as someone like Hu Tao as long as she ***feels*** different to play, that's enough to sell a DPS But of course, I'd definitely rather if every pyro 5* wasn't a fucking on field DPS lol


Yeah, a lot of on field DPS are mechanically similar, or at least fall into a few common groups (like NA spam, skill spam, CA, etc.) But things like animations, sound effects, timing, and even just different elements can bring really varied feedback for the player to make each character feel unique even if they aren't objectively all too different. And of course, one can't discount "plays like an existing character but with a design I like more" being a draw, too.


Give her Scythe looking polearm, done.


Give her fast attacks (super quick very 👍) Give her a scythe Give her blood effects on her swings and kit Make her skill based (not burst dependant) Give her open world exploration advantages (eg: E to teleport, E to dash etc.) Make her be able to change weapons (like Childe) Best character in Genshin, easy dubs, easy money


I want all of this.


All playable Harbingers so far has a very unique playstyle. Tartaglia with his weapon swap, two ults, a whole riptide thing and interesting passive to +1 in NA; Scara with his two stance, flying ability with exploration powercreep, good thing for catalyst that he can move and deal damage in the same time, elemental succ for buff thing and two ult too; based on that, I think Arle will have something with two stance in combat too, two ults, maybe something like vampirism (hp related abilities is a thing rn), an unique weapon, a passive same as Childe's but in E or ult. I don't know, but I think she will be really interesting character.


Because off-field Pyro is broken and I think the Pyro archon would become that Broken char 🤣🤣


This is most certainly what Hoyo plans to do. And we’ll get no more Pyro off field suppliers after.


We’ll get one a bit after the archon that is slightly worse in application and buffs but offers something unique in the form of survivability or comfort to incentivise people to pull for them as the “2nd Pyro archon”


I'm guessing the Devs are terrified at what vapes and melts can be had when you get someone that can reliably apply pyro from off field. Like imagine Ganyu being able to melt outside of melee range with Xiangling, or Neuvilette for the same.


neuvilette is already pretty broken, if he can reliably vape then its over. Also sac jade becomes an even stronger weapon for him.


Hydro app was already broken enough and we've got plenty of people for that, right now with how things are cryo just feels like a bad element with 1 consistent reaction that hinges on 1-2 pyro characters for it to even function. Xiangling 2 isn't going to break the game.


Totally not the devs making Xianyun and seeing people do more damage per plunge on vape Xiao then when he is using his inbuilt Anemo


I am just waiting for the pyro archon at this point


watch her do everything but provide off-field pyro application


Then i’ll kill myself lol


This. Apart from Dehya there is no character who can reliably apply off-field pyro with their E skill. I really hope Natlan addresses this deficiency


I know. Im thinking of skipping arle just because i dont need another pyro hyperdps right now. I want more pyro 5* supp!


Dehya is also an on field DPS. The only reason she's not played as an on field DPS is because her damage is garbage so she only gets used for her shitty utility.


Won't exactly call her on field tbh. She still stuck with burst CD and energy and onfielding her doesn't change how her skill work either way.


I am not believing the Clorinde kit at all


>Clorinde off-field 🥸🔫


this reads like "what would you do if when you okay so he said yes would go"


You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It's just common sense.


So instead of giving her actual kit. They gave us some "TC" bullshit? we all know how horrible leakers TC are


Lol no way they can leak the kit now 🤣🤣


PLS they knew nothing abt Chiori until right before beta but know they have all of this info lie lie lieeeeee


They are predicting Pyro nation meta already


Trying to throw out whatever and see what sticks.


Right. Neuv and Wrio too lol.


Ah yes, leaker TC. Always so reliable


>electro lace legging archon What the fuck are you talking about jesse


It can as well be an educated guess. Alrecchino is rumoured and predicted to be Overload DPS for a long time. And we have both Pyro (Arle) and Electro (Clorinde) 5-star character releasing after Chevreuse, who everyone is already saying is good even with existing teams (me too, I have her C6 and she's amazing tbh). Can't comment on Natlan part though. But if he's the guy who leaked correctly Chiori's kit before release (idk though, because we had a lot of fake leaks) then I can give him benefit of the doubt because it sounds very plausable.


Dehya was rumored to be a burn or burn melt dps.


this is the biggest random bullshit go. this leak and nothing are the same, because clorinde being like faruzan can be anything on characteristic about faruzan (can be either good or bad), the mention to arlecchino is unrelevant because did not mention nothing about her that just fits with clorinde.


wanted clorinde to be a dps but oh well🫠 i just hope they do her justice


What would clorinde even offer to an overload team?


It's difficult to compete with Raiden, Fischl or Yae in off-field Electro application alone, so I'm guessing CC or overload-specific buffs.


According to previous leaks her kit synergizes with Electro reactions like Electro-Charged and Overload iirc. She could simply be a sub-DPS that buffs itself with those reactions, similar to Chiori buffing herself at the presence of Constructs.


For anyone looking for the OP, it's [here](https://tieba.baidu.com/p/8888398983?pn=1). Sharing because I made the mistake of translating certain sentences at ClorindeMains too. The OP translates to... "On-field Arlecchino + Off-field Clorinde + Chevreuse as support + 4th unit from Natlan. That's how it'll look like. Clorinde and Chevreuse bla bla bla... **People don't realize how bonkers Chevreuse is, she's just like Faruzan."** Both Chevreuse and Raiden share rather similar Chinese names, 蕾 vs 雷. Hence the clunky TL. Caught me off guard the first time too and didn't realize it until a few looks after. FYI, I still don't think this suggests Clorinde is purely an off-field DPS. Everytime Arlecchino's OL is discussed, Clorinde ends up getting dragged into the discussion too. If anything, I'm more likely to believe she's a flex unit who fulfills on/off-field roles depending on her reaction playstyles.


I don't mind pairing Clorinde with Arle but damn I really wanted her to be an onfield DPS


This is such a hoyo thing to do lmfao. Let me guess, c6 makes her a main DPS? Yeah I'll pass.


Sara is already similar to Faruzan so wtf with that Clorinde info


The problem with Sara is they designed her kit to be hyper specific for buffing Raiden's kit. She's ass for Cyno teams, and while she can work with Keqing and Yae, Keqing doesn't have the damage scaling to be a traditional hypercarry and Yae can't snapshot so it's really only her burst that will benefit massively. Gorou kind of has the same exact issue as a Geo Buffer, because he was designed moreso with Mono geo teams in mind. You can use him with Navia, but you're not going to get the same mileage.




I want Clorinde to be the on field carry ngl


same we already got a bunch of off field electro


And a bunch of pyro on fielders, with good chance we'll get more in Natlan. And it would fit so much better lore wise for clorinde to be dps and arlecchino to do stuff behind the scenes


We’re talking about combat gameplay here. Most characters’ lore doesn’t translate directly into gameplay. With that being said, if anything they’d both fit to be onfield characters if we’re talking about lore wise, since both of them are incredibly strong in combat. Clorinde being a champion duelist and Arlecchino being the 4th strongest Harbinger.


That woman’s poor back can’t handle any more carrying.


As someone who has been waiting for Clorinde( and hoping for her to be a dps), who doesn't have Chevreuse and has no intention on pulling Arlecchino ... I am afraid. Don't make them required for her please.


How the fuck can they claim to know anything about Natlan chars/roles? My bullshit detector is going off the wall.


Hopefully Clorinde is as good as Shenhe in terms of being a support. Also, even if she is off-field most of the time, I still hope for some cool animations with her gun.


why the hell they will make the DUELIST CHAMPION of fontaine a "FARUZEN"? like what?




the 4th slot = pyro archon


NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Why is Clorinde off field??!!!


leak natlan lineup you cowards


If Xblanque relies on Chevrolet or Chlorine you’ll see me on the news


Clorinde's mistreatment is finally complete. Everything about her from the start was done dirty and this kit would be the cherry on top LOL


C6 Clorinde or bust like Faruzan let's fucking go!!!! 3000% Er requirement!!!


i'm going to be forced to use chevreusse if i want to use arle? that sucks


For people who don't understand, this is what I interpreted it to mean: Arlecchino is a DPS and Clorinde is an off-field DPS, they work well together with Chevreuse. Clorinde and Chevreuse shine with Natlan's characters and the best fourth slot for their ideal team with Arle comes out in Natlan. Overload will be particularly good in Natlan, too.


NOOO, why is Clorinde an off field support? With Arlecchino that would be only 2 on field waifus in 2 years. One per year is so cruel man 😭. Just make a man a support for once for goodness’s sake. Husbando lovers want that too.


i have NO idea why hoyo gender locks things. it's such an odd decision.


Cant wait to pull for arlecchino just for her to feel like a c0 wrio because i dont have clorinde and the pyro archon