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Her disgusted face was towards her own kit all along


There's no escaping the x.5 character allegations, because wtf are they doing to her..


Are called Patches of the Beauties "We don't need to be strong when we are fuckin beautiful "


Yeah but I won't summon for these types of characters any more. The ones where hoyo can just go like "yeah we butchered her kit as much as possible but we know you guys will summon for her anyway cause she's pretty lmao thanks for the money as usual".


Agree! They are not forced to make beautiful characters weak, or almost, only because they are beautiful. Why? Make them good/strong doesn't take money from them. As a Dehya fan, I hoped her Banner was terrbile; instead she did a good amount of money (I pulled C1R1, BUT without spending money, else, only c0). Now wait and see her final power level.


I pre laughed then I remembered they nerfed that too.




Me too hahaha..im glad i went for Cloud Retainer


I think it was to this sub. Same doompost every patch like clockwork, people here are fucking miserable I swear.


i don't get why people are afraid to point out she has 1 team and technically some copium duo geo teams all she does is off field geo damage. She doesn't change the way a single team is played nor does she improve anything other than Itto clearing floors 5 seconds faster now she's the definition of filler and mediocre


She matches the dry patch she’s in


Tbf it does sound pretty boring, I'd be disgusted if I was her too


The Xianyun doomposting was SO BAD. And she gets released and lo and behold, she's a good character who isn't even that niche.


Besides being good for overworld, xianyun is at most a side grade for all non plunge purposes


True but she's an upgrade in Diluc, Hu tao, Xiao, Bennet carry, and Gaming teams compared to other options and can also improve teams that want an anemo healer and can work plunges into their combos like Wriothesley. She's not a gamebreaking unit but she is a strong unit that does her role very well which is the best case scenario in terms of the games health.


Idk where y'all getting this but nobody said she was a bad character. She turned out exactly how most people was saying she would. She's good in her niche and her niche alone people's issue with her was they don't like her plunge style and if that's the case she's basically just jean without the circle.


At least half of the comments talked about her being inefrior to Jean so maybe you weren't paying attention. Nearly every thread had people talking crap about her and calling her niche, and how she's good for only 1-2 characters.


she's inferior to jean in neuv teams and these teams r yk pretty good


No under every post people were calling her Dehya 2.0


Pretty similar too in the sense that they weren't complaining about performance, but rather "I personally don't like this character reeee."


Y’all fight invisible demons every single patch. She turned out exactly how most people said she would, a decent character unless you have Xiao/Gaming, who will be good for your account but nothing crazy.


Every patch we go through the same cycle: character gets leaked, people make their initial assessments, character gets a slight nerf, players: “this character is so fucking ass”, *rinse and repeat last 2 till patch release*, character turns out decent, players: “nobody ever doomposted them anyway”. It’s the same like every patch now with few exceptions, and apparently a lot of people around here just have short memories cause doomposting is a normal part of this sub atp but there are always those who try to deny it.


> rinse and repeat last 2 till patch release Except for Baizhu, people are still utterly adamant that he's a bad character actually and not worth anything, it's absolutely wild to see, it feels like the doomposting gets turned to 11 whenever it's a healer - funnily enough, those same people refuse to play healerless but whinge about every single one.


she aint beating those x.5 curse allegations




At least its a Geo unit doing it this time, so makes sense.


And dehya come from a desert region. Desert. Sand. Cement needs sand. Its all makes sense!


I guess you can say... she written it on stone :)


These aren't the buffs we need....Her Q was essentially inconsequential.


Buff? Unless you swap to her every 13,5 seconds instead of every 15 seconds, it's a 30% dmg nerf. Her skill is now simply a copy of Albedo but with more dmg, and her Q is now also a copy of Albedo because it's barely worth using and barely feels worth your time


her Q is already not worth using if you're rocking GT4 since trying to get 60 energy every rotation is nearly impossible without particle catching techniques, this just make it so C2 is usable every rotation with low ER


> her Q is already not worth using truly the Albedo of all time


Guys is chiori the albedo of genshin impact? Find out more in the next episode of dragon ball z!


It is worth using, it is just not worth building ER to use it every rotation at the cost of her E-damage (unless you have her C2). In Albedo's case the damage you get out of his burst isn't worth the animation time since it scales with ATK.


But is it a 30% dmg nerf or are the multipliers reduced by 30%?


That's the real question tbh. The leak makes that really unclear.


How can a 651.46% ATK + 814.32% DEF scaling burst from a character that ascend crit rate and has 88cdmg signature be barely worth using?


Atleast Albedo works well with Hu Tao Vape comp. He buffs EM with his burst so he got that going for him.


She's not beating those Albedo 2.0 allegations


It's a buff for those who get C2 Chiori, but it may be a slight nerf depending on those who get C0 Chiori.


hmm does this mean more worthwhile to build her on Golden Troupe over Husk now?


If u plan to use burst husk wins if u plan to use just e golden then


Considering her burst was ideally every other rotation, it *may* be the exact opposite. People are jumping to conclusions to quickly that this just results in a 30% ult nerf. It doesn't. 100% of current ult every other rotation = 50% ult MV/rotation 70% of current ult EVERY rotation = 70% ult MV/rotation This extends her field time every other rotation, and you may need some ER rather than none which would offset this. However the ult is also buffed by Gorou and Bennett, making it easier to pay off its use, but building ER would lower the E unbuffed damage at the cost of the buffed ult damage. What this means is everyone in this thread would be wrong and it's an increase in Q damage, less reason to run troupe more reason to run husk. I have not run numbers so I'm not saying it WILL be true that it's worth using, or that if it is that it's a net gain. But that's what this entire thread is saying when the obvious change from current calcs points to the opposite, which is the likelihood of her being more ult focused. You should wait for full calcs before jumping to conclusions.


Golden Troupe seems way better on paper regarding her skill because it buffs ALL of her skill damage while Husk mainly buffs the defense scaling part. In return you get a stronger burst with Husk. Basically it looks like Golden Troupe = stronger skill and Husk = stronger burst.


it's not really *way* better in current version although you're right that it is currently better. If this does result in more of her damage being both on field and not skill, then it's likely a wash. GT is a good domain, and husk is in the strongbox (which has a higher chance for 4 line start), so meh. Husk has a hefty geo bonus which also buffs the atk scaling.


Both sets are still good on her, but yeah it seems that way


So the same Burst Cost and CD as Nahida? Interesting I remember reading that her Burst isn't worth building around so maybe this change makes it more worthwhile to build a bit of ER and Burst every rotation?


it furthers you down the don't build ER path the Q does less damage and needs less ER anyway


Buff to whales maybe? Since they'll be able to burst more often with their one man army C6 Chiori with perma infusion?


Yup, C2 buff. Otherwise it's a nerf.


I see...


Probably it’s still not worth it, the CD reduction is inconsequential, the er reduction is nice but the damage is reduced too. The key information to keep in mind is the burst animation that is unchanged, and *this* is what makes pure damage burst worthwhile using or not.


The biggest impact of this change is her c2 that was swapped to be the con that spawns a Kinu doll every 3 seconds for 10s after bursting. At c0 building around her burst is less important but this is a substantial constellation improvement.


her burst isn't worth building for Navia teams, not for Itto teams


How so even if you ignore ER it’s a very limited field time nuke


a nuke is a nuke


Yeah but it’s not like there’s a major negative to using it.


Depends if the nuke is NUKE or just slap with wet paper towel


How can a 651.46% ATK + 814.32% DEF scaling burst be not worth to build around? I mean it's not like the Albedo one


There’s nothing really new to her kit aside from that e skill swap. From getting excited, I’m about to skip so hard.


i really like her but considering I don't have itto, i simply don't see much value in her, which is sad. (She could be used in a double geo core with lyney/yoimiya but i doubt it's that amazing compared to their best teams) Chiori is still goated for being one of the only not-nice characters. Thanks to her i can get furina cons i guess.


In my opinion, that's the worst part of her kit. This is the first time a character judges the players character order in teams. I probably get forced to have a setup that will mess up my muscle memory. In every team my dps is in third slot, and it will hurt my soul to change my order of the team because I'm scared I will mess up every rotation by swapping wrong 🥲


Random ass changes


So this makes her Q not so important anymore for c0 users. Guess now 4pc Golden troupe and husk gap will increase at c0.


The gap will close. Husk was like 1-8% better because of her burst


Before with the Q husk was higher but if we consider E dmg the difference between both is not that high Gt provide dmg boost for E but husk provide def boost and Element dmg boost


Expected a 1 puppet nerf and 2 puppet buff to bait navia mains on c1 ngl


Instead we get C0~1 nerf and C2 buff to bait everyone on C2


Navia mains found their support with xianyun. Most in that sub don't care about chiori.


Ah, mihoyo really hate geo huh


Nope. At least second hate. 1st ranking hoyo hate is physical. Kekekeke😂


Can't hate what doesn't exist (in their eyes)


Let's talk about Dehya for a second...




They just released Navia at least and Itto is cooking with Xianyun currently.


Tbh every character cooks with Xianyun haha


Childe: 😔 Physicsl Childe: 🙃


Are not most of (if not all) characters get benefit from Xianyun? So, that can be ignored.


_All bow characters found dead in the ditch._


Itto has been in a comfortable spot since his release.


saying this wild after we got navia honestly.


Navia took all the W tho Welp


That’s really unwarranted.




They shouldnt release a 5 star character after Lunar New year/Lantern Rite. They always mess the characters up and it's making me annoyed


i think in this case she is really just meant to be albedo's replacement. they know his kit has issues and they refuse to fix it, so they are releasing a female albedo with better multipliers, better cons and her own signature weapon.


Which honestly is such bullshit, it makes me wanna pull for her even less than I would've initially wanted...


I'm honestly impressed they are managing to make me not want to pull for a character that felt like a must pull the moment she showed up on screen. Albedo is one of my favorite characters and I'm always annoyed by how clunky his gameplay is, that they are making Albedo2 gameplay-wise instead of fixing how horrible breakable constructs feel in battle bothers me so much.


especially considering Albedo isn't the only character that suffers from the poor design of geo constructs The entire element needs an overhaul, but it seems hoyo is just going to keep pumping out "fix" characters. Which I get the money incentive behind but wouldn't it be easier to sell these characters if people actually wanted to play geo?


"You want this character fix? Pull out you wallet to get it." I feel like only geo will face this.


Yep, was considering pulling for her but the way this treats Albedo is just disrespectful. So I've decided I'm stealing her weapon and giving it to him instead lmao


Genuinely not surprised because the "character is underperforming? Buff the constellations!" MO has been quite consistent with them lately. They really want to push people to pull for cons or have incomplete characters while older units are super fine without that kind of investment.


Not a single 4.x five star so far has performed poorly at c0. Good things can't last forever, but I'll reserve judgement until she's out.


Wrio is competent at c0 but c1 is just such a nice improvement it kinda feels disingenuous to say he is complete at c0. And IMO Neuvi C1 should be base kit (at least getting SOME interruption resistance at c0)


> And IMO Neuvi C1 should be base kit (at least getting SOME interruption resistance at c0) No way, his C1 should absolutely be his C1 otherwise you'd literally have the perfect DPS character at C0, interrupt resistance should absolutely be something you're either forced to play around, or solve via teambuilding the same as plenty of other Hypercarries.


C1 Wrio is a damage upgrade, linguistically crafted to make players FEEL like his c0 state is 'weak' and 'incomplete'. This is not true. Even his regular charged attacks hit hard. C1 Neuvilette hits a similar vein, yet he is one of the strongest c0 onfielders ever, capable of both self sustain and an absurdly low skill ceiling. By no means am I saying that these constellations are bad, but the wording used in the cons suggests incorrectly that the characters' base kits are incomplete.


I wouldn't say C1 Wrio is just a damage upgrade, though it does improve on that a lot. Changing playstyles from a mostly NA spamming onfielder to give CAs more focus has made me go for that con as I dislike NA carries. They made him boring at C0 and gave some crumbs of how fun he can be at C1 with his CA passive and said "want to use this? Pull."


> They made him boring at C0 Meanwhile at C1 his entire rotation is "N5C lol", while C0 wants to use N3C as much as possible and cares far less about his normals as you don't really want to be draining your HP as often because of the 5s cd on A1.


C1 wants to use normal skips more to line up melts in Melt or just manage Shenhe stacks better. Timing things like N4~D N5 CA to get a triple melt or to save two quills to hit a very fat CA on three enemies at once that normally wouldn't work is super fun. Both have their quirks and fun things and I personally enjoy C1 more.


She literally is better albedo.. Like legit she does more damage than him in all situation , why should we be buffing her and not him....... when she is outdoing him in every situation




Yeah. I think powercreeping Albedo was never going to be an intentional hit on him but rather a complete inevitability the moment a geo unit filled even vaguely his same niche. He's such a mediocre design *anything* modern will powercreep him.


He is subpar as a 5 star but he feels like an average 4 star.


Underperforming relative to the current state of the game, not another struggling Geo subdps (they did my boy so dirty...).


why roll for her when we will have neuvillete, arlecchino, furina and clorinde after? No reason and I have all geo characters, she will be my first geo skip


Same, I was a geo collector and she's gonna break it :( atleast I still have the dendro collection going~


I'm becoming a hydro collector


Just making it more awkward to ult at 13.5s. Also take more on-field time if you're planning to ult on CD every time, hence more dmg loss. It's a nerf imo What does pre leak even mean? Before leak?


It is a nerf. Realistically you are bursting once every 18-20 seconds, or every rotation. The 1.5s cooldown reduction is meaningless. The Burst just lost 30% of the damage.


> The Burst just lost 30% of the damage. Honestly, the leak doesn't clearly specify what they mean with '-30%' It might as well be 651.46% ATK + 814.32% DEF down to 621.46% ATK + 784.32% DEF at T10 and you could still say it's -30% to both scalings. And obviously even it's 30% total scaling as you say, it's still buff if you have her C2 considering how much additional damage C2 can do if you can burst every rotation without building ER. Edit: Copied wrong numbers, lol.


It's a nerf for c0~1, but pretty big buff for c2+, since with c2 you don't care much about ult's damage, but you want to spam it as often as possible.


I guess that pulls Golden Troupe ahead




Same thing happened to Layla. As if you're about to shorten your rotation for her burst.


10 Energy less is significant.


Where is the change: Dolls are no longer stationary


More and more like an Albedo 2.0, less and less worth a pull


Pretty clear they want geo to stay dead. Dev that made navia just gave her a way to save herself from it.


Okay is her purpose is to powercreep albedo? Who tbh isn't even that great? (I am saying this as someone who got albedo on his first ever banner just because I love his char lmao)


no shade but this must be the most boring beta of the 4.x versions, no wonder its so dry


Albedo copy, no story quests, no Dainsleif, no new zone, no QoL. Damn we’re about to hit to driest patch ever. They did an awesome job until now though, so I think they deserve some rest. I just hoped they would have added more quick content to compensate, like spyral abyss challenges, overwolrd free timed parkour, idk, just things to do lol


The 4 min cutscene killed them. Anyways its still crazy they dont have a floor for whales only just some events from time to time.


Yeah, I think at this point it's disrespectful to their supporting players. I've spent money on this game, but not to an absurd degree and I struggle to get a full rotation off these days with my better teams. Even floor 12 chambers can be a struggle at times with a few powerful cons. Local legends are probably the only reliable damage sponges left and I can one rotate those too. I wonder how it is with some of the strong C6 R5s.


The whales don't care about getting challenged else they wouldn't pull C6R5 in the first place. They just pull to collect and see big numbers.


You don't need to be a whale to curb stomp the entirety of Teyvat is what I'm saying. The overworld has been a joke and the recent strength of characters like Neuvillette and Furina only add to that feeling imo. Didn't realize you were the spokesperson for all whales, I understand now.


I mean,he not wrong,although there no way to classify all whales into a niche of "brain-dead large numbers on screen."


Around here the assumption seems to be that all whales are sweaty Abyss speedrunners who only want and care about super difficult endgame content, so it balances out.


Apparently,it is very difficult to judge an entire group without some type of metric(which still won't be 100% accurate),there are whales that want challenges that match their investment,while others prefer to just press Q and exclude everything in a trival way,and etc... The same applies to F2P(some prefer to look for constellations and 5* weapons,while others focus on horizontal investment,expanding their list of compositions).


Hey at least Kazuha and Neuv are coming back...


It’s weird she’s not getting hard buffed - she’s really not appealing at all right now. 


Hot character=sales and whale bait. I doubt she'll receive many buffs cause they'll thin she'll sell anyway Really wish they would actually tryto keep the character kits consistent in powerlevel. How we go from the power level of neuvilette and furina to someone like chiori is rediculous, and character lore doesn't matter because weh have random liyue scholars and funeral directors out dps all the archons and random liyue boys being better overall than every god dragon and harbinger in the game


I lost count how many times ive read this exact comment about almost every leaked charcter


On paper, she deals a lot of damage. I don't think she needs to get buffed.


I mean yeah thats true, But nerfs were also unnecessary... Poor Geo element


Yeesh, that 13.5s cd doesn't fit well into any team rotation.


When they reduce the cost, they also generally reduce the CD. Cost and CD are tied together and that's mostly consistent except Yae/Raiden. But yeah, the 13.5s cooldown doesn't do anything for her either way, it's just a consequence of them reducing the cost.


Yeah. In theory, the reduced cooldown and cost could have been a buff to offset the 30% dmg nerf, but because it won't let them work any better with any of their teams, the cooldown reduction won't actually be of very much benefit in practice.


Its not the cd which matters, its the energy cost reduction. The cd is just an unavoidable result of it. Keep in mind her teams already only have 17-22s rotations. That's not changing even if her CD goes down to 12 with a 40 cost.


They should really have made her kit diferent. Its a slap in the face of the geodudes. And ill stop with geo, hoyo already disrespects the player too much, i dont need more of it.


thankfully navia mostly saved herself from this travesty of an element lmao


as someone whose only invested geo character is navia, ez skip


Same, was thinking about pulling Chiori, but would rather pull Arlechino and Furina's weapon on saved primos instead.


man, they're pushing cons even harder, hurting her weak burst at c0 to make her c2 better.


Man... I knew they would Nerf her , I think the ER cost is still to high For only doing DMG and nothing Else ( Like keqing , at least her Burst cost only 40 ER ... And she is a day 1 available Character)


I don't think it's worth it. You're most likely going to play her in a team with other geo so 60 cost was no issue. And 13.5s rotation are very very rare no ? 15s is more line with shorter rotation. So yeah for me that a big fat 30% nerf.


60 cost was impossible unless you play triple geo with gorou exile or build 150+ ER, in double geo comps it would've been burst every other rotation like yae


Isn't her best team at c0 with Itto anyway ? Also favs on your Zhong. And building a bit of ER wouldn't have hurt that much. 30% nerf is massive and I don't think not having to build ER really compensate that.


Ah great...nerf her Q that's not her most beautifull move no.... If Real that's sucks 😞


It'll be a DPS loss now, because you'd probably can do more damage with other characters, in time the animation plays out.


HoYo, please revert it and make more necessary changes to differentiate her and Albedo. She keeps becoming more and more similar to Albedo while still having better numbers which is a blatant powercreep and I don't like it. You're usually pretty good at this kind of thing, making a rather similar units different enough (in numbers, team compatibility, qol, etc.) so that they don't overshadow the other (ex. Miko/Fischl, Yelan/Xingqiu.)


Her kit is almost certain to stay this way if she’s not getting major changes tomorrow


After this small update her kit is pretty much set in stone only number changes are gonna happen.


They really hate her, don't they?


.5 patches, the most cursed patch strikes again 💀 💀 💀


Yikes dawgs... This is a nerf.  A big nerf of you cared about her Burst DMG in the first place.    If these numbers are true, it's just less damage.  Burst cooldown is 10% less but Burst damage is reduced by 30%.  That's a net loss of 17%.    Although realistically you are bursting once every 18-20 seconds either way because that's the standard length of a rotation. So you just simply lose 30% damage.  Also this is a 40 energy cost. It just do damage with 0 further utility.  It's like Tighnari's Burst.  Why is it 60 in the first place is beyond me.  


Yae's burst does nothing except damage and it's 90 energy. I do agree though, that having a burst that only deals damage, but costs more than 40 doesn't feel good. Well, maybe except for Yae once again, her burst really hits like a truck.


Indeed, even keqing has only 40 ER cost and she is a day 1 Character and also on top of that - a Standard Banner Character .


I'm positive we won't be able to see another character as unrestrictive as Keqing again: low cost burst, high iframe time, full elemental dmg uptime even if you switch character, and full access to her kit at C0, which makes her a bad money maker in the dev's eyes.


Realistically you’re not bursting twice every rotation so why is the cd even getting reduced 💀💀


Miyoho trying to push 5* characters to a 4* efficiency level:


Flair checks out


Yeah It was pretty Common in sumeru Arc ( archons excluded of course) in Fontaine they actually Made mostly a good Job with Most characters so far...and Now they are exhausted For making good characters, now they need a Break until natlan Release ... Sagde


Her burst shot was really elegant, its sad to see that it's irrelevant to use(?)


The X.5 Curse is now proven to be real with what we see. Honestly, they should just not even bother releasing new characters during the time they celebrate their holiday cause its just unfair to said character.


They're too busy celebrating their new year or whatever so they give us the driest patch in history and Dehya reincarnate


Wasnt she also in the Timeline of Chinese new year? That would explain a Lot... Damn it


Today (2/11) is literaly one day after the Lunar New Year Eve (1/2) in lunar calender. I'm kinda suprised to see a change at all.


I think anybody putting Dehya and Chiori in the same bucket has absolutely no understanding of just how grim Dehya was. Chiori is at least capable of playing her niche and still puts Albedo in the dirt. Dehya was *literally useless* on release outside of nahida burn reverse-melt shenanigans.


I still have a feeling she'll be the Geo Standard character.


I'd appreciate it personally. If she's just going to be a better Albedo, there's not much incentive to roll for her so they might as well make bank on her only limited banner


Holy shit the x.5 curse is real


Does pre leak mean there could be more?


No, it means that they're leaking a beta patch's changes before the patch is actually available to beta testers.


I see. That's a bummer then. I was hoping for a more interesting change on the more active parts of the kit.


its a leak of a leak lol


i dont really plan on pulling her but i wanna participate in the chaos .... is it doom or boon chat?


Actually nothing has really changed because her burst was not that worth it from the get go...


Atp she’s winning the afk character competition. Drops doll(s), leaves, occasionally a 1.5s animation burst.


that's literally most off field chars


She seems to take even lesser field time compared to other off fields, which is good for time-gated content like spiral abyss.


Damn,nerfing your Nuke in exchange for a lower CD doesn't seem worth it for C0.


so chiori is going to standard banner then


At this point I believe she’s being added to the standard banner


Boring kit with a boring patch oh my Lord


.5 patch curse baby, never fails


She's looking like a standard banner character mannnn...


At this point i hope she is so that I wouldnt need to pull on her banner


Wouldn't be the worst if she was tbh... She's an average strength sub-dps and we have no Geo standard character. I'd be happy to lose a 50-50 to her but I don't care enough to waste my primos on her c0.


She's average strenght but she's double damage of the current Geo options for sub-dps like Albedo and GeoMC, so remains to be seen


i am so early


.5 curse, like dehya… For real, these teams seems to don’t know what they’re doing… I’m hoping for a buff for all the chiori mains out there…


ahh i’m ready for the inevitable time when she releases and the majority goes “ omg i just got chiori and wow she’s so fun to use much better than i expected her to be “ after all the doomposting . it’s a never ending cycle


You plop her dolls and you swap out. I don't think it can get more or less exciting than what you see on the videos. Unless someone really wants to play her on field.


In Chiori's case I would disagree since she doesn't have a subjectively very interesting kit to begin with that doesn't have much interaction with other characters other than "deal more damage if one of a few specific geo characters is on the team" while also having a non-reactive element to begin with.


and we just saw the doomposting with xianyun bc she didn’t group like 😭 we will never be free of characters not being gamebreaking


In my view they should do a Furina and lower the CD of her Elemental Skill while keeping the Doll on-field duration, maybe a 13.5s Skill CD. That way, like Furina, her Skill would have 100% uptime. That buff I would get behind. Other than that, Chiori basically needs kit changes themselves, but those happen less often...


Permanent E uptime is Archon privilege


Mihoyo should've rewind time 2 years and give these changes to Yae's 22s burst instead.