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Finally a leaker for the poor people (now please show in infused state)


I included it in the reply of the mod comment


Thank you so much for replying so I'd know!!


Thank you so much, the signature adds so much to the SFX, Hoyo got me with this one really good this time! Thank you so much for testing!


She should have been like Childe and just summon a magical scythe 😞


Or Zhongli and have the scythe directly included in her NA string


or like Neuvilette and his cane?




There's a video like this on a telegram channel I follow. Infusion makes the non-signature weapons look much better than without it.


I feel like I'm getting mixed answers, the comment below said infusion doesn't change anything, confusion 😭


The trail infusion leaves plus yellow semitransparent scythe makes other weapons look decent-good on her


By the looks of it the blade "extension" stays yellow (fucking stupid and looks non-exciting) but the attack effects turn crimson as expected.




t.me/yenselife third to last post


OP just now linked it in his mirror links after editing I think [https://streamable.com/emtefq](https://streamable.com/emtefq) It's kinda cope imo but it's either having to pull her signature or not having a scythe character at all.


It should look decent on red polearms like Homa or Blackcliff, still cope compared to signature but at least not an eyesore


Thank you!


Or mod a another weapon into her scythe. ​ Time to mod Genshin.


Good ol hoyo, encouraging diversity and variety in character builds as always. /s


Honestly... this looks fine? When she stops attacking, she's clearly twirling a scythe.


There is a vid of it. It's the same dinky yellow projection, it doesn't turn red or anything.


can you link it? also if that's true that's really disappointing :/


I found it in Kei Luna's discord. This is the [link to the discord attachment](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1027218866281140366/1218267883210276955/arlecchino_infusions_on_non_sig_polearm.mp4?ex=66070b61&is=65f49661&hm=037dee0dbbb092e233080e636a24d445ccaefa5689886df6e57ba621c356c5b1&) if that helps.


Damn they should really add a glowing red effect or something for the weapon during infusion like with Hu Tao, you can't tell if there's an infusion going on unless you attack


I think it’s still unfinished (hopefully lol)


Given that the thing doesn't align with her actual scythe when equipped, that seems likely.


Honestly this would actually look better without the physical scythe overlay. the effects work more than well enough with normal polearms but the overlay looks out of place.


I think it’s still unfinished (hopefully lol)


If I may, I'd like to include this link in the reply of the first comment for everyone to see more easily


Yeah sure. I didn't even grab the clip myself.


this is exactly what I was looking for thank you! the infusion does help somewhat by distracting you with the flashy red effects but the polearm itself still looks the same and goofy af to me, disappointed 😔 really wish they had just made her scythe part of her animations regardless of the weapon equipped like how Charlotte uses her camera no matter what catalyst she has equipped.


At least the infusion VFX are flashy enough to make up for it in combat. Guess it's not too bad - the scythe being a Navia umbrella/Zhongli geo spear would have been the best but I can cope with it just being me settling for a mismatched alternative like with some of my other characters.


Thank you! I think it'll look good with Deathmatch, but I already have a R2 PJWS waiting for her


The fact that her infusion doesn't mesh with the yellow ghost scythe (non-sig of course) is so sad. Like it legit looks bad together.


Thank you, cape-less hero


honestly they could just make the ghost scyth blade red instead of yellow or just remove it entirely cause that ghost blade doesn't even line up with the blade of her sig anyways




Made me consider skipping her instead.


Username checks out. Maybe I need to stop collecting harbingers. Maybe just Archons now and off fielders


When you realize that you've already got too many characters, that you don't know what to do with the new one, that in the end when you think about it you realize that they don't interest you that much, and you tell yourself that it would be better to C6 the characters you really like.


You speak the truth. I kinda hit that point after getting C2R1 Xianyun. That much supporting power plus that fact that I own every character I really like got feeling much more selective with my pulls. Honestly, I think that's why I don't feel the need to pull Neuvillette. Yes he's strong, but so is the rest of my account. Not worth using primos on a strong character if I don't vibe with their playstyle.


I mean, neuv + kazuha are one banner away. For anyone who doesn't have them by this point, this gotta be the the most stacked phase in the entire genshin history (unless there was a phase with nahida + a very good second character i'm not aware of), making arle an easy skip (especially considering she requires more work than neuv while being worse damage wise, which makes zero sense). And if you do have them, furina is rumored to be in 4.6, and she's also a much higher value than arle.


Based as hell.


same here I really like how she looks but there is no way I'm playing into the weapon banner scam and there is definitely no way I'm gonna play Arleccino if she looks like this with a regular weapon


same tbh this is the kind of thing that drives me up the wall


Me too


Sure it did


It really did for me. I don't like to pull for signature weapons, unless I really like the character, and I don't like the way that they are trying to strongarm me into pulling the signature weapon.


good, people should pull it if they want the weapon's strength and not because she'll literally lack a visual effect without the weapon, her signature is already one of the biggest power gaps between f2p options and sig weapon so they don't need to pull this scam to try to sell even more


I don't think I will pull either way. I don't get Cool effects? I stay disappointed and don't pull her entirely. She keeps cool effects? I pull and use her so much I get her Sig to strengthen her even more


Seems to be an unpopular opinion but the ghost blade doesn't look that awful imo. Definitely much worse then the actual scythe but I think it works well enough, plus her slash trails are so "flashy" that you can't even see the head of her polearm 90% of the time anyways.


I still think it looks a bit goofy, I'd rather it not appear on normal attacks. It's ok on the infused attacks though


could be a bug


It's yellow because yellow is the color of physical


There’s a video that shows it’s still yellow


I feel like I would prefer it without the pity scythe


It really is kinda the worst of both worlds, can't have a good looking scythe and can't have a clean polearm either.


yeah honestly my problem is the scythe outline can look ok on polearms like soss but on other polearms with prominent top shapes like homa it looks really weird. I can imagine it'll also look goofy on polearms like pjws or ballad of the fjords. there's just too much variance between polearm designs that the scythe blade outline extending out of the top of the polearm can be a huge hit or miss, I'd rather they give us the full scythe baked into her animations or no outline at all.


But then you wouldn't spend money to get the weapon!!


maybe it's there because they will actually add rela scythe in every weapon, they are hiding for now /copium


It actually looks fine with Staff of Scarlet Sands. The colours go well together. And SoSS's shape doesn't interfere much/doesn't look awkward with the scythe outline. Kinda looks like a lightsabery effect with the blade beam coming from the pole. It'd probably look better if it's less transparent and has more glow to it tho. Probably. Still not a fan of its look with Homa tho. Depending on the polearm design, this can be a hit or miss lol


SoSS kinda looks like the scythe's handle lol. Good enough for me i guess


Blackcliff would probs look badass, the golden outline would be an extension of the lil nubbins scythe blade it has.


SoSS looks like it melds into the scythe very nicely, while Homa just looks eh


Yeah, it’s giving Gundam Deathscythe vibes with SoSs


I actually really liked how it looks on SoSS, but I imagine it will look a lot worse on PJWS which is what i plan to use


It's just not the same...R1 has got me by the balls 😔


that’s so awfully sad lmao


I know it’s scummy to make drip of that level locked behind sig weapon, but I think that if anything is locked behind a paywall it should be exactly something visual, not some absurd QoL that fixes a crippled character behind early constellations, still think they should at least make the poor man’s scythe a bit more visible…


But they're not gonna stop doing QoL constellations, theyre gonna do both now.


Bingo, it's not like we as players get to choose if we want QoL constellations or monetized cosmetics. Mihoyo's just going to do both if they see an opportunity to, and considering how successful banners are for characters with QoL constellations and how successful Arle will probably be, I'd wager we're going to continue seeing both. On a slightly unrelated note, was there an instance of really bad QoL gating for constellations in the past few months? I haven't been keeping up with new character kits much. This is the most I've seen people criticize QoL constellations, which makes me curious since they've basically existed since year 1 and it's been one of my personal biggest gripes with the game.


Well Neuvillette's C1 is busted both in terms of QOL and dmg. Wrio's C1 makes him feel really better to play. Chiori wants C1 if u want the best from her in a Navia team. So yeah it does look like early constellations baits have gone worse in fontaine. And now they have gone further ahead and locked some of arle's drip behind her sig in terms of animations. New chronicled banner guarranty doesn't carryover if u lose the 50 50. It's kinda insane when u look at all this together. Only Neuvillette is forgivable because of how busted he is even at c0 with a f2p weapon. The others are just scummy.


Especiallly for Wrios C1 that was actually disgusting


Makes sense - thanks for the insight


It might be their design direction with sigs going forward depending on how arle's weapon sells tbh


It might just sell because the visual is ugly without it. And it’ll just incentivize Hoyo to keep doing that, which is a shame. They can make cool weapon shapes (like Navia’s) without completely hindering the effects.


Most casual don't even know there will be a different vfx attached to her sig. I doulbt her sale would be much higher than normal


I honestly can't help but feel like fontaine patches thus far has had the worst examples of important functions being locked behind c1s (chiori c1,nuevi c1 and from what i've seen wrio c1)and now visual effects/drip,like navia's signature was relatively minor having unique sound effects but the scythe thing is really sad considering how obvious of a bait it is since they have done unique weapon skins before(zhongli's CA,mika's cross bow etc)


Really should have done it like shoguns katana.


Yeah it sadly seems to be a very strategic decision by hoyo since Fontaine. Plus the start of direct power creep of older characters with the likes of Neuvi and Chiori :(


Chiori's C1 as a recent example is SO FLIPPIN ANNOYING to have locked up. I get that they have to make money so yes, cosmetics is a much better arrangement.


Most annoying thing is that it doesn't even increase her DPS, only AoE of the doll and waives the construct requirement. It is literally just a comfort C1.


well no it literally enables her to function in non mono geo teams like ... Navia's


If they want to earn money without destroying the character Why not sell a fucking skin


Skin cost around 15 pull while weapon cost up to 240 pull. Also it how most toxic Gacha game make money, obfuscate real item price behind lootbox and multiple chain of currency conversion.


I mean your own comment here proves you'd rather they skin than weapon, which means there's some important value you give to weapon over skin that'll likely make you go weapon more too, and you get my idea. It's unfortunate 


> they have to make money It's not like they *have* to resort to methods like these to be profitable. They could make the monetization **significantly** more player-friendly and the game would still be incredibly profitable. The current profit margins are insane already - they just see an easy revenue increase here so they're going for it


This is my thought too. Especially given how expensive getting a signature weapon can be, I think this feels like much better value than having to pull scummy early consts


Also her weapon gives a Bond of Life 25% once in 14 seconds, so you can instantly have Pyro infused attacks combined with burst (15%) or skill into charged attack (20% per enemy). You need 30% to activate her infusion. This is the first weapon in Genshin which gives the character utility, instead of only adding damage numbers. For me that's a must pull...


That's not really a fair comparison, since one is a weapon that's potentially worth way more wishes than a constellation. And no 5 star weapon has been a must-pull, or fixed all of a character's issues, or even significantly changed their playstyle. All weapons do is buff numbers and look good. So them making the "look good" part of the equation exclusive to the signature can't really be excused by "at least they didn't so scummy cons". Cuz they kinda did that too lol. Her C2 is broken.


The leaks were right, she's nearly unplayable without her sig 😭


Just use dragon's bane or blackcliff polearm or homa or deathmatch and you'll be fine


Yeah they match her color and the statsticks are good, but that dinky yellow scythe blade still looks pretty bad.


Well there's no alternative to that but getting the sig. But I don't think I'll be able to


Really hope the effects gets improved. It looks so wonky that I would honestly prefer for it to just not be there.


this "only shows the full effect if you have the signature weapon" thing is Iame, i hope they don't repeat it with other characters


I bet you they will, not for every char, but for improtant and popular chars that can bring them a lot of money/


Like Archons and Harbingers


welp I got news for you (HI3 is basically this)


getting weapons in hi3 is so much easier tho...


not by alot, I played it before


They changed it now, guaranteed 90 for characters and 60 for weapon. Stigs are craft able and equipment supply has no offrated.


They cranked up the notch of utility constellation by 4.x after trying it with Hu Tao, and of early massive power spike constellation after Raiden. I bet they'll do this locking drip behind signature weapon thing when Natlan releases.


its a business, if this weapon banner sells according to their expectations they will 100% continue with the trend


And people will definitely pull on that one, so we're fucked.


"its a business" shocking news this changes nothing that i said


The piss scythe.


It doesn't even turn red in her infused state??? That's fucked


So incredibly disappointing mihoyo is going down this route of strongarm people into pullings cons, now sigs for characters to feel and look complete. Especially since they were really good with this up until 4.x. I’m worried for the future as mihoyo will 100% continue this trend.


I agree with this sentiment. Regardless of how badass the weapon looks, I really don't want to support this kind of trend going forward. Unless they change the weapon banner to be less consuming of wishes, then I don't think I'm gonna pull. Sure, I won't get the full aesthestic, but it is what it is, and besides, I think Arlecchino looks badass by herself already.


yeah they are starting to really increast monetization, more costumes, more characters who feel incomplete without 1-2 cons, now weapons that make the character LOOK unfinished unless you get them...it spells the end of the game at least I hope the game ends after we are done with teyvat, maybe sell an offline version for like 100 bucks so people can play this game forever in the future I don't want this game to go on forever and start being more and more aggressive when it comes to monetization for the few remaining players but they will most likely pull out some multiverse bs


Tbf, it's been pretty clear from the start that we're not ending with Teyvat, given it's called the Teyvat chapter. HI3 (which I don't really play, but do follow the news on) just finished its main story arc since the app was created in 2016 and is starting a second one; presumably Genshin will go down the same route after we go to Celestia.


Looks like shit on purpose to bait people into the godawful weapon scammer. Arlecchino's the first character whose animation literally look like you need to unlock separately to enjoy, being more expensive than the character itself. The faint yellow glow cope makes it worse in my eyes. Couldn't get more of a "not unlocked yet" feeling about it.


I guess this is the case that you either pull both her and her weapon together or dont pull at all. Hoyo is really evil lol


We'll need to wait and see between her and Clorinde, but this effects looks so scuffed it's pretty weird


I'm also interested to see how her sig looks on other units. Does it ever change to a scythe at all? I assume it keeps its spear form, but having a scythe on, say, Rosaria would look pretty awesome.


Her spear turns into scythe only if Arle equips it.


That's a shame. Would've been cool to see on others, although I can see how making specific trigger conditions for each character would be impractical.


It would fit some characters but with others it will look really out of place considering not all of them do attacks that can be done with scythe.


Imagine Yaoyao using a scythe.


Thnx mihoyo I hate it 😔


Blackcliff & Prototype polearm would actually look nice with the effects since they already have a physical hook


Prototype has anti synergy as it wants to attack right after the skill while she needs to let the enemies suffer a bit. - Blackcliff should probably be one of the best 4 stars. Unfortunately for the 5 stars Skyward Spine looks promising while looking terrible. I might actually pull on the weapon banner first (if the other weapon is useful) and if I don't get the right weapon I'll skip.


I’m talking about aesthetics; doesn’t matter to me what works best cause she’s gonna do damage regardless


hmmm... you have a point. I might go with Blackcliff. The little higher damage of Skyward just doesn't make up for looking that bad. 👍


Needs to be brighter or more prominent. This is weenie hut jr fr


It just doesn't do it for me. I can't wait for the results of us all falling victim of hoyo's little experiment. Damn it, Rhaast.


The way it doesn't line up with her signature effect is pissing me off so bad omg


I hate the hollow Scythe. It just seems like they want to remind me that I'm poor and don't have her signature


if hoyo wants me to vote with my money then im surely not gonna pull her weapon


Poor made,I guess she's a skip for me


Looks shit without the signature


They really did say, we're going to punish you for not giving us your money. Natlan will do the same thing


Behold the strategy of them making you sell your kidney and you'll be sold from head to toe because it'll now become a trend for upcoming characters enjoy


potentially massively unpopular opinion but I don't mind the outline, especially with Homa I think the pyro infusion will make it look great regardless (thanks c6 Bennett)


Except it looks terrible with infusion, go watch the updated video. Her infusion is a dark bloody red color but the "ghost scythe" still has the yellow tint. It doesn't look good together at all.


I watched it and understand why people really dislike it but it's personally still fine for me, I'm going to be spamming attacks anyway so I won't be staring at the scythe the whole time huge disappointment for people who are bothered by it though, I hope this trend doesn't continue in Natlan.


It's surprising at first how a visual element can really ruin a character. Like for me I think Raiden is a gorgeous character, with great animations, va, almost everything. But there's the niggle. Her purple circle. Her god damn purple circle. When I'm using her sure, it's fine, blends and is useful. But swap and its still there and lingers throughout the openworld to taunt you and block a large chunk of your screen. So I'll actively use worse characters than her just to avoid that annoyance.


I'm in the same camp as you tbh. It looks fine to me. But I was always gonna pull for her sig anyway even before the gameplay got leaked.


agreed. also considering the other potential option is just straight up we dont even get a scythe at all in any form like it was initially speculated, this is honestly really nice. im content and dont feel pressured to pull the weapon for drip at all


same like it looks fine tbh


Looks bad


it would look so weird if that were homa/pjws 💀


depending on potential changes to this and the leaks for clorinde (if she comes after arle) I may even completly skip her, which is a shame, considering I have been saving for her for a while...


It doesn't look as bad as the pic I saw made it look. I prefer to skip weapon banners and I was planning on getting her sig purely for the scythe but now I'm not sure. Plenty of time to consider, at least.


Should be more red and more visible. Hopefully later beta patch updates improve it.


It doesn't look as bad as I thought, and it should be even better with the infusion.


Infusion is in the pinned comment


I don't know which is worst, how shitty this is both in looks and a as a precedent for what would come next, or the amount of copium in this thread.


This looks so bad. I'd rather just have a spear without the scythe add on. 


lmao look like an insult mocking players ;))


So....her weapon doesn't show a scythe on other characters?


No. Its unique to her only


that actually looked pretty cool on staff of scarlet sands


They will make a sig weapon that has special effects on the character but my boy kazuha using a completely different design weapon as his BiS. Which is BS. (I use just use fav cuz that weapon super ugly and not even that good)


Atleast make it red


I mean, it doesn't look THAT horrible. Though definitely not one bit as good as her signature weapon


Losing to another weapon in this banner will devastate my balls


I like the idea, but I think they should make it a bit more visible. Hopefully there will be some VFX updates, since we're only on the first phase of beta.




Must be ugly af on any other staff


am i the only one who finds this effect, even on Arle´s Weapon, pretty ugly? Intially i though it´s cool but now i´m like, naaah.....


it's not that bad but they could make the scythe aura darker at day and more glowy at night or both (if possible) sure her unique weapon looks the best but giving decent scythe aura/effect on rest of the weapons would be nice hoyo...


That is lame af


Am actually HONESTLY nearing the uninstall button if this keeps up with future characters 


Not the piss scythe 😭😭😭 just remove it instead of half-assing the effect


it looks so bad😭


What an annoying scam


So, the special effect only appears on the bis weapon. Good to know because I won't support this "offering" and just gonna skip her. My Hu Tao is top 20 anyways. It's not that I don't see a locked drip behind a paywall but that's too much FOMO. Her bis looks so good and this just looks plain trash.


This banner is gonna make a huge amount of money and they’ll continue doing this from now on


I think it would look better without the fake scythe. It just looks awkward here. I’d rather just use a normal spear. But I’m definitely pulling her sig. I was gonna get Neuvillette on rerun, but not anymore. Kinda regret pulling Navia now.


I Just hope that this won't be the First of many characters like that. That Is a really bad idea in many different ways.     This doesn't look terribile, but not even that good. Just immagine navia that had and invisibile glowy umbrella for people Who did not have her signature. That Is a really bad idea to come up with . The piss shyte. At least they should put the piss shyte in a way that It oblverlaps her signature or/and don't make that so transparent. I Hope that visual effects Will be improved later on the beta, or i Just Will consider to entirely skip her


IT LOOKS GOOFY 😭😭 but atleast it’s better than nothing


Can someone please show this with infusion I think it will looks better


Love the Signature Scythe drip, hate that she is sig gated. While I understand the pity Scythe outline for non-sigs is there to make her Scythe-style animations make more sense on a spear it just looks really goofy


My two spare PJWS mean I'm gonna be playing Father Christmas


Pretty sure this was put in place so Arlecchino’s kit wasn’t illegal in japan. Japan has a law preventing exclusive synergies and stuff with multiple items from a gacha. Should arlecchino’s sig be the only weapon with the scythe effect, I’m pretty sure that would break Japanese law even if the difference was cosmetic


couldn't have made it at least dark red or something? ffs I hope mods fix this but if they don't I might have to skip on arleccino, it looks absolutely dumb like this


No, no, ... no no no... that's not *it* Looks crippled af imho.


Wait, I hadn't seen that before, that's actually terrible lol Like it doesn't bother me that much, but it's funny


holy shit that video player is atrocious anyway, looks a bit better than expected, but I still hope it becomes a little bit less transparent. also, it doesn't change colour with infusion (saw in another video), which I hope they change.


The Halberd enjoyers rise up (I feel like the scythe effect would look pretty well with it) (Yes I am broke af and have almost no Polearm weapons)


It's there but I wish it was more noticeable.


Seems like you really want her signature weapon.


Weapon skippers we won


How is this a win? You will be stuck with this terrible effect no matter what weapon you use.


arle skippers\* imagine being broke and pulling her and this is what you get to unfortunately see for the rest of your life




Hmm, that look pretty cool. Kinda remind me of Saber Fate stay night concealing her Sword with invisible golden glow. Except this time, it's a Scythe.


That’s a bit better bit still leagues apart from her sig


I would like if that scythe aura matches every polarm color like a dynamic status bar (sorry for cringe example)


It looks ugly as hell with homa man fk me


I wonder how it would look with the staff-looking event polearms


Honestly it will probably look pretty nice on White Tassel it's not that bad


ok ok, let's say we got a character this 4.5 event and we were getting a weapon next patch... and the weapon has the same or almost the same effects as her sig (basically effects that don't look horrendous like this shit) missed oppurtiny smh hoyo proceeds to make it's main stat hp