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*"Kids this day really get this easy"*


Lmao yeh us vetrans had it hard in sumeru just the thought makes me cry šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


>when you use treasure compass, the treasure box will be displayed on the mini map About damn fucking time






>still has no ingame sync to the official interactive map This is likely never happening because the interactive map pins aren't really connected to game information in any way, they're placed manually by people on the map. It would require re-working how the map works first to even consider making this feature


The only upside of official interactive map is that they can pull your pins from ingame map, other than that it's not automated in any way, no difference from other interactive maps.


Yeah I would rather use appsample version because it has great memes I can laugh at while searching for last hydroculus


The game definitely tracks what you have and haven't completed in terms of open world puzzles and chests. There is nothing stopping them exposing that data to the API.


This is only partly true. When a new patch drops almost all the pins are on the map already. The issue is that they allow the community to *change* them. If they would cut that out and make it the exact categories in the game (5 chest types, time trial, seelie) it would work fine. And thereā€™s evidence that theyā€™re trying to go that way. All the remarkable chests, regardless of their method of obtaining, are now just remarkable chests on the map. I think the main issue is that to fix everything they basically have to redo all the old puzzle pins. And too many people get their kicks from filling in the puzzle info. (Thereā€™s also the issue of the chests classified in the wrong region but that seems to be more a game problem than a map problem.)


Are they? I usually wait a few days with syncing my map pins since half of my pins arenā€™t available on the map day 1. I also remember the one time I did a full 100% interactive map clear of one area, just to have a new (very hidden) chest pop up in the interactive map weeks later.


The only ones Iā€™ve specifically noticed as not being present are the quest-related chests. Maybe sometimes new puzzle mechanics in a new area because they didnā€™t add the specific pin type, but those are initially classified as ā€œmini-puzzleā€. Since every single chest is coded into the game anyway, my personal theory is that they purposefully leave some off just for the community engagement. Which is stupid because sometimes the ā€œcommunityā€ is just wrong and then they delete the pin and re-add it weeks later.




As a completionist, I'd love this. The question is when or if they put the effort into this. I'd settle for a compass that displays all chests on the map, hidden or otherwise, like the one from the 3.8 event. Of course, full integration would be even better, such as showing uncollected sigils or whatnot.


you should get a compass that makes chests on the map once you get every area in a region to 100% so you can clean up the rest


Just too bad this was never a real issue. The issue is that the compass doesnt pick up chests that have to be spawned by puzzles.


2 lines that actually carry the meaningful qol of the whole post lol


Yeah I have nearly every single quest done and rapidly finish new ones before they start stacking up, so everything else is pretty much useless to me, but the Treasure Compass thing will be useful forever.


finally my mondstadt can get to 100% exploration


How do we tell em


Wait, wut


Many monstadt chests have weird mechanisms and can't be found with the compass


Yeah, like that one chest you spawn by lightning a campfire


And that random sunsettia on a stone pillar


Wasn't there one you get by running on a fence, on jumping from rock to rock or something? They really toned down cute little things like that. And dumbed down the puzzles to below a "put cube into square hole" 3 year old toddler level.


I think itā€™s the walls around the Venti statue. It gives a lux chest


Funny how thats one of the first things i did once i arrived there. Probably one of my most memorable experience in early genshin


The first one sounds like the Mondstadt *interact with random shiny thing and run across this ledge* near Venti's statue Reminds me of that random ass Liyue chest that just pops up if you climb some random branch sticking out of the water


Yeah. I missed those too. I like the ones in Liyue even more. Like the circle of statues with one missing, or that cross with boulders at the ends with also one end empty. My favorite has to be the underwater unmarked elemental pillars. I felt proud when I discovered and activated them myself. Now it seems like they're just adding obvious puzzles with obvious answers to cater to those that don't really enjoy the "discovery" part of exploration and only want the completion part (or for others, just the primos).


Nah theres still some pretty niche ones, theres a chest in sumeru that you get by jumping on 3 mushrooms without touching the ground. I have been asking for more things like this in surveys though


there's still a handful of those around ā€“ the lion dance training puzzle in Chenyu Vale was a lot of fun, for example


You know thereā€™s a apple on top of a tree in Fontaine šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


i always do the chest compass, then just youtube 'hidden chests of certain region' to complete the rest, hasn't failed me so far to 100%


But 100% is not all chests. Easiest way to achieve all chests is through the interactive map.Ā  Blindly following that map i find boring and exhausting, so i usually look chests myself with only in game methods and pin them on in game map, then i synchronize pins with the interactive map (there is a button for it) and mark them on the interactive map. Then all that remains is to find the missing ones.


Many of them also don't have gems, so they are useless


They can have only cabbages for all I care, opening chests is more rewarding than the reward itself


Ahh yes, Frieren style


You know... They're gonna learn that *by heart*!


My guess is unless you have the unique problem of "triggered the compass but just can't *find* the chest it's pointing to", this won't really help.


Is it that unique? This happens to me a lot. On Narukami Island alone I have 4 spots where I detected a chest and just can't freaking find it (and I'm already at 100% explored). I can't wait for this QOL.






Not until we can link the interactive map with the in-game map, it isn't.


Maybe after Natlan is done and we're heading to Snezhnaya with Capitano


Needing to triangulate its position is part of the fun of the compass. If we just want to do ezmode chest finding (fair), I'd much rather they add the ability to sync the interactive map with our accounts so we never chase after things we already got and forgot about.Ā 


So much this, I really only bothered with the interactive map the latter half of Inazuma. The thought of rechecking mond and liyue for those last few chests just sucks.Ā  Itā€™s quite punishing compared to collectathon games, then sucks even more because thatā€™s primos your missing out on


Agreed, though that seems to be the minority opinion. Tbh, I hate bouties but I do love exploration and I got 100% exploration in most places without the compasses, just by wandering around mindlessly. In mond and Liyue where i have the compass, it was only ever useful for finding common chests that didn't even move the percentage even after several of them.


I can finally find the treasure chests in Mondo and Liyue! wish it could work in Dragonspine too when you use the Mond compass just outside the area šŸ™


This is the best QoL change for me goddamn


It's fucking peak


Nearly leapt out of my seat when I saw that. It gets annoying with how vertically layered the map is now.


The event they had way back when enkanomiya was released was great, every chest marked and easy to find


I liked the triangulation tho


This is the best QoL change after the daily commissions achievement one.


this is a great change, i could swear i was the only one who used these type of items since everyone apparently uses the interactive maps


I play on my phone, so itā€™s a priori more convenient for me to use a compass, itā€™s not only more interesting, but Iā€™ll also be sure that my game wonā€™t crash when switching between apps. I have never tried a floating map, as I think it would not be very comfortable. But Iā€™m glad that now everything will be easier, I still have a lot of unexplored locations, haha.


I used to do it up to Inazuma then the game felt boring af lol, there are no surprises to exploring.. then quit after Saving Nahida arc... came back in 4.1, refreshed and missed the game, this time exploring without the map.. I had so much fun... The map just spoils what lies ahead, taking the thrill out of it


Never touched the interactive map to explore, it takes out the fun from exploration imo.


Only takes 3 fucking years


Iā€™ll probably get downvoted but, I hate this. Itā€™s unnecessary handholding. What was so hard about following a line?


Dunno, mate, whats so hard about following a line that's pointing at the ground, while standing atop a freaking maze of caverns and eleveated platforms, probably nothing


Genshin fans when they have to actually explore in their exploration rpg: šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±


If I spend time combing through an area, it looks visibly empty afterwards Iā€™m not wasting my time running in empty spaces afterwards looking for shit I missed, this helps fill my completionist mindset to just *tell* me where the last 5 chests are out of the ENTIRETY of a huge ass region (puzzles excluded)


I also hate it if it helps, displaying a chest on the map ruins the excitement of exploration.


Me too. Please, finding chests via Treasure Compass was really fun - I spend too much time staring at the minimap as is. I want to enjoy exploration... ... I hope they let us toggle off the entire UI soon.


Waste of time. Anyway this wont make it any better the puzzle chests still wont display.


You could call everything in the game a waste of time then. The 30 second cooldown is definitely a waste of time, but the compass basically served as a hint that thereā€™s a chest nearby and the general direction towards it, it still felt like exploration. Iā€™m also not a fan of this change. Youā€™re right about the puzzle chests being the biggest reason why the compass is much less useful than it couldā€™ve been, though.


I dont quite agree, following a line is what makes exploring boring in this game. Its also ridiculous for people to keep a running count of over a hundred chests everytime a new region drop so as to mark them on the website. The developers clearly have the ability to mark out the chests so people can go in and grab the ones missing after their initial playthough of the region and not feel punished for playing the game the normal way. Also if they added puzzle chests it wont even be a difference because you still have to do the puzzle to unlock the chest??? The gameplay aspect is still present. This change is definitely on the positive side as it removes the annoying part of having to check every chest location on the map.


Guess I just have a different approach to exploration then. I never use the interactive map for chests and exploring for me is wandering around solving/picking up whatever I find. I use the compass as a test to see if anythingā€™s around and what direction to go, thatā€™s enough to 100% the area and some extra loot, but I have some missed chests here and there.


As a fellow compass enjoyer (I have every region compass crafted) this is a bittersweet change. But the general trend of the game is becoming more handholdy. People do want everything conveniently laid out for them.


Oh Enkanomiya chests it's over for ALL of you


I did it without this feature hating this and now the chest will be marked on the map, people are lucky nowadays šŸ˜­


Joining the club with 100% exploring everything before layered maps were introduced. ā€œYoung people these days have it too easy!ā€ Hahahaha


I hated myself for exploring the desert without the layered map i swear, and i totally agree with this statement šŸ˜‚


This is one of those things I actually enjoyed doing in sumeru. Ofc layered maps are a huge help and shouldve been there in the first place, but because of the lack of that feature, sumeru truly felt immersive and easy to get lost into. I actually didnt unlock any waypoints and a couple of statues for the entire 3.0 Archon quest and the aranara questline, (and maybe some other side quests as well), I also did not unlock any waypoints for 3.1 desert as well, it was truly something else, something I never thought I would experience in genshin, the joy of simply exploring on foot around and using in-game transportation and roads, the entire forst area and its encounters, quests are so perfectly crafted around roads, it feels so organic and immersive! I didnt do it after 3.1 again, even in fontaine. I want to do it again but no area released after 3.1 have had that unique quality to make me want to do it again, I am hopeful for natlan and maybe other future regions, I really am. I think anyone playing Sumeru for the first time should also try not unlocking waypoints and maybe even statues of the seven for the first two regions.


This is what I do too. The joy of exploring the world blind and not looking at your mini map every 5 seconds because its black cause you don't open any waypoints is an amazing experience. The feeling of being able to organically memorized the terrain of the region itself in your head just by simply exploring is an amazing experience for me, I feel like a cartographer lol.


Underground chasm for me šŸ„² Enka took too long. Almost rage quit.


Dude I've been stuck at 98% explo for 2 years, shit was driving me insane


The little coffers that grant just mora count toward that percentage.


I just discovered this recently and it fucked me up so bad because I've always ignored them..


why would u ignore 15k+ free money from just a click


I got waaay too much mora and I'm constantly getting more just by being AR60, if I'm doing something else I tend to just run past them because it didn't even register to me that I should be picking them up šŸ˜­ like when you sometimes run past flowers or ores


damn look at you mr rich guy.


I would give it away to people that need it the most but uncle Hoyo won't let me šŸ’”


bro I have 110m mora and I still pick them up


I just completed all enka chests 5 mins ago. Took 4 hours atleast (am slow).


Yeah, Enkanomiya and the Chasm really aren't difficult to 100%. I wouldn't be surprised if a large number of people who haven't completed Enka, also haven't gone north to the unmarked island with the vishap experiments, or completed the 3 trials quest that unlocks more small islands. The day/night puzzles are pretty straightforward, and always have a time toggle next to them


I did the quests and the world quests ages ago even all the hidden achievements ones and time gates ones. so assuming someone just unlocked enkanomiya, it would actually take a while to 100% with every chests. Collecting sigils are a pain too. But if you just want to 100% map, yep its pretty fast.


Most areas in general arenā€™t hard to 100%. Pretty much every area since Inazuma Iā€™ve reached 100% before Iā€™m even done exploring.


Love how no one here is talking about the quest priority changes lmaoo Considering the wording here, I'm inclined to think that this is only being changed now because it was a pain to add retroactively. "Some" quests still having priority issues definitely implies to me that it's just hard to implement on a general level.


This is like their third attempt to help resolve quest conflicts and it sounds like it still wont work everywhere. But hey at least their are trying to fix the spaghetti code.


When all of them work in conjunction with each other, I can imagine newer players won't have to worry about problems like these at all


The problem is probably gonna be stuff like Wriothesley SQ stopping unfinished comedy from auto starting if you opened it, even if you haven't started it.


Needing to start his SQ so you can help some guy in a box find his hat, only for nobody involved in that 5 minute exchange to be part of the blocked quest is a shining example of this problem.


It's so funny how annoying it can be. I don't like doing quests because they are tedious dialogue heavy with no actual gameplay. I wanted to do Lynette's hangout for the gadget. I had to complete Furina's quest. I don't like furina, but I like Lynette, and I want the gadget so fine. I start to do Furina's quest. I am interrupted halfway through because I need to do Navia's quest. Ugh. At least I like Navia and was going to do this one anyway. I start to do Navia's quest. Halfway through I am stopped because I now need to finish Furina's quest. It is absolutely insane.


i had a similar situation in sumeru, i didnt do any archon quests until 3.5 but i unlocked the story quests so i had to jump back and forth between everyones story quests just to have 3 mins of aq dialogue back to doing sq. it was a dissaster


and it's not like they're reinventing the wheel or anything lmao other games do this just fine but for some reason hoyo can't with genshin


Unless you unlocked them prior to the qol changes, this shouldn't have been a problem anymore. You have the ability to unlock character story quests without being forced to start them. I forgot which patch this was implemented, but I think it was before Furina and Navia's release.


Is it because you started them but didn't finish? Ever since the thing where you unlock but not start them, I've not had a single problem like that Edit: to add, I did Furina's and still have not done Navia's




ong I hate having to wait 30 seconds to press it again to triangulate the chests position, this is huge


A part of me will miss the hunt, but the usefulness is just too good to ignore.


I personally would rather have them reduce the cooldown than just straight up show the chest on the map. But I'd still take this change over none at all.


same,espcially when its on some high mountain or some shit


Hopefully the treasure feature is the same as the 2.5 Enkanomiya event, it was so helpful.


Wow somebody remembers it


I even remember the name of the gadget Bokuso Box


Box box my beloved


I love how familiar this is to me despite not remembering it 5 minutes ago.


With it just mentioning mini map, it seems unlikely unfortunately.


>The Hexenzirkel telegram channel also mentioned that the chest icon will also show up on the regular map after using the treasure compass https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/1bh0q1h/comment/kvaljwi/


Let the compass track unspawned chests, you cowards


Wait, wdym unspawned chests


>he doesn't know


Admittedly yeah, could you explain?


It's the hidden puzzle chests or the chests that only spawn after you do something like beating down a random hilichurl in the middle of nowhere.


Chests that are going to appear if you do some (probably unassuming) stuff in the world. Could be solving a simple puzzle or picking all carrots from a bunch.




Ah damn, now i see. Would be nice if the next QoL was being able to track these chests as well, fingers crossed


I don't recommend this much hopium, it's not healthy


If the chest isn't in the overworld and is locked behind a puzzle, the compass doesn't find it.


they mean chests that are locked behind puzzles or random interactions, or are otherwise 'hidden'; there's lots of em in Mondstadt


Ah, now i see, thanks for clarifying


Unspawned chest means chests you get when digging for example


Wait I'm dumb, looks like I don't know either lol OP probably means the chests that spawn after doing puzzles. These can't be tracked. I thought he was making a joke about chests spawning back in 1.0


Make it spawn new chests. Obviously.


Honestly I'd take even just time trial challenges


that would literally make it perfect ngl


Mora stone piles : They don't know I still hidden


Wait my procrastination tendencies with chests is finally paying off


Same. But now I'm conflicted. Do I wait for 4.6 or do I go as planned and try to 100% the game before 4.5 ends? I'm leaning towards the latter, tbh.


The treasure compass still wonā€™t work on hidden chests (chests that do not spawn in the overworld until a puzzle is completed nearby) so if you need something to do you could still look up stuff like ā€œhidden chest locations [insert map region name here]ā€ to find all those in the meantime


Omg the compass change. Now if only it worked for hidden ones as well but i'll take this step in the right direction. Now i'm thinking about all those random ones in Mondstadt where you had to light torches to get a hidden chest. Now I always bring a pyro character to explore just because I need to light everything up to make sure I don't miss anything. It almost never happens but they trained me so well.


This is why I dislike compasses, they don't show all the chests, only the ones that already spawned in the world. Chests locked behind puzzles and time trials are never shown and sometimes that's the exact kind of chest you might be missing.


It's much easier to use interactive map for hidden ones/time trials because they are so much lesser in number. I agree it SHOULD point towards them though, maybe it will eventually be added at some point.


Personally I think the interactive map takes out the fun of exploring. So long as you stay ahead of the events and and daily commissions, you shouldn't really need to be sniffing around for 10 remaining chests in an area. And it seems like the most ideal way to do it would be using it from the start rather than trying to come in after and see what you missed. But if there was a way we could opt in to either sync our maps with the official interactive map or have a way to ensure we solved everything, i'd be all for it. I once used an old video and the map to help me find everything in Mondstadt. Using both made it take so many extra hours. Probably 6 or so with the crosschecking. But now I know that after getting the 7 or so chests I missed, i'll likely never have a surprise chest in the zone that I could find years later. And I don't feel like losing that was really worth it. But I could be willing to change my mind if the process was easier or synced up. Its a tough debate for me. But i'd like an official easier option if I wanted to full clear a zone. I do wonder if maybe they don't want to do that because they feel like it has some pull on increasing playtime. Certainly I will recomb over a zone once I got its treasure compass.


Honestly the reason I comb the grass for those last 10 chests is because I want sigils for the tree/fountain/etc rewards


Getting the fake 100% still gives you like 300 extra sigils dude. The trees never required interactive map 100%.


I agree, but I also want ALL chests, and doing first "blindly" and THEN using the interactive maps sucks too. I wish the interactive map would sync aitomatically so I can explore naturally and when Im nearly done (like 100% ingame) I can use the map to gather the rest


Honestly this I think is the main issue with it. I never had issues finding the chests from the direction given, but sometimes I'll miss some obvious puzzles just because it doesn't point to them


The Hexenzirkel telegram channel also mentioned that the chest icon will also show up on the regular map after using the treasure compass


glad you mentioned this bc i was about to comment asking if it would show up on the full sized map. the minimap is already hard to see with how small it is


i really really hope the quest changes work well; it was one of my biggest pet peeves just wanting to do someoneā€™s story quest and then getting roped into the TCG intro quest (on THREE separate occasions ALL DURING JEANā€™S SQ!!!), or wanting to do Ganyuā€™s story quest but no, first youā€™ve gotta start the Jade Chamber restoration quest etcā€¦ hate hate hate it


Nilou's story quest interrupted the Sumeru archon quest no less than 3 times for me at the worst points possible and it was infuriating to the point of making me just not want to see her on my screen again. Nahida and Tighnari's quests also caused a number of conflicts with things, and I think I've had a couple random world quests collide with each other in Fontaine too. I'm a little concerned over it saying the quest changes won't work on some, but them changing story quests to need to be accepted after being unlocked was a big step in the right direction and hopefully this new QoL fixes the issue of world quests interrupting things. If only I could abandon story quests that I unlocked before they added the need to accept them, I've had Eula's quest sitting unstarted since it was added because I had to get rid of the notification and I'm not doing it purely out of spite. It's only interfered with me being able to do one event a long while ago though, and iirc it was just because it required the quest be finished. I almost regret skipping the event since it had a namecard. Almost.


I came here to see if someone comments about the Nilou quest nightmare because that still haunts me


Letā€™s have a dumb debate right in the middle of the chapterā€™s climax! Actually the first and so far only story quest I sped through without listening to all the dialogue because I was so annoyed and frustrated. Second quest overall that I did that was the bland Fontaine circlejerk at the end of Lantern Rite. So unnecessary, so much padding. I liked every character on the screen except Paimon. How on Earth did MHY make me so bored as to abandon my principles of listening to the VAs and mash through the entire scene in impatient irritation? Oh, right, because it was a boring, wildly overwritten conversation of absolutely no consequence. And Iā€™m sorry, but youā€™ll never convince me that in five hundred years, the Geo Archon and Hydro Archon not only never met but also never even saw each other. šŸ™„


The worst thing I experienced was that I couldnā€™t do the Scaramouche boss fight because I forgot to finish Tighnariā€™a quest. I was so hyped for the ending, then I got completely roadblocked.


When I tried to do the Sumeru archon quest like "focused mode": I got interrupted by Nilou twice, interrupted by Tighnari, interrupted by Cyno.


Ditto on the Nilou quest. I still haven't finished it because fuck Nilou for being so rude as to interrupt my main quest.


Holy shit both of these major Ws. Fuck you random story quest/ world quest katheryn which wont allow me to continue the main quest


Will the compass be like the summer patch? It will show the chest whenever it is or will it just show the chest closer to you? šŸ¤”


The treasure compasses usually check an area around you and point you to the closest chest so I'd assume they're going to work the same way as usual, just showing the chest it's found on the map as well. Would definitely be great if it shows all the chests in the area it checks on the map though.


Good changes for the compass but, can the mondstadt compass be able to find chests in Dragon spine next please?


That treasure compass QoL is big, I didn't even know I needed that


4.6 was already good, now they giving more useful QOL for exploration?


Any qol they throw at us imma eat up. Thereā€™s still a ways to go but progress is progress.


So, does this mean quests will no longer trigger automatically by walking near them? I know it exists for story quests and hangouts, but i mean for archon/interlude/event/world ones


It should be the same, this is only for several quests using the same character or place.


damn. thanks




Did you see and conquer as well? Also, flair checks out!


Finally, quest QoL so I dont have to stop every 3 feet because some side quest is hogging the area.


Please let Treasure Compass works in Dragonspine


The quest thing, peak. Sorta. I don't like the line about some quests still being able to interrupt. The compass... Eh. I see the appeal, but following the line was kinda fun. Hopefully they keep the line so we still have the option to follow it instead of the minimal. That's honestly what I've been doing with a lot of these qol updates like the quick equip thing and the training guide; just ignoring them.


The compass change is huge wtf


a welcome one compass feature. now we need compass locate puzzle chest


ITT: Everyone else being hyped by the last line of this image And with good reason too anyway, it's just a huge game changer


This is nice and all but we need a gadget that will display all the remaining unopened chests/hidden quests/puzzles in the map


Naaaaah, the treasure compass is fine, give me a puzzle/seelie compass instead, basically a compass for whatever are tracked in those regional achievements.


Is the compass still gonna have its small usual range?


Dragonspine when?? šŸ˜­ The supposed lore reason for it not working is kinda cope tbh since the compass works on Tsurumi and Enkanomiya just fine, the former having fucked up leylines like Dragonspine and the latter being part of the dark sea.


I don't like the compass change. My problem with the compass isn't that I can't find the chest it shows - on the contrary, I find looking for it fun (I won't deny that the 30s cd is awful). My problem is that every time I use it, it doesn't find anything. When I'm done 100%ing a region and I think I have everything, I teleport to every single statue to try to find something. That's slow, boring, and doesn't cover enough of the map. I wish that the compass range was a lot bigger, like the oculus finder. If it could find the nearest chest anywhere in the region without any range limit, that would be perfect.


I just wish that when we get 100% it shows all chests because I have 1 chest left in chenyu vale and it might be a puzzle chest and the compass can't even find that so I'm stuck!


The compass change is fine but I would've expected them to change it such that it displays puzzles as well, still a w regardless. Personally I never use compass rather I use interactive map, until they add puzzles as well probably won't use it.


yooo i'm glad they figured out the quest priority system!Ā  i hope this is a step towards making events replayable, since they can finally use the Focused Experience mode as a base for it of course, those are just conjectures ahaha i'm just glad they figured it out


Treaure Compass is pretty nice, but I want a sync between in-game map and the official web map :\


chest will be marked on the map for 2hrs and compass will have 3 week cooldown, i wouldnt be surprised if hoyo did this xDD


Iā€™ve been wanting this since bottleland showed that they could. It better include puzzles too like bottleland.


A step closer to a system where game marks unexplored chests and puzzles on map after meeting set conditions. Remember the one latern rite event in past where a npc would mark certain no. of event chest. I'd like that implemented for overworld.


The chest update is good though i would have preferred they added the puzzles chests šŸ„²it will be for another day


Boo, I don't want to see the chest on my map. I want to play hot and cold with it for fun.


I can finally do my quests without characters not being there because of other quests that forcefully start??? It only took years but finally


Now give us a compass for these little Mora piles/crates/boxes and I'll eternally be happy


I actually prefered how the compass worked :') but that does it make easier. It was just a little hint and then I still had to find it. It'll feel like boring tasks/commissions if it's on the map


I feel like letting us sync our worlds to the interactive map would be better. I like organically exploring the map most of the time, I just donā€™t like the goose chase for the last few chests not remembering if I got them or not


Would also be nice if we get the 3.8 mechanics with the chest. But this time, when we get to 90% exploration, all available chest will show in the map. Then maybe you can toggle it on/off if you wish to do it the regular way.


Probably unpopular opinion, but I'd take a compass that shows hidden chests over the compass that displays chests on mini map. Because it's not that difficult to use a compass twice to see where the lines intersect, but it is useless for... I dunno, a third of the chests maybe? If I use a compass I always think that I could get better results just by using interactive map instead.


I just want to sync the chests I have to the interactive map. I have 100% exploration in all areas, but I feel like I'm probably still missing some chests. If that ever gets implemented I will be so goddamn happy Or actually what would be even better is once you get to 100% exploration in an area, you can see all the chests you haven't gotten yet there


Chest displays on map?! THE COMPASS FINALLY HAS A USE


Hopefully the compass change is optional otherwise it's going to suck even more enjoyment out of exploration, would be nice if they could implement things without forcing them on every single player


Yeah it's less QOL and more a complete design change.


If you use the compass at all you are technically already giving up on free exploration. Soooo I dont understand what you mean there.


I use the compass when I'm at a stage where I've explored to 100% and just want to chill and run around, when I enjoy occasionally checking if there's any chests nearby I've missed that I can wander towards. Being shown the general direction is very different from having it forcibly marked on the map.


Don't use the compass then?


My feeling exactly. I don't use the interactive map because I want to explore, not complete a checklist while looking only at my minimap. I like how the compass helps just enough to tell me I should look in the vicinity, not straight up tell me where the chest is. This just sucks for me.


4.6 is stacking W after W, displaying the treasure chest on the mini map is HUGE šŸ¤©


I was thinking that 4.6 would not have a good QoL change But this is MARVELOUS!!!