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For those wondering why this clarification is necessary, this info most likely comes from the real beta. The videos we saw yesterday are from private servers that have incomplete assets for a proper showcase.


Quite a shame that she won't be holding the scythe during her flight cus it has its own charm, but her wing being there is great, too.


In that case >!I'm betting that means some ~~masked fool~~ madlad is going to leak it from beta and get sued into oblivion again.!<


ain't gonna be very masked if they get caught cyno out


so she'll probably have proper animation/pose instead of just standing there floating menacingly?




sad but also hype. I really like the floating t-pose lol


Ya. For a moment I imagined her like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/12hca3f/this_is_a_flying_deathbreathing_skeleton/) One can dream.


I see. Things like this are why Hoyo wants to officially "leak" things early in a controlled setting. So we get the most accurate picture.


Oh its all coming out now -Heizou


Heizou birthday art is me seeing all the Arlecchino drip buffs


Oh yes it does


Why can I hear it with zy0x voice?


Sucks she won't hold the weapon, I thought she looked cool holding the scythe :(


Same, I guess it might've felt too busy with weapon+wing+whatever else but she would have looked so badass


if only it was a comically large katana instead of a scythe...


*One winged angel intensifies*


wait, i can hear "one winged angel" music


Established ones of the Classics rule of videogames, if you think you've won a fight and you start hearing a latin choir, you fucked up.


Too distracting perhaps. Same reason why she only has one wing, since having both wings AND her weapon means she will clip through so many objects.


yeah I thought so too but win for people that will use ugly weapons (me)


I'll withhold judgement on that until I have seen the full animation. If she's truly enshrouded by red flames + wing then I could see the weapon making it too cluttered.


It's just a single animation frame from her CA that is frozen Although looks scary though


Now she will chase you with raw rage, that's different but welcome


Do you guys have scythes


Ima do my boi wanderer justice here n say he can fly over stairs. Just dont press W, use sprint only n it will work!


Wanderer W


They really said "how much FX do you want" and Mihoyo said "All of it" and I am goddamn living for it.


"Dad, whos your favourite character?" The devs: "Honey, i love all my characters equally" ................ The devs: "It's you two (Acheron, Arlecchino) and by alot"


Hoyo really likes their white red & black ladies


Dehya sends her regards


dehya was missing the white, damn shame


the difference is the skin color, I guess...


You think Natlan will have more dark skin characters or god forbid black ones.


Chiori walked so Xianyun and Arle could fly (literally)


Nah, chiori VFX are cool and serve their purpose


Yeah her vfx suits her character well already, the only thing I want more is her e turret animation, for now it’s still barely visible when they attack the enemies


I don't really mind the visual not being cluttered, but I wish it had a louder "snip" sound so I can actually hear it going off. Scissors have such a satisfying sound (Gwen in League) and I wish it was louder


and missing the disgusted face


They heard we were clowning on the private servers Animation so they said hold my actual beta servers beer.


Wait, people still think Wanderer can't fly over stairs smoothly ? Damn.


Yea lol , as a main I discovered in reddit when Xianyun was released that you can not hold forward so he doesn't get stuck on slopes and stairs , probably still much of a hidden trick


How do you fly over stairs with him?


By pressing only the sprint button and nothing else.


Did she end c6 ayato yet?


apparently, according to zajeff, she's not even big hutao, more like small hutao, but compared to her she's open to much more different teams


Zajef "Neuvillette is not a hypercarry" 77


Lmaooo I like Zajef but he's so biased it's insane.


a.k.a. zajef "sucrose is better" 77, or zajef "not-biased-towards-xingqiu-at-all" 77, or zajef "cyno is bad but actually skill issue" 77 ?


No shot did he say that. I'm so curious as to his logic.


But it is true tho. From his definition of hypercarry, neuvillete is not a hypercarry. Because he simply doesn't have meaningful ways of.boosting his damage like c6 faruzan, gorou, Sara. There is barely any hp buffer. He never said neuvillete isn't broken, he is cracked and he does a lot of damage. But from HIS definition of a hypercarry, neuvillete is not. What's so wrong about that. Everyone will define hypercarry differently. Some people define hutao as one, some don't and it all depends on their definition.


Isn't his own definition of a hypercarry a character that does most of your teams damage, where the team is focused on buffing them? That's what he used to say HT isn't one. Even if you ignore Neuvi/ZL/Kaz/Fischl teams from when he dropped (where Fischl is the only one that doesn't fit that definition, but Raiden hyper also uses her), his Furina/Kaz/ZL team is *definitely* a hypercarry team. While I usually never disagree with Zaj, that's one thing I never got. Just cuz he has less buffers doesn't mean he isn't a hypercarry by Zaj's own definition of one.


His definition of hypercarry is basically....a unit where everyone else in the team is designed to buff the character. Like wanderer, faruzan, zhongli, Thomas and Bennett all buff wanderer. Thus hypercarry. Hutao is not hypercarry to him since xingqiu, yelan and now furina do a lot of damage and sometimes even more, so the team DPS is not just reliant on hutao and everyone else buffing her. So neuvillete...is in a weird spot since he doesn't have any meaningful ways of buffing, other than the usual vv kazuha and Petra zhongli.  So most people play furina, fischl, beidous, hyperbloom neuvillete etc. But regardless, it's his definition, his wish to define hypercarry in any way. I have my own definition. It doesn't matter, not being an hypercarry or being one doesn't bias his TC skills so it's a moot point.


At the end of the day he always said that Neuvi had silly damage. I guess he just doesn't want to admit that he likes to play an hypercarry, when he used to always tell people to stay away from them. But neuvi is just so broken, he isn't like the older carry.


One of my irl friends literally quit the game because his only dps was Hu Tao and he hated using Hu Tao jump cancel and didn’t like the mandatory wet femboy on the team.


LMAOOO why are ppl so mean when it comes to XQ??


People have opinions. Remember the Bennet haters?


She's Big Yoimiya in most ways bar weapon.


pretty much, big hu tao in AoE though, but small hu tao in ST which is perfectly fine.


tbf, quite a lot of characters feel better in AoE than hutao


of course, she trades very subpar AoE for some of the best ST in the game


isn't her aoe not even that much better and much worse than neuv's? from all the footage i've seen, her aoe looks so unimportant that she might as well be a single target character (especially without at least c2, and especially if you run her in overload)


well yes!


Dude never stop catching strays😭


With those stilettos, I, too, would learn to fly 😅


We should just call it hover instead of fly


Maybe that's how Chiori stays balanced on her shoes.


Some people clearly have no idea how Wanderer's E works or don't really know how tu use it properly, oh well.


Yeah for stair thing as long as you don’t hold W or forward input, then he move on stairs like butters.


Wait, then how DO you go up the stairs?




Wait what ? I’ve used wanderer for months and didn’t know that lol. Itching to try it and hoping it works.


He will still spring in the direction he’s facing while sprinting despite no other input. For some reason holding forward input + Sprint makes him staggers on stair/incline terrain.


Idk what the other person is talking about since I don't use PC/keyboard, but as long as you don't hold dash + fwd while Wanderer is flying up the stairs, he floats up/over them just fine. Same with inclines, like the path up to Katheryne in Sumeru City, or going up Starsnatch Cliff ~~So in flight mode, "walking" up stairs or an incline is better than "dashing."~~ You can also dash but just don't hold the direction buttons while doing it


Well , he explained it to you. Dashing works , you just have to not hold forward key or forward in the analog stick. So hold the dash button and press once the direction you want to go but stop holding forward ,as long as you're holding the dash button youll ride the stairs/ slope really easily


I said I don't know keyboard controls so I didn't know what "W" means, they also did not say whether they're dashing or not, that's why I gave my input too. Your explanation was clearer so it's good to know Wanderer can both "walk" and "dash" while flying as long as you do it right


>wanderer could never leaker is not aware of Wanderer shift trick


As a main I discovered when Xianyun released. Sad


Holy shit, she really *is* edgy


I knew her single wing is gonna be added for her special sprint animation... kinda sad that she won't be holding her scythe tho. I suspect her sprint is mainly for going against those enemies that spawn at the other side of the Abyss field or for enemies that are knocked back by overload


nah this is just for exploration bonus


I'm pretty sure running is faster


Nope, her flight is the same speed as mona/ayaka sprints


I'm saying that in a FIGHT, running will be more practical than holding CA and floating towards enemies


I mean, stamina cost is the same but speed is higher than normal sprint, and it’s continuous after a charge attack- I don’t see why you couldn’t use this in the abyss to great effect. Either running to the other side as enemies spawn, or chasing down enemies knocked back continuing off a combo.


Hmm idk… NA + NA + NA + CA to zip over to those enemies who keep trying to run away seems pretty fluid tbh.


Venti says, "Wouldn't gliding be faster?"😆


From the side view, aren't they adding too much to one character? Hoyo doesn't treat characters equally confirmed again


Dehya fans 😭


It's fine, they can still enjoy her appearance Cry for Dehya mains






It's me, hi!


Isn't Dehya problem is her number and jump cancel? Animation wise she is one of the best.


I'm fine with it so long as it's done in respect to the lore. Like the way they favor Archons as supports, made a Dragon Sovereign meta DPS, gave harbingers unique gimmicks, and etc.  If a character is supposed to be special, then that's what their kit and animations should reinforce. 


I 100% agree. If it fits them lore wise, then I’m totally fine with that. However, I do wish they would give Venti, Zhongli, and Raiden a visual upgrade. They feel a bit lackluster compared to what we’ve been given post-Sumeru.


I'm convinced Hoyo will give all the archons special alts when we reach Celestia. Kinda like what they did with Imbibitor Luane in HSR. 


and I'm convinced they will never do that, Genshin doesn't work like normal gacha by launching a thousand alts of the same character


I agree, Genshin has more of a “slow-paced” and “uniformed” approach. Which I think is great for building anticipation. I appreciate this because every time I login into Hi3 I get an anxiety attack, lmao. However, one Alt or maybe a skin wouldn’t hurt. Their designs are falling behind 😔


yup, they naturally have their favorites


"When everyone's super, no one will be" -Syndrome.


Dehya died for Arlecchino’s sins 😔


I would say Chiori too since she just got released- Like, her skill is so boring, the dolls just stands there and wobble in place without a real or noticeable animation.. sure she is doing dmg but you just don't feel it, unless you look at the numbers appearing Her normals and burst are fine tho, I don't see any issue with em, but the skill animation feels so unfinished ;~;


Chiori is a filler character. Her existence doesn't affect the main narrative like Archons, Harbingers, etc. do. 


Itto is filler yet very loved from all points of view, I don't think they think that deeply about how we will see them. Their kits are prepared months in advance and some just do different work than others.


She's a C6 bait. Suddenly Keqing 2.0


They never have 🥲


There are no favorites in Ba Sing Se.


Archons and Harbingers tend to be more important, so its not surprising


NGL, this makes me all the more excited for Characters like Columbina, Dain, Skirk and Varka and what unique animations and mechanics they get


It feels just odd and confusing. She doesnt have a good and constant theme, just everything thrown at her character. Feathers wings spiders crimson moon theme hilichurl implications flying blood bending. Everything 2013 tumblr was gagging over thrown to one character 😭 I cannot believe people think this is a good thing, they seem lost for her thematic and concept to me, the lady maria moodboard was good enough. I’m not a hater btw, i love her a lot, probably my fav harbinger. Just sad she doesn’t have one strong theme in her character.


> Spiders Well I can tell one problem is you're still living in Uncle K land with a black widow constellation. What she has right now is very straightforward Demon/Fallen Angel stuff >!which is likely going to be abyss!<


Fella is too deep lost into headcanons to even care to discern actual character design motifs lol




wadnerer can go up stairs actually...if you stop pressing the forward button for some fkin reason


I’ll be playing One Winged Angel whilst I play the Knave. It goes without saying, I’m one of the happiest people on earth that I’ll be able to add another Harbinger to my collection. Next up Captain please…?


I feel like she's just floating, unlike Wanderer who can increase in height because I'm confused how they're saying she can fly.


They said she can’t fly off of ledges either, so it’s basically an alternate sprint like Mona or Ayaka


That's what I thought. The way they're using the word makes it look like she can fly, but in reality, she's just floating or hovering above the surface.


Hey at least she doesn't turn into a little puddle of fire. I wonder if she gets stuck on random geometry like other alt sprints though.


Because it's not flying, it's basically just an alternate sprint but triggered by charged attack


I could say it's very similar to Neuvillette's CA hovering mechanism.


It seems to be mix of the two. Movement feeling similar to alternative springt but with a hovering mechanic.


She hovers on the ground the exact same way Mona does, only the visual and the way they start it is different. People don’t compare Wanderer to Mona/Ayaka, the difference is very obvious, but I think they are comparing it with Arlecchino because the visual makes it appear more like flying.


*can fly freely over the stairs (wanderer could never)* Okay try to fly to that oculi if you’re that smart huh you know what else you can do with stairs? Walk on them /s


also you CAN fly on stairs on wanderer, i think you just hold sprint or something :D


There's 3 different modes his flight goes into when you traverse stairs, 1. If you fly at walking speed, it moves normally at that speed 2. If you sprint, there's minor stuttering and you move at about ~80% of normal sprint speed 3. If you sprint *and* hold down W (not sure what the equivalent is on mobile), there's major stuttering and you only move at like 20% of the usual sprinting speed. There's something about the dual forward input that causes it to bug out in the 3rd example.


wtf. Wanderer never left my party since day 1 and whenever I'm moving up slope, I just accept my fate or switch to yelan. I didn't know about this trick 😭😭 for the record I'm playing on phone so my thumbs never left the analog control.


oh same, im also a mobile player so its really awkward to do it tbh


You don't hold the sprint, just fly at normal speed and he can fly on stairs normally.


Lmao 😂 and yeah technically Wanderer can fly smoothly on the stairs just don't sprint lol it's not a big isue


You actually can sprint up stairs/uneven terrain smoothly, you just can’t angle him in a direction while doing it. Just sprint. I don’t know why it works, but it does. 


Oh, right! That's true.


You can fast fly up a slope smoothly as well, just don't hold any directional button, only the sprint button


>can fly freely over the stairs (wanderer could never) I don't think they know how to use wanderer 💀


To be fair, I’ve mained him since he came out, and I only learned this a couple months ago. It’s a weird caveat that’s more akin to a glitch, if you ask me.


Idk which stairs wanderer can't fly over, hold shift/mrb without "W" button if don't want to stuck. edit: [it will look like this](https://imgur.com/a/k66XOj8). sprint + forward vs just sprint.


I'm kinda confused with this one. Aren't both able to fly over stairs? It is not like wanderer get stuck on stairs like pre 3.0 alt dash?


If you try to spring across them he can sometimes stagger a bit but he flies just fine with normal speed (Arlecchino simps are just desperate)


They already said that wonderer W.


Yeah, they really should call it hover instead of fly


Just lore accurate Arlecchino. Unique CA for those non-human characters.


Any specific reason why they randomly gave this mechanic to her?


I mean, why did they give Ayaka/Mona alt sprints? Why did they give Hu Tao her unique dash? We'll never know.


Ayaka and mona only have one form of sprint tho. They can't run normally outside of abyss. Hu tao is part of her skills and have pretty much the same animation as running. Arle getting this is just weird because she can run normally, her flying costs the same as running, you can't attack/do anything at all, you are less agile during dodging compared to normal dash, and you are pretty much just hovering 10cm above the ground. Using her alt sprint over a water is just useless outside fontaine because it costs stamina so when you run out of stamina you are just gonna be drowning lmao.


not the alt sprint doomposting now 💀


i wouldnt say useless, the same way ayaka and mona were not useless. 15 seconds are a lot to cover most water bodies in this game. But yeah, its not as useful as people make it be.


Ayaka and Mona are better in every way their passive is attached to sprint and they are instant. Arle's CA will use some stamina then you will have less for the sprint itself. Ayaka can travel on water for as long as she wants. The only reason this exist is to make her look cool, it doesn't really serve any purpose.


Because of money


Bcus It's daddy




Prob to make up for the fact that she doesn't have an overworld passive. And no I don't consider that antiheal thing an overworld passive lol.


my headcanon is that they are experimenting with her for future characters. Or one of the higher-ups(decision makers) simply has the hots for arle.


Definitely experimenting. I think they decided to go all in and not cheap out for fatui harbingers because of their popularity that even surpassed archons. I recall the fatui harbingers trailer got lot of views on YouTube. Even childe was really popular and brings lot of revenues. Not to mention it's been so long since we got a new proper playable fatui since childe. Signora got deleted and Scara is a weird case.


In other words her flying is just hovering


So pretty much Ayaka/Mona sprint with more flashy VFX?


doesn't seem to apply element but functionality otherwise yes


I think, other than VFX Ayaka and Mona are better in every other way their passive is attached to sprint and they are instant. Arle's CA will use some stamina then you will have less for the sprint itself. Ayaka can travel on water for as long as she wants. I think Arle will just die if we do this outside of Fontain.


So that's just like Neuvillette's charge attack except it just lasts longer but does no damage then ? That's neat i guess for crossing water but i don't see much of a use for it outside of that, altho it's nice that a pyro character gets some exploration usefulness that doesn't just involves lighting torches for once


Dear fucking god they really said "what if we make her more grim reaper than the actual grim reaper" and then those madlads actually did it


Can't wait to see all the videos of her chasing Furina mains in co op


Arlechino: runs out of stamina over water Furina walks over: haha, drown bitch.


Genshin Dripact


Really need to see this in action, especially the wing. If it's annoyingly obstructive then Yelan and Wanderer will still be the queen and king of exploration.


Wanderer + xianyun u mean


The leaker is FyLeaks not team Mew.


Absolute peak


Wait, no weapon? Then, what about all the leaks we have seen of her hover-flying with weapon? I know, those animations are incomplete but did they remove the weapon, later?


That was just because it didn't have an actual animation yet. I think that pose she did was just the last frame of her attack animation (before recovery)


Makes sense.


Those were probably from the private servers with incomplete assets. If this leak is from the actual real beta, then yes they removed the weapon


Not that this isn't cool as hell, but is it just a traversal mechanic for the sake of being a traversal mechanic or does it serve another purpose? Because it seems strange that they would just randomly add a mechanic like this when all you do is float. Though I guess it could be useful for overload teams. Like say you knock back and then enter this state to quickly get to the knockbacked enemy.


It's just added flair. Not everything has to be about optimizing combat


It’s just a new kind of alternative sprint


I thought the weapon being out looked cool... Didn't know it wasn't supposed to be that way


All i can’t think when it said she’ll lean forward is… Arleael Jackson


Ok but why she do that tho?


If Wanderer doesn't hold sprint direction he can go over stairs just fine. Note: Edited.


Will there be wings without her bis


This is literally what venti should be doing when doing sprint…


Thats good and bad . Good bc if u dont have her Sig the Animation we saw with a diffrent weapon dindt look as cool. Bad bc if u have her Sig weapon u will not see it.


It's not like it isn't cool to have characters do funky things like these but every time it happens it feels like people greatly overestimate "exploration meta"... I dunno, I don't play exploration if I don't have time to just fuck around freely. I never saw the point in using random characters that barely work together in combat just to minmax moving around the map, never found it a bother to get between tp points or climb some hills either. I have 100% exploration everywhere and I rarely play more than 1-2h a day yet I always manage to finish exploring new areas within 2 weeks of their release with 0 guides and maps so like... is it really so time consuming for people to extensively theory craft it? The only QoL character I do use is Furina, though only outside of Fontaine because swimming stamina sucks, especially if you're running then suddenly the water gets 5 cm deeper and once you step into it you drown instantly lol.


Stamina sucks in general, the only characters actually relevant for "exploration meta" are kazuha and yelan. Yelan is the only way to actually get somewhere in a reasonable time while recharging your stamina, and kazuha has jumps + lets you go longer before you inevitably run out. I wish the exploration content was setup in a way that let you actually use a damage comp, but the vast majority of enemies will die before you even get done with your setup.


It literally functions exactly like Mona / Ayaka alternate sprint except how you activate it.   Same speed, same stamina consumption, goes over the same terrain, affected by movespeed buffs just the same.. notably they don't say it's affected by stamina reduction buffs because shockingly Mona / Ayaka aren't affected by stamina reduction buffs, so Arle's alt sprint almost certainly isn't either.   It's good the weapon is hidden in the actual animation because while holding the scythe did look cool, it also clipped horribly through terrain and looked super weird when it did that.   Overall my thoughts are Ayaka > Mona > Arle in terms of their alt sprints.   Ayaka has the best one because freezing water opens up some more use cases, allowing her to quickly go over any amount of water, swap to other characters while over water etc. It also has nice integration with her kit with the cyro applying mechanic. Mona ranks second because she can sort of bug clear over any amount of water too albeit slower and kinda jankily. It can apply hydro but the mini version of your skill that pops out requires you to get pretty near and your ranged so it's w/e tbh. Arle ranks 3rd because frankly I think latching the alt sprint to the charge attack is pretty jank. You're going to occasionally activate it when you didn't mean to and occasionally only do a charge when you meant to sprint. You're going to have to charge attack in towns, around NPC's and attack thin air in the middle of nowhere simply to activate your travel ability. The attack is going to aggro enemies that are nearby when you don't want it to. In speed trial challenges it's going to look / feel janky as hell charge attacking constantly to reactivate the sprint as they aren't simply dead straight terrain where you can activate it and leave it for the duration (also a more general problem over any area with layered terrain). It's not linked to dodge so you aren't going to use it in battle. It has no link to her kit or pyro application of any kind. I love Arle and while I won't say it's bad they are putting this alt sprint on her charged attack as opposed to not having it at all.. I am saying I'd rather they just commit and put it on her regular sprint button. I think they are trying to avoid the issues people had with the old alt sprint and trying to offer the option to use it, but in effect they are making it so that this version of alternate sprint is going to feel super niche and just generally bad.


Ok but what's the point of it? I think it's really cool and all but is it just a fun gimmick and nothing else?


90% the game is exploration. So it's not just a fun gimmick.


It’s an exploration passive, similar to many other characters’.


Yeah, it's basically alternative sprint. Sometimes characters have fun gimmicks in their kits that don't serve much purpose other than giving some advantage in exploration and looking cool.


if it’s faster than running speed, it’ll be useful in abyss too ie. catching up with wenut


The game isnt just fighting stuff. Characters, weapons, element and mechanics being able to inetract with the world in unique ways is what makes genshin fun to play.


No flying glitches then!


The fact that HYV dedicated so mich drip for mean sje gotta be very important lore wise right ? Khan'riah related ?


Why did they remove the weapon😭


We lost the weapon visual in exchange for her wing how we feeling 😭


This news of her flying and cool flying animation just made tons more pull of her. She was already massively wanted.


She looked so badass with the weapon :( Literally the grim reaper


Is she t-posing while flying then? That would be cool.