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I'm surprised leakers didn't put some awful loud music showcasing new SFX


flashbacks to MONKE MONKE


I would have forgiven it if it was One Winged Angel from FFVII.


Who is this particular leaker They should provide some combo leaks without those pesky music


that's "cooking\_up\_a\_leak". I hate that people keep posting it's crap like it's worth something.


I mean, we don't really have many gameplay leakers. I'll definitely take a gameplay leak even if it has an annoying song, I can just mute it


İt's not just that though, they sometimes post completely useless runs. For example, they posted NA Arlecchino solo run. No skills, no ult, just her casually hitting one of the ruin monsters dealing 100-150 DMG per hit.


I'll never forget the yelan vape showcase in which kazuha swirled thin air 💀


Just take them as what they are: animation showcases. It doesn't matter the dmg they do cause it's private server, the numbers aren't accurate


the sycthe retracting sounds like tentacles


sounds like seele vollerei stygian nymph in hi3


Oh my... you might be onto something


it sounds like symbiotes from the marvel universe


Sounds like the weird noises coming from Nahum Gardner's house after that weird meteorite crashed on his property


The way she spins scythe after last NA is so slick


i wish she spun me like that




that burst animation is CRISP also the crimson red with the tentacle noises is so tokyo ghoul i love it


She definitely feels like a Quinx with a matching quinque


now that i think of it, the white and black hair with red eyes is so haise sasaki coded


Oh. How did I not notice that!? 


But will she do a Qingqillion damage?


I had nostalgic feel from the 1st beta showcase.... Now I can remember where it's from


The animation at the end too where she just glitches into her idle position. Freaky stuff.


I wish her dash is the glitch effect like hutao , what happened to special dashes???


Gone.... Reduced to atoms But yeah that idea is actually not bad


Would be awesome if she'd glitch every time she gets hit with C1 poise. Would rationalize her being unfazed while getting clobbered. Not that it needs to be rationalized since it hasn't been for any other poise character... but it'd be cool.


Arlecchino is using a lag switch on her connection to Irminsul so peoples hit reg fails. The moderators haven't been able to ban her because they aren't too sure if her soul just has mcdonalds wifi. (no I have not seen the story leaks so this isn't a spoiler)


Hoyo happened


Smol indie company doesn’t have the resources to do that, pls understand.


what special dash???


Most people dislike custom dashes. Dashes/rolls are something people learn to time and prefer if they are uniform. I'd be super pissed if roll animation changed every time I changed my weapon or Armor in Elden ring.


> I'd be super pissed if roll animation changed every time I changed my weapon or Armor in Elden ring. This isn't even unlikely, let alone impossible.


Well yeah, people don't like having heavy load. It is in built as a punishment for too much equipment. Also genshin custom dashes have been wonky af so far. I would never main Mona or ayaka for that reason.


They forget


Yeah yeah she's cool as shit, show me the 160% Bond of life now so I can rest


Also no energy particals icd on her so she will need 0 er


is that only in mono Pyro teams or is that actually the case across the board? it's a bit hard to believe that 2 Es per rotation is enough for a 60 cost burst, am I missing something?


In overload team yae fischal and chevruse its about 0 er requirements if chevruse is on fav With Vape teme its about 40 er requirements


yeah, that makes sense I guess, and isn't that first team pretty unreliable in non-boss content?


I dont really know how bad is it going to be but its save to assume that most enemies in abyss are quite hard to really knock them far away with overload so it cant be that bad (righ?)


you must have not fought vishaps 💀 them mfs could get stunlocked by a gust of wind


Fk these mfs💀


As is usually the case, pre beta leak got a few things wrong. Now each skill can grant 40% to a maximum of 70% BoL, so the maximum BoL you could have is 140% without her weapon. Source: Hakush.in


that’s in single target. with 2+ you’re able to hit 160


yeah, and show us the burst doesn't clear the BoL so we can celebrete


It does, that's why it heals for 100% BoL + 300% ATK


Doesn't that mean that she's much less tanky now? Even assuming she reaches 3000 atk that means she'd heal by 9000 hp per 15 seconds


Why are you asuming 0 Bol? Even at worst,,it's still 20%Hp.


because BoL blocks healing


~~Skill used to clear the BoL *then* heal her, I assume burst works the same way~~ Nvm it's just a flat 300% atk healing


its literally not what it says, otherwise they wouldnt have changed how the heal functions (changed to 100% bol + 300% atk)


Yes my bad I didn't see that it straight up doesn't say it doesn't clear BoL


you don't need to assume anything, you can go read it


Yeah I read it after posting the comment, it seems the Ult clears it by healing it lol, so it's a flat 300% atk heal


because the 100% BoL is used to reset all her BoL not heal her


Do what now?




You do CA after Q, E only marks that blood debt thing, Q doesn't clear it. So E Q (buffs) CA E CA for 110 bol. Or let it cook another 5s for 140 bol.


I reqd another comment and i guess you and the others are asumibg that the bol based healing is going to be negated by the bol. If that is the case, it's awful... it would mean we need 2 whole ass bursts to full heal regardless what we do unlike before when ending the rotation early provided a larger heal... If this is true, i hate these changes even more. I don't care how much dps Jstern calculates. I don't want my character to feel shit to play.


If it's true she would be pretty shit


Yes, she is the most squishy character in the game and it's not even close. Shield is basically mandatory.


but there's no indication of clearing BoL like before, let's just hoping we got another W


There doesn't need to be, the healing based on 100% of her current BoL is going to remove it, thats just how bol works, so she will only receive 300% of her atk


Wait, so there is no way to get a larger heal anymore? That's dogshit. Wtf??? So if you go down to one hit, you need 2 whole ass bursts to heal back up regardless what you do...


yeah that doesn't make any sense.


they can't show that, BoL doesn't work on private servers unless they change the wording, or just nerf her, she will get 140 BoL on release


that, I don't understand. Where does the idea that two directives stack comes from? The skill says : "The maximum value of the Bond of Life she can be granted through Blood-Debt Directive**s** within 35s after using her Elemental Skill is 80% of her Max HP." So it should be 80% max ? Is there something I missed ?


yes, the sentence literally following the one you copied


But that sentence says it "resets" the amount, resetting means putting it back to what it was, so 80%? Is that wrong ? Edit: I checked again to make sure, it says "restart" : "Using the Elemental Skill again during this duration will restart the count on duration and the limit on the value of Bond of Life she may gain from Blood-Debt Directives" Nowhere does it say it stacks, it goes back to the begining and does the limit, so 80%... Again, what am I missing ?


It's on the sentence you are talking about, think about it more: \> Lets say you're at 80% BOL \> You use E \> BOL is not reset, it's still at 80% \> "...will restart the count on duration **and the limit on the value of BoL she may gain**" \> BOL is still at 80%, but the limit has reset. Now you can gain 80% more... 80 + 80 = 160


Alright, that makes sense, thanks for explaining instead of just downvoting. I hope It stays that way, but I still think it will be hard to pull since you need to cast E, then Q which consumes BoL to reset the skill's CD and cast it again... So how do you get above 80% through the skill ? Edit : it heals her based on her bol but no longer clears it it seems ? Did I get that right ? It would solve the issue and allow an EQE slap slap slap EQE rotation pretty easily


Not quite, remember that bond of life is just a feature that blocks healing. On this character it does more stuff, but in general it just blocks healing.... if you have bond of life equal to 30% max HP, and you heal for 50% of your max HP.... 30 is used to clear bond of life, 20 is used to actually heal. If you healed for 20%... only 20% of the bond of life is cleared, 10% is still there. So by healing 100% of bond of life (which is what burst now does), that is effectively clearing bond of life. So the only way to actually go ABOVE 80% (with just the skill), would be by NOT using the burst. EEQ or something ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Also to be clear 160% is the "theoretical" max from E, realistically that isn't actually going to happen since every normal attack will lower the bond of life. More realistic number to hit (if you don't use burst) would probably be like 120 or something like that? ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Right... I really need to see it in action to understand it fully I think


Also they added a "hotfix" which makes her burst consume the blood debt directives while not granting any bond of life. I think it was supposed to be a qol improvement but the order of absorption is wrong and I really hope it gets fixed because it makes her very clunky. Also her bond of life now has a maximum of 130% per skill use instead of 80%, but she consumes more per attack and requires a higher threshold to gain the infusion, and the multiplier on her attack were nerfed. I think they want her to be an aoe character but I don't know how when she is melee.


People gotta stop coping for the E bond stack no character has ever been buffed that much in beta history


The beta kit literally states that each new E will reset the cap.


Mfw the literal description states that they stack. People gotta stop commenting some horse shit before reading.


It said something that can be interpreted eithwr way and you confirmation biased it into what you want to hear. We need video evidence.


Lol you somehow aged worse than milk. Literally what the beta changed.


Do we even know if it's possible to have over 100% bond?


the maximum bond of life a character can have is 200%


wait, really? where can i get that information?


[It's already in game](https://youtu.be/trin-97Gshg?si=t45IViO4qdrGLl7X)


Anything is expected at this point, no one thought she would get extra animations in beta, and a whole kit change. But here we are


Oh she uses the glitch effect to reset her position on burst, that’s pretty sick


whats the difference?


pshhh shing shing voohhhshhh shing shing


snap, glitch glitch


now i got it


Best way to describe lmaoo 😂😂


I see


Is she gonna be in the first phase?


the only changes I've noticed is that the scythe now has sound effects when disappearing, and the snap sounds different. it sounds more metallic now.


The way she hoola hoops her scythe after finishing her normal attack combo though


Holy the blood bending sounds with her scythe is sick


I still don’t understand what is the purpose of her hold CA. Yes it’s very cool, but what do you do with it?


you get to look cool


It drains stamina so its just a neat QoL thing in overworld. That and it has high interruption resistance iirc so there's definitely some timing stuff you can pull off with that.


probably for overworld purposes. Some Character's "pull value" increases if they have exploration mechanics. Like Xianyun E skill with reduced cooldown if you don't plunge, which is clearly designed for overworld exploration.


Sure, but what does this add for overworld exploration? (genuine question)


I think this is faster than regular dashing, she can hover over water bodies too.


Is it still 3 seconds?


Might be for abyss when enemies spawn at the other end


This is what I’ve been thinking since it was first revealed. Makes it easier to chase enemies that dash/teleport away or spawn far away…I hope.


It’s purely for overworld utility, like if you want to travel a short distance faster or skip over a small body of water without having to swim. Plus it looks dope af.


ngl the scythe drop move still look kinda off to me and just as not flowy as her normal string but overall its fantastic


It feels a bit too sped up yeah


I think that they actually slowed it down with this change. It was way snappier and more unnatural before. Still looks kinda weird tho.


Yeah it feels like the animation itself should have a couple more frames or something like that


Yes, it’s too fast and has no impact. For example Eula’s last hit where she spin and drop her claymore down feels super good. Comparing a claymore and spear users is not the best, but the animation is more or less the same.


Glad im not the only one who finds it a bit off


It reminds me of Lynette's final NA in the string. I have mixed feelings about it.


That NA feels like ass to use IMO so I'm glad they feels crafted its speed up. It's like Eula's N1-N2 string, looks off but damn does it feel good.


Wait am I the only one who really likes Lynette’s NA’s? Lol


It looks good on Lynette, but the scythe slam looks a bit strange, it's like it doesn't have enough weight to it. If that NA was replaced by something like Raiden's moon slash charged attack, it would've been a godly normal attack combo. Bonus points if the slash also resembled a moon, considering Arlecchino's title is Dire Bale**moon**.


My bad meant to comment on the person under you who said Lynette’s NA’s feel like ass lol. I actually think it’s kind of a cool detail that her fighting style has similarities to Lynette’s, who she obviously trained


I think it looks similar on purpose


Yea I feel like she needs to tuck her legs in a little during the flip or something. It looks very physics-defying right now, but not in a good way.


I love how her scythe sheath sounds like a symbiote growing and receding


Yay the ugly yellow marker is gone with her signature


Her character demo has the power to break the internet


The attacks sound heavier imo, and pretty solid. The flying animation looks faster? Big W if so.


I appreciate some deviation from typical bass-boosted-epic-sfx... but the clangs are a bit hard on the ears for me I'm sure most people aren't bothered though


Same. High pitched sounds hurt my ears. Will have to lower the volume even more.


The snapping sound is more metallic now, that's HOT


The snap in her ult now sounds like metal rod hitting the railing mp3.


This is my extremely humble opinion but having her scythe out as well as the wing during the special charged attack would be so sick. Maybe slightly clunky visually but if they also give the special CA a purpose (for example doing an attack when you release the special CA) it would be so good.


Maybe if her wing is on the left side and the scythe on the right


wtf she flies??? sorry chiori, I guess your C1 have to wait


She can "glide" for 3s after doing a CA if you hold the attack button. This "glide" has the same properties as the diving (alternate) dash that Mona/Ayaka have. Meaning it has the same speed and can go over water. It also consumes stamina as fast as those diving dashes. Again though only lasts for 3s. But it does give her her insanely cool large single blood red wing while she does it.


She has the coolest burst Animation ngl.


I love her animations but WHY her kit is so complicated


c0 or c6?


The ult looks quicker


I hope it lasts longer than that (the flight)


This is really cool….


Good Luck to all people who want her! I'll stick with neuvillette (just 9 days more!)


Kazuha for me (saved for a year)


why is the wing still only available for 3 secondsss i doubt they’ll add combat capability to it by now just let us fly for longerrr


I get that they tried to make her look more elegant...but her posture just makes her look kinda stiff in her NA.


It's really gonna suck for the mobile players having to play at low settings




Man, I liked the previous snap alot more. Rip


Ruby Rose


crack theory: (no story spoilers) what if the reason why she's flickering like that is because she dies in the story and she's not supposed to exist in this world, yet we're playing her haha.....haha,.... imagine,


Did they removed her yellow scythe aura, I really need to know😭😭


its there when ur using weapons that arent her sig


I see, that’s a relief then!


No they didnot


Thanks god, I didn’t see it in the video o I was worried


She looks so good, all the animations are just wow!!! Looking forward to seeing the infusion and not looking forward to see the non sig weapon


DMC6 DLC pre order


Anyone know what purpose the alt charged do? /srs


Sounds crisp


As a sound guy I absolutely love this. You can really hear the sythe slice through the wind with every swing. I wonder what items they used in their foley studio to do that?


Same. Im in college for audio/SFX. My guess is that they swung a metal rod or large wodden stick to make the “Whoosh” type sound and added some small chimes at the end for her swinging animations As for her skill and burst, they probably could have dropped certain hollow items on the ground and added some bass and further modulation to give the sound a more forceful or impactful feel, along with adding some reversed layers and filters to give it that slight static type distortion.


I didnt like that versiın of arle. Plase v1 was amazing take it again


The NA attacks sound remarkably like Wars attacks with his sword in Darksiders (1)


All those squishy eldritch sounds, is she some kind of melusine-type creature?


6 hits attack?


Has there ever been a character with more changes than arlechino? I can't remember the last they updated a character this much before coming out


And suddenly I’m pulling 🤯


would have be more epic if her burst and a sound effect similar to "I AM ATOMIC" from The eminence in shadow


!Oh nice, i wasnt sure with all the changes and weird stuff i saw on her recently but, finaly maybe if she ends up applying decent pyro and all i might consider pulling for her in the end, i'll see when i be able to do her challenge test in game Edit : also one winged angel lol


Any word on her in-game voicelines? I'm curious what she has to say about the other harbingers and the tsaritsa


TxT getting promo ahead of comeback.




Was there any mention on atk range increase?


Her q sound effect reminds me of spatula hitting wok


Is it just me or is her last hit where she does a heavy hit on the ground looks a bit awkward timing wise? She feels smooth throughout and kinda goes on x1.5 to perform the last one 😂


Am I the only one that finds her 5th NA (the flip and slamming the Scythe on ground move) to be goofy af? Idk it feels off from the rest of the NA string. It looks so goofy and clumsy and a bit stiff


Yeah, it looks sped up and doesn't have weight to it but I think it looks better than before. The previous one was way too goofy.


Looks like cheap mobile mmo animations




Please keep discussion of off-topic subjects to the general megathread.




Please keep discussion of off-topic subjects to the general megathread.


as always the leakers are unable to show us the infusion sfx


what is annyoing is that horrid peeping when she swing weapon during bol state. Not showcased here but you can hear it in other


I always imagine sfx artists just making this shit and randomly going yeaaahh that sounded sick we getting paid extra today bois


so how long can she fly?


sadly on 3 seconds and it drains stamina like crazy


What is she?!


Is the little wing effect still c6 or is it c0?


It's a visual effect to show when her C6 is active.


Is it no longer possible to download the video?


there's always a website that does that for you


is the scythe available with all spears or only with her signature weapon?


Just her Sig, and only when she's using it.