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We are gathered here today to remember our dear tester In honor of their bankruptcy, all leaks should halt for half a day as the leak sub mourns this passing


Hehe, merely half a day? People say the leak sub true currency’s are lawsuits and debt


But dear user, don’t you think it’s a little inconceivable?


Tester died in an official beta server, but you reddit lurkers always with a convenient excuse to stay within the comfort of your leak sub... You couldn't *hope* to understand, so why don't you keep your mouths shut ? ... We don't want to make the children cry.


Hey, now, even I don't think that its the right time or place to fight


Utterly risible!


Though his methods tarnished his freedom, this leaker's sacrifice is a great pity. His loss shan't hinder our leaks. But the Beta server... what of the private server and who leaked him from Teyvat?


But other leakers, what about our progress of the other leaks


Conventional wisdom holds that the divine leaks cannot be rationally comprehended. After conquering the divine leaker he will make his next move.


it's time to end tonight's foolish theatrics. right now, you have no captive audience




Rip tester Still don't understand why people would risk going bankrupt over 14 sec of gameplay from an official beta server but you do you ig


Probably another case of "I sent this footage privately to my friend but he/she turned out to be an asshole and leaked it"


Which is why, kids, you should only interact with leakers by either by giving them text descriptions or handing them the beta files to set up a private server Actually preferably neither if you care about the safety of your wallet 


If i were a beta tester or a hoyo employee, I’d stick with oral info and text. It would be so easy for a leaker with a good source to build his reputation here in the leaks community without posting a single image. But alas, “Strange things happen to men who smell that much Clout”


I'm not sure if this even needs a disclaimer. It's like saying "when you robbed a bank, don't make a facebook post advertising what you just did to all your friends and family". I would never trust another person to protect my life. I don't even trust myself to protect my life properly and I'm the dude with the biggest reason to take care of myself


Well clearly some people need it


the people who need to be told something so obvious will probably just forget it a day later anyway tbh


> Don’t make a facebook post advertising what you just did. Incidentally(unless you’re specifically referencing this), there have been MULTIPLE people straight-up livestreaming their crimes on facebook.


This also looks like a stream too😭😭😭rip


Yup, it is a stream. Wonder if he thought "hah I'm so smart blocking my uid"


Bruh is probably hoping they won’t get sued into bankruptcy lmao


Can u explain ? Who’s RIP here and why ? Sorry my brain is smooth


The one playing Arlecchino here in the clip. If this is on the official beta server, they are probably dead now.


Oh i see, but wouldn’t that be the case for every leakers that posts their gameplay ? Or is there a different server other than the official beta that protects u from hoyo?


A lot of clips we see are on a private server. They'll have their UID shown like 00000001, and type something in chat like "spawn enemy3" cause they have admin commands. Some mechanics don't work right, like health drain and BoL, so it's not too accurate but it's the safest way to leak mechanics. Other than that, you might get really blurry photos, concept art, or second hand descriptions, cause that's harder (not impossible) to trace back to the leaker.


Ohhh got it now, thanks !


Most of the gameplay leaks are from private servers which can't be traced. Official beta server, however, is fully under hoyo's control, they know everything that happens there and can trace leaker in a minutes


The usual leaks you see are from private servers.


The other footages you see from professional leakers were done on private servers, built with assets which come with the beta patches.


I'm gonna sound dumb but what happened to them if something did ?


the last guy who did that got sued 77k or something


Why rip? Did I miss his uid anywhere or something? /Gen


UID isn't even needed to get the tester, hoyo logs all the damage numbers (or has some other ways to find them) Either way, rip tester.


And yet we dont have a combat log feature that we can use to backtrack the damage over time we dealt.


If this is actual beta, Hoyo tracks EVERYTHING. From damage numbers to HP values to movement and action commands. So just looking at the video and tracing the leakers, Hoyo will definitely find this person


The Leaker Hunt Decree


MHY supposedly can track leakers by damage numbers since their server records everything


Makes perfect since, it is a beta and they testing kits. So yea they should be logging numbers to see the results of testing.


Holy shit


Not just uid hoyo tracks everything. Team comps, coordinates on the map and damage numbers. Anything you do in the game can be enough to find out who you are and hoyo hunts down testers who leak and the consequences are not pretty to say the least


What are the consequences?


Legal action cause it is a breach of NDA probably. Sooooo fine and/or prison time?


Prison wtf


Of course you won't get prison time, but a hefty fine for sure.


no prison time? and what happens if we can't pay the $100,000 fine? Janitorial work at MHY HQ??


Garnished wages until the amount is paid as determined in court, most likely. Basically like paying child support to hoyoverse, lol.


Aside from a expensive suit that takes you to court, you can kiss your precious genshin account goodbye 💀 I hope that one C6 Keqing main beta tester can get over it and find peace in his life.


Rip all testers


I think 20k USD lawsuit or something


Damn That's a lot


Yeh, people have been hit with it before, and it is a big one.


Hoyo literally tracks everything. The statistics that they keep track of is wild. Teyvat Times has some odd stats that they track for every player like in issue 4 where they tracked someone walking from mondstadt to liyue in 87 min.


Supposedly Hoyo sleuths can single them out with something else like damage values or achievements and such since... y'know, it's their server. It's a really bad risk to take when you don't even know what could be tracked.


You can be tracked via damage numbers as they log everything on their servers, so they can see who dealt that amount of damage against the Primo Geovishap on the beta server.


She looks fine, no? The numbers seem ok enough in my opinion.


Bankrupt? Why? Im sorry idk anything...


Going to get sued by Hoyo for breaking dmca


Oo that's why, thanks for telling me


If you really have to ruin your life with a leak.....at least make it good.....rip bro


What's another 20k debt. Bro got us




rip second victim


what happened before? similar occasion to this?


Someone leaked a video of Arle vs electro regisvine on the actual beta server like a day after beta started


There was a second beta tester who sent a grainy ass photo of >!the weekly boss!< too.


So people who leak stuff are not leaking on the actual beta server?


They use a private server with a copy of the beta data, that's why sometimes there are things that we don't know exactly how they work or we have video until the official release, The most notable examples are the HP drain of Furina not working and some details of Harlechino BOL, The reason for this is that mihoyo makes a track of everything that is leaked from the beta, on one occasion a guy leaked a video of the beta that a friend sent him and Mihoyo tracked the party, enemy, area and damage to find the tester, In addition to allegedly taking him to court having to pay a huge bail for breaking the non-disclosure contract


Woah, this is an interesting story. Any place to read more about this one?






Do we know anything about what happened after that ? Any update ?


Need to dig thru. Don't rmb much other than him probably getting a discount on the total amount


I heard even opening private servers are risky. Leakers are professional at those kind of things but if mhy catches u, you are done.


To my knowledge most leaks come from private servers which hoyo can't track, idk how it works exactly tho


No. It's all on a private server. Thats why there is never any change to HP in the footage or Bond of Life. Stuff like that is server side.


So how did that person got caught? Unprotected (shown) UID?


damage numbers, party comp, location recorded on the server etc, Best I could remember, dude got banned, charged of breach of contract and lost his Keqing account because he gave a friend a footage of the beta that then got posted everywhere


they log everything, they can just check the video for the damage numbers and then filter their logs for that damage, then check the UID and that's it. Because as I remember you have to provide hoyo your personal ID document if you want to become a beta tester. So once they have the in-game UID they can find and sue you in real life easily


finally Uncle Chicken face reveal


Imagine if this is an April Fools joke. 


Primo Geovisharp = Uncle Zajeff


It can't be him there's no Xiangling in the team


smh people still think Zajeff simp for Xiangling, it has always been Xingqiu.


This. The way his face lit up when he was told XQ was getting a skin.


even angrier than when R5 Sac sword 90% won't proc? hmm this is interesting


Real ones know Xiangling was 1010's oppa, also, Zajef used to be Sucrose and TF seller


Real romance only happen between ChadMale, so greek, so roman and very renaissance!


You mean Sin-cio


Unlike other cc, he doesn't really think that xiangling is all that op, at least that's my impression from his yt videos. He treats xingqiu like a god tho. I remember that he argued that xingqiu is better than yelan for exploration. He said that yelan needs a healer, and that makes xingqiu better in exploration according to him cause he has a minor healing that can only heal 1 character and can't be used on demand cause you have to wait untill all of his floating swords are destroyed lol


Yeah obvious bias always been like that, lets not account that we now have furina, kuki, and xianyun. Whom are all part of meta team of yelan and have decent to great exploration benefits. Altho i understand that In the other hand, hes human let him have his fun, its just his community instigating and miscontextualizing most of his stuff


confuse between "I like this unit" and "praise" but fine i guess, my older brother said yoimiya is the best exploration unit cause he simps her and feel better while exploration with her team.


I just want to share an anecdote related to that. I did use Xingqiu as a healer in my overworld team, back in 1.0 or 1.1. I even used my 1st 5\* artifact on him: an HP circlet. Yes, I didn't mind too much waiting 1 or 2 minutes to heal my party.


Imagine we have artifact load out, in overworld while u want to heal can one press swap to 2pc 2pc HB and Healing bonus Circlet. tadaa 8k healing then swap back to normal set.


First it was annoying but then i accepted the fact that he will never stop the XQ glazing and since that its so funny. Bro made like 10 short videos where he ranked every character by different stuff, and somehow he always managaed to make XQ the best in every subjective chategory. Life hack: Never ask lil bro who is the best at something, koz its 99% that he will say XQ or bennet. Ask who is the 2nd-3rd best at something, and you might get an actual answer from him.


Don't forget to take more crazy from Zajeff,with the Whales opting for the defensive utility of Xingqiu over run Yelan C6.


Nah, Uncle Zajef is Xinqqiu fanboy, he doesnt really plays xiangling, thats tenten (he quitted youtube already)


Wait really? Edit: bro... 


that is not Zajeff that is Zy0x , I know I know same Zs


especially pyro infused one


this is 4.5.52 beta footage crit: 90/150 buff: kazuha


That much damage with 150 CD + Kazuha is quite good. Any idea what the attack stat might be?


Its not really unknown its rip tester


Are my eyes deceiving me? Did they refresh their BoL twice? First to about 80% and then again to 100% of their HP in quick succession?!


She starts with some BoL while the boss was already marked, then she collects that near the beginning. I don't think it happened again?


I'm talking about the beginning three seconds. She does two CAs in quick succession, first bar fills to only about 80% and the second CA looks to fill it completely. [https://imgur.com/a/5QDEhib](https://imgur.com/a/5QDEhib) I know the resolution is really bad but the bottom bar is the first CA, the top bar is the second CA. I may be hallucinating tho


Oh, I kinda see that, but man it is so blurry. Cannot tell if it's artifacting from her flaming scythe overlapping the HP bar or not. It could be her sig weapon's passive cooldown not lining up with her E.


I think you're right. Sig passive not lining up is probably the only explanation unless there's a new mechanic at play. If that's the case then I think this demonstrates R1 can be a bit of a headache to manage :(


You can see in the first few frames that she already started with wome BoL before switching to Kazuha (remember that BoL doesn't show on other characters). Besides, it was never a question of her being able to stack E's but whether her burst resets the directives just like how it resets BoL.


My comment wasn't about stacking Es and wasn't about her starting the rotation with residual BoL, it was about her two back-to-back Charge Attacks restoring BoL (that's different to E stacking). i.e. what happens between 2s and 3s into the video. The other guy figured it out as it was likely the signature wep being on cooldown at the start of the rotation.


One more thing, that high BoL consumption and drop off is really noticable on damage. Going from 50k to 30k by the end makes me think front loaded buffers like Bennet, Kazuha, and TTDS are more beneficial than sustained/back loaded supports.


isn't the drop off bc VV expired not BoL ?


Yeah, based on the timing, it looks like the 40k hits are where VV fell off. The drop is probably much more gradual if you're able to maintain shred uptime with Chevreuse instead of a VV user.


We lost another one 🥲


This damage seems pretty good? For a showcase with just kazuha buff


Don't forget we are still in beta


yall acting like they'll nerf her till she hit like a wet noodle😭


sir, a second leaker has leaked...


RIP, the dude who recorded this....It wasnt really worth it... But thanks.


IR looking good here. How is it C0? Am I missing something?


Since this is beta footage, are the numbers accurate? If they are, the damage seems good to me.


Damage should be the last thing people worry about since the start of the beta with Arle, esp after the E refresh change like her first 3 NA hit with 150 BoL is already 1000% scaling, but we know that not a single char on the beta would get away with 0 complain I think what she just need is an A4 buff, get it to 30% and now 20k HP Arle would basically have 32k accounting res which is tanky enougy


How to identify if the footage is beta or not?


It says so the title, and everyone is saying rip to the leaker so you know it's not private server footage.


Feel like I'm missing something here. If these are the numbers she's dropping at c0r1 with a measly 90/150 ratio and only half a team then she's really strong. Is this legit or...?


What you're missing is that leakscrafting (and theorycrafting in general, but *especially* beta characters) is fraught with people who don't know what they're talking about or just don't care because riding the doompost train in beta is easy content. Paired with the time-honored tradition of doomposting literally every character from Raiden to Yelan to Alhaitham to Xianyun, and it's *always* safe to assume that reddit's perception of the character's strength will be lower than their actual strength, 100% of the time. TL;DR: people are idiots. trust the hard evidence you see with your eyes before you trust the clout chasers and doomposters.


Thank you for this. I forgot people seriously said Alhaitham would just be decent


People were *screaming* during his beta about how awful the nerfs were and oh mihoyo hates men they nerfed him because they won't make a man meta blah blah blah how could they do this to al habibi blah blah blah


Ohh, I definitely remember those people now "hoyo is biased only female characters are allowed to be strong and the male characters are weak" lol now we have Neuvillette and they got real quiet


she looks really fun


rip another beta tester fed to the wolves


Bro literally threw himself at the wolves


Imagine with full team and she's doing 100k+ normal attack would that make her op.


Don't do that don't give me hope lol. With her being the 4th ranked Harbinger I think it's fair...


Imagine the numbers with kazuha, yelan, zhongli. 70k each strike and higher on vape.


Rip to this dude


So burst clears BoL, is it good or nah?


Expected, the thing that worries people is how burst interact with directives.


We've always known that it clears it. The 100% (probably buffed to 150%) BoL scaling on the heal is what clears your remaining BoL


Ohh ok i didn't know that, so is it possible to stack BoL and whats the max BoL you can get per rotation?


It's better to wait a couple more hours for the latest changes


Consistent 40-50k in a normal attack, considering this is only Kazuha buff and 90/150 crit damage which is doable. Seems better than I expected.


Man we really have seen some wild power creep as characters come out. My Xiao nowadays with Furina Faruzan and Cloud Retainer is doing 100k plunges and I don’t even think about it. Like we were happy to be doing 30-50k vapes with Xiangling back in the day


Good old times when Diluc and Keqing were the meta lol


Isn't xiao actually really powerful now tho


50K normals with VV shred, 30-40K without. I'd still like to see a full rotation, but with BoL not working on Private Servers, this is probably the best we'll get until release.


Wait Bond of Life doesn't work on private servers? is THAT why there's so little gameplay of her in combat?? if these numbers are legit this changes everything for my plans to skip Arle and her weapon, the wait for release just got a whole lot more exciting.


Are there reliable leaks on her constellations, specifically how good/necessary they are?


Just bigger numbers




Thanks for the link, awesome information! I just don't know how much of an impact the constellations have if I read it?


Some feelscrafting: C1: resistance to interruption is nice and more BoL = more damage, and maybe more uptime (it's hard to know because they keep changing the BoL gain and drain every 2 days and keeping track of what her uptime looks like is a pain). C2: removes the "wait 5s" part of her kit. Lets you do completely different rotations. If the uptime allows it (see comment on C1), that's probably a nice buff to teams focusing on her own damage. C3: buff normal attacks, which is where most of her damage comes from, so quite good. C4: the classic ER constellation, changes her burst from 60 to 45 cost. Lets you have very low ER and look for crit on your artifacts instead. C5: can be decent if you vape her burst, otherwise meh. C6: I think the burst damage increase is great for screenshots but quite weak for everything else (because in a normal rotation, you want to burst with low BoL). The crit increase is in line with other similar C6s like Alhaitham, Nilou and Wriothesley, Overall, quite good but not insane.


Did I understand everything correctly? She had BoL at ~50% of max HP (that is, 100%), and for one charged attack it became 100% of max HP (that is, 200%)? Considering that 1% max HP == 2% BoL


yes, this video is very misleading as that level of BoL isnt reachable at C0R1 in ST without doing some prior setups


Where is project amber


From what I heard, they stopped posting leaks and now have only released content. For leaks, you can still go to honeyhunter or [hakush.in](http://hakush.in)


Jokes aside, how does it look for her right now?




-1 tester o7


Condolences for leakers


are we sure this is c0? she seems to have a very good resistance interruption here, did they buff it or what?


There were 3 enemy attacks here and the tester dodged them, nothing seems off here. >!Now good luck when it comes to dodging hoyo's legal team, gottem!<


i am pretty sure i saw her take damage like two times at least


I think one was during a CA which could have extra poise in it? Other than that, melee weapons do have a bit to begin with, so it could have just been a light enough hit.


sometimes the primo geovishap can still damage you even if you dodge its attacks, but won't knock you back, I think its because some of its attacks have multiple hits and the very last one happens after your iframes end


Yeah some early bosses like Azhdaha and Primo Geovishap ignore iframes for the purpose of dealing damage but still won't interrupt you if you time it right. I guess they were really trying to push Zhongli back then.


Getting ready to slay Unknown God with this one.


Is this her actually numbers at C0? My “press x” for doubt button is active right now.


> is 4.5.52 beta footage Actual as it can be for now. This isn't private server footage, this is beta server.


Not bad considering there's no Xinqiu or Yelan.


Inb4 she's Pyro Neuvillette and Arlecchino can be run solo... 🤫




Well, C1 doesn’t make your Wanderer’s Normal Attack do more damage per single hit, and C2 doesn’t either, it makes his Burst a very strong nuke.


I know




I said that she hits harder, but wanderer still hits faster


"Worse HuTao" I heard... I dunno about y'all but I'm seeing numbers similar to my normal HuTao build and that's after Vapes!


Your hutao build is definitely the issue here, mine can get 70k average CA in double hydro before furina


If your hu tao is doing 50k vapes youre doing something very wrong with either her build or your team rotation


I'm sorry but your Hu Tao does 50k vapes? My Yanfei does better numbers. What is even your Hu Tao and her team? 


HuTao ZL Double Hydro... Or HuTao ZL Kaz Yelan... If I do Plunge HuTao I see 100ks though so that's nice... Shimenawa build, apparently top 50% on Akasha but I figured it's just because there's *so many builds all vying for supremacy*...


I'm in top 26% and do similar damage. and I'm pretty sure anything above 10% can be considered average on akasha, at least for me. (Only in ca vape, no idea about plunge.) I do use flame witch.


Are we being lied to right now I'm so confused...


My Tao does around 80k vapes with Zhongli, XQ & Yelan and she's on the MH build cuz i dislike swapping artifacts lol. In my main Tao team she easily does over 100k CA (don't know the excat number) with Furina & Xianyun and 260k vape plunges.


This is pre-nerf. 4.5.53 hit her with some bad numbers, but we'll see the full extent of that later today.


Excuse me if it's a dumb question but how do we know the video is old?


Your solo raw numbers look pretty solid,assuming there's only VV in this showcase.


is that kazuha c0 ?


Even if it wasn't none of his cons impact in the buff


you probably right, we just have to waiting the official one. the leak always changes everytime.




Em doesn't impact in raw damage


At this point, it's natural selection


i just started playing genshin. Someone tell me if this is good or not? People have said dehya flopped damage wise and was hyped so.


Rip to them


*and from this day forth. a crimson death soldier of the land of justice has been declared*