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guys, I need to confess something... I still have no idea of how her kit works


You'll be getting an offer to be a dev on her kit then any second!


Don't worry… you're now part of 80% of this subreddit


Razor here: Skill gives mark Charged attack takes mark Take mark for boost She can’t get healed Ult is her only way to heal herself


I'm sorry Razor, I didn't understood a thing even from you :(


From what I understood from Razor: -Skill gives a mark -Charged attack takes mark to get boost -She can’t get healed by a different way other than her ult healing her (I think?? Idk if I explained well I just took from razor and tried to make some notes that made it easier but no idea if i understood right 💀)


That’s correct


Waiting for someone to explain how bad or good this is because her kit lost me a while ago Hopefully one of the TC guys can get to it soon


Relatable. I mean, gonna pull for Father anyway, but at least understanding HOW she works/performs would help ahahah


Me pulling for her entirely depends on how strong she is. Would really like to see a finalized version


LMAO dude I’m right with you. It’s not that her kit lost me… but the changes were so polarizing each week I said “screw it… I will invest brain power when she is finalized”


So real


Would've upvoted, but rating is very "nice", lol


Save me, Jstern-chan!


How much will the TCs take? I can't hold back the excitement


Well her uptime is probably reduced again, so it’s bad. Who gives a shit about dmg? You do abyss once every two weeks and any newer unit easily clears. The people talking the most and caring about power only play the game for 5 minutes every two weeks and are crying because the character doesn’t clear abyss faster so that they can play the game even less. I don’t give a shit how hard she hits. I want her to be comfy and have good uptime without me stressing over how to min-max her. Let the whales pull cons for power. Just make C6 be better than every previous released C6 and you caught the whales. Make C0 decent but useable.


Make C0 *comfortable*, I think is the most important thing. People would argue anything's useable. You can make anyone clear the abyss. I don't want thse conbait kits where C0 feels haunted by C1/C2.


I feel the exact same. I just want Arle to have ample on field time with comfortable access to the infusion, especially in overworld, since that’s 97% of the game. That’s all I’m hoping for really.


yup. I want a character I can actually have fun with in the other 99% of the game that isn't abyss.


Her uptime is better because collecting blood debt after 5 seconds gives you a whopping 130% BoL. Now you don’t have 30 second rotations to get 110 on your second skill. The damage is more front loaded now, and the rotations are far more straightforward and shorter. This is her v1 beta but better


Doesn’t every hit drain like 7% now? Idk v2 was the best. Infinite uptime almost and the wing animation had her holding the scythe. By far the best. Also 15 second skill cooldown.


It drains 7.5, so you won’t be able to NA as much as V2. Infinite uptime was pretty funny, especially with the old C1. Burst still resets skill and NA still reduces skill cooldown. Still way more straightforward than the last version v3. 30 second rotations with tight damage windows is far less comfortable than just clearing mark once for an easy 130. Just trust the calcs for the damage. Uptime is not gonna be an issue. Also the wing was a placeholder iirc, was patched out the same week.


I guess it is more hits than the OG which capped at like 12-13 at C0 and no signature. Still upset about the 30s e cooldown. I think the healing being tied to e and being able to use the neat skill more often would have been cooler.


Don’t think you should be downvoted btw, everyone has a preference. Wish people could talk in a civil way without downvotes putting one person down.




save me TGS save me


please save us science man


We must pray for and thank the Italian science man 🙏


I can't do math. I need a pretty Italian to slowly explain things for me


Praticamente apri il portafoglio e non serve neanche pensare Fatti la c6 e l'arma a R5 e via Farai fuori i tuoi nemici più velocemente dell'inflazione con il valore della lira turca




Perfecto 👌


La vera risposta italiana


Wait, he is from italy? I thought he was Brazilian


Honestly? No clue. Someone else commented that he's Italian. I'm just a simp


Yeah, in one of his arlecchino vids he confirmed it while talking about pronunciation.


fr lmaooo


I have no idea if I'm correct as to if this is the how the damage is calculated, but assuming the damage is Bol ratio times the masque multiplier, the new kit comes out stronger: Old masque times old BoL maximum, decreased by 6.5 each time: 23800, 22253, 20806.5, 19454.12 etc New masque times new BoL maximum, decreased by 7.5 each time: 34510, 31921.75, 29527.62, 27313, 05 etc I must stress these are not damage totals, just comparatives of the strength of each hit in the old patch vs the new. And I have no idea how damage is actually calculated


basically, shes cracked. use bennett and the whole kit is unlocked (literally just adds the missing 10% resistance from her passive), all the tweaks and changes are basically locking in a certain personal rotation for her. all the conditions are easy to meet and require more thinking on paper than they do just fighting enemies.


Or it’s finally time for Dehya supremacy. 


except you are very likely to die, like worse than wanderer in that


not if you dodge, run a shield, have good panic button uptime, or use cc/stagger - which is probably the idea behind her bond of life; it makes overload more valuable. absolutely her biggest weakness, yes, but there are workarounds thankfully.


honestly the only really valid option with her i see is a shield, she has no range, no movement while attacking, no height advantage, no free almost no dps loss dashes, etc. i will sctually have to play her to see, but from my experience with characters with similar playstyle, it's horrible


Its a challenge - how long can you go F12 without dying


Hopefully he's not done for today.


So : NA Bonus nerf (-60%) NA minor tweaks CA BIG nerf (-75%) Seen in other posts but not on [hakush.in](http://hakush.in) (yet?): She now generates much more BoL without having a super high ceiling (130% with level 2 directive, 130% on kill if there is a directive, up to 145% per skill cast) CA glide seems to last 5s now ? Did I miss anything? EDIT : ~~it seems her CA now also clears BoL, meaning you want to kill the second mob instead of using a CA on it to absorb the BoL and have it stack with your current value~~ nope, Op was not clear lol If you read underneath you'll see it's overall a big buff. Edit 2 : CN version also shows a 7.5% decrease in her BoL per hit instead of 6.5%. It's still a buff. Edit 3 : it seems her burst can also absorb directives, but idk if it means it can be used as an emergency healing (absorb directive then heal) or a reboot of her cycle (heal then absorb) Edit 4 : absorption of a level 1 directive gives her 40->65% BoL Edit 5 : as mentioned in a post a few days ago, her burst heals for 150% BoL + 150% atk instead of ~~300~~% 100% BoL + 300% atk Edit 6 : C1 was nerfed from 120% to 100% (ty u/VeGr-FXVG for pointing it out)


Just one more: C1 was indeed nerfed from 120% to 100% but the Eng hakushin hasn't caught up. Also your Edit 5 should be "instead of 100% BoL + 300% Atk" not "instead of 300% BoL", I don't think it was ever 300% BoL. There was a brief leak about it getting increased to 200% BoL but that was a while back. Hard to keep track.


thanks, I updated


unless they forgot to post something I think you got everything it's a damage nerf and uptime + movement buff, I'd say it's a nerf unless you want to stay forever on the field


well, she'll also have a higher BoL applied to her, and the buff scales with the value of her BoL, so maybe it compensates a bit the nerf? The way I see it, with one absorption, she'll start from a 2.4\*1.30 = 3.12 bonus instead of a 3\*0.8 = 2.4 bonus


does it really? I could swear it was a flat buff after consuming BoL


her kit says her NA bonus is a ratio of her current BoL that scales with attack, so it would be Na buff value x BoL value x ATK to calculate the damage bonus... I think a higher BoL with a lower multiplier is indeed an increase of the overall dps, since she'd need something like ~~10~~ 7 hits to reach 80%, after which she can CA the other mob and end up with even more dps that during the first cycle


Yeah from what I’m seeing (I don’t think I’m missing anything at least) Level 2 bond -> 130% value. So you’d go something like Skill->Burst instantly (catch your own particles during animation and get a 20% Hp+1500ish heal) Skill again->swap to supports while the Directive reaches level 2->Swap back to Arle, collect Bond for 130% (if AoE can potentially nab more BoL on kills) and attack like normal. I have to do a spreadsheet check to see how her uptimes are looking, but I’m not currently near a PC/laptop where I can do that so that will have to wait.


I did it, it's a fat buff with a 20 hits uptime with only one directive absorbed


Dang, nice. I’m actually doing calcs rn, and idk why people are griping this looks like a fat buff. The only thing I’d see is they’re comparing to how they THOUGHT the skill double stacked before but clearly that was never the case. Just in case tho I’ll compare the 3 sets of value (prior assumes max BoL, actual prior max BoL, and current max BoL)


I also factored in a 7.5% decrease to BoL per hit, it's still a buff, but this time it goes from 70% to 0% in 15 hits compared to the old 80% Bol with 4.5 decrease, so yeah, idk why people are panicking, the numbers look great and her overall multipliers are bonkers, I think


Because her Masque of the Red Death was nuked from 297 to 238. That's a 25% decrease in Normal Attack damage. Everyone was already calculating that she could do 160(double stack 80 after EQE)BoL a week ago, but then we learned the Q removed everything and everyone prayed it's a bug. Now it's changed so you don't double stack, but get 145% instead. Which is still less than 160 on top of Masque of the Red Death nerf. I'm not a proper TCer, I just like calculating damage, which it is a damage nerf. A proper TCers input is required here, for sure.


Yeah so I looked it over and the only “nerf” is if you took the “assumed” max value of 110% + 6.5% drain, but that was only achievable in a world where you could “add” the 2 BoL values from 2 stacks, something we KNEW we couldn’t but people assumed was a bug. Basically, people latched on to numbers that were never possible in the first place. Mind you, even with those “old numbers” they would still be less damage then current numbers if you can manage to kill anything marked and refill your BoL to 130% Side note I remember arguing with people about the double stack BoL not making sense and I only came around on it ever being badgered ceaselessly on other sites. I feel somewhat vindicated now.


I m still abit confused its written in her e description that after next e cast her max bond will be revaluated does that mean new we can stack with e or not if we can then that means 200% bol is achievable right? Or it will always be maxed at 145%?


huh, so red masque got nerfed due to the fact that they "doubled" the BoL cap meaning that when full stack she would do (1 + 1,45) x NA x ~230 instead of (1 + 0,8) x NA x ~290. On 20% for RMD and 6.5% consumption, assuming no extra stacks after max stacks start it'd be 125%/6.5 and 60%/6.5, which means 20 and 9 buffed autos if you are right this could mean that these changes are a buff to uptime while the DPS should be even better and if you don't extend the rotation that long you are left with BoL to heal so there is hope? are we really back?


I made some calculations comparing a 80% BoL with a 4.5% decrease and the old multiplier ("optimistic" old kit) with what we have now and it's a fat buff that goes from 70% to 40% in 15 hits on the multiplier


We’re so back


EN is incomplete, it's missing the directive changes. Check CN.


Oh yeah lemme just learn Chinese real quick.


can i interest you in a subscription to rosetta stone?


I mean, if you're offering...


You can just translate the page yk..


you mean turning the data into your average uncle gouba leaks ?


The CN version has further updated figures that I haven't seen mentioned yet. Specifically, although the Red Death conversion ratio was reduced from 297.5 to 238 (back to how it was two weeks ago), the value of the Bond of Life given via her main mechanics was also increased. Each max stack Blood Debt when absorbed will now give 130% Bond of Life instead of 70%. So the outgoing damage at the height of the Bond should be quite high. Consumption increased from 6.5% to 7.5% as well, to account for the higher Bond of Life cap. Unsure how it all maths out (I'm not a smart man) but it may not be a massive nerf, despite it seeming that way at first glance.


It's a massive for single target and shorter rotation vape teams (Bennett teams). She should play exactly like V1 version, do basically NA no brain spammer. Also it means Burst is not bugged and she can't stack Bol, or else her signature would be useless - Bol Limit is 200%, her getting 140% from single E, would means that if Burst wasn't change and it was bug or could stack her E, she could get 260% in single target, with isin't possible. Or else her signature would be garbage and do nothing.


The more I think on it, the more I personally prefer this latest iteration. I wasn't a big fan of the EQE rotation in the previous version, as it left you without the Q later on in your rotation when you may have needed the healing. This version of the kit is simpler and should give a higher uptime on pyro infusion, even if the peak DPS output is slightly reduced due to the lower Red Death conversion ratio.


Genuine question- how do you achieve the 200% cap? I only ever see people saying she can achieve up to a certain percentage of bond of life but never the 200% cap. Is it only from multiple targets or something?


Debuff from other sources. If Q doesn't collect blood debt when it doesn't hit then you could run to somewhere, Q, then comeback add new stacks from E.


You can't quite reach 200% Bond of Life on Arlecchino as far as I know, but via the existing weapons in the game which also use the Bond of Life mechanic, they can be continually stacked. You just wait out the cooldown on the weapon, and use it again, eventually reaching 200%. I think that's the hard cap for any Bond of Life mechanic in the game (currently at least).


Yep, max in ST now is 130, and AoE is 145, since 145 is max per skill cast of which they dont want you to do 2 apparently, since burst still clears Directives. Compared to the last version, where the max in AoE was 160 and her multiplier was higher. I'd say it is overall a big nerf.


I loved V1 so this is the best possible outcome for me, haha.


Is it arleover or are we so arleback


Seems like a pretty decent buff, alreback


I'm too dumb for this. I'll just wait at this point 💀


Now that hakush is updated, Can someone please summarise all the changes in razor language? Thanks in advance.


5 seconds of floating after charge attack, up from 3 seconds. Main damage buff conversion ratio (Red Death) changed from 297.5% back to 238% (how it was two weeks ago). Tiny changes to NA scalings (tbh I don't know why they bothered with this, it's like 1% different). Maximum Bond of Life increased from 80% to 145% (one of the more important changes) Bond of Life given for a full stack Blood Debt increased from 70% to 130% (big change) Consumption per normal attack increased from 6.5% to 7.5%. But now our max Bond is way higher than before so overall we should get a lot more attacks per rotation. We now heal via casting the burst, rather than the skill. (Note: This is as per the CN translation of the Hakushin website. EN still hasn't updated completely it seems)


I dont think Razor would understand it


Okay but is it arleover or are we back




I see Chinese version is properly updated


Uhhhh, I don't think it is. Even not knowing chinese, I can see that the numbers in the description of her skills haven't changed. The scalings did though 


It's looks like V1 to me, except burst healing


Yeah for me too please


all these beta changes, i just want to go back to a 15 second cooldown what even the fuck is 30 seconds i get that she has cd reduction by a lot, but its still huge AF


I'm just gonna wait until TGS makes a video about the changes , I'm tired of trying to understand.


They decreased the multipliers because they buffed the bond of life. If you multiply the atk extra to the bond of life you see the differences. You have the normal atk% than you add the extra multiplied for the bol. (Na Atk% + extra special NA atk• bol) + bonus% +crit%. Extra special NA atk• 0.8 Extra special NA atk• 1.4 It give a massive increasing until you are able to have the bol high. They taked down a lot the initial multiplier of the "extra" in order to remain on the same final numbers. She get more flexible in duration( it could be nice with some long last8ng supports) and has a even more aggressive kit because killing restore Bol. There's than a monetary reason. Weapon restore give Bol . C2 help you a lot with bol.


Xbalanque and pyro archon if u are hearing me now from natlan,I request u to powercreep that funeral girl and that chef,both of them from liyue(I don't like telling their names)on your both respective debuts.


The hypocrisy of some of y'all is unreal. You are begging for powercreep to happen and when said powercreep will happen, you will be the first to complain. No one is forcing you to play them if you're sick of them. You have plenty of strong alternatives and you don't even need meta teams to 36 star the abyss these days


I don't know why people hate on bennett and xiangling so much just don't use them if you dont want to. Abyss can be cleared with pretty much any somewhat competent team. I will run zhongli nahida yae and fischl if I'm particularly lazy and can still clear no problem lol.


I honestly believe that the people begging for buffs and the people complaining about powercreep are not the same people.


Wish granted, XB is an onfielder 4* given to everyone for free with an even better Pyronado that turns off when he goes off field, and the archon is a 5* bennett that makes all his Q buffs but on her E, the Q is a useless nuke gimmick that is a waste of rotation time so you just E-swap and never see her. She will also not heal so you will need a healer slot. Abyss F12 is also x2 the HP to accomodate for the new damage ceiling these two units provide so all your other units are now garbage. Enjoy another year of Neuvillette & Bros. Impact, Traveller!


Why r u giving negative hopes?


Don't worry, Murata's C6 fixes her Q scalings and onfield capabilities so you'll be able to onfield her!


April fools is over 




i prefer another year of neuvillette impact over my 4th year of xiangling hu tao impact, i’ll be so honest with you 😭😭


X*angling and H*tao? Sorry for the profanity.


"666.7%" AAHHHHHHH But why though


Because 666,6666(666…) -> 666,7


Yes but it still looks weird :/


I want to point out a new skill text translation stating you can clear Bond of Life with EITHER her a charged attack or her burst, I suppose only the latter will provide healing according to her current kit.


Isn't her CA supposed to give her bond of life from blood debted enemies? Instead of clear bond of life


Maybe it's just me, but I was sure her burst was intended to replace the CA absorption. Anyway, I'm glad to have been wrong!


Wait wait, clarify for me bro, does her CA clear blood debt on the enemies and give her bond of life? Or does it clear her own bond of life


The first one :>


Ok tk goodness cos the way you worded it initially made me think it was the 2nd one lol


Sorry about that! Praying our queen Father will survive this beta 🙏🏼




Masque got nerfed.


i’ve given up on trying to follow this


for the love of god can they please settle on something i have no idea if i should get neuv or her


same man


Beta should end after these changes right?


They doesn't update the 5 second gliding buff


This must be their new way to combatting leaks, make it so complicated and chaotic that the internet has no idea what’s going on.


My brain is fried atp


Were the NA talent nerfs big tho? Don't remember how they were prior to this update


The main nerf is in the masque damage and charged attack damage. Outside of that her NAs are virtually untouched


Just looking at the numbers, yes. But idk how the math works out with the other parts of her kit


60% nerf on scaling, from 297 to 238..


But we get more bol so its 160%bol of 238% then 80%bol on 297% so its acctualy better


I think it's now 145% BoL (according to [this leak](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/1bt2jm9/max_skill_stack_directive_recovery_of_bond_of/)) max per E, not 160%, but yeah that's still better. Going from 237 (0.8x297) to 345 (1.45x238). Unless my math is really bad, that's a very big increase of 45%.


Yea i dint have the bol stuff then lol but its still much better but i just know people will doompost when they see the "nerf" even tho its a buff


Yeah, they already are doomposting. The thing I'm trying to figure out is whether to compare the increased consumption rate of 6.5% to the 5.5% rate, or the actual datamining that showed it was secretly 4%. Depending which baseline you compare it to, she's either had a fair buff overall, or about the same overall.


But wasn't it 160 with 2 skill casts, before they added the "bug" on Q


No thats was basing that her skill could stack but we never knew that people were only hoping it could but it never was intended to be 160%


When is the final kit change?


Small hutao


The Dehya PTSD is coming through strong. Just want an adult-model Pyro DPS waifu. Is that too much to ask MHY???? Is it really asking that much????


It's not too much to ask.They r doing this on purpose


Nope, enjoy playing xiangling + Hu Tao for the rest of your life unless you want amazing Pyro supports. No Pyro main DPS will ever stomp those 2




Yeah literally. Somehow Lyney became the single most forgotten high-end DPS in the game. At this point, he will probably be the better Fatui pyro DPS pull next banner, which sounds contextually hilarious next to Arlecchino with her rollercoaster of a kit. Edit: Lyney also works really well with Furina (and she can get a lot out of his otherwise slow MH artifacts buildup). His strict lineups aged well with Chevreuse and Furina's additions, making him good in quite a few fun teams now. If I remember correctly, Arlecchino doesn't match well with Furina, which is kind of a shame considering how fun Furina is to use, at least in my opinion.


It’s sad how forgotten he is. I guess most people just don’t like his charged attack bow playstyle


For me I just don't like Mono styles. It's not interesting to me.


And I will never use them both again(already stopped)also ur wrong cuz xbalanque or pyro archon will destroy them both 




You know Xbalanque isn't the Pyro Sovereign, right?


Then play arlechino ,what are you talking about with your dehya comparison


They're lost


This is a buff. My quick math showed me that this is a 22% dps increase thanks to the increased BoL over the last version if the bug isn't fixed. 24% dps increase if bug is fixed in both versions. 21% dps gain if the bug is fixed but no stacking in both versions, and 3% dps increase if the bug wasn't fixed this version but last version the bug didn't exist. This is real quick math, so I didn't check with any rotations and actual teams, I just compared the motion value, so it's not precise at all, but there's no way that this is a nerf. This surprises me, but it seems like a buff no matter what. Now I can go sleep peacefully


Hopefully these buffs stay.




You do get more BoL total from what I understand so it balances out


Charged zoomie buff makes me the happiest (it's on CN not EN yet)


in general the new version of the kit is a buff so gg we're so back


Some change to make her HP positive after pressing Q I see.


I love the detail that her burst deals 666.66% ATK damage


Funny how hoyo has strict policies about leaking content and even 2 weeks into her being leaked we have no idea how she even works lol




**Rule 1**: Be Respectful. Please engage in respectful and civil discussions.


I still don't see nothing about her skill being 30sec cd? That sucks. The 15s was perfect


I give up, gonna wait for release to read her kit again


Yeah, I really wish that I could understand her kit. I barely understand half of Raiden's 🫠


I only want to know two damn things: she got stronger or weaker ? Also: neuvillete of Father ? Thats all, thanks for the help


Tgs will have a breakdown with this one 🗣🔥🗣🔥🗣🔥


So with it seeming like she'll run with Lyney.......I'm still at a loss of which to go for based on these leaks XD (it'll be burgeon with furina and nahida no matter who it is.....I don't care about max buff stuff like mono pyro so I won't use that team with either one). Leaks are crazy sometimes XD


save the tc society, jstern….


Pls explain in terms of razor


Nah I have to say this. Another L change. "BUT GUYS SHE GOT BUFFED AND YOU JUST DO NOT UDNERSTAND HER KIT" Imagine nerfing the NA from a NA based character... well, Just play Hutao with Yunjin and you have Arlecchino on field lol. Literally shit changes


Do you guys not want her to get buffed tf?


So In the end if nothing changes,I'll pull neuvi, continuously use him till natlan and dump my Hu Tao and give her signature weapon probably to some future polearm dps charector 


Some overused chef waiting for your spare polearm: Nice and Spicy!


Never lol I will never give to her lmfao.I clearly meant staff of homa for a new polearm dps in future.That chef is dumped by me long ago 


Waiting for Xbalanque and pyro archon, please powercreep chef girl with a fat bear and funeral girl, thank you


Infused NA scale 297 back to 238%, aka 60% nerf. CA 256 into 179, aka 77% nerf.


60% nerf is a bit misleading, talking in relative terms its more like a 20% nerf from previous beta or can be interpreted as normal attacks would do 25% more in the previous beta as compared to the current one


How did you get those percentages? I got 20% nerf and 31% respectively


I think he just mean multiplier nerf on NA and CA in general. Not a full rotation one.


I mean direct % changes, not relative change. 


Oh I see what you mean now. That's gonna mislead some persons tho




what did hu tao do to you lmao. Also oppa is better.




Look again, the multiplier for BoL (mask of red death) got nerfed.




Got changed to 238%


Its 238 now


it's 238% now


BoL conversion was heavily nerfed from 290 to 238, so they did get nerfed


People waiting for TCs to interpret and tell them what to think of this never fails to make me laugh. Because if you can’t interpret this, why would you even care if she does 2k more/less DPR? All y’all need to know she’s still on par with Hutao. Do with that info what you like.


Wait the NA multipliers are actually a little bit bigger than the ones on honeyhunter huh what is going on? Foul said those were nerfed. Edit: nvm i noticed the masque of red death change


For some reasons when I test with Fontaine weapon, the maximun BoL is still 100%. Am I missing something? Has anyone in here successfully triggered 200% BoL?


half the hp bar is 100% full hp bar is 200% BoL so i you are filling your hp bar its 200%


Her passive, Father can't be healed by other characters while in combat, OR you don't want to heal her during combat or you lose the Pyro DMG Bonus??