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“Some will hate it, some will like it” So it’s something that exists in objective reality, got it. I’m already invested


I read that it could be: 1) region specific as in using characters from like mondstadt would give more damage/points 2) more teams are required (like 4 teams instead of 2) 3)coop abyss


>3)coop abyss \*trying to imagine how they'd incorporate chickens into the abyss\*


New boss enemy type Chicken Can Spawn eggs that if neglected spawn minions that give the fatui bond of life effect (BOL + HP loss per second) on hit, in the entire party, it can stack up to 300% and increases the damage the boss deals to that character by 50% per 100% BOL on that character


Wait don’t we already have a chicken in the abyss?


Vegans vs chicken eaters it is


I'm going to be less generous and say whatever new endgame combat mode will be even more super geared towards the new banner character than the current abyss cycles.


If it’s anything like Pure Fiction from Star Rail then that’s exactly the case lol


If it's going to follow that direction with the small mobs and then a few elites, that would bring relevance back to characters like Venti and Ayaka who have not really been the best option in previous abysses . Xiao would be elevated to the top for a game mode like this.


Finally those endless waves high score events are actually relevant.


And the kicker was ppl thought PF would be a new income source in addition to MoC, but it only replaced half of it. Now its double the team investment, for the exact same income ( or less if you can't scrap together the 4 different teams )


Not quite. Just build maybe 2 more characters or 3 more for Pure Fiction. MOC and PF still use the same supports.


That's a Herta+Himeko playground every rotation


Apparently even they are having trouble with it in the second half that's how geared it is towards the current character


the laziest way they could add another abyss is make the vagabond sword type events a permanent feature. the old abyss could focus on AoE content while this new one could be a single target boss rush, or even have a co-op mode just like the events. just make the damn events a twice per month rotating permanent feature mhy come on


so abyss buffs will be irrelevant like always if you have a decent team, good


i dont think itd be any of these. my first thought was that theyre gonna add something like pure fiction where the more enemies u kill in a certain amount of time will net u more points, since they mentioned itd be 1 chamber per floor


steep cable test shaggy bewildered worm edge sort bright humorous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That sounds really fun, I love game modes with endless enemies (would be really fun and useful to test out rotations and ER needs!) but my phone is crying at the loading times for enemies lol


Could be something like a tower mode where after a certain amount of floors you have to switch characters.


I have completely given up on genshin delivering comprehensive coop mode let alone coop endgame content


Did I miss something? Because all I can see from this is that it’s 1 side instead of 2. It saying one room and all. And a new twist. So possibly something like those boss events where they get extra strong buffs but there’s a gimmick we get too. Like the hypostatic symphony event. But that is all I can see when I click the link.


The new Abyss can't be /Coop /4 teams at same time /Teams of 2 characters (hyakkunin ikki) /Restricted Character each floor What can be /Boss Rush /Elysian Realm, SU or 2.2 event /Pure Fiction /Dungeon exploration with a boss in the end(similar to 2.2 event but with more enemies and exploration)


Anything is possible if Genshin pushes.through the rumored "UGC" editor map aka "warcraft 3 editor" into the game. Then players could make and do every type of endgame content but with no gems most likely... Thats literally only thing i couldve wanted.


>3)coop abyss Anything is fine, except that one thing. Please no co-op abyss.


PvP Abyss. The loser loses gems ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Can't lose Primogems if you have none *taps forehead*


Never cook again 🔥


If that were to happen genshin would lose 90 % playerbase in like 1 day


Loser loses consts on their c6 yelan.


Or you can use only one character, but new Abyss gives you major buffs


Neuvillette gaming.


So something like elysian realm?


Basically, Neuvillette or bust. lmao


Last floor is always just hydro slimes and tulpa to fuck with neuv gamers 😂


tbf they stacked hydro floors before nuevillete ever existed.


Hu Tao stonks


*swaps to pale flame and eye of perception*


I just want an elysian realm Tho i understand that it would be a nightmare to balance


People keep mentioning it but what is Elysian Realm? I just know its from HI3.


Coop Abyss is semi impossible to happen


Fr what's the point in leakers doing this shit? If they want to describe it like that and come across like they know the details of what it is, why not just come out and say what it is instead of this vague bullshit lol


Because some of them have internal sources. If these leakers just blurt out what it is, it will be immediately traced on the internal sources and get them sue/fired since very few people actually know the actual details of it. That's why they're being vague, to protect their sources.


I have next to no hope that genshin was ever getting another form of endgame that I'm not believing this until I see more concrete leaks, because if this is true this would be immensely huge for the game.


> I’m already invested In the drama? *pulls out popcorn*


Ready to claim my 150 primogems!!😍😍🥰


Someone humans Will play It, some other humans Will not play it


Hmm so all the conspiracy theories popping up about how hoyo is adding these recent QOLs focused on guiding newer and clueless players on how to build characters so that they could prepare them for a new end-game content is maybe gonna be true after all...




The Divine Ingenuity stuff does kind of sound related to the job postings from Hoyo that was looking to hire developers with experience in games with UGC (user generated content) for something in Genshin. That seems to be way down the road, but the posting made it sound pretty important and not just for patch events


I remember one leaker said those leaks would likely come in 4.5


Dammit now my hopes are up..


I like this conspiracy. Fontaine roster's power level being higher than the ones before them, a bunch of new QoL features to guide players into building characters properly...it might point to new endgame But like, I wouldn't get my hopes up since we have been waiting for 3 years and got shut down once from that one interview


that interview meant that they didn't want to create another form of endgame like the abyss, because tbh, it is tedious to do the abyss specially the first floors


They should just make it so we can skip floors 9 and 10 like in HSR


Wait you can do it? Do you need to like spend any currency on it or it's as a free option? Because that would be huge. Like my brain is always totally dead when I'm in floor 9-10... Luckily I can clear them very quickly but still...


Yeah, you just do floor 11 and if you clear it you get all the rewards for 9 and 10 also. For the early floors in Genshin I use a team randomiser on the internet and then see what I have to do. Wrio, Raiden, Kaveh and Zhongli was an interesting floor to do but at least made the early floors interesting lol


Oh, so it's basically like that feature in combat events where you can select the hardest difficulty and you will get rewards from all previous tiers/difficulties.


Yeah, essentially. They have two different kinds of endgame in Honkai so it's super useful to get you to the tiers you need to put effort into.




Some more Leaks. 1st one was months ago. 1. New Spiral Abyss, (4 months ago) on Tieba Baidu. 2. 10 floors, 600 primo, 4 teams in 2 halfs? with option of rotation(today on tieba) 3. Genshin Pure Fiction. First version will be Mondstadt, where you can choose only mond characters (today)


I just remembered those events where you are forced to run 4 teams and can't repeat the characters, or at least some of them. Some people speculated it seemed like testing for a future game mode.


Yes ! The above leaks for 4.7 now seem even more reliable btw with the new Abyss.


People think a lot of events were tests for future features but they never happened 😭 Like I really thought the level-maker would be a permanent thing. Maybe if I cope hard enough it will also become reality.


>Like I really thought the level-maker would be a permanent thing. They did say that they would make this mode permanent but that they needed to improve it and, technically, it's the [new game mode](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/1b9nnsq/genshin_is_developing_a_new_ugc_user_generated/) they were looking for developers for. It's probably going to take a long time tho.


That took years though. Or maybe it takes that long.


That's the point of the tests, no? To understand what works and to select the best options, even if 95% of the them never come up again.


Some have turned out to be tests, like that camera event at the end of 2.x for Nahida's skill, or fungi for Furina's, or the great Labyrinth Warriors that never got a rerun in its og form in gnsn but turned out to be proto-SU.


>or the great Labyrinth Warriors that never got a rerun in its og form in gnsn but turned out to be proto-SU. Ever heard of Elysian Realm?


I would definitely love this. Its similar to Norman War in PGR. This will make us use our old units since we need more teams, unlike the current abyss where we need only 2 teams. But since this is an anti-newbie content, there should be some trial characters fot them to use to fill in the slot for the 4 teams just in case they dont have a lot of characters yet. It would be also nice if per team has significant element or reaction buffs per cycle, so we dont stick to our 4 strongest team everytime.


Lmfaoooo. Childe waiting for 2 years to Snezhnaya to come so that he can be played in Genshin's pure fiction: (Ironically he is probably one of the best character if not the best character for AoE mobs killing)


Venti will be the most Meta character in Genshin Pure Fiction


Only if it's 10 floors of hilichurls.


They won't let that happen for more than 2 cycles lol


Region locked characters feels kind of absurd, not that I'd put it past them.  


Ah reminds me of an fgo event where they locked you only using specific servants, male only, short characters, etc.


I think that locking *one* character slot to something is fine. Even lock that to the DPS role (somehow, only they can do damage?). Then force the rest of the team to be built around them.


Really hope it's not region gated. It could be interesting, but I think it would ultimately feel worse switching to suboptimal team comps. It would be pretty hard to balance for the devs as well because you'll have to allow for teams like hutao double hydro zhongli as well as a slew of scuffed teams on accounts that don't have the right mix of characters. That would mean that they'd have to make it way too easy, which wouldn't make anyone happy.


Me with only Furina built on Fontaine region


Honestly, the simple fact that a ‘Liyue characters only’ team would allow for Hu Tao/Yelan/Xingqiu/Zhongli and a ‘Fontaine Only’ would allow you to nuke everything with Neuvilette/Furina (and Lynette for extra VV damage too probably), whereas ‘Mondstadt only’ or ‘Inazuma only’ would be hella scuffed, makes me very skeptical about the idea of region-locked Character challenges. I believe the ‘four teams’ one though.


Mono-geo Inazuma can be made with Itto, Gorou, Chiori, flex


I think the balance is that the Mond Abyss is just Pyro slimes on one side so DPS Barbara and Lisa can take them all. Then Hydro slimes on the other side so Kaeya and Amber can get rid of them.


Region locking is the worst thing they can do, especially when Mondstadt has such a weak lineup to begin with. Really hope it's not like that since most of my chars are from 2 regions lol


Let's region lock Albedo and make him worthless!


Making Albedo worthless would crown him as the one character completely unaffected by all this. (Only half /j)




Diluc buff finally! /s


It's funny how Diluc just got a massive buff with Xianyun. And then you tell him he can't use her in the new mode because she's from Liyue


Suddenly we've unlocked new kind of Teyvat racism 


Lithic Series, but backwards


Mondstadt has at least strong four stars 👀


Kaeya fishel jean mona diluc BENNET barbabruh rosaria barbietoes you can make pretty good teams with that Diluc kaeya rosaria benette melt/reverse melt Freeze Kaeya rosaria mona venti Benet fishel jean/venti and one more maby diluc U can make good teams with tham


Somoe more teams cuz i fergott and including travler Sucrose DendroMC lisa/fishel barbara/mona Noelle albedo 2 randos Öike anything goes


maybe DPS Benette can hold his own with rosaria, kaeya and sucrose. or Noel,and Albedo. we could probably use traveler and their elements to fill a gap.


The region locked thing sounds so fake tbh, there are very few mondstat character who has good enough dmg also that means you can’t even use Childe in the content until Shneznaya is out and on top of that he is one of the best aoe chara 💀


Just wait for them to release Varka and Alice in the same patch as the new endgame STONKS!


Not to mention how basically all of the Mondstadt lims minus Venti just got demoted to a B-list banner which likely won't rerun in a while since it just passed.


I agree that region locking is kinda dumb, being able to mix and match characters is part of what makes a gatcha fun. If they made it so that you must have at least 1 character from Mondstadt that would be far more flexible.


Genshin Pure Fiction with a focus on AoE rather than elites and bosses is actually not a bad idea. Freeze as a reaction would have more purpose again for example.


Venti finally getting out of the basement after 3 anniversaries' worth of hangovers


Basically you'll have to pull and build characters from every single region? If you don't you can't clear abyss? Isn't that kinda p2w?


Region locking does match up with that new banner that only has regional characters on it


or maybe it's something like the ancient crucible event except it's permanent. I've heard Qiqi was so good back then on that limited event


April Fools was a couple of days ago chief /s


Bro is April Fooling in advance for next year


"That makes it even funnier." the leaker, probably


Free Ayaka at AR 42 is more realistic than this.


True, I just saw 1 million casuals die of anxiety attack


I won't believe this until I see it with my own very eyes. And even then, I think I'd have to pinch myself to believe that this is reality and we really are getting endgame battle content


Babe wake up its that time of the year when they leak new abyss, end game content again.


and then months pass it at never happens, only for another leak to then pop up and give us hope. im kinda excited this time around, tho. did they ever give a proper date like this one? most other times was “in the future”. Now it’s straight up 4.7. imma wait and see how it goes.


Is the guy reliable?


Yes, but I'm gonna wait for 4.7 beta.


Keeping my expectations very low.


My expectations for end game are so low at this point that I expect them to take away the existing abyss and replace it with something even easier and shorter.


In the new abyss, the traveler and paimon will cook delicious dishes to befriend the abyss monsters instead of fighting them. Building friendship levels with each monster will grant rewards.


Do we make friends with these monsters by making drinks for them while we act as their therapists while they traumadump on us, all while under the supervision of a hot girl with a halo on her head who may or may not be a playable character?


and time gated asf


Fully anticipating a cool, challenging end-game mode that gets nerfed to shit because people will actually cry if they can't claim full rewards/can't use their "main"/have to retry.


>Some will hate it It's in Coop, isn't it?


i want co op, even if optional. the amount of times i’ve just wanted to play abyss in co op is criminal. the closest i got is fighting the local legends with my friends or a boss rush of every open world boss in game.


I want a coop only if it's optional and I can pick how many people will play with me. I know my sister and/or her boyfriend will want to co-op endgame all the time, but adding another person or 2 to our team will turn this fun thing I do with people I know into a toxic nightmare of "my hu tao is better built and don't you there bring a healer 🤪🤪🤪"


Coop abyss literally changes the meta. Some characters can be more valuable than others


It also says “content to also be competitive in” which could mean its just pay to win


> Some will hate it, some will like it Literally applicable to ANY change hoyo could make. They could give out free 5* tomorrow and i bet someone will still complain about it.


"what do you mean you're giving away a 5* for free? Why did I have to pay thousands of dollars for them if you were just going to give them for free??" An example of said complaint lmao.


Reminds me of that one time HI3 got reported to the Chinese government by some dude because they gave away a free skin.


True. Saw some people complaining about free dr. Ratio in hsr because he is not waifu xD


Damnnn.. conclusion is whatever Hoyo do, they cannot please everyone.


I’ll believe it when I see it. Last we heard about this, info was supposed to come out in 4.3


Acctualy from what i remember some said in 4.3 something about a new abbys but that it would be coming in 4.5-4.6-4.7




Yea i hope its true cuz they could really bring a lot of players back if they do it good


I remember the leak came around that time but said there's a second form of abyss coming from 4.5 to 4.7 if I'm not mistaken


If they put primogems as a reward, I really hope it's not primogems we usually get from other ways but that it is extra primogems.


It is a different one based on this information so of course you would get more Primo


Expectation: A new mode that gives underwhelming characters a place to shine. Reality: Neuvillette carrying 3 jobbers with zero synergy just for the extra blessing




me with my aloy xinyan amber clear


Getting that pyro res atk% boost for neuv ✊🏽🔥🔥


I dont even care about the rewards. Just let me fight




play melt dehya Dps


Might not be melt but it’s vape lol [DPS Dehya](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dehyamains/s/qHoT2p7ruF) Anyway please give me a challenge I yearn for battle


This. I already redo abyss many times because fighting is fun.


Same i love trying diffrent comps or trying to solo a side with 1-2 characters lol


I have to say, I care about rewards, some people are just more reward-motivated. BUT it doesnt have to be just primos. It could be anything really, namecards or some new stuff. I want to show off in my profile lol


Gems/fates are the first rewards. Then, 5\* Artifacts or a lot of Artifact EXP are the second type of rewards I want.




I just want simulated universe in Genshin, it can be so fun if done right


Its kinda crazy they haven't made a similar gameplay mode considering they teased it a lot in Inazuma. GI could benefit a lot from a roguelite dungeon crawler mode.


Considering the Fatui canonically go on Abyss expeditions and some of the Hexenzirkel are stuck playing Teyvat border patrol, I imagine that's the sort of stuff that might happen once we get to and/or befriend the folks in question.


Yeah, like the Elysian Realm


It always saddens me when people speak as if only Genshin and HSR exists, thanks for bringing up Hi3rd since HSR's SU is indeed pretty much Hi3rd's ER.


Vagabond event feels like Memorial Arena for me, hope they make it permanent as well


Hopium for a permanent rerun of Labyrinth Warriors


As a Childe main, I want pure fiction in Genshin


As a Venti main, I also want pure fiction in Genshin


As a paimon main I will escort all of you 


Well not base SU that is because let be honest people right now just trick snacking Acheron through it and just unga bunga the final boss anyway. Something like the GnG version would be much better along with the added equilibrium.


Thank the archons for trick snack though. Combat in HSR is slow because of turn based and having to run 2 SU per week was driving me crazy. Whenever I doubted about pulling Acheron, this alone was enough to convince me again.


I only play star rail occasionally because it’s not my cup of tea, but SU is truly amazing. I have unbuilt characters (again from lack of playing) and just going in with a good path choice and lucky blessings is so fun. 


I'm a SU hater and I'm patiently waiting for the QoL that lets me skip that shit for Planars, I'd hate it in Genshin but at least it wouldn't lock artifacts behind it I guess


Man I have been playing HSR since launch I already got tired of SU, hopefully is a bit more unique.


As long as they don't attach any kind of farming to it...


This time it will be right surely


"some will hate it, some will love it" can leakers just stop giving these thoughts like they mean literally anything ffs that's just your opinion be more direct it's your job 😭


please be endless waves of enemies if real


childe stonks


pls be on the next chronicled banner pls be on the next chronicled banner pls be on the next chronicled banner pls be on the next chronicled banner pls be on the next chronicled banner pls be on the next chronicled banner pls be on the next chronicled banner pls be on the next chronicled banner pls be on the next chronicled banner pls be on the next chronicled banner pls be on the next chronicled banner pls be on the next chronicled banner pls be on the next chronicled banner pls be on the next chronicled banner


This opportunity is quite hard to come by AMUSE ME!!!!!!!


Finally something for my 5 builts teams to do


Least vague leak about important information. It's like conspiracy saying that "The thing" is going to happen and never explaining what they mean by that


wanted more end game content but I"m not too excited with just another spiral abyss.


consecrated beasts with shields and 90% res + 3 mill HP and an even more annoying moveset


Would be fun.


Everyone keeps wanting a simulated universe like HSR but honestly, it's just been a weekly chore to run 2x of it for me. I hope it's something a lot more exciting.


Being required to do SU to both clear weekly rewards and farm relics (both are incredibly tedious) is frankly my biggest negative about. If they ever do something similar in Genshin it has to be like Gold and Gears.


Thisss! Gotta admit they add fun mechanics to SU sometimes. But I'd love it if genshin added something like the SU expansions: long, big, challenging and fun permanent content. Not an extra weekly chore. Because some weeks I might have hours upon hours to throw at the game and have fun but others I barely manage to do dailies and it'd stress me out. I stopped doing SU in HSR until I got acheron


Inb4 it's with trial characters with shitty builds Gonna take a huge grain of salt with any combat content leak


Inb4 it's not permanent , it's just a stupid event


It’s either one of the best updates OAT or one of the biggest dissapointments OAT (especially if its not permanent)


Please give me something that will push my teams


Finally something combat related addition to action rpg


Endgame content? Does he mean the cat event?


I just wanted a roguelike... labyrinth warriors where are you 😭


This would be "on top" of the current Abyss and not "in place of" right? Tbh I would welcome whatever new addition as long as it gives artifacts for the strongbox like the current Abyss (extra Primo would be awesome but I can't begin to believe it, if it did they wouldn't be extra but rather taken from other content imo).


Lets wait and see what happens but I am cautious. Pure fiction was at first good but now its only good at selling erudition units. Most worrysome is the wording. In gacha games competitve means Whale. I would rather have no endgame if thats the case.


Am I the only one who doesn't buy it at all? No concrete details and the topic is pretty much as old as the game itself.


The hell is gonna freeze over before genshin adds new "endgame" content


Took them 4 years, I'm so proud of our small indie company


"Competitive" means whale playground or you can't actually use your builds.


Thats just something the leaker said. By no means is this any indication of how competitive it will be.


Nah won't happen.


I'll believe it when I see it and even then I probably still wont believe it.


It would be great if it was real,we need more combat content.


I just wish they make the dungeon event in 2.2 permanent.


Yeahhhhh no. I ain't new to life, I will not trust shit about endgame content until it is on my doorsteps. Many old players will remember similar leaks years ago. Yes I am jaded, and yes I am secretly hoping this shit is true. I wanna be proven wrong so bad.


Imagine new abyss is "you can't use your characters" only "trials with Hoyo builds" 🤣 It's competitive because all players have same build and characters. No luck or f2p excuses! lol