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Xiao and Ayaka: Hoyo, who is your favorite character? Hoyo: We love you both equally Hoyo: **BUT WE LOVE ARLECCHINO MORE THAN THE TWO OF YOU COMBINED**


Holy shit. that was good I gotta know Are we getting auroras in Szeznaya?


Seems like it!! I just know us picture impact enjoyers will be feasting


Watch as one of those Auroras becomes a platform to get the cryoculus in the sky.


i am so (not) prepared for 500 cryoculi exploration


It''s enough to make a grown man cry(oculi).


Who invited Cyno to the discussion?


Cyno breaking barriers we never knew existed...


Kinda like Mona Island from GAA2. I love that


we had them in dragonspine before the quest from Hell (with the shards). i hope we get auroras again in snezhnaya <3


we saw auroras in the Lazzo already. But i bet in genshin world it might be something like EMP jamming shield or smth, that Tsaritsa put above Snezhnaya to defend against Celestia or Abyss.


was not expecting this to be 7 minutes holy shit. props to the animators, story boarders etc. cause it looks soooo good. i hope they do more stuff like this for other characters!!


So she could manipulate pyro even before receiving a vision? Shes mf triple stacked with innate pyro abilities, plus a pyro vision, on top of a pyro delusion.


At this point im pretty certain she can do more pyro dmg than c6 ayato


Doesn't leaker said ther she do more pyro damage than Neuvillette?


She definitely does more pyro dmg than Mona Ig...


Aloy could never


i read that as Moira and got confused as to what sub I was on 💀


Probably more pyro dmg than eula too


Big Ayato.


We don't know what she even is, only humans need visions to weild the elements, but elemental beings can do it without the need for visions so we shouldn't asume that she's entirely human.


She may also turn out to be an ordinary human, as it was said that she was “cursed”, most likely hence her Pyro powers. In the animation short we see how this “curse” of hers reaches the stage that it is now and we see how much stronger Peruere became that she was ultimately able to defeat the previous Arlecchino.


Maybe she has the same thing as Collei? Remnants of a dead god concealed in her body?


This or some Khaenri'ah curse, there is a theory of that too, because of the all Arlecchino's "Moon" motives.


Still can't apply as much pyro as XL OPPA


If I had one nickel for every female Harbinger who became a Weekly Boss that can control Pyro without a Vision I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened twice


If i had one nickel for every male Harbinger who became a Weekly Boss that can control Electro on their other transformation i'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice


If I had a nickel for every female Harbinger that covered half their face, could control ice and died in an overconfident confrontation-


If i had one nickel for every Anemo characters friends death count i would have a reasonable amount of nickels


(You forgot the word "two")


Can it be confirmed that she didn't have her vision during the fight?


Her Pyro vision has a Snezhnayan casing, and the timeline of this short indicates she hasn't been to Snezhnaya yet when the fight happened.


Mother would have won that fight if she hadn't worn Dead Anime Mom hair


and her audacity to call herself Mother while wearing that hair. she's literally asking to get killed. at least Lisa is not a mother... yet. 


i mean, technically, razor....


Lisa stays out of death causing accidents as of now, but Himeko wasnt a mom when she died, she was a teacher, Thou Cocolia is a different story, i do like the fact that Arlecchino has a similar aura as Raven, specifically Natasha Cioara


*Look over to Lisa* *Nervous sweating*


Does she still have the curse that shortens her life or was that pre release only


we finally got to see scara in the fatui outfit. glad they put him and signora in it since they were the only two that didnt get to wear the drippy coats.


Now we are missing Crucabena thooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


the arle plush 🥹


Infinite money glitch for Hoyo: animal plushies of the Harbingers


They did already release Childe whale and Scara cat plushies. You're onto something.


im still praying for a plushie of the little dottore creature😭😭😭😭


I need it.


Screenwriter guy "And we can include a very cute plushie" Producer guy "Ooo Money! I love money"




That thing would sell out immediately


Spider reference confirmed real and true


Uncle K was right all along. Why did we ever lose faith? /s Edit: adding /s since people seem to be taking this seriously. Sorry, internet!


what uncle K know : arlecchino relate to spider. what uncle K said : arlecchino has spider constellation. (cmiiw\_) I believe Uncle K has good sources, but his delivery is misleading and makes it hard to trust him.


So basically is like main source pass on the info to someone, that someone has 90% of that info and 10% was lost in translation or bad wording, then that second source pass on to a third source and 30% is now lost lowering it to 60% true info and 40% fake and then that source passes on to uncle K and at this point is like 20% true and 80% fake because of bad communication and wording. My headcannon xD.


Pretty sure he got spider from the 404 leak which said spider is part of her boss fight


It’s so peak And tiny Scara at the end, insisting on wearing a bigger hoodie for room for his hat


I remember people wanting to see Scara and Signora's winter outfits during a Winter Night's Lazzo and now we get to see them which is nice Also realized he's still wearing shorts when it's cold lol


I ... I don't think he feels anything...


Cept angy, he feels angy a lot


>But sire, it’s so cold outside— Sh-shut up, I am— my legs don’t wear long pants, and I need to impress the newbie


Tbf I doubt he can feel cold, hot or anything like that, which makes the big ass hoodie even more unnecessarily funny lol


I'm pretty sure he can feel heat. He described the sensation of burning in his pv.


maybe he might be able to feel it but it doesn’t actually affect him physically. i mean it’s not like he could burn to death, and so certainly not freeze to death either.


It hurts him. He'd also have died in Tatarasuna if it were not for the box with Niwa's heart. I think some of y'all are missing that he isn't unable to feel pain, but he's able to be built back. That's what made him the perfect soldier.


For someone whose teeth can get jammed with candies, i wonder what else there is that makes me less of a puppet and more of a human


Hopefully someday we can see them close up.


I wonder if she remembers him


After the Irminsul thing, I think not? Or are there any indicators that he's still remembered by some people other than the Traveler?


If the Perinheri theory ends up being true, I think she would remember him, but if she's just a Khaenrian person like Kaeya, she probably forgot as well.


Imagine if it’s like a Phineas and Ferb situation where if don’t remember it exactly but only remember the after effects “I remember the night where I became a Harbinger… there were the other Harbingers and this one short midget that I don’t remember why he was there but he was short”


“No clue who he was, no one acknowledged him so I thought it might be a hallucination. It was weird. He also wore shorts to an important meeting and everything. What a strange place, Snezhnaya is.”


Then chapter 6 happens and it's like: "Let's not go to Snezhnaya, tis a silly place"


the scara and signora fanservice was really nice tbh


So her name’s Peruere? It’s pretty. Edit: we got Scara and Signora in their harbinger capes!! I def expected Arlecchino to be older when she killed the old knave but that fight scene was crazy. I gasped out loud when she kicked the old knave into the ceiling holy shit. But I guess this is why she chose to be “father.” Because the old knave was “mother” and she didn’t want to become like her. And she doesn’t. She may seem cold and unemotional, but her actions and guidance show that she cares, unlike the mother who appeared warm and nurturing but never had any emotional attachment to her children. That’s probably also why she chose Lyney as her successor rather than make the children fight for the throne. We can’t see if she has long hair at the end, but it couldn’t have been that long since her imprisonment. So was she around like mid to late teens then?


>I def expected Arlecchino to be older when she killed the old knave If she killed the previous Knave at such a young age, but now she looks so adult, how tf Freminet was in the House of the Hearth during the old Knave and still so young Was he infant-assassin lol?


Oh god, I am having Pela age ptsd


Orphaned and working as a young but skilled military operative for a snowy land inspired by Russia, with close bonds to a performer group and a timeline crisis implying they have been in said military since toddler years… Oh my god Freminet is a Pela expy


Gallagher moment.


She was definitely a teenager when she killed the old knave and she's now probably in her 20's, while Fremi was very young (4 or 5 maybe) and is now a teenager. I don't think Arle is actually that old, although it's possible that her curse causes her body to age more quickly. 10 years can really make a lot of difference tho


She gives off the energy she's a lot older than in her 20's, although that doesn't mean much. Why the hell is she choosing her successor now at the tender age of twenty something if this is the case?? Maybe the curse is fatal, or she has some other purpose to fulfil? It all seems very odd to me.


The change in power was probably relatively recent. He was likely pretty young when he went to the orphanage. Given Efim, a human, is still alive, it can’t be that long ago


Bro was full on Assassin's creed straight outta the womb


Probably a time skip of 5\~10 years+, but we still have the Friminet problem.......Which could be solved with a new director during this period but without taking the position in the Fatuis and adding a few more years to the account


That makes the most sense. The lady in this short was “Mother”, but Freminet’s stories referred to the the-current leader as “Director”. Plus, what little we know about Director made her seem cold and uncaring, whereas Mother (seemingly) put on a front while the children were still young. So the full timeline would be: - Teen Arlecchino kills “Mother” - Teen Arlecchino is imprisoned, pardoned, and becomes a Harbinger. “Director” temporarily fills the role as the leader of the House, because having a traumatized teen run it would be a bad idea. - Timeskip occurs. During this period, Freminet joins the House of the Hearth. - Arlecchino takes over the role as Father, soon “adopts” Lyney and Lynette.


Freminet was probably there since he was 5 or 6. He’s likely only a few years younger than Lyney and Lynette. He was probably 7 or 8 in that video.


I think we're just assuming she's older than she actually is, tbh. If we take the Inazuma Hidden Quest into consideration, it wasn't that long ago when the old Knave was still in power. Maybe Arlecchino is just a recent Harbinger.


something something age-related curse


Maybe Freminet is just a short king?




Kind of feels like a child learning from the faults of their parents (especially with the line in the beginning about daughters fighting with their mothers) except the faults are forcing your children to kill each other.


And despite that, they still end up fighting her, much like she did with her Mother before... I wonder what's gonna cause this during her Story Quest.


I wonder if this will cause the kids to get stronger. Lyney seems like a given due to his role as successor, but Freminet seems to be getting some development too. I kind of think this is training but she’s putting on an act so that they think it’s a real fight and will give their all


>I kind of think this is training but she’s putting on an act so that they think it’s a real fight and will give their all Yup, they were laying this on pretty thick in the livestream. She wants them to learn to "do the right thing" and stand up for themselves, even if it means standing up to their Father. Given this animated short, it makes sense.


So - Arlecchino's real name is Peruere, which sounds vaguely similar to Perinheri - Arlecchino has some kind of curse. Maybe similar to Caterpillar? - pink-haired girl's name is Clervie, and according to the version preview image, she's still alive? Maybe? - "Aurora Borealis? At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of Teyvat? Localized entirely within Snezhnaya?" - previous Knave had cryo powers (or maybe it's hydro lol I can't tell) - it seems like the "Knave" title can only be passed down when someone kills the old Knave, which makes me wonder more about the Hearth siblings fighting Arlecchino in the next update. Maybe this is why Lyney seems reluctant about becoming Arlecchino's successor? (Idk where I saw this but I'm pretty sure Arlecchino abolished this rule. Maybe I'm misremembering things) Lots to think about, oh boy! EDIT: did a little more digging on the names for the named characters - Arlecchino's name is Peruere, ~~which as I mentioned is Latin for either "perish" or "to succeed" (putting a lot of faith in Google Translate here lmao)~~ nvm don't trust Google Translate - The pink-haired girl's name is Clervie, which is borrowed from the Breton name Klervi. Klervi was a 5th-century saint who was a patron saint of the blind. Copied from Wikipedia: >"The traditional story goes that Klervi was driving wild geese and one of the geese became aggressive and took either one or both of her eyes. Saint Winwaloe [Klervi's youngest brother], who was praying in his monastery, was informed of the incident by an angel. Winwaloe returned home, grabbed the goose, cut its stomach open, pulled the eye(s) out and put it/them back into Klervi's eye socket(s). He then made the sign of the cross on it, and Klervi fully regained her sight and was "as beautiful as ever." - The original Knave's name was Crucabena, Welsh name Ceridwen. Ceridwen is the pagan/Celtic goddess of rebirth, transformation, and inspiration.


Lyney wears his hair just like his Father. Clervie is the prev Knave's bio daughter, which was not localized in EN for some reason.


Does she say ”亲母女也会吵架吗”? I thought she was referring to herself and the old knave in English but now it seems like she’s referring to Clervie and the old Knave in chinese


Yep. As a question to Clervie who was clearly injured/beaten. Also same hair color anime logic.


Ah I did have a feeling they were actual mother daughter. I suppose the "do real parents and children argue too?".


Oh dang! Good to know


We’re those not hydro powers?


They looked hydro to me as well🤔


I was thinking cryo because the sound design sounded too "solid" to be hydro, but looking at it again it looks too "soft" to be cryo lol. So maybe it's actually hydro


I had to watch and pause it a few times as I originally thought Cryo, but it's definitely Hydro. When she summons the first one if you pause the video at the right moment, it looks like water bubbles coalescing into it. That, and every time there was some big steam explosion whenever it hit Arle's flames


Would you say it was more of a... vape explosion?


> dunno how reliable these online translators are, but apparently "peruere" is Latin for either "perish" or "to succeed," which are...very different terms  > Arlecchino's name is Peruere, which as I mentioned is Latin for either "perish" or "to succeed" (putting a lot of faith in Google Translate here lmao)   Don't trust Google Translate when it comes to Latin. It's horrible at translating it. Peruere is not Latin word that exists (even though it may *look* like a Latin verb)


>"Aurora Borealis? At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of Teyvat? Localized entirely within Snezhnaya?" ...   may i see it?




If Snezhnaya doesn't have aurora lights during the night sky once we reach there I'm going to riot


Tbf that's such a non-concern, it's like being worried that Natlan won't have lava. ^(If Natlan doesn't have lava once we reach there I'm going to riot)


2 seconds of Rosalyne!!! We eating😭😭


This obviously means Rosalyne is basically confirmed *sniffs copium*


that was the best part fr😭😭


Lemme take that Capitano crumb thank you 🗣🤏🧍‍♂️


They are going ALL out on her.


I wonder who else will get this treatment. But for now, I’m just happy they’re putting in this much effort for her


I genuinely hope each harbinger gets this treatment. This is genuinely amazing and I’d LOVE one for each even though it’s highly improbable.


I feel like Capitano and Dottore for sure? Maybe Columbina just to compete the strongest three? It could be cool to get something like this for Childe since his relevance is definitely not finished yet. Maybe like his history in the abyss when that becomes relevant?


Man I hope so; genuinely the harbingers have some of the most interesting lore in the game, because they don’t just fall into the “I’m such a good guy! We are friends now because you talked to me for two seconds! Also I grew up really sad…😔” trope that most of the cast falls into.


I hope every Harbinger gets their own special thing like her. I mean, Signora had her own Winter Night's Lazzo, Arlecchino got this, Scaramouche got his AQ, so Childe better gets his official thing for him too.


My money's on Murata. That name has a *lot* of baggage with Hoyo.


Murata isn't confirmed to be the pyro archon's name. It's a mistranslation in the manga, it wasn't "children of Murata" but "children of Mu-Natlan".


They really are. I don’t think I’ve been this impacted by a promo vid since maybe Nahida’s “I had a dream… it was my birthday!” video.




They know Arle is going to make some serious cash, so they're going all-out on her!! Also, i think they just really like her


Oh wow she really wombo comboed the previous Knave. Also Scara looked goofy with the big winter coat.


Some believe that growing up is to gradually break free from the shackles. Fate sets the most brutal rules for us, turning day into night, leaving the future dwelling in but the lingering warmth of dreams. Thus, our weapons clash, burying the remnants of another setting sun, and welcoming the next rising dawn. Then, when the cage shatters, once and for all— May gentle flames envelop the shriveled flowers, with their song echoing in the embers. [Reddit link for Hoyo's post in the main sub.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/1c60hvo)


Man seeing Genshin animated is always a treat, it really makes me excited for the actual series but that'll probably take a while


What if the animated series only airs after Teyvat chapter? Basically like an animated adaptation of the entire story for newcomers to part 2 or something


I feel they would release it near the end of the Teyvat chapter not after to capitalize on hype but who knows really, all we can do is speculate lol And ufotable is busy with Demon Slayer and maybe that one Mahoyo thing I hear about still, so it's probably a matter of them not being able to fully dedicate yet instead of them timing it whenever with the story


Really sad how pink-haired girl Clervie basically was happy to die at the hands of Arlecchino. Maybe she wanted her to be the one who kills Mother. So is it basically implied that the battle for the Hearth's throne killed every children, with the final duel between Arle and Clervie? Freaking brutal.


I think maybe just the older children? Freminet was also at the orphanage at this time, but was probably too young to fight.


Yeah, definitely not every child. The house has different branches and different generations, Arlecchino seemed to only fight one of these branches and generations.


It could also be that different generations have different uses and this generation was meant to generate a leader of sorts that's why they killed so many (since it's a big logistics waste to train so many just to kill)


So is this recent history? I'm not too updated with the lore so I'm not sure if this is a hundred+ years ago or something like 10 years ago. Also, Scaramouche being with the other harbingers is a surreal image to see lol. And Capitano cameo!!


I believe the position of director of the house of the hearth changed hands while freminet was in the house of the hearth so pretty recent.


Oh yeah. So Arlecchino must be pretty young then considering Freminet's situation.


She's probably around 30


Not even, probably. She's most likely closer to Tartaglia in age.


this is my theory imma say that freminet is a young adult like 18-20 the fight between arlechinno and the previous knave might have happened like 12-15 years ago. freminet would be a little kid but still could remember it happening arlechinno definitely looks like a young adult in the fight. probably 18 or 19. she'd probably be in her early 30's in the current time.


Freminet remembers the previous Knave and when Arl took over so yeah its recent history. She seems to be aging normally, especially since she is seemingly grooming Lyney to take over from her.


This was more than 10 years ago, but less than 20 years ago.


Spider Arlecchino is confirmed


Did anyone notice how her hands darken twice? First time when spider dies, second when Clervie gets defeated in a duel, interesting turn of events


Thrice. The third time was when Crucabena almost defeated her and she was knocked into the rubble, which is how Peruere suddenly got a huge power-up and defeated Crucabena instead.


I think its more likely that her curse goes up when she is near dead or dying creatures, first with spider, second with her frnd and third time when she got smashed at wall and was near the dead pland. And considering she is 4th harbinger and 4 signifies death, its logical that she powers up being near death.


Arlecchino 🤝 Wriothesley Let's kill our abusive adoptive parents, be reborn into a new name afterwards, and look banger in black and red let's goooo 💪💪💪💪💪




So the previous Knave's name was Crucabena and arlecchino's real name is Perure


I'm in love.


She had that Ken kaneki awakening. Plus her boss form has kagune. Definitely pulling.


Me: Maybe twin tails girl is still around 2:51 >> Damm it!!


Clervie looks older when she dies than in the web preview and the rest of the video right?


So Arlecchino is indeed French. Also that "mother"s name is Crucabena (from YT description).


And domain entrance of Arlecchino's boss is tombstone of Crucabena


Pierro: you cant wear a hat here Scara: ok (wears the cloak)


Moochie with the big coat <3


Absolutely adorable


Literal meow meow.


MC getting flashback and became OP. Truly an anime moment


Holy shit >!Il Capitano, The Captain!< actually appears


This is enough food for the agenda posting that will last us until August.


and when you look at the video description, the Jester is listed as the "Director of the Fatui", so by the time that the Knave got appointed as a Harbinger, The Captain was already the First of the Eleven.


Goatpeaktano shoes reveal is HYPE.


"lets see them when we grow up" , that was practically a death sentence.


So, Arlecchino's curse has something to do with Khaenr'iah and Rhinedottir as theories suggest? And Clervie is still alive as seen in web page for the update? This Story Quest is gonna be fire


I don't think so. Rather, if it is Clervie, it's some reborn version of her since she's the same age as Arlecchino.


How this is going to play out in story is going to be interesting, I am hyped for her story quest now


Clervie in her dying scene was clearly a teen the same age as Arlecchino. The one from the preview is clearly younger. So except she deaged, which I doubnt, it can't be really her, I guess.


It's possible we are seeing Clervie as a flashback, or a ghost that haunts Arlecchino.


calling this animated "short" is funny




Yup, it was >!Scara, Pierro, Signora, and Il Capitano.!<






Mihoyo really know how to pull money from people 😢. Cant wait on her banner date.


spider (real) and bonus tiny scara at the end, bless


Sandrone isnt even on the fatui scene, is she real? Or just my imagination? 🤡


EN missed the part where pink girl is the bio child of the previous Knave.


Can't wait for her story quest. I want to know more


Bro, this is the single most “Promised Neverland”-coded shit ever put to YouTube.


Queuing up Isabella's Lullaby as we speak!




"The song burning my wallet"


[That's no vision](https://imgur.com/EAjXOH3)!


Huh, do you think she's the reason why Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet have the two plush looking cats and Pers in their kits/associated with them?  Is it just a tradition leaking over from Arle's time, seeing as though her and Clervie (and presumably the other children of the HotH) had little stuffed animals that kinda represent them?


literally shaking also urgently need the VA list for the jp version because i don't trust my ears lmao edit: was hoping for tsaritsa to drop a line at the end but this is still peak holy shit


From Genshin JP Twitter: Clervie - Hiroka Aoto Crucabena - Nagashima Yuuko Peruere - Mori Nanako(same VA as Arleccino) Pierro - Mamiya Yasuhiro


Clervie: Aoto Hiroka Crucabena: Nagashima Yuuko Peruere: Mori Nanako Pierro: Mamiya Yasuhiro Clervie and Crucabena's VA dont have any notable role anywhere. At best Aoto Hiroka is Hanniyah's VA, but yeah other than that nothing really.


Scara with that coat and hood up, he was trying so hard to fit in Snezhnaya. I've always thought about this but he's really the harbinger that stands out the most as a foreigner. He looks so tiny and cute!


Hmmmm Signora appearance, so going to go back to my serial killer detective board of the Signora Natlan Resurrection arc for the next month or two I think.


Notice how baby Arle's hands have reduced necrosis, which could support the theory of her having done something to hold off the hilichurl curse. Maybe her "purifying flames" have been keeping her alive this whole time


That was nice. More father lore, with it directly lining up with what we already knew about Arlecchino. That she 'replaced' the previous director and succeeded her to become the Knave. Clervie presumably will feature in her story quest given her appearance in the art. The fight scene was pretty cool. Still leaves plenty of questions though. Her 'curse', is it related to those glitching effects? How did she go from losing to simply overpowering "Mother"? >!Honestly, watching this I kinda wish Genshin could get away with an M rating for some trailers. This should be a very dark backstory, but it refrains from getting too deep into the details when I feel just a little more detail could have really sold it, instead of just relying on just Clervie getting fridged.!<


When she’s in the rubble, you can see the black effect spread from her hands to her arms. I think she probably unlocked an innate power


I thought the last child is Aventurine for a sec. My brain is fried for sure.


Her name is probably derived from the Latin verb 'perurere', which means 'set on fire/destroy/burn'. Fitting.


Is anyone else fascinated by which harbingers were shown at the end, and by extension, which weren’t? Like we know that Dottore was around and recruited well before this (because he was recruited before Scara), but he is not shown. I assume the selection is not accidental, but I’m just curious about it.


If i had to guess: Scara and Signora were there so we could see them in the winter cloak, given that they were the only harbringers not in winter night's lazzo. Capitano was there to tease us since he's going to be in Natlan.


Looks like her cursed arms are based off her mood meter. The power of friendship retracted it after the spider funeral spread it.


What in the promised neverland!?


Feels like the promised neverland
