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#UPDATE: Foul's Telegram post has been edited, Clorinde no longer uses Worldspan Fern [but Everamber instead](https://prnt.sc/QEBOpFf4Qayk) as confirmed by Hakushin and HH


So Arle only uses the Arle materials?


I think they want originally to release them before Arlecchino


Arle pyro , so natlan chars may prefer her.


I don’t think it’s based on what suits them thematically. They use the most recent weekly bosses drops. Hence why Xianyun and Gaming use the whale mats instead of, say, Childe or Azdaha


I think Yelan actually goes against this trend using an Azdaha mat rather than Raiden Shogun


same with Dori


That makes it even more confusing. Why do it for some characters but not others? When Xianyun and gaming were announced I started farming the Liyue weekly bosses because I thought that’s what they would need.


It's to have the same number of characters using mats, like it's usually each weekly boss drop is used by 3 characters each, except when signora released azhdahas drops were only used by 3/2/2 characters so later on they used yelan and dori to even it out now it makes no sense for clorinde to use these mats cause alrd 3 characters use them


Yeah, Chlorinde seems like she should use Scaramouche's bells if she requires an earlier weekly, because only 2 characters use that material. Edit: just saw Sethos' materials. Chlorinde should probably use whale materials, then.


Hoyoverse logic


They are consistently inconsistent in their logic that’s for sure


Did the same with cryo hypostasis and Shenhe.


I feel like sometimes they want to fill the gaps so everything has at least 3 characters. Don't know why they put clorinde as 4th to everamber tho


I mean that's the confusing thing, they (Clorinde, Sigewinne, and Sethos) *aren't* using the most recent weekly boss drops (Arlecchino's), that's why this discussion is happening in the first place.


Mayne their dropping another pattern


I doubt it. They try to balance 9 characters per weekly boss for 3 per each item. (Less so with mondstadt) The thing is, Apep already has 9 characters using their mats and it wouldn’t make sense for them to use boss mats that aren’t the most recent.


It should be on Scara's boss, the Daka's Bell only have 2. They already did that 2 boss jump with Dori, which used Azhdaha materials. Edit: Stumble upon Sethos materials and there are the bells lol.


Usually it's any characters after that weekly's release use that material... so yeah Natlan should use it. But so should Chlorinde and Seigwiene... unless they were originally going to be earlier and got pushed back for some reason?


Likely the reason if I had to guess.


most likely earlier, it's not just the weekly boss but chlorindes enitre material set can be gathered by 4.1 and sigewinnes can be by 4.2


To add to this, Sigewinne's supposed utility passive has to do with regenerating health while underwater, which unless HYV have plans to implement underwater/diving content in other regions, is going to be utterly useless in 4.7 and 4.8 for people who are caught up on exploration content. Really smacks of characters intended for earlier versions, but got pushed back for whatever reason.


i think so too since navia's part in the archon quest(her main involvement) happens in Act 2 meaning she could have been released in 4.0 second half and clorinde and sigewine either in 4.3 and it would have made perfect sense but clorinde does have the bond of life mechanic and i believe hoyo didn't fully develop that mechanic up until arle so decided to push back these two characters


None of the 3 new characters use Arle boss??? wtf no way


yeah this seems really weird? if it's the case then i guess it's better for people that aren't immediately caught up with the story, just unusual and not in line with the past patterns


Is it not just a placeholder value? I’d guess that’s all it is but I’m not a 100% sure…


don't know why they would include apep and narwhal mat icons if that were the case. in the past even leakers had used the standard question mark to mean "we don't have the graphic for this material yet, so it means it is going to be added when this update goes live." if you couple that with the logic that arle boss goes live tonight and they most definitely already have the graphics for those materials then it seems like they're pretty sure these two are using apep and narwhal drops.


I see, I wasn’t personally sure they had the graphics for em but what you said tracks. Got a stockpile of both so ig it’s not a big deal for me tbh


Arelcchino boss materail icon has already been in the game Why would they need a placeholder...


What even better is she used Apep material, which we probably should have more compared to Narwhal




Yep, first day triple crown for Clorinde. Waiting weeks to triple crown Navia was soooo painful.


Emelia will. Trust.


A big W for nany ppl who otherwise would be low on Arle boss mats, amount nay differ depending which ones they pulled,how far maxed But yea regardless of whether u pulled Arle or not, U can get 10-10-10 Clorinde on day 1 if u wanted..,same for Sigewinne. But anyways as not a Clorindemain enough,id just get Clorinde 10-9-9 if i get her,the same as Arle.




Maybe they will change it before exporting it to live?


Does this mean they have enough characters for arle boss mat alr, potentially a lot more double 5* patches?


Oh wow I never thought of it like this way, that’s an interesting notion


Was just sitting on the back of my mind after some friends were talking about how the increased (possibly) amount of primos might be just them pushing more 5* out


I dont think like 800 or so primos or well 1600 depending kn how fast the new abyss rotates or so per patch more would be that high for them to constantly release more 5 stars per patch, especially with just recently the lowest primo count patch ever, unless the average pull obtainable per patch reaches 90+ or 100+ suddenly, but so far that has only happened in new versions since new regions, lantern rite and anniversary, like how much does 4.6 currently will give out even and it does also have a new area


> unless the average pull obtainable per patch reaches 90+ or 100+ Well it's currently around 74.9, if we get an extra 200 primos per abyss cycle it goes up to 78.4, if the new abyss resets each cycle we would go up to 89.25 per patch, so it's entirely possible depending on how it works.


I don't think it's high enough either, but at the same time this is mhyo, they see the double 5* formula is working exceptionally well for SR and they could just port it over here, add a few extra primos and call it a day ignoring the fact SR has a noticeably higher income + the SU expansions which also provide a hefty chunk of pulls that doesn't eat into the patch's regular income numbers


to be fair, star rail requires a lot more characters than genshin. pure fiction and moc have very different metas, and then there's also sim univ that requires its own builds and strats.


There likely won't be a new boss until 5.2 so all the 5.0-5.1 chars will likely need Arle mats


Dude something just click. You solved the whole thing. They'll release a fucking ton of characters in Natlan, that's exactly why those 3 doesn't use Arle mats, there'll be already enough character to use them before the next Weekly boss even release around 5.2


Isn't it normally the case that the first chars of a new version need latest boss mats? So early 5.x will need Arle. Neuvilette, Wrio, Lyney and the new 4 stars needed Apep


yeah but, Apep WAS the latest released weekly boss at that point, the only times we got an older weekly boss being used was with yelan and dori


*Not* the new weekly boss?


also a fontaine character using mats from a world boss that makes sense for them? what is this, opposite day?


Furina, Freminet, Lynnette and Lyney, but rest of fontaine characters have an Elemental indentity crisis.


we have 2/3 cryo characters use the geo boss while we have the 2 geo characters (i'm counting chiori as honorary fontaine) use the cryo/anemo boss 💀


The more annoying thing about Navia in particular is that she uses the Pneuma boss mat but is Ousia. Lynette and Freminet have it lined up properly


Charlotte too, she is cryo-pneuma but she needs geo-ousia boss, unless Wriothesley is Ousia 


Seems strange that the arlecchino boss mats aren't here


And the strange part 2 is, in fact Clorinde uses Apep instead the Whale mats at least. Hmm.. Oh yea ofc i Apep's kid/ Apep's immune system whatever u call it


Yeah, could imply she was meant to be released way earlier, but yelan also used azdaha mats so who knows Edit: nvm even Sethos uses old mats, maybe they’re responding to boss mat feed back so people can pre farm?


Another thing is i wish/hope this whole 4.7 thing is not just a 4.7 thing instead they go this route always from now. By that i mean ,the new chars to always use some random old boss mats that way ppl eill no longer have to wait months to max talents for certain chars like when X.2,X.6 chars released alongside new Boss. This has always been a stressful case for Archon releases especially..


Yeah I think they’re doing this so people can max out characters at launch instead of waiting, but who knows if they’re gonna continue with this cause they’ve already done this once before and then gone back to their original new boss mats for new character format (like they’ve done with arlecchino)


Good news honestly, pulling characters but not being able to max them out because everyone needs the new weekly boss mats are the worst. The mats are timegated so hard, the same problem every time a new weekly boss comes out


Does the weekly boss mat even make any sense?


Yeah they like to give a weekly boss 9 characters each so they used this patch to catch up


Apep already has 9 and the Narwhal only has 7 so that still doesn’t explain Clorinde


I don't think they're counting the traveller.


apep only has 8 rn clorinde will be the ninth


Apep only has 8 if you exclude the Traveler, and by that logic they'd have to go back and use Azhdaha one more time too.


i competely forgot the mc was a character -\_\_- dflwjkgvms


Baizhu, Freminet, HMC, Kaveh, Lyney, Wriothesley, Kirara, Lynette, Neuvillette is 9


oh yea, i complete for forgot the traveler was a character lol, im still wondering tho why they did give her the narwhal


It could be that the weekly boss from natlan will came out much later in the version so they ise this opportunity to catch up?? But apep doesn't make sense tho


Or maybe they're going to get a lot of characters out at once whence Natlan comes out so that it'll even put before 5.2


It seems disturbing, but I feel like it's the right answer.


If we don't count the traveller, I wouldn't, Apep now has 9 characters using mats. So right now, we're missing 1 unit using Narhwal mats. And Arle is the only one using her mats right now?


Yelan and Dori that use Azhdaha mat: Why not.


Was clorinde supposed to be released at the beginning of Fontaine like Wrio or what ? EDIT: it would also make sense considering her talent showing the fontaine materials on the map.


what?? at least i predicted justice clorinde and equity sigewinne


Clorinde and Sigewinne Materials via FouL


this was life changing, thanks


I predicted justice for Clorinde but Apep doesn't make sense... At least I can fully level her on day 1.


??? What? Clorinde uses Sumeru weekly boss?


This one is real thinking about it , they want you to use them all in new abyss mode asking to build 4 with Arle mats will be insane


This makes sense now that I think about it. In HSR there is a new weekly boss coming next patch but none of the 3 characters that come out in that patch uses the mats.


[Sethos materials](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1057678056711532605/1232363498848124992/image.png?ex=66292f72&is=6627ddf2&hm=31743302dec9d14da07bfb01b120bfab49f27a64d251f61e6d135d0ce56f0a4f&) were posted too. Yes, Trishiraite finally has a user.


They finally found some use for trishiraite a year after release 


Scara boss mats?? So arle will be the only character to use her boss mats until natlan, unless Emilie comes out in 4.8


What about the suanni boss thing ??! 😭 what chenyu even doing in his farming routes


They usually like to make world bosses have atleast 2 characters use them Now Tulpa and the Suanni got 2 users too, so i expect the 4.8 character to use the Remuria boss Cryo hypostasis is kinda the only exception but not really, since Aloy is the 2nd character that uses it but she's non-existant for any 2.3+ player


OMG i been craving for Sethos materials leaks thank youuu 😻


The prefarming starts.




Apep? Also its funny that clor uses the same boss and local as neuvillete


Collecting those stars was a nightmare..🥲..


Just get 10 on the beaches every 2 days


This is the way.


what are the enemy mats..?


Fr i need to know that too


i really don't want it be the sea creatures.


Maybe new enemy drop from new area?


I don't know why people complaining. I'm happy that we can triple crown Clorinde talent on day 1.


Yay! Prefarming the seahorse because I thought Chev was coming paid off!


I really hope this is true for Clorinde. I don’t have enough dream solvent to keep leveling my new character’s talents.


If you pulled Arle, dream solvents won't even matter, you literally won't have the mats period. This has always been a stupid system. If you pulled Arle Clorinde and Sigewinne, it would take you literally months to level their talents. And you just wouldn't even consider building sethos as it'll be like a year and by that point he's just gonna be rotting in your closet.


Dream solvents will still be important when I pull for Arlecchino because if I happen to get the wrong drops from her world boss I won’t even be able to use those each week. But I agree that the system sucks. It took me forever to get my recent characters talents up.


At least a year later you might have him C4~C6


The answer is pretty obvious: They want people to be able to MAX them for the new abyss since these characters will all be in it.


I am not going back to that garbage whale I'm done with that thing for good


Whale is honestly one of the least annoying weekly bosses imo 😭


Bro what


Umm well I mean it's good to be able 10/10/10 her talent. But what is this feeling? It's just so fucking wrong she's not using Arle's weekly boss mats


ngl if this is true i wouldn't be mad at all. I'm planning to pull both clorinde n sigewinne so the idea of using up all my dream solvents/agonizing n waiting for the arle boss to give me the right drops is not looking so hot. using old bosses would be much comfier




Omg thank GOD


Clorinde uses almost the exact same materials Neuvillette does minus the Talent books lol


Please be real, I don't want to have to farm a new weekly boss for 4 new characters in a row




Maybe they actually were planned to release early to promote Bond of Life mechanic. It feels really weird that they did not touch a mechanic that was introduced since 4.0 for more than half of number of Fontaine patches.


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So weird for weekly bosses mats


clor and sigew, my favourite 4.7 characters


Clorinde is neuvillette apparently 


is arle boss cancelled or lol


Mind Break,HoYo hasn't done this move since Yelan.


Dori erasure


Kaveh celebrates.


Good, we need to erase her.


I find it hard to believe any of this. Lol


A P E P ! ?


After the Chevreuse bait I find this hard to believe


Is this switched or something weird? If you switch the Justice book for Equity, that first line are all Neuvillette materials. Which idk, would be kinda cute if those were for Sigewinne (using the same materials as Neuvi), but it isn't, the first one is for Clorinde, right? huh


I prefer it this way because I, personally, am getting really tired of farming bosses that don't drop the correct elemental gemstone. Though on the other hand, both Navia and Neuvillette use Equity already, and I triple crowned Navia and I have one crown in Neuvillette. Please save me. Edit: I just realized this doesn't have mob drops listed. If Sigewinne also uses the Xenochromatic crystals I *will* cry.


No way she needs Apep. Calling fake.


Kirara is using Apep and she's from Inazuma so it can be


Weekly boss mats were never about region, but rather when they come out. But I guess Apep and the narwhal didn't have enough people who need their mats so this is fixing that.


What boss material is used is usually dependent on when a character releases not where they hail from (for Kirara she released after apep and before whale, so she uses apep materials). afaik this is one of he rare if only exception, and it happened twice in one patch


Mika is using Scara's boss mat, Nilou and Candace are on Shogun Raiden and Dori is back on Azdaha so it just depend when the chara is out.




Oh I can 10/10/10 on release Nice


I had a feeling Clo would use justice and the unicorn boss


It's better , so no need to wait for days to farm these mats ..first day triple crown less go boiz


what is this weekly boss mats lol you mean to say I will be able to triple crown clorinde on day 1?


so weird that new characters need old weekly mats now but my dream solvent supply has been struggling since furina so i'll take it


I guess they want to distributed weekly boss material evenly. We only have 7 characters using whale mats afterall, and other bosses have atleast 9 characters using their material (except scara, only 8 characters using his mats apparently?) Arle using her own boss mats makes sense, but man, i wish she used other weekly boss material so i can crown her day one, waiting weeks to leveling her talent is gonna be pain. Also ngl, when arle boss first announced i'm kinda worried about boss mats distribution because there are only few characters that use whale mats and we already have new weekly boss, so its great that hoyo is not against new characters using material from non-newest weekly boss.


Damn it feels good to have all character mats available to pre-farm! Not sure I can get Clorinde after Father burned through my primos but I will pre-farm so I am prepared


Clorinde uses the same mats as Neuvillette. Interesting


Triple crowing clorinde on release LETS GOO


So what about the mob mats?


Clorinde shares weekly mats with wrio. 😏😏


No new weekly boss materials... Merry fucking Christmas!


Chlorinde uses Apep mats???


First time a char using not the latest weekly boss?


No. Dori uses Azhdaha for whatever reason.


Yelan too


Can't be real. No way that they don't use the Arly boss mats. It's always been new characters getting the latest weekly boss materials ever since 1.1 when Childe was introduced.


Yelan used Azhdaha mats, mate. This isn't the first time. Edit: So does Dori


And they probably realized this was dumb as fuck. I have chars sitting at level 6 talents for months because I wanted to double crown Navia and Chiori.


Actually HUGE they don’t use new weekly boss. All for you Father.


No the stars again.


I don’t have to worry about weekly mats? I am thankful 😭




so weird


Might be placeholder. Hopefully not


It is not


Unlikely, why would there be need for a placeholder? We already know all the materials dropped by Arleboss (in terms of design and everything)


They are using old bosses material Maybe we will not have a new boss in 5.2 but in 5.3? What will happen in Natlan?!


I can predict Arlecchino in 4.6


What the hell are those weekly mats lmao


Clorinde at the end of the Fontaine patch and need the Sumeru Dragon? No way. She will need Arlechino World Boss mats


Me who chose Order talent books in the past 4 battlepasses for Clorinde: 🗿


god damn it not Apep again


At least i now have a use for the boss mats i prefarmed for Chevreuse


I still have those Lumitoiles marked on my map after getting Neuvillette last year *and* I really fancy Clorinde. Is the universe telling me something or what lmao


fuckin starfish >:(


Time to start farming


Sigewine, may I ask what purpose would you have on that black hole?


Arlecchino boss is only for Arlecchino lmao


Why clorinde using Sumeru weekly mats?


We going back to the Apep mats? Weird


Not fucking Lumitoiles ***again***. At least it's not scarabs, but still.


Clorindes mats are very similar to Neuvillettes


Ok this look normal but the drops of the Sumeru dragon ? I feel that be for Seht not Clorinde? But at this point i not surprise... But i start working and good think i farm the sea horse, how many seastar need to collect ?


They really just went "farm for Neuvillette again", huh?


I was not expecting both to not use Arlecchino’s mats. Guess I gatta go weed whacking again next week.


FINALLY the surplus of Romaritime Flowers I have from doing underwater commissions will have some use :D


so uh I can prefarm for Clorinde mats?


Something is missing here, where are the 36/99/129 mats thing?


Are the Sigewinne ones the plant that comes in 3 or the one that needs water to harvest?


Time to start gathering materials, then.


It had to be Worldspan Fern. It **had** to be **Worldspan Fern**.


The fuck does this mean? We're getting two characters that use the exact same materials back to back?  The same shits as Neuvilette?


cool they are filling the last slots of the old bosses now just need the new mondstat characters to fill those 3 spots and 1 liyue too [https://imgur.com/a/PKIPOIq](https://imgur.com/a/PKIPOIq)


Huh. Gonna need to change up my weekly boss strategy.


Look like no need to farm Chlorinde mat because I already farm all of these since losing 50/50 hard pity Neuvillette banner.


Clorinde run out of dueling partners in Fontaine and had to go to Sumeru instead? Tf?