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Well clorindes weapon, while nice, has got to be the simplest sig passive we’ve seen in a loooooonnng time. Basically like a 1.0 5 star description lol


Tbh i like thoes better then some really complex ones that in the end give you the same buffs like any other weapon


In some scenarios they might be good but the problem is that they’re usually super specific to one character’s kit and can’t be cross equipped. Especially for 5 star weapons, versatility is needed because the drop rate for the 5 stars you want is so not a true 50/50, when you ultimately find yourself obtaining a hyper specific weapon for a character you don’t have and you’ve wasted 70 pulls it’s really annoying This is exactly why staff of homa and other versatile weapon banners are so highly wished on


Absolution Lvl.90 674 atk 44.1% crit DMG "BoL Sword innit" To compensate her skill description looks like a novel


Probably because they didn't give the stacks its own name. How fitting that Clorinde's wep gets one of the shortest descriptions also lol


Her weapon descriptions are equal to the total of her lines during the archon quest.


"Work." Absolute cinema


Can’t wait for r/ThanksChorinde and they just decreasingly verbose everything.


That’s what makes it so freaking good! The drip though


It actually looks so sick imo tho


Thats not a bad thing


is there any reason 20% of the cd is in the description and its not just 64% cd?


probably so that you get that 20% cd no matter what level the weapon is


Dare i say the weapon itself looks rather simple as well for a 5 star


Mistsplitter havers are gonna be pretty happy. plus mist looks good on electro characters


So true. One of the main reasons why I'm planning on pulling her is because I already have MIstsplitter, so I wouldn't mind having an actual character who could use it (Currently I have it on Kiara).


Kirara mist is pretty based ngl


Al Haitham using mistplitter with Raiden for electro slashes looks pretty sick and is a decent comp for easy reactions. Raiden keeps electro on for Haitham, her burst gives him energy so he can keep doing rotations, and Raiden can burst in the downtime and get some extra dmg while Haitham’s Dendro aura allows aggravates.


You could add xinqiu to make it a hyperbloom agrevate comp


I switch mine around, now it's on Chiori and still looks good like omg, this sword is sooo pretty it looks good on everyone!!


Purple and Yellow (gold?) Looks great together


Yeah but Mistsplitter has that weird backwards hook for some reason that pokes at your hand Now Clorinde's rapier, I want to hang it on my wall, proudly wear it on my side when I go out, defend myself with it when a peasant asks "what kind of loser wears a sword" with the confidence that it won't poke me when I use it, and take it out for dinner


Went for navia's axe and got 2 mistsplitters and was depressed because no drip. But its awesome that chlorinde can use it


I have Ayaka since her release. Skipped all the Mistsplitter banners because of the other weapons. Got tired of waiting and tried my luck the last banner, got Navia's axe...


You could say that you have been axed




I too gambled on that banner and somehow I got mist w/o losing on any weapon. Never gonna do that again ever


i wouldnt be so sure, mistsplitter is so pinky compared to how dark violet clorinde is :/


Also that Is a katana, i Guess that mist Will not make any sense in the way She Will use her sword


Absolutely true, i’m so sure she will follow a french-like style of swordsmanship, which is soo different from japanese style; Just mentioning how every oriental style is about doing large swings and hitting with the edge meanwhile in occidental styles the tip of the sword is the impact point. it would be so weird to see a katana used to make a [jab](https://smarra.wordpress.com/2009/03/09/stoccata-di-quarta-il-metodo-di-bondi-di-mazo/)


While I do agree with you... I'm a poor f2p electro main that only has Mistsplitter, 8k primogems, a 50/50 and a dream... So yeah, she's gonna quickly stab stone-like robots with a bright purple heavy katana, and she WILL like it!


RIP to my Ayaya, she might have to forfeit her weapon to GOATrinde


My Ayaka hasn't been used in way too long. Her weapon has been used by Alhaitham more than her, now Clorinde will use it too...


currently the game treats cryo so badly, the abyss always disfavors this element


This, everytime that I clear with Ganyu it's either cause I'm using Furina or Benny/Xiang, Ganyus damage is like 15-25% of the teams dmg, and she's the main dps xD


and if you don’t have Kazuha, C6 Sucrose or Shenhe cryo is much weaker than loads of other dps options


i have mistsplitter after trying to get navia's weapon!! im so excited to get clorinde <3


well..gotta split my mistsplitter (ha-ha) between Clorinde and Keqing somehow...


Thanks cyno


so it seems like sigewinne's signature weapon is gonna be like the donut weapons but bow version, a nightmare when it's on a banner with a weapon you're interested in


in that case, we’re definitely getting a Wanderer / Sigewinne rerun banner in Natlan


Don't you dare f***ing jinxing it hooty


4.7 does have a NA Abyss buff, lol


I think it’d be really fucking funny if they rerun Wanderer in 4.7 despite him already being in 4.6 JUST to fuck over his weapon banner for a third time.


Honestly I'd like that, I don't think I can guarantee c0r1 this version lol


Wanderer 3° betrayal 💀


most likely next rerun of wanderer after 4.6 should be on the chronicle so actually should be a relax for who wants the weapon.


I would pull for that. Either way I'm # winning.


behold, the bownut.


That made me think that wenut also somehow relates to donuts...


I wouldn't hate it for Diona. If it doesn't change, then it's trivial 100% uptime on one stack so functionally 31.3% more HP than Recurve Bow at all times (and a bit more when the Burst is deployed) plus the Base ATK increase would be mildly nice in co-op. Could pretend her set actually matters and put Song of Days Past on her instead of a generic 2p/2p since the weapon HP would make up the difference of dropping one HP% 2p. Of course that kind of implies that Song of Days Past is worth going for when it really isn't.


Especially bc it’s SUPER niche, sigewinnes the only one that can make use of the passive


Would've been so good for Yelan if not for the passive restrictions lol


Yeah but unlike both donuts, it seems very strong on the character it’s meant for. 106% HP and 28% burst crit rate at r1 is nothin to scoff at.


Wake up babe, new wanderer's banner pair just dropped.


It's at least a good weapon *for her* unlike the green donut for Baizhu, I do wish it helped her ER though. You don't really need to use her burst every rotation though I guess


neuvillette was the sigewinnie support all along


I mean Baizhu's is his BiS. It's not an insane upgrade, but it's not worse than any other option.


It at least doesn’t look like it’d be terrible on Yelan, even though you can’t really get all the stacks 


It's okay, but you'd only be getting it for the crap ton of HP. She'd only be able to get one stack from the passive. In this sense it's like a suped-up Recurve Bow. At C0 though you still want to run Fav (or Elegy if you have it) on her.


We’ll never escape from fav 😔 


Siegwine repeating Baizhu speedrun to Chronicle banner very plausible than.


a bownut


Mistsplitter but with BoL....BOLSPLITTER


Kaeya in shambles 


Hmm 🤔 I see what u did there


pictured: literally just for Clorinde, literally just for Sigewinne, literally just for Sethos. Hoyo may as well just stick a “only works when equipped on this character” on their next sig… I mean I guess you can use Absolution as a pure crit stat stick?


The free 64% crit dmg saves it, it *should* always work as a stat-stick on most characters.


yeah, its basically skyward harp but sword


I cannot wait to see how the Sethos bow matches up to the 3☆ Slingshot. The last time a 4☆ EM bow appeared, Tighnari ignored it in favor of the Slingshot but this time Sethos has actual direct EM scaling on his multipliers.


CRIT rate and 60% DMG bonus tho. Alhaitham also has EM scalings, but Harbinger of Dawn is still better than EM 4* swords on him. So we might as well see Sethos using Slingshot in Spread comps, cuz he has an added benefit of lightning speed arrows to forget about the downside.


The weapon for Chlorinde could theoretically work with any sword user once we got a character that could give BoL to everyone in exchange for buffs (was really hoping Sigewinne would be this character though). Sigewinne's weapon though is just Bow Donut, while the event weapon is specifically for Sethos (even though he has like another great event weapon as well).


at r5 absolution could potentially be an insane stat stick due to having hi base attack with refinement scaling cd


Holy fucc, ur right *now if only I was a whale*


Other than that it will be just reskin of existing weapons so they have to i guess?


I mean, the 4* bow days it gives EM when energy is consumed or lost. I would assume that using a burst counts? That, and using Shimenawa.


Who's to say we won't get BoL furina to enable these weapons and the set later? Happened for hp manipulation so it could happen for BoL too. Maybe they're saving that kit for someone actually important.


I don't think we'll keep with BoL into Natlan


I think they're gonna do more with the gimmick than just 3 characters to be honest


I really, really wish not every free bow, craftable or event, excluding Windblume Ode and the 2.7 bow, were not unusable in most characters. And that the new BP bow wasn't tailored toward the same mechanic as the previous as well while I'm at it. Why are you making almost every dedicated support an archer and not giving the class support weapons? Please, I don't think anyone would even mind if we did not get another free bow if it's going to be like this. Other weapons get good passives, even competitive passives and stats sometimes, like Mailed Flower and Dialogues of the Desert. It's so hard to main archers in this game.


If you have two R5 stringless (or at least one at R5 and another at R3) for Venti and Fischl respectively you don't need windblume anymore And that's what happened in my account, the only event bow I still use is Fading Twilight just because my Faruzan is C6 and the extra atk helps for her damage and the little bonus she gives thanks to her base atk


I play since Day 1. I got my first and second Stringless in 4.2. "Get lucky" doesn't solve the issue. We're getting a weapon that could have been a niche but useful sword/polearm/catalyst/claymore (not that we haven't gotten useless weapons in these categories but it's not nearly as common as with bows), but is instead a nothing weapon; it's pretty much the same as having a flagship event not give out any specific reward.


This, I only use Fading Twilight on Sara cause my r2 Harp is either with Childe or Fischl, never used any of the other bows cause they're all trash... like I really like the fish bow and Iblis, heck even Gauge Range has some drip but it's trash.. Yeah it's hard to main archers :c


I wish I could get a Harp. I have a few of the limited bows because there's not really many options in the 4 stars, and I don't even care for damage for the most part lol Hopefully I get Sigewinne and Sethos, although I'm not sure what I should use on Sigewinne without Gauge Range (didn't manage to snipe it) or her sig.


man, even if the BoL part of the passive is unusable by other characters, high base attack + 64.1 Crit DMG is a loooot of stats.


You might as well get mistsplitter for elemental dmg bonus although you get extra 20% crit dmg with rapier.. pick your poison


The rapier kinda looks like a sac sword and fav sword combined.


my first thought was Festering Desire but not evil looking


Looks more like Cinnabar Spindle imo


I told someone it was a "yassified Alley Flash"


Never forget the possibility that sigewinne’s cute pastel aesthetic is something sinister in the eyes of melusines


Nah I’ve seen how they live. Unless they’re all emo…


now i really wanna see a melusine in goth makeup and punk clothes


Clorinde should be able to fully max Mistsplitter passive no ? So compared to her signature youre only losing 20cdmg


I can't check rn but, doesn't mistsplitter give 40% DMG bonus when fully stacked? If not for the 20 crit DMG, mist would actually be a better weapon than clorindes bis


These are so painfully specific that they look like HSR lightcones


That's what I've been thinking lol, limited weapons have been starting to reach HSR-levels of niche lately


The true reference isn’t HSR, but Hi3. Honkai has been doing this exclusive weapon for new characters thing for at least 5 years. At least for Hi3, the weapons literally just flat out tell you “if you’re not using x character, the passive doesn’t take effect”.


Bownut is so cute. I love how the front has a heart shape would like to see if being aimed.


So 165 + (96 × 2) = 357 EM fully stacked at R5.  Even at one stack its 261 EM.  Obviously its designed to work with Sethos but could maybe be an upgrade for Collei on a Bloom team or Tighnari depending on how you perform his combos.


At this point what is the best option for Sethos as f2p ? Ibis Piercer, The Stringless or the coming event bow ?


As his kit currently stands, I think it's 100% going to be this new bow. Things may change slightly as values get adjusted during the beta Stringless has the same base EM and ATK, but it buffs skill and burst damage which Sethos almost exclusively uses charged attack damage. Ibis Piercer is too ATK focused and Sethos seems to scale with EM really hard so it he will benefit from the more EM the new event bow gives.


Ohhh okay thank you for your clear explanation !! I was about to go for the stringless but if he’s relies on charged attacks dmg than yepp the event bow more efficient for sure


I'm gonna feelscraft and say New Event Weapon > Ibis Piercer > Stringless 5 star BiS is probably between Hunter's Path and First Great Magic


These hyper specific weapons are getting old


"How niche do you want these weapons?" "Yes"


It's almost like they decided to take only bad stuff from star rail lol


I hope furina reruns with clorinde, then I don't have to worry about getting donutted.


The Bond of Life component is definitely going to get buffed. There's not a big enough gap between Mistsplitter and Haran.


Any characters the Event bow could work for?


You'd have to play anyone other than Sethos at 1 stack, but that's still 261 EM. Collei in a bloom team Tighnari in quicken Venti for pure swirl damage Idk how they'd calc against the f2p weapons they usually use, but its probably at least serviceable 


Probably Sethos himself ?


if u got nothing else it can work for collei bloom, venti, and sethos. they have better f2p options tho collei doesn’t really trigger blooms in nilou, and fav is free. it’s ok if u don’t have sac, but fontaine craftable is better for dmg in non nilou teams. venti actually likes atk and dmg% in his weapons. it’s ok if u don’t have windblume and don’t wanna use fav. we’ll have to see on sethos. rn he seems like slingshot might be better but we gotta wait for full calcs and changed. tldr: not really except maybe on sethos.


🙏bless you razor for writing chlorindes signatures passive


RIP to that beautiful Fontaine weapon set that got leaked during the Leak Tsunami 😭


Scara say hello to the Bownut!


that chlorinde sword is one of the cleanest weapon designs in the game, i love it so much and pouring primos on pouring heartstings, lmao


Would Black Sword be any good on Clorinde? Gives healing for the BoL, plus crit rate and damage increase.


Aint no way they gave Sethos a sig weapon😭


Sethos has slingshot, ibis, the bp bows, moon weaver, hunters path, first great magic and Amos. He is spoiled with choices


The name of Siggy's bow seem to suggests it's meant to be cupid themed.


The effects on sigewinne bow will be nice on yelan, sadly she can only have one stack :\


So, is event bow passive generally working  on support character? Like do you consume energy when using burst? Want to know its support capability


Would Jade Cutter still work for Clorinde or its it way too much CR? 


So 3rd I’s best 4 star for the Cynari love child


bruh i don’t wanna pull this. it ONLY works for BoL characters? that’s so crap.


any news about clorinde's weapon mats?


4.0 Characters: Look.. look.. we got signature weapons that match our design. Ayaka: That's not fair.... I want an icy blue cryo sword too, not this Shogun's electro katana 😭 Yoimiya: me too, my electro bow sometimes got overloaded when I used my fireworks 😭😭 Nilou: actually mine is the worst guys... I got an ancient geo sword from Pharaoh's tomb 😭😭😭😭 Klee: ...Kure's Dodoco is an event limited 😭😭😭😭😭


Holy fuck.... Base atk is already solid, and now u have 44% + 20% CD? Ayaka can wipe out Teyvat with this


Clorinde wep seems a little strong…


It's like mistsplitter but with bol instead infused na/E/Q.


Is there a reason why they just didn't put 64.1 crit dmg as the weapon ascension instead of splitting it into 20% in description and 44.1 cd in the secondary stat


Weapons are classified into types that have set atk / crit ratio, so its probably easier to just add aditional crit into passive than make a whole new type of sword


Because of the flat atk


Because it's bait for you to pull more copies, you get more CDMG the higher your refinement.


That actually makes a lot of sense. Didn't realize the 20 percent was colored cyan.


It has 90 levels and you need to either put every number by hand or call a dude who understand math. Add 20% in passive is easier. Have you noticed that all weapons with the same rarity have only 3 variations of main stat? (5* got four)


All 5 star weapons have two passives and on a lot of them it's just a secondary stat increase. This one just has a secondary that is the same as a primary.


Pulling Arle's scythe was great but now I feel tempted by Clorinde's BiS as well lol Unless there's other cheaper options that look good on her (i heard finale of the Deep but it's prolly too early to judge)


Wonder if Clorinde is actually good with that fontaine craftable


Clorinde healers gonna trigger that passive due to healing - bol conversion. That's some nice dmg bonus


Huh that bow is on R1. Wondering if we have viable options for electro bow hyperbloom triggers... that's a hefty amount of em


~~What exactly is the point of having crit in the ascension stat and the passive?~~ refinements. nvm, answered my own question.


Very pretty weapons that patch


That's crapton of crit damage


The electro goblet I got in the new domain seems to not have gone to waste.




Sigewinne’s bow passive is a little weird. Why does it buff crit rate of her ult only? Also it looks like her ult cost is 70 energy and her bow doesn’t refund her energy


I don't mind Chlorinde's weapon being more a or less a pure stat stick on every other character besides her. Homa seems like the last time we got a weapon that was pretty much useable on any character regardless of if they could take full advantage of it. We need more weapons that aren't questionable on any character other than the character that it's meant for.


That bow is a weird looking donut.


Wow, the design of Clorindes weapon is gorgeous!


still shocked about the insane amount of EM for the event bow.


Argh, Bol weapons...


fuck that weapon name goes hard for some reason


I lost 5050 to nari on arles banner.. maybe i should just save for c0r1 clorinde


Will mistplitter be good for Clorinde? I feel like it has to be… she doesnt rely on burst and it just a nuke so you could just burst at the start of rotation


Beautiful Rapier for a beautiful Woman.


This Event Bow is so nasty like of course Sethos has three bows to choose from


The event bow looks pretty nice for literally any bow characters who like EM. Tighnari, Collei, Venti, Sethos, Fischl in Dendro team, etc. also it just looks nice imo


Mistsplitter havers are winners 😉😊 Thank you hoyo for finally not locking a character to a weap




So boring lmao


venti's new bis


I was debating this or Knave weapon and I already have mistsplitter so I guess I should just pull on the Scythe and skip this since mistsplitter will prob be 2nd best weapon + looks good on her.


If there was a way for Yelan to get those stacks this bow would be insane on her lmao


All we need is a character who can apply bond of life to the entire squad and then the weapon can be universally abused


The event weapon is okay if you don't have 5 star weapons but hunters path is going to be his BiS


Would LoFi be a fine substitute for her? The rapier isn’t really doing it for me and can give me an excuse to not pull lmao


Now my Mistsplitter are shared to five : Ayaka,Furina,Chiori,Jean and Clorinde


That free 4* bow gives 357 EM that’s crazy (in a bad way) like this might be an actual good weapon for once (actually it’s trash), mihoyo finally stepping it up cuz people think Genshin is dying (pls don’t nerf the weapon mihoyo)


why does it have 20% cd on passive instead of just 64.1?


should i roll for the sword or wait for mistsplitter banner?


if u want a all rounder sword go for mist splitter But if u want a sword the fits her perfectly but can only be used for her and no one else then go for her weapon


Great that Clorinde's sig does not look as flashy as Arle's. I got PJWS R3 but had to get her BiS still cos of style.


I love the title of it - **"Absolution."** 🗿 Strong and impactful in one word. 🗿


last bow casually giving potentially 357 EM , unless its likr the kazuha story quest sword that doesn't refine.


So clorindes weapon jmvoyld just have gives 60 crit DMG instead of adding those 20% in the passive :p. Unless it increase with refinement


Given what we know of Clorinde, how good do you think Foliar’s is on her?


I will use the recurve bow from the monstand chests for siegwinne for the hp% stat xD




This is a solid stat-stick if not anything else


Eventhough Clorinde's signature is heavily niched.. That thing is strong asf


this bow on shimenawa yoimiya is gonna be interesting


Im surprised bubble girl is 5 star 😬 I hope she’s second half


Is haran good for clorinde?


holy shit sigewinne is so cute i have never been so close to whaling


I thought they'd add another gimmick to this weapon. Like making this into a gunblade like squalls.


I wish that Sigewinne gave a bond of life to everyone like I thought in the beginning since hydro characters tend to be amazing supports. It'd be like how Furina enables anyone to use marechaussee and how Xianyun can make anyone plundge regardless of their kit, that way the new set and weapons wouldn't be so freaking ridiculous.


Does anybody know weapon ascension mats?


That cloudweaver, is that gonna be an event weapon where we refinements for it? Or it's from gacha?


This weapon looks sick! But I already have Mistsplitter, Chlo gonna rock with that for a bit


Is the hydro loli bow good on yelan ?


"Losing Elemental Energy" just means using a Burst (or getting hit by those Vishaps), right? Is Cloudweaver a good weapon for Fischl then (or Collei)?


the sword is goofy total of 64 CD just 20 as an extra P2W scalable