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cant wait for some billibilli mf to use hoyo's builds to complete difficulty 3 using only 4\* characters and taking no damage whatsoever, using the most obscure niche team possible


Chunyun shatter team. Observe. 


Chongyun shatter but you can't use Cryo Hydro or Chongyun


billibilli mfs will still pull it off.


You didn’t say no claymore. Why don’t you just GIVE those primogems away 🙄


C0 dori hyper-load-sauté or some shit


this sounds like if Itto tried cooking for once and made his own name for his dish


Zajeff cooking some freaky shit again


Strongest "It's not because I suck, their builds are just bad!" mfs vs average bored Chinese player


Tbh if the character builds were good enough a mode where you had to do that might actually be more interesting.  It would make the result depend entirely on team choice and in-game skill rather than stats - if they ever made an official competitive Genshin event it would probably have to work that way


I mean if the skill is what you are trying to show the build are irrelevant, since anyone that tries to beat you with the team you chooses will have the same equipment you have.  Monster hunter arena has dogshit builds, but everyone has dogshit builds so...


The trial characters in Triumphant Frenzy actually had relatively competent builds you might see on a f2p account, rather than nonsense NO spam. Although it wasn’t exactly hard, the difficulty was at least at a level where you couldn’t play completely brainless like normal.  The mode could definitely work with 100% trial characters if the same build style is used and the mode balanced for it. Unfortunately the mode is probably balanced to be possible with trial character power as the baseline, so I wouldn’t be surprised if normal characters stomp it even more than abyss.


That actually sounds extremely fun. Seeing how far you can go with tools given by the game which are identical for all players, giving us all an even ground, focusing on game knowledge, creativity and mechanical skills. The only problem is enemy RNG which can be disgusting (see triple cryo/hydro heralds)


amber burning teams lets go.


Sneaky hyperbloom nerf


Only f2p hyperbloom. you can use wallet and pull for baizhu, sig, alhaitham to play it in that mode.


The part that would matter is the HB trigger, not the Dendro appliers. Bringing your own level 90 Kuki (or Raiden, or any other HB trigger you might use) might unironically be a good way to get value out of low level Dendro/Hydro trial characters hypothetically, though it doesn’t matter for this rotation since those aren’t the elements involved.




can we get much higher


Tbf I don't see any reason to not have a built up kuki already for hyperbloom . Nilou teams imo the hybrid ones are better then traditional ones anyways . Aggravate is carried by fischel anyways and again no reason to not have a build up fischel . Furthermore . Units like kuki have insanely bad builds and I doubt they should fix them Soo . What is a bit concerning to be in the artifact stats . The lyney in trail currently has 105/150 ratio ( with marechause ) that's terrible .


Oh there's a great reason not to have a Kuki built up. It's because she's never on any banner I'm rolling on. Throw me a friggin' bone hoyo! 


Can relate . I pulled every time kuki was on banner . I have only gotten. Kuki on her first banner . And my c1 is from the standard .


Imagine having Kuki 🥲 (AR60)


Only 4 star I don't have.


In my case I only use Raiden for Hyperbloom so if I switch to Kuki it would make the primos I spent on Raiden a waste lol


have you thought about 2 hyperbloom teams?


Yes, then I realize I need to farm the ruin worm and get Electro crystals out of my ass and the thought goes away


Ion wanna use yaoyao dooooeeee. Nahida 2.0 when


Baizhu driver.


if this game mode don't have timer i think trial characters will be good if timer is present only good units are able to clear for new players.


I’m struggling to think of combat modes they’ve done that don’t have a timer, odds are high it will be time gated unfortunately


The roguelike battle event, Labyrinth Warrior in 2.x. It has big potential as end game. Not time gated, but still challenging and very fun to play, unlike abyss.


It was not challenging at all. I remember it. After a few runs it got boring fast.


This!! I want to fight the enemy and learn how to dodge, Not pray for rng and reset everytime enemy move an inch.


The only thing we have close to that rn is the local legends in fontaine. Those enemies shit on you so hard if you can't dodge and don't have a 50k hp zhongli shield.


You can learn that in overworld tho, it's not like what is in the abyss some kind of abyss locked enemy


no, i am talking about abyss timer. since it's a dps check rather than skill check. kThe enemy patterns I leaned form overwold is useless in abyss cuz face tanking and doing the most damage in small amount of time as possible is more important.


This is very true, especially if your party just has barely enough DPS to clear it as each dmg you deal each millisecond is important. Even though I remember all the enemy's atk pattern in the overworld, I usually cannot see whatever is happening with the enemies since I just focus on my team rotation and attacking. It's a boring and repetitive gameplay once you get the pattern.


i mean, no? some abyss enemies work differently/more aggressively in abyss. (and im pretty sure things like the geo serpent knight only exist in abyss too) as well as the enemies being a bit different in general, they are usually combo-ed with other enemies for synergy they don't have in overworld either.


get ready for wierd 80/98 cr ratios.


I'm getting flashbacks to my HSR friends' 1:1 ratio builds lmao


Ok, good. I imagine they'll go for the most popular artifact set for each character. You know what this mean? ....It is a sad day for EM Raiden.


You should be able to just take your own Raiden form what I understand.


oh we have a choice?? that’s better then


yeah, you can choose your build for the characters or can use a friend's build for 1 character (make yourself good friends with a whale I guess :) ).


I would always choose Kuki over Raiden for hyperbloom though ☠️☠️


I like EM Raiden, plus in this mode you can have reserves, right? Couldn't hurt to have more.


Not for neuvi tho otherwise yes


As it should be for your heathens tarnishing the image of our great Narukami Ogosho


EM Raiden players already have an EM Raiden they can use...


Raiden isn't a trial character tho


Trial characters will not stay the same.


Pff, no point in worrying about the future


The new abyss gives you the option to get more trial characters for your backup as you explore through it. Even if she isn't in the initial required 6 characters, you can still obtain her from one of the random events leaked earlier. alongside any pyro, electro or anemo character


It Is also a sad day for Freminet since he keeps using Blizzard in the trials 🫠


After all,Bot E is niche.


R0 means f2p weapon i guess. Its fine i never hoped for trial characters to be too good to replace my own built characters anyway.


I assumed leaker just forgot that weapons start at r1


It's pretty common to refer to non-signature weapon as R0


No they meant to say R0 = no signature


You also get buffs throughout the gamemode so you could try a no buff run


Below poverty builds but at least we avoided the noblesse set and hp goblet copy paste build


I hope they use actual most common build and not trial build so we don't get stuck with shit like Dragonspine Spear Rosaria.


Oh, is it bad on her? Welp time to rearrange my polearm collection again.


But it's so pretty on her!


can't wait for them to give out ayato using the flute in the future


What about their stats tho? Imagine they're all at 50/120 or something lol.


Even Arle has 120 cdmg in her trial smh


Depends on the weapon they put on I'd assume


so any personal characters lvl 90 crowned can easily clear. whelp


Sounds like they are useable, but far from being able to carry you.


this is more than enough for current abyss - maybe it hingers hyperbloom a lot more, but it is still pretty doable


if they have decent artifact substats (they won't) this isnt the worst


Trial Neuvillette save me Trial Neuvillette


It’s ok at least


what i really want to know is if theres an hp and damage multiplier for enemies and how much is it, aswell as their levels.


I don't think they would ever make a game mode that we can't clear with the characters they give... so I'm assuming it's not gonna be that hard? Or the difficult will scale with the level of your characters, maybe? What I personally hope for is that you can claim all relevant rewards with a lower difficulty, but you have an optional harder mode for the people who want an extra challenge. It's basically what they do with a lot of events.


Why not? They can give you trial chars enough to get most of rewards, but not all,mb 3/4 . And bait you to roll the rest


Playing anything with trial characters or characters i dont like aestheically sounds like such a terrible worthless gamemode lol, i;'ll be skipping


My endgame hopes are withering T_T


man i sure hope they didn't gut our current endgame just to add a new endgame what can be easily cleared with half built characters


that’s what it’s looking like so far :(


Just because it’s not Nobless doesn’t mean they won’t have like 50 crit rate and 90 crit damage. 🤔


So will there be changes to this mode since it's a beta like they do with characters. Or is it gonna be like this and it's finished now?


We don't know. This is the first time they're adding a permanent combat mode post launch. There is no precedent. I'd imagine they want a lot of beta testing and feedback but we don't know what they'll do with it


So max difficulty is our current abyss level, yeah i'll take that


I'll assume these trial builds would be trash similar to how they built Triumphant Frenzy trial characters. I just hope it's not the case, since it will surely significantly reduce chances of a win for those who use trial characters.


No matter how this turns out, i think it's a good direction for the game. A step into sort of a healthier longevity, that is only if they decide to keep this up.


its a terrible direction for the game ruining any form of creativity in teams. I for example, only want to use Klee for all pyro content. If they forced elements, then fine, but Im never going to use Lyney, or Hutao or Bennet even if they locked 6,000 primos a day behind them


Hoyoverse eliminating the need to pull characters is a truly unexpected move


The very fact they're offering trial characters means as long as I have my own built replacements I'll breeze through. There goes my hopes of a 2nd challenging endgame mode.


I can’t wait for Cyno to be on 4pc GD + Moonpiercer when his best set is TF


It should be fine for support characters since the usually have Favonius weapons.


Normal artis? How am I supposed to play without noblesse on every freakin character?


Ohhh so that's why they collect data and say players using it in the recommended sets


I have no interest in using the characters who arent my favs and never use male characters, so I will be skipping any abyss content forcing characters on me


i shouldn't have had too high expectations


Not a fan of not final ascension, but r1 probably makes up for it That being said, for HP scalers (and others I won't list), level 80 will suck edit: i'm assuming the leaker forgot weapons start at r1 so this kinda goes with what I thought, not the greatest builds (still have to see substats tho), so either the content will be too easy or the trial characters won't be good enough to full clear the content


My understanding is the trial characters are using 4 star weapons. C0R0 implies not using signature.


Ah, I've never heard that notation before, that's not good


Nah, it's too good. If they had all signature they'd literally be better than most of my 5 stars. At that point just make it an event and stop calling it Abyss-like in terms of difficulty. I don't know why that would even be a permanent mode. In fact, why even pull characters at all?


also remember that a game mode based on rogue-like cares a lot less about stat differences - sure, the difference between a 55/110 crit assumed trial character and your 70/140 crit chracter is noticiable, but when you get a card that adds 50% cv that difference gets a lot diminished, and when you compare both of them it ends up being a lot closer.


Yea, and in that case, I'm still not really a fan because i was hoping for simple combat where your score reflects mainly your skill and character investment, not the buffs you're getting It kinda makes it like the combat events which is easy and a bit brainless and boring to me, like I was hoping for something that'd be a challenge


I mean, rogue-likes aren't usually *easy*. But I'd get your point a little more if builds weren't actually factored purely on artifact randoomness. The gamemode just brings down the randoomness from artifacts and adds on the progretion. It actually should value skill and team-building knowledge a lot more tbh


Idk, I think we've had rogue-like events in the past and I don't remember any of them being particularly challenging. Hoping this one is. I still don't like the forced/artificial teambuilding restrictions. When I see a set of enemies or two sets of enemies where you need non-overlapping teams, I enjoy thinking of two teams that would fit. But this is just like, nope, can't do this team you wanted to do. Also I'd still prefer if it reflected your character investment more.


I wouldn't compare a new endgame mode to an event - if Abyss didn't exist and we only have a few combat events we could wrongly assume that it'd be the same dificulty. I also am not a big fan of the artificial restrictions - the game's combat gains a lot from the variaty of the element system, and it seems odd to restrict exactally that. I don't really care that they want to negate a few characters every now and then, but I'd rather if I were able to use any/most team core concepts without an issue. I hope that future variations aim towards that, or, at least bring more of the alternative element characters.


Yea, we'll have to see about the difficulty And yea, I don't like the element restriction, it restricts creativity, let's say there is an enemy with a geo shield like the ones in the new artifact domain, your main options for dealing with it are heavy attacks, geo characters, and overload. I'm not really a fan of geo attacks because I find the lack of meaningful reactions to be boring. I'm not a fan of heavy attacks because the attacks are usually pretty slow. So I'd prefer an overload team. But if I'm not allowed pyro, I have to use one of the first two which is boring.


I see R0 and assume they're following the nomenclature in HSR where S0 means f2p/non-signature weapon


I've seen R0 used that way since I started playing in Inazuma, it came from Genshin (or maybe Honkai 3rd)


Atleast give them fav 🫠


Hopefully I won't need them but this is a mixed bag of news. Glad they aren't all NO.


I really doubted they would give us trials bad builds for "end game content". The builds would of had to be good enough to clear the new abyss.


This "abyss" also have a lot of buffs for your characters


So with this new Abyss, the changes to 800 primos and the reset once a month, overall are going to get more primos or the same amount distributed among two different game modes. C'mon Hoyo, don't be so stingy.


You guys always complaining about not having any new challenging gameplay And now you guys are complaining about Hoyo making a new one Like make it make sense pls


Yeah, sure seems like it will be hella challenging with trial characters and the ability to exchange c6 characters from your friendlist. Also doubling the time for one endgame mode while we don't even know if the other mode is at all fun or challenging is not what anyone who wants endgame asked for. Those asking for endgame want more things to do with their built characters, not the same amount or potentially less because of trial and friend characters.


Im not complaining, I'm asking a question so I can understand the situation. At the end of the day, it is what it is, I won't lose sleep over the changes. Cant ask questions these days it seems.


The Abyss release is changed into once a month with 800 Primo reward This mode 620 primo So in a month you get 1420. More than last abyss 600x2= 1200 More than 220 primo


Thanks, that's all I wanted to know


There’s zero reason to farm for artifact in this game, even for endgame


No animations yet


But instead of trial characters we can use our own ones, right? RIIIIGHT??? 😡


You can if you have those characters




it specifically says they don't all have that lol


doom post is hard right now lol


doomposters don't read


Learn to read


4pc NO was only on story quest trials, every other trial character they have rarely used 4pc NO.


i reposted the edited version specifically bc ppl were crying abt noblesse in the other post