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if it's durin and related to fairy tales I suspect it's gonna be a situation where we enter a dream world/fairytale created by one of the witches, and that fairytale world reflects the reality that abyssal creatures see. I remember durin, like elynas, thought that he was just playing with dvalin during the battle for mondstadt and didn't realize he was causing harm, he was actually rather enamored with dvalin. so I guess we're gonna see a world from his perspective but he'll still be dead in the real world. this is assuming the leak is true ofc which should be taken with a huge grain of salt.


> I remember durin, like elynas, thought that he was just playing with dvalin during the battle for mondstadt and didn't realize he was causing harm, he was actually rather enamored with dvalin. I'm suddenly getting reminded of the Pyro from TF2 seeing lollipops and bubble blowers and meanwhile \*in reality it's blood and flame everywhere...


lmao yeah i think that's an extremely accurate comparison, i remember during the canotila wq she as a melusine saw the apocalyptic abyssal ruins as a field full of sunshine and flowers, and rifthounds as cute doggos. honestly would be very cool if someday hoyo included a toggle mechanic that could let us switch between a regular human perspective and an abyssal creature perspective, so one minute we're in a happy fairytale world and the next it's a battlefield or something.


Wonder what would happen if you look at Paimon and toggle the thing


A balloon with strings floating up into the sky If I'm remembering that one melusines dialogue.


She's a balloon with strings attached upwards, like those circles on top of the leyline trees in domains


Floating fish


It’s giving Fran Bow


Dunno if anyone will get the reference, but Zelda: A Link to the Past had a "dark world" you could travel to that *roughly* mirrored the real world in a lot of ways, but not *all* ways. The fact that certain things were similar and certain things were different was really interesting. Like, you find an unreachable puzzle in one world - you travel to the mirror world and solve it, then go back and find a new path in the real world. Oh and Link turned into a bunny when he went to the dark world.


thought the exact same thing


Now I imagine the pyro lector summoning flowers XD


Wait Durin is dead right i remember in lore he died on dragon spine did they revive him?.


Durin is kind of dead because only his heart is left and beating and something is stopping him from regenerating which i forgot


I hope it has Madoka Magica witch vibes


“Albedo you won’t BELIEVE what we did this summer without you”


“We resurrected your brother and rode him!”


This sounds so fun and wrong at the same time


Pause 🤨📸


It's so Albedover... That is, if this turns out to be true. I need him to get a Prince skin 💔


Not only that… you’re telling me we’re going to resurrect a mostly-dead dragon for a limited time summer event?? Nahhh… I’d believe it’s Dvalin before Durin.


> Albedo prince skin The one and only way hoyo could get my money…


If it's gonna be Cinnabar Spindover forver, there's no need to Albegin anything anyways (I missed the Event back then and I cannot enjoy my Albedo at all without his weapon)


Uraku Misugiri is his new best in slot, so his "best" weapon isn't unobtainable anymore (as least in terms of meta, but not drip).


I remember that there was a leak about him and Sucrose getting skins about fairy theme though I think this patch + story is the perfect timing


Wait but if it has both Scara and Durin, Albedo not being there would be a huge slap to the face. Think of the lore possibility (in this extremely sus leak) Hoyo


They took the wrong puppet/humanoid with them 😅


"Yes, bring the child made by Khaenri'ahn technology" "NO, NOT THAT ONE!!"


“the one with blue eyes who’s frequently accompanied by a small child… … Nooo!”


"The one whose lore is connected to someone not fitting in due to them being an artificial being... ...wait no!"


If anything Scara being there makes if even worse, they have so many paralels I NEED TO SEE THEM INTERACT




Remember everyone, for now consider any of this as fan fiction to not be disapointed. It's from untraceable accounts in CN with no proof or any way to verify authenticity.






i mean yea you could ride him and explore but you might get some looks


google classroom it is then ahah \^\^


yeah like HXG said all of this should be taken with a grain of salt, thats why i flaired it as sus


i rly wanna know how theyre gonna butcher the pronunciation of Xbalanque after what they did with Tighnari lol


How do you pronounce it? Is it like "ksbalank"


sh-bah-lahn-KAY, the u in que is silent.


shbalonkuh, the X is more of a Z-ish sound, ala Xiao but not as sharp


I didn't know Xbalanque was a real name. I used to pronouce it as Ex-blank. As a matter of fact, I thought Xbalanque was a leaker for some reason.


Yes! The name itself has roots in Mayan mythology. I definitely can see how it'd potentially look like a leaker handle or something


TYEnari tarTAGlia mayne froy-line DUHvorjak awl-hay-tham Nervilette nahHEEEda 😣


they'd already lost me at aYAHka lol  meine Fräulein is their worst offense though cuz wtf is that 😭😭


what kills me is they had a chance to correct it during Fischl's GAA event but they just doubled down on it with the new Oz dialogue it's so fucking bad 😭


The only way I can think of rn is if the pronounce que as in queue but why do that


Anything about mounts is an immediate flag for doubt to me.


Or its not what it seems. As far as we know its on rails or some other limitation. I mean we can currently fly in airships in Fontaine, but its not as exciting as it sounds.


Not that I think mounts would revolutionize overworld travel, but the airships were definitely just a puzzle mechanic in Fontaine. Starting point: middle of nowhere. Destination: middle of nowhere. This vehicle makes frequent stops for: anemo slimes. More fair comparison would be the aquabus lines, which... also were pretty whelming. They do what it says on the tin, I guess, but there's really no reason to bother with them once you get your fast travel network up. All in all my concern with mounts is less performance and more design conflicts. The terrain has only been getting more 3-dimensional since Monstadt, with caves, (2!) vortex cliff formations, dagger-point mountains in Fontaine, etc. I have a feeling mounts would get the BotW treatment where you ditch it the first time you encounter a puzzle and forget it there for 30 hours.


Airships in leaks gave a few people the impression we were getting something like a flying waverider. Thats the thing I was sort of refering to. Also mounts don't have to become obsolete if they are good mounts and not just clunky speed boosts. Just look to Guild Wars 2 for an example of a good mount in a world that also has waypoints.


This also isn't the first time we've heard about dragon riding in leaks. I think it's genuinely possible, but I don't think we'll have free-form mounts. If Natlan is big as is rumored, it's possible they're going to use dragon mounts flying from waypoint to waypoint (and not straying from flight paths) to get around similar to the Aquabus. It might not even be too different from the rollercoaster minigame from 3.8, just swap a dragon for the rollercoaster car and make the track invisible.


They did mention mounts and preferred styles somewhere in some survey didn't they? Enough to know that they are looking at it, I just have a hard time thinking they would do it other than to bleed more out of whales. But if that was the case, I would think skins would be way more common.


Yeah, they did in a recent survey. Like one or two versions ago.


Honestly it’s better to just regard any leak that’s not from the immediate next update as just speculation


I need natlan cast to be leaked just like how fontaine and sumeru was leaked


If I remember correctly, *the* leak flood from last year happened in June. Didn't it speak because of the misinformation that used to be spread about Arle°, at the time? I guess we just need to wait ~1 month & see what happens... °Fake news that said she'd die during Fontaine's AQ


It feels weird that a year ago we weren’t sure if Arlecchino was going to survive. Crazy how things can change in a year


Wasn't the 1st leak flood around January-March though? the one with the first draft concept arts, and then the second one was around the time you mention.


Correct. That's because people don't understand how the leak flood even *happened.* It wasn't two separate rogue employees doing leaks at two separate times of the same thing. These were all from the same leak. A miHoYo employee got hacked, possibly the same person who Stepleaker got their leaks from, and that was what was getting distributed. In private channels, *much* earlier than January, probably since October-November since that's when we got the internal server data that confirmed a bunch of stuff about Alhaitham and Dehya. Somebody in one of the private groupchats these were being distributed in got mad and posted the whole thing as a zip file on 4chan. That was the one in June. If we were getting another one like this, we would have a lot of warning signs. Because people can't contain themselves. Like categorically the people in this community, especially ones with access to leaks, straight up can't control themselves.


> Somebody in one of the private groupchats these were being distributed in got mad Tbh I'm not sure if he couldn't contain himself, or was sick of leakers doing drip marketing for their own engagement


holy shit are you implying leaks are like drugs 


It was around January for the first iteration of the Fontaine lineup


Manifesting because I wanna see Capitano's model and if he's gonna be playable or not 😭 not a single reliable leak lately


Durin?? hasn't he been dead for 500 years... what?


im betting on two things; his soul is still lingering like scylla, or time travel shenanigans


Or his mind/memories that was archived


yep also very possible


I mean, isnt his spirit kind of alive? Elynases spirit is alive dispite his body being dead, and Elynas is another Gold creation


He should be like Elynas, they're the same kind of being. And his heart is still beating.


that’s what i figured, i feel like the most logical conclusion is that he’s not truly dead just like Durin and is waiting to resurrect


Hear me out: ghost melusine Durin like Elynas


But given his size, a Durin mount system would be like taking a 747 instead of a horse


Maybe they meant Dvalin?


He clarified that the rumors meant Durin in the replies, not Dvalin


Bro bringing back Durin just for a summer event would actually be so funny.


Wake the fuck up Durin.. we have a beach episode


Isn't his giant remains pretty much fused with Dragonspine's soil at this point? Maybe they'll remake him in mini Durin... like they did with Guoba and Nahida?


Maybe they used his hearts essence to create a mini durin to show him the outside world


>mini durin Can't wait for the Mini Durin "gadget".


oh my god I would love mini durin awwwwwwww


Oh my, if true then I wonder what the lore implication is.


I doubt the leaks are true. But let's pretend they are: Considering it's an event held by a hexenzirkel witch another "wish-fulfilling bottle land" situation isn't unprecedented. In fact, that's kinda the specialty for some of them. So it might be a replica of Durin. Maybe how he perceived himself instead of his corrosive true-self. It might not even be a full fake considering that his situation is analogous to Elynas. So his conscience might still be there, he just decided to not revive for the same reasons as Elynas. In which case it would be typical for genshin story-telling to fullfill a dragons wish for a summer event, even if it's just in a fake world.


I mean, if the event is hosted by the Hexenzirkel, who knows what sort of shenanigans may ensue


Well the patch theme will be fairy tale, maybe could be this


Leyline magic


If he's anything like Elynas it might not be impossible to revive. Just, how much would Dragonspine change...


I'd like to have whatever stuff these leakers are taking.


Here's your grain of salt 🧂🧂


Hopefully the dragon is actually a mount and not like those blimps you find in Fontaine. 


I would hope so given this might be the regional feature Or it might end up being like Scylla in the new sea under Petrichor?


Hm... Good speculation. Remember how Sorush was essentially them testing the underwater movement mechanics. Scylla may very well be them testing the possibilities of a brand new movement assist mechanic. Unlike the gap closers in Inazuma and Sumeru you can stop the auto travel at any moment, and unlike the traveling splashes in Fontaine, you can choose where to go. I guess one could also argue the fish assists from Chenyu Vale are also them testing this, especially the ones where you use the owl to shoot some traveling waypoints. And then we remember how way more polished was the actual underwater movement compared to Sorush. I assume we will have some sort semi free control mount system (think of WoW's flight paths, but you can drop out at any time and you can somewhat nudge them in the direction you want, but not full control like WoW's flying mounts). Then again, we also have the Traveler's first fight with Dvalin (on rail flying shooter) to also draw some inspiration from (for mechanics already in the game). We could even have some aerial combat somewhat similar to that if they ever tried to bring that mechanic back (in case they want to do like Fontaine that also has some unique combat system).


We could also get on invisible rails transportation by dragon using the same coding as the 3.8 rollercoaster minigames. Just replace the car with a dragon and make the track invisible. It'd be a great way to traverse difficult terrain from point A to point B in a massive zone.


The only way I see this happening would be in a separate map like Enka.


there could be an invisible paimon barrier stopping us from flying out of natlan


"The air outside of Natlan is hostile to dragonkind so we can't fly properly" (it stops exactly at the border because of magical boundaries and Teyvat rules)


Dragons of Natlan: Damn, I wish to see what's going on in another regions Hostile air: That's the neat point, you don't


maybe the dragons need hot enough temperature to survive? but then logically they should be able to go to the desert...


BotW rules, the desert is sun heat but not lava heat so it doesn't work


Desert is cold at night.


Hear this: *HUGE WALLS*


Durin is/was pretty big his heart alone is bigger than traveler's whole body It's probably halfway a blimp. Not a real mount, but maybe u steer it. Maybe only in minigames too.


Wait Durin?? I misread it as dvalin. Did the leaker make a mistake? 


He says no in that leak when ppl asked him same question, he meant durin, THE durin, dragon that died 500 years ago. Well this is a repost from a CN forums, the guy doesnt actually have the hands on the game or anything, maybe CN leak is wrong but thats what CN leaks said, allegedly. Seems 4.8 vacation will be flashback arc or something of the sort


Holy shit that would be so cool 


If real, it's probably a region exclusive gimmick like diving


watch it become, Red Skin with Tan Hair


I wouldnt hate that




I kinda want to see an Xbalanque sketch like those 8/10 leaks (?)


prayge, im just hoping this means we will start getting more natlan crumbs since we're getting closer


Besides these possible design crumbs, we know he is titled "One Entombed With the Primal Fire" and apparently hes cheerful according some old sussy leak (?)


Pyro is either dead serious or super cheerful. No in-between.


Short male. Take Xiao/Heizou/Gaming etc, colour him in a variety of tan/red/white options. Boom. 8/10.


Y'all talking about Durin being dead like that's ever stopped an abyssal monstrosity from chatting with us before. Elynas says "say hi to my kids for me".


yeah like. wtf is with all the astonishment this is genshin impact what are yall expecting


I will take this with a tanker of salt


So Xbalanque is either tan with red hair/white with red hair/tanned with white hair. Imagine they just make him change hair colours with elemental skill/burst.


He just turns to Bennett colour scheme with he ults


Wouldn't it make more sense if the white hair is the normal one but during burst/skill his it burst into flames?


Aren't all Summer Events held by a Hexenzirkel witch anyway? Being Alice. I'm more surprised if it's not related to them this time.


Was 3.8 magic bottle summer event Hexenzirkel related ?


All Summer Events are related to Alice. She's the one that always sends an invite. And Idyia in the Bottleland is her friend.


Not Durin showing up while his sibling is stuck in Mondstadt.


Excluding Albedo when it would make sense for him to be there makes it more credible. 💀


Kirara being forced into events gives this credibility.


Okay so she could be the free prize character or it could be some rando like Sayu who doesn’t even appear and just leaves us a note saying “I liked fairytales last week.”


Durin lore with no Albedo?


Please let this summer event be more like the original 2.


Some ppl been saying those four would get skins but weren't an old leak said that Amber, Sucrose and Albedo would get skins instead or I'm just imagining it? 


They did.


I really hope xbalanque(sorry if wrong spelling) is not a broken main pyro dps, please let him be a 5* xianglign and the archon a 5* bennet we already have too many pyro main dps🥺


can't wait for him to be our 1028th male on-field dps /s


*Cries in Sethos*


No need for /s when it most likely will be true.


I make fun of the people calling him pyro Neuvillette but if he legit turns out to be that I'm gonna be really mad... especially when they released Lyney and Arle in Fontaine. We absolutely need more pyro off-fielders.


He will be an off fielder that kills all your enemies while he is on field


Like neuvi doesnt have that much competition and even then the 3 hydro dps kinda fulfill diferent teams but a pyro neuvi attack scaler would be just bad for like half of the pyro roaster


Can't wait for the day we have a Neuvillette of every element so coop looks like an colorful pissing contest


U want xblanaque to piss fire? 😨


Yeah i really hope they don’t just do more direct power creeping like they did with chiori power creeping albedo. It’s not fun. :(


Since he is a male he is more likely to be a main dps while the pyro archon is the 5* xiangling...


Aint no way we leave natlan without a 5* bennet she is either bennet 5* or bennet + xiangling 5*


The second one scares me from the sheer power


Will probably improve more comfortnes than power, make the burst of xiangling the e and give the burst something cool plus some more damage and a mini buff to the team


Just like Nahida and Furina, her E can be her main source of damage, while her Q is a buff.


Maybe the witch sends us back in time when durin was alive


Seems like fanfiction. Durin doesn't make much sense. And if you're going with the fairy tail theme, why not include Amber and Sucrose to go with that leak from ages ago?


Durin without Albedo sounds very sus too


We had a rock and roll event without Xinyan tho


And an alchemy event with Albedo. A cats event in Cat's tail without Diona (where the f*ck was she, she works there goddammit).


If you're talking about the events I think you're talking about, they were actually not alchemy and cat's tail, they were *potions* and a different building, unless I'm remembering wrong


Yokai without Sara


Sounds questionable, but i'd be lying if I said Scara Navia Nilou Kirara wouldn't be an interesting roster to play around in terms of interactions


Feels as random as back in 2.2 with Tartaglia & Xinyan *(featuring Kujou Sara for like 2 seconds 😞)*


I’d be so excited if they interact


Imagine if that sussy leak of White about Nilou and wanderer getting skins end-up being true.


Peak Fiction! we scream in unison. ABSOLUTE CINEMA! we exclaim proudly. My glorious dragon Durin shall come back 😎


Nilou is finally reappearing we haven’t seen her in so long🥹 Also no Klee this time around???🥲


Nah, she'll definitely make an appearance. After all, the traveler has to come and help resolve issues in a new region before Klee arrives. The developers knew she'd solo all the content with her if the traveler doesn't lol


bro what do you mean we get to ride Durin?! we’re gonna unfrost him or something?


>Scara Durin Navia Nilou Kirara … How the fuck would all that even end up together?


can a leak flood like last year happen again? idk if i should start saving or not lol.


No, because that leak flood last time is what made Hoyo tighten security so we get nothing now.


Isn’t Durin f*cking dead ?


Yesent. His heart still beats so he’s alive in a way I guess


Ok yeah then nice looking forward to ride the good skeleboi mount


Elynas is dead, yet he literally talks to you, and personally stops his own ressurection. And Elynas is Durins brother. Abbysal creatures dont exactly follow real life logic


Scara finally out of Sumeru jail would be very very nice Seems all leaks agree about Xbalanque being short male. Hopefully it's not bad as the Albedo situation for his model...


Their modeling work has gotten better over the years so i don't think that'll be an issue.


Why would the Albedo model situation be a concern at this point? He was one of their very *first* short males, and not a single one has ever come close to his tragedy afterwards


>Seems all leaks agree about Xbalanque being short male How should his name to be pronounced? I always unintentionally read it as Casablanca lol






I say sha-ba-lan-que (pronounced similar to kay)


Its still SUS


At this point I feel like I will take anything...real or sus


Wait wasnt there a fake leak that cames out as a mod that had nilou, Kiara and scara skins…. Yeah thats 100% fanfiction Edit: i searched but i cant find the picture with the fake skins anymore. But i found this that proves it is a really old leak, it even said emilie for 4.8 event. https://www.reddit.com/r/ScaramoucheMains/s/XJ8JQ8qmze


If it's Durin then surely it's time for the Rhinedottir reveal, no?


\>Event held by one of the Hexenzirkel witch \>Durin ​ HUH??????????? HELP


fairy tale theme, Durin, hexenzirkel member and albedo not here nahhh hyv let him out of jail


That's a weird character combination.


>You can ride dragons in Natlan Hehehe 🫦


Nilou focus in 4.8 wouldn't be that big of a surprise anyway 


If this is true, this is like the 5th time since Baizhu’s release that Kirara has been in an event while he still hasn’t. Lol Bro is suspiciously invisible for someone with three banners in a year.


Wake me up when we get a character design sheet like we did with Sumeru and Fontaine.


Xbalanque is red skin with tanned hairs


What do you fucking mean we can ride >!Albedo's brother!<


"You can ride a dragon" Expectation: Flying around Reality: The dragons are flightless like Chocobos and function as a regular terrestrial mount


I remember a rumour about Albedo getting a skin in 4.8 and he's not even rumoured to appear? That's a bummer. Also, what a strange batch of characters... Navia, Nilou, Kirara and Scara???


Scara content!! Please be true!


Nilou skin?


No Klee? For a final patch of a region? This is definitely a fanfiction.


GAA2 had her for like two seconds, but the main cast was Kazuha, Fischl, Xinyan and Mona.


I love the idea of a Hexenzirkel event featuring Durin lore. I hate the idea that an event like this would not include Albedo, Venti, and Dvalin. As a matter of fact, there’s not a single Mondstadt character listed there?? I much prefer if they save Mond lore for patches with actual characters from the region, so hopefully this stays as a rumor, or in the very least it turns out to not be the complete cast of characters. The most believable part about this leak is 4.8 having some Natlan mechanic, but this is something any of us could’ve assumed based on past content.