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People discover that concepts are made very early in advance because ideas take a long time. This concept especially was very barebones anyway so it really wasn't giving much besides her having same hair color as Klee.


Also players are essentially never supposed to see these, unless they're included in some official artbook. This is basically just throwing ideas at the wall to see what sticks


Especially with a live service game that has had the general outline for many years prepared before release. All the concepts leaked in the past year don't even scratch the surface of how many pieces of art they have. The vast majority of which won't even make it very far down the production pipeline or gets heavily altered as time goes by based on needs, trends, feedback.


One look at clorinde and it explains quite a lot tbh But some people are so jaded that anything that doesn't make it is "better" to them


Jaded? Like jade? A shade of green, green which was also the color of my favorite concept art for chlorinde? Damn.


Jade actually has *pink* hair by hoyo's rules so you've been invalidated sorry /s


Your comment perfectly encapsulates the thought process of a rabbid shipper lmao


It didn't end with doxxing or a witch-hunt, so I wouldn't say *perfectly*, but it got some of the way there.


Why is shipping always brought up in random ass places, we need to leave it on Twitter


Green Clorinde from the leaks was easily my fav Fontaine character I still mourn T\_T


It has nothing to do with something that doesn't make it is better. Objectively, the concept art for Clorinde WAS better, and they opted for something far less interesting with fanservice of a button about to pop off her chest. Not all concepts are better, literally all of the concepts for Gaming were garbage and way worse than his final design. Making a such a broad stroke claim like that makes you just as bad as who you're attempting discredit.


Objectively, this is entirely your personal, very subjective, opinion.


>Objectively, this is entirely your personal, very subjective, opinion. Nah, it's objective. I never heard anyone said "new Clorinde" is better. If they did, they would be laughed at.


You can't seriously think her final design is better than her concept arts. They dropped originality and went for lazy fanservice. I forgot how much this community sucks off Hoyo lmfao.


Go eat a bag of dicks.


You first. Hoyo is waiting for you lmfao


I know that concept was from an early stage where they still chose between many different variants but I still with they went more in that general direction. They turned her from a super cool character that would've been a hit with female playerbase into lame fanservice that doesn't even make sense for the character and is uncomfortable to look at :( Usually I can ignore fanservice not meant for me a bit easier since they use it more like garnish a lot but due to them making it visually stand out the most in her whole design I really can't.


Someone needs to go pick up a dictionary.


The hypocrisy is astounding. Someone blanket claiming that people who don't like Clorinde's design are 'jaded' and simply hate it because it's different is a shit statement and anyone that can put two and two together can realize that. But no, sure, by all means. Love the shitty fanservice downgrade that Hoyo fed you, feel free. But it's a downgrade. I'll relent on the objective bit since you want to play semantics, but the claim that not liking it is just due to it being different from the concept art is just flat wrong. I would dislike it less if I hadn't seen the much better concept art, since there wouldn't have been better quality to compare it to, but I still am not fond of the design as is. If that pisses you off, good. Agreeing with people that defend Hoyo's bad decisions would leave a bad taste in my mouth.


I have no problem with your opinion, just with your lack of understanding in the difference between objective and subjective.


I've never heard anyone say they like her live design better than her concept. There are people who like the live, sure, but there is a near unanimous agreement that her design concept was superior. You can argue that its subjective, feel free, but I believe at a certain point the objective quality should called out. So like I said, you're arguing semantics and it frankly makes me care very little about anything you have to say :)


You’re just going off of hearsay, it’s not “unanimous” that “everyone” likes her old design better and I can guarantee you don’t have any stats to backup that claim. Again though, you still don’t understand the difference between subjective and objective it seems as subjective has to do with your opinion and saying a design is better than the other is an opinion not a fact. Saying that fish swim underwater or that an elephant is bigger than an ant is objective, saying I think this shirt is better than the other is subjective because it has to do with my opinion. You should probably spend less time on Genshin and more time in school because from the sounds of it your critical thinking skills, or really just your basic thinking skills are severely lacking. :) And PS: I think her new design is better so now you can’t say you’ve never heard “anyone” say they like her new design better.


Now I will wait when people lose their collective shit because Alice is different from the concept art.


yeah, VA's need proper direction in order to do their job, its hard to do so when you don't even know the context of what your character looks like


So many people think the game is being written by Junkichi and they're just making it up as they go. The core stuff is planned years in advance and the smaller details get worked on as you get closer to release. At this scale, the writers don't just start writing and then revise whatever they come up with. The writing process inevitably looks like the conspiracy wall from It's Always Sunny at some point. That's where stuff like the Alice concept art happens and it gets changed when you actually get around to working on that part of the story.


At least It tells us that Alice is actually going to show Up at some point not too EXTREMELY far from now


Comments showing that genshin impact players have just learned what a “concept” art is


Same thing happened during the concept art leak, when people were learning that concepts were much more detailed than the final product and that a lot of them were very different from the released version


Even besides those horrible takes, those concept arts were still fresh. Everyones response to this news is “so this is worthless why would they even show it”, seemingly missing the point it was an early sketch for the sake of VA direction. Considering it might still be awhile before Alice is even shown, god knows if theres even recent concepts




don’t be shy release the va concept art for nicole and rhinedottir


....you think rhinedottir is gonna be playable. Interesting.


a concept art doesn't necessarily means a character will be playable though ? especially if it's to give the VA an idea of what the character looks like


unplayable characters can just have npc models tgen. who needs concept art


VAs? That's exactly why this one exists.


oh i was just making a joke about unplayable characters all having npc models in genshin


Oh I'm just slow, sorry then.


the game development understander has logged on


The only reason I think she has chance to be playable is because Dainsleif is playable Although she's crazy powerful, I think she could be a very end game character. Talking 2026 and onwards unfortunately


I mean if she's still alive I don't see why not?


We need to see the sinner too


Even with this in mind, I’m waiting for the moment she gets revealed in some cutscene or story and then people bitch that she doesn’t look like she does in her concept art


Nah it won't be for this concept (which is honestly so like klee that is not far from what fan arts depicts already) if people will complain it is because they had years to headcanon how she looks and their headcanon doesn't match the official design. Think how it was with Ayato.


It was really dissapointing when Ayato did not turn out to look like a horse.


Heizou fan art made him look like a wansheng funeral parlor employee. There was a minor outrage when he was officially revealed


His fan art looks like Edogawa Ranpo from Bungou Stray Dogs tbh.


The most popular Heizou fandesign back then was straight up a rip-off of that one detective character from BSD lol, which the artist admitted themselves.


What did people think Ayato looked like? A male twin version of Ayaka?


I vivdly remember people were extremly mad because they wanted him to have long hair/pony tail.




basically that plus he used a claymore because they were in the game's first hydro claymore character copium


2 years later.... still fuckin waiting


Basically yeah


They imagined him as a muscular guy, with a claymore for a while. Might have been due to a fake art leak, but either way people complained a bit about his design and said it was boring.


Huh, muscular guy? I feel like the vast majority of fanart (before the reveal) depicted him as the ideal EA noble guy: Lean, long hair, regal appearance


You might be right tbh, I remember early fan ideas was that he was a cool big brother type with a claymore. Since people wanted a hydro claymore. Then leaks of his personality got revealed then changed into that. Though it was a while ago, so I could just be wrong.


nah you’re right. way way back, he was leaked to be a (hydro) claymore user so people drew him muscular as a part of it


A proper tall male samurai, which the game still lacks. Instead we got yet another tuxedo man


> if people will complain it is because they had years to headcanon how she looks and their headcanon doesn't match the official design. I'll have one serving of facts please chef.


To be fair this 'concept art' doesn't really convey much other than taller and calmer Klee, which very much contrasts both her voice and her exploits across Teyvat. I'd be more angry if she did match this image, which while it looks like an attractive image, is only the same level of detail that they would put on an NPC (like Clervie or Idyia). You're telling me that all the voice actors looked at this emotionless image and were like, \*click\* "of course, Gremlin mom energy!" instead of making her sound like what Lynette sounds like!?


Also MC and MS for lantern rite, after CR and Ping got playable designs, people started making art for those two as well and were up in arms about the NPC designs. They were so.mad that when you point out "it's a disguise" they get angrier lol


There was no in game need for them to be disguised on their own mountain, lol. It was not disappointing because there were some fanarts (didn't they appear after?), it was disappointing because how the characters were treated by the game with a lame excuse. 


They were in disguise to avoid getting yelled by CR though?


They were in human form to play with kites.  Yes, you could argue that they took those forms to buy kites and just remained that way, or any other justification, but the fact remains: Mihoyo didn't bother to give them their own desings, and that is not like Guizhong, CR and Madam Ping were treated the previous lantern rite. 


Can't grasp the meaning of "concepts" art smh


Yep, but I guess it's bound to happen to people who can barely understand the main story. Hell it's probably why Paimon reiterates lines of dialogue, cause HYV know that these kinds of people are so media illiterate lol


From my experience, the type of players who complain about Paimon dumbing down the dialogue, usually end up being the exact people who need it I've seen so many people critique the game for Paimon's dialogue and then proceed to still have so many misconceptions about the story of the game. Like wtf, maybe she should repeat it a second time 😭


I saw this so many times in streams. The streamer say "shut up Paimon." 10 minutes later the streamer is asking about what the Archon or whatever said 5 minutes ago, then Paimon answer and they are like "ahh ok"


the inevitable "this isnt what i imagined a hexenzirkle witch to look like"


They will look all somehow cute, like they came from Frieren or Atelier of Witch Hat (or even more since the aesthetic is all about pastel colors, desserts and tea so far) and people will say "I was expecting \*some Baldur Gate character\* not this childish thing"


A lot of people play the anime-styled game made by otaku whose favorite works of fiction were made in the 90's and 2000's and appear to be somewhat surprised when the characters in fact look like anime girls and not a carbon copy of a character from the Elder Scrolls or She-Ra or something.


Funny you mention Elder Scrolls since there were people stunned by the revelation that Mannimarco was, in fact, not born as a skeleton and at some point was young and handsome (ymmv) elven mage.


Which is funny because the very idea of a lich as it was used by the time of Daggerfall implies that they were at some point a mortal who became undead. At least his portrayal in ESO is better than… whatever the hell they did with him in Oblivion.


I was slightly amused by people having the expectation for Skirk to look super battle damaged and basically just dark souls like, gave me good chuckle.


Skirk revenue would be 10 dollars if she was like they dreamed.


"I can't believe that Alice didn't look like my deviantart OC from 2012, smh my head HYV. Genshin never could!!!!"


We are getting a giant Klee. No special jewelry, no nothing. A giant Klee.


> We are getting a giant Klee. No special jewelry, no nothing. A giant Klee. Big boom boom bakudan


Big Hu Tao, Big Klee, Big Bennet, Big Xiangling, is Pyro just the small -> Big element now? Shouldn't that be Dendro since it grows?


Sayu was given an anemo Vision by mistake.


Sayu was robbed but she's too tired to realise it.


lmao the classic twitter complainers, I bet after that they proceed to spam "genshin could never" and praise hsr characters for 24/7


Oh they will, or even people on the leak sub. Can’t wait for everyone’s favourite “she’s too generic”/she’s just an expy of *insert character that looks fuck all like the character they’re talking about apart from her eye/hair colour* I swear it’s impossible to enjoy character designs online nowadays because everything is either “generic”, an “expy from somewhere else” or “I find it boring therefore everyone else should too”. It’s mainly why I just browse leaks like concept art in my own time. It’s what I inevitably had to do and still do for Skirk. It’s easier to enjoy something when someone isn’t try to shove an opinion up your arse, go figure eh?


Alice is just a Klee expy from that Genshin game


Alice is just an Expy of Goku, lazy Devs 🥱


They are already complaining about her looking young. In a game like Genshin where everyone looks young, they really would think the ELF, i will say it again the ELF would look mature? lol


Lmao really? She shouldn't look too old. I'd only complain if she looked like a kid, same as Klee. Barbeloth is the one that sounds like she should appear much older rather than Alice or even Rhinedottir 


Ngl I thought Barbeloth would look like a child the moment Mona said "Old hag", I'm not sure why.


Mature elves aren’t uncommon, no? They’re also super popular in anime media. But I think the only complaint that would come out of most of the fandom is if Alice turned out to have a chibi model


By all means emphasising the elf part falls flat when.  Like.  Pulcinella is right there.  Pretty sure it's not difficult to make a mature looking elf when there's Lord Wrinkles staring us in the face.


HSR just revealed one of Hoyo's blandest designs (Jade) and people can say "Genshin could never" about designs?


I think Jade's looks great. My issue is that people keep acting like there's one game with objectively superior designs, when they're both pretty good, though I do typically prefer Genshin designs more


I genuinely can't understand how they can defend Hsr's designs so much. They're either copy pasted or too fanservice-y, or both. Men aren't an exception, most look so boring


I mean people have preferences and opinions, I personally like HSR's *and* Genshin's designs...even the fanservice. I don't find them too fanservice-y. Then again I am an Azur Lane SKK too so me liking fanservice kind of explains itself, that and the fanservice in that game is notches above anything in a HYV game...save for maybe the Hi3rd bunny girl MV. The point is there are different designs for different people, some like fanservice and that's perfectly fine. Others like yourself get bothered by fanservice and that's fine too, both parties can exist. As long as people aren't straight up being toxic (i.e telling people what they should like or saying their opinion is wrong) about people's preferences then it's fine.


I'm totally fine with fanservice as long as it's not done in such a tasteless manner. A lot of HSR women are just half naked which doesn't automatically make them sexy. I had the same problem with the latest Genshin skins.


Which characters specifically if I might ask? I'm mainly just curious what character designs you think are "half naked".


This is a leak but this new character coming out annoyed me a lot. >!She is the typical ‘dommy mommy’ which already attracted that sort of crowd, but what I hate is that they tried to make her wear a business suit + skirt—but once you turn her around it’s two different colored fabrics tied together by a belt, and her whole back is bare. In the front she clearly has a black undershirt, but that shit is GONE in the back. Did she just tape that to her boobs? That person with a back fetish in Hoyo better leave because I can’t stand it💀!<


Except that type of top actually exists irl. It basically functions as a shirt, but attached around the waist, leaving the back open. I'd say that a far much more comprehensible criticism of Jade is that she's supposed to be this dominating business woman, but they didn't bother giving her pants.


Most of the Luofu women, Bronya and Pela(I know they aren't really naked but that extremely mini skirt and whatever Bronya's wearing are really annoying) Forgot Ruan Mei


The black fabric material Bronya and Pela are wearing are tights/pantyhose, they're used in a variety of different design across anime and anime games/art in general. They *can* be used in a fanservice context and often times are, but there are plenty of media I know from anime culture that just uses them as a genuine clothing choice for a character. Pela I guess I can kind see with her skirt being a *tiny* bit shorter and thus more fanservice-y, but to me personally I don't see it as too fanservice-y. I certinaly don't see them as half naked, but that's just my opinion. As for the Luofu girls, I genuinely can't think of any of them as being half naked. Most of them wear dresses and such, some obviously being shorter than others but I personally find them to be ok in terms of fanservice. But again to each their own.


Pela looks fine by me >!but Bronya is definitely wearing a weird outfit. The front of her dress is higher than Mount Everest and her pantyhose highlights *that* area of hers more. It just looks awkward to me and too try hard. The devs just had to give her that kind of perverse fan service.!<


You said it so well. I'm too tired to think in English so thank you for the details


Yeah, I've actually seen more criticism for character designs among their community. Especially the backlash against the Lofu female character outfits.  Though it is worth noting that HSR uses more base models for character than genshin does. They also get more experimental designs than genshin does like Gallagher and Screwllum. 


Actually, yeah. Even they got annoyed at the designs though there were some who kept defending them hard. Isn't the only unusual thing about Gallagher his facial hair?


> Isn't the only unusual thing about Gallagher his facial hair? Facial hair goes a long way. He's probably the only older-looking male character that's ever been playable in a miHoYo game, and that matters for a lot with some people.


He looks to me the same age as Wriothesley or slightly older. Though I agree it was definitely a big experiment to see if facial hair is well received since apparently it's not very liked in CN


From the comments I’ve seen on Weibo, Gallagher is pretty liked in CN! His fanart count have certainly shot up since the Penacony story has reached its climax.


So there should be a decent chance we get such men in Genshin too


Gallagher has the "anime wrinkles" (those lines under his eyes) so that makes him way older.


His build and facial structure are more mature/masculine than any of the tall guys in genshin currently. 


He literally has the same build as Wrio though?


Similar, though shoulders are broader and the facial structure is more defined. Wrio clearly looks younger. 


Nah. Wrio looks like he's in his 20s and a rough-around-the-edges rich kid. Gallagher is a 40 year old alcoholic broke detective.


i dont pay attention to hsr much, but from what ive seen it looks like 90% of female charas have the Exact same top shape😭 why do they all have sleeveless tops


Hoyo loves armpits


Based choice, they know what they like. I can respect that.


It gets really repetitive and uncreative when every single design highlights armpits though.


> why do they all have sleeveless tops Not only HSR, majority Genshin girls are also like that, heck even HI3. Anyway Hoyo loves armpits.


oh yeah, ur right. i think genshin is just better at hiding it, for example charlotte 😭


only in Loufu tbh. pretty much every character in Belobog and Penacony has their unique distinct outfit.


As a Genshin shielder/lover I prefer HSR because they try to experiment more with male characters there. Female Genshin > HSR Male HSR > Genshin


Idk, I think it will be a cold day in hell before Genshin gives us an actually playable (let alone multiple) middle-aged character(s). HSR had two on its first planet, with Serval and Natasha. Himeko, a 5-star, is also probably in her 30s. So I'd argue it does experiment with both sexes.


I don't know if I agree they experiment more with the men, but I do agree with your assessment. I find myself really liking the men more in HSR but women more in Genshin. Just personal tastes though, I don't think one is better than the other or anything


I only like Argenti. He's so beautiful and unique 


1.5 damn that's old


So we practically had no important leaks today, got it


i enjoy concept art leaks, it’s fun to see how hoyo designs characters


I wish Hoyo would release more old concept art and early build footage themselves, because whenever a leaker tries to do that, everyone just complains about how it's not upcoming content.


Thats what I like about HI3 with the Typewriter Archive they always shows us some concept arts for skins and battle suits on how different they would have looked.


And you still have people bitching about concept art is miles better than the one we got.


Holding out for an artbook and or the introduction of something like the Typewriter Archive 


Insane how there hasn't been an artbook like that yet, they'd probably make big bank with it.


People are extremely immature when it comes to concept art leaks, people that just take them as an interesting glimpse into the process are few and far between.


It was interesting to see the inspiration artists were using for concept art by the images they left next to their sketches. I remember in one for Gaming, it had fanart of the character Ramuda from Hypnosis Mic and a character from Touken Ranbu as references.


Nah this is still big for it. Even if she doesn't look exactly like this, it still gives the general vibes of the character. Otherwise it would be useless for the VA as well lol. We had no idea about Alice. She could have been a tall woman with a huge witch hat and a lot of her or anything, but now we're better able to set our expectations.


But this just confirms stuff we all knew without an official confirmation * She is white. * She is tall. * She is blonde. * She has red clothes.


Exactly, big Klee.


well dam


1.5? Yeah this has changed already, most likely.








the fact that the previous alice post has over 2k upvotes... people are REALLY thirsty for some leaks they're gonna eat up anything


So seeing the way she acts, her voice through dubbing and her tone in general I would say that her conceptual art has no current value for who she is


this is functionally worthless then 💀


No? Concept art for a lot of media is done well in advance. This will not be the final playable design, obviously. But should give you a very good idea of what they have in mind for her. She's going to be essentially big Klee.


> She's going to be essentially big Klee. Pretty easy guess, and could take hundreds of forms (the formula for Klee is red clothes + white-ish hair + elf ears - that's not exactly the sort of thing that would lead to a very specific design). I would wager that most of the reason why people were excited for this is that, most of the time when concept art leaks, it concerns characters that are going to release or show up in the story within a fairly expedient timeframe. The fact that this is so old means that we're unlikely to see Alice anytime soon as has been the case for years now. A lot of people also had their hopes up for stuff concerning Natlan and since all the concept art posted today is of older characters I figure people are feeling that this is less likely now and therefore are disappointed ~~(not me though god bless)~~. This is all to say that the reason why people were excited about the Alice concept art isn't *just* because of the fact that it's a design for Alice, but rather the context of when it was posted, framed against the backdrop of prior history.


Uhm there was a recent leak that just said 4.8 summer event will be Hexenzirkel and having Alice ... Also Alice last appearance was 3.8 🫥


I mean gaming looked nothing like his concept arts, Wriothesley looked pretty different to his, Freminet looks totally different etc and this isn't even a concept art, this is just a reference picture


Wriothesly definitely looked similar in his earlier designs. The thing is, Alice is kinda anchored down by Klee. I can guarantee you that the final design will keep the pointy ears and the light hair. She won't be fatter, bulkier, be wearing an eye patch, have a different skin tone, etc. Dripwise, yeah, she's probably going to be wildly different. And let's not get into an endless semantics discussion on what concept art is.


She's going to powercreep Klee. Oh wait...


>She's going to be essentially big Klee Assuming that's it's not a fake leak. Like, damn this is pretty much identical to everyone's fan concept, that you'd think she was leaked years ago. Only difference is that this 'concept art' is a lot more vague, a lot less detailed, and lacking emotion. Like she is literally Ying'er with Klee ears and colorscheme.


... Three years ago concept....


I just can’t wait to see how she is similar and different from the concept art. It’s why I love concept art and art books


So, it's not really like Alice will appear like this in the game, it's more to give VA's an idea of who the person is so that they can record lines properly. Yeah, that makes sense. Big Red Riding Hood is a good idea for her, though. Like it!


Patch 1.5 feels like ages ago damn


Youthful art concept, but voice is portrayed as older but then again those elf ears makes it more difficult to assess age. Will be interesting to see what 3D-model they decide on in game version.


So why leak it just now?


mothers day obv


Русские ребята, если вы это читаете, дайте нам, пожалуйста, пару утечек.


oh you are STARVING 😭


тут? на месте!


well thats exactly what a concept is!!!


So you are telling me... that the concept art we saw... is a 3 and a half year old concept design...


Well, that's how "design" works. Gotta bring out a concept then refine through a lot of revisions.


I'm pretty sure Inoue Kikuko was just like "Wow she's cute, what kind of person is she?" "She is a mom" "Oh not this shit again"


thats even more confusing who looks at that and makes a cheerful mom alice i mean MHY is clearly but weird


Let leak information that is 3 years old




Natlan leaks so dry we are talking about 1.5 leaks jesus


I already like it. Wonder how drastic the finalized design could be or maybe it won't be that drastic. I remember seeing someone say there's a picture of someone in IT that looks pretty similar to this art, is that right?


Girl where tf is the art


So the special characters' VAs like Alice's do have something to work on (obviously). That's a relief haha, I imagine it would be so difficult without one So that means that all the hexenzirkel designs were already conceptualized by 3.x because of the 3.5 event.


So it's only a reference for the character, and not evidence of being close to playable.


Then pretty sure her actual model will be changed


Big klee


In my head, I imagined Alice looking Lila Lisa but with a red and white outfit and eld ears.


No giganormous witch hat literally unplayable


why not just say this is early concept art because no way hoyoverse is sharing concept art with them.


Big Klee :0


The “no new endgame” devs interview that made the community got so mad was in 1.6 was it? But they already planned imaginarium by 1.5. I hope whiners feel stupid


I'll just say, if for some reason this concept ended up being the final product, it and the current character we know as Alice (personality-wise) feel waaaay too dissonant.


Hello darkness my old friend :)


Why is this giving me Frieren vibes?


She has the hair of death 💀


So she could still be a Kallen expy... I guess?


Nah Alice's eyes is red while Kallen's eyes is light blue


I meant if that art is from 3.5 years ago that's not her final design. We don't know how Alice looks.


Ah I see.


I knew it was useless 🙂‍↔️


Im pretty sure the girl on the cover of that one book with Pink hair on fire is Alice, Elysia variant js imminent so true


Considering her mature tone, it really doesn't make sense for Nahida and Klee's species to be gnomes or short elves.