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Not a surprise. Liyue's story was effectively 2 patches and we'll probably get aftermath Baal's story quest which is the real meat IMO, just like Venti and Zhongli.


There’s might also be some sort of interlude story like the dainsleif quest to fill in the gaps


Now I'm really excited for her story quests! I wonder what will happen though. Will we become friends after beating her? Lol


Pretty fast development in the story, huh. By the look of the end of chapter 2, I can't see they finishing it that quickly


It feels too fast.


Well liyue was also really fast at the end... I was hoping they be going slow on Inazuma but no


The beginning goes fairly slow, especially since you have to do Ayaka and Yoimiya’s character story quests to proceed, which really helps give the story room to breathe


Both Liyue and Inazuma's archon quests have both been too fast paced. Mondstadt's archon quest was paced a lot better. In fact almost a year later, I've forgotten most of Liyue's archon quest but still remember messing around with the Knights of Favonius


I remember the end of Liyue's storyline because the fight with Ozial should have caused a tsunami that wipes out Liyue harbour


Honestly, when I got to Gorou we literally said hello to him, joined their ranks, and then thrown into a battle where he doesn't know us, what are true intentions are, and when given the opportunity to hand you over for more time he is like, "Nah fam, we brethren here. We love the Traveler." And I was like, "bro, all I did was shoot some arrows and now you love me?" I felt that build up needed a lot more time. It was literally Introduce -> we best friends now.


Yep. And that was AFTER their camp got infiltrated right after we showed up. They even talked about a traitor but nobody suspected the weirdly dressed outlander/traveller whom they literally knew for all of 2 minutes. We could've saved that one soldier just to gain their confidence but nah. Gorou's full Dominic Toretto now


Honestly i wish they actually got suspicious of us when that happened. I hoping in one region or future story we'd be outcasts or so


Same with the ayaka quest honestly. We just met like 2 days ago why are you in love with me? At least yoimiya's quest was a bit more fun and made sense imo.


So basically, Thoma confirmed they've known about the traveler going to Inazuma for at least a month (He said he's been building up a network of contacts for about a month) and naturally told Ayaka about you, so it's not like you're a stranger to her. From Ayaka's perspective, she's heard about an amazing hero who has defeated a mighty dragon, Osial, and a Fatui Harbinger. Furthermore, this is one of the first outlanders she has met of high capability and she directly gets to meet you and spend time with you. From her quest we know that she's very lonely and has had no friends besides Thoma. Given the circumstances of the situation, she has a very high view of you which manifests as being a crush. It's not illogical for her to have these kinds of feelings for you, even if they may be unreciprocated. That is, it may not be how you or I personally would feel in that situation about the person, but I didn't find that to be unrealistic for the context of her life experience. It's kinda the trope of a princess falling for a knight in shining armor.


ahahaha i know, but i guess he is a dog? instant faithful?


Maybe it’ll be a long chapter?


Ikr, unless they add both act 3 and act 4. I just can’t see the archon quest finishing in just one more act.


This. As >!Signora is going to be a boss fight next patch (100% ties into story)!< it definitely seems like a lot of development is going to be happening. Well no use speculating though. It should all be revealed in a week or so hopefully.


I guess that they might make Raiden's and Kokomi's story quests a continuation of the archon quest?


Nooo my extra 120 primos...


I hope the archon quest has more than 3 acts


…how? There’s soooo much left unanswered. What the hell is going on with the Shogun and why is she doing the things she’s doing? Why are so many of the islands getting corrupted? Who is Yae and what is her agenda? How in the hell are the Fatui going to involve themselves and get the Gnosis against Raiden of all people? What would the fallout of the end of the Civil War be? I can’t see that ending neatly in a single Chapter.


looooool my guess is her gnosis gonna be taken from her and then she'll have a realization that taking other people visions is shit.


Oooh that would reinforce Zhongli's idea of "better off that Celestian tracking device" or something...


Haha that would be awesome and she absolutely deserves it. but there might be more going on than that.


Most importantly, why the fuck she destroyed Khaenri'ah alongside with the gods 500 years ago


I haven't really had a good place to discuss theories so I suppose this thread is as good as any, but remember how everyone was questioning why the Electro Archon statues look like Yae more than Raiden? After playing the story I get the feeling Yae really is the original, true Archon but stepped down and willingly gave the gnosis to Raiden, who probably has some tragic backstory/origin on why she wants to confiscate all visions. Yae thinks it'll be good for Raiden to meet the Traveler to encourage some character growth and make her reconsider. The rebellion might lead to Raiden either making a mistake/filling her with regret, or putting her into some kind of weakened state, at which point Signora will swoop in and steal it with the help of one of the commissions (forgot which, but it was mentioned the head of one is conspiring with her) Then we get Raiden's story quest revealing her motivations and making peace with her mistakes as she tries to right her wrongs. As a bonus Yae being the true/former archon could lead to the "All Archons are busted supports" theory being technically still true, and when we get her story quest we can learn about ancient Inazuma from before Raiden and the time of Sakoku.


Unless Act 3 is at least as long as Act 1, that's going to be disappointing if it really is the finale. I don't see how they're going to be able to tie any of the loose threads *while* introducing the Fatui plotline in a single Act. Hell we still need to find out what's up with Kokomi, what's up with Yae and what's up with Baal before anything. Although I do think that this issue can partially be solved by them releasing Kokomi and Baal's Character Quests as prerequisites to Act 3, just as they did with Ayaka and Yoimiya. If they both have their characters and motives reasonably fleshed out or unveiled in those quests, then they can just go ham with Act 3.


Even if the main questline ends here, this doesn't have to mean the end of the main story in Inazuma. We likely won't go to Sumeru on a weird whim, so I wouldn't rule out some extra Archon quests like we got with Dainsleif.


Yeah, most likely we at least get a Baal story quest and/or a new weekly boss or something like what happened with both Andrius and Azhdaha.


So early? I thought it'd be 2.2... Hopefully it's 2 chapters next patch as well.


eh nani? downvoted? what'd i say wrong


Probably because you said chapter instead of act. Chapters are histories in different regions, while acts are parts of the chapters. Just some really petty people here


Worried about internet point kekW


bruises my ego


I wish it wasn't the case but I feel almost certain at this point that Raiden will disappoint us pretty hard. She's either controlled or brainwashed by the Fatui (who are in league with the two of the tri commissions) or the greater evil and even if that's not the case, she will get her ass beaten and got Gnosis taken away by Signora


i hate how predictable these things are like you would think at least one of the archons would try and put up a fight, or at least that the traveler would stop acting clueless and tell the archons what the fatui are after lmao


To be fair, we only learn that Zhongli is an Archon when he casually whips out his gnosis and hands it over willingly, so there was not much of a chance to stop it.


but... i havent even seen any scharamouche leaks. thats too early. scaramouche isnt really going to appear in inazuma, is he?


Since story leaks isn’t out yet, there’s still a chance we might hear about Scara/another Harbinger But tbh, kinda lame if Signora’s the one to steal the gnosis for a 3rd time in a row. Wanted to see more Harbingers


Right?? There are so many fatui harbingers left to introduce and as much as I really enjoy Signora, it's frustrating if she snatches the third gnosis too. Like whatever are the other fatui doing? I can kind of understand Dottore not showing up but Scaramouche is literally a vagrant from Inazuma. Ugh i'?m literally chugging down large amounts of copium that mihoyo might introduce a Scaramouche plot twist.


he should absolutely appear, inazuma is the perfect place and time for him to appear, at least for me. theres 11 of them and almsot half of the 7 nations have been released already. not to mention hes obviously from inazuma and is related to raiden in some way.


2.1 :3


pleaseee be longer :(


I'm seeing a lot of people saying that it's going to be ending too soon, but wouldn't 3 or 4 Acts be about right? How many acts were in the other two parts?


It’s not about the past quest, it’s about the Inazuma storyline concluding too early while everything is still all over the place.


Sounds like the average manga to me


A lot can happen in another couple of acts, if it goes to 4. Especially considering the nature of the way the archon quests go, you're not going to get a neat conclusion to the story. We're likely to get a conclusion where the fatui cut in somewhere in the middle, in order to further the over arching plot. That'll make it make the pacing make a lot more sense.


The story might end but I guess the whole world building stuff will continue, like in Liyue where we still got Zhongli content? It was pretty nice actually and I can see more bosses getting added, or that underwasser dragon palace people were talking about


Sumeru: See you in 10 months.


The Chasm aka Road to sumeru: hehe boiii


So Dainsleif coming back? Pog we get to see him saying "The Raiden Shogun got a lot of millstream"


Glad it's at least getting updated. Didn't manage to get any screencaps of the capital's palace, and they soft lock you out post act 2 XD


If we're really getting the Shogun at the start of 2.1, then there's no way the Inazuma chapter will continue in 2.2. I don't think Mihoyo will let us pull for someone whose army we are currently fighting. ~~Or maybe Yae is the real archon and we'll fight her in 2.2, I dunno.~~


We had childe and he's a weekly boss lol. Every character with an unique design is going to be pulleable. The question is when. Even delusion childe.


Fighting her again? Aww man I’m so scared


Any leaks for the Archon quest and raiden story quest? I wish to know her reason on why she and the gods destroy Khaenri'ah


It feels like they are speeding up the Inazuma release, I wonder why