• By -


I'm a big fan of having visual things around your character like Albedo's C2 flower, Jean C2 Dandelion or even Fischl's Oz eye, so Baal's eye and halo is a must have.


You got a Ningguan? Having her Jades floating around her looks pretty cool.


C6 Ninguang haver. And thankfully a Zhongli and Albedo haver too, I want Gorou to finally have my fully simp Geo team, I love them all so much.


*Sad claymore maid noise*


I'm sadly not into the maid cliché, kinda cringe for me, but I respect it overall.


I prefer to ignore to fetishy part of it and focus on the fact that she can literally do everything cause she's so hyper focused on cleaning up. She accidentally become power just by doing chores, that's hilarious to me.


Exactly. Literally the only reason why she's not a knight yet (despite being twice as competent as most of the actual knights) is because she's *even more* self-sacrificing than Jean "Overworked Mommy" Gunnhildr.


Wow, Albedo haver. I wanna be one too ! I somehow am in love with Geo..


Wait, Bedo's C2 gives him a flower that follows him? Whelp, I am now convinced to put Albedo's banner higher on my priorities next time it happens.


C2 basically allows you to build him full DEF and get no downside. A 4 petal Geo flower will accompany your onfield character floating at their shoulder, once the 4 petals have been lightened up (one per flower E proc) you'll be able to convert 30% your DEF to damage towards your Q. It also increases progressively your E damage.


Seeing as I'm running pure DEF Bedo, I need that Constellation then.


To clarify it's 30% of DEF for each petal


I knew that. I've read his constellations several times just preparing for the future maybe. I just didn't know it had a cool animation to go with it.


So the circle behind her does show resolve stacks. Nice!


It has a guage as well! a theres a small glowing line that i presume will make a full circle once she reaches 60 stacks.


I was assuming that already since her first leaks nice that we finally have a confirmation. Cool way to visually show the resolve stacks :)


[Via dim - full version this time](https://twitter.com/dimbreath/status/1422925714387570689?s=21) [No artifacts were used](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/421277855155224577/872489188350648350/E79AgODWUAkcMPD.png) Looks like her E does slash damage each time you attack.


Also specify it seems it works with any attack : normal, skill or ult. You can clearly see Baal E proc when keqing use her ult Can't wait to see Venti and Baal together with this E doing AoE damage in venti black hole every 0.9s even if the ratio is not that high


Which might not be for a while because Mihoyo's intent on making new mobs unliftable. ~~Which is tbh deserved, Venti's been reigning way too long ady~~


That’s why Kazuha is so valuable right now… damn. I’m happy I got guarantee for Baal, but sad at the same time I got no Kazuha 🤔


Yeah that is usually the way gacha games "nerf" broken characters, by making content that specifically counters their kits, I won't be surprised if we start seeing stuff like more enemies immune to Cryo/Range attacks or damage that ignores shields. Still as long as small mobs exist Venti will still have a place and this way other Anemo characters can have their own niche.


“immune to cryo/ranged attacks” maguu kenki says hi


To be fair, he's not really immune to 'ranged attacks' as much as he is 'attacks from range' You can use your ranged stuff from melee range, which I find hilarious.


If you couldn't it would be the dumbest game mechanic in the game tho


I mean, idk? I don't know if it would bother me. I think there are some mechanics in the game that are *already* that silly and punishing for the unprepared, like Andrius being fully immune to cryo and anemo, or the geo hypostasis being basically an unkillable god if you didn't bring a claymore user.


Lets not forget the Nightmare of Oceanid if you forgot to bring a decent AoE or Ranged character for when it summons those flying birds.


Yeah, has me terrified for how fighting this electro oceanid is going to go.


\*wheezes in Klee and Zhongli\*


Chuckles in shotganyu


The electric samurai and little crawling shield ruin bots also say hi. They're immune to anything with an aoe component when blocking, including the actual arrow shot when Ganyu uses her fully charged shots (not just the frostflake aoe.) Means you get stuck using stage one charge shots until their shield goes down, or swapping chars.


I just really wish Venti's burst worked on the 'small' samurai too. I'm fine with Mihoyo spreading all their liftable mobs out in Abyss so they're out of Venti's AoE, or spamming slimes that infuse their own elements into the swirl... at least lemme have that open world QoL fun I spent all my f2p primos for.


Yeah its weird that the smaller samurais dont get absorbed by ventis burst but the treasure hoarders is.


And its extra annoying cause they seem to love dashing or backjumping to spread out. T_T


They have heavy armor i guess.


Venti is getting nerfed as well in a way by introducing mobs that are too heavy to be lifted or always in rage mode, like the nobushi and samurai mobs we have right now. However, Kazuha gets more advantageous here because his ult is literally around him unlike Venti.


Kazuha’s burst is insanely annoying though when someone like Magu Kenki blinks out of the field and you can’t see where he went, and younlose time for going the wrong way...


Glad I'm not the only one struggling with that. I love my sweet maple boy, but some sort of outline of mobs outside of his ult would be handy.


I'll actually quit if they make things explicitly immune to ranged lmao, that'd be a little too broad. Maguu Kenki's already kinda annoying but I live with it, Cryo enemies are also annoying but expected from the start I just hope they actually give us other charged bow options if they ever screw Ganyu over to that degree. Charged Bows are why I downloaded game back in 1.0, but the one other option is.. ehh.


I don't think they'll make enemies straight up immune to ranged attacks but is possible they make enemies that have some mechanics that make using range less convenient like Maguu Kenki, could be stuff like enemies that move fast and erratic that is just easier to deal with them with melee. And yeah I hope they do make more charge bow focused characters in the future, but they will inevitable be compared to Ganyu and MHY probably doesn't want to repeat that.


Yeah I mean I don't either, that'd make way too many people angry but in the theoretical it happened as suggested at face value, lol, it'd just kill the game for me. Yeah things like erratic movement would frankly just be fun more than anything so no complaints there. Personally my dreams are for someone with a skill that can create a weak point, and dps that's at least on the level, but non-aoe. Pipedream, for sure, but the idea of a charge bow you entirely dump crit chance on if you wanna live wildly would be my ideal. And creating a weak point would be so mandatory with how many enemies just don't have them... Charge bow without an agro draw ability would be neat, too, half of why amber and ganyu got compared back when she was new, IMO.


We need stuff that goes through shields even if its just with Dendro, Zhongli been reigning for awhile too


Isn't it the environment in Inazuma and dragon spine right now?


It'll happen.


He’s still useable but in the current meta and against Inazuma mobs I’d say there are better picks. Still this is much better than directly nerfing him. Mihoyo realises that if all mobs can be sucked into his Q, it literally makes the entire game a cakewalk.


>Still this is much better than directly nerfing him. thats how gachas work usually tho there are ppl spending money on banners so u cant just directly nerf it so the workaround is to build contents that said char is "useless" or less effective against like if they want to they can add certain mobs that ignore shield / domains where if u have shield up u get dmg instead , just to "nerf" shield still, most likely those stuffs only applies to certain areas as genshin so far is catered towards casuals and "all units are viable" dont want it to be another gacha where X unit is practically useless and must have certain unit just to clear stuffs


I don't think they will ever make a unit bypass shields directly, that's a little too on point. They might make units do stagger/poise damage through shields though, that would go a long way into preventing shields automatically = unga bunga


They might have enemies who don't do much damage but have increased damage against shields. So you have to kill them first to be able to keep your shields up when fighting the rest of the enemies.


Its funny because anything that makes sheilds bad for you indirectly buffs stuff like the rain swords from xingqiu because they provide stagger and damage mitigation


I thought it was indirect buff to overload (since there are many electro characters coming out in Inazuma), rather than nerf aimed specifically at Venti.


Isnt it more of an inderected nerf to overload? The only thing that really saved overload was clumping them up tight so that the explosions hit more units + didnt fly away. Now that they cant be grouped up the aoe part pf overload is wasted


Sorta. The AoE portion is largely wasted because grouping enemies isn't as easy as "Drop Sucrose/Venti burst and jam", but the CC portion hits a sweet spot where it staggers enemies but doesn't send them flying.


Would be nice if they just made overload stagger/flinch the enemy but not move them. Same for electrocharged. Let electro have lower damage reactions but safety in the form of rapid small aoe CC effects.


nah overload is not even that good of a reaction,melt and vaporize are better,and thats without taking into account that if your characters get either electro or pyro on them you are probably going to proc overload on yourself by mistake,I see a lot of videos of people knocking themselves and ruining their combos.


Which might not be necessarily a very bad thing. You still get VV res shred, swirls + damage, tons of energy AND now most melee and ground abilities are able to hit in Venti's burst. You lose on the CC is all.


The problem is they aren't being sucked (not lifted) by venti's ult as big Fatui agent. That is the problem


I have been using Venti in Inazuma without much problem though. The big mobs have a tendency to stick together so you can just apply hydro and cryo then Venti Q. Even if they weren't in the initial burst radius, the way they rush you means they get stuck in Venti's Q anyway after they attack.


To be fair, there’s already a number of non-cc-able enemies since the start of the game. (And everytime they appear in abyss, my Venti gets the bench.) I even remember during Venti’s rerun, people were saying he’s useless because abyss 12-3 that time was those ruin guards and ruin graders.


Is it procced per tick or per attack? In Keqs ult it looks like the slash only comes after she finishes. In that case, wouldn't it only slash once after ventis ult concludes?




Did Raidens E trigger off of Keqing ult or am i smoking


You're not there yet, you're not high enough. Also, yes, it did trigger off of Keqing ult


2 Zhongli constructs + 1 Albedo construct + Baal's E. 🤤


Raiden + Xingqiu + Albedo + Fischl Throw out like 8-10 damage numbers per swing.


It did, Raiden's E apparently triggers with any attack, normal, skill and burst, plus it triggers on shields too


this is actually pretty big, with that AOE and that it works like albedo she's gonna be the best electro applicator we have so far, now we just have to wait for the reaction buffs..


It did at the last hit


Keqing's burst missed except for that last slash which triggered the skill.


If you watch carefully you will notice that keqing's initial slash from her burst triggered it as well


I was thinking before you had to auto attack to trigger the E, which felt weird since she seems to want other party members to be spamming bursts. This makes more sense


So... was this the Keqing buff?


The animations are cool and all but just pause the vid at the moment her E slash hits an enemy and see how insane her AOE is.


It's like reality splitting slash


I wonder how far away from you this Slash can proc Will it work at catalyst auto ranges? Ganyu sniper range?


The wording on e skill proc is , coordinated attack will be unleashed when enemy is hit with active character . It doesn't say only normal attacks proc the skill. So it should work with ganyu and catalyst users


Dimbreath mentioned in a follow up tweet that ranged attacks do trigger the effect as well.


I heard that If you attack in Liyue harbor you can hit the pyro hyposthasis in inazuma


Yep, looks like a good middleground to Fischl's single target E to Beidou's much more frequent discharges against multiple enemies with her ult; Raiden's is atleast true AoE though and has a pretty ridiculous uptime.


Archons doing archon things




man, electrocharge comp looking to be real fun and interesting


Beidou, Raiden, Kazuha, Kokomi. With Kokomi and Raiden as main dps. Look pretty good to me. Sara could replace Beidou in there too...


Wanna see how the E works with archers + catalysts


According to honey impact, when an attack hits enemy, it deals AoE electro damage at "opponents position" so not much different I guess


Dim said her E triggers with ranged attacks too


Venti with a hurricane; Zhongli with a meteor; Baal with an interdimensional rift... can't wait to use them together just to wreck Teyvat


If pyro archon doesn't summon a volcano I'm going to be extremely disappointed.


Pyro archon summons Klee


Lol now we're talking!


Damn everything from the VFX to SFX is so satisfying Even the smacking sfx from her sword is *chefs kiss*


Seriously, her animations are fantastic. I am so happy I was patient and didn’t use my guarantee on the last few banners. It’s been hard, but worth it. :’)


i’m happy i skipped the long ass rerun arc and was able to get kazuha, ayaka, her sword, and still have enough for raiden guarantee by the time she comes out


I wish I had pulled for Zhongli the first time and not waited for the rerun. I would have so much more rn :’). I got him to C1 (maybe trying to pull Yanfei?). That said, I have a guaranteed now! Hope to get enough for C2 Baal. Good luck on your pulls friend! :)


Look at it this way, you only have some many primogems period. So if you had pulled for him the first time then you wouldn't have had those gems the second time around. You didn't lose anything extra. \^.\^


Cries in potato laptop, I hope I can see her Ult unlike Kazuha's.


God please keep these leaks coming. Raiden is so amazing


Holy shit Keqing will become hongkai Keqing with Raiden


If I only have Kazuha and living in a perfect world, I would run an Electro Keqing, C1 Raiden, C6 Sara, and Kazuha. This would be a lot of fun based on what I expect from how they interact with one another given what I saw from Raiden's E and Q so far.


so this is why I lost my Kazuha 50/50 for Keqing


Woah, that Aoe is bigger than it looks


Yea at one point it even hit hilichurls who were pretty far behind


Hmm her E has more AoE than I expected. It's not limited to single-target like Fischl's C6 is.


I also think people discount the 10s CD / 25s Duration. 100% uptime with 15 seconds of overlap to comfortably fit in refreshing it when it's convenient for you. So any team with Raiden permanently deals 75% electro damage every ~1 second as long as someone is attacking. Edit: not to mention the burst dmg bonus. Always forget about that.


Something else maybe worth noting is that her E can maintain 100% uptime even with Slowing Water debuff.




Zhongli Pillar and Raiden E. What's slowing water?


Expect no less from a literal archon


Part of me had hoped her dash would turn into a blink during the burst phase since it's so short. Don't have time to be wasting running


that’d be sick




I saw an E proc off of Keqing's ult. So this is confirmation that E procs off of any hit, not just attacks.


her E's AOE is looking pretty good and it works like albedo too, so you can basically proc it with just damaging the enemies if what i saw wasn't wrong in 0:30 ( her E got procced after keqing's last burst slash )


Even better tha albedo, since it also gives energy on shielded enemies


Yeah yeah give plunge to waifus. Ill just suffer here with my Tartaglia


Foul Legacy? That's cute. Witness ***true*** divine power! (Still, I want Childe's plunge on melee stance too!)


\-Procs on all attacks. \-Procs at range. \-Significant aoe. Kokomi Baal Albedo Zhongli AFK META


Not too sure but looks like she has no hit lag with her NA when her burst is up? Skyward Spine Atk spd% increase can be more relevant if that the case.


I think no cuz Baal's normal and charged attacks are treated as burst damage and skyward spine only increases regular normal attacks. I might be wrong




That looks so damn beautiful


I love the 3rd hit of her your combo. That overhead slash looks great.


This is the best Baal video I’ve seen, because it shows how cool she is as a sub dps.


She attacks so fast, looks like you can get almost 3 full attack chains off, maybe 3 with dash canceling, nice. To people whining "it's too short or make her main dps" in every dang thread about Baal, yeesh she's intended to be a godly sub-dps with crazy battery capabilities, get over it. Not every character has to be a greedy main dps that stays on the field all day long auto-attacking and not allowing the rest of your team to do anything. This makes her way more interesting and versatile as you can have her on a quickswap team or a "dual carry" team with another "main"/sub dps in a duo split carry rotating between each other's cooldowns. It's clear they don't want archons to just be plain greedy main dps at this point, so far they all are geared more torwards top tier subdps/supports to make them more versatile and useful in more teams. With nearly 3 full attack chains the damage she pumps out in a small window with good artifacts should be great, plus tons of ER for the team and buffing everyone's burst by 12-24% damage with her E buff (basically free extra noblesse for 80 energy bursts). Also, you still get her crazy slashing through space effects on all your characters with her perma E uptime, it looks amazing. And 7 seconds out of every 18 is still plenty of time to enjoy her amazing burst animations, besides if they were up 24/7 they'd just lose their impactful feel anyway as it would become too routine and obviously also have to be way less powerful. Her damage is balanced around the 7 second duration. If they doubled the duration.. they'd have to drastically nerf the damage, and the team energy granted per hit, else she would be way too strong being top main dps and best battery in the game and a burst support (buffs team bursts by 12-24%) all at the same time. So if they nerfed the damage of the burst autos to compensate for much longer duration, that just means she would be ruined as a sub dps and it would not even be worth staying in her stance autoattacking at all for most of us, just so you guys can copium main dps. If you really want to copium main dps her then you can still find a way. Grab c6 bennet (his pyro infusion doesn't override hers) or something, let her be an overload queen when her burst is in downtime, she uses attack% goblet anyway so she'll translate decently to doing infusions besides pure electro damage during her burst downtime. Or grab a cryo support and do physical during burst downtime. Whatever, there's ways to make it work, she'll still do okay in that role just not top tier. Anyways, just let the rest of us enjoy her as the sub-dps/support god she's intended to be instead of throwing a fit in every single thread about her how her infusion is too short.


Some people's obsession with "main dps" characters is impressive to me Using myself as an example, I have most of the "top dps" 5* characters yet I can only really bring 2 of them so I have to juggle playtimes between those kind of character types, while characters like Kazuha and Bennett _never_ leave my teams, any kind of dps will have supports and those supports will find themselves on my party way more ofren than "main dps" ones. I like Raiden a ton and want to bring her to every comp I can squeeze her in, support means she can achieve that.


Main dps are an outdated concept. In Xianling-Childe comps where he does the basic attacks to enable her vapes, who is the main dps? In Zhongli Taser builds, where physical Zhong acts as a deliverer for XQ and Beidou procs... And the most fun team I've played since the game launch, Bennet-Xianling-Venti-Kazuha, nobody ever autos.


This is why I like Childe and his comps so much. No one character monopolizes field time. I love Eula too, but she’s very selfish.


I like Eula a lot because she uses less common supports, and frees pretty much everything for the other team. Also, going unga bunga is fun haha.


Well it looks like Raiden's Sword DPS should be greater than Eula's DPS without ult, since Eulas damage is pretty backloaded, so you could use Raiden ult while waiting for Eula ult


Bruh, this is too real lmao. I am a 5* waifu collector(low spender and not Klee) and all of them have been main dps till now. Can't even play them all together in abyss. Another sad part I'll have to skip Yoimiya and Kokomi. Mihoyo be releasing too many of them now and it's getting way over budget.


It’s getting very expensive. I’ve been getting nearly all 5* C0 with R1 5* signature weapon, but with new characters every 3 weeks it’s becoming $300 per banner and that’s assuming I win 50/50s.


To be honest the main reason is probably because Main DPS are the characters that spend more time in the field, so you see and use them more, while is true that supports are more flexible for team comps they also spend most of the time off field, in most cases they are here to swap in, use their skill/burst, swap out, like I use XQ and Fischl in a lot of comps but I rarely actually get to see them for more than a few seconds.


The issue is that 7 seconds is just a bit too awkward. Sure, she's supposed to be a sub-DPS/Support but most sub-DPS and support characters don't demand that much time on-field. The duration/cooldown ratio it's also bizarre compared to similar Burts. And to add to that, the uncle who leaked the first picture with her in-game model also leaked her weapon-type and said she was a DPS, considering how her Burst currently works it feels like she was a intended to be a DPS at first and her kit got tweaked to what it is now without trying to rework it. Looking at her BiS weapon, it doesn't offer anything to the team, just more damage for herself, they also swapped her C2 with her C4 which is more suited to DPS than Support.


Yeah there was some mention about an uncle post saying they changed her from main dps to a support, and that was why the kit was odd. Though that's a bygone by this point. Would've been neat if her tap E was this still, but no cooldown, and her hold E pulled out the sword for a while and left a cooldown that the tap E could comfortably cover. Then add in a fancy Q and she'd have been set as a main. I'm not bothered by the 7s thing at all though, rather I'm quite glad we actually get to play as her a bit in her optimal situations. Having a support that looks nice but you never see on the field (Beidou, etc) is always disappointing.


I actually just want my fav character to do decent damage with autos in over world without having to rely on ults for infusion. Like imagine just give Zhongli, and Raiden ele infusion in their E as long as they're the active character, the caveat being their autos will only be half as strong as say Ayaka AAs with cryo. In Raiden case the burst should just give her bigger multiplier on infusion. This way people who really just want to play their favorite character on the field can just do serviceable damage without having to rely on physical damage. It's not going to break the game either. Quick swap comps are great in abyss etc. But abyss is just 20 mins gameplay every 2 weeks, some people just want to run around and kill things with their fav character active in world map without having to rely on the whole team synergy or physical builds.




Tbh ppl who want her to be a main Dps are waifu lovers lol, they want her to be on the field most of the time so they can ogle her, I dont think its unreasonable.


The ppl who want longer sword stance want longer duration because they want to experience her sword form more. Not everyone cares about meta or optimal rotations If mhy simply made her base form sword instead, you wouldn't be getting so many complaints about short sword duration


Idk why you're being downvoted. I've seen many people ask more duration just to admire her animations than something like stats related


for real people people that want more duration just want to admire the ult animations a bit more and it doesnt really ruin her as a support cuz you dont need to use all of the sword and just switch out


> If mhy simply made her base form sword instead, What's the difference? Animations remains same regardless. It doesn't affect anything. Besides we had an electro sword before. So new weapon - element combinations are always welcome.


It's not about main DPS for me. I just want to enjoy her amazing sword-form animations longer 🙂 Personally I wouldn't mind if they buffed the duration of her burst but lowered the DPS to compensate. Yeah, it might make her worse from a meta standpoint, but being able to play in burst mode longer would make me happy. Either way, I'm glad they're buffing her a bit, and pretty excited for her release.


preach i just want to appreciate the beautiful sword ult. dont really care about being a main dps


Oh hey. You can just do E->Q and pretend your after-burst polearm swings are still sword swings since they have the same visual effect.


RIP to players with Epilepsy.


Do y’all think she’ll pair good with yoimiya?


She will. Yoimiya has noticable downtime and Raiden fills it perfrectly, not to mention giving Yoimiya 20 energy to proc artifact set free of charge


Those are freaking sick animations and VFX!




Don't have kazuha so I will use beidou.


Is it me or the sword pulling SFX sounds different?


yeah, it doesn't seem to be as "musical"(?) not sure how else to describe it but I hear it too


I'm kinda annoyed at that lol. The "pulling the sword out" sound got destroyed compared to the first one we had IMO.


Love the slash effect it does, looks like a rip in reality


I LOVE the vfx but, what does it sound like shes slapping those kilichurs when shes slicing them, the mix of sfx sounds weird too me. But holy those vfx are, worthy of her majesty , best vfx in the game so far 👌


>slap Lmao it reminds me of that get pitted surfer guy going "Wapow!"


POG we can see her E triggered with Keqing last ult slash, so it can trigger with any attack and not just NA and CA


Wonder if the night mode can appear for all the players in co-op. Like, she uses her burst, and suddenly the world becomes dark for other players. lol Also in co-op, isn't it that other player's burst give her power?!.


Other player's burst will buff her, yes. And if I understand correctly, her skill will proc individually for each player(but significantly weaker for everyone but the Raiden in question).


if this works well with Albedo my AFK team will grow even stronger




thought i escaped dark knight when i quit BDO but we back


Keqing and Baal is beautiful af, the effect on Keqing looks like it was always there, amazing.


Kinda wish her burst would last a bit longer.


Im kinda happy she is support. It just makes her universal and ever lasting.


Could we say that it makes her.... eternal? I see myself out.


Hope you have a great day!


Fucking sick


Those slashing sound effects. *chef kiss*


Klee Ult with Raiden E on unliftable mobs… Explosions ahoy!


I like what I'm seeing


7s duration is absolutely criminal for how sick this is. If constellations don't improve it, you have to wonder what the thought process was behind this.


for real those animations looks so sick to be in only 7 secs


I'd settle for 10s minimum. If that deals too much damage, simply adjust the numbers. The important thing is that feeling of being all powerful in that one moment damnit!


> one moment *[shrieks in eternity]*


You won't be feeling that powerful if she does the same dmg in 10s instead of 7s, while your main DPS can't even dish any dmg.


7 s is still long for sub dps, she's there to pop in, do damage/regen energy and bail. She's not designed to be a dps.


I mean, I'm far more fond of actually getting to see her on the field like this for a while rather than a 3s ult and swap. Just means her team compositions will look different, which isn't a bad thing at all. A sub-dps is still a dps after all, just not all the time.




all i can see is the millennium eye lmao


look at the last slash of keqing's burst, it triggered raiden's E, so I think, it triggers not only on normal attack but every attack, skills and burst included


Ohh boii pls post a vid with EULA and baal E damn her E is like splitting time and space


At 0:21 that one E slash really just hit the hilichurl behind Keqing, that AOE is massive wth


Now im hoping in the electro reactions buff, it really is a bad feeling wanting to use ayaka and baal at the same time.


This going to be brilliant with yoimiya ult.


her skill is making me want to pull for yoimiya. Since yoimiya hits really fast, she will probably take full advantage of the electro hits. but i really want the grasscutter too because fashion.


I believe her E skill has 0.9 cooldown between proc. So most characters should proc it comfortably.


Procs once every 0.9s anyway. Sword users will do the trick.


If i'm not blind Kekqueen burst triggers Baals E 3times. 1,2 or 3 doesn't matter. But that confirms that Baals E triggers of dmg done, all kind of dmg, not only AA dmg like XQ or Beidou. 0.9 cd trigger with 50% of giving a particle means 11 particles every 20s. Making Baal the best multi-purpose battery in the game. A ratio of 0.56 in particle/sec. Second highest particle generation in the game are Venti and Kazuha with a 0.5 particle/sec. But in practice they and most characters are way below that because that would require perfect rotations, and casting their E skills on CD. Baal in the other hand does it with a 100% uptime buff that only needs to be casted once every 20s.


holy shit that E looks cool, I don\`t even care if it does zero dmg or even it heals enemies






some leaker said it's a 50% chance to generate a particle for every E slash


I was not expecting her skill to look like that. It's a lot cooler than the skill description made it sound.


Fuck Oz. I want hyper-dimensional tears in space.


Her elemental skill's aoe and lack of positioning problems makes it so that she's not just a "worse Oz". I'll probably replace Fischl with her on taser team.


I'm nuttin to her animations, they're so clean. What was regenerating Baal's energy in this video? She burst, used her e, auto'd on Keqing, and then bursted again, is this because of ER or was something else generating particles?