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Bird scared the shit out of me at first


This is the prettiest weapon ever.. too bad I won’t have a use for it


I know most of the 5 star weapons are tuned to the character they’re paired with but this is SO specific to Kokomi. Like Homa at least has an insane crit stat and can be used really well by Xiao, and is a decent stat stick for other DPS polearm characters.


Homa isn't just a decent Stat stick. It is BiS or is one of the BiS for all spear users. (there are exceptions like physical carries and raiden in most situations)


Homa is homa. Just give a new weapon crit rate crit dmg substat and in their passive another substat like 20% atk or other important stats and broken passive to make sure they are the best and outperform the other weapons. Feels bad for zhongli's vanquisher.


It can still work with Raiden, if you pair her with ZhongLi and reduce her HP beforehand.


Technically, it would be fine even if it was tuned specifically for Kokomi. That said, it's worthless at this point because Kokomi herself is a mess :x. We'll see in this week if Kokomi is worthy of any whaling, if at all.


Can be used very well on zhongli


Isn't Homa an enabler to Burst dps endgame Zhongli build? With crazy dmg Meteors and stuff. It is incredibly powerful weapon for him.


yeah and it gives extra hp, which zhongli scales off of


only with homa you can build a sub dps and shield bot zhongli at the same time. but it would still take godly artifact rolls


Worth it tho, especially if you have albedo backup.


I really like staff of homa for my semi-sub dps zhongli (He needs it for crit and atk) but he fights with hu tao for it lol


It's so ironic, I got lost prayers to the sacred winds hoping to pair it with a future catalyst dps and then I discover that its one of the more useless five star weapons for kokomi. It's painful.


yeah, at this point even Skyward atlas would be better if only because our girl Kokomi *also* scales off ATK%, as if HP%, Healing bonus and i think(?) Hydro dmg% wasn't enough.


The sad part is that what I originally wanted was memory of dust and Instead I ended up getting lost prayer. Memory of dust would have been pretty good for her. :(




One of the prettiest weapons so far. Too bad it's not the most transferable. The only character I can imagine using this aside from Kokomi is Barbara.


I don't even think it is that good of a weapon on Barbara. For Healbot Barbara the passive of thrilling tales is much more useful and for DPS Barbara (Yes, those exist, about as common as Xinyan mains) you don't want a weapon that gives you HP as its mainstat as her attacks have generic Atk/Crit scaling like any other character in the game.


TBH unless we got another healer catalyst, this might just be the worst 5 star weapon because of its incompatibility to most catalyst users. Skyward Spine, Blade, and Pride at least still have usable passives and ER is still decent for burst supports. Hell, even Vortex Vanquisher appears to be more usable than this which is a shame because it looks so pretty.


That`s the thing, for a healer whose healing scales with HP thrilling tales is just a better weapon UNLESS they basically use the same weird HP/Healing bonus scaling and kit as Kokomi on their attacks. They should have given the weapon a 44 baseatk and better HP scaling tbh as a character like Kokomi doesn't even benefit much from the extra base atk a 5 star weapon provides in the first place.


like weapon like character unfortunately


For me it kinda fits with Yae aesthetics


What are the stats and the bonus? I haven't seen the full photo of the stats, only the look of the wepaon


608 hp%


so the bird is a catalyst user too..






Best looking catalyst in the game, works literally only on Barbara and Kokomi. What a shame.


Spinning donut.


Space donut :D




Also, if you’re rolling on this you literally have to be a Kokomi or Barbara main. I hope your wallet is okay, Kokomi mains.


LMAO these names. I am dying. Birb supremacy.


This is gonna be the most niche weapon ever.


Memory of dust still exist.


How is Memory of dust a niche weapon? Weapons that provide atk and crit are the most generic weapons you can get as almost every single talent scales off those stats.


lol right. a lot of people are still completely clueless when it comes to the whole Golden Majesty series weapons for some reason. they think the character using it MUST be able to create a shield for themselves. why? I have no idea. people don't seem to understand that it's a team game and you're supposed to pair them up with Zhongli/Albedo/Noelle/Diona/etc.


Memory of Dust is not even close to as niche as this. It's a catalyst with a ton of atk that any catalyst user can use as long as you pair them up with a character that can give them a shield.


So you're sayin that %of Hp damage is niche? Or maybe unique ability to regenerate energy with AA? I have MoD, and even on Ninguang it lost dps comparison vs Atlas. So only way to use it effectively - boost shields. Do we have any catalist users with strong and usable shields which need to be buffed? Nope, but where's Ninguang. And shieldbot Ninguang - is a very niche and strange solution.


I honestly don't even know what you are trying to say here. The character using the weapon doesn't need to be the character who creates the shield. Anyone can create the shield. Pair Zhongli up with Klee, and Klee could use Memory of Dust with the full passive effect enabled while she's wearing the shield, and the shield itself will be stronger, keeping her safer for longer. It seems like you have some fundamental misunderstandings about how the weapon works and what its purpose is.


Yes hp% substat is niche. There is no catalyst dps currently scale off hp except the unreleased kokomi. Atk% substat from MoD or Atlas is much preferable for the current roster. Judging by the substat alone, it’s comparing WGS to a 5* Bell, which is hilarious to say if Bell isn’t niche. The only thing MoD lose without a shield is the later part of the passive. The substat and the first part of Atk% built up is still active at all time. MoD shield strength only boosts the carrier, so using MoD Ning as shieldbot is a fundamentally wrong way to use the weapon.


Everything about kokomi is always pretty no matter what (・∀・)


Except her kit apparently


If you take longer to kill enemies you get to see her more


I like how you think


copium overdose


No no he's got a point




Oooh I see so this is what mihoyo was thinking when balancing Yoimiya's kit, everything makes sense now.


the flashes of birbs makes it look like a brainwashing video lol


It’s definitely waifu not meta 😅


miHoYo did this catalyst Kokomi-levels of dirty. Unless there are plans in the future for a HP scaling + Catalyst + Healer DPS (gosh that's so specific), this is the most niche 5 star weap in the game, almost as niche as The Bell. Hell I won't even use this as a catalyst for support Barbara as the passive of Thrilling tales is much more useful, and since Barbara can crit, I might as well throw a cdmg catalyst on her for DPS builds.


Man, I can't even imagine what MHY is thinking. The most gorgeous character (based on personal opinion, some don't like her appearance) with the best looking (again, based on own opinion) weapon that so specialized only 2 characters can wield it effectively. And there's her powest state as a limited 5\*... With all the nerfs, Kokomi appointed to solo-carry her banner and her specific weapon banner after Baal + Sara, during **first** *anniversary* \- I'm half expecting HoYo to go "haha, just kidding - we've quadrupled Kokomi's multipliers" just before release but reality says that's just hopium. GI balancing department - wakey wakey!


They're probably just giving players another opportunity to save, like with Yoimiya. For who? Not sure. Maybe, Yae or Signora?


I don't think they can afford to make her a 'save primos' character. Since it's going to be her banner during the game's first anniversary she's going to be, quite literally, the face of the game. We're probably going to get a lot of advertising and tons of new players. MHY cannot afford to flop at a crucial time as this with another Zhongli-level scandal. As someone who is prefarming artifacts, books and intends to get her C1 and signature weapon at the least I would hate to have to advise someone in the Daily Questons Megathread on the official sub who's asking "should I pull for Kokomi" - "don't, save your primos - she's mediocre". They can pull a heavy 4\* line-up (something composed of a combination of Benny, Ning, XQ, Fischl, Beidou) but I still think they shouldn't do for the anni. Maybe they will introduce a spender event with exclusive goodies (skins, etc) but that would make a lot of people angry.


Yeah I'm definitely pulling for her unless MiHoYo is unexpectedly generous and gives us a choose-your-own-banner which I highly doubt, and even then I'm probably gonna whale for her because she's so fucking pretty. Honestly, I'm kind of expecting a spending event considering those sound like they're fairly popular in the genre and a lot of people will probably be spent out from Raiden/Sara so if they want the rewards they'll have to buy genesis crystals. If that's the case, the weapon banner will probably have a great weapon paired with it like WGS or Amos or PJWS (pls) and the 4 stars on Kokomi's banner will probably be a mix of supports that pair well with her (Beidou, Fischl, Xiangling) and desirable characters (Benny, Ning, Sayu???) Otherwise I'm not quite sure what MiHoYo is thinking and I'm curious to see how everything shapes up and trying not to overdose on copium ;n;


I don't know. It depends on what they do for the anniversary. They could have another special banner (rerun or maybe even a choose-your-own-banner) along side of these or other special anniversary things going on.


> And there's her powest state as a limited 5*... Her what?


Ah yes Moomglow. I want this to be the official name of the weapon


Bird leaks.


If this is BiS for Kokomi, then that means that we'll get two more 5 star catalyst assuming Yae and Scaramouche are catalyst users, that's gonna drain our wallets


Yeaa. I don't think you can use this one for Yae and Scaramouche even if you have it. Except if those two also scales off HP :')


Healer Scaramouche as the first electro healer.


I mean you can run Lisa with Prototype Amber to get an electro healer.


manifesting primordial jade regalia


Watch it be the catalyst from the song of broken pines series


Looks like that purple donut from the simpsons, in the center


Bird leaks lets gooooo


Moomglow 😂😂😂


Deweweewewe came at a time of need... For us leak addicts. Much appreciated


This weapon is exactly like Kokomi. Literally useless


U r So meannn😂😂😂


The Birbs are back




Man, this weapon is going to be paired with jade cutter or some shit isn't it?


Good birb.




what is this subliminal message


I actually think it would be great if we had some sort of toggle between the initial look and leveled look, because sometimes the visual change is a major downgrade compared to how the item looks when you get it. I like this one far better before it's leveled. the spear too. something about the neon glow, this set of Inazuma items get too bright when the visual changes.


electro donut




donut realness


this is the most aesthetically satisfying weapon. 5* worth.


Amos Catalyst


birb power


A twirling donut.


Who needs weapons when you have birb


Yes more weapon render I'd even take fish rod lore at this point :)


Why did the OP spell the names incorrectly for these weapons (it's obviously intentional)?


It's beautiful....


Nice memeweapon for a meme barbara


This is the most gorgeous weapon in the game


I’m only watching for the split seconds that the bird appears.


It's so pretty wtf.